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S04.E06: Family Business

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The race is on to track down the elusive Snow Queen in order to discover what her ultimate end game is for Elsa and the residents of Storybrooke. Unaware that she does not possess the real blade that controls The Dark One, Belle attempts to use it to get her reluctant husband to show her where the Snow Queen is hiding. Belle travels to Arendelle and, with Anna's help, seeks out Grand Pabbie to help her regain her lost memories in order to discover the fate of her mother.



  • Love 2

I don't know why I bothered to put my glasses on to watch this ep, it was 90% filler and garbage. Definitely one of the worst eps of the entire series for me. Admittedly, I am not a big Belle fan...and her scenes with Anna and Rumple did not change my mind.


I did like the thirty seconds of Hook/Emma and the DQ/Rumple stuff.


The last scene was interesting. I just wish the episode had focused more on that and less on pointless fairybacks.

Edited by AmeliaBedelia
  • Love 1

I liked most of this episode. We finally got some questions answered.


* Snow and Charming saw the tape of Emma!! Squee!!!

* The evil ice cream truck. Enough said.

* I'm pleasantly surprised at how well Regina is handling Robin. I actually agree with her...

* Snow Queen continues to be positively epic!

* The mirror is the hate shard one from the original tale, just like I thought.

* Elsa and Anna's parents confirmed to be Kai and Gerda.

* Did anyone else totally agree with the mirror about Belle? It described Rumpbelle in a nutshell.

* I'm super intrigued about the identity of Helga, and why she looks like Emma.

* "Captain Guyliner"

* Snow Queen name reveal... Ingrid!

* Oaken was just perfect.


* Rumpbelle scenes were vomit worthy.

* Just get out, Robin. You're a jerk.

* The Belle flashbacks really taught us little.

* If all the records of Ingrid and Helga were erased, how did Elsa find one in the library?

* I'm so sick of Rumple having the upper hand in absolutely everything.

* Belle's trust in Rumple gets more sickening by the minute.

* Belle's dad is awfully shady, as if he actually killed her mother.


Everything besides the Belle and Rumple stuff was fantastic. Major improvement over last week.

Edited by KingOfHearts
  • Love 12

I enjoyed seeing that Belle is imperfect, capable of darkness and dishonesty; it makes her a better match for Gold.  At the same time her almost pathological trust in Gold makes her appear rather stupid and naive, traits that I dislike in a character that is supposed to be smart.  Although perhaps this episode shows she is more book smart than street smart.  

Loved when Hook used his hook to break the lock.

  • Love 8

So, Elsa's mom is Gerda, the name of the protagonist from the original fairy tale. AWESOME.


The Mirror was very nice to Belle by telling her the truth. I like the Mirror.


Snow Queen continues to delight, though I am trying to figure out if SQ had the hat before why did it show up for Rumple. I am thinking though that she'll get it back somehow.

  • Love 5

That my friend is how you handle villains.  After that execrable Regina episode, I planned to hate this one.  I find Belle/Rumple as bad (or worse) than Robin/Regina.  But here we have good guys with questionable motives (Belle = Hook in Jolly Roger) and villains with decent ones (keeping Belle safe).  And self-depreciating jokes!  

Yes, it was a bit boring in parts, but there were comparatively few moments when I felt like I needed to yell at my TV (I know there was at least one, but it has been blurred out by mirror induced excitement).  Maybe my bar was just really, really, really, really, really low after last week.


I am increasingly worried about the back half of the season though.  Frozen continues to be the most interesting, and relatable, part of the show.  I popped up from iPhone games to watch Elsa scenes, but went right back to it when it was our regular cast.  


But mainly...YAY MIRROR.  I know a lot of us have been waiting for this all season, and I was all jumpy claps from the minute they revealed it.


ETA: This is the most I've like Belle from the second they introduced her.  I guess she inherited the stupidity from her mother.  I hope they're planning to revisit that since they got an actual actress.  Fanny Price deserves more than 30 seconds of screen time.

Edited by NotBothered
  • Love 6

I don't even know why I bothered.   Belle's backstory for her visit to Arendelle was a total waste of my life.  And I just really, really dislike Belle.  I do like how she put on a jacket and boots, but kept the mini-skirt on.  I'm from Canada, being outside during the winter feels like you're in an ice cave sometimes.  Skirts and dresses are out of the question!


The Truth!Mirror was awesome and Rumple is a complete ass.  I was certain he was going to fake his way through the whole dagger control thing. 


I think I was okay with 5 minutes of the show all in all.  Rumple/DQ was pretty good, CS felt forced and knock me over with a feather, Regina was actually behaving like a normal person.

  • Love 7

Blah. I was genuinely hoping getting some Belle backstory might make me like the character better, but if anything, I dislike her even more after that. Also the actress.... let's just say it isn't a good sign when you're being noticeably out-acted by someone fresh out of drama school.


On the other hand, this episode did make me a little more sympathetic towards Regina. Yes, Robin, it is a dick move to tell someone you love them but you're staying with another woman anyway. It is a jerk thing to do to both women. 


I'm also continuing to love the Snow Queen and that whole storyline, and interested to see how the mirror thing goes. Next week looks like it's going to be good. 

  • Love 7

Belle was unbearable.  I don't remember her being this awful but damn.

The character or the performer?   Belle was even more disjointed and bizarre than usual, and de Ravin seemed to be speaking in an unfortunate, forced tremble most of the time.


So, does the mirror only tell the truth at all times, or just when that's what's going to work the best?


And do you think it managed to plant any seeds of doubt into Belle's continuously delusional head?

Edited by Mari
  • Love 1

I'm wondering what the age difference was between the actress who played Belle's mother and Emilie. I'm not sure if it was the harsh eye makeup and lipstick they had her in or what, but Belle looked way too old to be that woman's daughter.

Flashbacks were mostly pointless, though I love Grand Pabbie. He's my favorite CGI on this show!

Emma and Hook were cute, Robin continues to suck SO MUCH. Regina was wearing her big girl pants tonight (and wasn't onscreen as much as last week, which is a plus for me).

Snow Queen continues to be awesome, as does her mirror. I suspect we were supposed to think the mirror was telling cruel lies and half-truths to Belle, but I agreed with everything it said...

  • Love 3

MirrorBelle was the best I've seen Emilie act in a long time.


Still love the Snow Queen.


Is Emma a reincarnation of Helga? I don't get it.


Preview looks awesome.


ETA: Belle reminds me of Season 1 Henry. Always talking about wanting to be a hero. Only problem is he was 11 and she's an adult.

Edited by Writing Wrongs
  • Love 4

You guys. The Snow Queen's plan is so delightfully creepy. I mean, she's definitely operating on some level of psycho logic so it's nonsensical but it's creepy and I love it.


Snow aww-ing over Wee Emma was so adorable and I wanted to smack Regina for breaking the moment. Like, shut up, Regina, if you hadn't cast your damn curse, Snow would have known what a 14-year-old Emma looked like and wouldn't have had to aww at her in the first place. Let the woman have her moment, will you? (And now I am envisioning Snow and Charming sneaking that tape back to the apartment to pause it and just take in what their baby girl looked like in private.)


The bit about Emma being with the Snow Queen for six months and that being the longest she'd ever stayed anywhere? Broke my heart. As did the folder of Emma's artwork and papers that the Snow Queen kept. I hope when they defeat her that Emma takes that stuff and shows it to her parents. They'd love it.


Anna continues to be delightful. I don't know what it is but she amuses me greatly.


I wish Belle had listened to the mirror. Is it too much to hope that when things settle, she realizes that she was holding the dagger and telling Rumple no when he poofed them back to the shop? If the dagger in her hand were real, one would think he wouldn't have been able to poof her because she didn't want him to.

  • Love 9

I'm wondering what the age difference was between the actress who played Belle's mother and Emilie. I'm not sure if it was the harsh eye makeup and lipstick they had her in or what, but Belle looked way too old to be that woman's daughter.

Flashbacks were mostly pointless, though I love Grand Pabbie. He's my favorite CGI on this show!

Emma and Hook were cute, Robin continues to suck SO MUCH. Regina was wearing her big girl pants tonight (and wasn't onscreen as much as last week, which is a plus for me).

Snow Queen continues to be awesome, as does her mirror. I suspect we were supposed to think the mirror was telling cruel lies and half-truths to Belle, but I agreed with everything it said...


I don't think we are. The point of the mirror in the fairytale is that it leaves only the bad qualities of what it reflects. Everything about Belle was the truth. A common trope is who needs lies when truth is the most damning.

  • Love 3

The character or the performer?   Belle was even more disjointed and bizarre than usual, and de Ravin seemed to be speaking in an unfortunate, forced tremble most of the time.


The character.  When the writing and characterization is this stupid, I let the acting slide.  Frankly the acting fit the characterization as I'm guessing they were going for 'this is the moment that Belle decided to be a hero'.  Before and after.


But the whole thing with Belle and the mirror and Rumbelle just feels like bizarro world to me.  I think they were going for something.  I almost saw what it was but it just didn't come across.


I basically came away only knowing what they were going for with the mirror because I previously read the wiki on the original Snow Queen story.

Liked this episode better than the last.

CS continued to be adorable. Killy got another chance to use his hook. He doesn't have his sword with him anymore, does he? It's noticeably missing. Finally another reference to the twisted family tree.

Liked the evil mirror.

Belle's outfit kinda looked like a giant snowflake. Don't really know how I feel about it. So dis Belle jus. Hightail it out of there after Anna fell and the Dairy Queen showed up?

Love the DQ, she's so twisted!

Rumple had the perfect chance to trap the DQ in the hat, which means he's got a long term plan thought out.

Oh Robin.....Regina seems to have more honor than you at this point. Regina seems to be handling this mess with a good amount of grace, so why can't she do that with every other problem she's caused or faced?

I have a question about Rumple. They didn't show the dagger wound healing, so does that mean Belle actually had the real dagger? Or did I miss something.

Colette gets added to the small list of good parents on this show, which makes the grand total about 2 or 3 out of a zillion parents on this show.

Captain Charming next week!

  • Love 1


Belle was unbearable.


I believe it was a combination of the acting and the writing. The flashbacks felt bland and mostly pointless. She was irrelevant to the Frozen story because Ingrid would have found out about Anna's new information anyway. Even the Skin Deep setup felt unnecessary. 


The stuff about Belle's parents left a lot to be learned. I believe it's setup for more story in 4B.

Edited by KingOfHearts
  • Love 2

I had to talk myself into watching this episode after last week's trainwreck. I kind of wish I wasn't successful.


"Magic always comes with a price." Well, sometimes. Not really if you're a villain and/or Creator's Pet.


I'm really not feeling Outlaw Queen. I don't feel sorry for Regina and I'm so done with her character that when she told Robin to give her up and fall in love with his wife again I just rolled my eyes. Robin is a douche and a plot device. May Marian recover, take custody of Roland, and find a happier life away from this crap.


Belle and Rumpel...I've got no patience for this.


Claims of "You ruined my/someone else's life!" are starting to become like "secrets and lies" was in Smallville. Cease and desist with this, showrunners, please.


"Spend a little time in this town, you'll find out everyone's related." Lampshade!


Hey, Snow got to see what Emma looked like as a young teen and it was acknowledged onscreen...for all of a few seconds. We could have cut out all of that Outlaw Queen nonsense and spent more time on Snow and Charming making a trip down memory lane with Emma. Hint hint, Show.


This episode, for me, could basically be described with one word: meh. I enjoyed the mirror, the Snow Queen and her creeptastic plot, Emma and Hook, Anna and Kristoff being adorable, and the last scene of the episode. So...about 5 minutes give or take? Show fatigue creeping closer.

Edited by El Seed
  • Love 8

Regina somewhat redeemed herself after last week.

I liked the one-liners in this one -- Captain Guyliner was funny as well as Hook's joke about everyone in the town being related.

But other than that just yuck. Glad to see I wasn't the only one who thought Belle's flashback was a waste. If they were going to do "here is another random regular crossing paths with Anna" then why not let Anna have some fun with a pirate or a bandit named Snow or Red? Way more fun, interesting and better acted than what we got tonight.

  • Love 2

We need Bitchy Belle more often.  

Does that mean we'd have to spend copious amounts more time with Belle the character?  Because if we're voting, I'd vote no for that. 


Okay, I'm the opposite of a Rumbelle fan.  I watched this and thought "Creepy.  Gross.  Creepy."    But now I'm curious--how did this episode come across to people that truly enjoy the pairing?  (Apart from the "you're the best!  Best episode ever!  More Rumbelle because it's beautiful!" drivel on twitter?)

Edited by Mari
  • Love 3

What was with the weird split-second shots of Belle's face in the fairybacks? If it had only happened once I wouldn't say anything, but it happened at least twice.


Hook's "more like 200" made me happy, because I've always thought the non-canon 300 years ago for Rumple's time period was unfeasible.


Is it wrong that if DQ let Emma keep Hook and the Charmings, I wouldn't really mind if she succeeded in destroying the town? It probably is, but I don't really care.

  • Love 16
I'm very close to reaching the point where I enjoy discussing this show more than actually watching the show.

I'm already there. I haven't watched this ep, and what I'm getting from everyone so far is I made the right call. Judging from the very few gifs on tumblr, and the ones I've seen are from next weeks promo no less, tells me that, basically, I missed nothing. (BTW Brooklyn Nine Nine is a far more amusing way to spend the 8:30pm time slot)


But I will search youtube for the usual Emma and Hook scenes. Plus, is it true?! Did Snow and Charming see the video of young Emma?!? I can't believe the writers bothered.


Is it wrong that if DQ let Emma keep Hook and the Charmings, I wouldn't really mind if she succeeded in destroying the town? It probably is, but I don't really care.

If it's wrong, I don't want to be right.

Edited by FabulousTater
  • Love 4

I actually rather enjoyed this episode--it definitely exceeded my expectations. I also find that the whole was somehow greater than the sum of the parts--it worked more than it should have by rights. But I liked what we got of the season's central mystery, and I find the central mystery itself to be pretty intriguing. DEFINITELY more engaging than 3B's "mystery."


Elizabeth Mitchell continues to just utterly kill it as the Snow Queen. Hands down the best non-Rumpel/Regina villain this show has ever had. She's just awesome. I want to keep her forever and ever. Her and Rumpel going up against each other is fan-friggin-tastic.


Robin continues to be the biggest ass alive. "I told you that I'm in love with you but I won't leave my wife for you...but I'm going to chase after you asking why you're avoiding me and saying I love you even more!" Ass. Tastic. At this point, pond scum deserves better than him. Also he and Regina continue to have zero chemistry. Please do go fall in love with Marian so Robin can be off my screen permanently. Thank goodness we got like 1 minute of Regina tonight, because after last week I just can't with the character, but boo that Snow and Charming also got a minute. But I loved Snow's little moment of being like "Emma, that was you!"


I rofl'd when Regina called Hook "Captain Guyliner."


Rumpel and Belle have the most f-ed up marriage I've ever seen. It's seriously so messed up. But when the dagger lie finally comes out, it is going to be epic.


Don't know why you bring in Frances O'Connor for literally twenty seconds of screentime.


On the whole, however, a solid middle episode that advanced the plot. Though what the hell were the make-up people on? Elsa's blush was out of control and Anna and Belle's lipstick matched Anna's magenta cloak!


Although perhaps this episode shows she is more book smart than street smart.

I think that's the angle the show has always taken on Belle, tbh. They don't always pull it off (they didn't quite tonight) but it's what they've always been going for, I think.


Is it wrong that if DQ let Emma keep Hook and the Charmings, I wouldn't really mind if she succeeded in destroying the town? It probably is, but I don't really care.

If you're wrong, so am I, because I would so watch that spinoff.

Edited by stealinghome
  • Love 4

Hook's "more like 200" made me happy,


And he almost said something about his childhood.  Bummer they were too busy telling me something about Belle who BTW sounded exactly like Henry the 12 year old.  The thing with Belle is that she really doesn't belong to the whole because they don't really have her interact with anyone outside of Rumple.  I was actually shocked that she said two words to Hook at the end or that she sought Emma out to tell her.


Then she went back to being completely useless because I was really hoping she'd say something to the trio about the hat to put the other secret keeper on the hot seat.



But I will search youtube for the usual Emma and Hook scenes.

They're already up.

Edited by YaddaYadda
  • Love 1

But I will search youtube for the usual Emma and Hook scenes. Plus, is it true?! Did Snow and Charming see the video of young Emma?!? I can't believe the writers bothered.

Yes...and of course we got ZERO emotional fall out from it.  Was Snow excited to see young Emma?  Was she sad that she was in foster care?  We will never know.  Because this show apparently has issues with character moments for people who aren't Regina or Rumple.

  • Love 7

I didn't think it was possible to dislike a character the way I do with Fakanary on Arrow.. Belle proved me wrong. I realized tonight why i was okay with her up until tonight: small dosage. same as with Fakanary. both can be written off and i'll be just find and happy to see them go.


Line of the series- so far- award goes to the Captain: "Spend a little time in this town, you'll find out everyone's related."

So are we guessing yes/no that we'll find out in the soon future that Emma is related to the Snow Queen and Elsa through one of her parents via the middle sister? right, otherwise- besides it being true and a nice jab at themselves- why have Hook say it to both Elsa and Emma?! So yea, i'm calling it now.


Thank god they didn't quote Frozen this week. i mean it was nice the first couple of episodes, now it's getting tiresome.



Like someone said.. I can barely remember anything from this episode, maybe a few scenes. Was it last week that i was doing other stuff while watching the episode? yea i think it was. i'm giving the show until the winter break to draw me back in, if not it's gonna go the way of Downtown Abbey- off my viewing list. I can always binge watch during the summer. There are better shows to spend my precious time on.

I mean I love Captain Swan, Elsa and SQ are awesome, Outlaw Queen is well working through some shit (and i think i like them better in their flirting stage the angst is killing them which is a shame!). I Don't care much for Snowing anymore. Would have liked to see Will.

maybe it will get better next week?

Hook's "more like 200" made me happy, because I've always thought the non-canon 300 years ago for Rumple's time period was unfeasible.


Honestly this just confused me more. Is he 200 or 300 somethin' years old? He mentions 200, emma mentioned 300 two episodes back. How old is Rumple again? Shouldn't Killy be around his age minus a few decades? Edited by HoodlumSheep
Yes...and of course we got ZERO emotional fall out from it.  Was Snow excited to see young Emma?  Was she sad that she was in foster care?  We will never know.  Because this show apparently has issues with character moments for people who aren't Regina or Rumple.

So it was a blink and you missed it moment then?...Of course it was, why am I even trying to make myself think otherwise. Squandered opportunity #9736485760837562398475629834756238947563485746387456.

  • Love 2

Rumpel and Belle have the most f-ed up marriage I've ever seen. It's seriously so messed up. But when the dagger lie finally comes out, it is going to be epic.


Though what the hell were the make-up people on? Elsa's blush was out of control and Anna and Belle's lipstick matched Anna's magenta cloak!

I still don't know that the Rumple/Belle fall-out will be;  the show has set up some pretty dramatic things before, that they completely ignored later.  I'm hoping the fall-out is huge, but expecting Belle to stomp her high heel for an episode and a half, before chewing someone out for not being as good-hearted as Rumple is.


As for the make-up--Thank you!  I thought maybe it was my hypercritical of Belle and Anna eye that was just being too picky.  The make-up was overdone and wonky tonight, wasn't it?  Or was brain just amplifying stuff so I could be even more annoyed at Belle and Anna?




And he [Hook] almost said something about his childhood. 


I know--that was the one part of the Emma/Hook interaction tonight that disappointed me.  It was the first time in a long time we've seen him consider opening up again about his past, and it was shut down with a joke. Why?

  • Love 2

Don't know why you bring in Frances O'Connor for literally twenty seconds of screentime.



For real! I figured that she'd have to pop up again at some point in the episode, but nope, the scene at the beginning was it. What a waste.


So it was a blink and you missed it moment then?...Of course it was, why am I even trying to make myself think otherwise. Squandered opportunity #9736485760837562398475629834756238947563485746387456.



Once Upon a Time: Squandering story opportunities since 2011. That goes pretty well with the show's unofficial motto: Evil will always triumph because good is dumb. (Cribbed from noted villain Dark Helmet.)


I'm very close to reaching the point where I enjoy discussing this show more than actually watching the show.



You and me both.

I actually don't mind Belle as a character.  I think she was alright in 2A, and in the flashbacks of S1.  I think the problem is mostly when she's buying Rumple's antics.  I'm hoping that the "Epic Dagger Fallout" will sort of push her to stand up for herself against Rumple.  I can't remember if it was early this season or last season, but she stood up to Regina and showed more of a backbone.  I personally think the mirror shows the deepest, darkest parts of yourself that you don't want to be true, so I'm hoping she'll make a conscious decision to not be 'weak and pathetic', as Mirror!Belle put it.

  • Love 2

Honestly this just confused me more. Is he 200 or 300 somethin' years old? He mentions 200, emma mentioned 300 two episodes back. How old is Rumple again? Shouldn't Killy be around his age minus a few decades?

Comments made in twitter and interviews have always indicated 300, but it's never made sense to me. Bae traveled directly to our world and landed in London circa 1880, which was definitely not 300 years ago. Bae was probably 15 years younger than Hook, and Rumple us at least 15 years older than Hook.

Emma was probably guessing with her 300 years comment, and it's the only time they've ever used that number to indicate Hook or Rumple's age on the show. Bae and Rumple's previous comments on the topic have been more along the lines of "a couple centuries."

He wasn't bluffing. The real dagger is still in the safe. Belle should have realized that Rumple disobeyed a direct order more than once, especially when she was screaming "Let me go!" and he kept holding onto her.

Yeah, there was a moment in the shop there where I thought Belle totally realized that the dagger was a fake. But then...no. Sigh. Why must they make her so dumb?

  • Love 5

Can Belle just transform into Mirror Belle?  Evil Belle is way more fun then normal Belle, and better acted.  Really, throughout all the Belle/Anna scenes, I kept thinking "One of these actresses is fresh out of acting school, and it's not the one you would think."  Really, I never had issues with Emile De Ravin in her past work and even her first episode here; why is she struggling so badly with Belle?


You see, show?  This is how you handle Regina.  I can take her actually being realistic about her scenario, and providing some amusing snark.  I much prefer that to her whining and everyone else falling over themselves, to make her feel better.  More of that, please.  That said, I continue to think she and Robin are truly meant for each other, because Robin is a selfish dolt.


Ugh, Rumple and Belle are just do disturbing to watch.  A perfect example of an unhealthy relationship.  At least we're suppose to find them disturbing... I think.


Snow Queen continues to be awesome.  Hope we get more SQ/Rumple scenes.  Elizabeth Mitchell and Robert Carlyle are so fun together.  So, SQ's big plan is to kill everyone, and have a perfect family with Elsa and Emma?  I can see several flaws with this, but at least she's picking two characters that don't suck, so, yay for good taste?


Ha!  Hook wins line of the night with his remark about how everyone in Storybrooke is related to someone else.  Hook totally knows what's up!


Better then last week's episode thankfully, so I can't complain too much.

  • Love 4

On the other hand, this episode did make me a little more sympathetic towards Regina. Yes, Robin, it is a dick move to tell someone you love them but you're staying with another woman anyway. It is a jerk thing to do to both women. 


He's getting to be a real prize, isn't he? Regina will be well rid of him! When Regina looks better compared to you... 


Fanny Price deserves more than 30 seconds of screen time.


I can't believe they cast France O'Connor for that 5 second pointless flashback of Belle's childhood.


I'm very close to reaching the point where I enjoy discussing this show more than actually watching the show. 


Add me to that list. 


I know--that was the one part of the Emma/Hook interaction tonight that disappointed me.  It was the first time in a long time we've seen him consider opening up again about his past, and it was shut down with a joke. Why?


It's not time for his flashback yet. :-p The CS scenes were cute.


Yeah, pretty much a boring episode, except for the little reveals. Elizabeth Mitchell is creepily fantastic! And I loved the DQ's scenes with Rumple. She is deranged in her quest for the perfect family.


Sorry to de Ravin fans, but her acting feels so odd to me. I liked her in LOST, but I just can't stand her acting here. Her odd facial expressions are almost like gurning. 


Aww... young Emma's paintings. I hope the Charmings get to see it in off-screenville. At least they gave us 2 seconds of Snow gushing over young Emma. 


emma mentioned 300 two episodes back.

I don't really take accurate information from her. There's honestly no way she could have judged that to my knowledge. Pan said in Going Home, "What are you now? A couple hundred?", so about 200 years is a safer bet. It's probably not quite that, but I don't think anyone was counting but Rumple.

Edited by KingOfHearts
  • Love 1

Aww... young Emma's paintings. I hope the Charmings get to see it in off-screenville. At least they gave us 2 seconds of Snow gushing over young Emma. 


I'm still shocked they gave us that scene of Snow seeing young Emma. It was nice to enjoy it for a mili-second.


I would love to see that folder in the Loft and know that Snow and Charming have looked through it.

Edited by Emma
  • Love 5

"Spend a little time in this town, you'll find out everyone's related." Truer words were never spoken. Thank you, Hook, for being the voice of the viewers.

I love the Frozen characters. Kristoff is quickly becoming my favorite. I just wish he and Anna had a little more chemistry. They act more like brother and sister than an engaged couple.

Honestly, I LOVE this plot line. Both villains last season simply annoyed me, so having an awesome villain and an intriguing story line makes me happy. Can't wait to see how it works out.

  • Love 1

Yay another mysterious family member. This episode literally produced thousands of questions and barely any answers, very disappointed. At least it clears up why Belle willingly gave herself up for her kingdom.


I thought Belle's mum was Ingrid at first, so I was expecting her to be the other sister. But apparently this mysterious sister looks like Emma. oy vey.

Edited by Bluerang1
  • Love 2

What a boring episode....I can't stand Rumple and Belle anymore. I spent the episode wondering where the heck Kristoff is in Storybrook and why nobody is wondering were he is in all of this.

And then I started wondering about Helga and how sweet it would be if she was Helga Hufflepuff from Harry Potter (the Sorting Hat made an appearance on the show back in season one, right?). They would have to explain the name, but that's an Easter Egg I could get behind too!

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