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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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Suzanne Rogers looks amazing.  She's a very beautiful woman. 


Nicole should tell Victor to eff off and go ask Maggie how would she would like to take revenge on Deimos.  She shouldn't be risking her newfound relationship with Maggie, and possibly her life, based on Victor's whims.  Besides, he'll go back to degrading her again as soon as he gets what he wants.


I'm down with Kayla having some good sex with someone other than Steve for awhile, as long as those two get back together again in the end.  She should shunt Joey off to reform school post-haste, though.  He's an extremely stupid murderer, and so ungrateful. 

  • Love 6

I'm down with Kayla having some good sex with someone other than Steve for awhile, as long as those two get back together again in the end.  She should shunt Joey off to reform school post-haste, though.  He's an extremely stupid murderer, and so ungrateful. 


A lot of people thought it was out of character that Kayla would ever have put Joey in boarding school, but the more we see him, the more it makes sense.


I'm all for this Fynn/Kayla thing going where the music supervisor and his flirty little cues think it's going.  She needs to have some other experience, and then I want to see her fall back in love with Steve.  It would be good to see him keep the faith for once.

  • Love 4

Show was boring yesterday -- an old timey Wednesday episode if I ever saw one. 


I hate Steve and Kayla apart. Not sure I want her to be with Fynn, but Kayla sure was adorable all shy and girly with him. I also feel like there's a significant age difference there, but I'm probably a bit provincial about that. 


JOEY. Ugh, who would have thought that their son would turn out to be such a dope. He's the one who let Ava into their lives again, for god's sake. And then he KILLED her. Now he's all mopey-teenage-running-away-my-parents-don't-understand-me angst. Plus, Steve's "gone" -- but is probably no farther than down the street at the Salem Inn. Oh but I also loved Steve's sign language farewell. While they're apart, I'd like to see Steve get into some big case with John. 


Maggie was wonderful -- I loved seeing her eyes grow hard with vengeance. I can't imagine she'd be down with Nicole as the Trojan horse, though. 

  • Love 4

Total speculation here, but I wonder if Maggie might launch her own revenge scheme, independent of Victor, enlisting her new daughter the scam artist. It's about the only possible use I can see for her.

No matter what Victor says, if he hadn't been such an unrepentant ass to his brother, none of this would have happened to begin with. And I'm not a fan of him using Nicole in his scheme, considering how badly he treats her.

If Joey needs money to run far, far away, I'll start a Fund Me page. Just go - ASAP.

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I love how the show is trying to convince us that Abs feels guilty over trying to burn Ben alive.  The only thing that this "heroine" feels bad about is that Ben's still alive.  I did love Thomas' reactions to KM's fake crying.  He turned to look off screen at his actual parents with this superb WTF facial expression--you go Baby Huey :):)


Hope and Deimos were entertaining in that it's always awesome to watch two seasoned actors working their craft.

  • Love 4

Deimos is just so damn evil and he just does not give a F.....ck...Vincent is just so damn sexy and bad and I saw a bit of David in him today., as he was coldly telling Hope about torturing and kidnapping Bo, just for greed...David/Anna and David/Erica were so good back in the day.. I wish that the show had brought him on  as the son of the man, that Victor screwed over for Helena..It would have made more sense and it would not alter Victor's established history...I would have gotten behind a Deimos/Hope pairing. They sparkled together in their scenes today...Hope has always liked bad boys and Deimos would have been up her alley and not that insufferable Rafe...I wish that the show would give up their obsession over Rafe..Galen is just a horrible actor and he is not all that in the looks department, in my opinion..He does have nice eyebrows....lol...


I will refrain from ranting about Abby and the ongoing worship of the Tan man...What is the point, somebody on here will do it with much more finesse than me, Like Boes...


Rest In Peace, Prince..

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 4

Total speculation here, but I wonder if Maggie might launch her own revenge scheme, independent of Victor, enlisting her new daughter the scam artist. It's about the only possible use I can see for her.

No matter what Victor says, if he hadn't been such an unrepentant ass to his brother, none of this would have happened to begin with. And I'm not a fan of him using Nicole in his scheme, considering how badly he treats her.

If Joey needs money to run far, far away, I'll start a Fund Me page. Just go - ASAP.

Nice speculation there, boes -- I'm into it. And the go fund me stuff had me cackling here in my office : )

Please bare with me today, Prince died so my mind wasn't too invested as I wanted it to be.  Let me give it a go nevertheless :(


Theresa did make me giggle when Nicole told her and BRady at the pub she had to hoe herself to Deimos.  I can't remember quite what she said but how it sounded was Nicole is a good hoe so she can pull it off.  LOL.  Then we have dingus, Brady, trying to be protective of Nicole. Granted he was making sense and he has no idea why Nicole is inserting herself in the drama.  Yet he has Summer and Nicole to protect, well, what about Theresa???  Isn't this suppose to be his wife?  Again, Theresa drop him, you can do better.


Deimos also made me laugh he wasn't scared to die when Hope pulled the gun on him.  I guess being locked up for 30 years you're not really scared of anything.  His life was definitely saved by Nicole once she walked in before Hope turned into the Black Window again.    And ugh whoever was using techno voice who called Hope, knock it off, it was not needed.  Sidebar I want Hope's leather jacket.  Nevertheless all these women Maggie, Hope, Nicole and Caroline oughta form a pat to get rid of Deimos on their own.  Do what TomSell did to Nick!


Ok was this KM's last day?  It sure felt like it was!  If it is fuck yeah!  Anyhow Abifail was straight crazy at the motel holiday inn.  I thought this was the first time I have ever seen KM actually have convincing tears during those breakdown scenes.  I also liked how in the subcentric of this Abifail mess, JJ confronts Jennifer and her druggie problems.  Of course, Jennifer is in deep and lying to him too.    Abifail says she'll go to treatment and says her goodbyes to everyone.    Bye Abifail you won't be missed!


This was a decent episode.  Again I wasn't surprised invested since one of favorite artist died today.  

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 2

Victor's plan seems very stupid. What makes him think Deimos would marry Nicole without getting an iron clad pre-nup? What makes him think Deimos wouldn't just hide all of his money offshore? It would be much easier for Victor to forge Deimos signature on a will leaving everything to Victor and then have him killed. 


I love that plot point baby is sick of Failure's shit and wants nothing to do with her. He's smarter than Chad and Ben.


How much longer is Failure going to be here?


So Hope can murder Stefano, who she only suspected was behind Bo's death, but not Deimos? 

Edited by LeftPhalange
  • Love 3

What would have really set Abifail's scene of going to "get treatment" off would have been if she was sitting with a straight jacket on and talking in Laura's voice ala Anthony Perkins at the end of Psycho. Yes grandma.

Kudos to JJ for calling Jenn out. I'm liking JJ more now that he's acting like a grown man instead of a lovesick puppy.

Who would have ever thought that Nicole and Victor would ever join forces? I guess that is what the power of the rod of Super Dan can do. Rights wrongs, brings enemies together, and inspires everyone to greatness. ((((Eye roll))))

As for Brady, he's certainly taking on the persona of savior (like you know who) always did. Too bad that he didn't get a brain transplant. Summer's Eve and Nicole can handle themselves. One just needs a plane ticket to Cali and the other needs to get the remnants of the "tanned one" removed from her memory. Problem solved!

  • Love 4

So Brady will do anything for Gramps and Maggie and he doesn't want Nicole to try and take Deimos down with a dose of the sexay......If he'll do anything, as he says, then howzabout he seduce Deimos instead?  I'm sure in the right outfit he'd remind Deimos of somebody special in that Greek prison he called home for so long.

He DID say he'd do anything, so lets see it.

"Gee, Uncle Deimos, is that a fireplace poker in your pocket or are you just glad to see me?"


Oh my, poor, poor Abigail.  Crazy as a bedbug, huh?  I certainly never saw THIS coming!


I mean, we've never seen any signs of mental instability.  Okay, there was that teeny little incident, nothing kids don't all do, really, of going after a married friend of your folks, getting him drunk and then letting him and his wife think you've slept together.  Paaaashaw!  Everybody's done that at least once, right?


Yeah, okay, so she did auction off her virginity - with coupons AND a buy one, get one free card for dinner at TGIF's - with two guys in the running, loudly proclaiming the contest at the hospital where she (barely) worked and then being monumentally pissed that one of the guys said, "See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya" and blew town.  Again, what kid hasn't done the same thing?  Huh??


Then, of course, there was her prolonged Slap Tour of Salem which became a major tourist attraction.  She literally created a rainbow of bruises, from Chloe yellow, to Nicole magenta, all the way through to fire engine red on Eve Donovan.  And sometimes she revisited to keep the colors fresh, sometimes even taking we viewers into the homes of the slappee's so we could get a more intimate look at the inner lives of Salemites.  

That wasn't nuts, that was smart marketing.  And it just made Salem so darn pretty with all those colors.


Now some people think she was a little off going after EJ, considering he was with Sami, who was perfectly capable of canning her for chutney  if she got pissed off enough, but oh no, she didn't do it for herself, she did it for them.  Yep, Abigail climbed Mt. EJ more times than I can remember, all in an attempt to show those two how much they loved each other.  Hell, she tried with Alice's muffins and they didn't work.  

So that was a selfless act.


And marrying Ollie - I mean, Ben.  Now how could she know he was crazy?  She didn't even know what his name was.  And he slapped people as much as she did, why shouldn't she see him a soul mate?


And now that baby dares to cry when she holds him?  As she explains, the baby is only crying because the baby is worried about her.  Yep, the tiny baby is worried about HER.  What, you think that's self-centerd enough to border on nuts?   I beg to differ.  

Everything revolves around her and that's just a scientific fact.  

Just ask her.


Baby is lucky she's going away for a looooooooooooong spa weekend, or baby might have to learn the same lessons Chloe, Nicole and Eve did........


I'll miss her.  No, really, I'll miss her.  Can't wait to see her again.  I bet she'll be a whole lot different.

Edited by boes
  • Love 8

Maybe D's ghost can visit the Kiriakis mansion and clonk Deimos on the head with a candlestick or something. Or shake his bed, grab his ankles or do a typical haunting.


Am surprised that the motel manager/front desk person didn't go to Abs' room and ask her to keep the noise down. No, you really can't do much with a screaming baby - except maybe move her and the kid to another room. Probably didn't take long for Chad and JJ to find Abs - follow the screaming. I did feel a bit sorry for young Chad discovering that his new wife has PTSD or some sort of breakdown. JJ was quite right to call his mother out.


Nicky, the Deimos dude is a bit smart and your being the Trojan Horse will take a bit of work and time. Ya never know, you might actually develop a fondness for him and there goes Victor's plan. Or Deimos may prefer Hope, a woman who knows how to use a gun.


Brady, work on saving yourself.  Nicole is a big girl and can take care of herself. Summer is Summer - an ill-conceived plot device. No one cares that she is Maggie's 'daughter'. No investment in her, no reason for me to care. People do need to learn to solve their own problems. Offer to help if they ask and if you are able to actually offer help.

  • Love 1

Did anyone notice Abby's "room" is actually Will and Sonny's old place? I swear, the set designers need to take some classes in originality.


I couldn't take Abby at all today.  Between her acting like a feral animal and that child screaming at the top of its lungs, I actually shouted "Shut the hell up!" to my screen.  My husband asked what was going on and I told him, "Why do they have to have an infant screaming with actors trying to talk over him?" I don't have children for a reason obviously.


And I've had it with Abby saying "Tawmas" every five seconds.  Tawmas this and Tawmas that.  Give the kid a nickname already.  Why so formal?


I was thinking back to the good old days when Melrose Place was on.  That show almost always held my interest.  Days needs to add a Sydney Andrews to the show - someone young who can act and is cute yet devilish.  Wait a minute! I just described the old Theresa!

Edited by Polaris
  • Love 6

So Brady will do anything for Gramps and Maggie and he doesn't want Nicole to try and take Deimos down with a dose of the sexay......If he'll do anything, as he says, then howzabout he seduce Deimos instead?  I'm sure in the right outfit he'd remind Deimos of somebody special in that Greek prison he called home for so long.

He DID say he'd do anything, so lets see it.

"Gee, Uncle Deimos, is that a fireplace poker in your pocket or are you just glad to see me?"


Oh my, poor, poor Abigail.  Crazy as a bedbug, huh?  I certainly never saw THIS coming!


I mean, we've never seen any signs of mental instability.  Okay, there was that teeny little incident, nothing kids don't all do, really, of going after a married friend of your folks, getting him drunk and then letting him and his wife think you've slept together.  Paaaashaw!  Everybody's done that at least once, right?


Yeah, okay, so she did auction off her virginity - with coupons AND a buy one, get one free card for dinner at TGIF's - with two guys in the running, loudly proclaiming the contest at the hospital where she (barely) worked and then being monumentally pissed that one of the guys said, "See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya" and blew town.  Again, what kid hasn't done the same thing?  Huh??


Then, of course, there was her prolonged Slap Tour of Salem which became a major tourist attraction.  She literally created a rainbow of bruises, from Chloe yellow, to Nicole magenta, all the way through to fire engine red on Eve Donovan.  And sometimes she revisited to keep the colors fresh, sometimes even taking we viewers into the homes of the slappee's so we could get a more intimate look at the inner lives of Salemites.  

That wasn't nuts, that was smart marketing.  And it just made Salem so darn pretty with all those colors.


Now some people think she was a little off going after EJ, considering he was with Sami, who was perfectly capable of canning her for chutney  if she got pissed off enough, but oh no, she didn't do it for herself, she did it for them.  Yep, Abigail climbed Mt. EJ more times than I can remember, all in an attempt to show those two how much they loved each other.  Hell, she tried with Alice's muffins and they didn't work.  

So that was a selfless act.


And marrying Ollie - I mean, Ben.  Now how could she know he was crazy?  She didn't even know what his name was.  And he slapped people as much as she did, why shouldn't she see him a soul mate?


And now that baby dares to cry when she holds him?  As she explains, the baby is only crying because the baby is worried about her.  Yep, the tiny baby is worried about HER.  What, you think that's self-centerd enough to border on nuts?   I beg to differ.  

Everything revolves around her and that's just a scientific fact.  

Just ask her.


Baby is lucky she's going away for a looooooooooooong spa weekend, or baby might have to learn the same lessons Chloe, Nicole and Eve did........


I'll miss her.  No, really, I'll miss her.  Can't wait to see her again.  I bet she'll be a whole lot different.

I bow down before this post and salute you. Never has there been a more accurate description of Abifail's psychosis.

Excellent idea for how Brady could demonstrate his "I'll do anything" claim. I could definitely see him in perhaps a nice lavender number. Something to catch Demios's eye.

  • Love 3

I don't care about Helena and am sick of hearing about her old dead ass.


I like how Hope and Steve casually talk about Joey murdering Ava and neither are concerned about him.


People need to stop acting like Hope and Rafe getting together so soon after both of her husbands died is acceptable behavior. 


While I like Theo/Ciara, it would be nice if he got something to do besides white knight for her.


The writing for the teens is so bad. No one their age talks or acts like this. Please get someone under the age of 30 to write for them .


Fynn needs to mind his own business and stay out of ayla and Steve's relationship. 

  • Love 2

I really think the actress playing Jade would have been a better Ciara then she would have been able to work with the wonderfully talented Theo and the decidedly lock-jawed VJ would have been stuck with Joey.  I continue to like Claire but who is she going to be paired with?


Deimos and Nicole do look good together--I hope the writers don't make a mess of things.

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Well, we missed the first 15 minutes of the show because NBC covered the non-press conference concerning Prince's death.  The sheriff basically said "I don't know" or "I can't say" to every question, so why did he bother?


Who's Mark? Is he the judge's kid?


I'm thinking more and more that Jade is Ava's daughter.  Otherwise, why not let them do the deed?


"Mind telling me what I walked in on?"  Uh, Kayla, wasn't it pretty obvious?  When did Joey turn 18?  I thought he was 16.


Selfie stick?  Really?


Shouldn't Ciara have reacted to Mark grabbing her arm?


Uhoh, Theo is going to get in trouble now.  :(

  • Love 1

1) Well, we missed the first 15 minutes of the show because NBC covered the non-press conference concerning Prince's death.  The sheriff basically said "I don't know" or "I can't say" to every question, so why did he bother?


2) When did Joey turn 18?  I thought he was 16

1) He bothered so he can have his fifteen minutes of famewhoredom.

2) Joey was SORASed to 16, a fact which they kept reminding us of when he was obsessed with Ava. Show just thinks we are too stupid to realize his age has been changed again. So what's Stephanie supposed to be now, mid-forties? Do they plan to have her be mid 20's, thus eliminating all but a few years of Steve being dead? Will he now have semi-raised Stephanie, or will Stephanie become one of the long list of never mentioned progeny of Days?

  • Love 2

I have to admit I really liked Nicole and Deimos today and I could definitely see where Deimos was coming from. I could almost sympathize with him since maybe he did love Helena and it appears that Victor only intended to marry her because of her dad. However, I still have my reservations about him. 


Everything else was just dull... 

  • Love 4

So ..we....should....run....away....to California.....and show.....my.....mom.....and my ........dad......what....it's......like....

My.......Mom.......ruined.....our.......family......  Yeah, the actor playing Joey is just so.......good.....so very.......no, I can't say that again.


Joey, if I had my way, your mom would rectify the situation by putting a pillow over your head.


While I don't like Jade, the actress is pretty decent.  You don't see her WORK like you do watching whatshername who plays Ciarra.  But she's got a thankless role and an even worse partner.


I thought Nicole had more chemistry with Deimos than I've seen her have with anyone since EJ.  Stone me if you must, but those two made an interesting, if repellent, couple.  Nicole and Deimos, they've got "it", whatever the hell "it" is.  

No way Victor comes off good in this, no matter who tells the story.


I sorta like Dr. DownUnder squiring Kayla around.  Let her have some boytoy fun while all Steve has is that friggin' harmonica.


Hope kissing Rafe.....why do I just KNOW he tastes like twizzlers and grape soda?  The lights may be on but they're so DIM in Hernandez Land.

  • Love 10


1) Well, we missed the first 15 minutes of the show because NBC covered the non-press conference concerning Prince's death.  The sheriff basically said "I don't know" or "I can't say" to every question, so why did he bother?


The sheriff is likely made to hold a press conference when someone this famous dies. The fact that he cannot answer any questions makes the whole exercise silly but that's how these things go.



Hope kissing Rafe.....why do I just KNOW he tastes like twizzlers and grape soda?  The lights may be on but they're so DIM in Hernandez Land.


Ha! I don't mind Rafe and Hope that much but I still don't understand why Adrian had to be sacrificed for this. Sorry I know I am beating a dead horse, but I can't help it.


I love Steve and Kayla, but I think she deserves a little romance from someone else. He's had others - so it's time for her to have some fun!

  • Love 1

The sheriff is likely made to hold a press conference when someone this famous dies. The fact that he cannot answer any questions makes the whole exercise silly but that's how these things go.



Ha! I don't mind Rafe and Hope that much but I still don't understand why Adrian had to be sacrificed for this. Sorry I know I am beating a dead horse, but I can't help it.


I love Steve and Kayla, but I think she deserves a little romance from someone else. He's had others - so it's time for her to have some fun!

If I was writing the show, I would have had Kayla have a dark secret from her time in LA with Kim and the kids come back to haunt her....It could have had repercussions that affect her relationship with Steve in the present in Salem...


Ditto for Marlena and John. It is always about John and Marlena reacting to whatever calamity is affecting John..What happened to Marlena during her missing years as Stefano's captive..I am still waiting for an answer to that after all these years...A good umbrella story that affects most of the cast could have been written based on that...

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 5

They should have paired up Hope with Rafe, and Kayla with Aidan.  Then whenever Bo and Steve finally made it to Salem, they would have to deal with a circumstance much worse than all the kidnappings and presumed deaths over the years - Hope and Kayla have moved on, are in love and happy with other men, and have no interest whatsoever in reuniting with Bo and Steve.


I'll say this for Victor and Stefano.  Throughout their time on the show they have been consistent sexist jackasses that blame other people when their illegal activities go wrong, and come back to bite them in the ass.

  • Love 4


They should have paired up Hope with Rafe, and Kayla with Aidan.  Then whenever Bo and Steve finally made it to Salem, they would have to deal with a circumstance much worse than all the kidnappings and presumed deaths over the years - Hope and Kayla have moved on, are in love and happy with other men, and have no interest whatsoever in reuniting with Bo and Steve.


This I would have enjoyed. A lot.

  • Love 3


Which characters didn't need therapy after Fall 2015?


Hell, I needed therapy after watching the Fall of 2015.  And the Ciera rape.  PTOOEY.


To see Bo's sweet baby Doodlebug raped - not a month after she was a cute 9-10 year old playing catch with Rafe and Scamming Sami...  NO.  Just NO.

I have fucking PTSD watching this shit.  No lie.


Abby SHOULD burning bed Ben (not Glory).  The DiMinions should rally to cover it up and be done with his stalker ass.  What else is a Dimera and all those secret passageways good for?  Ben is a useless nut and Abby (ptooey) should take his ass out and be HAPPY about it.


Where was Nicole when the love of her life and bestest friend Eric going off to the big house for the next 5 years?  Off with Diemos?  Damn them for having the HOT x100.  Damn, damn, damn.


Loved, loved, LOVED Theresa putting Summers Eve in her pace.  Poor little match girl, indeed.  You go girl.  Jen Lilley can spin shit into gold without blinking.

Edited by Stella Rose
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 at least a girl who can open her mouth good to project lines well


Huh?  You are kidding, right?    A girl who can open her mouth good?   The young lady playing Ciera is doing a fine job in my opinion.  She has made me cry, cringe, shudder, and feel every emotion she is going through during this rape.  She looks a LOT like Hope and I think is doing a very, very good job.

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This show sucks. It just gets worse with depressing storylines, the dumping of core characters and bringing in new people nobody gives two shits about. Horrible teen acting we're supposed to endure for the entire summer. Core characters acting totally out of character. Murder, rape, more murder...at this point I would enjoy seeing those cheesy product placements they've done in the past.

  • Love 1

Huh? You are kidding, right? A girl who can open her mouth good? The young lady playing Ciera is doing a fine job in my opinion.

She does clenche her jaw and talk through her teeth. Constantly.

I don't know if its a dental or facial issue or the actress is very nervous and uncomfortable. But it's a weird and irritating tic. Kandi from the RH of ATL does it also and it gives her the same buzzing monotone voice and eerie vibe.

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Today was really refreshing - families spending time together! Nostalgia! Fun costumes!


It was much, much better than I was expecting.  I enjoyed seeing Marlena with her daughter and grand-daughter.  And loved the picture taking at Hope's house. Very much like what would happen in real life.  I even enjoyed seeing Lani as part of Abe's family.  At least Rafe wasn't there for picture time. 


Glad they're no longer staying at Jennifer's, as it got ridiculous that she was never around when they were. I guess they tried to lose the bad sofa vibes by Ciara shrugging and saying "let's sit there" and her having her first nightmare-less sleep.

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Theo is quite violent. He needs to chill but I get him protecting Ciara.

Eric can't get visitors til he's processed. Belle's tone seems to be she doesn't seem to care much.

Abe still worried about Theo again.

Theo wants to walk Ciara home but Ciara wants Claire to do it. (I swear Theo looks like my late brother. It's hard looking at this actor sometimes

  • Love 4

Could Failure Lite care any less about her brother Eric? Jeez, she's so cold. Phillip and sometimes Marlena are the only two people she seems to like like. 


Today was fine. No murder and mayhem so that's a plus. Could have done without seeing yet another rape flashback. 


I wonder what that stupid Mark kid is going to do to ruin the prom. 

  • Love 2
Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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