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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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16 hours ago, norcalgal said:

Nobody ever thought to question this?  Hello, SHAWN?  Somebody??!!

Yes, that was my favorite too.  I esp. loved when Julie ALSO dragged Shawn D. calling him out for sharing his feelings with *Jan* about his wife!!!  Shawn couldn’t talk to Ciara, Roman, Kayla or his mom (who apparently is reachable by phone since Ciara was talking to her in the very same episode!). 

To be fair, Christian has about 3 aliases.  There is also no previous connection between these two characters that would necessarily link them, at least in Shawn's or anyone else's mind. 

Ironically when Jan mentioned the name I did think of Christian,  but not as in a possible father. 

If true I'm definitely disappointed. I actually liked the potential plot of Shawn having a child with Jan. 

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Bored stiff (take the pun or not) of another day of Salem grieves the queen and we haven't even gotten to the funeral yet but laughed my ass off at Jennifer picks out Chad's favorite prairie dress for burial and the Jan flashbacks.   Ron was totally watching cheesy porn when he wrote that pelvic exam turns to desperate sex scene between Jan and Evan. And it kinda looked like Orpheus was working that broom handle a little provocatively. 

Takeaways from today's show:

Orpheus has the Salem Brain.

Belle sounded like a teenager gushing to Chloe about her lady boner for her sister's man.

Shawn is still an idiot. 

Jennifer and Jack should not be surprised their daughter died in the House of Horrors.  

10 hours ago, boes said:

I'm truly thrilled that Ollie and Ciara are going to sail away on a boat!  Seems hard to do since Salem is landlocked, with their only access to water being the River Styx but I don't care, I just want them to sail away for a 3 hour tour ......

The mate was a serial killer man,
The skipper dumb as dirt.
These boneheads all set sail that day
For a three hour tour, a three hour tour.

The weather started getting rough,
The tiny ship was tossed,
The folks left back in Salem Town prayed that
The Cin boat would be lost, the Cin boat would be lost.


May they live unhappily ever after, hopefully on Dimera Island, with nothing but Island Chicken to eat.

❤️⬆️ This must win some Best Post of the Year award! 

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29 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

@boes, there used to be docks in Salem. Maybe the waterway somehow connects to Lake Michigan and there is a route to the Atlantic. Probably easier to put the boat on a trailer and drive to the East Coast, Gulf of Mexico, or to a state on the west coast.

Pine Valley, Pennsylvania, in AMC, was on the ocean.

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2 hours ago, CanaryFan98 said:

Even though I preferred the days when JJ didn't care for Chad their scenes were surprisingly heartfelt(as this story has been a complete dud). 

Squeeeeeee!!!  Yay JJ! If he’s back (semi) permanently, I hope he uses his former cop skills to try and solve his sister’s murder. 
And ditto to the above post. 

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19 minutes ago, norcalgal said:

Squeeeeeee!!!  Yay JJ! If he’s back (semi) permanently, I hope he uses his former cop skills to try and solve his sister’s murder. 
And ditto to the above post. 

I would be surprised if he stuck around after the funeral. I hope he doesn't it only gets worse the longer they stay. I do hope he manages to visit Uncle Steve/Aunt Kayla while he's here though. Doug/Julie would be an added bonus.

JJ fares better than his cousin Shawn though who's totally braindead I'm afraid. I can see Belle reuniting with Shawn after finding out that child isn't his. Then Belle finds out she's pregnant(because EJ is the only other Dimera besides Chad currently that's virile) and doesn't know who the father is. I don't know if she will confess to Shawn what she did or will she try and pass the kid off as Shawn's thus letting him think another kid is his that may not be?

Regardless I wish Shawn would be done with her for good because their relationship is the equivalent of a bully kicking an innocent puppy.

Plus Belle is a better character with every other guy but Shawn.

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3 minutes ago, SouthernChick said:

Shawn is no innocent puppy. The guy has been catering to Jan for months now. Hell, he still is, and Jan is no longer pregnant!

While I agree that's terrible and Belle has valid complaints about him in regards to this particular matter. She's been rather insensitive to the fact he was raped(which this show refuses to acknowledge but that's another issue)

I would probably be more inclined to be on Belle's side if Shawn did willingly cheat on Belle with Jan(at least her sleeping with EJ would be a lot more understandable tbh). Instead she comes across rather badly and if the roles were reversed Shawn would be called every name under the sun(and it would be justified as well).

I just think Shawn loves Belle more than she loves him and she cheats on him repeatedly. He takes her back rinse repeat. Its a toxic relationship nobody wants to acknowledge.

Edited by CanaryFan98
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3 hours ago, CanaryFan98 said:

I just think Shawn loves Belle more than she loves him and she cheats on him repeatedly. He takes her back rinse repeat. Its a toxic relationship nobody wants to acknowledge.

I think Belle sees Shawn as a weak man that she can dominate and it is why she disrespects him so much. Shawn should have walked away from Belle after she fucked Philip on their marital bed next to their daughter's crib. If that is not disrespect then I don't know what is..

Edited by Pearson80
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Hi JJ, long time no see. Hope you only stay for a short time.

Gwen is in jail so she isn't a suspect? Really?

Jack and Jennifer picked that prairie dress for Abs' body to wear until she becomes a skeleton? No nice cocktail dress or chic evening one?

So Orpheus explains it all for us the audience. He knew about Jan, he switched the paternity results, etc. Poor Evan, now being tied to her. And what is this grand plan?

Belle, you sure gave up quick on a long marriage. Surely you know that paternity results in Salem are dubious at best. You could have quietly arranged for a secret test in a nearby town or gone to Chicago or something. It's not really good optics to hook up with your older sister's soon to be ex husband. Salem still remains a bit incestuous as there doesn't seem to be a supply of available dudes. Just reuse and recycle.

Shawn, you continue to be an idiot. Stop catering to Jan Spears. You can visit your baby separately. No visiting her, no bringing her a cheeseburger, no nothing.

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3 hours ago, CanaryFan98 said:

While I agree that's terrible and Belle has valid complaints about him in regards to this particular matter. She's been rather insensitive to the fact he was raped(which this show refuses to acknowledge but that's another issue)

Shawn himself doesn't acknowledge it, so not sure why Belle is held to a different standard. He let Jan run her from her home, he moved her in, he let Jan take her office, he let Jan send her belongings to Dimera Mansion. He's let his rapist live with him, comfort her, take her side, stay by her bedside among so much other things. Shawn made his choices to let Jan play him while everyone else saw through her. 

Even today with her fake Chloe was mean, Shawn caved in 3 seconds and said he'd tell Brady to keep her away.  Jan tried to kill her, almost killed Chloe, framed Belle for murder. Yet Shawn acts like none of that are valid reasons for Belle to react the way she has been. Not to mention he lied for months about having sex with her and never told Belle.

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3 minutes ago, Artsda said:

Not to mention he lied for months about having sex with her and never told Belle.

He was raped.  Unlike EVERY instance where Belle has cheated.

I think Shawn is a total tool and should spit on Jan every time he sees her. Hell, Jan should still be in a prison cell. And Shawn catering to her because of the spawn is ridiculous. But none of this negates the very real fact that this isn't Belle's first rodeo in the cheating extravaganza. And instead of fighting for her marriage, she sure as hell seemed to let it go in a hurry, probably subconsciously glad that she had license to bump uglies with EJ.

If this Jan bullshit didn't cause her to cheat, something else would have.

10 hours ago, RedElf said:

Shawn isn't bright.

Understatement of the millennium.

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Has Billy Flynn been Smile Crying through all of his scenes?  I haven't watched any of them since the day after the murder but it felt like he was trying not to laugh while crying his eyes out today.  

I liked Shawn actually being the father of Jan's baby, and then after all of her efforts things still don't go as she's dreamed about all of this time.  That's how life works, oftentimes.  But OK, it was Orpheus Mustache-Twirling, DNA switching and lies all lies.  Silly me for thinking this ridiculous Show was going to tell a relatively intelligent storyline.  I thought a Be Careful What You Wish For theme would have been interesting.

It does make me chuckle, though, that Orpheus is caught on this Merry-Go-Round of being in prison, plotting an escape, a short-lived stint of freedom, then getting his ass sent back to prison.  I guess there's nothing better to do.   

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15 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Belle, you sure gave up quick on a long marriage. Surely you know that paternity results in Salem are dubious at best. You could have quietly arranged for a secret test in a nearby town or gone to Chicago or something. It's not really good optics to hook up with your older sister's soon to be ex husband. Salem still remains a bit incestuous as there doesn't seem to be a supply of available dudes. Just reuse and recycle.

Shawn, you continue to be an idiot. Stop catering to Jan Spears. You can visit your baby separately. No visiting her, no bringing her a cheeseburger, no nothing.

14 hours ago, Artsda said:

Shawn himself doesn't acknowledge it, so not sure why Belle is held to a different standard. He let Jan run her from her home, he moved her in, he let Jan take her office, he let Jan send her belongings to Dimera Mansion. He's let his rapist live with him, comfort her, take her side, stay by her bedside among so much other things. Shawn made his choices to let Jan play him while everyone else saw through her. 

Even today with her fake Chloe was mean, Shawn caved in 3 seconds and said he'd tell Brady to keep her away.  Jan tried to kill her, almost killed Chloe, framed Belle for murder. Yet Shawn acts like none of that are valid reasons for Belle to react the way she has been. Not to mention he lied for months about having sex with her and never told Belle.

14 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:

He was raped.  Unlike EVERY instance where Belle has cheated.

I think Shawn is a total tool and should spit on Jan every time he sees her. Hell, Jan should still be in a prison cell. And Shawn catering to her because of the spawn is ridiculous. But none of this negates the very real fact that this isn't Belle's first rodeo in the cheating extravaganza. And instead of fighting for her marriage, she sure as hell seemed to let it go in a hurry, probably subconsciously glad that she had license to bump uglies with EJ.

If this Jan bullshit didn't cause her to cheat, something else would have.

I'm conflicted here.  I see the hawt chemistry between Belle and EJ so I want them to have a relationship, but I also see the "but if not for Jan situation", Belle and Shawn might not be where they are now. 

And ITA to those who say that yes, while Shawn was raped by Jan, he seems to bend over backward to accommodate her - even while others are telling him she's using the situation to manipulate him!  And like I posted before, I can understand Shawn getting upset/frustrated with his situation and wanting to talk about it, but he's TALKING TO JAN!  Why doesn't he talk to his hundred million family members?!  Why talk to his rapist and wife's worst enemy who has:

1) kidnapped him in the past;

2) framed his wife for Charlie's murder;

3) held his family at gunpoint at the cheap-ass Shelle wedding in Jarlena's living room;

4)???  didn't Jan do something to Claire?

5)??? other heinous things when the Shelle roles were played by others

7 hours ago, brisbydog said:

Much more creative would have been to make that baby biologically Belle's 

Yes, this would simplify the story, rather than the convoluted eye-rolling plot involving Orpheus/Evan!  

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Orpheus... Talk about a played out character.  When he showed up yesterday, looking like some who's been sleeping in the dumpster behind the Brady Pub longer than Rip Van Winkle, I laughed.  Not much, because the dialogue was too stupid for that, but because Show seems to think that this guy somehow still projects some sort of super evil.  He doesn't.  He just looks like someone who needs a really, really good flea bath.

Show seems not to realize that villians, like heroes, have an expiration date.  And Orpheus exudes less threat than maked down, last chance, supermarket shrimp.

Move the F#$k ON, Show!

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1 hour ago, Swartz said:

Wow, Cady Mclean was really terrible yesterday.   She wasn't this bad on AMC was she? I don't remember but her run as Jennifer really shows how much she over acts. What was she doing in that scene when she was leaving Marlena's house? 

I mostly fast forward the Abigail aftermath but I sometimes catch a few glimpses and yea she is really off lately. I liked her a lot when she first stated playing Jennifer. Maybe she's just having a hard time having to play this particular story out since she doesn't have any history there.

Did we know Theo and Claire were together? He said that and I was like wait what lol. 

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1 hour ago, Swartz said:

Wow, Cady Mclean was really terrible yesterday.   She wasn't this bad on AMC was she? I don't remember but her run as Jennifer really shows how much she over acts. What was she doing in that scene when she was leaving Marlena's house? 

18 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I mostly fast forward the Abigail aftermath but I sometimes catch a few glimpses and yea she is really off lately. I liked her a lot when she first stated playing Jennifer. Maybe she's just having a hard time having to play this particular story out since she doesn't have any history there.

I forgot to post this yesterday but Jennifer BARELY acknowledged JJ - her only son who she hasn't seen in person in forever and a day.  It was only as she/Jack left Marlena's that she acknowledged JJ - and that was just in passing!  😬😕😲

Was that the script?  The director?  In what world does a loving mother barely glance at her son who she hasn't interacted with in person in a looooong time, and especially given the circumstances of them finally seeing each other  (murder of a beloved family member)?!  It's different if there was hate/conflict/tension between the two but it was glaring how this stood out to me.

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I've loved Orpheus since the '80s and he's still my fav, but I wouldn't disagree that he needs a razor and a wardrobe that isn't Walmart's prison line.  GD was fine looking in his younger years and would still be a silver fox if they got the dude out of jail and restored his wealth so he could pull off a decent scheme.  But the problem is that Ron can't write complex suspense stories even though GD hasn't lost the essence of the character after all these years.  It's like he's (GD) still trying but he's stuck with crappy limited stories. There's lots of characters he has good chemistry with so the potential is there. I really wish instead of that stupid Stefano essence story they did for Steve a few years ago that they would have done something where Steve turned bad and teamed up with Orpheus cause SN and GD always worked great together in scenes, even when they were at odds. 

As for Belle and Shawn, this storyline has just made both of them look stupid. So if Orpheus is going to fuck with them, I'm 100% behind it.   I don't think Belle has any romantic chemistry with EJ so if they were going to have her cheat again, then they should have kept Philip around and had her turn to him because at least MM and JKJ have chemistry.  It would have made more sense too than her turning to the man she's shamed her sister for loving all these years. 

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2 hours ago, Swartz said:

Wow, Cady Mclean was really terrible yesterday.   She wasn't this bad on AMC was she? I don't remember but her run as Jennifer really shows how much she over acts. What was she doing in that scene when she was leaving Marlena's house? 

Yes she is terrible. Why didn't Reeves come back. Anyone know?

8 minutes ago, norcalgal said:

I forgot to post this yesterday but Jennifer BARELY acknowledged JJ - her only son who she hasn't seen in person in forever and a day.  It was only as she/Jack left Marlena's that she acknowledged JJ - and that was just in passing!  😬😕😲

Was that the script?  The director?  In what world does a loving mother barely glance at her son who she hasn't interacted with in person in a looooong time, and especially given the circumstances of them finally seeing each other  (murder of a beloved family member)?!  It's different if there was hate/conflict/tension between the two but it was glaring how this stood out to me.

Poor acting choice I think. Or Cady forgot a line. Awkward as hell.

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19 hours ago, Pearson80 said:

I think Belle sees Shawn as a weak man that she can dominate and it is why she disrespects him so much. Shawn should have walked away from Belle after she fucked Philip on their marital bed next to their daughter's crib. If that is not disrespect then I don't know what is..

That's exactly it a better story would be if they went into marital counseling (with someone not named Marlena). and then they realize that what they had is in the past. There's nothing rootable about this pairing in its current state.

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1 hour ago, BuckeyeLou said:

I did not recognize that song that Julie & Doug were singing to the babies...anybody else recognize it?  It did not seem to be a very soothing lullaby, but the "fake" baby quieted down :)

Apparently there's a major controversy associated with it which I didn't know existed. 

(1) Donald Peebles Jr. on Twitter: "@JBB1971 @iamkpsmithsoaps Doug and Julie sang "Kentucky Babe," a 1896 lullaby for Black babies. This is a line with coon in it but it was substituted with baby. Doug sung that line. "Sandman am a comin' to dis little coon of mine" is from the original. Doug substituted it for "little baby of mine" #DAYS" / Twitter

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3 hours ago, norcalgal said:

I forgot to post this yesterday but Jennifer BARELY acknowledged JJ - her only son who she hasn't seen in person in forever and a day.  It was only as she/Jack left Marlena's that she acknowledged JJ - and that was just in passing!  😬😕😲

Was that the script?  The director?  In what world does a loving mother barely glance at her son who she hasn't interacted with in person in a looooong time, and especially given the circumstances of them finally seeing each other  (murder of a beloved family member)?!  It's different if there was hate/conflict/tension between the two but it was glaring how this stood out to me.

I thought Chad asked JJ if he'd been with Jack and Jennifer before coming to Marlena's, and JJ said he had. So JJ and Jen/Jack had their reunion off-screen.

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How does Trask even have her job after arresting Rafe and EJ? The court of public opinion should have already gotten her fired.  She's a horrid person and really bad at her job.

Anytime seeing Doug is sweet. 

Kristen isn't going to try her see kid or brother whose wife was brutally murdered yesterday?  But she can sneak in for Lani? 

Theo is just as bad, Gabi sent the Dimera jet because of Abby. Instead he's going to wedding and enjoying day with Chanel. How about going to see your uncle? Chad and Abby spent a lot of time with Theo as child after Lexie died. Ron writing this all so bad. 

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Why does Trask still have her job? You can't make a deal one hour and then change it the next. The court of public opinion and all these folks showing up to paint TR as a terrible person? Really? Those would be victim impact statements. Why didn't TR's former girlfriend inform Trask that she sought medical care at Salem Hospital? That Dr. Tripp Johnson examined her?

At least Eli had the Salem Brain today and figured out that Susan Banks was Kristen in disguise. Why is she making a special trip to see her friend Lani and not support her brother Chad, whose wife just was murdered? She hasn't pretended to be Susan to see Rachel, her own daughter?

I liked seeing Doug and had no idea of the song controversy.

Theo wants Chanel back? What is so special about her? Sure she's cute, but maybe she wants to be single for a while. Why isn't he spending time with Uncle Jack and Aunt Jenn?

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54 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

What is so special about her?

This so much.  

They need to give a Chanel a break.  She's teetering on being on too much and overexposed.  Theo wants her.  Johnny does too.  And Allie. 

Why couldn't Theo talk to JJ about how he's doing?  Or better yet, Chad.  God forbid, Jack and Jennifer appear more than one day a week, but another day of yet someone else wanting to be with the irresistible Chanel is apparently necessary. 

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3 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Theo wants Chanel back? What is so special about her? Sure she's cute, but maybe she wants to be single for a while. Why isn't he spending time with Uncle Jack and Aunt Jenn?

He doesn't, he was just kidding with her.   He did advise Chanel that maybe she'd be better off dumping both twins than going through all the drama.

He said he's with Claire now and things are great with the two of them.

Edited by boes
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I caught up on a few episodes last night, and I was never so happy to see Julie when she walked into Jan's room.  She didn't yell at either of those morons enough though.  Julie should be letting Shawn have it, ripping him up one side and down the other...

That said, I didn't entirely hate Belle and EJ together.  It was obvious that all of their talking was still going to lead them to bed, but it was the talking afterwards that I didn't need.  NOW Belle feels guilty?  I don't think she felt guilty all the other times.  Also, when she said good night and put on his robe, she was just going down the hall, right?  I think she's still living there for the time being.  That was all pretty dumb.

I won't miss Lani.

I barely recognized JJ.  What was with his voice?

I try not to complain too much about the actors just trying to do their jobs, but sometimes I really can't help it...  FakeJennifer is awful.  As if the prolonged grieving scenes aren't bad enough on their own, she's making them so much worse.  I think this is the longest time that Days has cared about a dead person and drawn out their funeral.  I'm already over it.

People in Salem Hospital go home the next day after a heart transplant or being brain dead - why is Jan still there?

Seeing Victor again was nice.

The whole boat thing sure is happening fast for Ben and Ciara, but I don't care.  The name of the boat is stupid; I was at least a little happy to see that Ciara was expecting it to be called Fancy Face V.  Buh bye!

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11 hours ago, Giuseppe said:

I thought Chad asked JJ if he'd been with Jack and Jennifer before coming to Marlena's, and JJ said he had. So JJ and Jen/Jack had their reunion off-screen.

Ah, then I stand corrected. But if anyone is like me and that verbal exchange passed on by, then the “JJ who?” scene with Jennifer was so off!

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48 minutes ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

The whole boat thing sure is happening fast for Ben and Ciara, but I don't care.  The name of the boat is stupid; I was at least a little happy to see that Ciara was expecting it to be called Fancy Face V.  Buh bye!

Ben getting a happily ever after with a wife and child while his victims never got to live a full life is just plain wrong and it is why the remaining soaps are on life support..

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2 hours ago, Pearson80 said:

Ben getting a happily ever after with a wife and child while his victims never got to live a full life is just plain wrong and it is why the remaining soaps are on life support..

Meh, that's the essence of a soap though.  Seems to happen all the time.  I don't read that much into it and just watch it for all the superficial crap that it is.

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I'm a Sap, but I did get teary-eyed when Eli & Julie were dancing together, it was a lovely scene.  I enjoy Lamon Archey(Eli) and will miss him.  And I thought the scene with Lani & her siblings, Theo & Chanel, was lovely too.  And little Jules & Carver are Adorable!  Sal Stowers tears looked real.  

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40 minutes ago, Peanut6711 said:

Should Sara be driving?  Lord help the poor pedestrian, jogger, dog walker, meter-maid, traffic cop, road construction worker, you name it when Sara hallucinates they are Kristin. 

I am hoping that seeing real Kristen ends the stupid hallucinations. I'm pretty sure Xander thinks she killed Abby though. I spy another annoying red herring plot incoming 

Elani are still boring. Bye!

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2 hours ago, BuckeyeLou said:

I'm a Sap, but I did get teary-eyed when Eli & Julie were dancing together, it was a lovely scene.  I enjoy Lamon Archey(Eli) and will miss him.  And I thought the scene with Lani & her siblings, Theo & Chanel, was lovely too.  And little Jules & Carver are Adorable!  Sal Stowers tears looked real.  

ITA to the bolded. It’s too bad The Pretty will be gone from our screen because Lamon is the hottest guy in daytime tv (imo). Nice send off for Eli and  Lani.  

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Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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