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Beth: You're going to miss me when I'm gone...

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But see, Beth only lost a little bit of blood! And people have survived gun shots to the head! Daryl acting sad was all a GOTCA moment.

Though it doesn't make sense for them to take her away from the one place that could help her survive that gun shot. And that half her brains are residing on Ricks neck. (I'd hang out there too, ifyouknowwhatimean).

A terrible death does not warrant a return. I saw a poll on another website and one of the choices was "of course she will return! They'll rewrite it! " really. You think AMC will spend millions and millions rewriting and reshooting an entire half season for 50,000 people.

Truthfully, I never disliked Beth all thst much. When people hated on her singing, I appreciated it because I could understand the desire and need for music. I understood her place in the group bc not everyone could be a Michonne. But unfortunately as we keep saying, only those ruthless enough survive now.

What's dead should stay dead /dean

Edited by weightyghost
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I loved Beth's repertoire. She was a Tom Waits fan; I couldn't manage too much of a hate for a Tom Waits fan.


I can't manage any animosity for a Tom Waits fan - so I'm hoping some of the Bethheads are Waits fans too - just so I can watch the moral struggle that ensues when worlds collide.


I've been meaning to comment on your screen name since I first noticed it, bunnywithanaxe, because it brings a smile to my face whenever I see it.  There was a stand-up comic in the 1980s who did really good song spoofs, and his rendition of "Kill the Wabbit" in Elmer Fudd's voice still makes me LOL.  :-)

A terrible death does not warrant a return. I saw a poll on another website and one of the choices was "of course she will return! They'll rewrite it! " really. You think AMC will spend millions and millions rewriting and reshooting an entire half season for 50,000 people.


I'd be willing to bet ALL my Christmas presents that those 50k+ petition signers are really nothing more than a couple hundred Bethnatics and their sock puppets.

  • Love 5

I'm afraid to say that every time I've seen him go for the right pocket.

You'd think Merle would have put a stop to that. Didn't Merle spend some time in Juvie or something?


you just keep tellin' yourself that

Merle is probably WHY Daryl 's hanky is righty-reddy.

I've been meaning to comment on your screen name since I first noticed it, bunnywithanaxe, because it brings a smile to my face whenever I see it. There was a stand-up comic in the 1980s who did really good song spoofs, and his rendition of "Kill the Wabbit" in Elmer Fudd's voice still makes me LOL. :-)



Edited by Nashville
  • Love 1

Yes, Nashville, yes!  I tend to confuse him with another Mark M comic.


And now I have to wrestle with whatever Adobe/Flash?whatever plug-in thingy that isn't working for me so I can relive my misspent youth via UTube



Same here - I've been a McCullum fan since his small-venue days. He performed at my college's freshman orientation week.

Oh - and it wasn't exactly Elmer. The setup for the bit was, "What if Elmer had a son who was into heavy metal...?" :)

  • Love 1

I'd be willing to bet ALL my Christmas presents that those 50k+ petition signers are really nothing more than a couple hundred Bethnatics and their sock puppets.

:D Indulge my fanfic:

As pointed out, Beth's head shot was strangely unbloody. The season premiere reveals that it was not, in fact, fatal. She recovers and everyone rejoices.

Doc from Slabtown escapes and joins the campers, does some magic medical stuff and determines that Beth is zombie- virus free. He also consults his navel lint and deduces that if you live through a head shot, you come out sans virus.

Everyone gleefully starts shooting each other in the head. They all fuck it up, and die.


ETA: regarding Mike McCullum: thanks for that! I put it on my facebook wall!

Edited by bunnywithanaxe
  • Love 6

:D Indulge my fanfic:


OK, you started it, so it's your fault:


Rick: Those Terminus folks were twisted, luring folks in so that they could kill them and eat them.

Michonne: Yeah, killing people like that just isn't right.

Carol: But you know, they had a point, there is a lot of protein and calories in a human body.

Daryl: And there is a lot of good eatin' there in that girl.

Fr. Gabriel: Waste not, want not sayeth the Lord.

Tyrese: Man, am I hungry, we haven't had a proper meal in days.

Maggie: What better way to remember my sister.

Glenn: It's what she would have wanted.


So CDB sits down to a fine dinner; Beth tartar for an appetizer, followed by Beth back ribs with Bob-a-que sauce, and New York strip Beths grilled medium rare. Later that evening, as our heroes sit around the fire picking the last bits of Beth out of their teeth with tooth pick, they ALL spontaneously break out in song:


(with apologies to KISS)

Beth we hear you calling,

But you can't come back no how,

Me and the boys will be belching all niiiiiight ...

Edited by Bongo Fury
  • Love 8

Here's a question:  how exactly is Morgan supposed to find her?  She's buried in a grave with a mound earth over her, her grave looking like any other lump of dirt in the countryside.  Maybe she'll get a marker that says "Beth."  Even if his magical GPS does lead him to that random lump of earth, how would he know to dig her out?  He's never met Beth or even heard of her so if he did somehow manage to find her grave with a marker, why would he even bother to dig since "Beth" doesn't mean a damn thing to him?


Right? I guess if the gang does a piss poor job of burying Beth and dig a 2 foot grave then maybe that's how Morgan finds her? Like her foot is sticking up? No. This wishcasting by Bethyl fans just makes no damn sense. And besides, Morgan is months behind Rick. If he were to stumble upon Beth's grave wouldn't she have been in the ground for months without any medical attention? Forget it, I can't rationalize any of the Bethylers ideas of how Beth is going to survive half of her brain being shot out. 


The only thing that will make all of this go away is the airing of the MSP. I think if there had been no break between episode 8 and 9, we would have been spared all this craziness. But giving a certain fanbase 2 entire months to throw a tantrum and flood forums with ridiculous "theories" was a mistake.

  • Love 5

OK, you started it, so it's your fault:


Rick: Those Terminus folks were twisted, luring folks in so that they could kill them and eat them.

Michonne: Yeah, killing people like that just isn't right.

Carol: But you know, they had a point, there is a lot of protein and calories in a human body.

Daryl: And there is a lot of good eatin' there in that girl.

Fr. Gabriel: Waste not, want not sayeth the Lord.

Tyrese: Man, am I hungry, we haven't had a proper meal in days.

Maggie: What better way to remember my sister.

Glenn: It's what she would have wanted.


So CDB sits down to a fine dinner; Beth tartar for an appetizer, followed by Beth back ribs with Bob-a-que sauce, and New York strip Beths grilled medium rare. Later that evening, as our heroes sit around the fire picking the last bits of Beth out of their teeth with tooth pick, they ALL spontaneously break out in song:


(with apologies to KISS)

Beth we hear you calling,

But you can't come back no how,

Me and the boys will be belching all niiiiiight ...



  • Love 4

Maybe Beth was adopted, and it just never came up in conversation on the show. 

That means she could still have an identical twin out there, who just happens to have survived the ZA in the ten square miles that Rick perpetually circles around in.

But who was she raised by? Who did she grow into?

The leader of a group of escaped convicts?

A former police officer with a bigger hat than Carl?

A Beastmaster? Little known fact: Ferrets are the natural enemy of zombies.

So many possibilities.

Fuck it. Where's that stupid petition. I'm signing.

What's the downside exactly? They might not have time for a Eugene flashback?

  • Love 6
"I wrote [Rockstar] kind of more in response to people saying to me like, 'You gotta stay away from those musicians! You have to stay away from actors! You've gotta stay away from these like, creative-type people,' and I feel like those are some of my best friends, and why would you not want to date someone that is like that?" Emily said.




Um...okay, Emily.  If you say so.

  • Love 3



And I was like, why do I have these weird thoughts going through my head?...You'll see, it's kinda about the end of the world.

"It's Like Cormac McCarthy's The Road---Only Funny!"

  • Love 3

Why, oh, why did I click "Play"?

Astonishingly enough, this one is her wondering why she keeps getting used and dumped.

Again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again.


( I guess she was saving up yeah yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah for "Rockstar".)


It's called Morning Sex Is For Lovers *snorts*.

Although there is no truth to the rumor that it was almost titled Why Do They Always Pretend To Be Asleep Till I Leave? (The Walking Dead of Shame Song)


  • Love 2

The blue toothbrush song isn't really doing it for me. Let me know if she writes anything about green lollipops.

You licked that green lollipop and you won me over.

I saw your tongue and my heart was aflutter.

Greene was my last name on TV before I got canned

And now it's my favorite color.

Oh, yeah, lick, lick! Yeah, yeah, lick!

  • Love 7

You want deep?

Here's the lyrics to "Blue Toothbrush".


When I was six years old I decided that I wanted to be a singer-songwriter. Some big star was on TV (maybe David Cassidy) talking about writing songs and you have to write about what you know, the things in your life.

Now, being a rather literal child I looked around my room and saw a jar of Vaseline. It was winter and my lips were really chapped so that's what I used on them. Right there was the inspiration for my song "Petroleum Jelly." "Blue Toothbrush" reminds me of that song.

Edited by PunkyMouse
  • Love 8

This song depresses me, just like the last one. She comes across as pathetic and desperate for a man. "I WANT to leave my toothbrush at your place, because I really love you. But clearly you threw it out because you're just not ready for that much commitment". That's what I got. Blargh. 

Yeah, some said that Rockstar was just her making fun of the girls who follow musicians. But after Blue Toothbrush and Morning Sex is for Lovers...I don't think she's  joking. You're right she is desperate sounding and practically has one signature theme to her music "I'll Be A Doormat With No Self-Respect or Anyone Else's Respect But I'm Thirty And I Don't Have A Boyfriend".

That's hot.

  • Love 5

When I was six years old I decided that I wanted to be a singer-songwriter. Some big star was on TV (maybe David Cassidy) talking about writing songs and you have to write about what you know, the things in your life.

Now, being a rather literal child I looked around my room and saw a jar of Vaseline. It was winter and my lips were really chapped so that's what I used on them. Right there was the inspiration for my song "Petroleum Jelly." "Blue Toothbrush" reminds me of that song.


I want to hear that song.  It has to be way cooler than Blue Toothbrush.  (Oh, and the toothbrush is blue because she's sad.  Symbolism, y'all.)

Emily might as well write a song called, "I Have a Creepy Obsession With Norman Reedus Because Hitching My Wagon to Him is the Only Way I'll Get Attention" because, really, that's what it's all about for her.

  • Love 6

Emily when you make your Saturday Night Live guest host appearance. Here is your SNL parody short .


It's hard out here for a Beautiful Blonde.


You know it's hard out here for a beautiful blonde
When she tryin' to get this money for the rent
For the Mercedes and spa money spent
Because a whole lot of bitches talkin' shit.


You know it's hard out here for a beautiful blonde
When she tryin' to get her honey to spend
For the fancy digs and the latest fashion trend
Will have a whole lot of bitches hatin all this beautiful shit.


On my back I done some crazy thangs in the sheets
Gotta couple men workin' all the overtime for little ole me
But I gotta keep my game tight like a virgin on her wedding night
Checkin' the facebook, doing the kegel, keepin that vagina, nice and tight.


Man, it seems like everyday, I'm duckin' dodgin' haters petty little shit

Bitches hatin' on me, cause I got men licking my clit
Like takin' from middle age bitches who don't know no better, I know that ain't right
But I gotta get laid, gotta stay paid, gotta satisfy this beautiful blonde appetite.


You know it's hard out here for a beautiful blonde!
You know it's hard out here for a beautiful blonde!
I say,  You know it's hard out here for a beautiful blonde!


Natalie Portman eat your heart out.

Edited by Watcher0363
  • Love 4

Re Blue Toothbrush... Oh Jesus. I was curious and I wanted to see. I should have known better. This is why that damn cat got killed! Simply the worst. song. ever. When I was 13, inspired by the popularity and profit margin of Prince's Purple Rain - and the realization that a song doesnt actually have to make sense to be good, by best friend and I penned a tune called Paper Mache. From the bridge to the end it goes thus:

Our love could stop a million troops.

It was hard as steel. It softened. Oops!

The preacher said it'd be great for you and me.

But now we're fighting, could be World War 3.

So crack an egg and slice some toast, because I want a divOCE.

Don't hang on my leg, don't cry and beg

I'm starting to pack and I won't come back!

I'm leaving you and I'm leaving today.

Because our love is Paper Mache.

Now Emily Kinney, I know that is some of the best song writing you've read and you might be tempted to steal it. But know that I've got contracts and lawyers all over it. Because I grew up and went into contracts and my friend became a lawyer. You see we KNEW that perhaps song writing wasn't one of our strengths. It's long past time for you to perhaps seek out a new career path.

Edited by Timetoread
  • Love 5


Our love could stop a million troops.

It was hard as steel. It softened. Oops!

The preacher said it'd be great for you and me.

But now we're fighting, could be World War 3.

Now Emily Kinney, I know that is some of the best song writing you've read and you might be tempted to steal it.

Call your lawyer friend! Perhaps EK got a hold of your lyrics and was inspired to write this song (for realz).



Am I more terrified by the line camped with ammo by your door

or would it be the line put down that piano (WTF?)

or maybe I'll hold your hand and make pitch perfect babies and start a band

Which line terrifies you the most?




(repeat 3 more times)

Edited by kikismom
  • Love 2

Call your lawyer friend! Perhaps EK got a hold of your lyrics and was inspired to write this song (for realz).



Am I more terrified by the line camped with ammo by your door

or would it be the line put down that piano (WTF?)

or maybe I'll hold your hand and make pitch perfect babies and start a band

Which line terrifies you the most?




(repeat 3 more times)

Palm meet face.

  • Love 2

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