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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

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Ciara still on top of this table, making an ass out of herself. Oh look the Jade is enjoying this. Hope cuts off the music and Ciara talking about no one can hurt her.

Phillip/Belle and Lani/Shawn scenes.

Joey told on himself to Roman. Stayla looks down like what's now.

Hope is rising the eyebrow. Hope tells everyone the party is over. The bartender says he didn't serve Ciara that someone else must have. Ciara is drunk and almost tries to clean up the glass from the floor but Hope tells her "no" she'll hurt herself.

Roman is going to cover another murder. Idiot

  • Love 4

Glad they are finally making Hope show remorse for being a murderer. Maybe she can start a Murderer's Anonymous group in Salem.  It would be quite crowded, what with the actual murderers, the confessed-but-didn't-do-it-murderers, the wannebe murderers, those who coverup for murderers, and those who are excited to be around murderers.  And so Andre can attend I'll add, those framed for murder.  

  • Love 4

Awww, poor Joey feeling sorry for himself that the only thing he's good at is killing people.  I laughed out loud when he said that, and then laughed even harder when his friend started making fun of him.  Why does she think this loser is exciting?  More importantly, why did the writers saddle Kayla and Tomcat Steve with such a boring, murderous son?


On the bright side, I'm loving Theo, Ciara and Claire. 


And badass Marlena is awesome.

  • Love 5

Glad they are finally making Hope show remorse for being a murderer. Maybe she can start a Murderer's Anonymous group in Salem.  It would be quite crowded, what with the actual murderers, the confessed-but-didn't-do-it-murderers, the wannebe murderers, those who coverup for murderers, and those who are excited to be around murderers.  And so Andre can attend I'll add, those framed for murder.  

I don't like the characterization of Hope becoming a murderer due to her history on the show. However, have you guys forgotten who Stefano Dimera was to the people of Salem. It made no sense to me that the Brady family would tolerate Stefano being in their town, given all the horrible things that he has done to them over the years....Stefano was not Tom Horton....Sooner or later he would have done something despicable to a Brady.. The man was a monster..He should have been killed  off years ago..Marlena putting him in a coma years ago should have been his sendoff..He was in a permanent vegetative state. That was his personal hell and I loved it..Deidre killed it in that scene, her hatred and disgust of Stefano was captivating...Stefano, Andre, Kristen et.c are all played out..I don't think villains should be a permanent fixture in Salem. We need a revolving doors of them to serve the plot and then leave when their arch is over...The show did that expertly with Emma Donovan, Orpheus, Harper Devereaux back in the day...They did not wear out their welcome years ago like the Dimera family...

  • Love 5

I go back and forth with Hope. Some days I don't care that she murdered Stefano and felt little remorse (until today) and understand how she got to that point. Other days I think it's very out of character for her to murder someone, even if they *deserved* it. I still think it was a terrible idea for the writers to have her kill Stefano and then reveal that he had nothing to do with Bo being tortured and dying. Why have her murder the wrong person?


Marlena changed into her black leather outfit so you know she means business. 


Jade is weird. 

  • Love 5

Joey owned up too. 


Very true.  In fact, he one-upped Hope, as he actually went to the police wanting to take responsibility for his crime. Hope only wanted to take responsibility for the murder she did not commit.  


On the bright side, I'm loving Theo, Ciara and Claire. 


I like them too, but it's starting to really bug me that Hope never acknowledges that Claire is not just Ciara's friend, but also her niece, and therefore, Hope's granddaughter. 


EDIT TO ADD...  Regarding Hope killing Stefano, if he hadn't been an unarmed, weak, old man, who'd recently been on oxygen, and was currently in a wheel-chair, or even if he'd pulled a gun on her, or if his confession that he'd been behind Bo's kidnapping was true and not just an "if you say so" quip, maybe I could understand Hope killing him.  But really she killed him because he was verbally taunting her!  And yes, she was under a lot of stress, so maybe I could have understood why she killed him, but then the coverup of the murder, her and Rafe's "flirting" and the framing of Andre, was too much for me to accept from one of the "good guys".   Though obviously there are few "good guys" left in Salem these days.  I really keep hoping there's some sort of twist coming up that is going to explain why all these "good guys" are doing non-good-guys things, because "Crimes of Our Lives" is getting ridiculous. 

Edited by buffynut
  • Love 4

I hope Belle finds out that her club is full of drunk teenagers.  Maybe she'll lose her license.


Roman doesn't care about the truth, he wants Steve put away.  Nice brother-in-law.


Hope still never acknowledges that Claire is her granddaughter.


Finally somebody shuts down Belle.


Geez, Jade is weird.


They have made Theo a great character.

  • Love 8

I hope Belle finds out that her club is full of drunk teenagers.  Maybe she'll lose her license.


Roman doesn't care about the truth, he wants Steve put away.  Nice brother-in-law.


Hope still never acknowledges that Claire is her granddaughter.


Finally somebody shuts down Belle.


Geez, Jade is weird.


They have made Theo a great character.

I am loath to defend Roman, but he has reasons to hate Steve. When he was around before he was kidnapped by Stefano, Steve was a thug. John as Roman saw what Kayla saw..It is in character for him to dislike Steve. Plus, he was around when Ava's first reign of terror that resulted in his dad's death..Roman and Shawn had a very close relationship as father and son..

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 4

Whoever suggested the theory that Jade might be Ava and Steve's long lost daughter was right on the money. I haven't paid any attention to her but today the actress was channeling Ava 150%, right down to lowering her head and saying she likes Joey's noir side.

Brace yourselves people - Joey just got kissed by his sis.

The music supported it, his lack of smile supported it....and frdnkly, given how popular The Bold and the Beautiful is internationally and how incestuous that show often is, this is probably an intentional move. Plus, Ava being killed off with no kid reveal makes no sense.

Also: Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!

Loved Mar and Belle today. Great acting there.

Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 2

Someone posted that Jade looks a lot like Ava.  For the 1st time today, I actually looked at her on screen (which tells you how much attention I've been paying to the show lately).  And damn if she doesn't look like Ava.   So I'm on board with the speculation that she's Ava's kid.  Won't Joey be thrilled?

  • Love 4

Whoever suggested the theory that Jade might be Ava and Steve's long lost daughter was right on the money. I haven't paid any attention to her but today the actress was channeling Ava 150%, right down to lowering her head and saying she likes Joey's noir side.



Someone posted that Jade looks a lot like Ava.  For the 1st time today, I actually looked at her on screen (which tells you how much attention I've been paying to the show lately).  And damn if she doesn't look like Ava.   So I'm on board with the speculation that she's Ava's kid.  Won't Joey be thrilled?


Yes, she does indeed favor Tamara Braun and the actress did appear to be mimicking Ava's mannerisms.  If she turns out to be Ava's daughter, kudos to the casting department!

Edited by Kitty Redstone
  • Love 4

Whoever suggested the theory that Jade might be Ava and Steve's long lost daughter was right on the money. I haven't paid any attention to her but today the actress was channeling Ava 150%, right down to lowering her head and saying she likes Joey's noir side.

Brace yourselves people - Joey just got kissed by his sis.

The music supported it, his lack of smile supported it....and frdnkly, given how popular The Bold and the Beautiful is internationally and how incestuous that show often is, this is probably an intentional move. Plus, Ava being killed off with no kid reveal makes no sense.

Also: Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!

Loved Mar and Belle today. Great acting there.

How would Ava's demon seed be anywhere near Joey's age. Steve had not seen Ava for 8-10 years before the evil one manifested in Salem? Kayla was pregnant when the creature showed up and at no point during her initial incarnation was Ava pregnant. If they go with this or the speculated Chase as the hell spawn, and Kayla doesn't dump the lying, cheating, sack of crap that such a reveal would make Steve, becaus how would this be possible sans Steve cheating. Oh I know, it will be another case of his being "forced" to have sex with Ava to "save" Kayla. Kayla would be stupid and pathetic and deserving of all the pain and humiliation Steve cause her.

Loved Marlena today.

Edited by Happytobehere
  • Love 3

Marlena was awesome, I also really liked Hope and Ciara (and Theo and Claire.) Claire is a really good friend to Ciara, but has she called Hope "grandma" yet? I think either she or Theo referred to her as Claire's grandmother in conversation today, but it would be nice to see the two of them recognize it.

I think the show realized how foolhardy it was to age Claire so fast. She should have remained a kid along with Chase, Joey and Ciara. The show should have focused on Shawn and Belle as a unit and as individuals...However, Theo should have been aged with JJ years ago. He was born before JJ. I feel cheated that Steve did not get to raise at least one of his children to adulthood. After losing Jack and Adrienne  as a kid and being placed in an orphanage by his mother Jo . An event  that haunted him all of his life.   I think it was very cruel of the writers to rob us of that...

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 2

My two cents worth is that Jade also reminded me of Ava.


Teens do like the dramatic, the hyperbole. A certain mindset might think it's cool that someone says he's good at killing people. Especially one who plays a lot of videogames/first person shooter games.


Not news that underage kids drink alcohol if it's available.


Did Marlena pack her bag, take her wallet, keys, etc. when she left the condo?

Heh, Marlena reminded me of my own beloved but deceased mother, who was warm and gentle about 99% of the time -- until you tried to stop her from doing something she wanted or thought she should do. And even in her frail early 90s, she could shut me down with a look when I tried to cajole her into something she didn't want to do. She was as loving and as strong as they come. Thanks for the remembrance, show : )


I, too, wonder why Claire is never played to as Hope's granddaughter. I found Ciera both hit and miss yesterday -- but ultimately, there's a self-consciousness in the actress that I have a hard time getting past. I'm rooting for her, though, as I think the actress was thrown into some heavy material from the get-go. But Joey -- is the actor intentionally playing him as dumb as rocks?

  • Love 4

I actually forgot that Claire was Hope's granddaughter. Hope didn't acknowledge it and treated Claire like she was just another girlfriend of Ciera's. I'm assuming they think it's bad enough that KA is playing a mother to an actress of Ciera's age but add a granddaughter was too much. LOL!!! That said, it was so strange that Claire acted like she wasn't related to Hope. Maybe, that's why the writers are canning Brandon Beemer & Martha Madison.

Edited by ByaNose
  • Love 3

Whoever suggested the theory that Jade might be Ava and Steve's long lost daughter was right on the money. I haven't paid any attention to her but today the actress was channeling Ava 150%, right down to lowering her head and saying she likes Joey's noir side.

Brace yourselves people - Joey just got kissed by his sis.

The music supported it, his lack of smile supported it....and frdnkly, given how popular The Bold and the Beautiful is internationally and how incestuous that show often is, this is probably an intentional move. Plus, Ava being killed off with no kid reveal makes no sense.

Also: Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!

Loved Mar and Belle today. Great acting there.

That was me, and I agree with you!

Yeah - go Drake! You're still a badass after all these years :)

Crazy to think that two years ago all his scenes were in a hospital bed looking old and frail. He rocked these episodes.

The takedown was all a bit Swiss Cheese-y, with the cell phone in front of the camera bit being especially silly. I figured Steve would patch (*snicker*) the cell phone into the security feed....not dangle a cam pic in front of it.

Yo Ling got too much focus too fast, but the actor really rocked it.

Mar was hilarious and bad as a commando.

Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 5

Steve and Rafe are on the case!

DingALing wants John to keep up his strength.

Steve and Rafe are trying to figure out DingALing's alliance.

DingALing brings Paul into "the chair".

Dario pays Eduardo a visit. He has questions for him.

John is still struggling to break free.

Steve and Rafe are devising a plan.

(The men are getting a lot of macho action in today's episode. The women and gay men might enjoy seeing sexy guys with balls).

John is free.

Steve/Rafe still working.

DingALing says Paul will be a man again and he will show him the way. DingALing speaks in Chinese. Subtitles!!!

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 1

After watching the horrid Y&R I'm in the mood to be positive so I'll say that I liked the actions scenes today, even if some of them were cheesy, and all of the actors seemed to enjoy themselves. 


It's unfortunate that both of John's bio parents are trash.


Maybe being brainwashed will make Sparkle less bland and annoying. 

  • Love 8

After watching the horrid Y&R I'm in the mood to be positive so I'll say that I liked the actions scenes today, even if some of them were cheesy, and all of the actors seemed to enjoy themselves. 


I agree.  It was cheesy at times, but good cheesy. LOL.  And at least it was bright enough to see what was going on.  I was impressed that John was able to carry Paul. I kept wondering if there was a stunt double there that we couldn't see.  Good ending with Rafe's mother.  I even read she'd been kidnapped and knew today was her first episode, but was so wrapped up in the show I forgot to wonder about her. 


I'm really rather impressed by how well the plots have flowed these last three weeks. I really liked today's episode...good balancing of the Yo Ling stuff and the Dario/Ed scenes to show one man's remorse versus another's lack of any.


I'm liking the flow of the story with John and Eduardo.  And I didn't even like Eduardo when he first showed up, so kudos to the actor/writers for a good job integrating him into the flow of the show.   Dario, on the other hand, I've gone from liking him when he was in LA to disliking him now.  Maybe that's what they wanted to happen.


I've also been enjoying Rafe again now that he's no longer in every scene with Hope and they seem to have dropped the forced romance between them.

  • Love 5

In all the years Rafe has been on the show, not a single showrunners has found a way to make him interesting. Even SN who manages to make JL look semi-competent couldn't do anything with GG. I mean GG literally got shown up in every way by three senior citizens. I just don't get the secret behind his staying power. Pretty only goes so far. I mean DH who also brought the pretty, is not the best actor, but the number of people he works well with is substantial and he was pretty damn good as Roman (he's my favorite Roman, well he's tied with WN, because of how well he interacted with the rest of the Bradys, Abe, how awesome he was with Carrie, etc).

I think this storyline has been good for both the DHrs. Even Belle was effective in her fright over both of her parents. John was especially good today. Making things even better was Marlena being all badass. That's the Doc I know and love. Steve even got to be reminscient of the Steve I grew to know and love.

Today gives me hope that if the BlackPatch angle hasn't been dropped, it could actually provide interesting stories in the future. Don't remind me that this is Days and the writers who thought that pairing up are probably long gone or have simply forgotten this idea as is par for the course with this show.

Only thing I that failed to hold my attention was the extended Hernandez Family drama.

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Temporarily I'm sure...just guessing but I expect them to be coupling by June. It would be a miracle if the show dropped it altogether but they won't, not with Rafe getting more focus now that his family is around...


Hopefully it's permanent, but I guess they will need someone for Rafe. Should have kept Jordan around. They were a couple when I first started watching again, and I liked them together.

  • Love 3

I actually loved today.  Yes it was a little cheesy - and a part of me was anticipating Yo Ling throwing a smoke bomb on the ground and then disappearing - but Drake Hogestyn, Stephen Nichols and Dee Hall looked like they were having a blast.  I love that this story featured action and the vets.  More, please!


Poor John.  He finally finds out about his beginnings and that his father is a creepy zealot of gargantuan proportions, but still doesn't have the answers he needs.


Dario not letting Eduardo off the hook was also good. 

  • Love 6

Today was good, wasn't it? And somebody finally found the light switch, too - we could actually see what was going on.

I loved Marlena staring down the boy band and letting them know in no uncertain terms she wasn't going anywhere. When Steve said, "At least don't shoot me" and she responded with "Don't tempt me", I cheered. The boys haven't done so well so they needn't be such pricks. Rafe, though, it seems just can't help but sound like one whenever anyone tells him 'no'.

I don't mind him at times, but when his spoiled, petulant brat side comes out I just wish someone would send him to his room.

Now Momma Hernandez is in town, too? While Rafe isn't at the top of my list, the rest of the Hernandez clan - Gabi, Dario and Eduardo, are fine with me. I wonder how Momma will fit in to it all? Part of me resents Show not bringing back any number of long-term female characters of a certain age and instead bringing on Momma Hernandez, but I am happy that we're getting a new cast member who is an actual adult.

Which reminds me of how much I miss Kassie de Paiva.....and all the missed opportunities with that oh-so-excellent actress. Damn.

I think Marlena was being kind when she said it didn't take much to brainwash some people. I suspect all Paul needed was a quick hand wash to make his brain sparkly clean and empty.

Poor Jawn. He finally met his father and he didn't even get a lousy teeshirt.

Edited by boes
  • Love 7

I was wondering where Marlena was when Steve and Rafe were at the PD and it seemed they had come back from somewhere that hadn't worked out, since she had been all adamant about coming along. So it was awesome when she showed up. And then clocked that guy and the looks she and Steve exchanged were priceless. GO MARLENA!!

  • Love 4

It was fun but I don't find a half hour of grunting Jawn to be entertaining, or twitchy Paul. Yes, he's even more stupid than Brady. He was born to play brainwashed and lift weights.


  Steve was more than fun, go Steve!  Mar's facial expressions too.  Dario has completely lost me to boredom.  I really felt the dark room didn't help me become interested, nor the facial hair. Hong Kong Phooey made Jawn step up his acting.  I think most of you read the article where he said he was going to give the actor advice?  lmao. But at least he wiped that disgusting foam out of his mouth. Jawn got an acting lesson.  I guess they were trying to soften his assassin ways with noble reasons?  The makeup was Dr. Phibes cool.  


The lighting seems like there are simply spotlights that shine on their heads and shoulders. Even the well lit sound stage scenes.  Poor Steve, they had dim Rafe figure out that wait, they never left the building so MAYBE THEY'RE STILL THERE! At least they explained the blueprints were pulled out earlier and didn't just magically appear. Cleaning the desk off before they ran off like Batman and Robin was funny though.  People don't even shut doors in Salem.


I can't believe Jawn at his age still feels badly about his parents. 

Edited by QuelleC
  • Love 3

Yes, a really good one yesterday. And #fistpump/rockhorns for the old folks! Steve was in his glory and John showed up the younguns for sure the way he carried Paul around like a sack of potatoes. Rafe, unfortunately, was just there like he always is. And I like Rafe, honestly, but it was a bit weird to hear him calling out "mommy" like that. 'Mama' would have sufficed and somehow made it less lame. But whatevs : )


Not feeling Dario at all. Unless he becomes a more layered character, he's just FF material. I am interested in seeing Eduardo have more to do now that they've given him some plot to latch onto. 


And that's a wrap. I want to get back to the fun stuff. 

  • Love 3

Marlena Evans was so awesome..She was in character and she reminded us why she has always been beloved by the fans.. Marlena is an intellectual, but she is not afraid to fight dirty and get in the action when it comes to her family..She and John fell in love with each other on the run from Victor and his goons, when she thought he was the guy who killed her husband Roman.  She felt a connection to him and  was helping him, and instead of staying away like he asked her to  and that is why the reveal that he was indeed Roman so damn special....

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 7

Some observations of recent Days:


So glad they wrapped up the character of Ding-a-Ling/Wang Chung/Chow Mein/Rama-Lama-Ding-Dong-- At least we finally know who John's family was, his past, why it happened.  That has been playing out for decades, he has his answers.  I laughed that the only child of John's that Rama-Lama-Ding-Dong chose was Paul.  Maybe because Dim-Sum was pretending to be Asian and Paul is partly of Asian decent.  But I figured it was more that Paul was the best choice out of the idiot children that John has.  Belle is female and I'm sure that Chow Mein didn't want the "girl child" to carry on his missions.  Then there's Brady...sure he just had heart surgery, but more than that Brady is just a moron.  Hard to brain-wash the brain-less!


I think that the thing about Joey that bugs me the most is that constant loud whiny tone that he says everything in.  It's like a whiny child having a tantrum, only he is in his upper teens.  He yells and whines everything.  I have never seen this young man be anything but whiny, loud and dramatic.  Ugh.  Shut up!  Throw his ass in juvie.  


I have noticed how much Jade resembles Ava.  She's as weird as her too.  I could see her being "the child".  Ugh though.  Jade and Ava both have the duck-face thing going on.


Roman is the worst.  Must be nice to have a police commissioner that chooses nepotism over the law.  There have been two murders in his town and because they were family, he has turned a blind eye to it, knowing that they happened and who did them.  The law is the law here, buddy.  If he doesn't like you, you pay the crime.  If he does like you, you can murder someone and walk free.  he'll even let an innocent person take the fall for you, knowing that they didn't.  He is so corrupt.  The Salem PD and most of their cops are corrupt.  I so want them to be brought down just out of principal.


I'm sick of the teens.  I just don't like nu-Ciara.  I don't feel for her.  I don't especially like any of them at this point.  The only one I liked and cheered on they decided to make a rapist and cart away.  That whole plot was a bad decision and a waste of a good actor and character.  Yuck!

  • Love 6

Dee Hall gets to be a bad ass!  That was fun.


While Jordi Vilasuso was real nice to look at on GL, his acting skills were minimal.  The only reason I liked "Tony" was because JV worked as a lovable, pretty moron.  Not sure I'm going to feel the same about Dario.  


Sitting through the ramblings of Yo Ling Ding Dong was a chore.  Glad that's over.  

  • Love 4

I was giggling like an idiot at Paul when he was sitting at the floor coming out of his brainwashing haze with that befuddled look on his face. Kinda of reminded me of Flick from A Christmas Story when he had his tongue all bandaged up after ripping it from the icy pole. If I were him, I'd forget I'd ever met John and leave Salem.


I know this could get tomatoes thrown my way for saying this but I'm curious about what's going on with Abigail. Is she really losing her mind or is Chad setting her up or was Ben really in her closet shredding up her unmentionables?

  • Love 4

The action and adventure scenes were damn amusing--Jack Bauer would be proud of John's killing moves--but I'm kind of glad it's over.


I liked seeing all of these gorgeously dark haired Hernandez family hanging out and acting like a group of people raised together do and little Ari is still as cute as ever :)


I loved how pissed off Abby looked that neither Chad or JJ automatically believed her ass about Ben and I especially loved that JJ mentioned that there wasn't any physical evidence to link Ben to the nightgown shredding--dear sweet Abs does not like being questioned does she?

Edited by kitmerlot1213
  • Love 9
Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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