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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

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24 minutes ago, brisbydog said:

So the info it's twins is in the envelope but their doctor doesn't think they need to know this? Does Kayla just not care anymore?

Plus didn't Ciara have an ultrasound done at the hospital in the beginning of her pregnancy (real world doctor offices generally do it around 8 weeks) that would have confirmed the number of fetuses. I distinctly remember my ob/gyn telling me there was just one, not twins. So if Ciara is carrying two (or more), apparently Kayla can't count. 

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Ciara is having a puppy and the devil will turn it in to Cujo?

If she is having twins, her doctor should be monitoring her and she should be told she is having twins. But this is a show. Allie gets to see the contents of the envelope and bake a cake and not tell Chanel - the actual person with baking talent. I can see Allie struggling to get a cake mix together.

Belle can't remember anything about her ten minute stint as the Devil? How odd. Surely forensics can see if any soot containing the 666 on the coat would be left. The Devil would not be that obvious. The coat is the red herring.

Kate and Lucas and now Chad are setting her up? Will the PC have the actual time and date stamp of the new file? Jake's brain cells are whirring a bit. At least he stopped Gabi and JDevil.

How nice that Clyde is released on parole, takes an Uber or taxi to his son's place and expects to be a houseguest. Who will be EJ's new roomie - Rafe?

Seemed to be random people and random interactions today.


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15 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

Ciara is having a puppy and the devil will turn it in to Cujo?

I love this ⬆️

18 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

 I can see Allie struggling to get a cake mix together.

Now I'm totally picturing her screwing it up so when CIN cuts into the cake they find a rainbow.  Actually, I wouldn't put that past Ron just to drag out the suspense. 

17 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

How nice that Clyde is released on parole, takes an Uber or taxi to his son's place and expects to be a houseguest. Who will be EJ's new roomie - Rafe?

Rafe and EJ in jail together has some potential, but since Rafe has been sitting in court for well over a week (2 weeks?) now I'm betting Orpheus.  I doubt it's Rolf since there wouldn't be much drama there. If anything, EJ owes him his life--literally.  I suppose it could be Jan too. Statesville goes co-ed cells. 🤣

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4 hours ago, Maybeitsme said:

Obviously Ciara is having twins 😆 

The more the merrier 

And that’s jus dumb. She barely looks ready to have 1 baby, let alone 2. 
my thought ..it’s a girl, since all the “devil” movies it’s a boy they want. Plus, the devil is always referred as a male. Why not a female??

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Only in Salem - Clyde is released on probation, as long as he can find a place to live with a responsible adult.

So he moves in with his SERIAL KILLER son.

Nothin' to see here, folks, just move it along now.


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10 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I've been wondering if it's twins.

One for the devil and one for Ciara & Ben.  Gives the show an instant future storyline of the good vs. evil twins.

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21 minutes ago, MsTree said:

One for the devil and one for Ciara & Ben.  Gives the show an instant future storyline of the good vs. evil twins.

Hmm. That’s something I didn’t think of, except I still stand by Ciara’s belly not even being ready for one baby, except it is Days, so anything is possible🤦🏼‍♀️

Edited by Chellfairy
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I’ve got some beefs  after watching this show today 

why is everyone wearing spring clothing outside, yet Belle keeps wearing her little red riding coat?????

Even though Jake is on to something, still cannot stand him, which makes me root for Johnny/Jdevil and the Gabster! I go back and forth from liking him and not.

Chad is a chump, like Jake. He should confess and go down for purgery . And Jake should go to jail with him for impersonating a DiMerea. 

Dumbest cop in Salem is none other than Boe and Hope’s son. How long has it been since Investigating Philip’s “disappearance “ and he has trouble getting the report. And says good luck when Kate says she and Victor are hiring a private investigator. Yes, I know why, but he’s still an embarrassment to his family and the force.

Gabby firing Kate..wrong move

That is all..for now 😉

Edited by Chellfairy
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Allie and Chanel are now a couple.   Allie and Tripp just broke up.  Johnny and Chanel divorce not even final.   Gabi and Johnny have some fun office time.  Gabi and Jake broke up five minutes ago.  These people sure move on quick.   

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6 hours ago, Chellfairy said:

Hmm. That’s something I didn’t think of, except I still stand by Ciara’s belly not even being ready for one baby, except it is Days, so anything is possible🤦🏼‍♀️

Years ago, I knew a woman and one day I looked at her and thought she looked like she had gained about 5 pounds.  She gave birth about a week later.  I also had a very thin relative who, way back in the dark ages, could have actually lost her job for being unwed and pregnant.  She managed to hide the entire pregnancy.  So the fact that Ciara is not wearing the giant pregnancy pad doesn't really bother me.

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19 minutes ago, Retired at last said:

So they let Clyde out on parole without even checking his housing plans? And checking to see if it was true? Ridiculous.

He has escaped several times during  his sentence and committed additional crimes while he was running around free. He should have been denied parole and served his full sentence.

Edited by nilyank
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4 hours ago, tribeca said:

Allie and Chanel are now a couple.   Allie and Tripp just broke up.  Johnny and Chanel divorce not even final.   Gabi and Johnny have some fun office time.  Gabi and Jake broke up five minutes ago.  These people sure move on quick.   

Did you all see the way Ben-Ollie was ogling Chanel and Allie when he and Ciara saw them in the Square?   

He better be deleting his browser history every morning before Ciara sees it.  Cuz you just KNOW she's checking it, you just know it.

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2 hours ago, Retired at last said:

So they let Clyde out on parole without even checking his housing plans? And checking to see if it was true? Ridiculous.

Or apparently checking to see if it was ok with the people he would be living with.

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I decided to come into the office one extra day this week, which means not home to watch the show (and I have no interest in taping it to watch later). Apparently I'm not missing anything. As always, your comments on this board are the best part.

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38 minutes ago, RunningMarket said:

I decided to come into the office one extra day this week, which means not home to watch the show (and I have no interest in taping it to watch later). Apparently I'm not missing anything. As always, your comments on this board are the best part.

I went outside and did some spring clean up, and I also have no interest in watching, or seeing what I missed.  And, yes, the comments on this board are the best part of watching Days, these days.

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7 hours ago, DaphneCat said:

Years ago, I knew a woman and one day I looked at her and thought she looked like she had gained about 5 pounds.  She gave birth about a week later.  I also had a very thin relative who, way back in the dark ages, could have actually lost her job for being unwed and pregnant.  She managed to hide the entire pregnancy.  So the fact that Ciara is not wearing the giant pregnancy pad doesn't really bother me.

Funny, because I’m petite and thin, all my life and with both my kids I was HUGE. But everyone is different, especially if you’re carrying Ben’s devil spawn!! 

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I guess we are supposed to believe that Renee has the DiMera phone number written all over her diary...with doodles and hearts???  And that the DiMera estate was paying the phone bill during the years (like most of the rest of the '80s) when no one was living at the DiMera mansion and using the phone???  Incidentally, if I was Ana, I'd have hung up on her. 

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I can understand why Xander (and ???) are angry at Abigail for Sarah's condition, but really?  no spare hatred for oh gee, just the woman who kidnapped and kept Sarah for about a YEAR and didn't give her any medical attention?!  Nope?  Everybody all good with Kristen?  That's gotta be the answer since I haven't heard even a peep about anybody trying to find her to make her pay for her crimes. 

Also...Abigail is the easy target because she's in Salem - unlike Kristen. 

Finally, why do I have this sneaking suspicion that when Kristen is "caught" (let's see how long they can hold onto her) and Gwen's crimes come to light, everybody -  and I do mean EVERYBODY will just handwave away their criming. 

"But that happened months/years ago!  Why should we hold it against her?!"  
"But Sarah/Abigail/whoever turned out OK in the end. Just let bygones be bygones!"

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7 minutes ago, norcalgal said:

I can understand why Xander (and ???) are angry at Abigail for Sarah's condition, but really?  no spare hatred for oh gee, just the woman who kidnapped and kept Sarah for about a YEAR and didn't give her any medical attention?!  Nope?  Everybody all good with Kristen?  That's gotta be the answer since I haven't heard even a peep about anybody trying to find her to make her pay for her crimes. 

Also...Abigail is the easy target because she's in Salem - unlike Kristen. 

Finally, why do I have this sneaking suspicion that when Kristen is "caught" (let's see how long they can hold onto her) and Gwen's crimes come to light, everybody -  and I do mean EVERYBODY will just handwave away their criming. 

"But that happened months/years ago!  Why should we hold it against her?!"  
"But Sarah/Abigail/whoever turned out OK in the end. Just let bygones be bygones!"


I don't think I have ever written a pro-Abigail post in my life, but come ON, Show, enough with this nonsense.  So Abigail didn't tidy up the Dimera secret room - a room Kristen has used multiple times to torture and harass her kidnap victims - and it's Abigail's fault that Kristen used a syringe she found on the ground on yet one more of her victims??  Really?  

I blame Abigail for a lot, but certainly not for this.  Here's hoping Rachel gets a  Baby's First Syringe Play set for Christmas and uses Mommy Kristen as a pin cushion.

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The DiMeras have kept the same number for almost 40 years? Wow. Like my deceased aunt, who had her number since the 1950s.  Her granddaughter asked to keep the number in the family. If I was Anna, I would have said wrong number and hung up.

I get Tony wanting to be decent and do the right thing, but he needs to really set a bounday with Saranee. Not indulge her delusions. Anna is right to a point. Maggie, she'd be better off at Bayview for a bit.

Ava, you are going to get a massive cheap motel room cleaning bill. The cost of furniture will easily be in the hundreds. Over stupid Rafe being found not guilty. And then you hi-tail it over to his place to find Nicole with him? Good times.

Arianna is going back home already?

Xander, again, you are doing the right thing to help Sarah. Gwen being negative Nancy is not helping her case. Do you folks think Dr. Rolf will do anything? And yeah, the main at-fault person is Kristen. Abigail is just a small part of it. No one really expects the DiMera wine room to be Hostage Hotel. You'd think that someone would put in a toilet and shower if it is for long term use. And an inside key to unlock oneself.

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30 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

Do you folks think Dr. Rolf will do anything? 

I'll be happy to just get some Rolf scenes and his "observations" on Saranee.  I kinda hope he says something like (in his accent), "I wasn't going to help, but five minutes with that annoying fruitcake and I'm in." LOL  Actually, Rolf should do it in exchange for the Chief of Staff position. 

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Disappointed I wanted Rafe to be found guilty.  
Kayla should be attending to Eli.

Marlena can help Sara.  Sara doesn’t know about Marlena being possessed.  

Edited by tribeca
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3 hours ago, tribeca said:

Disappointed I wanted Rafe to be found guilty.  

I know!!  I was so hoping he go away - anywhere - for a long time.  I was hoping the judge would take one look at Nicole in whateverthehell she was wearing today and do the same.  

Rafe might want to take a look back at his relationships and see that pretty much every woman he gets with either goes crazy or is crazy already.  If this is the best Nicole can do then she's as nuts as Sarah is.

I like Sarah, like the actress, glad the character is back but good Lord she's annoying in her current state.  I don't blame Anna one bit.  I hope Dr. Rolf has a cure waiting and ready to go.

I was sure we were going to be subjected to another soliloquoy from Gwen on how hard, how sad, how awfully her life has gone but then the phone rang and it was Ava.  Thank God for Ava, something I've never said before and never want to say again.

After today, I'm rooting for Abby to leave more syringes laying around.

Edited by boes
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15 hours ago, norcalgal said:

Finally, why do I have this sneaking suspicion that when Kristen is "caught" (let's see how long they can hold onto her) and Gwen's crimes come to light, everybody -  and I do mean EVERYBODY will just handwave away their criming. 

Yea, because that's what they do with every character lol.

My main takeaway from yesteday's episode was how absolutely terrible Abigail looked. Her hair and makeup were SO bad. 

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49 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Yea, because that's what they do with every character lol.

My main takeaway from yesteday's episode was how absolutely terrible Abigail looked. Her hair and makeup were SO bad. 

The last thing I usually pay of lot of attention to is makeup and outfits but sometimes it's impossible not to look, sorta like driving by an accident site, and yesterday was one of them.  When Abigail was on, all I could see were her red, red lips.  I was so focused that I didn't even notice if she was still wearing that bedroll she had tied around her head.  Was she?  I guess it's some sort of hair band?

Last week, everytime she walked into a scene, that thing was big that I'd initially wonder why she was walking around town wearing a tiara.  She seemed like an ad for Imperial Margarine.


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11 hours ago, boes said:

 I hope Dr. Rolf has a cure waiting and ready to go.

Dr. Rolf better watch out - I'm sure Gwen/Ava will try to eliminate him.

2 hours ago, boes said:

The last thing I usually pay of lot of attention to is makeup and outfits but sometimes it's impossible not to look, sorta like driving by an accident site, and yesterday was one of them.  When Abigail was on, all I could see were her red, red lips.  I was so focused that I didn't even notice if she was still wearing that bedroll she had tied around her head.  Was she?  I guess it's some sort of hair band?

I thought the red lipstick was too vibrant for everyday, daytime use, but am willing to let that go.

The headband on the other hand....YIKES!   So bad.

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So is Kayla out as Doctor Of All Trades or just as Head of Staff? Sounds like she was fired fired and out of a job. Does that mean Craig now is our go-to for everything? Leo in on his 'job interview' was ridiculous. 

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16 minutes ago, brisbydog said:

So is Kayla out as Doctor Of All Trades or just as Head of Staff? Sounds like she was fired fired and out of a job. Does that mean Craig now is our go-to for everything? Leo in on his 'job interview' was ridiculous. 

Yeah..........what bullshit.

I now officially hate Craig and hope he never, ever EVER gets rid of Leo.  I do hope he leaves Salem ASAP, though.

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I honestly can't think of one plot line I am enjoying right now...

1. Devil crap enough said

2. Nicole/Rafe yuk

3. Allie/Chanel bland and blander

4. Chad/Will/Sonny/Leo/Craig stupid af

5. Reneesarah make it stop!

Am I missing anything?


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18 minutes ago, brisbydog said:

I honestly can't think of one plot line I am enjoying right now...

1. Devil crap enough said

2. Nicole/Rafe yuk

3. Allie/Chanel bland and blander

4. Chad/Will/Sonny/Leo/Craig stupid af

5. Reneesarah make it stop!

Am I missing anything?


oh yes Chloe and Brady who I tolerate but am not interested in. I am just Team anything but gross Kristen for him as that pairing makes me sick

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5 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

My main takeaway from yesteday's episode was how absolutely terrible Abigail looked. Her hair and makeup were SO bad. 

Agree. It looked like she put on way too much foundation and lipstick, and then cut her hair in the dark.  It was as distracting as NuSonny's porn stash that I want to shave off so badly. 

Also why was Abs wearing a heavy winter coat in the house today? I had to stop and calculate if MM could be hiding another pregnancy since the last time she wore that coat day in and day out, she was about to give birth in real life. 

4 hours ago, boes said:

The last thing I usually pay of lot of attention to is makeup and outfits but sometimes it's impossible not to look, sorta like driving by an accident site, and yesterday was one of them.  When Abigail was on, all I could see were her red, red lips.  I was so focused that I didn't even notice if she was still wearing that bedroll she had tied around her head.  Was she?  I guess it's some sort of hair band?

Last week, everytime she walked into a scene, that thing was big that I'd initially wonder why she was walking around town wearing a tiara.  She seemed like an ad for Imperial Margarine.


She actually ditched the scarf/band thingy, but she cut her hair. My hubs called it "really bad layers" when he saw it.  Funny thing is, I was just thinking the other week that Abby needed a new do (like not so flat and stringy since it's not the 70s anymore), but this new cut wasn't it.  Maybe she realized it wasn't flattering either, smattered on a whole bag of make-up, and hoped everyone would be distracted by her lips. 

42 minutes ago, boes said:

Yeah..........what bullshit.

I now officially hate Craig and hope he never, ever EVER gets rid of Leo.  I do hope he leaves Salem ASAP, though.

Ditto here too.  And since he blew off Marlena's experience,  may Craig get a visit from the devil before he rolls out of town.

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7 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Yea, because that's what they do with every character lol.

My main takeaway from yesteday's episode was how absolutely terrible Abigail looked. Her hair and makeup were SO bad. 

And that thing on her head😆

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42 minutes ago, Sidney said:

I think Sonny is feeling more than revenge for Leo. 

Yea, I was getting a similar feeling.

I fast forwarded almost this entire ep tbh. This week has been kind of a dud. 

Do we know if the actors are still doing their own hair and makeup? I just need to know if MM hates herself or if she's done something horrible to some makeup artist and hair stylist to make them hate her.

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Watched most of the episode - a first for me in weeks. I'm super behind. I haven't missed it though.

Wow, was Deidre bad during Kayla's firing. She makes the same expression now whenever something bad happens: widens the eyes, slightly shakes her head and purses her lips. It's so generic. And weird. Like...you two just discussed that this was a possibility. It's not a surprise. Yet her reaction was akin to seeing Orpheus with a gun...or Kristen with a hostage...or Clyde with a bomb. It's weird. Dee is just...robotic. She has three "modes" she slips into and just picks whichever one suits the scene. I get that she's played everything already and this is old hat....but John Aniston keeps "grumpy old mobster man" fresh. Maybe try to connect to the events in the scene, please? Vary your reactions?

And poor MB playing Kayla defiantly losing her job over Marlena's demon posession "personal issues" ? Sad. Kayla's not this dumb. Of COURSE Doc shouldn't be there anymore. It's a hospital. You can't be having mental problems while treating patients. How can you even pretend shrug off these kinds of issues? Saying you were possessed by the devil? In 2022? And keeping your job? I think not. (But Ron HAD to do the devil posession again.)

Why didn't Marlena resign or take a leave of absence? Why stand there helplessly and LET Kayla get herself fired? Both characters came off incredibly stupid.

But the stupid is STRONG in Salem. Thanks Ron.

Tinker also confused me in his shift of opinion scene, where he seemed to back down off pressuring Chad to whore himself. The performance made it seem more like Sonny was only pretending to back off. It rang false. Anyway, why is Sonny so ragey about Leo? It made no sense to me. Like, don't you have better things to occupy your time with? Tinker plays everything at 11. Ease off pal. Less is more.

What really gets me though is how Ron contorts everything - logic, good storytelling opportunities, character integrity - so he can get the moments he wants. Goal: Leo getting hit on sexually by Chad. Execution: Sonny hysterically pressures Chad it MUST be done, Abigail gives a transparent performance to Leo that she's worried Chad will go gay for him, then two minutes later Chad arrives to put the moves on Leo (while Ron giggles to himself, as the only viewer whose opinion matters anymore).

This show is supposed to be FOR US to enjoy. Remember? The viewers? The ones who seem to understand these characters better than you do?

Leo isn't important enough to warrant all this sudden attention. He's a jerk. Fine. But him banging Craig affects no one other than Nancy and possibly Chloe. If Chloe's friends (since when is Sonny Chloe's friend?) are so concerned on her behalf, maybe just have them TELL Craig about how Leo blackmailed Sonny and...leave it at that?

This is Paulina and Stefan all over again. Another pet character who Ron wants everyone to fuss over even though they aren't important or interesting on their own.

...is anyone else weirded out by the subtext regarding the way gay people are being brought front-and-center? Chanel is viewed as the instigator in Allie and Tripp's breakup = lesbianism breaking up a happy straight couple. Now Leo has broken up Craig and Nancy, a canonically happy duo = gayness breaking up a solid straight couple. And now, Gay Craig is being viewed as evil and mean for "getting" Kayla and Doc fired. And Gay Sonny is pressuring straight couple Abigail and Chad to risk their relationship by having Chad act gay in a scheme.

We've never seen so many gays on Days before, and it should be cause for celebration, but all the plots revolve around them subversively undermining straight relationships. What message does that send to homophobes? That they're right to view gayness as a threat? Seems to me that the writing here reinforces the idea that gays erode happy "normal" people's lives. That gays want to lure straight people to their side. At first I thought this was limited to Leo's plots, but it isn't. It's everywhere.

Am I the only one seeing this?



Edited by DisneyBoy
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4 hours ago, brisbydog said:

So is Kayla out as Doctor Of All Trades or just as Head of Staff? Sounds like she was fired fired and out of a job. Does that mean Craig now is our go-to for everything? Leo in on his 'job interview' was ridiculous. 

That "job interview" in Horton Square was so damn stupid! Really?!  That's all it takes to get a job these days?  Just have your SO say a few nice words about your accomplishments (did Seth even bother VERIFYING that?!) and voila - instant, prestigious job?!

Furthermore, is Craig even licensed to practice in whatever state Salem is in?  Or is there such a thing as one medical license being used to practice in multiple states?

1 hour ago, DisneyBoy said:

This show is supposed to be FOR US to enjoy. Remember? The viewers?

Oh silly, don't you know...?  We viewers are supposed to just shut up and watch. TPTB are so much smarter than us dumb peons! What do we know about tv making? Just watch with our brains shut off - and oh yeah, buy the sponsors' products. Now hop to it!

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Ava sure didn't go to her room to pack up her things. Guess she will come back tomorrow. Ewww at the shared shower, Rafe and Nicole. Change the locks before you do so in case Ava comes back to the house. Then Ava gets the Tripp sadsack story of Allie cheating on him with Chanel.

So Will took Ari back to Phoenix? Sonny and Chad seem to be drinking too much alcohol to deal with the stud of Leo.

Kayla, Marlena should have been put on suspension or a leave of absence for a few months until the alleged Devil mess has been cleaned up. Nice to defend your friend, but her reputation has taken a hit, she is losing patients, the hospital is getting a lot of bad publicity. Too bad you got fired instead.

Abs' lipstick and bangs were distracting me today. She thinks that going to Leo's hotel room and making up some sob story about Chad dreaming of him is going to work? Seriously? Leo's con is about 12 steps ahead of her. Chad showing up ready to seduce Leo at the end?

Craig Wesley can be hired on the spot to be Chief of Staff? In what reality? Realistically, he could be offered a 60-90 day Acting Chief of Staff position, until the position is posted and he and other interested candidates can apply and go through a rigorous interview process - a day of interviews, rounds, lunch with the Board or other hospital administrators, possibly a presentation, and then dinner with the higher-ups. It is a long and gruelling day. Seth Burns has zero idea of what kind of man he is, he wasn't happy to learn that he was gay - or maybe surprised is the word. Not that it matters. No idea what his integrity is like, what kind of skill set he has, what his areas of interest are, how he benefits the hospital, no reference checks, no nothing. Salem comes across as some backwoods hick town that is full of nepotism and stupidity - anyone can walk from the street and voila, you're hired for a major position.


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15 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

This show is supposed to be FOR US to enjoy. Remember? The viewers? 

There are viewers who do enjoy the show. They can't cater to everyone all the time. 

10 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Ava sure didn't go to her room to pack up her things. Guess she will come back tomorrow.

Rafe told her he would pack her stuff up and bring it to her.

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I'm confused about the Kayla situation. Marlena and Craig both said that she was fired. However, the man who removed her said that she was no longer chief and was suspended until further notice. Doesn't that mean she's still employed? How can you suspend a terminated employee?

Also, why was Kayla fighting so hard for Marlena? Marlena said herself she was okay with resigning. The man who removed Kayla said retirement was an option. Wouldn't retirement mean Marlena can keep whatever benefits she negotiated with the hospital for her post employment years, keep her professional reputation, keep her license, and maybe even start her own practice or be hired as a consultant somewhere. Jarlena are loaded. Retiring from the hospital in her 70s is hardly a disgrace.

 Also, Ron has a habit of having other characters speak for someone when the character is literally in the room. Philip used to do that with Chloe. Leo does that with Craig. Kayla was doing that with Marlena. It's highly frustrating.

Also, I was okay with the Will/Sonny involvement in Leo/Craig up until yesterday's episode. Sonny was really on one, and I was confused as to why. While Sonny/Chloe don't have much of an on screen relationship, I at least could buy that they had some care for each other based on their previous history (Sonny/Chloe were obviously going to be paired until the show redirected Sonny to Will and let Nadia go) and the fact that Chloe is so intimately tied to the Kiriakis family even having a close relationship with Justin at times. Yesterday, Sonny went on and on about protecting Craig. Why? The actor played it like Sonny was on some drunken rampage to destroy Leo. Why? Leo doesn't seem to care about Sonny, at all. It's hard to take a "rivalry" seriously when one person in the rivalry barely acknowledges the other person's existence. Leo is more against Kayla at this point than Sonny.

I wish the writing was better because I do somewhat like the idea of Craig/Leo. I do think the actors work somewhat well together. I also think the show could use a troublemaking couple that aren't too evil. I can't remember the last time we had two antagonist together. Technically, I guess Gwen/Xander but neither are effective. Gwen is whiney. Xander is a lovesick shell of his former self.

I get confused when the show tries to focus on the age difference between the two. Leo is talking about getting crow's feet. The man is obviously in his forties, and I don't think he looks significantly younger than Craig. Personally, I think they look about 10 years apart, max. 

I was so confused by the Chabby kiss and Sonny's reaction. Chabby are a married couple with two children, and they greeted each other with a pretty modest kiss. Why did Sonny act like a 12-year-old Thomas Dimera seeing Mommy and Daddy kiss at his birthday party. I was just confounded. What was that supposed to tell me about the characters? The storyline? The motivations? Am I really supposed to believe a gay man in his late 20s/early 30s who is married and shares a daughter with his spouse must cover his eyes in shock at a modest kiss. Also, is it really PDA when the two are kissing in the living room of the home they live in? It was all the more hilarious because the Sonny actor looks like a 1970s pornstar who spends 23 hours a day in 1970s Times Square.

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12 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Ava sure didn't go to her room to pack up her things. Guess she will come back tomorrow. Ewww at the shared shower, Rafe and Nicole. Change the locks before you do so in case Ava comes back to the house. Then Ava gets the Tripp sadsack story of Allie cheating on him with Chanel.

So Will took Ari back to Phoenix? Sonny and Chad seem to be drinking too much alcohol to deal with the stud of Leo.

Kayla, Marlena should have been put on suspension or a leave of absence for a few months until the alleged Devil mess has been cleaned up. Nice to defend your friend, but her reputation has taken a hit, she is losing patients, the hospital is getting a lot of bad publicity. Too bad you got fired instead.

Abs' lipstick and bangs were distracting me today. She thinks that going to Leo's hotel room and making up some sob story about Chad dreaming of him is going to work? Seriously? Leo's con is about 12 steps ahead of her. Chad showing up ready to seduce Leo at the end?

Craig Wesley can be hired on the spot to be Chief of Staff? In what reality? Realistically, he could be offered a 60-90 day Acting Chief of Staff position, until the position is posted and he and other interested candidates can apply and go through a rigorous interview process - a day of interviews, rounds, lunch with the Board or other hospital administrators, possibly a presentation, and then dinner with the higher-ups. It is a long and gruelling day. Seth Burns has zero idea of what kind of man he is, he wasn't happy to learn that he was gay - or maybe surprised is the word. Not that it matters. No idea what his integrity is like, what kind of skill set he has, what his areas of interest are, how he benefits the hospital, no reference checks, no nothing. Salem comes across as some backwoods hick town that is full of nepotism and stupidity - anyone can walk from the street and voila, you're hired for a major position.

Many good points above, but this one sums it all up perfectly!  You've nailed it!

12 hours ago, oftentimes said:

I'm worried about poor Victor.  He gets so upset when certain people he dislikes moves into his house.  How's he going to take a Dimeria living there?  😂

It would be nice to get a few wisecracks from old Vic about Saranee.  Bonus points if what he says opens Tony's eyes. 

1 hour ago, 4evaQuez said:

 I also think the show could use a troublemaking couple that aren't too evil. I can't remember the last time we had two antagonist together. Technically, I guess Gwen/Xander but neither are effective. Gwen is whiney. Xander is a lovesick shell of his former self.

I always though the show missed opportunities for this w/Sami & EJ (JS) over the years. In the instances when we got them as partners in crime, it was a good fit for them, and I especially enjoyed it. I always thought it made more sense that they teamed up together since he was a Dimera and she's the troublemaker black sheep of the precious Bradys. But instead the show seemed more focused on relationship drama. They seem to be going the same route with Gwen & Xander sadly.  But it's more fun when you have a pair that embraces their badness together for the same cause, a force to be reckoned with type. 

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13 minutes ago, Peanut6711 said:

I always though the show missed opportunities for this w/Sami & EJ (JS) over the years. In the instances when we got them as partners in crime, it was a good fit for them, and I especially enjoyed it. I always thought it made more sense that they teamed up together since he was a Dimera and she's the troublemaker black sheep of the precious Bradys. But instead the show seemed more focused on relationship drama. 

I think the problem with these two is that the show wanted to have its cake and eat it, too, with Sami. They wanted her to be a lead heroine, yet they also wanted her to continue her scheming.

Being at odds with EJ/Stephano allowed the show to have the best of both worlds - in the showrunners eyes. Personally, I think it's the nadir of Sami's character.

Sami, at this point, also didn't have much to scheme about with her legacy motivations. Carrie was offscreen, so she wasn't in her big sister's shadow. She had three men fighting over her - Lucas, EJ, Rafe - so she wasn't the ugly, undesired duckling anymore.  After John "died," she'd completely forgiven him, and the two weren't sharing that many scenes after his resurrection. Then he and Marlena were shipped offscreen. During this time is when Kate/Sami started to heal their years long rivalry.

I also wasn't a big fan of the Sami/EJ/Abby for a lot of these reasons, especially since the show, at that time, didn't trust KM/Abby to anchor the big reveal scenes and gave a lot of the emotional weight to Jennifer in the confrontation with Sami.

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6 minutes ago, 4evaQuez said:

I think the problem with these two is that the show wanted to have its cake and eat it, too, with Sami. They wanted her to be a lead heroine, yet they also wanted her to continue her scheming.

Being at odds with EJ/Stephano allowed the show to have the best of both worlds - in the showrunners eyes. Personally, I think it's the nadir of Sami's character.

Sami, at this point, also didn't have much to scheme about with her legacy motivations. Carrie was offscreen, so she wasn't in her big sister's shadow. She had three men fighting over her - Lucas, EJ, Rafe - so she wasn't the ugly, undesired duckling anymore.  After John "died," she'd completely forgiven him, and the two weren't sharing that many scenes after his resurrection. Then he and Marlena were shipped offscreen. During this time is when Kate/Sami started to heal their years long rivalry.

I also wasn't a big fan of the Sami/EJ/Abby for a lot of these reasons, especially since the show, at that time, didn't trust KM/Abby to anchor the big reveal scenes and gave a lot of the emotional weight to Jennifer in the confrontation with Sami.

Good assessment.  

I loathed the Abby affair. What a waste of AS/JS's last year on the show.  I liked the Kate/Sami "friendship"/partners in crime though. That was probably the one good thing to come out of that storyline, though the show doesn't seem to embrace it now.  Kate's too busy with Chad, I guess.

I liked the time EJ & Sami teamed up to hire a hitman to kill Nick. Partner in crime things like that worked well with them, things they schemed together on. 

Alex Marshall and Emma Donovan were good co-schemers too, though there was no romance there, which was fine. The actors still played well together. 

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20 hours ago, oftentimes said:

I'm worried about poor Victor.  He gets so upset when certain people he dislikes moves into his house.  How's he going to take a Dimeria living there?  😂

LMFAO..Especially Jake..whom I’m still sure is NOT a DiMera. I really feel ripped off with the Stefan/Jake farce.

so yes, definitely  worried about Victor. 

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