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Hooray for Shlamey, @tiftgirl! Paws crossed for smooth sailing from here on out!

Kitty Gunderson the Elder dislikes the carrier. She inevitably pees in it. I'm pretty sure it's out of anger, not fear. So her carrier is lined with a puppy pad (bless whoever came up with those) and a towel.

Kitty Gunderson the Younger, on the other hand, loves the carrier. She jumps right in a settles down. She doesn't go to the vet as often as the Elder (she's only 17, so a total youngster), but when we bring the Elder home from the vet and let her out of the carrier, the Younger crawls right in for a nap. The Younger is a bit of an oddball. 

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@tiftgirl - I am so glad to hear that Shlamey is on the mend.  WRT Shana and her kidney issues, ask your vet about Azodyl.  My Babalu's tests showed the beginnings of some kidney problems; since he's been on Azodyl those problems have been resolved.

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Was getting ready to take Kook out for his trike/walk again this morning and Sir Robin made it clear we were not going anywhere without him.  So the cat got into the carrier, I lined the trike basket with a towel or two to cushion the vibration and off the three of us went.

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Thank you @DeLurker and @bilgistic - Shlamey is doing well today - no swelling and no sign of anything on her chin be it blood, ooze or anything upsetting!  Plus she forgave me enough to snuggie (that's our word lol) with me at bed time last night.

@MargeGunderson you make me laugh with the 17 year old youngster!  Shlomo had one carrier he loved to nap in and that was one nap spot the girls did not co-op for themselves.  It was hard-sided plastic and bless his heart he was so big he couldn't turn around in it so he backed in.  :)

@CoderLady  It is good to hear of another kitty who went through the same thing and came through it well.  The Dr did say that when she looked at her blood tests results before the surgery that if she didn't know better, she would think she was only 7 or 8 - so if we can only keep that up that would be great.

@Bastet I am going to take time to study that chart to find the best food.  In November her phosphorus levels were dangerously high according to the Dr.  In Feb they were the low end of high and last week they are well within normal range.  The powdered binder is not a big hit and she tries to sniff out untainted morsels to eat.  Nor has it gotten easier since November, but, seems enough is getting in her.  She has been on prescription renal food for a couple of years because her kidney values were high normal.  I am thinking about trying the wet again, noses were upturned at first and they liked the dry, but, I am thinking what with age etc maybe the wet would be better.

@walnutqueen I will ask her about the Azodyl.  I know the Dr said her numbers would never improve, but anything that may help keep kidney failure at bay is worth checking out.  I am very glad it is helping Babalu.  When they were doing her blood test last week, that asked if she could stay an hour or two because he bladder was empty.  Scared the crap out me and I just looked at the girl and said OH MY GOD - has it started???.  Nope, she just peed when they were taking the blood.  ;)

Thank you all for your welcomes, suggestions and good thoughts and ideas.  I love reading about your furbabies and seeing the pictures.  (I need to read how to do that). I will also attempt to not be so long winded in the future. :)

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My household only has one pet, a red-masked parakeet (I don't want to post her name because it's an unusual name so it's a privacy concern, but I will refer to her as "T"). She's really my husband and in-laws' parakeet. T is around 14-15 years old and she was a rescue. She was probably a pet that escaped or was released, and she was found outside by some of my husband's relatives who gave her to my in-laws since they had experience with parakeet ownership. My FIL passed away a few years ago and then in 2016/2017 my MIL got very sick and was hospitalized for almost a year. We took care of T while she was hospitalized because there was nobody else to do it. Then my MIL moved in with us after she was released from the hospital because she was disabled from her illness and couldn't live independently. She has recovered a lot and in the future she may or may not move to a warmer state to live with other relatives and T may or may not go with her.

Honestly...I don't get along with T very much. She's definitely not the pet I would have chosen to have. She has behavioral problems and has since the day they got her. They assumed she was abused by her previous owners but our vet told us this species of bird is actually known for being temperamental. She is vicious and bitey. She's actually gotten a lot better over the years because when I first started dating my husband she would try to attack me (and strangers in general) anytime she saw me, including swooping down on me from overhead, and now she tolerates my presence as long as I stay a couple of feet away from her. I have been bitten by her before though. She has also bitten my husband and MIL several times, even to the point of drawing blood, and she actually likes them.

The biting isn't a huge problem though, since there are ways to avoid it. The main problem is T is extremely loud. That is common for parrots, but again, this isn't the pet I would have chosen. Unfortunately my husband and MIL kind of enable her and so she has learned she can get her way by screaming. After my MIL was hospitalized she actually had abandonment issues and would scream whenever she was left alone in a room. Then she recovered from that after my MIL came back and now she mostly screams a) if my husband gets home late and she's trying to figure out where he is (she can actually tell time) and b) if she either knows he is home and wants his attention, or she thinks he might be home because someone just came in from inside. We live in an apartment and this type of bird is not recommended for an apartment.

Actually when we first took her in we lived in an apartment that didn't allow pets, so it was very stressful worrying that we might be kicked out if she screamed too loud and the management found out we had a bird. Miraculously we managed to find probably the one apartment building in our area that allowed pets, was disability accessible, and met all our other requirements for an apartment. But before that we were in contact with a parrot sanctuary in case we couldn't find an apartment that allowed pets, so we would know she was living in a good environment (we would have had to pay $1000 a year to house her there though). Tons of people in our building have loudly barking dogs so now we don't have to worry about them complaining about T.

My in-laws had other parakeets over the decades but they all passed away and she is now the only one left. She always hated and bullied other birds so she's perfectly fine being the only bird. She also hates me a lot. She was attached to my FIL when he was alive and after he passed away she became attached to my husband. Therefore she hates me because she sees me as competition for my husband's attention. She likes my MIL but not as much as my husband, and once my husband is home she will also try to attack my MIL if she gets too close. She very rarely allows being touched. Like other parakeets love to get head and back scratches, but 95% of the time she will freak out and bite both her own leg and the person if someone tries to touch her. She's also very territorial about her cage, like my husband has to take her out of the room and distract her while my MIL is cleaning the cage or even changing the food and water, so she will bite. And even then she will know what's going on and be trying to fly back to the cage to protect it. She's also afraid of everything, like once there was a tiny moth in her cage and she was completely frozen in place not moving until it left.

She doesn't really talk (she can say two things and she only says them if she thinks nobody is around) but she is intelligent. The other day she was mimicking the cadence of my MIL talking on the phone. When people are talking she tries to "join in" the conversation, and if people are arguing she starts screaming whenever one of them talks to try to shut them up (LOL). She also has "conversations" with the squirrels that hang out on the fire escape and the dog that lives downstairs. If anything is out of place in her cage she will scream until it's fixed. Once she screamed for hours because her food and water dishes were in switched positions in the cage. She also is able to use tools to an extent, like when one of her feathers falls out she will chew the end into a point and then use it to scratch her head. She also has a sense of humor and she makes a certain sound that is her version of laughing. Once my husband was trying to prevent her from landing on his shoulder because she poops on him every time she lands on him and he didn't want to get pooped on. She landed on him when he wasn't looking, pooped in the hood of his hoodie, and then flew away while "laughing." It's pretty amazing how smart she can be sometimes actually. We always joke that she is a mini person.

Anyway I think T will be the last pet that we ever have. She's probably going to be around for a while because that species can supposedly live up to 50 years (although 25-30 is more common). We can't own any carnivorous pets while we have her. I had cats growing up and I loved them dearly, but not only do I not want to have to worry about them climbing on and knocking over everything, or have to deal with constant cat hair, but my husband is also allergic to some cats. It's possible we might get a pair of small dogs in the future since they are less destructive than cats, but I'm not sure. There's also the problem of where to get them -- I don't trust shelters after learning of the shady practices a lot of them have regarding dogs, but I also wouldn't want to get dogs from a breeder. We can't get rabbits or guinea pigs or anything like that since we don't have an outdoor area and I feel like those kind of pets need outside space.

Honestly I don't really think parrots should be bred as pets. Sorry if that's controversial but I don't think that what is essentially a wild animal that flies dozens of miles a day in the wild should be confined to a house or apartment their entire life. It's not like dogs or cats, which have been bred to live with people for thousands of years. They also need a ton of attention. My MIL is home all day so she can provide that attention, but most people are out a lot of the time. Additionally, it's very common for parrots to be abused and neglected, and the average parrot is rehomed 7 or 8 times in their life. They are also harder to rehome than cats or dogs since there is less of a demand for them. Adopting a rescue is fine since they wouldn't be able to survive in the wild anyway, but I don't think any more parrots should be bred in captivity.

Edited by BuyMoreAndSave
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@buy more

I don't trust my current dogs with bunnies running loose, plus not all the kitties were/are as enamored of bunnies as Sterling..  When I did I made sure they were contained.  I say my dog Toffee is a champion chewer (I have chairs on my couch when I'm not sitting there because couch cushions have been chewed up twice) but bunnies are something else.  Taking the remote back to the cable company because a bunny had chewed off all the numbers, electrical cords, all kinds of little things you wouldn't think of, and many while I was watching but they were too quick to see.  I used to let them out in a pen outside and that was nice till red tail hawks moved into the neighborhood.  Karma went into a freak out climbed over the pen, made it out into the street even though at 20lbs he was much bigger than the hawk.

To give an idea how big Karma was (Destiny was slightly smaller).....me and Karma 9 years ago, Karma and my old rottie mix dog and the hawk on my back yard fence.  (do I have a limit on how many pics I can put up?).  Gee I miss my flemmies and that dog.




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@deemac That is some big bunny you have! That photo really puts it I to perspective for me. 

I have no complaints about how many photos that you post. They’re cute, interesting and good. I especially like the photo of the hawk. 

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I'd posted in the Jeopardy forum about Ebony Moon's black smoke coat coloring but it's hard to tell in photos.  This one shows it......I had all kinds of pics to post but I save them for web use at just over half the size the forums show so they're best redone from the original.  While I love playing with pictures that irritates me....they've been fine for facebook and my phone why does the forum have to stretch them out (the last few posts are redone, the previous posts pics are better at their saved size).  Pet peeves forum lol?


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More about the new cats: Catsby and Calypso had an unexpected encounter with the first lizard of the season in the middle of the kitchen today. They both chased it under the dishwasher. For several hours afterward they kept going back to see if it had come back out. I rewarded the mighty hunters with their first can of wet cat food, and they both sang when they got a whiff of it.

Calypso has taken to laying on the floor under my desk and gnawing in the toenail of my big toe. It only bothers me when she hits the toe instead of the nail. Both of them have adopted the case of my previous computer, also under the desk, as a napping spot. I guess the metal is nice and cool on a warm day.


A warm pile of fresh laundry, a window to look out of...



Sir Catsby's expedition to an unnamed mountain peak:

Making preparations at base camp.


(Not shown - intermediate camp behind the monitor.)

Getting ready for the final push to the summit.


"Damn, I forgot the flag!"


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I found out there was a poultry show happening here this weekend, and I just had to go. I love looking at fancy birds online (I live right in a small city and I can't have any poultry of my own, but I think fancy chickens and such are great). Here are a few cute things I saw today:





The lady with the quail tried to get me to buy some quail -- she said they're so little that I could keep them in my house. I was tempted, but I know the dogs and cats would try to eat them, so I'll continue to admire from afar!

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That second bird picture reminds me of a Kliban cartoon entitled "Best in Show", featuring a critter which is so fluffy that you can't tell what it is.

Catsby was in rare form today. In the space of three hours he managed to tip the litter box over on its side, overturn the water bowl, and bend a metal slat on one of the window blinds by licking it too hard. Grrr. I decided that the cats needed some exercise, so I made them a toy consisting of a plastic bottle cap and a piece of cotton string. I hung the cap about 18" above the floor from the vent that's directly over my bedroom door, directly in the path of the air blowing out of the cooler. Not only does the air make the cap swing around, but it also makes the string slowly oscillate like a guitar string, which bounces the cap up & down. It was an instant success. Calypso immediately went into full hunting mode, and exhausted herself in about 10 minutes. Catsby needed a nap after 5 minutes of play.

Two important features of the new toy:

  • 18" puts the cap a little bit above their heads, but is close enough to eye level for them to see it easily. Having it that high up means that they can't grab it unless they get both front paws off of the ground, which means they burn a little more energy. No laying on the ground to play with this toy!
  • Cotton string is somewhat elastic. If they grab the cap and then let it go, it shoots off through the air and they want to chase it some more.

Next I'll have to try it with one of those cheap little plush cat toys from the dollar store...

Also, the Mighty Hunters bagged their first house lizard today. It was smaller than the one they chased yesterday, so there's at least one more lurking around in here somewhere.

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For you birdwatchers...I just saw an article that said if you place containers with nesting material in your yard, you increase the chance of them nesting near by.  They suggest using colorful bits of yarn and cloth so that the nests are easier for you to spot.  Also, dog hair makes nice cushion and insulation for them.

Cat trivia I recently learned:   Tabby cats have an M pattern over their eyes.


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I put my klee kai's fur into a suet feeder for the birds in the spring -- only before I start his flea prevention for the year again, though, as that stuff can harm the birds. Three years in a row I've seen a chickadee pulling bunches of hair out of the feeder for its nest! I got a video in 2016.

That AKK sheds a ton for a 19 lb dog... and he doesn't appreciate being asked to pose with it, either (don't feel bad for him, though; that's about the worst thing that ever happens to him).



Here, have a recent picture of the cats, as well:


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How much of that 19 lbs is fur?

I give my dog Bravecto 4x a year for flea & tick prevention.  I'll have to look up whether that might do anything to his fur that would make it unsuitable for the birds to use for nesting material.

I adore sunbeam cat!

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13 hours ago, riley702 said:

My SIL shaves down her Golden every spring and puts the hair out for bird nests.

I raked Danny a couple weeks ago. Left giant piles of hair in the backyard for the birds. Lots of baby birds are going to smell like wet Labrador this spring.

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I'm seeing a expansion of Lucy's limits. For a year, she and Swiffer have hidden in the back two bedrooms/bathroom separated from the rest of the house by a baby gate. She did NOT like me being gone from Thursday to last Wednesday. She has decided she will jump the gate and keep track of me. Swiffer won't jump yet, but wants the gate open to keep track of me also. Aww, my babies!

Edited by riley702
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Well, I'm meeting Dallas, the driving cat next week - date to be decided.

I'm bringing my silly dog over to meet her first - she's untested with dogs.  Since he is typically indifferent to cats, I really am not worried about how he would react to the presence of another cat in Casa De'Lurker.  Sir Robin likes everyone and was a rescue cat living in a foster home before with other cats, so not expecting any negative reaction from him.

If all goes well, I'll do a trial period first (to make sure things gel in the household) with the expectation of formally adopting Dallas.  I'll change her name - right now I think of her as Toonces. 

A bit disappointed because I was imagining another black & white female cat so I could name her Notorious RBG.  I should never pick out pet names before the pet.

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My orange cat wound up being named Lily because I needed something to call her, and it took her about a month to decide being in the same room with me was OK (she was feral before I got her).  And besides, Lily Beast rhymes with Silly Beast, so I could call her either one. 

My tortoiseshell cat came with the name Fajita, because the shelter was having a Tex-Mex themed day when she came in (they also got a Pancho and a Nacho that day).  She wound up being named Snip because if she were a horse, the spot on her nose would be called a snip.  I don't think I've ever met a cat who should be named Fajita.  So I'm firmly in the "don't name the cat before meeting it" camp.

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37 minutes ago, EighteenTwelve said:

Lily Beast rhymes with Silly Beast,

I call my Mom's cat the Wee Beastie.  Her name is Fluffy, but she is a bit of a split personality with anyone not my Mom.  She'll want you to pet her, but then she freaks out after a minute and acts like you are attacking her.  Wash, rinse, repeat.

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2 hours ago, EighteenTwelve said:

So I'm firmly in the "don't name the cat before meeting it" camp.

Lucy's shelter name was Linda, which I A. didn't think sounded like a cat name, and B. I have a sister named Linda. Swiffer's shelter name was Penny, which I had no objections to, but my brother had a cat named Penny at the time.

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I don't love my girls' names, but I was afraid I'd give them identity crises in renaming them. They were 2.5 (mom) and 1.5 (daughter) years old when I adopted them, so they had had their names for a while. They don't actually respond to their names or anything else, for that matter. They get called so many goofy things.

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Riley had a name I found rather stupid, but since she was about six years old, I wondered if it was fair to change it.  She didn't seem to respond to it, so I figured it wouldn't really confuse her to begin with.  And, yeah, I call her so many things I'm not sure she really knows her name is Riley any more than she knew her previous name.

I have a mental list of names I like for cats (almost all are people names), and then I see which one seems to fit the cat.  They all live the Life of Riley with me, but her "before" was the worst among any I'd ever adopted, so I knew she was the right one for the name.  And since the little princess gets fed breakfast in bed every morning that I'm home, I'd say it fits. 

(Left to her own devices, she only eats at night.  But if I bring her food in the morning [wherever she may be once the food is thawed, which is usually still in bed but sometimes on my desk], she'll eat it.  Now, if I don't bring her breakfast, while she won't eat anything until 5:00 at the earliest, she will generally eat a full day's worth of food over the course of the night, so when I'm gone it's not a problem; she still gets the right amount of food.  But she seems more energetic and playful when she eats twice a day, so, as long as I'm home, I bring her breakfast.  Which she prefers to eat off my hand, rather than her plate.  So, yeah - Riley.)

Like Riley, Chester was an owner surrender, so he came into the shelter with a name.  He was eight when my parents adopted him, and he knew his name, so we were all thankful we liked the name and it seemed to suit him.

When my friend adopted my nephew Sherman (Shermie), also an owner surrender, he was twelve, but his name was just awful (I won't list it in case someone gave their beloved pet that name, but we both hated it), so she decided screw it, he's getting a new name.  Plus, it seemed he'd had a crappy home, so we though it might be nice for him to associate the new name with the new and improved environment.  I picked Sherman because he was the size of a tank, and Oscar for his middle name because he was a grouch.  (Yes, Auntie Bastet named him - she invited me over his first night home, and we kicked around names and it wound up being my suggestions that stuck.)  In short time, he was neither.  So he's just Shermie.

Edited by Bastet
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My dog Knox had herniated disc surgery in December,   I want to post a PSA because she was panting and to be fair she’s a dramatic dog.  Knox was ok but panting and looking at me like help me.  I wrongly diagnosed orthopedic.

She was at my parents house and was out of sight but jumped wrong to get on a couch.  She went upstairs and just panted.  I brought her to my place and she jumped out of my 4Runner and screamed.  I slept with her on the floor and next morning she had zero movement in lower extremities.  Cut  to vet and he says she’s paralyzed.  Tried conservative treatment to no avail and she went to UT (Knoxville) and had neurosurgery and she is amazing.  

She is a soon to be 8 year old mutt.  Definitely has Pit in her.

Yesterday I was walking her and she rolled around (as she does) and I saw a bright red spot I’d never seen.  Take her to the vet-they do a culture and it has round cells which concern vet and now I’m taking her tomorrow at 7 to get removed. Fuck it all after all she’s been through and now this. It’s really gotten me down and my real life doesn’t care like I do so I’m posting it here bc it makes me feel better to get out fuck it all. I just want her happy. 

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All of my adopted pets have had name changes.  I think the shelters just picked random names since none seemed to know them.  But they've also learned nick names......Toffee is some times Toff and Hershey some times Hersh (they know 'girls' means both of them).  Back when Ebony could hear he was Bobo, baby, and goofball.  Passed on cats were Merlin often Memer, Lancelot often Lelot.  Bunnies Wolfie and Lucky didn't have names but they learned theirs.

My foster (OK...will have him 4 years in October so I guess he's mine, they never paid for anything on him so I don't feel guilty about the fee) brindle pit mix was nine when he came home with me.  Supposedly his name was Hennessey.   Who names an eighty pound pit mix that?  He learned Apache within a few days  He also taught me dogs can love carrots.  Now all three love them and will fight over them more than they will a treat.  November of 2015 when I learned about this while Thanksgiving cooking.  They all watch me like hawks when I'm getting carrots for the bunnies now lol.



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Knox's mom - hey, stranger!

I'm sorry to hear all that Knox has been through lately, and hope the lump that gets removed tomorrow turns out to be harmless, or at least is removed with clear margins and requires no further treatment or worry. 

You are both quite due for a break.  I know how stressful and draining it is to wait and worry, and then just when you catch your breath, bam, something new.  I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for a good update from you.

I'm sorry those in your life don't understand the depth of your feelings about this, but you know we do here, so pop in whenever we can help.

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52 minutes ago, KnoxForPres said:

Yesterday I was walking her and she rolled around (as she does) and I saw a bright red spot I’d never seen.  Take her to the vet-they do a culture and it has round cells which concern vet and now I’m taking her tomorrow at 7 to get removed. Fuck it all after all she’s been through and now this. It’s really gotten me down and my real life doesn’t care like I do so I’m posting it here bc it makes me feel better to get out fuck it all. I just want her happy. 

In my thoughts,  

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45 minutes ago, deemac said:

All of my adopted pets have had name changes.  I think the shelters just picked random names since none seemed to know them.  But they've also learned nick names......Toffee is some times Toff and Hershey some times Hersh (they know 'girls' means both of them).  Back when Ebony could hear he was Bobo, baby, and goofball.  Passed on cats were Merlin often Memer, Lancelot often Lelot.  Bunnies Wolfie and Lucky didn't have names but they learned theirs.

My foster (OK...will have him 4 years in October so I guess he's mine, they never paid for anything on him so I don't feel guilty about the fee) brindle pit mix was nine when he came home with me.  Supposedly his name was Hennessey.   Who names an eighty pound pit mix that?  He learned Apache within a few days  He also taught me dogs can love carrots.  Now all three love them and will fight over them more than they will a treat.  November of 2015 when I learned about this while Thanksgiving cooking.  They all watch me like hawks when I'm getting carrots for the bunnies now lol.



I am sincerely sorry of the timing of our posts and this an amazing and wonderful dog.  

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@KnoxForPres Your dear pup has been through so much and I hope that this spot is something benign. We all worry terriblely when things aren’t well and there is good support on this thread. By now it should be behind y’all and you can breathe a sigh of relief. Sending well wishes and a speedy recovery to your dog. Hang in there. 

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@Delurker - I thought "Toonces!" after I read the first line of your post. It would be adorable if you renames Dallas as Toonces, and a good story. 

Kitty Gunderson the Elder was named "Adam" in the shelter. Since she was not a he, I renamed her. I had 2 names in mind, and one was a perfect fit. For Kitty Gunderson the Younger, Mr Gunderson and I had a list of kitty names. When we met her, we almost immediately agreed on the name.  Their middle names both came to us over time (we couldn't properly admonish them without middle names). And of course they each have many, many nicknames. The Elder is also known as "Best Girl" and the Younger as "Kittenhead." 

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11 hours ago, KnoxForPres said:

I am sincerely sorry of the timing of our posts and this an amazing and wonderful dog.  

I started my post on names quite a bit before yours showed up (every one of mine knows their name except one bunny).  After mentioning Apache I decided to include photos.  When I want to use a photo somewhere (facebook, add to my phone pics, email etc) I often crop and ALWAYS save at a much smaller size.....a smaller size than displays here. My pics are no great works of art but I didn't like seeing them stretched out and losing some of the quality so I spent time looking for the original pics and re-cropping, fixing the 'blue' eye on the one and saving at still another size.  Once I posted yours popped up that I hadn't seen.  Then I had to wait for someone else to post or it would of just added on my post......irritation and frustration.

I do hope Knox is OK.  My pets are my children, I think they're all amazing and wonderful as you obviously think of Knox.  Even if they have to wait on pathology the vet should have a good idea.....let us know.


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16 hours ago, bilgistic said:

I like the name Riley. I think pets should have people names. It's just fun. "This is my cat, Bob."

I totally agree (says the guy who owns a dog named Danny.)

If my future holds another golden retriever, and I hope it does, I want it to be a male named Bob. I've wanted that even before I read the Stephanie Plum novels. 

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My sister has seven cats. I can't remember all their names; there's Patrick/Patty, Peety, Josephine/Joey/JoJo and Oliver/Ollie. The other three names escape me.

I haven't landed on a middle name for Little Mama yet. Little Girl's middle name is Luna.

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