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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

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Eric probably has to use his dick between his hands to pray to god so as to ignore that he has one.  So twisted.  To the extent that he and Abs should take up beds together, family be damned. The whole pie thing.  Really?  Aren't we all over the fact Eeyore might, just might, have a penis?


JJ having Jenn and Failure in his life absolves any kind of guilt on his part for me.  It's Spanking The Monkey levels of abuse by Eve. 


I don't comment on Dan because he sucks except he's been there for JJ  and seems not to be taking all of Mewling's crap.

Edited by QuelleC
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Is it just me or is the Paul/Will/Sonny very poorly written?It's not believeable at all.

Not just you, I think. Paul's motives are clearer than most on this show, but the treatment of Won't's "journalism" career in particular seems contrived and generally wrongheaded. Paul's sense of entitlement over Sonny's life bugs me, and the way the marital conflicts are being ramped up strikes me as, again, contrived, but Christopher Sean's performance is okay, given the material.

Be that as it may, happy 2015, everyone!

Edited by Sandman
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Didn't Lima Bean give up Stanford to come back to JJ? I can't kind of see how that would drive her to want to make things work with him. Eve is also probably so irritating that trying to defy her probably adds some bonus points. 

Paige turned down Stanford because she couldn't pay tuition. I don't doubt that her relationship with JJ made it easier to turn them down, but the bottom line was they had no money.


I think more than anything Ken misses beating that dead horse and recycling ejami plotlines from old scripts. Sure made the so-called writers lives much easier. I am sure if they hadn't left, either Sami or EJ would be hiding a huge secret threatening to ruin their marriage. Rinse and repeat. Ken is also probably missing the zealotry of certain factions the very vocal ejami fanbase. Love them or hate them (I hated them) but ejami was probably the only couple on the show that generated a lot of fervent and passionate debate both for and against. I was exhausted by it so frankly, I was clicking my heels when the announcements of the actors leaving because I couldn't take another rape debate. I don't miss either actor and frankly am resentful that AS has already threatened to come back for special events. LOL!! Ejami also were always clearly the A story and both the actors were the show leads. I don't think anyone on the show now qualifies. However, I will say that with the exception of Abby's airtime, the show feels a lot more balanced without ejami.

I'm enjoying the show so much more without EJ and Sami for the same reasons. So much more! For the first time in years, I'm actually interested in more characters/stories than not. It's nice to see these people in their own stories, not simply reacting to something EJ and Sami did or had done to them. Sonny, for one, has become far more interesting now that he's not on the periphery of a Sami story. Same with Chad and EJ.  I like it. Even with the characters I like who are in a story that I don't (Nicole, Kate), I'm grateful that I'm being spared Sami showing up to yell at them.

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Paige turned down Stanford because she couldn't pay tuition. I don't doubt that her relationship with JJ made it easier to turn them down, but the bottom line was they had no money


Oh, my bad. I saw Eve whining so much about Paige not going to Stanford and trying her hardest to keep Paige away from JJ that I assumed that was the reason for her not going to California. Well, now I'm more confused by Eve than ever. At least the Stanford thing  seemed to give Eve some motivation for acting like a nutcase whose nuttiness would eventually lead her to  accidentally wind up in bed with her daughter's boyfriend. 

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Don't most top tier schools offer great financial aid packages, sometimes even better than "normal" state schools? I feel like Lima Bean would have gotten a significant amount of money in scholarships and grants. She might have had to take out a loan but it probably wouldn't have been anything unmanageable.



Even with the characters I like who are in a story that I don't (Nicole, Kate), I'm grateful that I'm being spared Sami showing up to yell at them.


Kate spent a good portion of her time in Salem trying to destroy Sami and I think both characters benefited from that rivalry.  With Sami gone all Kate does is has sex with a rapist and bitch about Tamiflu. What is Kate going to do when Tamiflu (and hopefully Clyde soon) leave? And Nicole's feud with Sami was more entertaining than watching her act desperate and pathetic over a man once again.


The only people who are getting more screen time with Sami gone are Abifail and Will and Sonny to a somewhat lesser extent. The Will/Sonny/Paul story and Aidan/Hope aren't terrible but the show as a whole is very boring. I don't think Sami (and definitely not EJ) made the show but they got a lot of story and screen time and it's painfully obvious that the writers didn't bother to come up with many plans on how to fill the void. It feels like most of the characters are in a holding pattern until Show slowly figures out what it's going to do.

  • Love 10

It sort of seems like the characters associated with Sami's departure have gotten reduced air-time. Like, I don't even know why John still exists. He shows up randomly and is...then...poof gone. Marlena too doesn't really do much of anything. Shocking, even Rafe seems to be getting less air-time -- not that I really want to see him, but it's a bit jarring to see Ben get more attention than him.


I actually think Kate deserves to be yelled at right now by somebody over her relationship with Clyde, but I'm not even sure if what Clyde did to Jordan will come out. It doesn't seem like Jordan is cluing Kate in. I feel people should give Tammy the benefit of the doubt and believe that Clyde is not good news even without her explicitly saying what's going on, but since Kate is sleeping with a guy who did the same thing to her kids, it's weird that his sins are not coming out in the open.


I know everyone hates Jennifer, but I wouldn't blame her for yelling at Eve just for being Eve. i can't muster any sympathy for Eve. The worst I can say about Jennifer is that she's self-righteous and slightly arrogant at times, but I really don't ever see her sleeping with Abigail's boyfriend (though who would want to, but you know what I mean). See, it's times like these when you've got idiots like Eve running around that Sami's right hook and pie-throwing skills really make for must-see tv.

Edited by bantering
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Not to mention that Brady is her step-uncle.



That's the raggedy Salem TV station (which Victor owns, I believe).


Damn, Paige is a stalker.  Run, JJ, run!


I'm expecting Eric to actually hit Nicole sometime soon.

Trying to follow this, but I think you mean Brady would be Melanie's step-cousin, since John and Lawrence were brothers. Or did you mean Brady was Melanie's uncle in law because of Phillip. Or I guess they would be step-cousins because of Maggie and Victor.  All three are reason enough, despite their years long platonic endearing friendship.

  • Love 1

Kate is getting plenty of grief right now over Clyde (rightfully so), so it's not like Sami doing it would fill a void. And Nicole remains the town pariah (though she needs to make room for Theresa). I didn't like the person that Sami became in the EJ/Rafe era, so personally, I can enjoy those characters, flaws and all, more now that Sami's not around to either 1)hypocritically judge Kate's taste in men or 2)throw Nicole's porn past and/or her inability to have children in her face. Both characters, if (and that's a really, really big IF) the writers think it through just a little bit, have enough back story independent of Sami and are played by good enough actors that both could thrive post-Sami. I don't think mopey Nicole is fun at all, but mopey Nicole + Sami's taunts was worse for me.
I like that Will (who is still an ass) has a story independent of his mom, or EJ, or the love/hate thing he has for both of them.

As for airtime, all I know is the only thing I'm fast forwarding through these days is Ben and Abby and it takes me longer to watch the show now than when I had to FF through Sami and EJ. For that, I'm happy.


In the real world, Paige could have gotten financial aid, could have asked Shane for help, or any number of things. But for some reason, it was all dependent on Eve getting her share of Jack's estate. Eve did twist it around and blame JJ, but the show seemed clear at the time that wasn't what it was about. I wouldn't be surprised if that's been subtly retconned, though. 

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I've seen Chad scold Kate (over something, though I can't remember if it had anything to do with Clyde), but I think Kate may have  started the argument by calling Jordan phony and possibly a slut (I might be confusing conversations, but I vaguely remember being stunned by something Kate said about Jordan). Otherwise, Chad is a pretty cool customer who doesn't really get up in people's faces (for now anyway) unless you strike at him.  Rafe seems more concerned with Chad (which is dumb) and doesn't seem to care that much about what Clyde is up to.  Tammy has been the most upset about the relationship, but no one seems to believe her when she talks about Clyde. Even Abigail seems to want Ben to forgive him. Maybe the story will be retconned to show that Clyde didn't really do anything at all, but I don't think the relationship is inspiring the kind of discord that I would normally expect for such a weird pairing.


Honestly, I feel Kate deserves more scorn. The treatment Kate is getting seems kind of mild in comparison to what she's actually doing. Rate doesn't seem to hate her even though she's been torturing Jordan (and I think I forgot why). 


Although Nicole is being treated badly by Eric, I see that as a deficiency in him as a character  independent of anything to do with Nicole vs. Sami.

Edited by bantering
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They keep putting the characters into bubbles where they only interact with one or two people, and it makes the SLs even worse.


After Brady/Kristen's second non-wedding, Eric, Sami, and Brady were never in the same scene again.  Eric and Brady had scenes with EJ before they had scenes with Sami.  Brady had scenes with Theresa, but Sami had none, and Eric only had a few.  It's bizarre that the writers do this.


At one time, Sami, Nicole, Brady, Rafe and EJ were all up in each other's business, and then poof, they are all in different bubbles.


Now the writers seem to be trying to redo that SL (because God forbid they do something different) with Rafe and Chad, and it makes no sense.  So far, Chad has never done anything as bad or criminal as the majority of the rest of Salem have.  It's not just that as far as Dimeras go, Chad is tame.  It's that almost all the other residents of Salem have done much worse than Chad.

  • Love 6

Don't most top tier schools offer great financial aid packages, sometimes even better than "normal" state schools? I feel like Lima Bean would have gotten a significant amount of money in scholarships and grants. She might have had to take out a loan but it probably wouldn't have been anything unmanageable.

Speaking from personal experience I can say this is correct. It's kinda insulting the writers went this stupid route assuming none of the viewers are Stanford or Ivy grads.

  • Love 4

Speaking from personal experience I can say this is correct. It's kinda insulting the writers went this stupid route assuming none of the viewers are Stanford or Ivy grads.

I thought Shane was loaded, so why are Eve, Theresa and Paige acting like paupers? I'm sure Kim and Shane would pay for Stanford.

And why doesn't Eve get a job if money is such a concern? She should be trying to save so Paige can at least attend next year. Eve has no point. No job, no friends, no relationship outside of this stuff with JJ. I don't see the character lasting very long in the new year if it carries on like this.

If Eve hates Salem so much she can leave.

The other thing I wanted to ask: is Dingy Hippy losing his touch? He operated on Eve and now Paul, and Eve won't sing again and Paul won't pitch the same.

I thought he had achieved almost God-like status on this show, with multiple-board certifications in different specialties.

Maybe the Pimptress needs to sing his praises a bit louder, or she should have joined hands with Paul and prayed before the surgery, like she did when Gabi was dehydrated and had contractions.

I won't be surprised if Paul will be able to play again in the future though.

Edited by 271queenie
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Shane not paying for Paige's tuition is a big elephant in the room, that we are all supposed to ignore.  It absolutely makes no sense that Shane and Kim wouldn't pay for college or that they wouldn't of had a college fund for Paige the minute she was born.  Paige not being able to pay for Stanford and Eve trying to make ends meet is a nice realistic story line but not for grandchildren who have loving rich grandparents.  The writers clearly didn't take the time to think this story line out.


It is almost as bad as Sonny not getting the money he needs from one of his several rich family members, who would all bend over backwards to help him and ask for nothing in return.

  • Love 6

Is Eve completely unable to sing? I don't know why she doesn't do some kind of dinner theatre. A lot of singers also act -- maybe she could try that too. She's too old now to be world famous and if she's dumb enough to sleep with her daughter's boyfriend, I'm now wondering if she ever had that as an aim. There's also auto-tune -- if Taylor Swift can use it, I'm sure no one will mind if Eve does. There a lot of singers on Twitter who aren't famous but use social media as a platform. Why is Eve so useless?


She's also tall and thin -- I'm sure Kate would hire her for something. If Sami and Nicole can get corporate jobs, and Will can be a writer, Eve can probably do something she's completely unqualified for. 

Edited by bantering
  • Love 3


She's also tall and thin -- I'm sure Kate would hire her for something. If Sami and Nicole can get corporate jobs, and Will can be a writer, Eve can probably do something she's completely unqualified for.


She does have experience as a hooker.


Can we hope that Paul sues Daniel for malpractice?

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Eve technically has a job as a saleswoman (selling what, I don't think has been established). She also settled out of court with Jenn over Jack's book, so she now has the money to send Paige to Stanford, especially since she's not paying for her vocal surgery (it would destroy her voice or something).

The current plan is for Paige to spend a year at Salem U, intern at University Hospital, and then transfer to Stanford. Of course, something else will have to come up to keep her in Salem. Or not; the writers will probably just drop the whole thing and send her through the same three week correspondence course that Melanie went through to become a nurse. 


Since Jenn, Daniel has operated on Will, Theresa, and Paul (and Johnny, but let's not go there). All three of whom probably wouldn't turn away the D.

I find it weird that Eve never found JJ good enough for her daughter (before he slept with Eve, I mean). JJ has had a few troubles, but since he comes from an upper-middle-class educated family I figured most families wouldn't mind having him date their daughter. I don't think an upper-middle class kid should be viewed more favourably just because he's upper middle-class, but Eve is always saying how she wants "better" for Paige which makes her argument sound as if it's framed as a bit of a class issue.  If Eve has even higher aspirations, such as hoping that  Paige might marry a Kennedy and hang out in Martha's Vineyard, she'd most likely be dealing with the same problems anyway (but, strangely, more amplified). 


Maybe Eve doesn't want Paige dating anybody whatsoever, but good luck hoping that your 18 year old daughter will fall in line to your wishes when it comes to THAT. I figure Paige  will want to date SOMEBODY. I actually figured most most families wouldn't want their kid dating Paige since her mom was a prostitute (I mean, realistically, people are kind of snobby that way...) whereas JJ would be viewed more favourably since Jennifer is respected in town (people do give more leeway to kids who have gotten into a bit of trouble if the mom is respected the way Jennifer is).  There is the Jack problem of his having been a rapist (and I could see that giving people pause), but I know that's not an issue for Eve since she wanted his money. 

Edited by bantering
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When Eve says she wants "better" for Paige she basically means anyone BUT a kid of Jennifer's.   


I don't see money being an issue since she got that settlement from Jack's estate. 


Theresa isn't getting any money from her folks because it's been implied that they demand she stand on her own two feet after screwing up so much before she came to Salem.  

The only thing that seems out of whack to me is Theresa acting like she didn't grow up in comfortable circumstances when we know she did.  

Edited by boes
  • Love 4

.The other thing I wanted to ask: is Dingy Hippy losing his touch? He operated on Eve and now Paul, and Eve won't sing again and Paul won't pitch the same.


He didn't operate on Eve.  He sent her to another surgeon who told her before her surgery that after looking at some tests there was nothing that could be done for her vocal cords.  

As for losing his touch, it's hard for me to believe he ever had one.

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Ok, maybe the "Paul jammed into Will's life" storyline isn't that bad. Maybe it's the actor who plays Will that is making it awful. Will really is really being played terribly by that Guy WannabeActor.

This show needs some serious new writing and I am never very critical of writing etc. I usually sit back and watch. But this is so bad that even I'm complaining.

That poor Hope/Aiden storyline is also deadweight.

I've watched this show since I was a kid...way back in the late 70's. Sad to see it so directionless.

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When Eve says she wants "better" for Paige she basically means anyone BUT a kid of Jennifer's.

I guess I could  understand that if she wasn't asking for money from Jack's estate (although I don't have a problem with that necessarily if he legally let it happen in the paper-work). But since she has no problem with Jack's money, I figure she wouldn't have a problem with his kid (even if that kid is Jennifer's). I guess it's the contradictoriness of the principle Eve is trying to espouse that I don't get. 


Edited to add:

I'll admit I'm thinking way too hard about this (as usual, probably), but since nothing Eve does really makes sense to me (except for the part where she did ask for money from Jack's estate since she seemed to be legally entitled to it) I have to think about it hard!

Edited by bantering
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So if they become a couple this leaves Teresa where?  Really thought the endgame was Teresa and Brady.  Now it seems like they barley have any scenes together unless he is yelling at her.


I'm sure Theresa and Brady will get back together at some point after they get their baby.




As if it's not possible for Nicole to do something stupid/illegal without thinking about Eric.


What other reason would Nicole have for breaking into Serena's room?

  • Love 3

Do the writers want us to find Melanie adorable?  she was acting so bizarre with Brady.  So if they become a couple this leaves Teresa where?  Really thought the endgame was Teresa and Brady.  Now it seems like they barley have any scenes together unless he is yelling at her.

Isn't MeLamei on temporarily?  Another bad soap idea.  The reason we're seeing actors with the same people all the time is that they call them in for a couple of days to do a lot of scenes then mix them up later.  That's why there's the same wardrobe for a week.  They can't pay for someone random to drop in, can they. 


(Figured out that the cat changed my keyboard settings to French Belgian.  She's also tried to delete IE twice.)


ETA I recall a scene where Paige was on her phone searching trying to apply for financial aid when she found out, and Eve told her not to.  Besides, it was about a week before the semester started.  I feel sad thinking about the life Bean could be having in Stanford.


I'm filling in a lot of blanks but my understanding was that Eve kept telling her there would be more money soon so don't worry.  I thought she was selling pharmaceuticals and that's why she was traveling   I think she had  reasonably good singing career income and had to take that job when her voice failed.  Oh, and Dan didn't do the surgery.  He refused when Eve practically opened her blouse for his groping pleasure and he said no and get another doctor


No Eve fan here but they've been giving her some good lines.  Today it was about how Frowny Jen would get lines, er, more lines if she kept it up.   

Edited by QuelleC
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What other reason would Nicole have for breaking into Serena's room?

Curiosity about Serena herself, and not about her as an extension of Eric? Not that Nicole didn't act idiotically for doing this, but Eric manages to make every one of Nicole's misdeeds about him, and it seems very arrogantly self-centered of him.

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Ok, maybe the "Paul jammed into Will's life" storyline isn't that bad. Maybe it's the actor who plays Will that is making it awful. Will really is really being played terribly by that Guy WannabeActor.


Wilson always seems so stilted and unnatural that I think must be hard for his scene partners to get anything like a response from him. I imagine it must be like acting opposite a roll of soundproofing insulation.

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The reason we're seeing actors with the same people all the time is that they call them in for a couple of days to do a lot of scenes then mix them up later.  That's why there's the same wardrobe for a week.  They can't pay for someone random to drop in, can they. 


Is that how filming is done these days?  No wonder characters can teleport from the hospital to the park to their home to the pub to California and back in the time it takes for us to watch a couple commercials!

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Heh. Yeah, for someone who is supposed to be so close to both of her cousins, Abigail doesn't really have much of a relationship with either Sonny or Will. Putting Wilson and Mansi in the same scene is like adding dull ingrate to non-entity.

Maybe because Jack isn't around and Abby has been around Will more growing up, but I usually forget that Sonny and she are cousins most of the time.


If we have to put up with Melanie at least throw us a bone and bring back Nicky Alamain, SORASED or de-SORASED version, either will do.  I'll even take Max.  I find both of Melanie's adult brothers far more interesting than I ever found her.

Edited by JBC344
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Well, I have to side with Sneasel on this one. He was nice to ask about the roof issue this time around. I know Sonny was annoyed with him having to leave to do more interviewing, but they are broke because of Sonny, and Will needs the work. Plus, if Sonny knew his precious Paul threatened to throw his toys out when Will said it wasn't convenient, I would hope he would be understanding. I think Paul had an ulterior motive for wanting Will to come over. Poor Derrick got dissed and dismissed and poor Sneasel is clueless.

I would complain about Will staying to toast with Paul (though I think Paul didn't give him much of an option), but I think Sonny is off to Paul's hotel room to beg for money for that roof. I wonder what his 2015 resolution is? In fact, I wondered what his 2013 one was since we didn't get to see that one.

Where did Sonny find these contractors from? I have to believe Chad found them and is sabotaging him because otherwise, Sonny is too stupid to live.

LOL at Jawn recognizing Paul. It's kind of fun because Drake is a huge baseball fan (just like GW is), which is something that Drake and Guy have in common with the characters they play. For someone that is supposed to keep a low profile, Paul sure gets around Salem.

Typical that Dingy would be more concerned that Nicole still has feelings for Eric rather than the fact that she broke in to Serena's hotel room. And now Nicole is so desperate, she's chasing him down to beg for forgiveness.

Why did Maxine ask Daniel about why he didn't have plans? On Wednesday, she was asking him to cover and now she's saying she can get someone else? I give up.

I can't deal with Father Boring saying that Serena can press charges of she wants. Yes, it's B and E, and yes, she would have every right to, but if people can cover for Gabi and save Melanie's ass, why does Nicole deserve to be punished? Eric could have shown he still cares for Nicole by asking Serena not to.

As it is, Serena is going to give Nicole a tongue-lashing (which she would deserve), but why can't Nicole grow and stop doing stupid crap? I wish I was backing someone that made a few good choices some of the time. I hate how she gives the 'good' people of Salem ammunition all the time. I do wonder what is in that safe though.

How creepy was Brady telling Melanie that Dan adores her? And how rich of Melanie to say what a terrible person Nicole is when Nicole JUST saved her ass the other day. Looks like Brady will turn on Nicole because of Mel when he was asking Nicole for a favor recently. Eww to the Brady and Mel kiss.

I love how Paige just assumes that whoever JJ slept with is a slut. One, that's your mother you're talking about (jokes on you) and two, JJ was a willing participant. I'm just so glad that they are over, but I know that we have months of angst to get through because JJ's family can't accept that your first 'love' doesn't have to be the only love you get in life.

Lastly, at least they are starting 2015 on a good note for me-no Abby/KM in sight.

Edited by 271queenie
  • Love 5

Sonny is becoming annoying. Considering the fact that he spent all of their money (because he refuses to accept help from his family)  he might want to calm down about Will having to go off to work. At least Will is bringing in an income.


I don't really care that Eric told Serena she could call the cops. Asscole was doing alright for a minute but now she's gone back to being desperate and pathetic and accusing people of stuff without having any proof. And I'm glad Dan threw Asscole out. It's nice to see someone have some self respect...even if it is Dan. Why date Asscole when's she clearly still hung up on Eric. Don't know why Dan and Asscole thought it would be a good idea to get involved with each other again anyway.


What if Paul wants revenge for some reason and that's why he wants to get Sonny away from Will? It's starting to seem like he just wants to have sex with one of them and isn't picky about who it is.

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Where did Sonny find these contractors from? 


I know these contractors.  They must be the same guys who put up three-fourths of my fence and then forgot to come back - didn't forget the check though.  Though they did forget to put in two cement pilings.  

Damn that Chad!  Or should I blame Theresa?


Nah, I'm hanging it all on Abigail.

  • Love 6

LMAO at Paul asking Yawn, "Who the hell is he?" OMG my eyes on RoboMar & Yawn kissing, that was like reading a Stephen King novel.


Dingy demanding Nicole tell him why she was in Shrewena's room, he's so irritating beating his chest, acting like she's some delicate flower. This is what kills me about this overrated douche, he acts so high and mighty and acts like nobody can judge his character, like he didn't like it when Judgy Jenn was upset with him for not telling Eric about Nicole shredding those documents. Yet he can keep judging other people, GTFO. I'm sorry but writers need to stop trying to pair women with Dingy Hippie and get him a parakeet or something. Funny how Dingy tried to slam the door but the door slammed on the back of his foot and didn't slam like it should have LOL. Who the hell tells a visitor to leave your own house and lock up. If I was Nicole I would just walk out with the door wide open.


I do agree with Dingy on one thing and that's Dannifer Pimptress really needs to get her tongue out of Dingy's unwashed hairy ass, I mean damn woman, you heard him just call you and say his plans have changed and he'll come into work. The minute he shows up, she asks him that she thought he had plans. Is she fucking dense?


Toothy is still an annoying bitch, sorry she doesn't need all this air time. Believe me Toothy, many viewers hate you just as much as you hate Nicole.


Lima Bean is just one desperate bitch, JJ should just tell her he fucked Eve just so he can get rid of Lima Bean and move on to someone else and get out of this awful storyline and out of this boring ass relationship with that Lima Bean. I don't feel any sympathy for Lima Bean either, she just comes off whiny, desperate, obsessive, and lame and the fact she was putting her hands on JJ by pushing him tells me, JJ really does need to walk away.


I'm also starting to no longer like JJ anymore not only because how he treated Eve after sleeping with her and acting like it's all her fault that he stuck his dick in her (a Horton trait, blaming other people for one's own actions) but how he treats Rory. Yes, Rory is a bit of an airhead but he doesn't deserve that type of treatment from someone that's suppose to be his friend.


Team Sonny all the way, don't care for Sneasel cause everytime Sonny wants to talk about his problems, Sneasel is ready to jet off. I think that is what's pissing him off about the whole thing. Don't know who Sonny can turn to because Victor sure as hell isn't going to help him, he can't ask Kate because Victor will persuade her not to help so they can get back at Chad. Hell Paul can wait it's nighttime and the story isn't going to be published tomorrow. For Paul to stand there and say he'll give the story to someone else because Sneasel wouldn't come when he beckoned him is just absolutely ridiculous. It's not like Paul has anywhere to go right now. The fact that Sneasel rather toast and have champagne with someone else other than his husband is very telling.


Eric is still a boring ass mess, there's absolutely nobody that can make him interesting. IDK what it is, it's either the writing for him or GV's acting.

Edited by ShadowSixx
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LMAO at Paul asking Yawn, "Who the hell is he?" OMG my eyes on RoboMar & Yawn kissing, that was like reading a Stephen King novel.

Dingy demanding Nicole tell him why she was in Shrewena's room, he's so irritating beating his chest, acting like she's some delicate flower. This is what kills me about this overrated douche, he acts so high and mighty and acts like nobody can judge his character, like he didn't like it when Judgy Jenn was upset with him for not telling Eric about Nicole shredding those documents. Yet he can keep judging other people, GTFO. I'm sorry but writers need to stop trying to pair women with Dingy Hippie and get him a parakeet or something. Funny how Dingy tried to slam the door but the door slammed on the back of his foot and didn't slam like it should have LOL. Who the hell tells a visitor to leave your own house and lock up. If I was Nicole I would just walk out with the door wide open.

I do agree with Dingy on one thing and that's Dannifer Pimptress really needs to get her tongue out of Dingy's unwashed hairy ass, I mean damn woman, you heard him just call you and say his plans have changed and he'll come into work. The minute he shows up, she asks him that she thought he had plans. Is she fucking dense?

Toothy is still an annoying bitch, sorry she doesn't need all this air time. Believe me Toothy, many viewers hate you just as much as you hate Nicole.

Lima Bean is just one desperate bitch, JJ should just tell her he fucked Eve just so he can get rid of Lima Bean and move on to someone else and get out of this awful storyline and out of this boring ass relationship with that Lima Bean. I don't feel any sympathy for Lima Bean either, she just comes off whiny, desperate, obsessive, and lame and the fact she was putting her hands on JJ by pushing him tells me, JJ really does need to walk away.

I'm also starting to no longer like JJ anymore not only because how he treated Eve after sleeping with her and acting like it's all her fault that he stuck his dick in her (a Horton trait, blaming other people for one's own actions) but how he treats Rory. Yes, Rory is a bit of an airhead but he doesn't deserve that type of treatment from someone that's suppose to be his friend.

Team Sonny all the way, don't care for Sneasel cause everytime Sonny wants to talk about his problems, Sneasel is ready to jet off. I think that is what's pissing him off about the whole thing. Don't know who Sonny can turn to because Victor sure as hell isn't going to help him, he can't ask Kate because Victor will persuade her not to help so they can get back at Chad. Hell Paul can wait it's nighttime and the story isn't going to be published tomorrow. For Paul to stand there and say he'll give the story to someone else because Sneasel wouldn't come when he beckoned him is just absolutely ridiculous. It's not like Paul has anywhere to go right now. The fact that Sneasel rather toast and have champagne with someone else other than his husband is very telling.

Eric is still a boring ass mess, there's absolutely nobody that can make him interesting. IDK what it is, it's either the writing for him or GV's acting.

The one thing I hate about this story is Vic's dumb reason for refusing to help, but I suppose Sonny hasn't told him the situation has moved from 'bad investment' to 'can't put food on the table'. Still, where is the scene where Vic asks for an update?

I swear I will scream if Kate and Vic say:'why didn't you come to us?' when the shitpipe bursts.

If Will had been more explicit with RoboMar, I'm sure Jawn could help, but then Sonny might be pissed that Will confided in her.

All roads lead to Paul, I guess. I don't know what Sonny's motive is for seeking Paul out, but if he wants to borrow money, how can you borrow from someone you just rejected? That is so awkward: ' I don't want you, but I will take your money with both hands please'. Ugh.

Edited by 271queenie
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Still, where is the scene where Vic asks for an update?


Where is the scene where Sonny finds some common sense and accepts his parents offer to help? I don't understand how he ended up in this situation in the first place. Why is opening the second club so much more expensive than opening the original one? I'm wondering why every other episode he seems surprised when some new expense comes up. It looks like he didn't plan very well.

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Eric is still a boring ass mess, there's absolutely nobody that can make him interesting. IDK what it is, it's either the writing for him or GV's acting.


I have to agree with this. I like Eric and Serena together, but I don't see that lasting to long. Serena is a firecracker and Eric just don't have much of an edge. He's too STIFF and VANILLA! She'll probably be too much for him to handle. LOL.

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