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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

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It was a good episode today. I just wished that they had shown a flashback of Roman and Stefano facing off at the beach and with Bo finding his lifeless body and Bo's soliloquies about his love for his big brother. That scene guts me every time that I see it. Siblings sometimes have complex relationships with one another and the Bo/Roman dynamic was so complex and so true to life and not outlandish as sibling relationships are now common on soaps. The writers back then knew how to write complex relationships with complex people. I do think it was a bit insensitive of Jarlena to be pawing each other in front of Roman, given that Roman lost the love of his wife and precious time with his children because of the Phoenix. It was so good to see Joe Mascolo again. There will never be another memorable villain like him..

  • Love 7

I agree! I enjoyed it. Victor was being a douche though.

He was great. Victor was definitely in character. Jabbing away and throwing shade. John Aniston's humor is top notch.

Oh the last week and half of episodes only just proves you all Higley shouldn't had never been asked back to Days. She would had never done this for Stefano at all.

Beth Milstein gets the characters and the history. It still so frustrating she's only on for temporary.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 4

Good episode.  I would have liked more flashbacks, but even if the whole show had been flashbacks, I would probably have still thought they left something out.  I did think it odd that there were no flashbacks with Bo and Hope, since she was the one who killed Stefano, and since I missed so many years, I needed reminders of what Stefano did to them.


But loved seeing Lexie.  And younger John and Marlena, and Stefano.  Thought it was funny John and Marlena going on about their great love with faux-Roman sitting across the table.  


Loved Hope's vision of ghost Stefano.  And thought the end with Stefano orchestrating was great.


I read over on the other forum that this episode was taped in October, so it must have been an afterthought.  Also explains why it was still the night of the storm, when the storm ended and morning came on yesterday's episode.  So bravo to whomever decided to put this episode together.

  • Love 3

I liked this episode a lot, firstly, because I am not a long time viewer so really don't know the history, especially the 80s and 90s.  I agree some Hope and Bo stuff would have been great and linked to the current storyline.  But I enjoyed the flashbacks and stories, cause it explained a number of things for me.  I know I can read pages of stuff at wiki, but this is better.  Other than Sami, I was wondering who else should have been there?  Kayla? Rafe?  Carrie?


And didn't Victor suspect that Stefano had Sonny stabbed?  


I also liked the pouring of the whiskey and multiple toasts to his demise.  Well played, Show.

  • Love 3

I was so scared of Stefano in the early eighties. I can remember being around 8 and he was so menacing. I wish there were more flashbacks today, especially highlighting his kids (Renee, who I loved, and Megan) and definitely when he "killed" Roman on the cliff. That scene terrified little girl me. He really brought the villainy. Wish today was just more grand, but I enjoyed some of it.

  • Love 3

We are asked to suspend disbelief for so much that I don't see why we could not accept seeing flashbacks of WN as Roman. I think GH did this when Lila died. The terribly miscast Jed Allen was playing Edward at the time, but they showed scenes of Lila with both the previous Edwards, which was good since there was so much history there and none with JA.

  • Love 3

I loved the Lexie flashback and the mention of how Theo would be hurt by his granfather's demise.

Great to see John and Marlena reminiscing and the ending with JM playing maestro.

Sadly moments like this only serve to highlight what a horrible miscast Josh Taylor is/was/and will always be. He simply does not got the part.

  • Love 5

We are asked to suspend disbelief for so much that I don't see why we could not accept seeing flashbacks of WN as Roman. I think GH did this when Lila died. The terribly miscast Jed Allen was playing Edward at the time, but they showed scenes of Lila with both the previous Edwards, which was good since there was so much history there and none with JA.


GH did a special Carly day where they had all three Carlys on the same show (including Tamara Braun).

  • Love 2

We are asked to suspend disbelief for so much that I don't see why we could not accept seeing flashbacks of WN as Roman. I think GH did this when Lila died. The terribly miscast Jed Allen was playing Edward at the time, but they showed scenes of Lila with both the previous Edwards, which was good since there was so much history there and none with JA.


I loved the Lexie flashback and the mention of how Theo would be hurt by his granfather's demise.

Great to see John and Marlena reminiscing and the ending with JM playing maestro.

Sadly moments like this only serve to highlight what a horrible miscast Josh Taylor is/was/and will always be. He simply does not got the part.

It's hilarious that we're sitting watching Josh Taylor pretend to be Roman, but they wouldn't show Wayne Northrop flashbacks. We get it, we're all in on it. Maybe they were afraid to remind us how great the show used to be.

Josh Taylor plays Roman like a dumb shmuck.

  • Love 7

Well, is Roman written as anything more than Marlena's ex hubby cop who isn't as verile as Jawn?

I'd agree that he was bad in the role if he was dragging down the scripts. But today was the most dialogue I've heard him say in a single episode in the last five years...

They didn't want to write for Roman when they brought him back as Kristen's prop. They wanted to keep Jawn as The Guy. Not Josh's fault in the least.

Heck, I can't think of a single extended scene between him and his son Eric since he became a priest, got raped, lost his vocation, hooked up with Serena, lost Serena and then became an alcoholic. There were plenty of opportunities but again...the writers don't want Roman in the show much. So he isn't.

...not that I love Josh in the role either.

Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 4

I loved the Lexie flashback and the mention of how Theo would be hurt by his granfather's demise.

Great to see John and Marlena reminiscing and the ending with JM playing maestro.

Sadly moments like this only serve to highlight what a horrible miscast Josh Taylor is/was/and will always be. He simply does not got the part.



I watched some Days spoof videos online so now everytime I see JM I expect him to do his "ha ha" chuckle he often did punctuating each line.

I liked the group shot around the table as they spoke it reminded me something.

Love Kate, love that blue streak, and not taking Victor's guff. Wish Sami was there.


I loved today's Show.  It was a proper sendoff to a premier villian.  To have had people sitting around remembering the good times with Stefano - all three minutes of them - would have been so false and an insult to a very scary and constant bad guy.  I loved the flashbacks, only wanted more.

And how cool that both Peter AND Benjy were mentioned!  Usually Show seems to forget they ever existed.  


I liked Kate's take on Stefano, her recognizing that in a limited and not very savory way, she and Stefano at the very least had some understanding of each other.  I'm also glad she called out Victor on forgetting what Stefano did to Philip, although it begged the question as to why SHE did, too.


A table full of vets, remembering the glory days!  It does not get any better than that.  

Say what you will about Days, it's managed to hold on to more vets than most of the other soaps did these past 15 years, and kept at least a sense of intact intergenerational families.  


After watching this group of pros at work, it makes me remember even more fully how good we had it for so long.

  • Love 13

I remember some of the glory days.


The Irish Whiskey must have been pretty potent after 25 years to get half the people around the table almost drunk after one glass. The bottle isn't that big, so maybe two servings each.


Too bad Hope didn't reminisce about her Princess Gina days. It was a bit disappointing to not see the possessed Marlena flashbacks.


A good episode and a nice touch of Stefano's Wagner love.

  • Love 7

It was good of the show to give Stefano a proper send off, especially because the Hope-Kills-Stefano story has been a bit of a stinkfest.  I suppose I was a little disappointed, as I was hoping we'd get a few more exciting flashbacks.  


Pleased to see Lexi again, and I appreciated how she was able to love a man who was hated by so many.  


Kate's segment was probably the most interesting, as she wasn't able to simply cast Stefano in shades of black or white.  


In a way, Sami showed up for me.  The Alison Sweeney Spinbrush commercial aired right after Marlena almost let it slip that Sami stole Stefano's money.  

  • Love 6

That was a nice send off for Joseph Mascolo. I really wanted to see his early scenes before the character of Stefano became a cariture. He was a good looking guy when he first started which some of the flashbacks showed. It was too bad that they didn't show Wayne Northrop's Roman. I am amazed that ChrisKositchekRomanBrady is still on the show. I guess Ken Corday really likes him because he should have been let go years ago. All in all, it was a neat way to send off an actor & character. I think the cast must have had a great time just sitting around a table and talking for a whole day. Sounds like easy money to me. LOL!!!

  • Love 5

I also enjoyed today with the reminiscing and the flashbacks.  The setting with the storm in the background was great.  I couldn't help but think, though, how much more exciting this whole story would have been as a murder mystery with each of the people at that table as a suspect.  It would have required more set up, and probably more filming around JM's poor health, but it could have been done.  I'd rather have seen Stefano go out differently than he did, but I'm glad JM finally got some respect.  Days does have a wonderful group of vets.


The only part I didn't like was Victor's continual misogynist potshots at Kate.  Fuck off, Victor.


Disneyboy, I don't think it was shown how Marlena found out.  I think John was told at the police station (by Rafe, maybe?).

Edited by Kitty Redstone
  • Love 6

Once again, the Stefano tribute was written by Mark Higley.

I just don't get it... what the hell is wrong with Dena.

Mark can write the hell out of a script.

A table full of vets, remembering the glory days! It does not get any better than that.

Lol the funny thing the table of vet characters had adulters, a hoe, a greek mobster, and crooked cops. Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 3

Well, is Roman written as anything more than Marlena's ex hubby cop who isn't as verile as Jawn?

I'd agree that he was bad in the role if he was dragging down the scripts. But today was the most dialogue I've heard him say in a single episode in the last five years...

They didn't want to write for Roman when they brought him back as Kristen's prop. They wanted to keep Jawn as The Guy. Not Josh's fault in the least.

Heck, I can't think of a single extended scene between him and his son Eric since he became a priest, got raped, lost his vocation, hooked up with Serena, lost Serena and then became an alcoholic. There were plenty of opportunities but again...the writers don't want Roman in the show much. So he isn't.

...not that I love Josh in the role either.

Agree that the writing is horrible and the character is hardly used...but Josh Taylor manages to make anything and everything sound and look like an old time cartoon character is delivering the simplest of lines. Just his manner and presence to me.
  • Love 5


See, in my mind, Stefano deserved at least a couple of these kinds of episodes. We could have had a day where Abe sat down Theo and Lani and explained how Stefano had hurt them and Celeste over the years. I think it mattered to see how Theo would process this...

...and then Brady, Nicole and Theresa could have also discussed the news, with flashes to Kristen or other events younger Brady was present for. I can't believe this but I don't think Theresa had a single scene with Joe M since she joined the show :(

...and Andre remembering/recapping the craziness that was him and Tony, and Stefano's involvement in their lives would have been appreciated, especially since you guys have had to recap so much if it for me!

Jennifer also has her Stefano horror stories (though I'm eternally grateful she wasn't at the Pub!)

I guess I'd just like to see more shockwaves.

Disneyboy, I don't think it was shown how Marlena found out. I think John was told at the police station (by Rafe, maybe?).

Thanks Kitty...but wow. Afterthought much?!? Marlena's reaction to Stefano's death didn't matter enough to write a scene for it? Hmmm...I wonder if it was cut... Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 6

I normally don't let these things bother me, and I admit to two things: 1)I don't much like Caroline and 2)Everyone at that table had the right to celebrate Stefano's death, and I don't begrudge them that, but it seemed weird that Caroline actually gathered them all together to gloat about it. I would have liked an extra episode of each person finding out about it  and then this episode, where they all instinctively gather at the Brady Pub to process and be with one another. A planned celebration just seems above Caroline, even if it was Stefano! 
But, I could not have loved the ending, with Stefano conducting more. I'm going to miss that old bastard.

And, oh, Victor. You're a special kind of slime to have me feeling badly for Kate. I cringe every time they throw Kate's prostitution in her face like he did, and like he does with Nicole's porn past. Exploiting women isn't all that funny, Victor.

  • Love 9

I normally don't let these things bother me, and I admit to two things: 1)I don't much like Caroline and 2)Everyone at that table had the right to celebrate Stefano's death, and I don't begrudge them that, but it seemed weird that Caroline actually gathered them all together to gloat about it. I would have liked an extra episode of each person finding out about it and then this episode, where they all instinctively gather at the Brady Pub to process and be with one another. A planned celebration just seems above Caroline, even if it was Stefano!

But, I could not have loved the ending, with Stefano conducting more. I'm going to miss that old bastard.

And, oh, Victor. You're a special kind of slime to have me feeling badly for Kate. I cringe every time they throw Kate's prostitution in her face like he did, and like he does with Nicole's porn past. Exploiting women isn't all that funny, Victor.

We are on the same page. Although, I keep hearing that this episode was an afterthought and spliced in...is that true? Was this episode made because they originally had no intention of eulogizing Stefano?

Also, I distinctly remember Dr Mike touching Fauxman's bandages and saying he had been through surgery when Kristen wheeled him in to Jawn and Marlena's wedding. So isn't this Roman the result of plastic/reconstructive surgery? And therefore couldn't they use clips of Wayne's Roman without it being jarring?

  • Love 5

And, oh, Victor. You're a special kind of slime to have me feeling badly for Kate. I cringe every time they throw Kate's prostitution in her face like he did, and like he does with Nicole's porn past. Exploiting women isn't all that funny, Victor.


Especially when we all know that he used to regularly have sex with a prostitute (Kimberly) so it's not like he has the moral higher ground here.


In today's episode, I actually liked the Abby/Theresa scene--Abby seemed almost normal and I especially liked her shock at Brady's letting Summer stay in Brady and Theresa's home where their baby is.  And she killed me with her "Well you have to tell me now"--I guess Abs loves gossip like the next girl :):)  Of course that doesn't stop me from cackling with glee that she got a weird phone call from a blocked number--I know I'm really looking forward to whatever Ben has planned for Abby :):)


So Summer is a klepto?  How original--NOT!!  And Maggie didn't have a magical "My missing egg baby" moment when she and Summer ran into each other, but Summer did get a new pair of earrings.


I like Belle when she's in the role of "Competent Lawyer" and not salivating over Phillip and ignoring her kid.  Competent Lawyer Belle can stay.

  • Love 7

I won't see the ep until I get home from work this evening.


Why would anyone bring a stranger to stay in to one's home? Yes, Brady, you may have Daniel's physical heart but surely (since you can afford the use of a private plane) you can afford to get her a room at the Salem Inn. Maybe the Salem Brain is on vacation this week or has simply moved to another city.

  • Love 4

So Stephanie gets mentioned.  I doubt if she'll show up, even if her father is going to be tried for murder.


Is this the first time Steve and Adrienne have been in the same scene since Steve came back?


Uhoh, I thought I liked Jade, but not if she likes getting high.


How long does it take to make a wedding dress?  And what is left to do after what we saw last week?


Why is Abigail wearing a shapeless gray sack?


If they're going to keep showing Justin to be an asshole, I wish they would just write him out.


Damn, Theresa.  "I guess you don't know what it's like to have a family."  That was cold.


I guess Steve was breaking into Ava's hotel room there at the end?  It was too dark to see what was going on. And haven't the police already checked out her room? What did he find?

  • Love 4

Is Brady Black the official new dumbass in Salem... or shit he's never stopped being a dumbass... I dont care what writing regime (besides Tom Langan).


He has that much trust in that hes going to move Summer Eve into his home with Theresa and the baby...

No background check, yall... With all that Kiriakis and Black coin

Ok if Summer turns into the Craigslist Killer I wont feel one big sorry for Brady or Daniel or Braniel!

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 7

Just when I thought Brady had officially passed the baton of town moron to Joey, he shows he still wears the gold crown.

I do not like this Taniel lives on storyline or the fact that it has brought Marie Wilson back onto my television.

So Steve mentions Stephanie and further reminds us of what happens when characters who should be on-screen are nowhere to be found. So the plan is for Kayla to lie to Stephanie about this situation. Mmmokay, so is Kayla the only person in Salem Stephanie communicates with? Does Stephanie not speak with her wracked with guilt and unable to keep a secret, cause see first line of post, dimwit of a brother? Wherever Stephanie is, do they not have a magical invention called the internet where you can read about news from the town where your family is? Will Steve's arrest for killing the daughter of a mob boss who fled from the murder trial of Stephanie's grandfather and who was hospitalized at the facility her mother runs and who SWMNBN had just accused on trying to murder her not be deemed newsworthy?

They had Adrienne come on screen for literally a minute, never to be seen or heard from again. What was the point of that? Did she come to the precinct with Justin or was their simultaneous arrival a coincidence?

Belle seems awfully cocky. Does she know about the sex video, which could alter people's perception of the motive behind the killing? I know Justin will somehow get ahold of it and have a field day. Oh Belle, FYI, I know you exist in Salem, but in the real world, if Steve committed the crime he admitted to, he most definitely deserves to go to jail. Self-defense doesn't apply to something someone might do in the future (even if SWMNBN went through with the plan to accuse Kayla of attempted murder, Kayla had credibility, skank's history, and the fact that she actually revived and called the ambulance to save the skank, something someone trying to kill the creature would most definitely would not do, on her side). At the time of her death, the only people SWMNBN was an imminent threat to were the hospital staff who were being subjected to her delightful personality. The pulling of the alarm to get rid of the officer and cause confusion among the hospital staff smacks of premeditation. The subsequent cover-up doesn't help matters either (because the story is already unraveling, as Roman, John and strangely enough even Justin seem to be leery of the story being told) . Steve (really Joey) most definitely should be convicted for the crime. I wonder if the show figures between SWMNBN's evil and Joey's mind-numbing level of stupid, viewers will just accept and move past his murder and forgive the dim bulb, chalking his actions up to a necessary public service. Also, going back to SWMNBN status as the daughter of a mob boss, you mean to tell me there is no one with ties/loyalty to skank or her father who will come seeking mob justice for her death? Did everyone who knew skank hate her -- I mean I understand if that is the case, but come on show, common sense would say otherwise.

Hanging with a druggie is the last thing Joey needs. Between the stupid and the drugs, loose lips about the crime cannot be far behind. He turned her down today, but was it simply because of Kayla's text?

Edited by Happytobehere
  • Love 10

I realize that Kayla doesn't want her baby boy to go to prison but the fact that he smothered a woman with a pillow seems like a non-issue.  He held a pillow over another human being's face until she was dead while she kicked, screamed and tried to fight him off!  Are there no emotional consequences to murder?  It's like the only time anything matters to these people is when the script notes call for it, lol.  


At least Hope seems slightly conflicted about killing Stefano.  

  • Love 6

Abigail's clothes reflect her personality.  Drab and boring.


I guess Steve was breaking into Ava's hotel room there at the end?  It was too dark to see what was going on. And haven't the police already checked out her room? What did he find?


He was looking for her diary for some reason.  What he found, however, was a key.


I realize that Kayla doesn't want her baby boy to go to prison but the fact that he smothered a woman with a pillow seems like a non-issue.  He held a pillow over another human being's face until she was dead while she kicked, screamed and tried to fight him off!  Are there no emotional consequences to murder? 


I agree.  Ava was a horrible person but it's hard to feel sorry for the guy who smothered her to death.  Kayla and Steve should be worried about what they raised there.  What's Joey going to do the next time he's drunk and angry and wants to make someone pay?  This story is every bit as awful as Ciara's rape by Chase. 

  • Love 12

Brady, aka Town Moron, did not have to bring Summer's Eve to town. A simple swab of DNA would have sufficed, along with an objective test at a reputable clinic. You know nothing of this woman and her motives or anything. She may know Dr. Taniel perfectly well and be a grifter. Although Teresa's motives may be questionable, she had every business to accommodate Summer at a hotel.


JJ, you should have told your sister about her ex being on the loose.

  • Love 4

I agree.  Ava was a horrible person but it's hard to feel sorry for the guy who smothered her to death.  Kayla and Steve should be worried about what they raised there.  What's Joey going to do the next time he's drunk and angry and wants to make someone pay?  This story is every bit as awful as Ciara's rape by Chase. 


And right when they're introducing him a love interest, too.  Jade may be a pothead and a burnout, but she's the one I'm worried for when they're in scenes together.

  • Love 2



I agree.  Ava was a horrible person but it's hard to feel sorry for the guy who smothered her to death.  Kayla and Steve should be worried about what they raised there.  What's Joey going to do the next time he's drunk and angry and wants to make someone pay?  This story is every bit as awful as Ciara's rape by Chase.

I agree, and for me that's why these two stories are awful. I don't care how the show chooses to spin it, for instance, some last minute reveal that something other than Joey killed Ava. Joey made a decision to kill another human being in cold blood, he planned the pulling of the alarm to gain access to her, so they can't claim it was a spontaneous act. Hearing her beg and scream and fight had no impact on him. Joey is seriously disturbed as is Chase (I don't think it's a coincidence that both boys wound up violating/killing women who rebuffed their advances) and I can't see either character in a wholly positive light ever again. One is a rapist and a stalker, the other is a killer; neither is a good person worthy of escaping punishment for their heinous crimes based on age or sympathy (and anyone who has read my posts knows how much I love Kayla and Steve/Kayla, but they are wrong to protect their little monster). So my question is, why were these characters aged, just to destroy them? Chase I have less of a problem with (not what he did, just with the long-term implications) because he lifts right outfoxed the show. Joey is another story, especially in light of Will's murder and Eric's pending incarceration. It seems like Days is attempting to destroy all the legacy kids in an effort to do what exactly, I'm not sure, perhaps recreate the show in the image of its current runners. But I don't see the long-term gain in what is being done. Add to this, what is happening with Hope and I am left to wonder if the moral of these stories are that everyone in Salem is a sociopath or a psychopath? Perhaps the big reveal will be that their is something in the water that drives these acts, as fans have long speculated.

  • Love 4

They had Adrienne come on screen for literally a minute, never to be seen or heard from again. What was the point of that? Did she come to the precinct with Justin or was their simultaneous arrival a coincidence?


Per the spoiler pics at http://tvsourcemagazine.com/2016/02/days-of-our-lives-spoilers-week-of-february-29-2016/there was also supposed to be a scene of Justin and Adrienne in Justin's office.

The Judi Evans scene was so rushed that she backed right up into Wally Kurth. I'm not sure who missed their mark but it was basically a hit and run. Then she was rushed off the set with Stephen Nichols. I know they don't have much rehearsal time but that was pretty bad. it was like let's get her in and out as fast as possible. Why bother?

  • Love 1

Caro wants to be filled in about Deimos

via Victor.

Deimos talking to someone about the serum on the phone as he lays the family pics on the bed.

Ciara is in bed having a bad dream about

Chase trying to rape her again. She texts him and he's still at his hide out. He ignore the call and calls aunt Sharon. Ciara comes down stairs and Hope comes home talking about coffee. Ciara wants to tell her. Ciara struggling to her but she tries change subject back to Hope. Claire shows up to pick up Ciara for school (Claire still hasn't greeted Hope as "grandma").

Claire isn't buying Ciara's depressing act.

Maggie and Deimos see each other at the square, Maggie trying to read Deimos. Deimos laughs.

Victor tells Caroline about Helena story. Caroline ask Victor if he killed her and framed Deimos for it. Caroline wants to know why he hasn't told Maggie.

Phillip is grilling Belle about using him as a sex object... I mean he's got feelings too yknow

  • Love 1

Why doesn't Hope seem too concerned about Chase leaving?


It's time for them to stop with the rape flashbacks. 


I wish Theor could get more to do. The other teens have their own stories going on while all he spends time with Abe and Lani twice a month and supports Ciara. 


I'm starting to lose interest in Deimos' revenge. All he and Victor do is issue threats but nothing is really happening. The writers need to move things along. 

  • Love 5
Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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