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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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5 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:

Dead Izzy B should be appalled that her namesake is so fickle, shallow, and generally worthless. She and Bo should terrorize Belle in the afterlife, especially since Shawn is Izzy B's nephew and Bo's son.

Shawn deserves better than a girl-woman who can't make up her (lack of a) mind. Let this Phillip have her ass.

Let me guess - John came up with Izzy B as a nickname, right? Because...Isabella was too tough? Oy. Him and his nicknames. Doc and Kid and Izzy B, oh my.

Count me among those not watching anymore. Life has gotten real and this silliness they're broadcasting just has no value. Hope it gets better, life too, and that in six months things have improved.

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Still watching just not every day.  Been busy and don't seem to catch up even when taping the show.   Was wondering when Teresa said she fell asleep was she drugged or did she really fall asleep from being exhausted? 

Wish Maggie would just dump Victor.  Not only is she too good for him he seems to be having an emotional affair with another women JMHO.   

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When my PVR poops out/experiences some sort of power outage during the day, I don't see the show. I get a free evening to do something else! Sometimes I'll also watch the first five minutes and hit the FF button to the last five minutes.

I was impressed with Kate's manicure and nails. The purple shoes went well with her outfit. How do I murder thee with relish, Deimos? Let me count the ways. The poison brownies may work, but he probably doesn't like sweets.

Nicole was cute with Parker and his ice cream. At least she and Chloe aren't having some misguided catfight over the dude. Relax, ladies, see how this all plays out. Phillip isn't really a good bet either. Only so many times you can recycle.

Belle, if you are fantasizing about being with another dude, your reconnection with your husband is not a really good idea. You'll just find someone else a few months down the line. Work on yourself first. Shawn, too. You'll just keep repeating what got you to divorce - it may happen a little later, but it will still happen. Lather, rinse, repeat.

  • Love 4

Nadjia Bjorlin definitely responds to who she's sharing scenes with.  Put her with good actors and she's fine, as she's been with AZ and VI.  Then today she was with Jean Paul Lumpaleer and she was almost as wooden as he was.  

Best actor of the day award goes to the boy playing Parker.  He's great!  And AZ was pretty wonderful with him, too.

I know not everyone enjoys Kate as much as I do.  I loved all of her homicidal dreamscapes almost as much as I loved the look on her face when she heard Deimos playing the piano.  Maybe there will be some good stuff in this storyline?  Maybe??

Belle is sickening. 

  • Love 9
10 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

Let me guess - John came up with Izzy B as a nickname, right? Because...Isabella was too tough? Oy. Him and his nicknames. Doc and Kid and Izzy B, oh my.

Count me among those not watching anymore. Life has gotten real and this silliness they're broadcasting just has no value. Hope it gets better, life too, and that in six months things have improved.

Though I love John & Marlena together, I also loved John and Isabella. And Izzy B was a fine nickname back then.  :)

Hope things in your life get better soon, DisneyBoy.

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Good thoughts to you from me, Disney. Real life can suck sometimes. 

Yesterday was fine, I guess -- the new Parker is adorbs and a great little actor. They'll probably SORAS and replace him soon with another pretty, wooden guy. Nice to see some new faces, though - hope Chloe and Parker stick around for a while. Meanwhile, Belle is just the worst. I enjoyed Kate's fretful daydreams but I also kept thinking that she probably can't wait to get out of that fugly dress she's been wearing for weeks, lol. Normally I love what she wears but this dress is dismal in my opinion : )

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Revlonred said:

Real life often sucks horribly.  Hope things get better for you, Disneyboy.

Yet another reason why I miss how great this show used to be.  Because life gets hard and real and sometimes 40 minutes of escape really helps for those 40 minutes.  Not this show, but the show it used to be.

You can say that again..That is why I am watching some clips of the show from 1986..I hope things get better for you Disneyboy..I have never had a problem with the pet names that the men of the supercouples give to their ladies..I don't think Shane ever gave Kim one...I also think it has to do with the fact that Kim was always so fearless....He once told her that he admired her bravery and tenacity..I hated that Tomsell had Shane call Kim fragile in 2013, when Kim and Shane came back for Theresa's intervention...I don't know how long I will be able to watch this ..I am hanging in there for you guys..The show is one life support and is in serious need of treatment, Stat! I doubt Higley and her warped mind will save this show from sinking further and further into the abyss...Ken Corday is the cause of this illness and his incompetent writers are just the symptoms of why the show has gone downhill....

  • Love 1
21 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:

Dead Izzy B should be appalled that her namesake is so fickle, shallow, and generally worthless. She and Bo should terrorize Belle in the afterlife, especially since Shawn is Izzy B's nephew and Bo's son.

Shawn deserves better than a girl-woman who can't make up her (lack of a) mind. Let this Phillip have her ass.

Phillip deserves better than Belle too.  jmo

3 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

Isn't it bad enough that we have one Failure to deal with? Why do we need to see Belle and Ciara become her less awful clones?

I would tickle me for princess failure to get what is coming to her.

18 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

Let me guess - John came up with Izzy B as a nickname, right? Because...Isabella was too tough? Oy. Him and his nicknames. Doc and Kid and Izzy B, oh my.

Count me among those not watching anymore. Life has gotten real and this silliness they're broadcasting just has no value. Hope it gets better, life too, and that in six months things have improved.

John didn't come up with the name Doc for Marlena.  Real Roman did and he just got used to calling her that from when he was thought to be (and in my honest opinion, should have remained) Roman.

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"At least you didn't drink all of my good champagne."  Heh.

Kate throwing herself onto Deimos was hilarious.

Dropping anvils much, Andre?

Stefano is on more often than before he died.

Abigail is dearly (not) departed, and they still keep talking about her.

Way to take advantage of the situation, Ciara.

I don't like Deimos, but I like him standing up to Kate.

Andre apparently has Stefano's taste in music.

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Ugh.   Ugh.   Ugh. 

The Vivian Jovanni propping is the new KM!   Shes had well over 8 months to impress me and no -  she can't handle a rape storyline,  being kidnapped,  and now coming onto Chad as the babysitter.   I'm sick of this chick on my screen!    She took up 20 mins of the airtime with BF and MR and she was a block of wood!  I feel nothing from this girl!  BF deserves better than this.   He had to deal with KM for 2 years and now this chick.   How does he do it!  Please Days recast her with an actress who has range,  depth,  unclutched jaws and can emote!   Send Ciara to a quick studies for psychology for at least 3 months (which in soap world that would be 2 years) until you nail a recast!   I just want this so called actress OUT. 

  • Love 10

Well hows this for a same song, different day storyline?  We're going to be treated to, after a fairly long absence, to Shrieky Jenn, getting nasty and accusatory towards everyone who doesn't back up her plan or interpretation of events, and it will be over Abigail.  Abigail, at least partly, has been the ruination of the character and even with her gone the Show still stinks of her. 

Oh, Joy.....

Ciara.......No.  Just no.  It doesn't even matter what the question is.  JUST NO.

  • Love 8

I missed Monday and Tuesday but it doesn't sound like it's even worth it to go back and watch the recordings.  Brady berating Theresa, Summer being Summer and Victor being a douche?  No thanks.

Now yesterday I did enjoy Kate envisioning all the different ways she could kill Deimos.  Watching these two dance around each other, each one thinking they have the upper hand, should be fun.  I'm also loving Nicole and little Parker.

What I don't love is all the Abigail talk and angst.  I so wish they would have killed off that useless character.  Now Chad is saddled with someone not even on screen AND he has to fend off shrieky Jennifer and that block of wood Ciara.  Please, for the love of Pete, free Billy Flynn from this awfulness.

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I liked seeing Joe Mascolo-but for a brief few seconds, I could hear him drop his accent, which I can't recall him ever doing before. He seems tired.

Who is Failure, is it Abby? I could always take or leave her, and throughout most of the last few months, I felt KM was way over the top in her acting. She's a natural beauty, though, but BF and the guy who played Ben-what's his name? they are both far better actors.

I think Vincent actually has the strongest chemistry with Lauren Koslow, but I like the idea of Kate and Andre.



Andre apparently has Stefano's taste in music.


I think that was Mozart's "Piano Concerto Number 21". A good piece.

Edited by IWantCandy71
  • Love 2

Kate should have snapped back that she asked the butler to heat the champagne and put it all in the Jacuzzi tub.

Jennifer, please stop being a harpy and stop the screeching. Your adult daughter took off on her own volition. Yes, you can work with your son the cop and her husband, but otherwise, if folks don't do what you want, shut up. Go to an AA meeting or two or counselling or whatever works for you.

Ciara, it's okay to have a crush on an older, unavailable man. Enjoy your fantasy, but unless he is available and shows interest in you, back off. His boundary is that you are the babysitter/summer nanny.

  • Love 5

Why the hell Ciara call Jennifer "Aunt Jen"  today???  See it's the little ass hiccups like this that pisses me off.   Jennifer and Ciara are cousins twice removed -  blood Hortons!   Fans daily are already confused who is related to on this fucking show because of the abundance of incest done over the years.   Don't add more confusion!,  Days! 

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, IWantCandy71 said:

Who is Failure, is it Abby? I could always take or leave her, and throughout most of the last few months, I felt KM was way over the top in her acting. She's a natural beauty, though, but BF and the guy who played Ben-what's his name? they are both far better actors.

Failure = Abifail = Abby.

  • Love 3
8 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

Failure = Abifail = Abby.

I kinda figured ya'll were talking about her. LOL She IMO seems to be the most propped female of this generation-the NuSammy in terms of writing and airtime. And I don't hate her like I didn't hate Sammy, but geez. I get why it's irritating for some.I think Ciara calls Jenn "aunt" because Hope and Jennifer are so close, not because of the blood relation. They are cousins, but also best friends, or at least, they used to be BFF's. About Kate and Deimos-yeah he's suddenly all self righteous and above it all. It's annoying. I enjoyed Kate's fantasies of different ways to whack him, TBH.

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It would make more sense for Ciara to call Jennifer "Cousin Jennifer", if she wanted to show more respect than calling her by her first name.  Something tells me the writers actually haven't put this much thought into it and it was just  a "typo".  These are the same writers who can't acknowledge that Hope is Claire's grandmother, especially in scenes with one another. 

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When Wayne Northrup (Original Roman) decided to leave a second time, it should have been revealed that John was really Roman.  Carrie and Eric were still close to John, Sami was already screwed up, and it would have saved us from 15 million SLs for John's backstory, none of which turned out to be true.  It also would have saved us from all the retcon's John's backstory created which were then retconned again when the backstory was revealed to be wrong.

I don't know why WN agreed to return briefly as Dr. Whoever, who was married to Marlena before she was married to Don, but scenes with WN, John, and Chris K. now Roman were amusing.  If they had gotten JA/Don to do a cameo that would have been hilarious.

Good lord, Kate is pathetic.  Ken Corday and the writers are idiots.  Just let Kate be a cold blooded sociopath.  She is way more entertaining and interesting that way.  Any chance Kate, Nicole, and Chloe might throw Deimos in the river?  Because coming up with an original SL is beyond Corday's and the writers' abilities.

If Andre is going to continue to lurk around Salem, he needs to do the only thing he is good at, and start killing off all the dead weight.

  • Love 4

I guess that I am in the minority on here, but, I prefer Deborah Adair's Kate over Lauren's Kate..They have made Kate too pathetic and homicidal..Deborah's Kate had more layers and she made sense..She was always ruthless and cunning, but, she had a heart underneath..She stole countless Whilemena from Billie and had no problems with her going to prison for her ex-husband Curtis's murder to protect Lucas whom she adored..She had no idea that Austin and Billie were her children..Austin, before he became too stupid to live, figured out the truth and told a disbelieving Kate the truth. Kate  came in as a mysterious business woman on behalf of Victor for Titan and sparks flew between him. Sherry's introduction of her was awesome..She had a long ago friendship with Marlena  that was referenced and she was slowly woven onto the show..She was not forced down our throats everyday, yes, I am looking at you Deimos...This show is a total mess..

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 2

I'm hoping Summer is really gone after today's episode.  She says that she's changed but I think she's still mentally unstable.  Brady was so freakin' confused by Summer's yammering and frankly so was I.  I don't know how many times Brady essentially told her to fuck off (without actually saying it) but she still thinks that she and Brady has something going on.  I'm surprised Brady didn't push her to the floor after she forcibly kissed him.  I am hoping that this might be the last we see of Summer.  To be honest, I think she's is the ugliest blonde I've ever seen on DOOL ever.  The hair color does not agree with this actress.

I don't know why baby Tate was kidnapped.  But I do think it might have something to do with Theresa's dad who use to be a some sort of spy.

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Any Kandre today? I gotta get something good out of one of the only shows I watch. I think Teresa will die rescuing Tater Tot. And Brady will fall off the wagon. Again. Oh, Joy.

The writing for Kate-it's not LK's fault they write her so cartoony and really sometimes almost irredeemable. I like her-and DA's version was so long ago, I can't even remember, but I think I remember being  a bit bored by her.

Hope your weekend goes well, DisneyBoy. And everyone else, too. I am so TGIF today.

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You know, I thought con artists were supposed to be able to read people and to figure out how best to exploit them.  Summer has to be the lamest criminal this show has ever had on--she doesn't have any game and relies on other people, namely Dario, to bail her out of trouble.  And does she truly think she and Brady had some sort of connection?  I did like how he stated plainly and firmly "I love Theresa, my life is with her and Tate."  That's pretty awesome :)

And is Theresa being drugged because that was more then just feeling sleepy.

  • Love 8

I too wondered if Theresa was drugged. Being tired is one thing but conking out like that is unusual. Also unusual that the park was empty and that no one saw Summer taking Tate and made any sort of fuss.  It's July, the kids are out of school, and a lot of parks have day programs for young kids. There would be a bunch of folks there. A lot of folks snatch kids, be it in a store, on the street (luring them with finding a 'lost' dog, etc. or candy).

I would think most con artists have some sort of game plan and that they do study their victim to get an idea of what will work. Unless Summer is really clever and she's pulling a super long con, she gets an F. Kissing Brady seemed to come out of nowhere.

I'm not really invested in to whether Aiden is real, fake, or Aiden #3. Rafe, you don't go to some weird house without some backup. Hope is also a cop and detective and can also easily lead whoever Aiden or fake Aiden it is on. She was Princess Gina the jewel thief for a while!

  • Love 5
13 hours ago, gazebo said:

To be honest, I think she's is the ugliest blonde I've ever seen on DOOL ever.  The hair color does not agree with this actress.

I think the only reason "Summer" is blonde is to make her look different from the last time she was on the show playing a different (and brunette) character. 

9 hours ago, kitmerlot1213 said:

And is Theresa being drugged because that was more then just feeling sleepy.

And she was making weird faces, like it tasted funny or something. 

8 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

It's July, the kids are out of school

Speaking of kids, well the recently SORASED delinquents, if the previous writers hadn't already destroyed the characters, this would have been the perfect time for a teen summer adventure with a side of first love thrown in.  I would have enjoyed that more than the Hope/Rafe/Aiden triangle and Deimos/Kate/Nicole/Chloe quadrangle. 

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23 minutes ago, buffynut said:

Speaking of kids, well the recently SORASED delinquents, if the previous writers hadn't already destroyed the characters, this would have been the perfect time for a teen summer adventure with a side of first love thrown in.  I would have enjoyed that more than the Hope/Rafe/Aiden triangle and Deimos/Kate/Nicole/Chloe quadrangle. 

I don't think Theo and Claire are ruined but I would get rid of Chase, Ciara, Joey, and Jade. Theo and Claire should just be SORASed again and put in the JJ/Gabi/


/Chad age range. 

  • Love 4

Yes, I was trying to figure out if Summer could have slipped Theresa a mickey. What an awful feeling, to wake up and find your baby gone. I'm not convinced it was Summer -- the baby's cry on the airplane seemed like a red herring to me. (Ha, how many old crime movie cliches can I fit into one post?) Victor's a bit too obvious a culprit in this scenario, too. I just don't know.

At least Shawn knows where Rafe was going. And I do like that the show is dropping little mysterious crumbs, setting up some new mysteries. Hopefully it helps.

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On ‎7‎/‎8‎/‎2016 at 11:03 AM, Apprentice79 said:

I guess that I am in the minority on here, but, I prefer Deborah Adair's Kate over Lauren's Kate..They have made Kate too pathetic and homicidal..Deborah's Kate had more layers and she made sense..She was always ruthless and cunning, but, she had a heart underneath..She stole countless Whilemena from Billie and had no problems with her going to prison for her ex-husband Curtis's murder to protect Lucas whom she adored..She had no idea that Austin and Billie were her children..Austin, before he became too stupid to live, figured out the truth and told a disbelieving Kate the truth. Kate  came in as a mysterious business woman on behalf of Victor for Titan and sparks flew between him. Sherry's introduction of her was awesome..She had a long ago friendship with Marlena  that was referenced and she was slowly woven onto the show..She was not forced down our throats everyday, yes, I am looking at you Deimos...This show is a total mess..

You know I actually love both versions for completely different reasons.  I loved Deborah Adair as Kate back in the day, but I have to say that Lauren Koslow has personally taken Kate to such a different level it can be hard to compare them.  I think Deborah did a fantastic job for the earlier version of Kate that we had.  There was still darkness and mystery there but still a lightness to Kate.  I think with having Lauren come in it allowed the writers to really explore Kate's darkness and violent past. 

For example, if you took Kate's history and characteristics and wrote them down on a piece of paper without a name.  To me Lauren Koslow's Kate is how I would expect Kate Roberts to act like and be.  I love Deborah's version of Kate but when I think she left it allowed them to explore and take Kate in a completely different direction that I don't think they would of if Deborah remained in the role.

This was one example of the original actress as well as the recast were/are great.

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On 7/8/2016 at 6:34 PM, IWantCandy71 said:

 I gotta get something good out of one of the only shows I watch. I think Teresa will die rescuing Tater Tot. And Brady will fall off the wagon. Again. Oh, Joy.



I think that something like that will happen, too. It parallels Brady's mom dying when he was a baby.

Edited by DanaMB
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How old is the younger set supposed to be? Originally Chad and Gabi were supposed to be the same age as Will and were in high school during the Sydney kidnapping era, so I would assume they would be mid 20s now. But then I think Melanie was at least 18 when she showed up and then became a nurse and she was supposed to be a contemporary of Chad and Gabi and I guess Will. Then Sonny showed up, and I would assume he would've been in his mid 20s when he first appeared. Failure was in college when she tried to break up Austin's marriage, while Melane was a nurse and Gabi/Chad/Will were in college, I guess? JJ graduated from high school about a year ago. Ciara/Chase/Theo/Joey/Ciara were SOARSed to be the same age but then a few months ago wasn't it stated that Ciara and Claire were 18? What about the other teens?

  • Love 1

The writers have done a horrible job with Theresa's SL since day one.  I credit Jen Lilley for Theresa having fans, and layers.  However, I do not want to see Theresa die so blockhead, doesn't have even one functioning brain cell, abusive jerk Brady can fall off the wagon, get all sorts of sympathy he doesn't deserve from anyone, and be told he is a good person and father.  And I have no doubt Victor will refer to Theresa as a bitch, slut, tramp, whore who Brady is better off without, say he is going to help out his idiot grandson with raising Tate, and Corday and the dimwit writers will believe that makes Victor a stand up guy.  {face palm}

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

How old is the younger set supposed to be? Originally Chad and Gabi were supposed to be the same age as Will and were in high school during the Sydney kidnapping era, so I would assume they would be mid 20s now. But then I think Melanie was at least 18 when she showed up and then became a nurse and she was supposed to be a contemporary of Chad and Gabi and I guess Will. Then Sonny showed up, and I would assume he would've been in his mid 20s when he first appeared. Failure was in college when she tried to break up Austin's marriage, while Melane was a nurse and Gabi/Chad/Will were in college, I guess? JJ graduated from high school about a year ago. Ciara/Chase/Theo/Joey/Ciara were SOARSed to be the same age but then a few months ago wasn't it stated that Ciara and Claire were 18? What about the other teens?

Chad, Gabi and Abby should be around mid twenties now, with Abby maybe a couple of years older.  Melanie is a weird case because she is actually old enough for the Phillip, Belle, Chloe age group but for some reason she was always paired with men from the younger set.  It also didn't help that Melanie's characteristics were incredibly flighty and ditsy that it made her seem much younger than she actually is. When she was married to Phillip someone her own age, the pairing always came off "older guy/younger girl".  I would say Melanie is in her early 30's now. 

Ciara/Joey/Theo/Claire were SORASED to 16 originally, now it seems like they are all 18 now.

Below is how I think the ages shake out for the under 50 groups.  Between all the SORASING and changes.

Sami/Lucas/Nicole/Brady: 39-42 age range

Chloe/Phillip/Shawn/Belle: 33-35 age range

Chelsea/Stefanie/Nick/Abby: 28-30 age range

Chad/Gabi/Will/Sonny: 23-26 age range.

JJ: 21-22 age

Ciara/Joey/Theo/Claire:  18 years old.

  • Love 2
Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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