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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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Just caught up on the show and the boards.  Billy Flynn is WAY too good for daytime TV.  He broke my heart.  Loved seeing MA back as Jack.  I miss him so.

Not really caring much for Criminal Aiden as New DA, but I guess it's just plot-point to uncover that Hope killed Steffy and Rafe covered it up.

Nice to see Sonny back.  Is it just me though, or does his acting seem a bit...  off?  Gabi sure seemed to light up in her scenes with him.  I wonder if they are friends in real life.  A lot of Will mentions...  any news on that front?

Nicole and Diemos.   No, just no.  Damn writers can't miss an opportunity to make my beloved Nicole miserable can they?    "I to make you happy, to love you, to treat you like the goddess you are.  I want you to have my children..."   /screeching halt/  Cut to Chloe patting her belly.  Sigh.  More of the same for Nicole.  NB is looking amazing though.  Pregnancy suits her.  And those boobs.  Damn.

Looking forward to the show being back - I can't help myself.  Watched my whole life.  I am slightly optimistic since I have read that some very obviously dropped plots may be picked up and tied off.  We shall see.


If they address that Clyde actually killed EJ, a lot will be forgiven.

  • Love 3

Like seeing Shawn listening to Claire and being proud....hate seeing back and forth pans throughout the whole thing, including when the camera trips up partway through.

Producers: I don't care if you wanna save money. Do a second take!


Glad Maggie will walk again. Hope she pushes Deimos down a flight of stairs though.

Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 1

Why is Deimos somehow involved in 90% of the current stories? He's alright and all, but this is a bit ridiculous. By the way, I find it hard to believe that Deimos, a cold ruthless man who came to town only caring about destroying Prictor, is now so eager to have a baby in his late 40s/early 50s. I don't remember him mentioning a baby when he as with Kate or when he decided he wanted to be with Nicole the first time, or when he decided he wanted to be with Chloe. 

Belle is a nasty little shrew. 

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

My PVR decided to not record today.

It is a friend.

34 minutes ago, Kitty Redstone said:

Why didn't they pick up where the cliffhanger left off? 

The people who run this show really can't do anything right.

I doubt they even know which are Friday shows when they write them.

43 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

I usually don't like Claire or her singing but today she didn't sound half bad. I also liked Sean listening & looking proud. It's so dumb that they canned BB & MM. They work well together & are pretty hot.

Spoiler? BB isn't canned because they were too stupid to read their own "play or pay" contract before trying to fire him. And yes...they're good together.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, ByaNose said:

I usually don't like Claire or her singing but today she didn't sound half bad. I also liked Sean listening & looking proud. It's so dumb that they canned BB & MM. They work well together & are pretty hot.

I thoguht the same thing about Claire's singing, didn't mind it today.  But I do hope it's a very occasional thing.  And Lord save us from hearing Chloe belt out any more.

Best part of today for me was Nicole.  I thought she looked fantastic in all her scenes.  I enjoy her with Maggie and also liked her staring Victor down.  And while I know not everyone feels this way, I really like her with Deimos.  It's her best pairing in a long, long time.  Even more unpopular opinion - I liked her with EJ, especially at the start.  But she and Deimos IMO are VERY good together, a whole other level.  

Dan who??

Victor is guilty, even if he's not.  Asshole.

  • Love 6

I really get irked out by characters sleeping their way through a family tree, so Dicole (YES!!) isn't much of a step up to me.

I wanna hope Nicole and Dario happen, but he is sketchy and slept with Summer so....eh.

How Sami could love EJ after he slept with Kate and Nicole and Abby too is beyond me. It's stuff like that that makes Brooke on B&B totally disgusting. It cuts both ways though - how did Jake on AW get away with sleeping with Marley, Donna AND Vicky? Ewwww.

Salem needs new peoples.

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, boes said:

Best part of today for me was Nicole.  I thought she looked fantastic in all her scenes.  I enjoy her with Maggie and also liked her staring Victor down.  And while I know not everyone feels this way, I really like her with Deimos.  It's her best pairing in a long, long time.  Even more unpopular opinion - I liked her with EJ, especially at the start.  But she and Deimos IMO are VERY good together, a whole other level. 

Totally agree with this.  AZ and VI have wicked chemistry and Nicole and Deimos are one the main reason I'm still interested in this show. 

I also preferred Nicole and EJ by a mile, especially how he called her Nicky while everyone else (including Sami) got the full-name treatment.   It's too bad TIIC didn't commit to Sami and Lucas the last time around, but then these are the same people who have ignored BD for years and let both AS and JS get away.  I still think James Scott would have stuck around had they not saddled his character with the horrid Abigail.

  • Love 6

I don't even like Jack, but he deserves a better afterlife than having to prop Jennifer, and by extension Failure.

And now, he's trashing Chad?? Ugh.

Failure and Tan have gotten more love this last year than any other characters in soap history. ENOUGH PLEASE.

Chad and Belle would be interesting. And this lawyer/client stuff would be good groundwork for them...but dangit, the writers aren't that smart.

  • Love 8
11 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

I really get irked out by characters sleeping their way through a family tree, so Dicole (YES!!) isn't much of a step up to me.

I wanna hope Nicole and Dario happen, but he is sketchy and slept with Summer so....eh.

How Sami could love EJ after he slept with Kate and Nicole and Abby too is beyond me. It's stuff like that that makes Brooke on B&B totally disgusting. It cuts both ways though - how did Jake on AW get away with sleeping with Marley, Donna AND Vicky? Ewwww.

Salem needs new peoples.

Amen.  My issue is that it is never brought up realistically.  There are never any conversations about the complications of dating someone.  Have we ever heard Rafe or Hope express any reservations about dating each other because of Sami? 

The ones that come to mind for me both involve Billlie.  When Dan was flirting with Billie and she put a stop to it because he had been with her mother and daughter.

Also there was this really lovely scene between Roman and Billie back when Lisa Rinna was leaving the show the second time.  Roman and Kate were starting to get close and Roman met up with Billie and got her "blessing" to see where things were going to go with Kate since Roman and Billie had briefly dated back in the day.  It was a very sweet scene between Lisa and Josh.  Even though Roman and Billie never slept together and only went out a few times it was a nice nod to history.

  • Love 2

Did I hear that correct "Abigail was sweet and caring" 


Ciara was still Lil Ciara when her sweet cousin was trying to bionk every guy in town and of course she fucked EJ.   

Yeah cousin Abigail is the sweetest ever! 

Then Ciara was wants give Belle lip.   I swear when VJ utters her lines she maked my boil big time.   

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 4
2 minutes ago, BlackMamba said:

Did I hear that correct "Abigail was sweet and caring" 


Ciara was still Lil Ciara when her sweet cousin was trying to bionk every guy in town and of course she fucked EJ.   

Yeah cousin Abigail is the sweetest ever! 

Who can ever forget how sweet and caring she was as she played Chad and whatshisname off each other for the chance to be the first at her golden hoohah, mounted EJ in the shower and in the boardroom, set up Austin, and went on her Nicole/Chloe/Eve slapping tour of Salem??   A real Sweetheart if there ever was one.

  • Love 11

Why couldn't the writers just have Failure leave town because she's a piece of trash, a shit mother, and a shit wife? Her escaping from a mental institution and now being presumed dead means we're never going to hear the end of how SHE'S SUPER AWESOME AND SPECIAL AND CARING AND A GREAT WIFE, MOTHER, FRIEND, DAUGHTER, AND ANIMAL LOVER. Ugh. 

Besides reminding the audience how SUPER AWESOME Failure was, why were Ciara and Claire so upset about her being dead? Ciara crying over her death is especially bullshit considering she immediately ran over to the Dimeria mansion and told a grieving Chad that she loves him. Who does that? What a nasty rodent she is.

They even brought out ghost Jack to shit on Chad. What a low blow.

  • Love 5

Belle, since your private investigator traced Jenn to the edge-of-town motel (like really? The Salem Inn should have wings for the long stays, the hookups, etc.) and informed you that she had purchased drugs, and you did not whip out your phone to take a few pics of her sprawled out, drunk as a skunk, and high on whatever? What kind of lawyer are you? Her 'losing' her daughter is just an excuse, and she will fall off the wagon again. You did forget that you have a PI that was tailing her?

Abigail hasn't been sweet and kind since she started boarding school! Spoiled, entitled.

Ciara, telling Chad you love him will make him run.  What do you think he is going to do? Fall in love with you instantly now that the inconvenient wife is gone? Theo is lucky to be away from you. You're just a darker haired version of Abs.

Claire should be enrolling in college for January term.

  • Love 5

Slap me now, but I sorta liked Belle today with Chad.  She wasn't shrill or assholeish, as she is with Philip and too often with Shawn, she kept her cool with him, and even resisted slapping the shine off Ciara with her obnoxious mouth.  There are several roads not taken with Chad that might have been good - Theresa, for one, and maybe Belle, too?

Ciara deserves whatever she gets.  I haven't disliked the character until today, but I sure did when she was staking her territory with Belle.  Little shit has been far too spoiled for far too long.  I'm looking forward to Chad telling her to take a hike, if that's what he does.  I sure hope he does.....

Jenn's "seedy" motel room didn't look any worse than a regular room at the Salem Inn.  And damn, she was even shrill with Ghost Jack.  I was rooting for her to take those damn pills and pass out.  She'd be great taking care of Thomas, wouldn't she?

I'm hoping Jack telling Jenn to protect Thomas from Chad was him playing devil's advocate.   I doubt I'm right, but I can hope.

Ciara sang yesterday, we didn't need to hear her today, too.   One day a week, TOPS, for the music.  Less would be even better.

BUT, we did have a day without John Paul Lumpaleer and his tics, hair tossing, lip smacking, Jerry Lewis impressions and his utter lack of any coherent appeal, so that was good.

  • Love 7

I quit watching after 20 minutes or so.  That useless fucking twit Abigail is still dominating this show and she's not even on anymore.  Why are TIIC so infatuated with this boring, slap-happy, closet-boinking, cat-hating, gas-lighting asshole of a character?

ETA:  And if this is all they're going to have MA do, I wish he'd just stay away.

Edited by Kitty Redstone
  • Love 7

Even if Abigail is excused for trying to ruin Carrie and Austin's relationship and shitfuck his career and for destroying Sami's family by having an affair with her fiancé while befriending her and inserting herself in their young children's lives....she still is a homicidal violent attempted murderer. She could have easily killed Thomas-her baby- or helpless patients and medical personal during her fire bug sprees. zero fucks were given. 

She's demonstrated malice and delusional narcissism at every opportunity. Myriad verbal disagreements she's resorted to bitch slaps.  Even in her disputes with Anne she shaded her for rescuing and fostering cats...like why is that shameful?

Please stop making this character a hero and reverent.  The snozzberries don't taste like snozzberries they taste rachet. I'm just glad I don't have to watch km emote anymore it was truly bizarre 90% time some dead vacant recitation of the lines and the rest turned up to eleven wannabe Nic Cage ish. 

  • Love 10

@Kitty Redstone exactly! jinx. And I'm over it. 

I get they love with 20 million exclamation pts the character and some fans do too but many others are tiring of hearing this shit. None of her actions even made sense or showed a moral core in my mind. I liked bitchy and conniving characters on many soaps but they showed some sort of awareness and weren't lauded they way Abby was and were played by strong actors. I mean that's soaps 101 and if Days don't get that watch some fucking Melrose Place or The OC or even OTH or Ugly Betty they make enough money this isn't rocket science. 

  • Love 5

Confused as to why Prictor and Maggie thanked Deimos for arranging her surgery, considering he's the reason she was paralyzed in the first place.

So clearly the writes just decided to give up on figuring out a plausible way to resolve the tatenapping. I mean, really, this is the best they could do? Did we even know Brady, Theresa, and John were planning to show up at that motel?

Shut up, Sonny. Stop throwing accusations around like you actually know all of the facts. 

  • Love 4
On 2016-08-22 at 8:14 PM, Frozendiva said:

My PVR decided to not record today.

Mine didn't record on Monday, either. Apparently I didn't miss much. I watched some of Tuesday's episode, but I couldn't make it all the way through. I thought it was sort of nice to see Matt Ashford again, but listening to Jack flap his disembodied and/or imaginary gums about what a superfantastic awesome person Jenn is got real old real fast. The fact that Jack kept telling Jennifer to keep Thomas away from that Awful Chad Dimera just made it more obvious that Jennifer is delusional. (Did Jack actually have reason to hate Chad in life? I'll be damned if I can think of one.) It all seems so formulaic and pointless to me.

Speaking of by-the-numbers pointlessness, Belle is boring. Her parallel speeches to Chad about his need to go on for his son's sake were a little too tidily balanced with Jack's obverse advice to Jennifer. That's on the writers. But the actress should have been able to make me feel something, shouldn't she? I wasn't impressed with her or with Flynn, honestly. There was no drive to the scenes, and Chad just seemed to be wallowing. Of course, the fact that the object of all his hair-tearing is the dullard Abigail doesn't help convince me.

Maybe my DVR should keep on forgetting about this show. Don't care about Justin's pissing match with New Evil Aiden, either. Or Shut Up, Rafe's boring nostril-flaring.

Edited by Sandman
  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Sandman said:

Mine didn't record on Monday, either. Apparently I didn't miss much. I watched some of Tuesday's episode, but I couldn't make it all the way through. I thought it was sort of nice to see Matt Ashford again, but listening to Jack flap his disembodied and/or imaginary gums about what a superfantastic awesome person Jenn is got real old real fast. The fact that Jack kept telling Jennifer to keep Thomas away from that Awful Chad Dimera just made it more obvious that Jennifer is delusional. (Did Jack actually have reason to hate Chad in life? I'll be damned if I can think of one.) It all seems so formulaic and pointless to me.

Speaking of by-the-numbers pointlessness, Belle is boring. Her parallel speeches to Chad about his need to go on for his son's sake were a little too tidily balanced with Jack's obverse advice to Jennifer. That's on the writers. But the actress should have been able to make me feel something, shouldn't she? I wasn't impressed with her or with Flynn, honestly. There was no drive to the scenes, and Chad just seemed to be wallowing. Of course, the fact that the object of all his hair-tearing is the dullard Abigail doesn't help convince me.

Maybe my DVR should keep on forgetting about this show. Don't care about Justin's pissing match with New Evil Aiden, either. Or Shut Up, Rafe's boring nostril-flaring.

There is no reason why Jack would hate Chad.  Yes, Chad is a Dimera but he wasn't so hate filled against anything Dimera that he would hate Chad on principle.  Hell, of all people Jack would certainly understand having a horrible father.  I'm trying to remember but was Chad even revealed to be a Dimera before Jack died?  If so, it was still pretty recent and Chad and Stefano have never really been that close. 

I mean Jack certainly hated Peter, Stefano, and Andre, but loved Lexie and don't think he had an issue with Tony.

  • Love 5

Hey, Deimos, thanks for poisoning Maggie and then blackmailing the surgeon so you everyone can claim all the credit for her walking again after YOU PURPOSELY CAUSED her paralysis, you douche.  Oh, and thanks for kidnapping Bo so he isn't able to receive treatment for his Braim tumor that CAUSED HIM TO DIE!!!!  Boy, that Deimos, he's a real hero.  At least Sonny isn't drinking the "Deimos is God" Kool-Aid. 

Hey Rafe, why don't you and your murder covering up commander Roman, take your snarling indignant faces and take a seat beside Deimos on Salem's douchebag train.  

This show seems to operate on the assumption that its viewers won't remember history.

  • Love 5
19 minutes ago, Shenanigans said:

This show seems to operate on the assumption that its viewers won't remember history.

TIIC and the writers don't care if viewers remember history, they expect the viewers to get with their program, and go with whatever idiocy is being written today.  If it gets revised tomorrow, viewers are expected to get on board.  [Sarcasm]If it makes no sense, completely trashes characters and history, that is NOT the show's fault.  It's clearly the viewers fault for expecting good writing and character consistency.[Sarcasm]

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, JBC344 said:

There is no reason why Jack would hate Chad.  Yes, Chad is a Dimera but he wasn't so hate filled against anything Dimera that he would hate Chad on principle.  Hell, of all people Jack would certainly understand having a horrible father.  I'm trying to remember but was Chad even revealed to be a Dimera before Jack died?  If so, it was still pretty recent and Chad and Stefano have never really been that close. 

I mean Jack certainly hated Peter, Stefano, and Andre, but loved Lexie and don't think he had an issue with Tony.

This is why I want to believe that this version of Jack isn't a ghost but a part of Jen's conscience telling her what the "right thing" to do is.  If "Jack" is telling it to her, it has more reverence.  I desperate want Matt Ashford to come back as a living Jack Deveraux and get his family back together.  I would love to see him and Casey Moss work together as father and son too, and see him with Steve again.

How has nobody belted Ciara upside the head yet?  Despite what she thinks of herself, in most eyes, she is still a kid.  Yet these established adults let her talk down to them and bark out commands.  If I had been Belle, I would have shoved Ciara's ass out of that conversation before she had time to open her mouth again.  Ciara seems to pull this crap with a lot of people and they let her.  

Oddly, I am liking Belle more and more lately.

  • Love 5

So, when Justin said that Aiden only wanted the job of D.A. so he could get away with murder, what did he mean?  Did Aiden *actually* kill someone and is now covering it up?  I honestly don't remember.   Or is Aiden plotting to kill someone and Justin knows what he's planning to do?  My shitty memory and short attention span combined with this show's ridiculous, ever-changing story telling has resulted in a perfect storm of confusion.

I was also confused by Abe telling Rafe that he should bring forward evidence that Aiden got in over his head with gambling debts and plotted to kill Hope.  I thought this was something Aiden freely admitted to but somehow got out of on a technicality.  Is that not what happened?

Otherwise, I sort of enjoyed today.  But maybe that's because Monday and Tuesday were so very bad.  Those two episodes should have never been aired.

Petunia13, I totally agree about Abigail.  The character is a worthless POS.  I will never understand TIIC's commitment to her, especially when there are so many other characters who are more interesting.  It's a damn shame that Billy Flynn's Chad has been stuck in the Abigail Circle of Hell since he stepped foot on Days.  As with so many others over the last four years (at least), it's been a complete waste of time and talent.

  • Love 1

Jack was a journalist. He would be rational and objective. Jennifer's imagined version of him would of course, find her perfect. He would ask her to look at the evidence on all sides. She used to be plucky. Now she seems to be the type many people would like to pluck (sorry for the bad Dr. Who reference).

If Abigail was the 'everygirl', well, she failed. She and Ciara could be professional victimators and manipulators. Wounded Ciara is not that much different, really.  Nothing will change for her til the pity party ends and she learns that she won't always get her own way or what she wants.

A bit too convenient to find Tate so quickly. And convenient that the main suspect is Victor. Sure, I'd like it to be him and he gets a taste of his own medicine. It seems just too easy.

I did like Nicole's top today.

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, Shenanigans said:

This show seems to operate on the assumption that its viewers won't remember history.


5 hours ago, TigerLynx said:

If it gets revised tomorrow, viewers are expected to get on board.  [Sarcasm]If it makes no sense, completely trashes characters and history, that is NOT the show's fault.  It's clearly the viewers fault for expecting good writing and character consistency.[Sarcasm]

I'm not even sure the sarcasm font is warranted. I think Ken Corday actually operates this way. Anyone who could run a show for years and then claim that he "didn't recognize" it anymore -- and then proceed to destroy or kill outright a number of characters with long histories on the show, and then hire a bunch of untried newbies to play legacy children (not resembling their younger selves in any meaningful way) and then to give a dominant role to a whole new family with only a relatively recent connection to the show -- is not someone interested in either history or storytelling logic.

  • Love 1

Again, Claire and Theo were real finds. Two out of five ain't bad.



My shitty memory and short attention span combined with this show's ridiculous, ever-changing story telling has resulted in a perfect storm of confusion.

I was also confused by Abe telling Rafe that he should bring forward evidence that Aiden got in over his head with gambling debts and plotted to kill Hope.  I thought this was something Aiden freely admitted to but somehow got out of on a technicality.  Is that not what happened?


I was paying attention and even I can't explain it.


I like Martha Madison as an actress and think she looks a lot like Sami and Marlena. I think the writing is the problem for her not really her fault. 

Agreed...though she should be aware of how cold Belle is coming off most of the time. I like her a lot but she hasn't been good at seeming empathetic (remember Eric's scenes prior to being locked up?)

I hope we get to see her, Sami and Marlena all together at some point.

Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 3

So Victor wouldn't kidnap Tate because.....why, again?  Because he's so nice at heart?  Tell that to his beloved grandson Bonehead who got to see a sex tape at his wedding thanks to dear old Gramps.  Or tell that to Kimberly and Shane, Bo, Nicole, etc.  Tell that to all the members of his family he decides AREN'T members of his family.

The tearful thanks to Deimos for helping strongarm the surgeon into operating on Maggie were a bit much - but then again, there's barely a person in Salem at the present time (Maggie and Sonny, maybe?), who hasn't done something horrendous and then been forgiven.  And that trend has gotten even worse lately.

I knew Abe was on the Police commission, but I didn't know or remember he was the mayor.  The job must come with with the mayoral staff being firmly planted up his behind because he's gotten even more stuffy than usual.  Hmmmmm.....That would explain why he's always wearing that long coat, though.....

Not that I blame him for being annoyed with Rafe.  Dear Rafe, there he was with his sneering poopy pants expression today.  Yeah, he's leading man material.....

If he ever decides to leave Salem, I suggest he try and get on the Senokot "I feel good" commercial - ANYTHING that will lighten his mood.

But we did get a good dose of Theresa today and a total absence of Abigail and the Wailing Ladies of Salem, so that was good.  And I'm glad Tate's home, although that got wrapped up pretty fast and anticlimatic considering all the howling we sat through up till now.  

  • Love 3

Ciara is really disgusting. Did she honestly expect Chad to profess his love for her and tell her they were going to live happily ever after together? She's Failure levels of delusional. Then she wants to look pitiful when she sees Theo and Claire together. Newsflash - you turned him down so you could make a move on his married uncle. He owes you nothing. 

Please let this be the end of this bullshit custody battle. 

  • Love 8

Since Days doesn't want to fire this damn Vivian Jovanni and the chick who plays Claire - can Ken Corday stop being sucha cheap skate and get a fucking acting coach on set!   Fuck!  These girls are not remotely believeable playing these characters let alone handling simple material appears to be difficult.   Did you all hear how Ciara said,  "I been through stuff too!"  She sounded like 5 year old craving for attention.   It's 9 months in and still so painful to watch.   The chick who plays Claire,  I just want her to stop singing already,  someone find the character a boyfriend and give her something to do that has nothing to do with her singing the same song over and over again. 

  • Love 5

Jennifer and Ciara need to fall down the nearest elevator shaft.  This whole story is rage inducing.  If Belle were truly a caring mother, she wouldn't want Thomas anywhere near Jennifer.  She should have flat out told Jen, Julie and Kayla that Chad deserved to know instead of letting him figure it out on his own.  She's providing piss-poor representation.

In the entire time I've been watching Days, any story that has involved Jennifer has ended up bringing everyone around her down.  MR doesn't bring much to the character except self-righteous brittleness and was terrible in her speech to the meeting group.   I really wish they would just write her out since she can't or won't bring back any of the spark from old Jennifer.

I think the young woman who plays Claire (can't remember her name at the moment) is very good but yeah, VJ/Ciara has not improved and should be written out or replaced.  It sucks because Ciara was such a spunky, interesting character when Lauren Boles played her. 

JG has done so much damage to the legacy children and future of the show.  I can't believe the producers allowed him to get away with it.

Edited by Kitty Redstone
  • Love 4

Just when I thought Ciara couldn't get any worse both character-wise and acting-wise, today happened.  Both the actress and the character are simply beyond awful.  The show has completely ruined the character of Hope for me (they destroyed Jennifer long ago and MR is clearly in it for the check as everyone needs to support themselves and soaps are all but dead as a medium), and in yet the final disrespectful nail in the Bo coffin, they have decided to model Ciara after the newly awful Hope.  At this point, I am just holding on because of my Steve and Kayla love, but the first sign that my girl is being morphed ala Jennifer and Hope, I'm out.  

On the positive side, the actor who plays Theo continues to shine.  I would love to see him and his Uncle Chad in more scenes.  I would also like to see him with Joey again, as Theo being friends with Joey was the only thing that made that character,actor palatable since not even MBE and SN can successfully prop up that dead weight for more than a few minutes at a time.

Can they please lock Victor up and put us out of our collective misery.  I love JA and have since I watched him on other shows before he became the monster that is Victor, but I simply cannot with this character anymore.

  • Love 4
Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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