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S02.E10: Premature Corkulation


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I think the primary set Ben up to fail, maybe as a way to justify his taking money back from the tip. He specifically requested molecular gastronomy, even knowing that his girlfriend wouldn't like it, but then he kept making snide comments about how Ben doesn't listen and the food was too fancy. You asked for it, you pretentious jackhole. He slurped down those escargot, and only thought to mention quesadillas to Ben when he realized his girlfriend wasn't eating.


Ideally Ben would have put two and two together and realized that the girlfriend would have been happy with something akin to crappy Taco Bell, but I think he got wrapped up in the idea that someone specifically requested his fancy food that he forgot about the rest.

Regardless, this is not all on Ben. And yeah, losing $5k in tips sucks (though I'm not convinced that they were ever going to get that money, especially because the primary cited the internet as a problem, and that didn't have anything to do with the staff), but they still got the second best tip of the charter. It's not like they were stiffed.

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Gah! Finally caught the episode, at dinner time no less with a 2 and 4 year old. Don't judge, weekends the kids get to eat in the living room with a movie. Why isn't this onDemand yet?

Needless to say, I only half caught the episode but wanted to weigh in on the Kelley vs. Eddie debate. I just turned 30 last week, happily married for 10 years so my option may be skewed but if I were "on the prowl" Kelley would be my first pick based on looks and immediate attractiveness alone. Then, after having a conversation with the guy I would realize what a loser/tool he is and opt for Eddie. Eddie is cute in the non conventional way and I'm sure we could carry on a conversation together. Does that make me a bad person? Perhaps, but that's based solely on first impressions.


Nah, it would make you a smart person. From what I've seen on the show, Eddie is a more relatable, mature, level headed and an all around fun guy. Bonus! Kelley might outdo Eddie in the looks department but looks fade. Plus I would rather be with a man that's not gawked at or stalked by young females constantly.

Edited by turbogirlnyc
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Watching Kate hate on all the moneyed people shows me how jealous she is and how badly she wants to be one of them.  But can you IMAGINE a Rich Kate?!  Talk about walk around the yacht with her nose in the air and expecting special favors and the crew to be meeting her every need!  gah.  I know for a fact she'd expect to be fawned over and treated like royalty-- and expect them to have a gracious smile at all times.  Can you imagine how she'd react to being served by someone exactly like her?!  Oh and I think she'd be making her trademark face at the idea of participating in a treasure hunt.... not nearly sophisticated for the likes of her.    

  • Love 4

Watching Kate hate on all the moneyed people shows me how jealous she is and how badly she wants to be one of them.  But can you IMAGINE a Rich Kate?!  Talk about walk around the yacht with her nose in the air and expecting special favors and the crew to be meeting her every need!  gah.  I know for a fact she'd expect to be fawned over and treated like royalty-- and expect them to have a gracious smile at all times.  Can you imagine how she'd react to being served by someone exactly like her?!  Oh and I think she'd be making her trademark face at the idea of participating in a treasure hunt.... not nearly sophisticated for the likes of her.    


I get your point but I don't agree completely. I worked retail all through high school and college & even though I make great money now, I still have the utmost respect for any one working in service, retail, food, etc. I never take clothes or items off the rack and leave them on the floor or in a pile for others to pick up. I never go into a store within 10 minutes of their closing time. And I certainly would never stay in the store or dressing rooms once the store was closed. I've been there before and therefore, I treat any employee with the respect they deserve. Or how I would like to be treated if I was in their place. Maybe Kate comes off as bitchy or jealous on this show. But I'm not sure if editing monkeys or producer manipulation played a role in her portrayel. She seems more well liked than Adrienne from last season. Kate isn't all smiles all of the time like Amy but who is?


It's always fun to play devil's advocate.

  • Love 4

Nah, it would make you a smart person. From what I've seen on the show, Eddie is a more relatable, mature, level headed and an all around fun guy. Bonus! Kelley might outdo Eddie in the looks department but looks fade. Plus I would rather be with a man that's not gawked at or stalked by young females constantly.


IMO,  Eddie has it way over Kelley in the looks department by far.  Add to that, he is more mature, reliable and has a better sense of humor. 

  • Love 4

I agree that most people who have worked service know better how to act when they are later in a position to be served. I think the point with Kate is that even as a yachtie she seems to think she is on a higher level than these guests (which if you want my opinion is the real cause of the bitchy resting face because she did have moments earlier in the season where she managed to look pleasant) she has stated she has more class than them on several occasions. The vibe I get from her that if the tables were turned she would totally let her pretensions (I think I made up a word) hang out. Who knows if we'll ever see for sure... But she does not strike me as an easy going guest.

  • Love 5

I get your point but I don't agree completely. I worked retail all through high school and college & even though I make great money now, I still have the utmost respect for any one working in service, retail, food, etc. I never take clothes or items off the rack and leave them on the floor or in a pile for others to pick up. I never go into a store within 10 minutes of their closing time. And I certainly would never stay in the store or dressing rooms once the store was closed. I've been there before and therefore, I treat any employee with the respect they deserve. Or how I would like to be treated if I was in their place. Maybe Kate comes off as bitchy or jealous on this show. But I'm not sure if editing monkeys or producer manipulation played a role in her portrayel. She seems more well liked than Adrienne from last season. Kate isn't all smiles all of the time like Amy but who is?


It's always fun to play devil's advocate.

I get it.  Kate's a saint.  Editing is to blame.  All the clips of her giving service with a smile, not making snarky remarks about the guests, and being helpful and having laughs with her pal Amy are on the cutting room floor.  We may not have been watching the same show.....

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To me, it's the vibe that Kat gives off of being easy pickin's once you buy this party girl a drink and this is based on what she had to say about her past behavior in season 1.


And she seems to be ok with that.


I was half watching the episode but at one point I thought Eddie made a not-so-nice, sort of sexual crack about Kat?  Logan joked that he was going to "cry in the bathroom now" (or something to that effect) and Eddie replied (paraphrasing here) "Don't worry Kat'll be following you in there ....."  I think Kat has a bit of a rep not only with the viewers but the crew as well.

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I love Captain Lee's last blog entry : http://www.bravotv.com/below-deck/season-2/blogs/captain-lee-rosbach/captain-lee-relationships-arent-our-strong-suit :)




Ben, I understand the pressures of what we do. I'm not sure why the meltdown in the galley occurred, but it's not the end of the world, nor does it need to be blown out of proportion. I'm sure everyone has experienced something of this sort. In fact, I know they have, so I'm not going to dwell on it. It was in your own space and not in front of guests. I would have preferred that it didn't happen and you had handled it differently. That being said, it's time to move on. I sat there and heard the primary say leave out the escargot and the uni and she would be fine with everything else. OK, that's what you did, and she didn't like it. You got bad intel from the source and made a nice rebound. Then the primary threw you under the bus and told his girlfriend something totally different. Seems her palate isn't that developed yet. Hey, it happens.


OK, let's do Kat and Kate again, because they both seem to be on the same page these days. The chef made a request to have Amy serve the two primaries. You agreed to that. I'm just a bit curious as to why, if you had objections, you didn't express them to anyone's face. If you didn't want to do that, then why not help out with it instead of taking a "lets just see how this plays out" attitude? Why just sit there and watch? Do you get pleasure in watching someone fail? I know you and Kat don't like Amy, but aren't we all in this together for a common cause? Crew mates, not adversaries. Egos seem to be at the forefront and I don't feel they should be
Edited by Diane Mars
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I missed Eddie making the comment about Kat following Logan into the bathroom but that's exactly what Kat's reputation is. I'm no prude at all but something about Kat is so skeevy. When Logan showed up on the boat she did a TH where she was practically foaming at the mouth calling him "one hot son of a bitch". Take it easy Kat. Seriously. Logan is hot but there is something off about Kat and her obsession with having sex with anyone willing.


I liked Captain Lee's blog.


And there is no way editing was to blame for Kate's shit demeanor. That is who she is. A jealous, bitter crab. She is very mean underneath. I can't imagine any guy being attracted to her past a one night stand.

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I get it.  Kate's a saint.  Editing is to blame.  All the clips of her giving service with a smile, not making snarky remarks about the guests, and being helpful and having laughs with her pal Amy are on the cutting room floor.  We may not have been watching the same show.....


I never said she was a saint.

  • Love 4

I actually like Kate. Much better than Adrianne. I do think she is past due on leaving the yachting industry, from what we see on the show... While I admire Amy's ability to keep a smile on in front of the guests her whole martyr act is tiresome and should this show come back, I hope she's gone. I just love (note sarcasm) how seemingly Kelly is losing interest in Jennice now that he "caught" her... He's a wee too old to behave the way he does imo... Eddie is a cutie... If only he was about 5 inches taller, lol :)

Edited by BodhiGurl
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I really have come to not liking any of the stews but I really don't care for Amy. I don't care how good you are in front of the guests if you are whiney and passive aggressive with your fellow coworkers you are a problem. Maybe the captain doesn't see her (or her whiney assed brother's) bitching from person to person about who did her wrong, or what is upsetting her that particular hour. 


It seemed to really start when she followed Kat and Kate down the hall to eavesdrop on a private conversation that consisted of Kat bitching to Kate about Amy and the blackout BJ brouhaha. Kate, in my opinion and as far as I saw, said nothing to Kat about Amy but told Kat to focus on the charter and deal with it later. Amy barged in and Kat threw her out. Later Amy made a smart assed, unsupported comment to Kate about choosing sides and was later upset when Kate's feelings toward her changed after she shot her mouth off earlier in the day.  Now she's been bitchy about Kat and Kate ever since and whining to whomever will listen..


This episode when she confronted Kate in the state room she still wasn't happy with Kate's acknowledgement of what Amy said nor her apology. It might have been a half assed apology but she offered it and said she would be more aware. Amy was upset because Kate didn't say or mean it the way she wanted hear "You're right, I was wrong, let's hug it out like sorority sisters and sing Kumbyah." GET OVER IT AMY! 


Yeah she does her F'ing job in front of the guests and the captain but to me she is a pain and too much work below deck.

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So here's the thing.


Amy kept her mouth shut about the blow job situation with Kat for several charters. She did not raise the issue with the guests. Adrienne did, and Adrienne never said Amy told her this story. Kat went full blown unprofessional on the guests for a) daring to like Adrienne and b)daring to be amused by a story Kat wouldn't even deny. Kat returns to the ship, telling everyone within earshot how she might have blown Amy's maybe boyfriend. She immediately sequestered Kate to bitch about Amy. Amy tries to break into the conversation.


Kate could have diffused this professionally. Instead of shoving the door closed on Amy - when Amy obviously knew this event was what Kat had brought up - she could have told Amy *politely* to let her finish with Kat first and that it was a personal issue, that she was not going to choose sides.


Kate has been patently jealous of Amy for the whole season. She clearly does not like it that guests have preferred Amy to her, or that Ben preffered Amy as a server, and she and Kat and delighted in making things difficult for Amy a little too much for me to think Kate is the innocent party. Sorry, her delighted little smirk on how awesome it was to eat fresh seafood while Amy handled the guests alone, and her straight up lie about the penis towel - she clearly said in confessionals that she did it because she was pissed and because she thought the primary was a dick. That's not her *lie* to the captain that she thought the primary would find it amusing... and the fact that she has absolutely no problem lying to save herself and does it quickly and easily tells me she's a boss who will always throw the underlings under the bus if it suites her.


She didn't make any effort on this last charter and she has the gall to be pissed that Amy got recognized for putting some effort into it.

  • Love 3

So here's the thing.


Amy kept her mouth shut about the blow job situation with Kat for several charters. She did not raise the issue with the guests. Adrienne did, and Adrienne never said Amy told her this story. Kat went full blown unprofessional on the guests for a) daring to like Adrienne and b)daring to be amused by a story Kat wouldn't even deny. Kat returns to the ship, telling everyone within earshot how she might have blown Amy's maybe boyfriend. She immediately sequestered Kate to bitch about Amy. Amy tries to break into the conversation.


Not really. Amy spent four years and five charters holding a grudge against Kat. She may never have explicitly told the whole story but she did bring it up to the crew every time they went out together. In my eyes playing this coy little game to paint Kat out as a villain (especially over a half-assed bj) makes her just as much of a shit-stirrer as the other stews. It took a half-naked drunk charter guest to finally get her to confront Kat which basically goes against her philosophy of dealing with problems upfront, as she keeps telling Kate.


But four years is a long time. People change (hopefully for the better) and I'm nearly certain something else would have ruined their friendship. BJ-gate was probably far more graceful than how it could have turned out even later. Kat doesn't strike me as the kind of person who makes friends for life anyhow. Don't get me wrong, EVERYONE handled this poorly, I just don't think Amy is a perfect little angel either.


And for the record, I still think Adrienne going MIA while her 'friends' sexually harass Kat was the biggest professional eff-up of the series. If anyone deserved a 'rocket ship' towel it was that guy.

Edited by rho
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Well, I am not saying Amy is a perfect saint either, but she's not the one who made this blow up.


And frankly, in a professional setting, I can see why Amy didn't start episode one with "Hi, I'm Amy and I want everything to be upfront so lets all talk about how Kat here got drunk and gave a sort of boyfriend of mine a half assed blowjob while I was recovering from oral surgery" - because its unprofessional and because frankly, it's something that neither of them most likely didn't want blasted across Bravo.


Amy as a participant on the show isn't innocent - she strikes me at as catty to work with - but I think she had a right to be pissed over What Kat Did initially and how Kat managed to shriek it all out to the crew four years later.

I was referring more to the fact that Amy didn't talk things out with Kat four years ago when the event happened and they were working together on a different boat. I don't think there was any reason to bring it up at all this season. It's very easy to say they know each other from working together before without saying that their friendship lapsed because Kat did a super evil mysterious thing that friends should never do.

I'm calling producer shenanigans on the whole ordeal. Only Bravo would think to create 13 episodes of drama over a blow job. Same goes for Adrienne's shit-stirring cameo. It all makes for great TV but in a real world situation I would rather work with Kat and Amy secretly infuriated at each other than spend any amount of time with Kate.

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I think if you like Kat, you don't like Amy and vice versa. The same probably goes for Kate vs. Amy. I like Amy. Ben likes Amy, and Kat used to be his girlfriend. Has Amy ever had a problem with the guests on a personal level? Kate constantly wants to form a relationship with the guests (charter soul mate) then gets disappointed when they don't meet her expectations. She is told she seems bitchy, then rips up the scavenger hunt game (that no one asked for) and folds a penis on the primary's bed.

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Can I marry/have both Eddie and Kelley?  (Says in teeny, tiny voice while hanging her head in profound shame).  I want Kelley for one thing and Eddie for another.

Beesknees, how 'bout we each pick one guy's name from a hat, have a double wedding, and then swap on alternate days? 


As far as tipping and "rich people", it's not something you can generalize. I've been around many rich people and most have tipped anywhere from standard 20% to better than that to quite generously. I've run across the occasional jerk like some of these charter guests who waves around money to "impress" others and then acts all cheap when it comes to tipping, but that's pretty rare. I haven't been in the service industry, but I know that basically some people tip well and some don't, it's really just the individual. And we don't know how much of this is created by the producers for the sake of drama anyway. 


Kate constantly wants to form a relationship with the guests (charter soul mate)

That reminded me, did anyone else note that Amy said something about how she thought at first that she and Kate would be "stew soul mates" but then it turned out to be the total opposite. 

Eddie's face and hair are far more attractive. Kelley just lucked out in being tall and having very big...feet.


I think Kelley has a great looking face though. I concede the ears are a tad big and the head a little small but I think he's very goodlooking.  The body is smoking hot too.


But Kelley with his meltdowns, drinking too much, and smoking just ruin it.


Eddie is attractive, put together, fun.  He wins for sure!

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That reminded me, did anyone else note that Amy said something about how she thought at first that she and Kate would be "stew soul mates" but then it turned out to be the total opposite. 

I remember the "stew soul mates" line. I get the impression that Amy tries more, which some people (Kate) seem to look at as fake. But even Amy laid it out there that she doesn't want to work with Kate again after Kate said likewise.

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If Kate was my boss in a service job and acted like that I would not want to work for her again either. I don't blame Amy at all. But I think Kate only said it to be mean, because honestly Amy has done nothing (in front of the guests) but be professional and dare I say, cheerful while she serves them. She also looks like she cares about getting the jobs done, unlike Kate and Kat.

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IMO,  Eddie has it way over Kelley in the looks department by far.  Add to that, he is more mature, reliable and has a better sense of humor.

In addition to Kelley smoking (deal breaker) and appearing to drink too much, he comes across as pretty dim to me.


I saw Kate on WWHL and she kept her bitch-face the whole time. She didn't seem to like anything they did, nor any of the topics they chatted about, and I don't recall her ever smiling. I seriously think her face would shatter and fall off if she did. In short, she was a bitch on there, too. She really needs to get out of the service industry.

  • Love 4

In addition to Kelley smoking (deal breaker) and appearing to drink too much, he comes across as pretty dim to me.


I saw Kate on WWHL and she kept her bitch-face the whole time. She didn't seem to like anything they did, nor any of the topics they chatted about, and I don't recall her ever smiling. I seriously think her face would shatter and fall off if she did. In short, she was a bitch on there, too. She really needs to get out of the service industry.


I don't mind Kelley being somewhat dim if that's the case.  Engaging him in stimulating intelligent conversation would not be what I had in mind anyway ....

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Gah! Finally caught the episode, at dinner time no less with a 2 and 4 year old. Don't judge, weekends the kids get to eat in the living room with a movie. Why isn't this onDemand yet?



Now if you could get the 4 year old to cook and the 2 year old to serve, you'd have a Ben & Kate Ohana experience.

Edited by curbcrusher
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Ya'all do realize that penny stock guy was on the yacht and the show to publicize what he did and hook in more people to give him their money in return for how to get filthy rich with his system. The fact that he sunk the money into advertising and ended up being ridiculed and looking immature and awkward wasn't likely his aim. His t-shirted friends weren't there to have fun, they were there to act as advertising and he and his arm candy teenaged girlfriend were supposed to represent the good life everyone should aspire to through penny stock wealth and success. I suspect the money was not well spent.

Oh yeah, she's nineteen people, she's barely past baby food. It will take another two or three decades before she's old enough to have a taste for ovaries.

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