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Rob Has A Podcast: Survivor Edition

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I think it was Terry. Same season as Shane. He couldn't have been THAT much more popular.

Boy, if you're right I'm even MORE annoyed. Terry is a smug unlikeable  player I would have paid good money to never see again.

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Savage, Terry, or Varner were my guesses, too (I'd probably say Varner or Savage, for being on extremely early seasons and not even making the jury).  Normally I'd say Woo, or even Keith, but I think recency helped them out.  Although considering a lot of recent contestants were left sitting compared to the pre-Micronesia crowd, maybe I'm wrong there.


Can I just say how happy I am to see that there are so many people who dislike Terry like I do?  I remember posting at a different board during the EI season, and you'd think Terry was a Survivor god on par with some of the best players ever.  I always thought his game was absolutely terrible, and he just got extremely lucky with immunity wins and having an idol.

Edited by LadyChatts
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I didn't watch that season when it originally aired for some reason, I watched it last year, and I was really impressed with Terry. It's true, he's kind of a boring player personality wise, but that immunity run was epic! I voted for him to come back just to see how he does with immunity challenges. Also, I didn't really care much for Aras, so Terry came off better to me just because of that.

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Can I just say how happy I am to see that there are so many people who dislike Terry like I do?  I remember posting at a different board during the EI season, and you'd think Terry was a Survivor god on par with some of the best players ever.  I always thought his game was absolutely terrible, and he just got extremely lucky with immunity wins and having an idol.


According to Aras, Terry was a lock to win if he made F2, no matter who he sat next to.  (And he was a whisker away from making F2.)  So Terry's game couldn't have been that terrible. 


I liked Terry a lot.  He was a great leader, who got things done in camp, and inspired his tribemates: they loved him.  He got lucky with having an idol?  He turned lemons into lemonade, when he was sent to Exile Island by the other tribe (who feared him above all others).  Terry quickly found the idol there, even though others had struck out.  The other tribe regularly sent him to EI from that point on, because they knew he was the glue that held together his own tribe.  They were right.  Terry's tribe kind of self-destructed without him there. 


I think this was a big key to how the season turned out.  Several ICs were real, real close.  Only a few seconds separated winner from loser.  But those few seconds meant Terry entered merge down in numbers -- and public enemy #1 to the other tribe. 


He didn't sit on his idol.  He tried to leverage it, and convince others to join him.  They had zero interest.  For the same reason no one in the majority alliance wanted to go with Mike this season.  They all knew he would win at the end. 


He looked clumsy in his recruitment attempts.  But several others on his tribe also tried, and failed.  Even Austin who had a real tight bond with Danielle.  Nothing worked.  For good reason: it made no sense for anyone to join Terry.  They were guaranteeing they couldn't win. 


Terry did go on an immunity win.  You call it luck.  I call it amazing.  A guy in his mid-40s competing against a top-notch college/pro athlete in his early 20s... plus several other college-level athletes, including Courtney and Danielle... won challenge after challenge, of widely differing types.  Including IIRC challenges involving puzzles.  Remarkable, especially since everyone was gunning for him that whole time.   


Nearly ten years have passed, which should put Terry in his mid to late 50s.  Can't imagine he will dominate physically like he did before.  Curious to see how he plays this time. 


I think Terry was light years better than Shane.  Shane was a character.  An entertaining guy who was funny, in an insanely delusional way.  But he alienated others with his erratic behavior.  HE was the lucky one IMO.  His best move was landing on the tribe that got numbers.  My memory is that he nearly quit... mostly got dragged pretty deep... and then was totally blindsided. 

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Aras is pretty lucky things worked out the way things did for him. In his day after he won press his whole plan was bringing Cirie to the end knowing she would have beaten. Even 9 years later he said that was his end game plan. If He would have brought Cirie to the end people would have beaten up on him calling him a terrible survivor player. I kno Aras has said Terry would have won but I take things 9 years after the fact with not a lot of truth. Casaya was so unpredictable who knows who Shane, Courtney, Bruce or Danielle would have voted for. Aras is one of my favorite winners.

Edited by choclatechip45
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That was the first season with a HII, no one really knew how to deal with it, Terry tried to leverage it, but his pitch was "you get to relax and not play Survivor for a few votes." But his adversaries didn't handle it any better either, nobody ever thought about splitting votes, they could have forced it out of the game early on if they had done that.

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That was the first season with a HII, no one really knew how to deal with it, Terry tried to leverage it, but his pitch was "you get to relax and not play Survivor for a few votes." But his adversaries didn't handle it any better either, nobody ever thought about splitting votes, they could have forced it out of the game early on if they had done that.

I don't like Terry but I don't criticize him about the idol. I just don't like seeing a 40 year old man acting like a brat because nothing was going his way. Plus his deals were dumb.

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Terry always came across as smug and condescending and yes, kind of a pouty brat because he wasn't controlling anything.  I can see why he would have beat Aras, though.  Aras's tribe had the numbers at the merge, he had a hand in voting them off.  Usually that's how it goes, unless the person at the bottom is completely horrible or did something to piss the jury off, they can sometimes triumph because of bitterness.  I hope Terry is an early exit this season.  Luckily for him, the cast is geared older, so that may actually end up benefiting him.


Since the idol could be played after the vote back then, I wish they had just voted for him when they had the chance to get it out of play.  It seemed like people were afraid to go after anyone with an idol back then because they knew it would get played, but someone else would go home regardless.

Edited by LadyChatts
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Since the idol could be played after the vote back then, I wish they had just voted for him when they had the chance to get it out of play.

The first time they had a chance to vote out Terry was at F4: he won every IC before that.  But even at F4 they knew he would play the idol, if they voted for him.  Also, Aras had won immunity.  So the only two real boot possibilities were Cirie and Danielle.  Cirie and Aras voted to boot Danielle, while Terry and Danielle voted to boot Cirie. 


Even after Aras tried to boot Danielle at F4 -- even after Terry voted with her (otherwise she'd have gone home) -- Danielle still chose Aras to join her at F2.  Showing again how much everyone feared Terry, and what little chance he had to flip anyone earlier. 

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I think what she's saying is that they should have split the votes and forced him to play his idol, then the next vote, he would have been gone. The HII was brand new though, and nobody knew how to deal with it yet. But yeah, he won all the IC's, so that wouldn't have worked either.

Edited by BigRedCheese
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Savage, Terry, or Varner were my guesses, too (I'd probably say Varner or Savage, for being on extremely early seasons and not even making the jury).  Normally I'd say Woo, or even Keith, but I think recency helped them out.  Although considering a lot of recent contestants were left sitting compared to the pre-Micronesia crowd, maybe I'm wrong there.


Can I just say how happy I am to see that there are so many people who dislike Terry like I do?  I remember posting at a different board during the EI season, and you'd think Terry was a Survivor god on par with some of the best players ever.  I always thought his game was absolutely terrible, and he just got extremely lucky with immunity wins and having an idol.



I hated Terry. I still remember "Someone call the waambulance" 

actually I found it ironic when Mike's mom came on and he lost it and Jeff goes "there's nothing more better than getting your mama's love" (or something Jeffy) and I said out loud, "not according to Terry, Wife trumps Mom in his worldview"


I think it had to have been Savage/Varner/Terry and thinking about it logically - Terry would be Savage, because Terry is "popular" Varner had the Power of Australia behind him. Though the Outcast thing is what makes Savage popular, I dont think that trumps Australia Outback power. I think Savage is 100 percent the lucky winner of the Mike Winning Sweepstakes


(what I am curious about if the Winner of 31 is Male + IS the guy who lucked out i wonder if Jeff keeps that quiet? because that is quite the 2nd, 2nd chance)

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That was the first season with a HII, no one really knew how to deal with it, Terry tried to leverage it, but his pitch was "you get to relax and not play Survivor for a few votes." But his adversaries didn't handle it any better either, nobody ever thought about splitting votes, they could have forced it out of the game early on if they had done that.

Guatamala was actually the first season with a HII but it had to be used before the vote,  in EI it could be used after the vote.

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(what I am curious about if the Winner of 31 is Male + IS the guy who lucked out i wonder if Jeff keeps that quiet? because that is quite the 2nd, 2nd chance)


I think he'd announce it. A similar thing happened in the Outback season and he talked about it after it was over. Tina was only on that season because one of the women contestants dropped out at the last minute. Originally, they were going to have the castaways parachute into their campsites, and the woman didn't want to do that, so she quit and Tina was in. Then as it turned out, the plane just landed normally with the castaways on board. Ha. This is a mean game even for people who don't play it.

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I think he'd announce it. A similar thing happened in the Outback season and he talked about it after it was over. Tina was only on that season because one of the women contestants dropped out at the last minute. Originally, they were going to have the castaways parachute into their campsites, and the woman didn't want to do that, so she quit and Tina was in. Then as it turned out, the plane just landed normally with the castaways on board. Ha. This is a mean game even for people who don't play it.



LOL that is mean.. it's true. though, eh? 

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Speaking of parachuting, remember the fun entrances Jeff used to do for the finale?  There was one where he skydived, rode a motorcycle through the desert, and jet skied by the Statue of Liberty.  I wish he'd do more of those again.  He's been asked about it, but I can't remember his response as to why he doesn't do it anymore.  I think that would be hysterical to tell someone that's how they'd be making their entrances to camp.  I'd love to see the looks on faces, even if they were lying.


For the people who have dropped out voluntarily from this show, I wonder if there's any regret.  Tina's season is one of the highest rated and most memorable, and she's become a mini celeb in the Survivor community.  Taking her out of the equation, I wonder how the season would have turned out.  Maybe the person she replaced would have been an early pre-merge boot. 

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I think if it's important enuff, he offers transripts. The Dan exit interciew had one up within hrs. He was going to offer one for Shane's SC interview until Shane changed his mind and let Rob post an audio version.

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Speaking of parachuting, remember the fun entrances Jeff used to do for the finale?  There was one where he skydived, rode a motorcycle through the desert, and jet skied by the Statue of Liberty.  I wish he'd do more of those again.  


I wish he'd do those again too. They're kind of a time-waster, but no worse than spending five minutes talking to Terry Bradshaw or whoever in the audience. My favorite ones (or maybe these were both the same season) were when he was riding the subway with the urn, followed closely by the time he got the cab to CBS and then went back to ask the driver for a receipt.

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I never cared for those elaborate entrances Probst used to do, I suppose they're no worse than talking to some random person in the audience, but I don't like either of those options, so both options annoy me. Dalton Ross asked him about it, and Jeff said he's too old for that stuff now.

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I'm one of the few who like Terry. I guess it's because we are the same age. I would have killed to be in the shape he was then & go on an immunity run like he did. Also, the guy knows how to fly planes and is a pilot. Pretty cool. I was pretty shocked to see that he didn't look any different at the reunion since he was last on 10 years ago. That said, I can't imagine he will have the same luck in the individual immunity challenges this time around. If he is to make it that far he could possibly win one. I heard his podcast with Rob and he freely admitted his social game sucked. Hopefully, he has worked on that 10 years later. LOL!!! Go get 'em, Terry!!! Final 2 baby!!!

Edited by ByaNose
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I liked Terry a lot during his season, mainly because I found Aras rather off putting.  Loved Shane and Courtney though, they were the stars of that season for me, along with Cirie of course.  For Terry to lose to Danielle at final 3 was just unbelievable after his immunity run. 


I think I have such fond memories of that season because it was the first one I watched weekly from start to finish (at the insistence of my now-wife).  Been a die-hard fan ever since, and of course went back and watched what I had missed.


Definitely pulling for Terry in S31, and I wanted to light my TV on fire when Shane wasn't picked. 


I've been putting off listening to the 3 hour final RHAP with Mike, but I guess I'll listen tomorrow at work.

Edited by pfk505
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Rob needs to do an episode with all of his normal contributors just so they can talk about what a shame and a shock it is that T-Bird didn't get on Second Chances.  Let them get it all out of their systems at once.

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Rob needs to do an episode with all of his normal contributors just so they can talk about what a shame and a shock it is that T-Bird didn't get on Second Chances. Let them get it all out of their systems at once.

I think it's a shame, but not shocking at all. Africa was on right after 9/11 and hasn't had a strong legacy. People forget that Varner, Kimmi and Kelly were semi celebrities. Kimmi's fight with Alicia was replayed so much between 2001-2004 on all those reality show countdowns.

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I think it's a shame, but not shocking at all. Africa was on right after 9/11 and hasn't had a strong legacy. People forget that Varner, Kimmi and Kelly were semi celebrities. Kimmi's fight with Alicia was replayed so much between 2001-2004 on all those reality show countdowns.

Oh, I think she would have been fine, but honestly I had to go look her up.  Even then, I only have vague memories. Unless someone is really into the history -- like Rob or someone who posts on an online forum regularly (you know, crazy people like that) -- they are probably not going to be thinking "Finally, the woman who came in fifth in 2001 gets her shot at revenge."


But yeah -- being disappointed she didn't make it is one thing.  Being shocked just shows (IMHO) a skewed vision of how the casual Survivor fan thinks of the game and the game's past.

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Rodney did a two hour interview with Rob.


It is ok, nothing too huge. Rodney thinks he is a great player and that he would have won. He has a slightly more realistic view of things then Dan. Turns out that he had parasites growing in him and ended up in and out of the hospital for a few months when he got back. That might actually explain why he was so hung up on the rewards, he was probably hungrier then everyone because he had not eaten and he had parasites.




They skimmed over the Will fight.  Rodney does confirm that pretty much everyone pulled Will aside and told him he went too far. Shirin and Will had been sniping for a while and Will was upset because Shirin had called him fat. Rodney did not say that Shirin had bad mouthed Will to him, but that Dan had told Will that Shirin had said Will was fat. Shirin said that she and Will were on rocky ground before that blow up and Rodney confirms that saying that the two were sniping at each other for a while.


Rodney's version of things is far less pro Will then Dan's, for good reason. Rodney didn't look all that bad in the season so there is less incentive to play up how awful Shirin was. When asked about Shirin, Rodney's comment was that Shirin was not in his alliance so he didn't feel like he had to work with her but that Shirin is a good person. Not exactly the psycho that Joaquin, Dan, and Will are saying she is.

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I always do think it's funny when non winners have their revisionist history. I'm not saying Rodney is lying but he has an answer for everything and that he would,have won. Of course my we'll never know. I guess he would be asked back again since he proved to be more popular towards the end of the game and afterwards. My question is.......does he work? A job? All of this pottying in Vegas and such. Now, he's having this big charity event in honor of his sister. That's a nice gesture but why do I get the feeling he will have his hand in the cookie jar for some of the profits. I guess he could be making some sort of living with his reality fame, right? Does that pay much in this day and age? It's not like back in the day of Seaosn 1!?

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Rodney didn't look all that bad in the season so there is less incentive to play up how awful Shirin was.



Compared to Dan and Will yeah, but I don't think it was that great an edit.  Probably more meathead than anything, but Lindsey was right that he had some particularly neanderthal views about women.

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Just listened to Rob's "Survivor funeral for Shane Powers" broadcast and damn, it's a crime that Shane didn't get voted back on for Season 31. 


Not someone I would want to know in real life, but he is incredibly entertaining to watch/listen to. So unfiltered and unpredictable. Rob C was so clearly terrified of him and what he might say, which I totally understand from a business perspective, but it left me picturing how the Stephen Fishbachs and Spencers would deal with him on the island. What a missed opportunity. 


One of my favorite parts was his spot-on assessment of Dan, specifically that Dan's main problem is a lack of charisma. He couldn't pull off the "character" he was trying to play because it was inauthentic and he just doesn't have the magnetism to be memorable in a good way. 


His mostly unfiltered remarks about other Survivor players were very entertaining, I would love to hear more candid talk from prior players.


ETA: Interesting that he was apparently planning another cold turkey approach to the smoking issue since he thought he was a lock to go play until the rehearsal of the reunion showed him that his seat placement was a bad sign and he clearly hadn't stopped smoking at that point. 

Edited by ljenkins782
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I just wanted Shane to spill hem beans on the secret 4 way phone call alliance. Who were they? At least, Rob could have had Shane put the names in an envelope to be opened up after the game. It would be neat to see who they are and how good or bad they did in the game.

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Mmmmm! Just me in here again. Where did everyone go? Anyway, Rob & Nicole just did a live Periscope and announced they were having a second baby in November. It was neat how they announced with their son, Dominic. They had him say Big Brother like the show & then Nicole stood up. See everyone in September for Second Chances.

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Aww, good for them! It's kind of weird, I love Rob, but I'm not crazy about some of the people he's close to, I down right detest Corinne, and won't listen to anything he does with her. I don't care much for Tyson, I don't mind listening to him talk about Survivor, but skip anything else he's involved with. I don't hate Steve Fishback, but I don't find him interesting to listen to either.

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I can't stand Corinne and can't believe the amount of Survivors (and who those Survivors are) that are so close with her.  Tyson I'm meh on.  I hated him for how he was during Tocantis (especially to Sierra), was more than happy to see him get an early boot during HvsV, but I warmed up to him somewhat during BvsW.  Still isn't on my favorites list.  


Anyway, congrats to Rob and Nicole!  I think he's probably a really fun dad.  Rob is someone I was always disappointed was a one-time returnee, though by the time other AS formats rolled around, he seemed past this.

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Is anybody else having trouble with the evolution of strategy downloads?  I keep getting a message saying something like "website not available."




Update: Seems to be working now.

Edited by BigRedCheese
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Nearly ten years have passed, which should put Terry in his mid to late 50s.  Can't imagine he will dominate physically like he did before.  Curious to see how he plays this time. 


Bob at age 57 won five challenges in a row toward the end of Gabon.


I didn't mind Terry at all. 


I was glad Shane didn't make it back.  He's amusing in a podcast but he was difficult to watch on tv, plus he was invited back at least twice previously and declined.  I'm curious how his seat placement was a bad sign, at the finale rehearsal?  

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IIRC, the majority of the players who made it on to this season were placed in an aisle seat during the live reveal.


Given that Shane was not in an aisle seat but was next to Jeremy, who was in an aisle seat, and was behind locks Spencer and Joe, he thought that he had no shot once he saw that the people immediately surrounding him were very likely to make the cut.

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Bob at age 57 won five challenges in a row toward the end of Gabon.


One of those challenges was a team challenge.  I believe only one of the others was a real physical challenge. 


If Terry gets close to the end, he may win some challenges.  Depends on who is left then, and what the comps are.  Early in the game, hard for me to see him beating guys like Joe and Woo, to name just two.  If he needs to run the table from merge on, as he did in Panama, I bet he is SOL. 

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He won five individual challenges in a row, though each had a physical component and a puzzle-ish one, usually.  The first round of the reward challenge in ep. 11 started with two teams of 3 in the first heat but Bob won the last round individually, winning him alone the reward.  I'm rewatching now and just saw the run.  They weren't the most grueling individual challenges ever but I think they all had a 'real physical' component, and his opponents besides Susie were 20-somethings, including a (lame-ass) Olympian and a personal trainer.    


From wikipedia about the season:

1- The teams would be roped together and have to race through a swamp to collect seven sprocket pieces at two different stations. After collecting all the sprockets, they would have to assemble them on a board in order to turn another sprocket which in turn would raise a flag.

2- The castaways would be asked trivia questions about Gabon. For each question answered correctly, the castaway would earn one ball. After four questions are asked, the castaways would throw the balls that they won down a hill at a target divided into zones. The castaway who throws their ball into the zone closest to the center of the target would win.

3-The castaways would race through a swamp and over several obstacles to retrieve one of three balls. They would then return to the start and toss the ball into a net. The first castaway to retrieve all three balls and get them into the net would win

4-The castaways would be blindfolded during the challenge. At the starting line would be a Gabonese mask. At the other end of a net obstacle would be a duplicate mask with some pieces removed. Three bags of puzzle pieces would need to be carried across the net obstacle one at a time. The puzzle pieces would then need to be assembled to replicate the mask at the start line. The first castaway to correctly replicate the mask would win.

5-The castaways would have to dig a hole under a wall, cross a maze made out of planks, and untie a series of knots that would open a gate that led to a maze with 25 Gabonese huts. In three of the huts would be a bag of puzzle pieces. One puzzle bag at a time would need to be retrieved from the maze and dropped off at the finish platform. Once all three bags were retrieved, the first castaway to correctly assemble the puzzle (a replica of a Gabonese hut) would win.

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No, probably not.  But I don't know if his age rules him out.  It seems like it's a mix of brains, agility, confidence, spatial skills, desire and luck that gets people challenge wins moreso than pure strength or speed or youth.  


I've been watching old seasons all summer, though.   Maybe I'm not remembering recent changes that well.  Mike had a nice challenge run at age 38 recently.  Not late 50s but no spring chicken, either.   

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First episode of Know-it-all's is up.  I don't know if Josh Wigler fits the "know it all," definition as it applies to the conceit of the podcast, but I enjoy him more as a  co-host with Rob than Stephen.


They have some really good things to say, bolstered by the fact that Wigler got to see the whole (unedited) tribal council while he was doing press in Cambodia.  I'll probably talk bout it more in the episode thread, but I especially liked the commentary regarding the edit of Vytas being the "dodo," but the actual voting decision being more of a "we have an opportunity to get rid of a threat."

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First episode of Know-it-all's is up.  I don't know if Josh Wigler fits the "know it all," definition as it applies to the conceit of the podcast, but I enjoy him more as a  co-host with Rob than Stephen.


They have some really good things to say, bolstered by the fact that Wigler got to see the whole (unedited) tribal council while he was doing press in Cambodia.  I'll probably talk bout it more in the episode thread, but I especially liked the commentary regarding the edit of Vytas being the "dodo," but the actual voting decision being more of a "we have an opportunity to get rid of a threat."



I agree with you. I love Josh/Rob together (i'm in the middle of TEOS) and i just like it more than Stephen. 

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Josh was better than expected but I noticed that Josh talked a lot more than Rob. It was like Josh was the star, not Rob.

It's a different chemisty but I do prefer Stephen back since Stephen/Rob seems more equal but different in terms of opinions.

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