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Holiday TV Movies & (Non-Rankin Bass) Holiday Specials - General Discussion

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51 minutes ago, doodlebug said:

I also found it interesting that, as we've discussed here on many occasions, although the movies are definitely pro-Christmas, there is almost complete avoidance of the religious apspect of the holiday which makes me kinda wonder why the Million Moms, known to be a conservative Christian group, doesn't complain about the lack of religious observances in the movies while getting up in arms about same sex kissing on the commercials.

I've wondered that myself. Despite the fact that the highest ratings are supposedly among the "red" and/or Bible Belt states, I can't think of a single one of them that has referred to the birth of Jesus Christ. We rarely, if ever see the characters in church, and any Christmas plays are always about something Santa-related. (Granted, I can only stand to watch three of them, so correct me if I'm wrong)

It's really ironic that in the den of corruption that is New York City, the thoroughly corny as the Radio City Music Hall Christmas Show always concludes with a beautiful depiction of the Nativity.

Edited by Camille
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32 minutes ago, Camille said:

I've wondered that myself. Despite the fact that the highest ratings are supposedly among the "red" and/or Bible Belt states, I can't think of a single one of them that has referred to the birth of Jesus Christ. We rarely, if ever see the characters in church, and any Christmas plays are always about something Santa-related. (Granted, I can only stand to watch three of them, so correct me if I'm wrong)

You're wrong in some ways and right in others.  They don't often talk about the birth, but they do often sing Carols that talk about Christ's birth.  There was one that ended with a particularly beautiful scene with the town's people walking though town with candles singing a birth-related carol. I think it was "Do You Hear What I Hear?"  

I think they're trying hard to appease the anti-Christian crowd, so they keep it as secular as possible.  They'll soon learn they can't please them. They need to stop trying and just be who they are, imho. Capitulating to the bullies just makes them more powerful and they'll keep pushing and pushing even though they don't watch those shows in the first place.  It's really pretty funny.

Edited by SusanwatchingTV
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1 hour ago, Camille said:

I've wondered that myself. Despite the fact that the highest ratings are supposedly among the "red" and/or Bible Belt states, I can't think of a single one of them that has referred to the birth of Jesus Christ. We rarely, if ever see the characters in church, and any Christmas plays are always about something Santa-related. (Granted, I can only stand to watch three of them, so correct me if I'm wrong)

It's really ironic that in the den of corruption that is New York City, the thoroughly corny as the Radio City Music Hall Christmas Show always concludes with a beautiful depiction of the Nativity.

I think it’s a result of a lot of smaller Christian references sprinkled throughout combined with confirmation bias. So the movies could have no overt references to religion but every angel, star, dove or hymn is confirmation that these movies are Christian. The lack of more direct references are explained away by PC pressure. As long as the movies do not explicitly counteract that idea it’s viewed as acceptable. Which is why Road to Christmas can have a clearly gay couple if no one actually acknowledges it but the gay couples in Twinkle All the Way and Christmas Around the Corner are unacceptable. 

I don’t particularly consider them to be Christian movies but there are a lot of nods to Christianity throughout. 

Edited by Guest
1 hour ago, SusanwatchingTV said:

I think they're trying hard to appease the anti-Christian crowd, so they keep it as secular as possible.  They'll soon learn they can't please them. They need to stop trying and just be who they are, imho. Capitulating to the bullies just makes them more powerful and they'll keep pushing and pushing even though they don't watch those shows in the first place.  It's really pretty funny.

Their decision to focus on Christmas with a more secularish, lower case c angle was made long before people started critiquing their trends.  The decision was made not because of bullies but for commercial purposes.

They know there are non-Christians who watch these movies.  They also know that there are Christians who might go to church every week but have little interest in bathing themselves in movies with outright Christian themes four times a week.  They wouldn't be where they are with a more outright religious focus and they know it.

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8 minutes ago, Camille said:

I just caught the end of the Dolly Parton Christmas movie--"Christmas Of Many Colors"and lo and behold. . .

A Nativity scene!

Okay, that's one. Any others?

Lifetime’s done at least two that include a nativity. The main plot of Hometown Christmas revolves around a live nativity. In The Road Home for Christmas they show a few minutes of a nativity play complete with “Away in a Manager”. 

Also I haven’t watched it in a while but I believe a good chunk of Mrs. Miracle revolved around a nativity play. 

Can we discuss the Christmas episodes of shows here?

Because I rewatched some from "Married With Children" the other night and they were hilarious--the one where a parachuting Santa ends up dead in the Bundy's backyard, and another where All sees how Peg and the kids lives would have been without him.

Which makes me realize that I like the It's A Wonderful Plot trope, especially when it twists things to show how HAPPY everyone would be without the protagonist.

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On 12/16/2019 at 8:52 PM, kirinan said:

I finally saw Holiday in Handcuffs, which I've had on the DVR since last December. I'll admit, I was ready to bail after about 15-20 minutes, because I absolutely, positively detest movies about women who are ditzy hot messes--and Melissa Joan Hart's character was the hottest mess I've seen in some time.

But I was wrapping gifts while I watched, and I couldn't reach the remote, and a strange thing happened: about 45 minutes in (maybe a little less, since I couldn't FF through the commercials), I started liking it. And laughing. And tearing up. And when it was all over, I was glad I'd watched it. When it started, I had NO clue how they could possibly redeem the main character, but darned if they didn't. I'd easily give it a 7/10. Or maybe even 7.75 (no higher, though, because I still hate the hot mess thing).

Haha.  I felt the same way when I watched it for the first time.  I hated Melissa's character at first, and thought there was no way the movie would ever be able to redeem her character and sell her romance with her kidnap victim.  I was wrong, and the movie ended up being very enjoyable.

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I’m watching Hallmark’s Christmas Town, is it ever explained why Dylan’s foster dad doesn’t adopt him? He’s been with him 8 months. 

1 minute ago, AnnaRose said:

Haha.  I felt the same way when I watched it for the first time.  I hated Melissa's character at first, and thought there was no way the movie would ever be able to redeem her character and sell her romance with her kidnap victim.  I was wrong, and the movie ended up being very enjoyable.

This is one of my favorites. So funny and I buy The chemistry between Mario Lopez And Melissa Joan Hart

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I just finished Hallmark’s A Christmas Love Story and have a question. The heroine gave up a baby for adoption. I admit I was distracted so I didn’t get the whole story, but what I really want to know if  she had the baby out of wedlock (*gasp*) or if there was some other explanation. I know she was also divorced but I didn’t get the feeling her ex was the baby’s father. 

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I’m watching UPtv’s Christmas in Paris and I’m way skeeved out. The “hero” askS the heroine out to dinner, she says no, he goes on to criticize her work, ends with him asking about dinner again, and the heroine end up agreeing to breakfast. I doubt this is what those in charge intended, but it’s so gross.


ETA-OMG the breakfast starts with her apologizing to him and he thanks her and say he likes the way she starts her day. I have to believe I’m over analyzing and the movie makers are just that tone deaf, but ugh. 

Edited by DanaMB
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3 hours ago, DanaMB said:


I just finished Hallmark’s A Christmas Love Story and have a question. The heroine gave up a baby for adoption. I admit I was distracted so I didn’t get the whole story, but what I really want to know if  she had the baby out of wedlock (*gasp*) or if there was some other explanation. I know she was also divorced but I didn’t get the feeling her ex was the baby’s father. 


IIRC, she says she got pregnant right after her parents died when she wasn’t in a good place.  I assumed she was not married.

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3 hours ago, DanaMB said:

I just finished Hallmark’s A Christmas Love Story and have a question. The heroine gave up a baby for adoption. I admit I was distracted so I didn’t get the whole story, but what I really want to know if  she had the baby out of wedlock (*gasp*) or if there was some other explanation. I know she was also divorced but I didn’t get the feeling her ex was the baby’s father. 

It was a Hall of Fame movie and babies out of wedlock are more common there. Last year’s HOF movie also had one. 

I had the TV on as background today and there was Danica McKellar in Christmas at Grand Valley. I'm not even going to bitch right now about the fact that her character apologizes - APOLOGIZES - to the the bland male lead for her career success.

I'm just here to say that to me, she just seems constipated all the time. When she tries to emote, her facial expression looks like she's struggling to push out a particularly reluctant turd. 

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On 12/28/2019 at 9:18 AM, DanaMB said:

I just finished Hallmark’s A Christmas Love Story and have a question. The heroine gave up a baby for adoption. I admit I was distracted so I didn’t get the whole story, but what I really want to know if  she had the baby out of wedlock (*gasp*) or if there was some other explanation. I know she was also divorced but I didn’t get the feeling her ex was the baby’s father. 

It was my understanding she had a baby as a single woman, placed the baby for adoption (she said she had just lost both her parents and didn’t have family support), she did get married several years later but never had a baby with that husband (whom she divorced). 

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Not sure if it was mentioned yet, but FYI, Prime Video has a healthy number of Lifetime Christmas movies on it. Almost all of last year's collection of movies and the year before's are available free with Prime. Most of those missing 2017 and 2018 titles along with a selection of 2019 is also listed, not included with Prime, but currently costs $0. The ones that are included with Prime expire on January 3rd. It may very well be that the ones that are $0 will bump up to an actual price at that time as well or maybe just disappear.

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28 minutes ago, Sara2009 said:

Does anyone else know of specials that they appreciate more now than they did when they were children? I watched “ Emmet Otter’s Jug-band Christmas” for the first time in probably 25 years and wept. It was so wholesome.

I adore the old Charlie Brown specials and just re-watched Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.  It was a childhood favorite. It has some retro bits, but I loved it still.

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Getting my last couple movies in before I delete them all January 1.


I watched Merry Liddle Christmas from lifetime this morning.  Mostly I liked the movie but I have one complaint.  Kelly Rowland's love interest/neighbor.  They found his profile on a dating app that said he was a divorced dad of two kids, yet these kids are never seen or heard about the rest of the movie?  He's got all the time in the world to hand out with Kelly Rowland's nieces, nephews, and parents in Christmas but not his mystery kids?

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Just finished New Year's Kiss and, well... not surprised it never got close to airing on Lifetime or Hallmark.

It's cheap. ION/Up Tv cheap. Mostly due to a constant, loud and intrusive synth musical score, the likes I hadn't heard since 1980-1990s Mike Post (without the talent). It's everywhere, it's repetitive, it's sometimes as loud as the dialog, it's a mess.

Also, there's no kiss on New Year's Eve : it's a Christmas movie through and through, and it ends on Christmas morning (w/ a bonus magic Street Santa). My guess is the original title was something along the lines of Christmas Missed Connections, since missed connections play a big part in the movie, and both leads keep on missing each other before finally meeting at the one hour mark (and then, they barely have 10 minutes of shared screentime overall). Add to that a more lighthearted, risqué sense of humor (a blind date/missed connection ends up in talks of threesome/multiple orgasms, a guy undresses on video chat...), and there was no chance it would end up on HM & co.

Funnily enough, aside for the cheap musical score, I've watched worse, this season, and what little there is of Dunne/Karpluk worked for me. And I liked the two BFFs (doofus Matt Hamilton and Karis "hey, it's your missed connection, right there, but he can't hear you, you should flash him to get his attention... or I'll gladly do it for you, if you'd like !" Cameron).

Edited by Kaoteek
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3 hours ago, Karen885 said:

Getting my last couple movies in before I delete them all January 1.


I watched Merry Liddle Christmas from lifetime this morning.  Mostly I liked the movie but I have one complaint.  Kelly Rowland's love interest/neighbor.  They found his profile on a dating app that said he was a divorced dad of two kids, yet these kids are never seen or heard about the rest of the movie?  He's got all the time in the world to hand out with Kelly Rowland's nieces, nephews, and parents in Christmas but not his mystery kids?

At some point Kelly Rowland’s character asked him where they were. He said he and his ex alternate having the kids for Christmas. 

1 hour ago, DanaMB said:

30 minutes into Hallmark's Cheerful Christmas and I'm out.  I was already struggling but then the grown ass woman on a job decides to go outside and build a snowman then says she prefers to drink hot chocolate outside when it's cold. And the acting is atrocious.

I didn't watch it all the way through because I had other things going on that were distracting me and I just never got back to it, but I have seen mixed reactions to the movie. 

I'm not sure why Hallmark picked up that specific movie, other than for the vague "royal" element in it.  It's not one of their own, made-specifically-for-Hallmark, productions.  It was an acquired movie (along with A Merry Christmas Match, Christmas Scavenger Hunt, Christmas Camp, 2018's Last Vermont Christmas and A Christmas for the Books, etc.). 

They only threw A Cheerful Christmas on the schedule when one of their other announced, official movies (Alice in Christmasland) dropped off of the list, so I am assuming that Hallmark was hanging on to A Cheerful Christmas to use as a space-filler on the schedule if another planned movie was not going to be filmed in time to make it on the air. 

If they hadn't put it on the actual Countdown to Christmas line-up, they might have put it on their Hallmark Movies Now streaming app instead.

Edited by TVFan17
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2 hours ago, TVFan17 said:

I didn't watch it all the way through because I had other things going on that were distracting me and I just never got back to it, but I have seen mixed reactions to the movie. 

Couldn't get beyond the 10 minute mark it was so bad.  I looked at the User Reviews on IMDB and they are pretty much the lowest marks around.  I don't want to waste time on this kind of dreck.

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I caught "Angel Falls: A Novel Holiday", and despite the usual type of story, I liked the literal last minute revelation that Eric Close's character was an angel  whose duty it was to bring the lovebirds together. Usually the audience knows immediately that someone's some sort of spiritual guide and there are all kinds of wacky hijinks and "suspense" as to whether or not he/she will succeed. He simply came off like a well meaning friend trying to bring the two together.

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I wouldn't call it a last minute revelation, though, since 5 minutes into the movie, his arrival into town has his buddy, the angel Raphael, freeze time, falling snow and passersby (there goes Hallmark cgi budget for the next five years !) to have a brief chat with him about their guardian angel nature, and his mission in Angel Falls.

(that said, the rest of the movie doesn't really make Anthony's nature clear until the end, so if one were to miss that early scene, it could be a surprise)

On another note, the season is over, I'm done with my Christmas movies' backlog and I think i'm gonna pass on the Winterfest movies - none really appeal to me, whether due to the cast/couples or because of the synopses... we'll see if the Valentine movies look more appealing. Right now, it's back to all the tv shows and movies I've put aside these past two months !


44 minutes ago, Kaoteek said:

wouldn't call it a last minute revelation, though, since 5 minutes into the movie, his arrival into town has his buddy, the angel Raphael, freeze time, falling snow and passersby (there goes Hallmark cgi budget for the next five years !) to have a brief chat with him about their guardian angel nature, and his mission in Angel Falls.

I missed the beginning. So it WAS typical, but again, at least they avoided the clichés of the angel screwing up and/or falling in love themselves with the person they're supposed to be helping.

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2 hours ago, Kaoteek said:


On another note, the season is over, I'm done with my Christmas movies' backlog and I think i'm gonna pass on the Winterfest movies - none really appeal to me, whether due to the cast/couples or because of the synopses... we'll see if the Valentine movies look more appealing. Right now, it's back to all the tv shows and movies I've put aside these past two months !


At the moment, there are 3 specific Valentine-ish movies (one with Bethany Joy Lenz & Luke Macfarlane; one with Taylor Cole & Ryan Paevey; one with Erin Cahill & Brendan Penny), but the "event" name for the month of February has been changed to Love Ever After (it's no longer the Countdown to Valentine's Day).  I'll post more info in the general Hallmark Channel thread when I get it.

Edited by TVFan17
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19 hours ago, Camille said:

I missed the beginning. So it WAS typical, but again, at least they avoided the clichés of the angel screwing up and/or falling in love themselves with the person they're supposed to be helping.

Both of those cliches were in the first one, Christmas in Angel Falls. I skipped the new one entirely because I assumed it was going to be more of the same. All have to watch now that I know it’s a least a little different. 

Here is one critic's ranking of all the Hallmark Christmas movies.



I realize I didn't see as many of these as I thought I had. I deleted a lot, tbh. Her #2 choice I will have to watch as it's still on my DVR. I TOTALLY AGREE with a lot of her choices, especially those in the top 10. I am in total agreement that Two Turtle Doves was probably the best of the bunch. I loved it from the get go. It really resonated with me and I liked the way they handled the topic of grief and loss. It really was well-done.


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Two Turtle Doves was not for me.   It's not an "I'm going to watch this movie every year" sort of thing for me.  It's not a movie that's going to get me in a festive Christmas mood.  It was well done and I like the actors, but the story was not my cup of tea as far as Christmas movies go.

So, while I did retweet that blogger's (Hallmark for All Seasons is a blog run by a fan) ranking last night and found it interesting, my rankings would probably be much different!

Edited by TVFan17
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From her top 10 I only watched 3 1/2 (I tried to make it through Holiday Date, but just couldn't).  Of the rest, I don't really know how many because the names blend together but I know I skipped a lot this year and didn't love a ton of the ones I did watch.  I do agree with Two Turtle Doves, easily my favorite.  I really hope they find some place to put Michael Rady's NYE movie and it doesn't end up relegated to the app.

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My mind was totally out of holiday mode.  So when I saw this article yesterday, it almost didn't even register with me that there were 3 Christmas movies announced in it and I forgot to post about it -

‘When Calls The Heart’ Producer Inks Deal With ‘High Strung’ Duo For Three Christmas TV Movies

Brad Krevoy has done lots of work with Hallmark over the years, but they are not the only network he works with.  He also does things with Netflix, and I think he even did something with Lifetime at one point (though I could be wrong on that).

There are 3 new Christmas movies mentioned in this article:

Much Ado About Christmas

Christmas in Transylvania

The Christmas Waltz

The movies have not been connected to a specific network yet, but I will say that the last time Deadline did an article about Brad Krevoy "inking a deal" for 3 Christmas movies that were not connected to a network, 2 of those 3 movies eventually ended up on Hallmark.  (A couple of his other planned Hallmark movies went to Netflix, though.) 

So I would imagine/assume that at least one of the above-mentioned titles will go to Hallmark, but I think there is a strong chance that at least one of the movies will go to Netflix as well.

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On 1/7/2020 at 1:46 PM, ECM1231 said:

I enjoyed the summaries, but it made me realize there are only a few I could watch again. I liked parts of some (The Christmas Club was good until the misunderstanding which was so dumb we didn't finish it), but didn't really love any of them. I still like a lot of old ones, so I will re-watch those next year and mostly skip this group. Grateful for DVR to play the ones I want, since these movies are the background to my holiday season. Which now includes Halloween, and by next year, maybe Columbus Day.

Oh. My. Gosh. I just finished watching The Mistletoe-Tones. It is without a doubt the most adorable Christmas movie I’ve ever seen. And the music/performances! I am so glad I caught it to DVR this year. Only one problem—I should have saved it for last, because now the other few I have left to watch are totally going to suffer in comparison.

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13 hours ago, kirinan said:

Oh. My. Gosh. I just finished watching The Mistletoe-Tones. It is without a doubt the most adorable Christmas movie I’ve ever seen. And the music/performances! I am so glad I caught it to DVR this year. Only one problem—I should have saved it for last, because now the other few I have left to watch are totally going to suffer in comparison.

Coincidentally, maybe an hour or two before I saw your comment about The Mistle-Tones (which I also love but was not able to catch during the 2019 holiday season), I was searching through the catalog of movies on Disney+ and I found The Mistle-Tones!  

I'd primarily gotten Disney+ for The Mandalorian and to see Toy Story 4 when it arrives in February.  But since I am in that *in between the end of The Mandalorian and the Toy Story 4 arrival* phase right now, I thought I'd scroll through the other options on Disney+ and see what's there.  I thought I might even try to watch Noelle, if it's still available. 

I couldn't find some movies that I knew should have been on Disney+ in the different categories, so I just started randomly typing in titles in the search field, and I found the listing for The Mistle-Tones.  (They've also got listings for Snowglobe, 12 Dates of Christmas, Three Days, and some other ABC Family/Freeform Christmas movies, but I don't think they have all of them that air on Freeform -- although I could have missed something.)

So if anyone here happens to have Disney+ and didn't realize that The Mistle-Tones is buried in there somewhere and would like to see it, search for it!  I don't know if it will be there all year, or if it will be removed for a while until the next holiday season.  I only saw the page for it and then instantly started typing in other titles to see what's there.  I hadn't planned on watching any Christmas movies this far into January, but since I didn't get to see The Mistle-Tones during the actual holiday season, I might watch it.  Still not sure about watching Noelle, though.

Edited by TVFan17
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9 hours ago, TVFan17 said:

Still not sure about watching Noelle, though.

I did actually watch this over the holidays (the Anna Kendrick/Bill Hader movie on Disney+, right?), and I found it to be fine, and even a bit charming at points. But then, I love Anna Kendrick and I wasn't expecting high art.

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I also liked Noelle a lot (watched it twice) and glad that 12 Dates of Christmas is on there as well because it’s a fave. I am trying not to watch Mistle-Tones again since have already seen it twice in the past two months, but that movie always makes me smile so will likely watch it again next month. I’m glad you liked it @kirinan because it is easily in my top 5 of favorite holiday movies.

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Did anyone watch Hallmark's second weekend Christmas movie marathon?

That's something else that sucks about this nightmare, that's its given them an excuse to air more of their Christmas movies. I wouldn't be surprised if this weekend is the same thing.

By the way, "The Ten Commandments" is airing this Saturday, a week earlier than usual, as it usually airs Easter Saturday.

5 hours ago, redpencil said:

I certainly didn't watch the marathon, but I did go through the listings and picked out a couple favorites that I recorded and watched, and I enjoyed being able to mix those in with other things I'm watching.

I did the same thing.  I watched a couple of favorites this past weekend and also the prior weekend, but didn't watch the whole marathon from start to finish. 

I have no problem with Hallmark airing marathons of Christmas movies if that's what people want to see.  Apparently there is a lot of demand for it.  Personally, I think it's going to work against them if they keep doing it, because it will remove any novelty of seeing the movies during their actual holiday events in July and especially in the last 2 months of the year -- when they're probably not going to have as many new movies to premiere this holiday season due to what's going on in the world, and will have to rely on mostly showing their movies from previous years anyway.

But, regardless of what I think about the novelty wearing off when they show Christmas movies pre-July, the movies seemingly make people happy, and they offer some comfort during a very uncertain, scary time in the world.  This whole ordeal just kind of smacked us in the face out of the blue, and we are all woefully unprepared to deal with it.  No one knows what is going to happen from day to day because we have not had to deal with anything quite on this level or scale before -- at least not in recent history. 

A lot of the people watching Christmas movies in March might not even be alive by the time the Countdown to Christmas gets here in October if this virus continues to spiral out of control.  So.. if people want to watch Christmas movies because they can focus on something happy, festive and hopeful, then it's good that Hallmark is giving them what they want!  Lifetime might as well jump in there and do the same thing.

Edited by TVFan17
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On 4/25/2020 at 5:04 PM, Kohola3 said:

For the love of all that is holy, GET A NEW HAIRSTYLIST.  Every freaking woman has the "wrapped around an industrial strength curling iron" sausage curls on either side of her face.  I'm on my last nerve with their vapid movies anyway and that's pushing me over the edge.

So true. I call it the beachy waves look. Anyway, I was watching a Christmas movie called Christmas Perfection currently on Hulu. It's about a woman who gets to live in her idealized Irish village Christmas every day. I thought it was fun. Her character takes awhile to warm up to, though.

Edited by methodwriter85
On 5/12/2020 at 2:12 PM, methodwriter85 said:

So true. I call it the beachy waves look. Anyway, I was watching a Christmas movie called Christmas Perfection currently on Hulu. It's about a woman who gets to live in her idealized Irish village Christmas every day. I thought it was fun. Her character takes awhile to warm up to, though.

I believe that one aired on Lifetime

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