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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

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I loved that we finally got scenes with Steve & Adrienne - it's about time - would love for us to get more of those two.

I did also love the scenes with Chad & Sonny - was wondering when we'd get any - hopefully we'll get more (although I think that whole parents line was a mistake that nobody caught)

I do agree that Billy Flynn should win an Emmy - he's been stellar in this storyline (even if he is grieving for that heinous troll)

I hate Laura being such a bitch to Chad - yes I understand he's a Dimera but he doesn't deserve that kind of treatment - he's grieving as much as the rest of the saintly Hortons are.   I did love Kate throwing shade at Laura - was fun watching those two sling mud at each other.

I also like Victor & Deimos working together - this is what should have been happening all along - now if we can just get Justin in the mix & maybe even Philip (if he turns miraculously back into Jay Kenneth Johnson)    I don't like the idea of Kate being behind the kidnapping though - would definitely be better if it turned out to be Xander.

I did like seeing Orpheus again & don't mind him conspiring with Clyde - I'm just hoping for lots of flashbacks from the Stockholm storyline & to see what kind of havoc Orpheus wreaks on Salem.

  • Love 4

The little girl who plays Ari is cute, but what a horrible child actor.  She clearly doesn't want to be there, maybe she isn't meant to be in show-biz. 

Agreed. Freddie's ad-lib when she refused to look at him just highlighted her general attitude on-camera. I know they use twins...was her sis unavailable? Honestly, they should get replacement sisters. I remember these two being uncomfortable for at least the last two years....


Then he tells Sonny that his "mom and dad" were moving in and I was thinking "Justin?".  

Glad I'm not the only one who heard that...


First of all, she is grieving her granddaughter, and grief makes people irrational and it is human nature to want to blame somebody for one's misfortune..

Except she never had scenes with Kate Mansi, right? So it's hard to feel like this grief over a lost relationship is earned. And, as others have said, it was her dear trusted friend Marlena who recommended Shady Pines. Plus, as a Doctor she should have had enough wisdom to not trash Chad. But then, I don't know how or why the writers thought it would be plausible to suggest Laura could go back into the field of mental health after everything that happened with her.


Does she believe in ghosts and goblins, too?

She's related to some!

Was anyone else bummed that Laura didn't return just to tell Jennifer and Chad that she had Failure living with her and was nursing her back to mental health, but until she was ready to face the law, they had to act like Abby was still gone? Her revelation about PTSD was stupid (again, Marlena misdiagnosed her?) and changed nothing and now we're stuck with months more of Saint Abigail hand-wringing.


Orpheus would most likely use Clyde as a means to an end.

See, if they're smart, they'll have Orpheus eventually bump off Clyde as his terrifying act of villainy. He's the one victim we wouldn't feel bad for, no matter how unpleasant Orpheus gets with him.

Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 3

They treat the medical profession like they do the legal profession on this show.  In other words, the writers don't know jack, can't be bothered to do any research, and the characters end up looking like idiots.

Kate's SL should have been with Lucas, Ari, Chad, Sonny, and Phillip.  Instead of all these idiotic let's find someone else for Kate to be enemies with lame SLs that make no sense.  Kate can be a stone cold sociopath, but she was always smart about it.

  • Love 2
6 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

Did hateful bitch Laura say what Failure's real diagnosis was? Btw, I'm petty sure doctors aren't supposed to diagnose people they've never examined face to face before. Simply reading a medical chart isn't enough.

Yeah, she said she had PTSD.  I guess Grandma knows best.

Edited by boes
1 hour ago, boes said:

Yeah, she said she had PTSD.  I guess Grandma now's best.

Well clearly Laura needs to have her license revoked because she's grossly incompetent. Failure had A LOT more wrong with her than just PTSD. 

The Theresa/Nicole friendship seems to have come out of nowhere. They had a professional relationship during the two week Basic Black/DJ Wear story and then rarely interacted for months until just a couple of weeks ago. I'm not against it, but once again, this feels like another relationship that's happened almost entirely offscreen. 

I actually forgot that Kayla's medical problems were even still a thing.

Of course they couldn't be bothered to have Anne show up.

"Look up smug in the dictionary and you'll find a picture of Marlena Evans. Even when she's smiling she looks like she smelled something bad." This is a very accurate description of RoboMar. 

I HATE that Kate has already found a way to keep from paying for what she's done. I knew she would never truly pay but I at least wanted to see her sweat for longer than 30 seconds. 

I'm glad the writers reminded me that Eric is in prison while all of these other assholes are free :/

  • Love 8
21 hours ago, minirth said:

If it weren't for the recast and the charm of Billy Flynn, I would be unable to root for Chad's happiness because frankly, he doesn't deserve it.  But BF is so twinkly in his scenes with Sonny, and so genuine in scenes with his son, that I do find myself on his side.  I really want him to the tell the Horton hags to go to hell.

When has Chad not deserved happiness?

I loved seeing KdP's return as Eve and I like that she pointed out that Theresa and Nicole had come a long way--they truly were friends and partners and I believed the evolution of their friendship because they were united in their dislike of Kate's heavy-handedness.  And I do adore Theresa and Brady when they are being adorable and happy together and he points out how much she's changed.

And seriously, Kate, who is one of the worst mothers in Salem, is talking about Theresa's mothering?  She's as good at revisionist history as any of the Horton shrews.  At least Deimos was horrified at an innocent baby being taken from his mom--while I'm sure the person she hired to take care of Tate was a nice person, they still aren't his parents and I'm sure Tate was confused and worried.

I do like all of the flashbacks we're getting whenever Orpheus starts talking about all of the people he hates--I wonder if he'll realize that Theresa is Shane's daughter.

  • Love 6

That was a pretty sad bachelorette party/cake and champagne event for Theresa. Surely Caroline could have had a hen party at the pub. Not even Anne was there. It's great that Nicole can actually make a friend, but I had no idea she and Theresa were more than business partners and very casual acquaintances. Nice to see Eve again.

Clyde, Orpheus, and Xander. What a trio. Xander isn't as crafty. Orpheus is very quiet, and probably plotting.

The whole kidnapping story seemed just tacked on and made little sense. And now finding a fall guy - um, that'll be Xander, who will probably be taken out quickly.

Joey, sometimes parents can't keep it together - even for the sake of the kid. They both love you but right now are best apart.

Some foreshadowing regarding the wedding day, but could just be a red herring.

  • Love 4

The show was boring today..I did enjoy the villains....Did you guys get the vibe that Clyde has a man crush on Orpheus...lol.....Orpheus' depravity seems to be an aphrodisiac for Clyde...lol...I do hope that the show explains Orpheus' hatred of Marlena..  It was more apathy than hatred. His indifference towards her showed the depths of his psychotic mind...She was not a person to him, just a means to an end... While, she was the intentional collateral damage in his vendetta against Rojohn..He just  wanted Rojohn to suffer and he knew that targeting Marlena and hurting her was the best way to do that..He only asked that she raise the kids and she agreed to do it because he was threatening her kids. They didn't have a relationship or anything. They faked one for the children. She didn't do anything to him and she was a good mother to his kids. I hope that the show really delves into the Stockholm storyline and leaves no stone unturned...I know that I am asking too much of Higley, but, Hope springs eternal...

Edited by Apprentice79
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I thought Clyde was in prison in Florida, so I was surprised when Marlena showed up to visit him the other day. So where are they all? Wouldn't the good people of Salem (policeman Roman and mayor Abe at the least) be informed if Orpheus was being housed right outside of town? And now Xander is in their little gang? Orpheus is better than any of this

Awesome to see Kassie, I did not know Eve was showing up. I don't remember her and Nicole ever interacting before though. I know we were all Why can't Eve and Nicole be friends?

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, serenitynow said:

Well, Clyde is my new favorite for calling Abigail a ho for sleeping her way through the Dimera family.

I might have been doing something like this at all of Clyde's comments...







....just a bit.

But did it really have to be Clyde speaking the gospel? Couldn't someone not-disgusting like Kayla have called Mar and Failure out?

Still, it was brilliant. I wonder if they just stole his dialogue off message board comments. Heck, I wonder how Deidre felt about those lines about her acting..!!

  • Love 9
4 hours ago, kitmerlot1213 said:

I loved seeing KdP's return as Eve and I like that she pointed out that Theresa and Nicole had come a long way--they truly were friends and partners and I believed the evolution of their friendship because they were united in their dislike of Kate's heavy-handedness.  And I do adore Theresa and Brady when they are being adorable and happy together and he points out how much she's changed.

And seriously, Kate, who is one of the worst mothers in Salem, is talking about Theresa's mothering?  She's as good at revisionist history as any of the Horton shrews.  At least Deimos was horrified at an innocent baby being taken from his mom--while I'm sure the person she hired to take care of Tate was a nice person, they still aren't his parents and I'm sure Tate was confused and worried.

I do like all of the flashbacks we're getting whenever Orpheus starts talking about all of the people he hates--I wonder if he'll realize that Theresa is Shane's daughter.

Eve is back, which for me means a chance to enjoy KdP in action again.  And we had some nice Theresa/Nicole scenes.  All much appreciated,

But otherwise...I'm close to dropping out.  I've been watching reruns of Ryan 's Hope and have been reminded of how smart and emotionally honest soaps used to be.  Someone has uploaded the first 5 years or so of that show.  The intelligence of the writing, the respect for emotional and intellectual honesty, at least in what I'm now watching, is a brutal reminder of how far things have fallen.

I'm sticking around for the vets, for the memories, and for the history.  It doesn't feel like enough anymore.

So what if Kate kidnapped Tate or Theresa lied about Dander, or that Doug is a flesh eating zombie currently chowing down on Laura's remains, or that Abigail isn't dead, she's just slapping her way home through a series of  childcare centers?

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Gosh, I remember years and years ago, long before Jennifer was even born, when Laura was a believable and likeable and competent Doctor. Now she seems to be a joke. 

Wow! Is the whole town of Salem in trouble with the triple whammy from the prison guys.  Sounds like a bit of overkill to me. Isn't one crisis at a time enough? How can the writers keep up with who hates who? It's also wierd that the three are all in the same prison and are able to have their little meetings with no problem. I wonder if Eric is also in the same prison. Even he was mentioned today.

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Apparently, Dena doesn't like Eric, hence the other characters' reactions to his letters. I liked finally seeing Nicole react to his situation, but it was more of the same from their last scene together back in January - her hating on him. Stupid. She's so upset over Dan but they were a couple for maybe eight months, and barely on good terms before that.

Boes, I hear ya. Its real hard to enjoy this show when I compare it to what it used to be from a writing standpoint.

Edited by DisneyBoy
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Whoever pointed out Abifail fucks anything with pulse - THANK U.  I bet that annoyed a few people who live in delusional land that Failure is just confused that why she spreads eagle.   Clyde ain't here for it. 

Surprise!  Kate does something evil and won't pay for her crime I bet lol.  Has this hoe ever been arrested or put in jail? 

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 5
10 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

Still, it was brilliant. I wonder if they just stole his dialogue off message board comments. Heck, I wonder how Deidre felt about those lines about her acting..!!

I disagree about Deidre Hall being a bad actress..She has always been good..She was spectacular during the Roman/Marlena/John triangle, I have so many favorite scenes from that era alone.. One that sticks out for me was when she told Abe that she was envious of him because he gets to love both John and Roman...For obvious reasons, she could not...The writing for Marlena has not always been very good with so many turnover in the writing room over the years, but, I have always enjoyed Marlena..She is the face of Days of our lives..Not to mention, that Marlena was a recurring character when she began on the show and the viewers' positive response made her  a long-term character.....She is still here 40 years later... I can watch the pier scene of Marlena's epic reunion back from the dead  with Rojohn on a loop and not get bored...The joy and happiness on their faces at seeing each other again...It is no wonder that the ratings skyrocketed at that time...

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Does anyone else think that this whole "Kate is the kidnapper" was a last minute change from whatever was mapped out and shot?  This seems to me like new direction scrapping whatever was planned and/or shot and are looking for a way to end this abruptly.  I wouldn't be surprised if those Kate scenes were filmed in the last month and just inserted into the plotline to wrap it up quickly.

Kate being involved makes completely no sense.  As a long time Kate fan I have been heavily disappointed with the way they have been writing her.  Ever since Sami left it seems they have been just throwing things on the wall.  Kate has always been crazy, but never stupid, or dangerously reckless.  Their taking her from a grey character to just downright evil.  Kate always had targets but she was never into collateral damage. 

The only way this could be interesting is if Kate was revealed to have gone off the rails somewhat as a reaction of Will's death.  But then that would mean the writers would have to remember that Kate lost someone who she helped raise and fought over for his entire life. 

  • Love 5
23 minutes ago, JBC344 said:

Does anyone else think that this whole "Kate is the kidnapper" was a last minute change from whatever was mapped out and shot?  This seems to me like new direction scrapping whatever was planned and/or shot and are looking for a way to end this abruptly.  I wouldn't be surprised if those Kate scenes were filmed in the last month and just inserted into the plotline to wrap it up quickly.

Kate being involved makes completely no sense.  As a long time Kate fan I have been heavily disappointed with the way they have been writing her.  Ever since Sami left it seems they have been just throwing things on the wall.  Kate has always been crazy, but never stupid, or dangerously reckless.  Their taking her from a grey character to just downright evil.  Kate always had targets but she was never into collateral damage. 

The only way this could be interesting is if Kate was revealed to have gone off the rails somewhat as a reaction of Will's death.  But then that would mean the writers would have to remember that Kate lost someone who she helped raise and fought over for his entire life. 

Kate had gone off the rails for me years ago, when she aligned herself with Moroni and plotted Victor's death for money....I blame Langan for writing her like that and it became the blueprint for subsequent writers to write her as  a despicable psychopath...

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So Raines (?) talks like Batman. I like him calling out the family loyalty within the force, but use a normal voice man.

Martha is a good Belle and at least we've been able to see some of that these last few weeks.

Did they seriously just write Mami out with that..?! She suddenly has a broken hip and can't get surgery in Salem? Riiiiight. I suppose Blanca and the Dario-setting-up-Eddie plot are done now too? I will not miss them but I'd have hoped for better writing than this.

Could Freddie and Chad PLEASE stop flirting during their scenes? Their characters are talking about their dead loved ones. Not the time to be goofy boys.

They sure are packing in a LOT of history references this week. Nick! Will! Peter Blake! I was liking it at first but maybe spreading them out a bit might be best.

I feel like it's a trick Dena pulls out at the start of all her runs to lull us into thinking she honors the show and has done her homework.

Edited by DisneyBoy
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I really wish I was watching Steve & Kayla have a fun adventure. Orpheus was the one who locked them in the storm drain in Stockholm, right? Would be fun to see them with him again if well written.  That's a huge IF.  I guess Drake Hogestyn can't be involved in this storyline because of his injury? That is a shame because he was fantastic as Roman against Orpheus.  He always looked frustrated and scared and angry. 

Orpheus still creeps me out 30 years later! I recently watched James Read in North and South and he is a treasure.  I feel OLD

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Where was Gabi working before Chad hired her? I thought she and Sparkle were modeling?

I guess the moral of the story is don't pay attention to any new characters for at least a year because there's a strong possibility they'll be written out during the annual reboot. 

I really really really need for Aiden to find out Hope murdered Stefano and expose her and Rafe. They need to suffer a massive fall from grace. 

Why are Chad and Sonny goofing off while talking about their dead spouses?

Gabi saying Failure wrote to her once a week while she was in prison is bullshit. There's no way Failure knows how to write. Plus, she was too busy cheating and lying and getting banged in gardens to have time to write letters. 

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Revlonred said:

I really wish I was watching Steve & Kayla have a fun adventure. Orpheus was the one who locked them in the storm drain in Stockholm, right? Would be fun to see them with him again if well written.  That's a huge IF.  I guess Drake Hogestyn can't be involved in this storyline because of his injury? That is a shame because he was fantastic as Roman against Orpheus.  He always looked frustrated and scared and angry. 

Orpheus still creeps me out 30 years later! I recently watched James Read in North and South and he is a treasure.  I feel OLD

Drake was so great as Roman...I loved Wayne's too, it is what made the triangle so damn good....In hindsight, the show should have left it alone..I wonder what the show would have been like had Drake remained Roman...

  • Love 5

Where was Gabi working before Chad hired her? I thought she and Sparkle were modeling?

Apparently the DJ Wear launch happened in another reality. Last we heard Gabi was hired away from Basic Black and Kate by Theresa and Nicole to be their main model for DJ Wear. Sparkle was also hired but randomly bailed a few months later to play investigator with Daddy John.

Ann was also supposedly working for Theresa on DJ Wear...but we've seen and heard practically nothing about that new company in months so....yeah.

I think Brady mentioned their upcoming launch in June or July...but that was the last of it.

Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 3
27 minutes ago, DisneyBoy said:

Apparently the DJ Wear launch happened in another reality. Last we heard Gabi was hired away from Basic Black and Kate by Theresa and Nicole to be their main model for DJ Wear. Sparkle was also hired but randomly bailed a few months later to play investigator with Daddy John.

Ann was also supposedly working for Theresa on DJ Wear...but we've seen and heard practically nothing about that new company in months so....yeah.

I think Brady mentioned their upcoming launch in June or July...but that was the last of it.

There are so many plot points that will probably never be mentioned again. It's ridiculous. 

  • Love 2

Ok overall I'm satisfied with this week and liked this episode too.   Seems like the writers are making good efforts at fixing characters this week and progressing these stories that are taking too long to wrap up. 

Lt Raines is a good addition.   I like he's annoyed the Bradys and Hortons are running things at the Salem PD but did like how Hope didn't back down to him when he tried attacking Shawn.   Yes  yes,  yes.  Before then,  who saw Shawn being pissed about Aiden working there and Chase raping Ciara.   That was the first time Shawn showed some genuine  emotions about his sister being raped and calling Aiden an obsessed.  See if you give BB the material he can deliver,  the writers just needs to give him a chance.   Good scenes at the PD. 

I found it low key funny Gabi was crying her mama bailed on her.   Rafe surely didn't give a shit during this talk.   ?  Which in a way is normally for some dysfunctional families you become use to certain patterns over time it doesn't bother you.   Seems like Mama talked a good game about being a family person but she left real quick. 

The Sonny/Gabi/Chad was cool.   Glad the show is back recognizing how these characters connect in terms of friends and family.   

Oh when is Belle going to smack Claire into next season like how Marlena use to with Sami???  That Claire talks to Belle like she's beneath her in that tone of voice - being bratty and very disrespectful.   Yes,  Belle no mother of the year but there are boundaries between parents and their children.   Find the inner Marlena,  Belle,  I support it!  ?

Rafe stop being silly with the notion that Hope won't get caught for killing Stefano.  You would think since this guy was with ConSami and Gabi killing Nick,  he would know damn well,  these things come to light eventually.   I just need for the killing to finally come out so Hope won't feel that much shame of kiling the old bastard.  Have her Samuel L Jackson moment, "Yes he deserved to die and I hope he burns in hell!"   He/Aiden/Andre all plotted to wanting to kill her for her money.   To me,  her popping Stefano was justified especially if she could claim PTSD and get a good attorney. 

  • Love 5
4 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

Here's my question:

Kate mailed Summer the letter with 100K??

I thought the money was shoved under Summer's door in a big brown manila envelope-therefore, delivered by a messenger ? And Kate used to have layers. She always had moments of bad, but there was vulnerability with it. I agree-why the crap would she care about Summer, Teresa, Tate and Brady? No sense at all. Can someone explain? I suppose maybe she's blackmailed into it? Do we know it's her?

Edited by IWantCandy71
  • Love 2

Another good episode today.  I've so, so happy that Chad gets to do something other than mope over the troll-faced jerk he was married to for five seconds.  And, as much as I liked JJ and Gabi, I'd love to see Chad and Gabi get together.  They're very pretty, and Chad is far more interesting than JJ.


15 hours ago, boes said:

But otherwise...I'm close to dropping out. 

I hear you but selfishly hope you stick with it.  I enjoy your posts!  But this show has been difficult to watch these past few months, and this board is the major reason I've kept watching.  Ken Corday is stupid for letting things get to this point.  Hopefully the new writers will be able to turn things around.  I truly believe that soaps still have the power to draw a good-sized audience ... if only the people in charge would listen to their fans, do some research on what worked in the past, and figure out how to take all that information and make compelling tv for today.  It shouldn't be that hard.


5 hours ago, JBC344 said:

Does anyone else think that this whole "Kate is the kidnapper" was a last minute change from whatever was mapped out and shot? 

Yes.  While I could see Kate kidnapping an innocent baby, it makes no sense for her to kidnap this baby, and especially for the stated reason of getting back at the Kiriaki.  There are many other ways they could have wrapped up this story and launched a Kate vs. Victor/Deimos plot.

  • Love 5

Drake was so great as Roman...I loved Wayne's too, it is what made the triangle so damn good....In hindsight, the show should have left it alone..I wonder what the show would have been like had Drake remained Roman...

I don't think Sami would have become the Sami we had if Drake remained Roman. John and Marlena on the Titan's conference table and Alan raping Sami shaped who she was. 

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When WN decided to leave the show again, the conference room table, Sami trying to sell Belle on the black market, and Alan raping Sami had already happened.  They could have switched Roman and John again, with WN as John going off to find out who he really is.  It would have saved us from 50 million John tries to find out who he really is lame SLs, Sami would have lost another father figure, and had to try and bond again with John who is really Roman.  They also never should have retconned Stefano being responsible for EVERYTHING.  It ruined a lot of good SLs, and made everyone in Salem look like complete idiots for letting Stefano walk around free to commit any crime he wanted, and always get away with it.

  • Love 6
13 minutes ago, TigerLynx said:

When WN decided to leave the show again, the conference room table, Sami trying to sell Belle on the black market, and Alan raping Sami had already happened.  They could have switched Roman and John again, with WN as John going off to find out who he really is.  It would have saved us from 50 million John tries to find out who he really is lame SLs, Sami would have lost another father figure, and had to try and bond again with John who is really Roman.  They also never should have retconned Stefano being responsible for EVERYTHING.  It ruined a lot of good SLs, and made everyone in Salem look like complete idiots for letting Stefano walk around free to commit any crime he wanted, and always get away with it.

I love your post, but, I think the poster meant if Drake had remained Roman  and Wayne never came back..All of those traumatic events would probably not have happened to Sami....I never really understood Sami's devotion to Roman, since Rojohn raised her  and Eric during their formative years..They had a close bond with him and everybody expected him to just step aside and relinquish his role to Roman....He was there for all of the twins' milestone as kids..Once Roman got his kids back from John, he and Marlena promptly shipped them to Colorado to her parents..We did not see them again until Allison Sweeney debuted in the role of a teenage Sami...

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I like that the show is taking advantage of their talented younger actors.  I loved the scenes between Gabi, Sonny and Chad and I would be perfectly fine to see a romance between Chad and Gabi--the two actors have loads of chemistry and their two of the most attractive people on the show.  I say bring it :):)

  • Love 5

Puleez  don't let us be heading for another Salem Massacre, where the vindictive trio does in half of Salem, only to find out that they are actually living in an alternative universe.  I was so glad to be rid of the slimeballs, only to have them resurrected to make another month of my life miserable :D

Wish this show would get a clue as to where it is going with the story lines.  

  • Love 4

Mami was fine the other day. How did she break her hip? Fall somewhere? Maybe she has a favourite out of town surgeon and didn't want to bother her kids to look after her. If she is a nurse, she certainly could have gone to some medical convention!

Claire, you really don't have the means to support yourself. Yup, skipping school for a 'music' career is a really good idea. Not. Many musicians don't have wealthy families to fund them. They work every bar, every club, etc. and they also have grubby part-time jobs til if and when they make it semi-big, big, or a one-hit wonder. Your parents are well-off and they will pay your tuition! Free college! Have a back-up. Your mom and dad pay the bills. Think minimum-wage drudge job, young lady. Not the luxuries that you are used to.

Geez, Hope and Rafe, of course Aiden will dig in to Stefano's 'death'.  Maybe you did a public service, but you are still guilty.

  • Love 5

I don't think Mami broke her hip, I think someone else broke their hip and Mami went off to look after them.

Claire needs to stop asking permission. She has graduated highschool, is presumedly 18, she can do what she wants.

I was not watching when Brandon Beemer was on before, but damn he and Kristian look gorgeous together.

  • Love 1

Claire needs to stop asking permission. She has graduated highschool, is presumedly 18, she can do what she wants.

Is she living on her own and paying her own bills? Because if not, I have to disagree. When you depend on someone else to buy your toothpaste, it might suck that they still get a say in what kind of toothpaste it is, but that is the price you pay for not being truly independent. Besides, not all 18 year old HS grads are capable of, or should be, making all their own choices. Age and maturity often don't go hand in hand.

  • Love 6

It's a shame Brandon Beemer will be leaving  DOOL.  I thought he was pretty good in his scenes with everyone.

Claire is pretty much an immature teenager.  She reacted very selfishly to the idea of Belle moving the whole family to Hong Kong.  She couldn't hear Belle telling her that she would talk to Claire and Shawn first before accepting the position.  What a spoiled rich kid!  I wonder how Marlena is going to handle Claire living with her and John.

I like the Chad and Sonny scenes.  They are getting along so well right now that I know the writers are going to find a way to break them up later on in the future.

I felt really sorry for Gabi.  Both of her parents bailed on her and Arianna.  Rafe is OK but he can't be there for her because he's too involved with Hope and Dario is a secretive and selfish prick.  Kind of suck to be her right now.

  • Love 3
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