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Last night was the first time, that I know of, that the household pets cuddled up together.  The cat has been trying to for quite some time, but the Kook has not been particularly receptive.  His jealous heart sometimes feigns affection by doing the Pyr Paw, but since he basically plunks it down on Sir Robin with a bit more force than necessary I have questioned the sincerity of the act.  And when he Pyr Paws me, there it is actually very controlled and gentle.

In the first shot the Kook has his paw over Sir Robin and vice versa.  They are laying on an old towel in front of the fireplace - Kooks "bedding" is restricted to old towels and washable rugs since he has insisted on chewing holes and ripping out the stuffing of any bed I've bought.


Cuddle Buddies 1.JPG

Cuddle Buddies 2.JPG

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@DeLurker, I love your pictures (and your pets)! Kook is such a sweetie, and the mutual paw pic is awesome. 

 Handsome has a large cushion of personal space, so he's just not a kitty cuddler. The closest  he's ever gotten (that I know of) is sitting a couple of feet apart from our evil little tortie, who showed him the ropes when he first moved in.  H&S 2.jpgAlso known as our little black and brown bowling ball.

Edited by harrie
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Just reposting my preferred Instagram sites that I kept linking on Soft Kitty.

Paddington (I already covered him)

House Of Bulldogs (ditto)

Pugdashians (only ones I've met; had little Tilly in my hands, but the picture never came through)

Duncan the Wonder Dog (Shar Pei from New York; puppy pictures resemble melting chocolate)

Sammo Hog (pet pig of Jessie Graf, star of American Ninja Warrior)

Lucy Wrinkles (Shar Pei/Bloodhound mix; yes, apparently that can happen)

Poppy the Possum (rescued opossum living the good life)

ETA: Found this again . . . panda cub dealing with zookeeper's taunts.

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Lily, the orange cat, gave me a heart attack over the weekend.  On top of being hyperthyroid as of November, she has an egg-sized benign cyst on her left side.  Over the weekend the cyst went bald and changed colors.  I sent the vet a picture and he says she licked herself so much it's a hot spot and to put her in a Cone of Shame if she doesn't stop that.  Apparently it can be a side effect of the thyroid medicine.  Nice to know it's nothing to worry excessively about, but I wish I had known that before I worried excessively about it.

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10 hours ago, 17wheatthins said:


I know it's late, but I just love these pics of our Italian Greyhounds so much:


I just took one of mine the other day.  Funny. I've been a big hairy dog or small scruffy dog fan my whole life. And when Neo showed up, I wasn't sure. But the little crapper has a ton of personality. When my daughter asked me what kind of dog I would get in the future, I said probably another golden and then she said what about another Neo, giggling.  And I realized at that moment that I probably would.  


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Any ideas on how to keep my big goof off the couch?  We have a living room and family room, so the living room is low mileage so he has gotten into the habit of making himself comfy on the couch. 

It is covered with a blanket and a twin bed sheet (on the cushions) because I figured "just in case". 

I was trying to think of something that would be a deterrent and read most dogs don't like citrus smells.  I cut open a lime to test that theory and he happily thought I was giving him a treat.

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2 hours ago, DeLurker said:

Any ideas on how to keep my big goof off the couch? 

I've never had luck with scents/Bitter Apple, though I haven't tried it in a long time.

My boss spreads big sheets of tin foil on his couch to keep his dog off - looks ugly but seems to work.

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@JTMacc99, Neo looks sooo handsome in his new collar. I'm a fan of the big, hairy dogs myself but I've always loved every breed I've ever come across.

Delurker, I can't help you with that one. I've always let my guys on the furniture.  We have a sectional downstairs that we use and we also have a small, super comfortable love seat downstairs that is our designated dog bed.  My animals get on the big couch but they all prefer the love seat.  Kaylee was so funny, she slept on her love seat every night but she wouldn't get up on it unless there was a sheet on it.  I kept a sheet over the seat cushions so the couch didn't get too dirty, if the sheet wasn't on her bed sje would put her front paws on it and whine until I put her sheet on. 

A friend of mine takes the seat cushions off her couch every morning before she leaves for work so her dogs won't get on it.   Another puts a baby gate in front of hers.  As for making them stay off, I have no clue. 

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I've seen a picture of a couch with all sorts of stuff piled up on the seat cushions to keep the dog off -- and the dog is sprawled out snoozing on top of the back of the couch.

The only thing I don't let my cats sit on is the dining room table, so I have no tips, either.

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Thanks guys (in the gender neutral use of the word)...part of the problem is the cat is allowed on the couch but that was established before Kook was part of the picture.  But he's 10 lbs and the Kook is considerably more.  Maybe I'll give in and let him have the love seat, but I have to get him off the living room couch - my Mom bought it when she was here and paid a scad of money for it (although it was on a good sale and she got them down lower than the sale price).

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I miss having a big dog.  I adore Granny Dog but I miss having a big guy.   The grandkids love Granny Dog because she gets up on their laps and sleeps, they think that's the best thing ever, they actually argue over who's lap she will lay on.   My daughter hates her name though because they call their other grandma granny so when my daughter mentions granny to them they ask if she means "person granny or Granny Dog".  Granny Dog is her official name at the vets office.  

@DeLurker I've seen on Chewy.com that they have thick covers to put on your furniture to protect it from animals.  I love Chewy.com. I got a 6 and a half foot tall cat tree there for 45 dollars.  The same exact thing was over 100 at my pet store.  

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On 1/8/2017 at 1:45 AM, Cranberry said:

I wondered why Crystal was lagging on our walk... then I noticed this, I had to pick her up and carry her home!



I have looked at this picture every day since you posted it.  It's my cheer up photo.  Would you mind if I saved it to my phone?  I wouldn't do that without your permission first.  

I love how she has her paw on your leg like she's showing it to you.  Adorable doggy!!  

Edited by Maharincess
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Advice needed! As you may remember I have been adopted by the sweetest tom cat (well, he is to me!) named Louis who is a orange and white boy of approximately 8 to 10 years old (the shelter said 8, my vet said 10-11). When I took him to my vet for a complementary wellness exam he was pronounced in excellent health (although he has a wonky back left leg so he runs pretty funny) but I was told his teeth were in bad shape and he would need extensive dental work. All I saw was a bit of redness/pinkness and that was about it in the brief time the vet was able to pry his mouth open. I made an appointment for the procedure for February 3rd and apparently this will involve general anesthesia and various things including teeth extraction as necessary (and will cost $650-850 apparently - which is fine if necessary ouch). In the last week Louis has yawned quite normally and I've been able to see inside his mouth which now looks entirely normal - teeth are white, no irritation seen and he eats just fine, including chomping on pieces of steak with no problem. I am wondering if the original diagnosis was somewhat wrong and that his mouth was irritated by eating strictly dry food at the shelter (I tried dry food for the first week here but he kept throwing it up and the vet said just stick with wet - he doesn't need dry food at all really). Is that a possibility? I am thinking about taking him back for an exam to make sure he needs this big procedure because I don't want him to go through general anesthetic and a traumatic teeth pulling if its really not necessary - he will only have been with us just over a month at that point and I feel like its going to be a big "betrayal". What do you all think?

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The real problems are below the gum line, not on the teeth that you see (but the tartar/redness at the gum line indicates what lurks beneath).  If he hasn't had dental care up until now, at his age, he very likely does need a cleaning (which, yes, is done under general anesthesia and thus requires pre-op blood work*); that generally includes an x-ray, and then they'll let you know if he needs any extractions.

Poor oral health can cause systemic problems (that bacteria running through the bloodstream to the whole body is not good), so it's important to stay on top of.  You can have his teeth looked at again, or get a second opinion, to see if he truly needs it, but for the vet to say they're in bad shape and really need help, it's unlikely s/he was just seeing irritation from crunchy food.

I've had cats need extractions, and you never would have known just by looking in their mouths, watching them eat, etc. 

*Some places offer non-anesthesia cleaning, but that doesn't address the below-gum problems, which are the ones that have the potential to affect overall health, not just the condition of the teeth.  For cats with yucky teeth who can't undergo anesthesia, it's a "well, better than nothing" help, but otherwise, it's ineffective.

Edited by Bastet
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Thanks, Bastet! Since I have no idea what his history is I will defer to my vet and go ahead with the procedure on February 3rd. Poor Louis - in the long run this will do him good but I hate to imagine what he is going to think of us packing him off in the evil carrier again in the evil car to be stuck with needles :(  They did go through the procedure with me and I know x-rays are part of it and then they will call me to get permission for the extractions.

I've never had a cat that needed dental work previously - my last tom hunted almost every day and the vet says that eating wild does actually keep their teeth in great shape.

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For some reason I'm currently at a point where everywhere I look, I see things about people adopting dogs. Like, everywhere. I grew up with dogs, I LOVE dogs, and I really want a dog. But I only work part time, meaning I don't have a huge amount of money, and I live in a studio apartment (one room and a separate kitchen) that's 39 square metres. There are plenty of reasons why I shouldn't get a dog.

But oh, I WANT a dog. And then I saw this on Humans of New York, and it struck a chord - "I always told myself that when I reached a certain point in life, I’d get a dog. I thought maybe when I get my own home. Or when I’m more settled. But that point never seemed to come. So I decided to go ahead and adopt."

I've been thinking I should borrow my parents' dog for a couple of weeks and at least see how it goes.

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@Schweedie -  Would it be possible to get your doggy fix by volunteering at a shelter?  I know that the dogs who are better socialized have a better chance of being adopted.  If things work out ok with your parents' dog, perhaps fostering would also be a consideration - that way if your time commitments change, you would be able to cut back or stop fostering.  Or put up a notice in your local area for a pet sitter or dog walker available. 

From what I've learned from watching Animal Planet, there are quite a few breeds that can do well in an apartment setting.  I looked into breeds that would match my particular situation (I have balance issues and walk at a turtle's pace) because I knew that I couldn't deal with the energy level associated with labs or lab mixes (my preferred dogs).  I ended up looking into shelters and rescues for the particular breed that I thought would suit me, especially for mixes that might round out some of the characteristics that would be a challenge for me.  It's worked out great for me - I ended up adopting a mix from a shelter.  He's been wonderful me in so many ways.

In any event, hope everything goes well with your parents' dog.  That seems like a good way to start.  Looking forward to your further adventures!

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42 minutes ago, DeLurker said:

@Schweedie -  Would it be possible to get your doggy fix by volunteering at a shelter?  I know that the dogs who are better socialized have a better chance of being adopted. 

I've actually been looking at that - there's a shelter not too far from me where I've been pining for dogs on the website, so I'm thinking of checking whether they need any volunteers. Actually, there was a specific pup on their 'up for adoption' page that caught my heart... Just look at that face! And his floppy ears!

Definitely loads of dogs do well in apartments, and I've pretty much got a dog park for a neighbour plus I live near some great nature trails. So the environment is right, at least. It's mostly that I'm afraid my flat isn't big enough, because I'm not at all a small-dog person. (I mean, I'm not planning on getting a Great Dane or a Mastiff, but say, Am-Staff size. A little smaller than a Lab.) Then again, you're supposed make sure your dog gets its exercise and activity outside, not indoors.

Totally planning on borrowing the family dog. And this is a good time of year to test your will, too - it's easier to get up at 6am and walk your dog in the summer than it is right now.

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So the cat and the dog have finally gotten to the point where they are a bit more cuddly with each other at times.  Last night the cat was actually grooming the dog by licking the sides of his nose (snout?) and the area above his eyes - he was using his paws to hold the dog's head still or to move it so he had a better angle.  After a couple of minutes, the dog started to get impatient with this process and was starting to back away from this nutty cat.  At that point, the cat extended his claws ever so slightly so the dog could tell he meant business.  The dog found a bit more patience and looked a little embarassed.

I couldn't grab a picture because all of this started when the cat was sitting on my lap and the dog came up to get a pet from me too.

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    Stupid quote box. 

What do you guys think of the video going around with the German Shepherd being forced into raging water while filming A Dog's Purpose?   

I absolutely LOVED the books and was really looking forward to the movie but I don't think I can watch it now. Every time I see the shepherd on screen I'll be thinking about how terrified he was.  I've been reading a whole lot of excuses from the author and others involved in the movie but I'm curious what you all think.   Some of the excuses I've read is that the dog was fine and wasn't scared, he just "balked" at having to go into the water from a different side than he was used to, to which I say bullshit.  That poor dog was scared as hell and they were trying to shove him into the water.  

They're also saying the dog wasn't abused or hurt during filming.  He may not have been physically harmed but dogs can be emotionally scarred and abused just like us humans can. 

Edited by Maharincess
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@Maharincess - the video released was highly disturbing and the defense provided since has been pretty lame.  I won't be able to watch the movie and enjoy it knowing that the dog was subject to that kind of treatment.  I've read of some stunts directors pull on actors to get a "real" sense of danger, so I have no trouble believing they would be less ethical when it comes to a dog.

Edited by DeLurker
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One of the many excuses I'm reading about the German Shepherd being abused is them asking why whoever leaked the video waited until now to release it.  What does that have to do with anything?! They are just trying to deflect the abuse.  Maybe they waited because doing it now would get more people's attention and more people would see how the dog was treated.   Quaid is saying he "never saw" any abuse.  That's doesn't mean there wasn't any.  I don't know about anybody else but what I saw in that video was abusive.  Like Bosawks, if anybody ever treated my dogs like that, there would be hell to pay.  

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I'm always leery of films with animals, since a quick glance at the history of the American Humane Association (or the history of film) is enough to tell you "No animals were harmed in the making of this production" isn't remotely the assurance you want it to be.  If there's plausible evidence of harm, I'm out.

So, my longstanding crush on Dennis Quaid aside, not to mention my support of a pro-adoption message, I'll be taking a pass on A Dog's Purpose unless it's conclusively proven that footage is not just deceptively edited, but truly much ado about nothing.  I reverse my burden of proof in these situations.

Edited by Bastet
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I wasn't going to see it before I heard the allegations. It looks too depressing. Probably not the most depressing dog-based movie ever. That would have to go to either Old Yeller or Cujo. Somebody on Facebook made a case for Turner & Hooch, which I don't agree with, even with the bummer. Oh, and since when do dogs reincarnate? That's supposed to be a cat thing!

Slow morning at the House of Bulldogs.

Pigs can't fly, but Sammo can jump.

Lucy as puppy.

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On 1/23/2017 at 8:04 AM, Schweedie said:

But I only work part time, meaning I don't have a huge amount of money, and I live in a studio apartment (one room and a separate kitchen) that's 39 square metres. There are plenty of reasons why I shouldn't get a dog.

If you can afford the basics -- food, flea prevention, and annual vet checkups -- the money shouldn't be an issue. I'd look into pet insurance if you're worried about emergencies that could rack up a big vet bill. As for the apartment size, I had two dogs (small, but of active breeds) in a studio apartment for a year with no issues. We went for nice long walks every day and they just chilled when we were at home.

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19 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

I wasn't going to see it before I heard the allegations. It looks too depressing. Probably not the most depressing dog-based movie ever. That would have to go to either Old Yeller or Cujo. Somebody on Facebook made a case for Turner & Hooch, which I don't agree with, even with the bummer. Oh, and since when do dogs reincarnate? That's supposed to be a cat thing!

Slow morning at the House of Bulldogs.

Pigs can't fly, but Sammo can jump.

Lucy as puppy.

I read the books and it's not depressing at all.  There are some sad moments but overall it's a happy, uplifting story. 

It sure made me stare at every dog I saw and wonder if it was my late doggy reincarnated. 

I was so looking forward to the movie but I won't see it now. 

Edited by Maharincess
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Mom's cat has a new game to play. Back in October I decided to let my beard grow out for the winter to keep my face warm. Now that it's grown a bit, she'll jump up on the bed while I'm asleep (or just reading), lay down in front of my face, then reach out and start patting at the beard. After that it's only a matter of time until she's kneading my face with her little claws while she purrs at me. Luckily I can keep the claws un-sharp with a pair of cat nail trimmers.

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I swear Sky will outlive the planet lol.

The pic above was from me picking her up from the vet after surgery *we were waiting on a taxi and she was stoned out her tree*

She had a prolapsed uterus & the vet was certain she wasnt going to make it through the op.

now apart from slight loss of hearing and wonky eye sight she can still jump a 4ft fence *a few years she jumped a 8 ft fence*

She is part kangaroo.

4 minutes ago, Bastet said:

Beautiful babies, FanOfDorks.  Spencer's eyes are great!  I like the name Spencer; it's on my mental list of potential future cat names.

Yes he is named after Spencer Reid lol.  Definetly not got the brains though.  Love him to bit but he has no idea he is a cat 

He went through a cute but very evil phase that I conseider changing his name to Tate *langdon*

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