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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

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The guy who plays Kyle is very good and attractive, he  could have easily played one of the Kiriakis brothers.


Did the show drop an anvil about Xander going after Brady, Philip and Sonny...He seems to resent everybody that Victor loves..He should go after the orange doctor, since Uncle Victor loves him above everybody, including his sons Philip and Bo...

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I wish Serena and Xander would kill each other. They're both sickening and why is Serena so desperate to know what Nicole and Eric are hiding? What are her motives and how does knowing this information help her in any way? Go the fuck away you worthless fruit loop.


I still fail to see why Stefano or Clyde can't just kill Abifail and take the land. If I actually liked either one of them I'd be pissed that they've been reduced to obsessing over that alien.

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7/24/2015 Recap :)



We start with Serena asking what Nicole is afraid of which Nicole says she's not afraid of anything including Serena. Serena calls her a liar because Nicole threatens to ruin her career and writing an article and wants to know why it went by the wayside and knows it's because of Eric. Nicole says it is about Eric, Nicole says Eric is a good person and loves people but makes him naive and how Serena is a steaming sack of and doesn't say it. Nicole says if she wrote about Serena it would hurt Eric and Serena needs to leave. Serena sarcastically calls Nicole selfless and how there's something in it for her. Nicole evades and shows Serena her engagement ring and says she needs to focus on that instead of digging up dirt on Serena and Xander. 


Serena tells Nicole to leave as she has things to do which Nicole hopes it's to a travel agent to buy a one way ticket and leaves. Outside Nicole hopes she got through to Serena for everyone's sake while Serena knows that Nicole is hiding something.



Eric tells Brady he fell in love with Nicole again which Brady didn't see coming and Eric says Nicole knows but loves Dan. Knock at the door and it's Dan and Eric answers and Dan says what's up. Eric says congratulations are in order for the engagement and Dan talks about it being for the best and all that. Brady didn't see the engagement coming but congratulates him and Eric says he doesn't have champagne but can celebrate with beer but Dan's phone rings as Parker is there early and has to go. Brady wants to throw a bachelor party but Dan tells him to hold off on it and Dan has to go. Brady calls what Eric did classy and Eric says he's happy for both of them. Brady wants to talk but Eric has to go.



Kyle enters TBD and joins Paige and Kyle talks about Paige bringing the romantic out in him. Paige says should she be jealous of who he's texting and Kyle says he texted JJ. Kyle promises no more interruptions as Paige doesn't know how to feel about Kyle being friends with JJ and they bring up Bev but Paige doesn't want to talk about her either as she wants to know Kyle. Paige asks him about his family and what he does for a living. Kyle says if he tells her what he does she has to promise not to tell which Paige promises. Kyle says he's a secret agent spy and superhero and has to save the world. They joke back and forth about it and Kyle asks what JJ did to her which Paige says is classified. Kyle asks should he be worried about attraction to JJ which Paige says he doesn't and Paige is glad that JJ is moving on. Kyle doesn't want JJ causing problems which Paige says JJ couldn't if he tried.


Kyle talks about not dating a good girl before which he finds intriguing and will get in touch with her about tonight when JJ walks in and sees them. Kyle kisses Paige on the cheek and JJ leaves. Kyle leaves and JJ enters and Paige hopes JJ isn't stalking her which JJ says he works there and how he seen her with Kyle and asks if they're dating which Paige says is none of JJ's business. JJ says if she wants to ruin her life then go for it and Paige says JJ ruined her life which JJ just walks off to the back while Paige is in mid-sentence and Paige follows him telling JJ not to walk away from her.


JJ enters the TBD office, calls Paige stubborn and takes his shirt off getting ready for work when Paige barges in the office and sees him shirtless.



JJ says nothing is going to happen to him and Jen says a drug dealer has no conscious and knows JJ wants redemption but is terrified of losing him. JJ says Roman and DEA Watts are going to protect him and he trusts them and wants to get drugs off the streets. Jen says it's never going to work as Paige won't love him for it as he's trying to run her life. JJ says he's preventing people from getting killed and how they have guns which Jen says they can use on him and she has a right to be worried. JJ talks about Roman, Abe, and Hope risking their lives and he should do the same. JJ says maybe it's too late to turn things around and how she spoke with Paige in the park and how Paige told her that JJ is hanging out with Kyle.


JJ asks if Paige said anything about him which Jen declines. Jen tells JJ to tread lightly because if he keeps pushing about Kyle, Paige will keep seeing Kyle. Jen tells JJ not to overreach and listen to the guidelines that Roman gives him which JJ confirms and leaves.


Roman comes over and Jen talks about being proud of JJ and wants Roman to assure her that JJ will be protected. Roman says he doesn't like it anymore than she does and Jen says to take care of JJ then. Roman talks about the DEA and how they'll have JJ's back 24/7 and that he'll be safe. Roman says JJ will be fine and promises her that as she has his word.



Chad enters Abby's office and says they have to talk which Abby declines as they have nothing to talk about and Chad says she's wrong and needs to clear the air and tell her the truth. Abby says she doesn't have time to talk and Chad thought they were making progress because of the baby which Abby freezes but Chad is talking about Ari. Abby says Ari isn't a baby but a child and wasn't going to get into a fight in front of Ari. Chad asks if Abby hates him which Abby confirms. Chad says he was a jerk but what he said that night wasn't true. Abby says Chad is a new man and they should be best friends in a sarcastic manner. Abby cuts to the chase and asks if he came back to Salem to get revenge on her for sleeping with EJ which Chad confirms which Abby says she knew. Chad says it isn't the point but Abby says the point is that Chad is like EJ on being conniving and devious and turning on the charm to get what he wants and when he does Chad goes back to his real self. Abby thought Chad loved her but he's cruel but Chad tries to explain about that night when Clyde knocks on the door and apologizes for barging in and asks if everything is ok.


Chad says they're having a private conversation but Abby says they're through and Chad is leaving which Chad leaves. Clyde asks Abby if Chad did anything to upset her. Abby says her and Chad had a disagreement about the hospital and no big deal. Clyde hopes he isn't making trouble for her and Ben which Abby says Chad couldn't if he wanted to. Clyde calls Abby a good influence on Ben which Abby asks if she can help Clyde with something which Clyde flashes back to reading about prenatal vitamins and Clyde says they have unfinished business. The business is Clyde finishing the sink which Abby gives him the key to the apartment and how nobody will be there. Clyde asks her if everything is alright which Abby says it is and she's never been better. Clyde leaves. Abby lets out a big breath while outside Clyde calls Abby a "lying little slut".


Abby is just in her office feeling her belly and sinks down in her chair and starts to cry.



Clyde is about to follow Chad but is stopped by Marlena who's happy she's ran into him. Clyde says it's nice to see her and Marlena asks why he's in the hospital and Clyde says he's about to make another donation which Marlena likes and asks if she can point him in the right direction which Clyde says he already spoke with Anne. Marlena has another question for him. Marlena says Clyde missed two appointments and Clyde says he'll reschedule and walks off which Marlena doesn't totally buy.


Chad walks to the elevators when Marlena walks up to him and says her offer still stands which Chad isn't in the mood for a session. Marlena asks him out to lunch at The Pub which Chad is about to decline until Marlena brings up Caroline's chowder and Chad changes his mind. At The Pub, Chad is just playing with the soup and really not up for talking. Marlena says she owes Chad for saving her life and senses something is wrong with him and needs someone to talk to. Chad says he doesn't have anyone to talk to and says he'll talk to her under one condition and takes out money and says doctor/patient confidentiality which Marlena calls an official session. Chad says what do you do when you can't walk away from someone you love.


Marlena asks why would he wanna push love which Chad talks about pushing her away for her own good which he now knows is a mistake. Chad calls it a mess and Marlena asks why he wants to push her away and Chad says to protect her and Marlena knows it has something to do with Stefano and says to not let Stefano ruin his life and tell the girl he loves her before it's too late.



Xander is in the Square when a woman approaches him and says she knows Xander is the guy that tried to kill Eric and Nicole. Xander charms her and says would she like to hear his side which she sits down next to him. Xander takes the woman to another part of the park with the arch and they talk about going overseas when Brady interrupts and says it will be hard to do when Xander will be behind bars. The Woman leaves as she says this isn't fun anymore which Xander says he'll be in touch. Brady says he's going to do everything he can to make Xander pay for what he did to Nicole and Eric.


Xander asks who is Brady to judge him and how he and Dan had everything handed to them on a silver platter. They talk about the difference in their lives growing up. Xander calls Brady spoiled, entitled and arrogant and tells him he can rot in hell and walks off.



Nicole opens the door to Dan's apartment and Dan comes out and tells her that Parker has a surprise for her and when they enter it's a picture and Nicole hugs Parker. Eating cupcakes now and they're talking about food and Nicole says they can set up a tent in the living room and camp out tonight which Parker is happy and goes off to his room. Nicole is excited to live with Parker and Dan and Dan knows how much Nicole loves kids and how she video chats with Sydney. Nicole loves that they can be a family and how she's the happiest woman in the world and kisses Dan. They stop as Nicole wonders what if Parker walks in which Dan says Parker will have to get use to it as he'll be seeing it a lot as he wants to spend the rest of his life with her.


Eric/Serena/The Priest

Eric is at The Square dropping off his artifacts to a Priest as Serena sees this from a distance. Eric tells the Priest that he wants to talk to him in confession which the Priest agrees to. Serena walks off as the Priest asks if Eric wants to give his confession when Eric sees Xander walking off with the woman. Priest asks if Xander is the reason Eric wants to talk which Eric says it's part of the reason but wants to talk in private and they walk off. 


Now in the confessional Eric tells the Priest about that night in the room and how he couldn't let Nicole die. Priest asks if Eric is gonna tell him what's bothering him as Serena is listening on a recorder. Eric goes on with his story and says that he and Nicole started to make love which Serena doesn't look too happy about. (Last scene of the day)




This is like the worst week for Days, first of all too much damn Jar Jar and the episodes were underwhelming as a whole.


Jar Jar save them fucking crocodile tears talking about Chad and EJ being conniving and deceiving and charming yet she fell for shit numerous times. So that makes you the BIG DUMBASS!!! She really needs to stop because EJ's charm works because she was ready to open her cave of nastiness to EJ anytime he wanted to stick his flashlight in there. Then she let Chad and Mannequin roam around in there as she was holding a special 2 for 1 type of deal. Wonder whose battery lasted longer in there?


I don't like Mr. Rapey but I got a good laugh out of him calling Jar Jar a lying little slut, I literally LOL. So accurate.


Paige, STFU for as much as you want JJ out of your life, you sure as hell followed him to the back that is more than likely reserved for EMPLOYEES ONLY. Sick of her damn schtick. Should have took your stupid ass to Stanford. Sick of her bitching, whining, and moaning to anyone that has the unfortunate task of listening to her shriek. When Paige shrieks it's like the Call of the Pterodactyls.  


Here we go once again of people like Blockhead Brady, AssCole and Dark Roast wanting Serena and Xander to stay away from them, yet they keep approaching them. Why would you approach an attempted murderer Brady? I really shouldn't be surprised because this dumbass approaches Rapey Kritter all the damn time who also attempted to kill. I'm really hoping an attempted murderer will actually go through and just kill Brady since he likes to surround himself around attempted murderers. Xander could have easily broke his neck today.


How in the hell did Serena get a recorder on Eric in a confessional. Did she plant something on Eeyore's clothes or installed something in Eeyore's throat while he was sleeping or is the recorder on the stick that's forever lodged up Eeyore's ass?

Edited by ShadowSixx
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I should have known Chad wouldn't tell the truth and something would stop him, Clyde's just creepy. 


Yeah, But even if he did, I don't think she would have believe him. Trusting him again is going to be a challenge for Chad.


BF/KM are rocking this storyline. I'm looking forward to seeing how it plays out.


 Loved the Marlena/Chad scenes. Marlena definitely had Clyde's number. lol

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I turned it on to watch today, but between Serena & Nicole, Eric and Brady and Daniel, and Chad and Abigail, I knew it was going to be more than I wanted to see on a Friday afternoon, so I turned it off.  Thanks ShadowSixx for the recap.   LOL at your cave and flashlight comments, which sadly, made sense.

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I swear this show made a colossal mistake when they got rid of Clyde in favor of the octogenarian duo. James Reed is a fantastically menacing villain. I think Victor can still project menacing but Stefano is so not credible as a scary villain. They should never have made Clyde  a child molester....We need more villains that can have lasting impact on the show..Xander should have been Alex Kiriakis who reconnected with his biological mother Anjelica, causing mayhem with her approval, while simultaneously creating a rift with Adrienne his Adoptive mother..Adrienne hated it when Justin was in the Kiriakis world, they could have done the same thing with Alex...

Edited by Apprentice79
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Please let Sami return to Salem and destroy that pathetic hypocrite.  Neither EJ or Chad did anything to Slappy that she did not want them to.  Sami was the person EJ was constantly trying to destroy and hurting.  Ken Corday and the idiot writers attempts to make Jar Jar Sami's supposed victim is ridiculous.  Especially when the boring twit came right out and said she did not care if Sami or her children were hurt.


Victor has been neutered by Maggie.  Stefano has been a joke for years.  Not only does Clyde seem more menacing, Sami and Kate drinking mimosas for breakfast were more menacing and entertaining.


Eric, Brady, Dan, Nicole, Xander, Serena - why the hell is this SL still going on?  Ditto for JJ/Paige and Will/Sonny/Paul.

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I well remember slappy telling EJ she should be sorry BUT SHE WAS NOT SORRY. Can not believe how she trashed both Chad and EJ today. You would have thought they had raped and tried to murder her instead of doing what she wanted.

Edited by bobcat1946
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Of course she wasn't sorry.  The only reason Slappy got pissy later on was because EJ was still obsessing about Sami.  Sami threw EJ in jail, and EJ told Jar Jar he had a lot to make up to SAMI, and the boring twit didn't like facing the reality that she was the interloper, not the victim.

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Rickkitchen, He feels that Uncle Victor loves Sonny, Brady, Philip, Justin, Alex and the twins more than him...I don't care what Tomsell says, Parker is Philip's....I would crown Xander the king of Salem, if he were to send the Jonas of Nazareth away for good...I love that name Islandgal..lol

Edited by Apprentice79
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Of course she wasn't sorry.  The only reason Slappy got pissy later on was because EJ was still obsessing about Sami.  Sami threw EJ in jail, and EJ told Jar Jar he had a lot to make up to SAMI, and the boring twit didn't like facing the reality that she was the interloper, not the victim.


I can still see the expectant look on her face when in EJ's presence like she was just waiting for him to tell her that he was throwing over Sami for her. She had the same look on her face when she was always trying to maneuver herself into the presence of Chad. Finding excuse after excuse to be at the DiMera mansion, eating dinners not even meant for her. In today's episode Abby says that she thought that Chad loved her. So she knew exactly what she was doing by going over there time and time again on some pretext. She has got a man that she claims to love but feels the need to (1) interfere in his relationships and (2) prance & preen in front a man she thinks loves her. To what ends? Ask that poor Dimera lawn. 

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I wish Alison Sweeney had stayed on the show, followed through on burning EJ to the ground, gotten back together with Rafe, and the boring twit had lost her mind watching EJ still obsess over Sami and watching Sami be happy with Rafe.

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Sorry, the only time I liked Safe for a minute was when she was hiding in the safe house.  The next image that comes to mind is Incredibly Boring Sami in the plaid shirts trying to be someone she wasn't 'cause he kept 'splainin' what she was supposed to do.  He got all uppity when she wanted to get a job. I'm glad she cheated, her heart wasn't into it anyway.  He was blah over her leaving the same way he was blah over Jordan leaving.  Hope lights him up a bit but his tenure on the show just reminds me of that awful year.  There was no reason to break up Lumi, he should have been the father figure during that time since two of the kids are his.  He wanted her to be a better person too, but he also knows who she is.  Adrienne is an older Days generation, I'm glad they seem to be letting the relationship drop as well as I think JE is doing.


I've been resisting the "show is trying to make people into Sami" thing but the entire show yesterday was all about telling Chad and Failure they fight so they must love each other like EJami.  UGH.

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Has Days delegated the editing for this week's episodes to Romper Room?  There has been so little to care about, virtually no story movement, but a whole helluva lot of Abigail weeping and Eric desperately searching for the Patron Saint of Blue Balls.  Yeah, we've also gotten a good deal of Nicole debasing herself, but that is such a regular occurence I barely notice it anymore.  Oh yeah, Daniel bouncing up and down like he's on Oprah - but finally in a clean diaper and I do appreciate that.  And Brady being a bonehead.  That goes in the Nicole debasing herself category, it happens too often to be of any notice.


Oh, we saw JJ in James Bond mode - but he's reminding me far more of Pepe Le Pew.  


All I noticed enough to care today was Abigail being her usual self-serving, history-rewriting, responsiblity-avoiding spineless little snake. Oh - a WEEPING snake.

She even had me defending EJ - not something I generally ever did.  When she spit out her bile at Chad about how he is JUST like EJ, manipulating her and using her, I just wanted to use her stapler to affix that lying tongue of hers to her nose.  

EJ didn't manipulate her into jumping him the changing room - in fact he tried to get her out of there.  The only manipulating that was done was her acrobatics when she climbed Mt. EJ like he was a peak in the Himalayas.  And the boardroom.   And the supply closet.  All while letting Sami comfort and care for her during her pregnancy scare.

What a useless mean little snake she really is.  And Chad is nuts if this is the woman he wants.  He'd be better having a relationship with a meat cleaver.


Remember the old Mary Tyler Moore show theme song?  


Rewritten, just for our deal Abigail...


 Who can ruin a good day with her bile?

Who can take a decent show, and suddenly make it all seem so vile?
Well it's you girl, and you should know it
With each smirk and all your constant b.s. you show it


Remember when Mary threw her hat in the air at the end of the introductory song?  I'd like Abigail to do the same, and then have a Wiley E. Coyote safe come back and land on her fat head.


Jenn really should have stuck to raising houseplants.

Edited by boes
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Why was Abby surprised she got pregnant and all dismayed at the who's the daddy situation? I mean she had unprotected sex multiple times with 2 men for that week. So most people would think "hey maybe ill get knocked up and if I do they'll be a question of by whom?" I mean that's just common sense and she's been through this before even and she always talks about her education and shrewdness.

Before flames- I'm not shaming her this just makes no sense. Just like Ben or Chad bitching or all upset in the triangle is stupid they knew what they were doing getting involved and were told.

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No flames, she made a passing comment about how "careful" she is.  I made a joke the other day about getting the Horton Hoo Ha examined in the Horton living room by Jen.  If all the accidental pregnancies in all the soaps I've never had to feel like I've had to examine someone's uterus like I do with the Jar Creature.  There is no excuse.  She's privileged and works at a hospital and takes chances making up for lost time (so much for abstinence only, Corday) and abortion is out of the question.  The only interesting point is Kayla asked her, if I understood correctly, that if it were Ben's would she be happy because she's way too focused and determined about Chad.

Edited by QuelleC
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I would have been happy to see Sami reunite with Lucas, but the writers haven't been interested in Lumi since 2007.  At least when Sami was with Rafe, Sami always chose Rafe over EJ, and it was written that Sami despised EJ and loved Rafe.


What really annoys me about this SL is I have actually ended up defending sleazy slutty EJ.  EJ lied to Sami, manipulated her, terrorized her, stalked her and tried to destroy Sami's life from day one.  However, EJ never did anything to Slappy.  The boring twit knew EJ was engaged to Sami, had children with her, that they were all living in the Dimera house of horrors as a family, and EJ never once told Jar Jar he was going to leave Sami, etc.  Now the pathetic loser wants to act like EJ deceived her and lead her on in some way, and that was not what happened.


Why, why, why after eight years of EJ trying to ruin Sami's life, and decades of Stefano targeting the Bradys, didn't Sami and Kate get to destroy them?  That would have been an excellent exit SL for Sami.

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The only interesting point is Kayla asked her, if I understood correctly, that if it were Ben's would she be happy because she's way too focused and determined about Chad.


Abifail wouldn't be happy if the brat was Ben's. She wants Chad to be the father so she can be tied to him forever. Then she can barge her worthless ass into the security-free Dimeria mansion 24/7 under the guise of co-parenting with him.

Edited by LeftPhalange
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I can't remember the last time this show showed a baby being born to two people who were married to each other (without the child being biologically someone else's).  I'd kinda like to see that for something different.

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I agree especially with Claire around.Philip loved her and raised for a while before her true paternity was revealed. The actor who plays Austin always used to imbue that type of subtext in his scene with Will. He raised Will for the first 2 years of his life, there was a time he was known as Will Reed..Sami was so dastardly, she would make her aunt Samantha so proud..lol..

Edited by Apprentice79
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Her arms? Her mouth being wide open is what I see.


That too. 


She has these muscles in her arms that look a little odd to me. She clearly works out a lot, which is nice, but when she was in her bikini top, hers arms stood out to me as kind of annoying looking, sort of like her mouth when she's trying to act (or look aroused, which is when she puts in her most acting effort).

Edited by bantering
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Why was Abby surprised she got pregnant and all dismayed at the who's the daddy situation? I mean she had unprotected sex multiple times with 2 men for that week. So most people would think "hey maybe ill get knocked up and if I do they'll be a question of by whom?" I mean that's just common sense and she's been through this before even and she always talks about her education and shrewdness.


Why wouldn't she at least take "the morning after pill"...you know, just in case something like pregnancy might happen after sexing with two men in the same week. I mean geez Abbyfail, it's not like you haven't been to this rodeo before with Chad's older bro ( & engaged to another woman) EJ, right?  C'mon....how stupid ARE you?!


Oh right....nevermind.

Edited by RedRockRosie
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How in the hell did Serena get a recorder on Eric in a confessional. Did she plant something on Eeyore's clothes or installed something in Eeyore's throat while he was sleeping or is the recorder on the stick that's forever lodged up Eeyore's ass?


I vote for the stick.


Awesome recap, as always, Shadowsixx.

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Abifail was insulted by the thought Kayla and Hope brought up that she could make a Choice so I don't doubt the morning after pill was out of the question too.  Dammit girl if you're going to move in with a guy and having sex as much as you do you're still using condoms?  Really?

I'm pretty sure University Hospital doesn't have a closely held opinion against birth control as say, St. Lukes, and I've heard IUD's are popular again.  There's no excuse for her or the men involved. 

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What bothers me about Abigail's storyline is that her accidental pregnancy happened so quickly after her last pregnancy scare.


Usually the stupidity on this kind of issue is spaced out a bit on soaps, or sometimes the stupidity seems plausible in some way (like with either Nicole or Sami whenever they've had their accidental pregnancies), but because Abigail is supposed to be a art history prodigy with side talents in literature and writing, who was educated at Salem University, and is the daughter of a sainted Horton and brilliant journalist, is the niece of a doctor who favours her, and also works at a hospital where she has access to Dr. Dan who can prescribe her whatever she wants at a moment's notice, I do not understand how she got herself into this "who's the daddy" jam. They must have also covered sex ed in one of those expensive boarding schools she went to in Europe. Maybe I judge highly privileged women like this more harshly.

Edited by bantering
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Abifail was never an art history prodigy.  EJ lured her in over the "bored angel" portrait that sold a million postage stamps.  She won one stupid writing contest in college. She effed EJ in Jan 14 so it's not so soon after. That's how long we've been enduring her.  It's plot points but is Corday trying to give an opinion?

Edited by QuelleC
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The "everything is Sami and EJ's fault" is so ridiculous especially since they are no longer on the show.  It would have made more sense for Kim to be calling Victor out when she showed up in Salem briefly than it does for Slappy idiot to keep blaming everyone else for what she does.  At least, when Sami would go on and on about how John destroyed her happy family, people would tell Sami to get over it.  They didn't agree with her, and tell her she was right that nothing she did was her responsibility.  Also, it was amusing when they would show EJ going on and on about how he and Samantha were going to have happy life together while Sami was either daydreaming about Rafe or Lucas, and scheming about how to get rid of EJ.  It clearly showed EJ didn't know Sami at all, and was a delusional fool.  With Jar Jar they do the exact opposite.  She's the victim, and her delusions about what really happened vs. what actually happened are right.  All anyone has to do is look at the scenes to see that the boring twit was not anyone's victim.


The idiot writers really are going to continue to drag out Eric/Nicole/Dan, Serena/Xander, and JJ/Paige forever aren't they?


I don't see why Aidan has to suddenly become evil just because Bo is returning.  I liked Bo/Hope and Steve/Kayla in the 80s, but I would really love for both Hope and Kayla to tell Bo and Steve they have moved on.  Let Bo and Steve have to put effort into reuniting with Hope and Kayla instead of doing the "he's evil so she has to forgive the jackass that abandoned her and then saved her" crap.


It's just more of the trash one character in order to try and make another character look good foolishness that is boring to watch.


Sami didn't choose to have sex with both Lucas and EJ on the night the twins were conceived.  Sami had sex with Lucas at the cabin, the roof caved in and then EJ raped Sami so that WTD SL made sense.  Nicole was told she could not have children so her accidental pregnancies made sense to.  Although, it still baffles me that with STDs, Herpes, and HIV/Aids out there that NO ONE uses a condom.  A simple reference to having used a condom or being on the pill, and falling into the small percentage that they didn't work for this time, would be better than everyone running around having unprotected sex and using NO birth control at all.

Edited by TigerLynx
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I am hoping that the kayla I so despise has to grovel to patch who obviously deserted her.

Anyone who hates her niece while taking the side of her easy lay niece deserves no one.

Edited by bobcat1946
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I know that you guys must be tired of my bitching about Theresa, Will and Eve..Bear with me please, I am really pissed at what has been done to Theresa/Jeannie, it is awful..Tomsell seems to hate the Brady family.The Brady stuff is ridiculous. Kim flew into town as the glamorous, international traveling, photographer Brady sibling that Caroline and Shawn St. were proud of but thought she was flying a little high. They didn't know about the high priced call girl thing, and that was a product of Kim's history as a victim of sex abuse. Kim has had two husbands, an international spy from an upper class British family and a movie producer. Theresa was born with a silver spoon just as much as Brady was, more so since I get the feeling Shane might even come from actual aristocracy. Victor is a working class, new money gangster. Theresa's father is Shane.


The  writers have ruined many characters’ history and background for ludicrous plots that doesn’t have major pay off. Just look at what they did to the Donovan sisters. They turned Eve Donovan into a trashy woman and they turned Theresa Donovan into a skank.  I know many people love Victor on here and think that he walks on water, I was astounded by his attitude towards the Donovan sisters.  when Victor compared the Donovan women to Honey Boo Boo.  When did the Donovans become an example of trashiness and ill breeding while the Kiriakis are an example of class? But the most frustrating is that characters actions make no sense. They do things but you don’t understand what motivates them. Take the Donovan women, one day they’re lost girls who were somehow damaged and then they’re bitches who just are hateful. My cousin gets so angry about how the writers treated “Shane’s girls” as she refers to them. I won't even go into depth about what they have to done to Will, I still like him,  to prop the gay Daniel...I hope Higley and company fix the mess that they have inherited from Tomsell...

Edited by Apprentice79
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No flames, she made a passing comment about how "careful" she is. 


I seem to recall Abby also saying something about it "not being the right time."  It is beyond stupid for a young woman in her twenties, or any woman for that matter, to be seriously saying that her only form of birth control is not having sex when she is ovulating.  I can understand a married couple trying that because their getting pregnant wouldn't be the end of the world but for woman with multiple partners who clearly doesn't want to have a baby just yet?  Insanely stupid! 

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Abifail was insulted by the thought Kayla and Hope brought up that she could make a Choice so I don't doubt the morning after pill was out of the question too.  Dammit girl if you're going to move in with a guy and having sex as much as you do you're still using condoms?  Really?

I'm pretty sure University Hospital doesn't have a closely held opinion against birth control as say, St. Lukes, and I've heard IUD's are popular again.  There's no excuse for her or the men involved. 


The characters are Catholic-by-convenience.  It would be nice if they actually discussed their views on birth control.

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Soaps have gone backward.  They are living in the dark ages.  Women who chose to end an unplanned pregnancy or practice birth control of any kind are EVIL.  While men who rape and abuse women are sexy and desirable.  It is beyond offensive.

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when Victor compared the Donovan women to Honey Boo Boo.


Seriously, does anyone really believe Victor would know who Honey Boo Boo is.  That's how far these writers have gone into having their characters do and say completely out of character things.

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