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S13.E05: 14 Chefs Compete

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I'm still trying to figure out why Sade doesn't pronounce her name like the singer....


And I'm still scratching my head over why she and that other girl were having a spat.  Because that girl (whose name is escaping me) up chucked the "meat shake"?  Who wouldn't upchuck it?  Did she think she was doing it to get away with something?  It wasn't clear to me.

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Finally, Kalen's gone!  When she told Ramsay she thought she'd done a good job when she really hadn't, I couldn't believe it.  I knew she needed to go.  And she only proved how undeserving she was at being there when she kept asserting that she'd done well in her final words.  Hopefully, the women will now be stronger with her gone, but the preview with Katie doesn't look good.  Seems she's gonna be the new weak link.


How the hell did Roe not get put up for elimination after her failures at the garnish station?  Katie didn't seem to do anything major tonight.


I went into this season thinking, especially after the women's stellar first service, that this would be a woman's season to win.  But man, I'm starting to think it's gonna be a man's season to win now.

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I'm still trying to figure out why Sade doesn't pronounce her name like the singer....


And I'm still scratching my head over why she and that other girl were having a spat.  Because that girl (whose name is escaping me) up chucked the "meat shake"?  Who wouldn't upchuck it?  Did she think she was doing it to get away with something?  It wasn't clear to me.


Sade went into a bit of detail about Jennifer, stating that she didn't appreciate the way Jennifer spoke to her when they were consuming their protein shakes. In a talking head, Jennifer stated that she didn't like Sade. I'm guessing that more is going on behind the scenes between those two that we don't see. Next week's sneak speak definitely gives a glimpse into why Sade, among others on the women's team have a problem with Jennifer.


Ho hum episode. Katie stupidly nominating herself. I thought that would guarantee her handing over her jacket, but Kalen was so terrible Ramsey couldn't keep her around any longer.

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Katie stupidly nominating herself. I thought that would guarantee her handing over her jacket, but Kalen was so terrible Ramsey couldn't keep her around any longer.

Thankfully.  I thought Kalen would fester her way through the game like Gabriel last season, but luckily, Ramsay took a hint from all of the women thinking of her as the one who drags them down.


As for Katie, I think that was a team decision, not just hers, wasn't it?

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I always enjoy the challenge to pick the protein. It makes me chuckle at some of their choices. I've never had duck...is it that generic it was so hard to identify?

Santos and his I'm The Greatest attitude can't go home quick enough for me. Nothing he's done so far has impressed me.

Aaron reminds me of a celebrity and it's driving me nuts trying to figure it out. I keep thinking it might be a female ~ LoL~

I use to drool over the risotto but this season I don't even want to look at it. Blech.

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Kalen's "you should keep me because..." speech may well have been the worst of its kind I've ever seen on this show. You've only done badly in two services? Well, most of your team-mates haven't done badly in ANY of the services! You kicked ass on the appetizers? Yeah, after La Tasha jumped over and bailed you and Katie out of the mess you were in. I was sort of expecting Ramsay to keep for for the drama value (let's face it, who'd have missed Katie if she went?), but I think he realized there was no credible way for him NOT to send her home.


Aside from that, this is actually looking like the most competent bunch of contestants we've had for a good few years. Whether that says good things about this season or godawful things about the last few seasons, I don't know (yet).

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I don't understand why duck was so hard to ID for the potstickers. It's a hugely popular dish at dim sum places. Katie nominating herself was just plain bizarre. Glad Kalen left --it sounded like even she didn't believe her pathetic rationale as to why she should stay. That mouthy one who barfed up the shake is annoying. Ah who am I kidding, they're all annoying. That dude who said "Santa Monica bitches" (or wherever it was) --piss off already. Their day trip to the community pool was totally underwhelming.

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I think Roe should have been nominated, she is probably gone next for the women. I'm glad that Kalen is gone, since Roe was not being nominated it was the obvious choice. I bet the argument on the blue team is between Steve and Sterling.

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I finally figured out who Kalen reminded me of...a female Chris Farley.  Buh- bye Kalen.  You were not ready for this (nor are 98% of the other "chefs" competing).


I was hoping the last pair of guys would continue to bring up proteins they already chose incorrectly like they did with "rabbit".  I always try to root for Bostonian contestants on these shows, but damn if Aaron and Santos aren't making me want to turn in my Massachusetts card.


Not sure what was up with Roe this week, but she's still one of my favorites.  After listening to Sade have a rational mature conversation with Miss Potty Mouth, I'm liking her more as well.


Looks like Katie may do herself more harm next week by talking back to GR.

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After listening to Sade have a rational mature conversation with Miss Potty Mouth, I'm liking her more as well.


I actually backed up the DVR to watch that again. I was too startled that conversation didn't plummet into trash talking and empty threats to register what they were actually saying. 

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How the hell did Roe not get put up for elimination after her failures at the garnish station?  Katie didn't seem to do anything major tonight.




Ramsay told them to base it on overall body of work, not just that night's service. 


Kalen reminded me of an adult version of Angelica Pickles. Don't know why. I think it was because she was kind of obnoxious and annoying and the way she tied her blonde hair in a high ponytail reminded me of Angelica's pigtails. LOL


What was up with Frank's hair in the beginning of this episode? It was flopping around all over the place. 


Sterling can be annoying but I did love it when he was telling Aaron alligator and Aaron kept ignoring him. Sterling seems to be annoying but I don't think he's shown any signs of not being able to cook. 


Roe was so bad tonight. I feel like this many episodes in it should not be based on overall performance yet. I feel like that should only happen when the numbers go down to single digits and the really strong chefs are left. Roe's performance was so bad she deserved to be up there.

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I always enjoy the challenge to pick the protein. It makes me chuckle at some of their choices. I've never had duck...is it that generic it was so hard to identify?


In my opinion, no, it's quite distinctive. (I don't like it. At all. Blech.) I suspect that, like the other dishes, they went to great pains to mask the taste. Hell, for that matter, I wouldn't be at all surprised if there was almost no duck in the potstickers in the first place. I do agree with JBody that it would have been the logical first guess for potstickers anyway, even if there was barely any in there. But then again, I'm sure the assumption at that point was "Oh of course, for purposes of this challenge, none of these is going to be what you'd assume it would be based on the type of dish it is." So I could see how they'd assume that duck would have been "too easy" a guess. Especially if they couldn't really taste the duck in the first place (which, in my opinion, they should/would have.)


I'm calling shenanigans on that whole challenge, actually. They clearly went to great pains to hide the protein under all kinds of other flavors. The easiest probably was/should have been the turkey cutlet on top of pasta and tomato sauce. But the rest of them?


--If there was ANY calamari meat AT ALL in that chowder, the ringlets and/or tentacles would have been a dead giveaway. How could you possibly confuse that with scallop? Or even entertain the notion that it might have been halibut, or mussels? Sure, you could chop the calamari up to make it more difficult to identify. But again, mussels have a very distinctive flavor (which, again, I don't like) and the fact that they'd even consider that means they just couldn't taste anything in that chowder. I think one of the contestants even mentioned that at the time. "All I taste is potatoes and corn." or something along those lines.


--Elk lasagna? Alligator chili? I suspect that in each case, that was about the third time that dish has ever even existed on this particular planet. I don't mind the intentional swerve, but again, in both cases the dishes were obviously deliberately designed to mask the flavor of the protein so that Ramsay could shout "WRONG!" over and over.


Also calling shenanigans on Sterling "knowing" it was alligator in the chili because "I'M FROM DA SOUFF, SON!" or whatever. I mean, props on the guess, but that's all it was. Sterling didn't taste the dish, and visually, ground alligator is indistinguishable from ground chicken or turkey or any other white meat or fowl. It was either a lucky guess, or "a little birdie" whispered a hint into his ear, but "I knew it!" ... um ... no. No you didn't, Sterling.

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Alligator chili? I suspect that in each case, that was about the third time that dish has ever even existed on this particular planet.


Alligator chili isn't that uncommon in places where there are alligators. It's one of the reasons that Sterling immediately started shouting that is what it was without even tasting it.

Edited by biakbiak
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I'm from Texas and alligator chili is common (I guess the only other way I've heard it cooked is maybe fried?)  so I'd of guessed it too. I thought it was funny when they were ignoring him.


Missed my Ramsey yelling so checked the show out - will watch next week as it seems he gets up to 100% and that's always fun.


That girl who nominated herself blew my mind. It's like none of these people have ever watched a single Ramsey show.  You could tell he wanted to send her home soooo badly.  The only explanation I could come up with is she's afraid of all the other girls beating her up or something?  Or whomever she would of named, specifically.  She should have just left then, she's a goner.


The guy even said, "duck? no..."  They could of won 2 minutes earlier if they'd of just tried it.  I think the elk would've been the hardest to identify but the guys did waaay better than the girls. 


Having to play water volleyball/polo was a horrible reward to me, tho.  Ewww.


Love weird Elvis hair with no product!

Edited by Jlina
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Sterling is most likely a camera whore who is putting on a goofball act to get more air time. It’s a pity because it looks like he could have been a solid contender if he took this more seriously. As it is, I don’t see Ramsey hiring a clown for one of his kitchens anytime soon.


Katie nominated herself because she is probably one of those types that wants everyone to like her. She knew she could say Kalen because she was everyone else’s choice and safety in numbers. If she has seen past seasons, she knew the next name she said was going to be spewing hatred about her in the talking heads, so she did the cowardly thing and said her own name. She seems a solid cook, but is probably too young to win this.

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Alligator chili isn't that uncommon in places where there are alligators. It's one of the reasons that Sterling immediately started shouting that is what it was without even tasting it.


Well, sure. Possum stew "isn't that uncommon" where possum are plentiful either. I'll cop to having exaggerated juuuust a little for effect, but my point stands. As does my assertion that neither Sterling nor anyone else would be able to distinguish between ground alligator and ground chicken/turkey/pork in a chili based solely on sight. He guessed. And he got it right. Good for him. But he might as well have flipped a coin.

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round alligator and ground chicken/turkey/pork in a chili based solely on sight. He guessed. And he got it right. Good for him. But he might as well have flipped a coin.


I think he made an extremely educated guess based on the challenge. Chicken, turkey, pork are common in chili, so he was thinking about things like the elk or calamari and came up with it. Of course you couldn't tell a ground meat from another just on sight but it was more than just a flip of the coin. Just like alligator in many different preparations is much more common than possum. I am not even from the south but I have eaten a fair amount of alligator (including a delicious savory cheesecake!) and had it in chili several times. 

Edited by biakbiak
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I was surprised by the elk. There was a Kitchen Nightmares in the final season where he spent about ten minutes of a two-part episode hyperventilating because the owner put elk in his quesadillas. Lasagna doesn't exactly scream big game to me either.

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Sterling is most likely a camera whore who is putting on a goofball act to get more air time. It’s a pity because it looks like he could have been a solid contender if he took this more seriously.


I'm still trying to decide what I think about Sterling.  On one hand, he often acts like a caricature who escaped from a minstrel show.  On the other hand, he seems to know what he's doing much of the time.  There have been several instances like the one with alligator where the blue team would have been better off if they'd listened to him.  I do think he's the most likeable of the whole bunch of them.

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He guessed


Weren't they all guessing?  How is this bad;  because he said it like he knew for sure?  To me, it was more about the fact that curiously everyone ignored his guess and just kept bumbling.    Too bad ostrich is considered a red meat; that would've thrown it.


OMG - Alligator cheesecake?  Sounds like that thing they had to drink ;)


Oh, I read about the elk quesadillas.  Said Gordon got up to 40% enraged, lol.  It's what made me come looking to see when HK came on.

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As for Katie, I think that was a team decision, not just hers, wasn't it?


I'm not sure. It probably did come down to a team vote. She should've spoken up, but she seemed so defeated and beat down in that moment. Ramsey did ask her who should be up there, and she answered herself and Kalen. If she really believes in her ability, she should've answered someone else, regardless of the team vote. 

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I am not even from the south but I have eaten a fair amount of alligator (including a delicious savory cheesecake!)

I want to know more about this. The cheesecake, that is. Seriously, in a restaurant or did someone fix it for Halloween?

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Katie should have been sent home just for nominating herself as one of the two weakest chefs on the red team.  Because clearly she's given up.  Although it was unfair of Ramsay to put her on the spot and make her (and only her) say who she thought the two weakest chefs are.  But that's Hell's Kitchen for you.


I've had alligator a couple of times, it's pretty good.  If pork is "the other white meat" than alligator is the other other white meat.

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I live in CT and there was a restaurant in my town that had an appetizer called alligator bites.

I saw something named the same in a place in West Palm Beach I visited earlier this year. What are the odds it's the same sort of thing and equally bad?

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I'm still trying to figure out why Sade doesn't pronounce her name like the singer....


And I'm still scratching my head over why she and that other girl were having a spat.  Because that girl (whose name is escaping me) up chucked the "meat shake"?  Who wouldn't upchuck it?  Did she think she was doing it to get away with something?  It wasn't clear to me.

I never understood the "eat disgusting things" part of this show. It seems they're supposed to eat or drink it, but if they don't, the only consequence is ridicule from the rest of the team.
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I live in CT and there was a restaurant in my town that had an appetizer called alligator bites.


I know 3 restaurants in CT that serve alligator.


Sterling's shout out was a guess but it was an educated one, meaning he had reason to believe it might be alligator.  Didn't he say "he could see from there" that it looked like alligator?  OK he was far away but maybe they see more than it looks like they see.


And yes to having the thought that he acts like the buffoon but actually seems to know more than his competition in many cases.

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I went into this season thinking, especially after the women's stellar first service, that this would be a woman's season to win.  But man, I'm starting to think it's gonna be a man's season to win now.


Actually, I feel like the show's winners almost run counter-intuitive to team performance. Last season (heh, two months ago), the women's team was always the standout and the men were a mess -- yet the finalists were two men. Seeing the men's team do so well makes me think it's a woman's season to win.


Santos and Aaron are from Massachusetts? (as am I) Ah, the entitled arrogance makes so much sense now.

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I too never understood those disgusting food smoothie challenges. The team doesn't seem to get punished if they don't do it. I think in some past seasons there have been contestants who flat out refused to do it. The only drawback is that they get called out by their teammates for not being a "team player." I'd rather have my team mad at me than try downing a raw scallop and fish head milkshake. The thought alone makes me want to puke. I would also prefer it if they didn't have to show us clips of them throwing up.

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Actually, I feel like the show's winners almost run counter-intuitive to team performance. Last season (heh, two months ago), the women's team was always the standout and the men were a mess -- yet the finalists were two men. Seeing the men's team do so well makes me think it's a woman's season to win.


Ramsay does seem to be bringing up the women's performance in the first episode quite a lot. I wonder whether this is setting up for the women completely blowing the men out of the water for the rest of the season once they've gotten rid of their major weak links.


In any case, no-one really seems to be standing out as a potential winner yet, as opposed to this time last season when Joy was pretty clearly emerging as the front-runner (leaving aside what happened later). Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, as in a lot of the seasons it was pretty easy to predict by about a third of the way who the two front-runners were going to be.

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I know Ramsay keeps bringing up the women's first dinner performance and asking if it was a "fluke." I'm thinking producers were not pleased with the lack of drama and from then on decided to tamper with the ovens and other such shenanigans, maybe this drama surrounding Jennifer vs. the rest of the team is producer driven to add to the drama. It definitely would make no sense that the first service went perfectly when they had more people (and worse people) then, but now they stink. It was a fluke in a way the producers didn't want. 


I too am not really seeing a winner yet. If I had to choose one from each team, I would say maybe Steve or Fernando, or possibly Bryant, from the men and only Roe from the women. It's still too early to really tell though. Sometimes people who seem meh at the beginning get better later on. Once they get rid of all the weak links and it comes down to single digits and black jackets, we might see a strong contender.

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Can anyone explain how Ashley works in the restaurant industry?


I didn't like her on sight.  That probably was unfair of me but she looks like that Sandy from last season - same vapid expression and half-closed eyes.  She does seem more pleasant though.  I can't imagine she'll get very far. 

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I never understood the "eat disgusting things" part of this show. It seems they're supposed to eat or drink it, but if they don't, the only consequence is ridicule from the rest of the team.


There are no negative consequences to skipping out/loafing on the team punishment or not doing prep - sure, it pisses your teammates off but Ramsay never takes it into account when it's time to eliminate someone.  He bases his eliminations on performance during dinner service only.  So I'd never drink/eat one of the foul concoctions nor would I do a damn thing outside of service and challenges.

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Why would anyone try a normal protein in a challenge like that? Seriously, look at the dish and while tasting it, figure out what is the strangest available protein that makes sense. So for the chowder, take a look at all the fish options and go with the one that makes the least sense. Same for the cutlet, lasagna and chili. Duck potstickers are not strange as duck is commonly used in Asain cooking but duck is not a commonly used protein in the US so aim for that.


I mean, seriously. This is a game show not a cooking show at this point in the competition. They want to get Ramsay yelling and screaming so they are not going to use freaking chicken, beef, bison or even venison because they are too common. They are not really testing your palette, they are trying to make you look stupid. Why the hell these contestants don't think of that, I have no clue. This is not Top Chef, it is Hell's Kitchen. Aim for the least likely and you will do well.


You can count on challenges that will help determine who really is a good Chef in about four-six weeks.

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They are not really testing your palette, they are trying to make you look stupid. Why the hell these contestants don't think of that, I have no clue.


I would venture to say it's because a good number of HK contestants really are stupid.  Running amok shrieking takes no smarts at all plus the noise and frenetic activity mask any contribution from someone who thinks things through.  Ramsay's yelling makes it even worse.

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