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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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I acknowledge the rancid factor has been toned way down with Jen, but I'm still having a hard taking her seriously in any capacity, even as a journalist - even though I know she was one in a former life. 

I think JJ's relationship with Gabi was the only thing keeping me interested in him. I find him blah now and wouldn't be upset if he left. 

Deimos makes it hard for me to care if Nicole ever gets her baby back. I find her incredibly unlikable whenever she's in scenes with him. Plus, I've never been some super huge Nicole fan, and I think she might be more interesting if she never got a miracle baby. 

  • Love 3

The thing that bothers me the most about Chloe's current acts are that she's doing the very thing she condemns the Kiriakises for doing on a daily basis: playing God with lives.  Yeah, she has a bit more of a reason for doing it, but it still isn't her choice.  Holly is Nicole's daughter, not hers.

Raines is a douchebag, but he's a douchebag who's actually doing his job.  When he starts being a douchebag to people who don't deserve it, though, I'll start having problems with him.

I know she's gone and it's a bit callous to besmirch the dead, but when Valerie and Jennifer were discussing how dedicated Lexie was to her friends and family, all I could do was think, Was that before or after she fucked around with Jonah, Brandon, and Tek?  And was that before or after she kept Zack from Bo and Hope and lied to Carrie about her chances of having children with Austin due to Sami's blackmail?  I liked Lexie and all, but just because she's dead, she shouldn't be considered a nominee for sainthood.

@Silver Raven, if the voice is the worst thing you can find about Valerie, then she's easily one of the better, more decent characters on the canvas right now.

J.J. and Lani were actually acting like competent cops.  I hope J.J. figures out that Deimos got to the hitman.

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So I watched the episode from the 26th - thank you producers for clumping the Prague and Eric stuff together - and enjoyed it well enough. The weird fortune teller had no place in Prague, but still....not too much to hate.

Oh wait - Eric called Daniel a Saint, right? Hated that.

Mostly I just want to see more weather on the show. Did we ever see any of the snowstorm Holly was born in? We certainly didn't see the snow and cold air Eric tried to save Hope in. There no snow in Horton Square. Didn't it used to snow in Salem?

Rafe needs to get trapped in a burning building with Deimos and the ghost of Daniel. I've had quite enough of all three.

Steve and Kayla have insane chemistry, even when sitting outside in chairs buying ice cream. I could SEE the desire in Kayla's eyes.

I finally have to applaud Marci Miller because in getting it on with Billy Flynn as well as she did, she's proven she can do the Abby Vamp stuff that has, for better or worse, come to define the character. Billy did good work too. I felt like Chad was still sleeping with the same person, but that line about it feeling like the first time was appreciated.

Where are Carrie and Austin and Anna at this point?

I seem to love Lucas and Adrienne most in scenes where they're either in costume or just really casual like they were at the Pub. Judi channeled Paulina (from Another World) a bit while interviewing Anne, and I liked it. Why Lucas is helping Anne is a mystery to me. I don't like it if this is how they set her up as Lucas' new lover - by having her work for his current one and scheme to break them up while she has cancer. That would be really ugly and I want to keep liking Anne.

I caught the end of today's episode with Brady and Nicole's hammy hug. I rather share Deimos' view. Already, Brady? Moving on so fast? No word from Theresa in three months but...no biggie?

He is truly the easiest man to land in town. And yes, I know Nicole ain't trying but come ooooon!

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I agree with DisneyBoy about the apparent El Nino that is affecting Salem and its non-winter. Everyone is dressed like it's fall or spring. No real sign of snow, cold, boots, anything! Given that Salem is not far from Chicago, surely it would get some of the lake effect snow/snow squalls.

Brady sometimes comes across as a lonely puppy.  Hasn't mentioned Theresa, looking for her, trying to call/email her. Almost like her exit story has been dropped.

Good for you, Deimos, going to the hospital to intimidate the thug.

JJ is starting to act like a cop - who hasn't batted an eye much to Salem hypocrisy and above the law shenanigans - yet. Jennifer still hasn't gotten back in to the groove as spunky reporter. Didn't really care for the excessive propping of Lexie - she had her good points, but she also had a much darker history. I guess that Valerie is dropping the anvil that a secret of hers will be revealed soon.

Not hugely interested in Claire's long shower - surely that apartment would have at least two full bathrooms for the amount of folks living there. And a good hot water tank or two - or some sort of decent plumbing.

Chloe, it really isn't up to you to decide who gets the baby that is not biologically yours.

  • Love 2
14 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

How does random waitress know Jennifer works at the newspaper?

Missed the show yesterday, but from the above, I guess the clip I saw months ago of the waitress filming her scene with Jennifer aired yesterday. And, yes, how would anyone know Jennifer works for a newspaper. Wish they'd try to at least create a newspaper office/desk set for her.

10 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:


Rafe needs to get trapped in a burning building with Deimos and the ghost of Daniel. I've had quite enough of all three.


I 2nd this a million times. First, I want to know where Rafe gets off getting attitude with Steve, and anyone else who is trying to help find the ghostly Stefano. Second, how is Demios so respected by everyone including Victor after what he did to Maggie as well as other things he has done? Third, due to yet another episode of Daniel worship on Friday, I had to skip the show because "Dead Surfer Worship" is against my religious practices.


When an egg baby is mourned more than Tom and Alice Horton, there is a serious problem!


And since when was Chloe voted "Mother of the Century."? Correct me if Im wrong, but wasnt Chloe a drug addicted prostitute a few years ago? I also have a few questions such as....

1. Wasnt Chloe or the Dr required to inform Nicole (after Daniel's death) that Chloe was going to try again?

2. What claim does Chloe have legally to a child that is biologically not hers?

3. Who elected Chloe to play God?


This is a character who has been ran over by a bus and a garbage truck. 

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I adore Charles Shaughnessy, I really do; he is up there on my list of favorite 80s people.  But what on earth is he doing these days? He keeps glancing at the camera and smirking...I think I have said this before, but he looks like he's stifling giggles.  He's not even trying. It's very amusing, lol.

  • Love 1

I think I have said this before, but he looks like he's stifling giggles.  He's not even trying. It's very amusing, lol.

Thank you! He did nothing for me during Theresa's exit story for that very reason. He seemed to be laughing at her plight in the back of his mind. Really distracting.



Anne....what? She okay?

  • Love 2
2 minutes ago, DisneyBoy said:

Thank you! He did nothing for me during Theresa's exit story for that very reason. He seemed to be laughing at her plight in the back of his mind. Really distracting.

Anne....what? She okay?

Anne showed up on today's show with her fabulous hair in place and calling Jennifer "Jenny"...Anne is an amusing character, and I did get a kick out of Jennifer's exasperated response to Anne working for the paper :)

  • Love 6

I only watched today because Eric was on.  If not for him, I probably wouldn't be watching at all.  

I can't get into the Prague storyline line because I keep remembering that Joe has died.  Plus John's glaring absence reminds me that Drake was injured during the time these scenes were filmed. Too much real-life intruding into the fictional world.

The rivalry between Ciara and Claire would be so much better if they weren't related. Or maybe even if they were sisters, ala Carrie/Sami. But the aunt / niece rivalry isn't working for me.

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I noticed that a lot of y'all don't like Chloe.  She must've been a real piece of work during the hiatus I took from the show.  I can take her or leave her EXCEPT she keeps explaining that her problem is with Demos, not Nicole, but everyone just ignores that part and never addresses her concerns.  Is this bad writing or are the other characters so self-involved that they don't even hear her?  I always listened to my friend's thoughts about anyone I was dating and I found that if they didn't like him or saw some flaw, they were usually right.  It never hurts to step back and see him through their eyes.  Nicole needs to take that advice.

  • Love 1

Jesus, Claire is such an idiot!

Uh, Ciara, you still have your brother.  Not to mention your niece standing right in front of you.

Hot English nurse!

Gee, the hospital doesn't do a very good job of securing their drugs.

Interesting byplay between Eric and Jennifer, like they're leading them up to a coupling.

Jennifer has a strange ring tone.

Why is John in New Orleans?  How long does it take to attend a funeral?

Why isn't Roman stepping in and stopping this action that that asshole Lieutenant is running?

Anne and Jennifer play off each other so well.  :)

"At least we know she's safe."  No, you do not know that.

Whom does Paul know to pull strings, that the ISA doesn't?

  • Love 1

I must say, I am intrigued by Jen and Eric.  In a lot of ways they play off their "lost soul"-ability, which is so much better than when they were both being pompous and pious.  If we can't have Jack back for Jen, then I'm all for Eric, she seems to soften quite a bit when he comes around her.

I did get a kick out of Jen and Anne too today.

Ugh, so hate what they have done to Chloe.  They write her in such a bad way and then everyone starts hating on her for it.  She is seriously like the female version of AJ Quartermaine (GH character) for this show, she can never be written right anymore.  I almost wish NB would stay away because they find new ways to throw Chloe under the bus each time she comes back.  I truly hate this baby story line and how they ruined Chloe/Nicole's friendship.  And Deimos can go to hell!


Rafe needs to get trapped in a burning building with Deimos and the ghost of Daniel. I've had quite enough of all three.

Yas!  Seriously, I fully and totally agree!

The teens continue to annoy me, I hate Claire's transformation.

Edited by LadyJaney
  • Love 6

Hope needs to lapse into a coma and be placed into a facility offscreen. 

Would be great if they could stop writing Claire as a bitch for no reason.

Does Ciara know Shawn is her brother and that she's related to half of Salem? Hope isn't the "only person" she has left.

I think I'm only here for Eric at this point. 

  • Love 3

Claire, no one owns Theo or has rights to him. He is friends with Ciara. Get over it. All of you are living together as friends and probably friends with benefits at some point.

I liked Jennifer and Anne. I do hope that they get past themselves and forge an unlikely friendship.

Eric, you really shouldn't be hanging around the hospital.

Hope, you need to find a nice, quiet clinic where you can get proper medical care and recover. If Raines is in the area, he may come back. All he needs is a police dog and something with your scent.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, janeyjay said:

What was the song Deimos was playing on the piano as his goons carried out his dirty work with Dario and Andre? I swear it sounded like part of a Barry Manilow song, the name of which escapes me right now -- and because of that I just kind of giggled as Andre grabbed his fortunately scarfless throat.

Chopin Prelude 20 in C Minor 

  • Love 4
4 hours ago, janeyjay said:

What was the song Deimos was playing on the piano as his goons carried out his dirty work with Dario and Andre? I swear it sounded like part of a Barry Manilow song, the name of which escapes me right now -- and because of that I just kind of giggled as Andre grabbed his fortunately scarfless throat.

Barry Manilow "Could It Be Magic." I kept trying to remember the name while he was playing.

  • Love 1
5 hours ago, janeyjay said:

What was the song Deimos was playing on the piano as his goons carried out his dirty work with Dario and Andre? I swear it sounded like part of a Barry Manilow song, the name of which escapes me right now -- and because of that I just kind of giggled as Andre grabbed his fortunately scarfless throat.

It was also how Barry Manilow started his Could It Be Magic in 1973.  Safe to say, this is NOT what Deimos had in mind.

Edited by boes
  • Love 4

Dario seriously thought that Deimos would not want revenge like a dish served cold on him for ordering a hit on him? Listen to your dad, dude.

More DDD. Yeah, Maggie, Chloe has your grand-daughter/egg grandchild. Doubt she'd not let you see her.

Nicole, Deimos ain't a wonderful guy. He'd been in prison for 30 years and is a bit, er, hardened. You probably get the side of him that few folks get. Besides the piano-playing and taste for Chopin. Some Barry Manilow would be fun.

Andre was missing his scarf when he was choking. Someone poisoned his drink?

  • Love 3

Gee, the hospital doesn't do a very good job of securing their drugs.

Yeah, that astounded me. Lucky the right pills were right there for the taking!


Interesting byplay between Eric and Jennifer, like they're leading them up to a coupling.

I don't want Eric saddled a starring role in The Taming of the Shrew, especially if they can't have drug and alcohol-feuled sex...but then, he's been about as square, uptight and boring as Jen for years now so it's not exactly an odd pairing. I just like Eric and want him to have someone fun to loosen him up. Can we resurrect his murdered ex? She seemed fun, in spite of the stupid elephant crap.

Still, I thought the acting was really good. Missy rocked all her scenes today. I like that she didn't roll over for Anne. They have always hated each other. Nice continuity.


Why is John in New Orleans?  How long does it take to attend a funeral?

Very good question. It's not like he has duties there - he only knew his mother (and hardly knew her). It would have been better to say his mother was on her deathbed and then died. That would better account for the weeks he's spent by her side.

Given what the Scooby Crew are attempting, I think he'd be there in Prague in a flash. I hope John shows up at the last second to save Marlena from the masquerade mess sure to ensue. That would be a good Finale.


Why isn't Roman stepping in and stopping this action that that asshole Lieutenant is running?

Why isn't he in Prague protecting Doc in John's absence? (Does he only work twice a month on this show?)

All in all (and snotty behavior from Claire aside) it was a good episode.

  • Love 3
11 minutes ago, DisneyBoy said:

Very good question. It's not like he has duties there - he only knew his mother (and hardly knew her). It would have been better to say his mother was on her deathbed and then died. That would better account for the weeks he's spent by her side.

I like to think Jawn has taken this time away from Salem to go antiquing, and is currently knee deep in completing his collection of Victorian painted china.  I can see him now, gazing longingly through a dusty window at a pair of dusty china poodles......

Perhaps pick up a vintage embroidered eye patch for Patch while he's at it.

That's my theory and I'm sticking to it!

  • Love 3
37 minutes ago, worleybird said:

When Jennifer was opening the wooden crate with the crowbar, I was hoping a hand with an onyx ring on its index finger would appear and start choking her. And it would be...Barnabas Collins!!! (If Reilly were headwriter it might have been!!)

I LOVE this idea!  Then Show could switch to Victoria saying, "I don't understand" and Julia Hoffman flubbing her lines.

Then Barnabas could munch down on Julie next, preferably in the middle of her saying "Darling".

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How does breast feeding normally work when a surrogate is used? Chloe gave birth to Holly so her body will be the one producing milk, not Nicole. If Holly is going to be nursed wouldn't Chloe have to do it?

I would expect a criminal family to keep a more secure safe at their home. For shame, Victor. 

I just can't with Nicole. I'm glad it appears she's finally wising up to what a piece of shit Deimos is, but really, why is she so shocked that he would put hits on Andre and Dario? She may not know about every bad thing he's done but she knows enough to know he's psychotic. 

I'm having trouble keeping up with this Orwell thing. So Drew created it and then Andre stole it? Ed and Dario partnered with Deimos for some reason and stole the device from Andre. Then Deimos double crossed them and stole it? And they need Drew because he's the "key" to making the device work?

Why do people on soaps always hang up after calling 911? In real life, they want to keep you on the line.

Is Drew the key?

Gee, doctor, thanks for telling this complete stranger your patient's condition.

There's an app for safecracking?

Yeah, Abigail, Andre is not a perfect person.  Are they really trying to turn him around?  I never trust anything he does.

Instead of Drew telling us his story, why is Show having Jennifer repeat to us what he told her during a commercial?

  • Love 1
47 minutes ago, Silver Raven said:

Yeah, Abigail, Andre is not a perfect person.  Are they really trying to turn him around?  I never trust anything he does.


If a Horton is singing Andre praises it probably means we're supposed to think he's changing, even though there's been zero indication of that. 


50 minutes ago, Silver Raven said:

Instead of Drew telling us his story, why is Show having Jennifer repeat to us what he told her during a commercial?

Because the writers are incompetent. 

  • Love 1
5 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

I hope they aren't going to put Eric with Jen. I'd much rather he and Nicole try again once she starts acting right. Putting him with someone as joyless and dour as Jen isn't a good idea. 

I would rather have Eric with Nicole of course but if not can we bring back Greta?   It would also give Hope something to do besides boring Rafe.  I've always loved the mother/daughter relationship Hope and Greta have. 

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, LeftPhalange said:

If a Horton is singing Andre praises it probably means we're supposed to think he's changing, even though there's been zero indication of that.

I don't think it's for that reason.  Abigail owes Deimos for keeping her hidden for all of that time.  She thinks that's a sign that he either has changed or wants to, at the very least.  And I do think Andre wants to.  He just doesn't know how.  We know he hasn't, but she thinks he has.

Personally, I think she should still hold him in contempt for brainwashing Chad and forcing him to miss the entire first month of Thomas's life.  But . . . there you go.

  • Love 1

Why do people on soaps always hang up after calling 911? In real life, they want to keep you on the line.

LOL - I miss the days when I wouldn't have known that as well as I do now.


And I do think Andre wants to.

Um...why? He seems to get off on people fearing him, at least from what I've seen in 2016.

I'm baffled as to why Andre was so hurt that Stefano might have been alive all this time if he isn't going to search for him in Prague (which he MUST know is happening). Chad, Andre and heck, Sami are naturally part of the story. 


Personally, I think she should still hold him in contempt for brainwashing Chad and forcing him to miss the entire first month of Thomas's life.  But . . . there you go.


Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 2
15 minutes ago, DisneyBoy said:

Um...why? He seems to get off on people fearing him, at least from what I've seen in 2016.

I'm baffled as to why Andre was so hurt that Stefano might have been alive all this time if he isn't going to search for him in Prague (which he MUST know is happening). Chad, Andre and heck, Sami are naturally part of the story.

I am in no way a fan of Andre, but at least he is keeping his promise to Chad of bringing things to his attention regarding the family or their business, so . . . baby steps, at least.

As for the second part, he made it clear that he's done with Stefano's games.  Chad did, as well.  That's why they're not in Prague.  Also, the three-way war with the Kiriakises and the Hernandezes kind of has them preoccupied and made their presence in Salem necessary.

Edited by Michel
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Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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