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Yes, she. :)

I'm amazed by how much grey tabbies resemble each other. Someone here quoted a picture of Chelsea (above), then posted a picture of their cat...they could have been sisters. A friend of mine also has a male grey tabby...and he is nearly identical to Chelsea. I'm almost glad that Chelsea is a tripod...at lead that way I could (if necessary!) pick her out of a group with ease!

(I had the same feeling with my previous cat, Jack. He was a big black cat with a long Siamese type body. It is amazing how many cats are like that. Without his one eye I would have found it a little difficult to pick him out of a line up! 

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7 hours ago, shanndee said:

I'm amazed by how much grey tabbies resemble each other. Someone here quoted a picture of Chelsea (above), then posted a picture of their cat...they could have been sisters.

That was me! I didn't sleep well last night, so when I saw your newly posted pic, it took me a second to realize I wasn't looking at picture of my own cat LOL.

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2 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

That was me! I didn't sleep well last night, so when I saw your newly posted pic, it took me a second to realize I wasn't looking at picture of my own cat LOL.

Thank you for reminding me! i seem to have the name Diamond floating around in my memory banks...is that her name? I remember showing that picture to my husband, then the pic of our friend's boy, and he said," We need to make sure she never escapes...I'd hate to hurt her feelings by not knowing her straight away"

I love my husband! <3

(and hint to Hubby...tripod!)

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Today was Revolution day in the theredhead77 household. First up was 3PO, he squirmed and ran so most of it ended up all over his fur. He then spent the next hour looking like he was contemplating murdering me in my sleep. But I think he's OK now. Schrodinger was more cooperative and we're done for another month.

Edit: 3PO must have forgiven me since he's curled up being a purr factory on my lap.

Edited by theredhead77
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I finally got Little Girl's collar on her, and she proceeded to try to leap out of it like a deer. It was HILARIOUS! Little Mama has been twisting her head almost 180 degrees like an owl to try to get hers off. I am the Worst Mom Ever.

I'll take off the collars Friday when I return home. I'll probably be in trouble for having left, though.

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9 minutes ago, bilgistic said:

I'll probably be in trouble for having left, though.

As well you should, you horrible human, you!!!   ;-D

I haven't ventured more than a couple of hours away from my cats since 2001 (when they still had a Daddy to cling to).  To call me a slave to my critters would be an understatement, and a compliment.

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I had to let my personal phone charge up a bit but wanted to share the photo of some of the hedgehogs I rescued from a hoarding case....there are even newborns in another batch. I know it looks like a lot in bucket, but that's how they were when they were rescued and my shelter isn't equipped for hedgehog care. We are hoping to find more suitable permanent housing tomorrow.



Effect_20171123_013845 (3).jpg

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On 11/20/2017 at 4:32 PM, southpaw said:

@bosawks, I love that Alli is always camera-ready!  No matter what the season or the occasion, she looks right into the lens like it's her job.  Such a professional.  Love all of her pics.

Thanks @southpaw, she is quite the ham!

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8 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

Are they easy pets to care for? Do I need an armored home for them that the cats can't get into? I'm tempted. 

I used to want one myself, but to me they aren't worth it. High maintenance and it's not like you can cuddle or play with them. They curl up  in their little spiked ball position as soon as you touch them. They are cute critters, though. 

Edited by AgentRXS
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Since we didn't get to take our usual camping trip for Thanksgiving this year, I shall cheer myself up by bringing you some photos of Maddie the Motorhome Kitty.  Baxter died just before Christmas in 2013, so Maddie was alone come Thanksgiving 2014.  She'd have easily survived four days of only an hour or two visitation from my friend, but she was also a sociable kitty and quite a mellow one, going with the flow in almost all situations, and one who loved to ride in the car, so I decided she'd enjoy coming with me (my parents take their motorhome to the lake/beach the Sunday before Thanksgiving and I drive down that Wednesday to join them for the long weekend).  Indeed she did.  All the ones of her outside have me in them, on the other end of the leash, so I won't post any of those, but here she is looking out the motorhome - and sitting on the dining table, which she wasn't allowed to do at home, but, hey, it's vacation.  It was so nice having her with me that year (she died the following September, so it was a one-off).


Motorhome Kitty 1a.jpg

Motorhome Kitty 4a.jpg

Motorhome Kitty 7a.jpg

Edited by Bastet
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I got home to my girls a little over an hour ago, and I'm being punished for leaving. I'm being ignored. They ate and have gone back to the window seat. Little Girl has decided she feels pretty in her collar after all and won't let me take it off her.

They got good report cards from the sitter. :)

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Life With Cats Dilemma #54939093 : When you're fully grown adult cat wishes to sit on your boobs as if she is a kitten, and her whole body doesn't quit fit, so she gets irritated with you for not providing enough boobage to sit properly. I'm currently balancing Ella the best I can but she's not thrilled that I have to hold her in place and that she can't relax quite as comfortably as she wants to.

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I feel ya. Lucy will crawl up on me as I sit with my laptop on my... lap. She drapes herself over my chest and right arm, and I'm constantly peering around her to see the screen and what I'm typing. She never gets the hint that maybe she's in the way, and if I nudge her a little to one side, she thinks it's a caress and ecstatically starts rubbing her head against any part of me she can reach. And then I melt and the laptop is forgotten for a few minutes as I pet her for real. I mean, she does eventually get down...

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All the cute kittens are making my heart ache. Girl cat seems OK being the sole feline of the household but she wants to play a lot more than I do. So, on the one hand, getting another cat might be good. On the other hand, I'm already dreading what's going to happen in a few years and I'm worn out from losing 3 in the last 7 years. 

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1 minute ago, ABay said:

All the cute kittens are making my heart ache. Girl cat seems OK being the sole feline of the household but she wants to play a lot more than I do. So, on the one hand, getting another cat might be good. On the other hand, I'm already dreading what's going to happen in a few years and I'm worn out from losing 3 in the last 7 years. 

I understand. We lost 2 over a 5 year period and it was heartbreaking...but they also bring a lot of joy while they are with us. We got our current cat very quickly after losing our senior boy. I felt a bit disloyal at the time, but Hubby found a cat who needed us, and we have been great therapy for each other. This was the right decision for us, but we are all different, so do what is right for you.

I also have play issues. I am so tired when I get home after work that playing with a demanding cat seems like more work instead of fun. We do much better on the weekends. Hubby keeps talking about getting our girl a companion...but she shows a lot of aggression towards any cat seen outside our windows. We also have the added complication that we are renters. Our current apartment allows 2 cats, but if the building ever sold we would never find another that accepts 2 cats (one is getting difficult here) :(

So, I guess for us it is definitely a case of finding more time for play.

Give yourself some time. 

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11 hours ago, shanndee said:

Hubby keeps talking about getting our girl a companion...but she shows a lot of aggression towards any cat seen outside our windows

Playing devil's advocate, just because she shows aggression through the window doesn't mean that she is cat-aggressive in general. She could  just be territorial.  Also, Diamond hates every other cat on the planet except for Ella--and they have become so bonded that you would think they were littermates. I've never seen two cats who met as adults become so attached to each other. So it can happen.  Grey tabbies are just weirdos ;)

I can relate to the renting with 2 cats thing. Its a distant worry of mine about when/if my landlord decides to boot me out of here, and where I'll end up with my girls.

Edited by AgentRXS
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Okay, I need some advice. Bonnie the new doggo is probably barely a year and has a lot of puppy in her. I've never really had a puppy so I'm trying to break a few of her bad habits, mainly jumping and play biting. Has anyone successfully dealt with these issues? She's not biting hard, it's more of that puppy nom nom biting, but she doesn't understand it can still hurt. 

The training class we're going to doesn't believe in telling dogs "no", which I don't necessarily agree with. 

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14 minutes ago, emma675 said:

The training class we're going to doesn't believe in telling dogs "no", which I don't necessarily agree with. 

They may believe in positive reinforcement, which is always good.  Do they mean a unilateral no?  It should be specific, such as "no jump" etc.  Punishing her will usually only scare and confuse her, which may be what they're going for.  If you don't feel comfortable with their philosophy, hopefully there is another. 

Try redirecting her - if she is play biting, get her something she can bite (rather than you!) and praise her when she uses it.  Puppies teeth so she needs to chew and bite.   They also have a ton of energy - as I'm sure you know - so exercise is important to burn off that energy and get her to focus on you as you try to train her.  Try to keep her on a schedule, the dogs I've had all respond best to consistency, so they know it's playtime and what they're going to play with. 

Try not to reinforce the jumping behavior by giving her attention when she does it.  Praise her and greet her only when she sits quietly when you arrive (or someone else does).  You can practice this by praising her when she's already quiet (not sleeping). 

Do you use a collar or a harness?  A full body harness is better for control and won't strain her neck.  Is your class a puppy specific class ? 

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21 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

Playing devil's advocate, just because she shows aggression through the window doesn't mean that she is cat-aggressive in general. She could  just be territorial.  Also, Diamond hates every other cat on the planet except for Ella--and they have become so bonded that you would think they were littermates. I've never seen two cats who met as adults become so attached to each other. So it can happen.  Grey tabbies are just weirdos ;)

I can relate to the renting with 2 cats thing. Its a distant worry of mine about when/if my landlord decides to boot me out of here, and where I'll end up with my girls.


Thank you. :)  I did think about the territorial aspect. We keep going back and forth on the issue. I would love to get Chelsea a friend, but it seems like quite a risk (unless we can arrange a trial "foster to adapt" scenarios with a rescue...)

In the end, it will probably be the worry about finding another rental that accepts 2 cats that will win out. :(

Good luck with Bonnie emma675! 

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On 11/27/2017 at 10:33 AM, Qoass said:

@bosawks, I notice that even though Alli is peeved at you, she still has her tennis ball at the ready just in case you wanna play.

She is a dog of strong convictions unless it comes to fetch............

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The kitten-cat's new favorite activity is chasing the static sparks on my bedspread in the middle of the night. He was going to bat-cat crazy last night that I thought he brought in a toy to play with. Nope, just chasing the static sparks on my bed.

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I keep saying "Shocking!" every time I give the girls "kitty rubdowns" (a cross between scritches and massage) and I inadvertently touch the tips of their ears, which makes a loud spark. It always scares them, and I feel so bad. I try not to do it, but it's tough when they are winding around my arms. Poor things!

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59 minutes ago, bilgistic said:

I keep saying "Shocking!" every time I give the girls "kitty rubdowns" (a cross between scritches and massage) and I inadvertently touch the tips of their ears, which makes a loud spark. It always scares them, and I feel so bad. I try not to do it, but it's tough when they are winding around my arms. Poor things!

Oh, don't worry. You're gonna pay eventually. They're cats, after all.

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Whoopsie - Opal (in the middle) is really an Opie! Now that he has more meat and fur on him, he has developed what looks like a full Viking beard between his pee hole and butt. That "beard" is where his "trouble nuggets" will develop. So, my brother is no longer out-numbered 12-1; it's "only" 11-2, now.


Wren has developed lovely ghost stripes on her back, and today, we noticed her whiskers have stripes, too!f6c7.thumb.jpg.d1d98aa2139241d6999dd3a384e34b8f.jpg7ed8.jpg.2beca005ee4b62d5823d94ee56527084.jpg4cc5.jpg.3913769b626876929d5583bce7a9fd3d.jpg

Edited by riley702
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When Bailey first showed up (my parents live in the hills, and dumped strays aren't unusual), we discerned no balls under all the white fluffy fur and thought him to be a female; we named "her" Zoey.  Our vet was on vacation when we took "her" in to be scanned and checked out, and even that vet went looking for a spay scar ("she" wasn't a kitten, instead about three years old as a best guess).  Only a follow-up with the regular vet revealed she was a he.  Thus Bailey, an androgynous name.

Plus, look how pretty he was; of course one would think he was a girl, heh.  Continuing the inappropriate joke, when Bandit - a tomcat about three years old at the time - showed up, he was instantly and completely enamored of Bailey, so we further joked Bailey was so pretty he read as female (especially when he came down out of the hill with a flower stuck to his head):


Bailey at Spa-2.jpg

Bailey in his azalea.jpg

Flower Child1.jpg

Edited by Bastet
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