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S03.E05: The Secret Origin Of Felicity Smoak

Meredith Quill
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Felicity saving herself, it was an interesting call back to The Count too. Oliver was ready to shoot, but before he did, she elbowed Nolan Funk, and Oliver just let her deal with it. I think this was one of my favorite *Oliver* moments, as well as Felicity's.

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EBR is right when she said in her interviews that the Oliver/Felicity relationship is growing and developing even though they aren't together.


I'm just happy Oliver isn't cold to her again.


I also liked that even though this was a Felicity episode,they managed to set up the next steps for Oliver/Thea/Merlyn, Roy and Laurel/Grant.  Although I still don't get how knowing her sister was murdered tells him how to train her.  (Also Laurel, you're not the only one who knows that even if you feel you can't tell your father.)

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I love this episode so much. Words cannot express how much I loved Mama Smoak and Felicity. Seriously, I need more of that relationship. Anyone who says Felicity is too perfect is not paying attention. I thought Cooper was silly and the motivate a little contrived, but it was fun. And fun was what was needed.


Ray is crossing boundaries. I need to know what he is doing. But no romance for Felicity/Ray! I can't say that enough.


The return to Team Arrow was so needed. The best scene was still that first scene between Team Arrow and Mama Smoak. Mama Smoak babysitting for Diggle? Seriously its perfect. 


I'm glad to see flashes of the old Olicity, but this is why Felicity is going to be confused. You can't say things like that to a girl! I loved seeing him be there for her emotionally because she was always there for him.


I hope this episode kills in the ratings. I want to see more of this. Felicity saved herself. SAVED HERSELF. Love.

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Good episode. Didn't see Felicity being goth to the point where she looked like Neil Gaiman's version of Death. Giant ankh around her neck had to be a shout-out, right? And apparently, she had crap taste in men back then. Now she's got two billionaires and a genuine superhero interested in her. Good for her.


I like Roy's reaction to shooting the rocket launcher. The idea that he killed Sara? Yeah, not so much. And did it look like he was throwing arrows at Sara? Has to be brainwashing. Has to be. I'm not hating Roy unless he starts making out with Laurel.


Speaking of which . . . shut up, Laurel. And I gagged when she chose the black uniform. She's your problem now, Ted. I hope you're happy with her.


And Ray wasn't a creep at all. Miracle!

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I love how in control of her life Felicity is while working for Ray. Sure he may randomly show up at her doorstop before coffee and yeah, he has that mild stalker vibe going on but that's kind of exactly why Felicity can just not give a damn about something as mundane as a work schedule. I don't think Felicity is all that worried about Rays opinion when she wants something important like bopping over to Central City or spending some time with her mom. I like that extra confidence in her self worth.

I loved this episode. I can't wait to watch it all again. I haven't enjoy a rewatch at all this season. Well, last week's The Flash got one but that's still about our girl.

I don't think Thea is playing Oliver. I really don't think she knows about his Arrow business. Now Daddy dearest has schemes and plans galore and I do think Thea is more than a little naive about who Malcom is and what he is capable of. I'm really wondering if Tommy will end up,returning. It won't be real Tommy, but the evil version, but there was no need to make Felicity's ex return from the dead and then have Oliver acknowledge it as something he's pretty familiar with.

I also can't believe that Roy would have killed Sara but he is accurately dreaming her last line so it's more than a random nightmare.

In a side note, I was planning on mentioning how happy I was that the show finally stopped opening with a flashback of Sara taking her Arrows to the chest...ending with it wasn't any better. So dream Roy just threw the arrows at her? That was a weird detail.

Katie Cassidy did a great job of looking like a terrible boxer, just flailing about randomly. Laurel is sooo lucky her Daddy is the dude in charge. She causes a riot and the only repercussion is having to say sorry and kind encouragement to find someone to share her troubles with. So much could be said but it's all more of the same even though it feels like its new because it's becoming more and more obvious that they are deliberately writing Laurel as someone who annoys me. Not sure if they wanted her to annoy me, but it's so much bigger than just a unintended side effect.

I'm not happy about the belly shirts making a comeback, but it must be a returning trend. Sigh

Will be back to gush over all thing Felicity after i watch it again. :)

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This episode was like a breath of fresh air. It fired on all cylinders from the very start. I didn't want it to end! 


Mama Smoak was perfection. Loved her relationship with Felicity - caring, dedicated mom who wants the best for her daughter but is just maybe not on the same IQ level. Their relationship felt so real - the embarrassment and not really having anything in common but the love is there. A couple of their scenes together actually made me a little emotional. Just all round perfection.


Diggle wore a mask finally! YAY! Seriously, it's so weird when everyone else has a mask on out in the field and he doesn't. 


Ray is so weird, I'm sorry but there was no reason for him to turn up at her house. Also, still not seeing this infamous Ray/Felicity chemistry but that's fine by me. I did like him giving Felicity the day off at the end though. You win a point Ray. Only one.


Olicity are thawing! FINALLY. I just love how Oliver changes his voice around Felicity - the nuance there is so telling. It's just so soft and loving. And he gave her a pep talk this time which I loved. It's strange though, when he said 'You know how I feel about her' his expression when Felicity didn't really say anything apart from that she had to leave seemed like he wanted more from her. It felt like he wanted a response to him basically admitting he loved her (again) which once more doesn't add up to him pushing her away. What does he expect of her? I don't understand his brain sometimes. Still, I just need them to not be distant and this was progress in that direction so win.


You know, I didn't even mind the Laurel stuff, aside from her choosing black at the end there. REAL SUBTLE SHOW. Oh and still not telling her father but that's expected by now. I liked that she's not a good boxer yet. Thank you. But a few boxing lessons is not going to make her into BC. Sorry. 


The guy who plays Ted is a terrible actor. So wooden omg.


The Roy scene felt kind of out of place at the end there, but this season seems to be real fond of the cliffhangers so I can't really say much. I don't think he did it though. I thought it was interesting that his dream had him wearing his old red hoodie which he hasn't been wearing recently so I think it's just the mirakuru messing with his brain. Slade did hallucinate Shado so this is hardly surprising. 


This is the first episode of the season that I will be re-watching. Says a lot.

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Sound like a broken record but I do love Amell's change of tone in his scenes with Felicity. Kudos again. And I really liked Oliver in this episode.


Oh, this gif is killing me. There are few things I love more on the show than his "Felicity voice." I've missed that so much this season!


The return to Team Arrow was so needed. The best scene was still that first scene between Team Arrow and Mama Smoak. Mama Smoak babysitting for Diggle? Seriously its perfect. 


I'm on record as not loving how crowded the Arrowcave has felt this year. But I would gladly welcome Donna in there. I want her to be the Team Arrow den mother.

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My favorite thing about the episode is its title! Now I want there to be a ballad titled, "The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak." I loved her name since the Pilot episode.

...Plus baby Diggle and the line about being in the lair....

What was the exact line?

Is there some reason why Willa Holland can't do fight scenes? Because it is glaringly obvious that it is a stunt double whenever they show Thea training....

Doncha know? We small boned people are fragile.

I'm guessing Roy still has Mirakuru in him that is a conduit for the nightmares of the killer, who must therefore be another Mirakuru ingestor.

So. Yeah. Chekhov's smart watch much?

Edited by shapeshifter
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Am I the only one underwhlemed by the case of the week ?  Cooper took down the power grid of a major city (yet somehow managed to keep all the TVs powered on) in order to distract from his objective of robbing an armored car of a couple of million dollars.  That's it ?  With that kind of power and a bank of knowledge from working for the NSA, he should be stealing hundreds of millions if not billions electronically like John Travolta's character in Swordfish.

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Am I the only one underwhlemed by the case of the week ?  Cooper took down the power grid of a major city (yet somehow managed to keep all the TVs powered on) in order to distract from his objective of robbing an armored car of a couple of million dollars.  That's it ?  With that kind of power and a bank of knowledge from working for the NSA, he should be stealing hundreds of millions if not billions electronically like John Travolta's character in Swordfish.


But if he stole money electronically, we wouldn't have masked Diggle taking people out, and TMNT Roy shooting arrows through grenade launchers. I'll happily sit through ridiculous plots to watch that.

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Damn, does Charlotte Ross look good!  And was perfect as Donna.  I could totally see her being Felicity's mother, and easily bought the chemistry between her and Emily Bett Rickards.  I hope she shows up again.  Still curious about who the father is, since he was brought up so much, and is suppose to be where Felicity got her smarts from.


Easily the best episode this season, even if the main story was predictable.  I figured it was going to be Felicity's ex and everything, but I liked seeing Felicity in her college years (Goth Felicity!), all of Felicity/Donna's stuff, and, of course, Felicity taking out the ex herself! Glad that they didn't go down the Ollie has to save her path again.  He helped, sure, but she got to own his ass, which was so satisfying.  Really, I'm glad it actually lived up to it's promise, and was about Felicity.  Good job, show.  I knew you had it in you!


At this point, Diggle should just go ahead and invest in a mask and outfit himself.  If he's going to be out on the field, he needs to look cooler then just a ski mask and a dark outfit.  But, he's still awesome!  My favorite Non-Felicity moment was easily his response to Ollie's being uncomfortable about Baby Sara going into the lair.  Love Daddy Diggle.  Really glad we got some Team Arrow stuff again.


Best of all, Ollie finally got that stick out of his butt, and allowed himself to be fun again.  Loved his scenes with Donna, and actually being supportive of Felicity, and not being a dick like normal (this season).  Stephen Amell seemed to be having fun, which was a plus.


So, Ray apparently likes to just show up to people houses uninvited, and barge in, without even asking if he can come in.  Classy, Ray.  I know the show wants me to find him charming when he does stuff like that, but I can't.  Maybe my issue is Brandon Roth.  I don't hate him and I think he's good in some scenes, but those types of scenes just don't work for me.  I keep thinking I would have bought it more if it was done by someone like Barry/Grant Gustin, but, for some reason, Ray/BR just comes off like a jerk, and not charming.


Thea is continuing to play Ollie.  I do wonder how much she knows, and how much is Malcolm telling her.  Is she just doing this out of some kind of "kindness", or doe she purposely want to try and hurt him?


Ah, Laurel.  Get a shot in the big chair and use cause a riot to escalate.  Continue to still push Quentin away and still keep him in the dark, but pour your heart out to Ted Grant.  Classic Laurel!  And, I'm suppose to like her?


So... that final scene.  Assuming it's not a hallucination, I have to think something mind-controlled Roy to kill Sara.  At this point, I don't know what to think.  If it is true, even if he was mind-warped or something, I have to think this will really make everyone go nuts.

Edited by thuganomics85
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Am I the only one underwhlemed by the case of the week ?  Cooper took down the power grid of a major city (yet somehow managed to keep all the TVs powered on) in order to distract from his objective of robbing an armored car of a couple of million dollars.  That's it ?  With that kind of power and a bank of knowledge from working for the NSA, he should be stealing hundreds of millions if not billions electronically like John Travolta's character in Swordfish.

It felt like his stop in Starling was personal, like he was there just to get back at Felicity for turning "corporate". It wasn't spelled out but I wonder if he blamed her for where his life went after taking the blame for the hack (which he should have since he was the idiot causing problems, not her). He was either planning on killing her or making her behave by constantly using her mom against her. I guess now Felicity has another nemesis.

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Loved this episode!


Let me just get this out of the way before I talk about all the Smoak women/Team Arrow goodness... another week and Quentin still doesn't know his daughter is dead.  Now, some random gym rat knows, but Quentin doesn't.  No, no, no, no, no!  I've had it with this story.


Now for the good stuff...


Felicity does sit-ups like I do.  Just get it over with as soon as possible.


Mama Smoak can come visit any time.  She was terrific.  "How many billionaires do you know?"


The entire scene between Oliver, Diggle, Felicity and Donna was made of win.  


"We can't take Sara down there?" "Who's she going tell?"  "God help me, my mother loves babies."  Diggle looking at Donna in her skintight dress  "Really"


Poor Felicity thought her boyfriend committed suicide because of their hacking.  Geez, that's a lot to have on your conscience.


Cooper, you know how great Felicity is at hacking, so you leave her in front of the computer when you and your minions wait for the armored car.  You deserved to be punched.  I'm so happy Felicity saved herself.  Oliver was just like go on with your bad self, Felicity.  I'm just here for back-up. 


What a difference a year makes.  Last time Oliver told Felicity her head wasn't in the game, it ended with him yelling at her and her telling him to get his head out of his ass.  This time, it ends with Oliver telling her to take some time and talk to her mother.  You're growing into a real boy after all, Oliver.


Mother/daughter angst. "I was always afraid of you leaving.  I just didn't realize you had already left."  Sniff :(  But they made up for it by the end.  "I'm stronger than I knew and I got that all from you."


"Whatever you went through made you the person you are now and you know how I feel about her"  Yeah, maybe Felicity didn't want to hear it, but I did.


Hey Queens, some free advice for you…buy some curtains or peeping tom Merlyn will be watching "every breath you take"


I need more episodes like this one.  A little levity with the angst is always better for this viewer.

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Loved 75% of this episode, so so so much. Basically any scenes that included any or all members of Team Arrow + Roy were lovely. I was not a fan of Cooper or Nolan Funk--it just didn't work for me. His turn toward mustache-twirling villain didn't flow naturally from the guy who was willing to go to prison for Felicity. Yeah, he's become cynical and hardened, but just too slimy evil for me to believe.


Also, I continue to not understand WTF they are doing with Laurel. Why make her so incompetent in every area of her life? And yeah, I definitely think Ted's role was cut back because the actor just didn't live up to their hopes for him. He's no good, and they have no chemistry.


And the final off-note is Ray. He's okay as her boss, but as a love interest or even a potential friend...it's not good. He oversteps, he has no boundaries or tact, he makes all sorts of assumptions. It's not comfortable. But I LOVE Brandon Routh in this role, so I have hopes that things will improve in that area going forward.

Edited by Carrie Ann
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So... that final scene.  Assuming it's not a hallucination, I have to think something mind-controlled Roy to kill Sara.  At this point, I don't know what to think.  If it is true, even if he was mind-warped or something, I have to think this will really make everyone go nuts.


It's a hallucination. He's remembering killing the cop, but is applying it to Sara's memory, since he knows someone murdered Sara, but he doesn't know he actually did kill a police officer - that's why he was throwing the arrows instead of shooting them.

Edited by apinknightmare
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I loved Oliver's amused smile and being all agreeable and polite with Donna Smoak. He was totally trying to impress his future mother-in-law. Could that big dumb idiot be any more in love?


I absolutely adored everything and anything to do with the Smoaks in this episode. Heck yes, Felicity saved herself. She may not be a physical butt kicker, but she took a calculated risk with Cooper and saved her and her mama. LOVED IT.

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I cackled when Roy shot it with an arrow! How does that work????


He put in serious time at the arrow sharpening station.  His recollection at the end had a lot of shiny edges and blurring - that usually means hallucination to me.   


Hopefully there will be a Team Arrow road trip to Vegas at some point!  This episode was great - nice character beats from Felicity's past and present. 


Cooper was a bit hypocritical, yes?  Pretty sure working for the NSA (too bad it wasn't Argus - can't underline enough that they're nefarious with a capital Evil) equals working for the man.   

Edited by La Dee Da
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Dig with the "nugget" was great! "Who's she gonna tell, Oliver?" And that look! David Ramsey is pure gold, like that's news in these parts.


I want to meet ARGUS' idea of a nanny. Obviously, Lyla  and Diggle-approved, but still. Is it Floyd? *g*

1. That line KILLED me with laughter. It was amazing.

2. I have an irrational desire to see Deadshot as a manny.



It's a hallucination. He's remembering killing the cop, but is applying it to Sara's memory, since he know someone murdered Sara, but he doesn't know he actually did kill a police officer - that's why he was throwing the arrows instead of shooting them.

That's a good point! I didn't even think about that. That would make sense.


I just freaking loved this episode. I just did. Favourite episode so far this season. I was just smiling the entire episode and re-watched it twice.

I now want to dare anyone to say that Felicity's presence brings down the action. Go on Felicity nay sayers, I.Dare.You!

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It's a hallucination. He's remembering killing the cop, but is applying it to Sara's memory, since he know someone murdered Sara, but he doesn't know he actually did kill a police officer - that's why he was throwing the arrows instead of shooting them.


It wouldn't shock me if Oliver AGAIN concealed information from someone.

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One moment I really loved was seeing Felicity and Mama Smoak on the floor eating and chatting together. It felt like such a real, human moment in a show that's otherwise unrealistic and over the top, and it's part of the reason why I love Felicity as a character and what she brings to the show. It happened early on in the episode, before any conflict, before the reconciliation. It was just so refreshing and relateable. You can tell from their initial reactions that it wasn't always an easy relationship between Felicity and her mom, but there's still a ton of love there.

Edited by Tangerine
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It wouldn't shock me if Oliver AGAIN concealed information from someone.


This doesn't bother me so much, since nothing good will come from Roy knowing that he did something terrible when he was out of his mind on mirakuru. I think the whole team was right to keep it from him.

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It's a hallucination. He's remembering killing the cop, but is applying it to Sara's memory, since he knows someone murdered Sara, but he doesn't know he actually did kill a police officer - that's why he was throwing the arrows instead of shooting them.

Oh, that's a good point but I'm confused.  Are you saying he's dreaming of throwing the arrow's because he was throwing punches last year with the cop?  

Edited by Morrigan2575
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I loved Oliver's amused smile and being all agreeable and polite with Donna Smoak. He was totally trying to impress his future mother-in-law. Could that big dumb idiot be any more in love

Hee. Loved that scene.

Btw, this is how to do a baby plot. Jokes about her being able to keep a secret and semi evil orgs babysitting. Not to mention olicity anvils on a different episode. Good job show.

Am I ready to talk about laurel? I guess. Her plot was boring as usual but I actually thought Quentin was too hard on her. Yes, it was stupid for her to make decisions about police matters but I am not convinced police made the riot worse. I was also amused Oliver and Roy showed up and their magic solution was to shoot tear gas...because the riot police laurel dispatched wouldn't already have those??? Whatever show, I knew they just wanted to make dumb heavy handed comments about Whatever and used that to do it but that leads into all the ongoing bullshit about not telling Quentin his daughter is dead while telling rando boxing dude andi just can't even.

Sigh. I will go back to my happy felicity thoughts now.

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I actually like Brandon in this role. He has the screen presence of a sidekick with movie star good looks if that makes sense.

Now that you've said it, it makes perfect sense and that analogy is definitely going to stick with me.

Has to be brainwashing. Has to be. I'm not hating Roy unless he starts making out with Laurel.

Speaking of imagery I can't unsee... yeah, thanks for that. (Did bust out laughing though. And, ITA.)
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It felt like his stop in Starling was personal, like he was there just to get back at Felicity for turning "corporate". It wasn't spelled out but I wonder if he blamed her for where his life went after taking the blame for the hack (which he should have since he was the idiot causing problems, not her). He was either planning on killing her or making her behave by constantly using her mom against her. I guess now Felicity has another nemesis.

Or maybe he was using the knowledge that she had turned corporate to justify stealing the money.    If she had stayed a hacker/hero, he might have tried to turn her but since she was working for The Man, he could use his anger to tell himself he was the one who was right by disrupting commerce.


Poor Felicity thought her boyfriend committed suicide because of their hacking.  Geez, that's a lot to have on your conscience.


Thanks a good point.  Even five  years later, when she thought of him she was so upset she had to go away and cry.



 I'm so happy Felicity saved herself.  Oliver was just like go on with your bad self, Felicity.  I'm just here for back-up.

What a difference a year makes.  Last time Oliver told Felicity her head wasn't in the game, it ended with him yelling at her and her telling him to get his head out of his ass.  This time, it ends with Oliver telling her to take some time and talk to her mother.  You're growing into a real boy after all, Oliver.

Sometimes it's hard to tell, and it was certainly hard to tell with the last four episodes, but it does look like Oliver is growing up.   I like that he trusted her to do what it took to bring Cooper down.


But with regards to his "and you know what I think of her", he's still stuck in a place where he wants Felicity to know he loves her but he doesn't want anything to change from the status quo. So still some work there for you, Oliver.


I can't see any hidden meaning in it, but in case any of you want to try, this is the movie Oliver and Thea were watching in their apartment at the end of the episode.

Maybe it's because the movie is about lies and deception and pretending to be someone you're not?

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Well that episode was a breath of fresh air after weeks of dirge--even if the villain storyline was weaksauce. I never realized just how much I needed a break from all of the focus on Sara's murder until this episode.

Felicity is a BADASS. Saving herself and her mama!

I need more Mama Smoak in my life, writers! Charlotte Ross did an amazing job on this episode and her scenes with EBR were fantastic. Felicity was badly in need of some positive female interaction and this delivered in spades.

I'm shocked at how much I'm liking Roy this season. For as protective as I am of Original Team Arrow, I think he meshes pretty well into the dynamic. I believe part of that is that he's kept mostly in the background, heh. I, too, am convinced the dream thing is just a diversion.

As per usual, I thought Quentin's scenes were great and I wish they'd find a way to incorporate him more into the storylines. Also, yay for him calling out Laurel on her recklessness. I realize she's angry, but girlfriend needs to chill before she causes even more destruction.

I don't know how you did it, Brandon Routh, but you've finally managed not to make me want to spork out my eyeballs watching you act. Progress! That said, I still don't like your character...he's a creeper. Why the hell are you randomly showing up at your employee's apartment unannounced and uninvited in the wee hours of the morning? That is horrifying behavior by any normal person's standards.

And finally...Oliver. You silly man. Why can't you just pull your head out, grab that girl, and never let her go? Hooray that we at last got some positive Oliver/Felicity interaction. I loved the subtlety that Stephen gave the acting in that last scene--especially in reaction to Felicity running away from him. You could see how much Oliver was missing her. Classic.

I really hope the ratings and reviews for this episode are good, not just for EBR's sake, but hopefully they can show the EPs that storylines don't always have to be so dark and dreary.

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This reaction? After he told Felicity "You know how I feel about her" and she responded with I'm heading out? My heart broke for Oliver, but at the same time I wanted to smack him. She knows you love her, you dolt! What she wants is for you to say I'm going to stop being an idiot and fight for US.


I don't think I can articulate my thoughts on this ep quite yet. I've watched it thrice now (counting the first time), and seeing some minor things but in general: LOVED IT! I want Mama Smoak and where can I sign the petition to get her to come back and be Quentin's love interest? 

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I pretty much loved this episode - and we watched it live, as a family. Well, I was in 1 room while husband and son were in the other. I was live tweeting, which was a lot of fun. Who Is Felicity Smoak trended for over an hour before the show aired on the east coast and then #WhoIsFelicitySmoak trended over well over an hour during the live broadcast.   No cast or crew was tweeting then but there seems to be more cast/crew activity during the west coast airing.


What I loved:


- Felicity. Past and present. GothFelicity worked so well. Even though I'd seen the stills and clips, I still had to remind myeslf that it was Felicity/EBR in the Goth stuff


- Oliver being supportive of her. I admit that I was very leery of his reaction when he, Roy and Diggle returned to the lair to find out what was going on.  A year earlier, he lashed out at her for not having her head in the game.  Tonight, he encouraged her to take an hour to collect herself.  So is this how Oliver is growing this season?  I liked it!


- Loved that Felicity saved herself and her mom.  Also loved that Oliver was there in case she needed him. What a difference a year makes!  And he respected her for her part in taking Nolan out of commision, too


- Mama Smoak... Not sure what I was expecting but this was an absolute joy to watch and Charlotte Ross was perfect.  The mother-daughter scenes were beautifully written (and so realistic, wow) and acted


- Team Arrow, with baby & Roy - when they all meet Donna and then working with whatever they have, not pushing or blaming Felicity, great stunts


- the complete lack of Laurel in the foundry.  The whole environment seems 180 degrees different, thank goodness, without her there


- Did Laurel actually speak to anyone on Team Arrow?  Seems like her story was an island unto itself.  At this point, I don't see the need to have her there for this episode. Makes no sense whatsoever


- good use of Flashbacks


- great stunt work, again



Other stuff I liked:

- Thea telling Oliver about the money for the apartment


- In sync notching & releasing of Arrows (with Oliver and Roy) - fun but oh so implausible


- Cooper going to prison only to find out that he's been tapped nu the NSA. And 5 years in the NSA would made me crazy


- Quentin



What I didn't like:

- Laurel. Again, another week - and missed opprtiunity! - of not telling Quentin the truth. Her reasons now are entirely selifsh.  She told Ted. WHyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy can't she tell Quentin is beyond me.  Her massive gaffe about the riot squad deserved more than a scolding.  I don't understand why she's being written this way... such a contrast to how Felicity is being written that I can't believe the same writers handled both characters.


- Thea using all that moeny from Malcolm... yet she refused to sign papers last season that could have helped Oliver


- Roy's final scene. Just no.  I think he's getting caught up the memories of the cop he killed last season. With or without help.


- Ray doesn't respect Felicity.  He should not have just shown up at her apartment like that. Boundaries!  I don't see any romantic feelings between them at all.  He's creepy... I do think her question she asked him about 'have you ever created something... ' (or something like that) is foreshadowing



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I watched this episode live INCLUDING the commercials. That's how much I love Felicity Smoak/EBR. The villain was weak, but the character moments made up for it. I adore Mama Smoak and really hope she makes a return visit. Or relocates to Star(ling) City. I'm down with Mama Smoak and Papa Lance hooking up. And Felicity saved herself and her mother. Perfection.


Random notes:

Loved Felicity's nesting doll pajama pants. 

Oliver's so in love it's ridiculous. Man up, dude. 

I'm pretty sure Roy totally killed that guy with the arrow to the chest. 

Ray is not charming. He's weird and seemed a bit unhinged in that first scene. 

I think EBR's makeup was lighter. You could see her freckles. 

Diggle needs a mask. Or something. I can't believe this has never been addressed. 

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This is the show I want to watch every week. Light mixed with dark, humor mixed with serious, character develop mixed with action. THIS is what I've been missing.


Team Arrow feels, finally!


EBR was fantastic in this episode. The best acting she's had and I credit that to the writing giving her time explore her emotions.  I legitimately got teary eyed during her fight with her mother. I also loved the scene in the jail, Cooper crying and telling her he loved her made me so happy, I didn't want her in a bad relationship where the guy was using her and that moment sold me that he really did care.


Mama Smoak was a really great actress. I bought every single one of her scenes. I couldn't have asked for more from her mother, daughter relationship. The love and the pain of not understand each other. The lines from her that really stuck out to me, "Try a single mom that worked 60 hours a week in six inch heels for tips in order to raise that genius child you see right there. I may not understand this cyber whatever but I know without that gun you wouldn't last 10 seconds against my girl."  In one short paragraph she summed up what life was like and the sacrifices she made while showing the faith and love she has in Felicity. It was just so wonderful to have that relationship feel so solid.


Loved Oliver supporting Felicity for a change.


Felicity saving herself. Yes! I was to afraid to hope for that but I am so pleased the writers went in that direction and she used the elbow to the stomach that used on the Dollmaker in 2X03 so it was something consistent with her character.


The negative. I thought it was OOC that Oliver suddenly decided that living in an apartment paid for by Malcom was okay. I could have maybe bought it if Oliver still thought he was dead but Oliver made good points about him killing 503 people and now being in debt to him.  I appreciate the fact that he wants to spend more time with Thea but I just thought that was the wrong way to go.  I don't think Oliver would have compromised on that at all. 


Please show stop showing the Lance sisters photo on Quentin's desk. Just please stop. And please stop showing Sara being killed. Please and thank you.


*sigh* Laurel. It was dumb when you didn't call the police after Sara died so they could investigate.  It was bad when you didn't tell Quentin in time to see his daughter after she died. It was terrible when you let a week go by and still didn't tell him. Now it's just stupid. And don't go running to a guy you just met complaining that no one knows when this is still your choice. 


I appreciate the fact that being a ADA limits her story potential but constantly changing her job and giving her promotions that aren't earn is not helping. And then having her fail in a manner that made things worse. Oliver and Diggle said her actions were like throwing gas on a fire so I'm taking the show at it's word that she made the wrong call.


There was more but most has been talked about before so I won't go into it.


I really needed a scene where Oliver found out Felicity was kidnapped. For all the character moments they gave this episode that one was glaring in it's absence. What did Felicity do on the computer to alert Oliver was another one.


I definitely think  Roy's dream was a red herring.


Ray was a plot device to get the watch to Mama Smoak so I didn't mind the apartment and he literally is the best boss considering Felicity keeps leaving the office to attend to her personal life and he doesn't seem to mind. I'm willing to over look him again this week.


But overall I think this was one of the best episodes of Arrow in three seasons. Please, please more like this.

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I loved this episode! You did not fail me show, thank goodness.

Felicity was marvelous, seriously they could have her and Donna going on zany adventures and I would enjoy every single second. Also, poor girl, having to live with the weight of her boyfriend's suicide for so many years. That had to leave some pretty big scars for her.

Donna Smoak is a gift and I hope she comes back!

Team Arrow was splendid and I really hope that Roy is just having some kind of crazy dreams.

Now...Laurel, buddy, pal. I'm not a fan, and you need to tell your dad that his daughter is dead. This storyline makes me ill. So come on show, you proved you can make wise decisions, please just stop with this idea, it is one that will not end well for Quentin or Laurel.

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This reaction? After he told Felicity "You know how I feel about her" and she responded with I'm heading out? My heart broke for Oliver, but at the same time I wanted to smack him. She knows you love her, you dolt! What she wants is for you to say I'm going to stop being an idiot and fight for US.

Yep, that's the one! It was heartbreaking because you see it hit him that knew he said too much, but he couldn't help himself.


- Cooper going to prison only to find out that he's been tapped nu the NSA. And 5 years in the NSA would made me crazy

Haha! Yes, exactly. Worst. Job. Ever.

Edited by NumberCruncher
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There is a scene in One Tree Hill when Lucas tells Peyton a guy that was flirting with her doesn't deserve her. And she flips out on him, basically saying that he left 'them' and he isn't allowed to say stuff like to her. As soon as Oliver said that to Felicity, I was reminded of that moment. I would actually love Oliver to keep 'slipping' up and for Felicity to call him out on it. As much as I loved to hear him say that to her (and I feel he really wanted just to say 'I Love You'), it isn't fair. "Cause I don't want to fall in love, if you don't want to try." - Jessie Ware


Laurel. I know what they are doing with her, but I don't know what they are doing with her. I don't even know if that makes sense, but that's all I'm saying.


I have the episode playing again and that part where Felicity is walking with Cooper and on the phone with her mom. Her mother was trying to get her a fake ID. That is a mother trying to reach out in anyway she can.

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*good sigh* just everything about this episode was lovely.


First I am making a concerted effort not to hate on anything Ray does. Felicity really take liberties with her days off LMAO.


Oliver. You wonderful, all over the place emotionally human being. I needed for him to say that so badly and Felicity's reaction to "and you know how I feel about her" was priceless. This man is killing her! He's killing me. How confused she must be, just straight up blanking him when he said that, and then he's adorably awkward reaction to her blanking him. Everything people. Everything. He was back to the old Oliver we know with Felicity. Supportive, soft, understanding. Sigh, I just know I'll end up crying eventually because of these two.


Look I have nothing but goodness to say about this episode. I almost feel like I needed the episode to last longer because I was so into Felicity 5 years ago. Her decision to change clothes and her appearance was interesting. She sort of embraced her "good", sunshine filled side as it were, instead of living with physical darkness (in terms of looks) all the time. Her and Cooper made me so sad. Gosh can you imagine living with the memory of your love killing himself. She must feel a lot of guilt (even though it was his idiotic move) because it was her super virus.


I adored the Thea-Oliver interaction. Did anyone hear undertones when Felicity and Oliver talked about love and family? Because I did and my heart can't bare it. These two saying things without saying things. I see what you mean EBR. But anyway, Thea. I'm glad Oliver is out of the foundry and into an apartment. I adore that he and Thea are reconnecting something fierce. I was so tired of him taking worst brother of the week for months on end, and even though he's lying to her I still want good things from them. It's so ironic that the two of them can spar now. Make it happen show.


Donna Smoak. Can someone say "regular"? I just loved every single interaction she had with everyone. That woman is precious and I could definitely understand everything to do with the feelings between mother and daughter. How hilarious that Donna wanted Felicity to get a fake ID. That right there told me pretty much everything I needed to know.


And finally EBR. She knocked everything she did out of the park. This woman, she just makes me want more and more and more of her and I don't see it stopping in this vein. This episode gave me so many feelings it was ridiculous. Pretty much every scene, even the one with Laurel and Quentin just killed me. If this is what Arrow decides to do from here on out, it's finally doing what it needs to be better than The Flash. Stick to character development, don't skip emotional beats. My heart is so heavy with how amazing it was.

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Did I hear correctly, that Laurel told Ted Grant that her sister was murdered and she is the only one who knows?


The negative. I thought it was OOC that Oliver suddenly decided that living in an apartment paid for by Malcom was okay. I could have maybe bought it if Oliver still thought he was dead but Oliver made good points about him killing 503 people and now being in debt to him.  I appreciate the fact that he wants to spend more time with Thea but I just thought that was the wrong way to go.  I don't think Oliver would have compromised on that at all. 


I wondered if now that he knows Malcolm is alive and believes that Thea doesn't, that as well as wanting to keep her close as family, he also thinks he can protect her from Malcolm if they live together.



I have the episode playing again and that part where Felicity is walking with Cooper and on the phone with her mom. Her mother was trying to get her a fake ID. That is a mother trying to reach out in anyway she can.

I thought that was so funny.  Family.


This is an episode that spends a good part of the time on family relationships, but I thought it was so much better than the 'Brothers and Sisters' of Time of Death.

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I adored the Thea-Oliver interaction. Did anyone hear undertones when Felicity and Oliver talked about love and family? Because I did and my heart can't bare it. These two saying things without saying things. I see what you mean EBR. But anyway, Thea. I'm glad Oliver is out of the foundry and into an apartment. I adore that he and Thea are reconnecting something fierce. I was so tired of him taking worst brother of the week for months on end, and even though he's lying to her I still want good things from them. It's so ironic that the two of them can spar now. Make it happen show.

Absolutely. That definitely was not just about Oliver and Thea or Donna and Felicity.

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And Roy was able to shoot an arrow right through it. God, this show is so entertainingly ridiculous. I don't even need some things to be realistic if they entertain me like this.

The thing I loved about this is that Roy looked totally surprised after he did it.  Even Roy was like "damn that was ridiculous!".

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How could I forget Felicity kicking ass and taking names!!!!!! Oh my word that entire moment was made of win because Oliver became a supporting onlooker while Felicity handled things. The beautiful moment where Felicity and Mama Smoak hugged...oh jeez.


I'm sorry my heart really just cannot deal with the feelings from this episode.

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I have the episode playing again and that part where Felicity is walking with Cooper and on the phone with her mom. Her mother was trying to get her a fake ID. That is a mother trying to reach out in anyway she can.


That part gave me such mom feelings. My mom did the same thing to me when I was younger, always encouraging me to act out a little, get in trouble a bit. Not anything terrible, she just thought I was way too straight-laced and I think she thought we'd be able to ~bond if I was having experiences she could relate to.

I wondered if now that he knows Malcolm is alive and believes that Thea doesn't, that as well as wanting to keep her close as family, he also thinks he can protect her from Malcolm if they live together.


Yeah, I think this is why he did it. He'd want to protect her, and I think his desire to fix their relationship trumps his feelings about that condo being financed with blood money.

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The thing I loved about this is that Roy looked totally surprised after he did it.  Even Roy was like "damn that was ridiculous!".

It's things like that, that can make the ridiculous entertaining instead of annoying.  That little bit of "oh wow, I can't believe that worked" will make laugh rather than roll my eyes and think oh that's just so not possible.

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