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Married At First Sight: The First Year

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Jamie is a prude....I don't think she's faking that.  In fact, I don't think she's comfortable with anything to do with sex, considering what she probably saw in the way of sexual conduct between her mother and the men she brought home when Jamie was a child.  Both new episodes and episodes from last season's Married First Year allude to the fact she is not sexually aggressive at all and Doug expressed disappointment even back then.  Who could forget how clumsy and awkward she was when she tried to show her sexy side to Ben Flajnik on The Bachelor?  Maybe Jamie is running scared.  Doug is getting more upset with her about her lack of interest in the bedroom (you could tell Doug did not come totally clean with Dr. Pepper as to what really is not happening between them) so this former flame of hers is looking pretty good right now.  I'd venture to guess he was so perfect because he probably didn't expect much from her in that department.  One tiny problem...Jamie wants children and in order to get them she has to have sex.  I know nobody else feels this way, but I do feel sorry for Jamie.  A LOT of her problems are associated with her upbringing.  She'll get a child out of Doug and then they'll hit the skids. 

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She was awkward with Ben Flajnik for the same reason that she is awkward with Doug now - she was/is not attracted to either one of them. She was with her Ex when she was on The Bachelor and he is still in the picture now.

Edited by Inf0rm4nt
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Jamie appeared on "The Bachelor" and "Bachelor Pad" in 2012 and "Married at First Sight" in 2014.  So, I take that to mean her "great four year relationship" was prior to 2012.  Funny how she never mentioned this before.   

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Jamie appeared on "The Bachelor" and "Bachelor Pad" in 2012 and "Married at First Sight" in 2014. So, I take that to mean her "great four year relationship" was prior to 2012. Funny how she never mentioned this before.

It was NOT all prior to 2012. The period between her going on the Bachelor and going on MAFS is included in those four years - though she obviously won't admit this particular detail in front of the cameras.

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Gosh, this show is so boring that I almost miss Sean and Davina!  I don't care about Neph (or what ever his name is) and don't know why he is even on this show.


The only interesting part is getting a look at the Season 3 people.

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I know nobody else feels this way, but I do feel sorry for Jamie. A LOT of her problems are associated with her upbringing. She'll get a child out of Doug and then they'll hit the skids.

I would have a lot more sympathy for Jamie is seemed to be working to resolve some of her issues. There is only so many times I can hear her say she knows she has issues and she needs help but then go straight back into doing the same thing without seeking that help. From her blog she stated that they only did this season as a last ditch effort to see if the marriage could be saved by getting expert help, why wait and receive a few chats from Dr Pepper when it would have been more helpful IMHO to get ongoing expert help for both as individuals and together as a couple off camera. Jamie is so quick to judge others behavior but wants a pass for her own due to her childhood, there comes a time when she just needs to accept her childhood for what it was and realise that as an adult she controls her responses, yes her childhood shapes some of that but it is not a free pass to behave badly.

I was rooting for them early on while bracing for the trainwreck that I could see coming as I had a similar screwed up childhood and I know how hard it was to change my behavior and it took years of changing how I responded before my natural instint to go into instant defence mode resided. Jamie's lack of self awareness quite frankly does my head in, when she holds camera time as more important than their relationship then I do not hold out much hope and Jamie wanting to bring a baby into this mess and nagging for it just shows how screwed her thinking is about what is a healthy relationship as my granny said "babies don't fix relationships they complicate divorces" and I would be more surprised if this marriage works than ends in divorce as soon as the cameras leave.

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Inf0rm4nt:  Thanks for the info on Jamie and the ex.  Were they a decent relationship or is he an abusive loser?  (Yes I know going on reality dating shows etc. whilst dating does not make for a decent relationship but I hope you get what I mean :)

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Inf0rm4nt: Thanks for the info on Jamie and the ex. Were they a decent relationship or is he an abusive loser? (Yes I know going on reality dating shows etc. whilst dating does not make for a decent relationship but I hope you get what I mean :)

I will say that I never about about anything in the way of abuse from him, when they were together she seemed to be happy. Also he has a career and is good at what he does, so he is not the deadbeat loser type that Jamie previously claimed that all her ex-boyfriends were. However, I will also say that he wasn't exactly sitting around twiddling his thumbs waiting for her while she was on Bachelor/Bachelor Pad if you get what I mean.

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Pretty obvious what's happening here.


I've always had a strong feeling that Jamie was full of it regarding her attraction & love for Doug. I almost believed it and genuinely started rooting for them, especially when Doug proposed. But now I think it's getting more and more obvious what was going on.


Jamie's obviously got daddy issues. She NEEDS an older man who makes her feel secure in a relationship. It makes sense, she's had to be the responsible one for years, so she craves a man that's secure enough to take all responsibilities away from her. She had to break up with her old ex and join the MAFS show because he didn't want babies. She can't exactly have babies with old men, so she got married to a younger one hoping to bag a quick child out of it (explains why she was so pushy & quick to bring up children with Doug).

I doubt she had/has any intention of ever staying married to anyone but an older man after the baby is born.


If I was Doug I'd be ready to cut my losses on this one. This egg smells too funny.

Edited by LeonD
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Doug will never be the kind of guy that Jamie wants. But she had to have known this! She settled for someone she isn't attracted to, doesn't respect and isn't situated enough in life for her. I'm glad that Doug isn't begging her to stay. He's not my cup of tea but he shouldn't be shit on either.

I think Jamie wants to be America's sweetheart of reality TV. And this guy she's pining after doesn't sound like he is that into her. Was she going on these shows to make him jealous or change his mind? How desperate. How old is this man? I'm so glad that Doug hasn't given into her baby cravings. She does know that she'd have to have sex with him, right?

I think Jamie is jealous that doug's family has helped him throughout adulthood, not ton,ention providing him with a loving, stable home. She never had anyone on her side or helping her to make it. I do think Doug has gotten too much help though and I can see how that has made him less independent which Jamie seems to value.

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And this guy she's pining after doesn't sound like he is that into her. Was she going on these shows to make him jealous or change his mind? How desperate.

You are right on the money.

How old is this man?

Late 40s.

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It does not sound as if the "ex" offered much dedication to Jamie.  The "ex" does not seem to have offered the dedication that Doug offers, however Jamie wants the forbidden fruit.  "ex" has probably played this perfectly to get out of this what he wanted without delivering much of what Jamie wanted except mystery.


Poor Doug.  Sounds like he was the victim of FYI's vetting of participants just like Season 2's Jaclyn and Davina

Edited by Liberty
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So I wonder if the producers prodded Jamie into this fantasy world of wanting her ex boyfriend back in her life?  Can you image the questioning?  What secret do you have that you would never tell Doug because it would hurt him?   I mean.......really.  I believe in honesty but I would never hurt someone that I loved by bringing up the crap she has brought up.  You tell someone this stuff when you are planning to leave the person and walk out the door.  Or, you could be honest with them (since you want to be 100% truthful) and hurt them to the core.  That always makes a marriage stronger when you chip away at the love and trust.


No wonder Jamie is getting hate mail.  She is the kind of person who plays games in her dating and relationship life.  She craves attention and will do whatever it takes to keep the attention.


Someone mentioned that she is a prude.  She doesn't dress or look like a prude.  She wears too much makeup (ugghhh on the fake eyelashes) and wears tiny, sexy little tops with skin tight pants.  She dresses and looks very sexual but again that might be to get attention from other men.    


I don't think she is attracted to Doug and they both should go their own way before investing years into this relationship.  

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Yes, and according to Jamie on her twitter about 8-9 months ago she was in love and her marriage was great.  This was during the time they were filming for this show.  I have no doubt that according to her everything is fine now.

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Is anyone else thinking that Jason's mom was a side Piece? Makes sense why the dad would just walk away to his "other family". Jason wants to find his family but he is battling decades of negqtive emotions, of course Neph is not going to get it.

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Who knows?  Mr. P's dad abandoned his first family for his pregnant teenage girlfriend, so he has half siblings he has never met who are 15+ years younger than him.  We've been together about 10 years, and the last time he saw his dad was before we met, when they ran into each other in the parking lot of Home Depot.  So  I think it will depend on the ages of the siblings!

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I read on a blog that the show pays $20,000 per person still married and $5,000 for the singles per episode. For s2 of MAFS, they pay $40,000 per married person per episode. That is a huge incentive to stay married, even when not happy. Makes sense why Jamie is pushing for a house and babies. She is going to milk this gravy train for as long as possible.

ETA: here is the link. http://okhereisthesituation.com/2015/06/much-married-first-sight-contestants-paid/

Edited by Spiderella2
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And more not-quite-burning questions about the latest episode.



Tara, your GIFs were amazing.  It is like you figured out something the experts could not in a couple of seconds.



I will say that I never about about anything in the way of abuse from him, when they were together she seemed to be happy. Also he has a career and is good at what he does, so he is not the deadbeat loser type that Jamie previously claimed that all her ex-boyfriends were. However, I will also say that he wasn't exactly sitting around twiddling his thumbs waiting for her while she was on Bachelor/Bachelor Pad if you get what I mean.



Inf0rm4ent,  one of the strong points of debate is how fake or sincere Jaimie is about the relationship.  Many of us think she is an impressive person who overcame a really bad childhood, but is fake as a three dollar bill on the show.  I was wondering what your thoughts were on this, since you know her.


Any info is greatly appreciated and thank you for your comments.

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So the MAFS season 2 actors each gave up $40,000 per episode for how many episodes by divorcing?


Jaclyn & Ryan created enough deception to make it through the season, and one would think for a couple of hundred thousand dollars they could keep it up.  For certain Ryan & Jessica could have kept the charade ongoing with their acting aspirations.


Those amounts may be true, but are difficult to believe.

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Jamie has to be the most annoying person on the planet. I used to be understanding of her due to her background, but she gets no passes from me anymore. I'm only watching this wreck now because I enjoy seeing the change in Doug from bending over backwards to please Jamie to not really giving a crap if she walks out the door. Goes to show that even the nicest most patient man has a limit. No one will take an endless amount of belittling, nagging, cold shoulder and ingratitude before they decide it's not worth it. Jamie will regret pushing him this far if she ends up wanting to stay with him. And don't even get me started on her wanting to bring a baby into that mess. Talk about unhealthy and delusional.


For the record, I didn't get the sense that Doug's parents were paying for the car out of their own pocket, just paying the bills because they get them and Doug gives them the money. Jamie just thinks they're oh so bothered by it and Doug should do it himself because she's used to doing everything herself. I also think the loan's probably in his parents' name and that's why he can't really change the arrangement that easily, but he didn't want to talk about it on camera, because why should he? Jamie's a bitch for even bringing up stuff like that and then crying about the fact that Doug brings up their lack of sex life (which she did too, to Monet). I don't believe she really loves Doug, because you just don't talk like that to someone you love and constantly brush off their feelings.


Free Doug!


Jason and Courtney are a nice change in that they actually seem truly in love. They are just boring though. I cringe at all their fake "issues". No wonder they had to include Neph and his girlfriend in this season, since there's no way Jason and Courtney could fill up 20 minutes every week. At least Neph looks a bit more attractive this season, but he still seems dim.

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So the MAFS season 2 actors each gave up $40,000 per episode for how many episodes by divorcing?


Jaclyn & Ryan created enough deception to make it through the season, and one would think for a couple of hundred thousand dollars they could keep it up.  For certain Ryan & Jessica could have kept the charade ongoing with their acting aspirations.


Those amounts may be true, but are difficult to believe.

It's not uncommon for shows to pay their reality stars. Usually it's between $5,000 - $10,000 for an unknown but once they start gaining ratings and popularity, the amounts go up. Some of the more popular Real Housewives (Nene, Lisa, Teresa etc.) get close to $1 million per season with bonuses if they show up to reunion.

Also, I should have clarified. This is rumored to be the rates for the success stories of MAFS season 1. They get a certain amount per episode for every season they film after the initial MAFS season. Like Year 1, Year 2 etc. up to five years. And I'm sure the show paid for Jamie & Doug's 2nd wedding. Monet gets $5,000 for every episode she appears on.

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Inf0rm4ent,  one of the strong points of debate is how fake or sincere Jaimie is about the relationship.  Many of us think she is an impressive person who overcame a really bad childhood, but is fake as a three dollar bill on the show.  I was wondering what your thoughts were on this, since you know her.


Any info is greatly appreciated and thank you for your comments.



She is a very fake person both on and off the show. As long as I've known her, her motivation has been fame. She wanted to be on TV, to be in the spotlight. She'd been trying to get on reality shows for quite a while before getting on the Bachelor. And everything about her on that show was disingenuous - she had no interest in Ben Flajnik, she was still in her relationship with The Ex while she was on it, she just wanted to be on TV. The reason she was so infamously awkward with Ben is because she was awful at feigning any kind of attraction to him. Bachelor Pad may have been a slightly different story and she made a fool of herself on that for different reasons, but she came right back from it and picked up her relationship with Ex where it left off. She was also using these shows to try to make him jealous, as someone eluded to earlier. So yeah, I have no reason to believe she is being real on this show, at least as far as her attraction to Doug is concerned. From the beginning I said this is just another show for her to be on to keep herself in the public eye.


I do think that her feelings for Ex are genuine, that's one of the few things I will say that I think she is being real about. But I don't think those feelings were ever fully reciprocated...and now she may simply be using him as a way to get out of this "marriage".

Edited by Inf0rm4nt
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- Like someone else said, Jamie being attracted to much older men is common from someone that didn't have a father figure when she was growing up.  What I'm surprised about is that he's only in his late 40s....many times it's 25+ year age gaps. 

- I think Courtney & Jason are really cute, and I don't find them boring, but I can see where people think that.  These two are riding this out, not to be famous so much, IMO, but to make enough money to have a better life.  Maybe buy a condo or apt outright in NYC which they would never be able to do on their present salaries.

- It's one thing for Jamie not to find Doug super attractive....that feeling can grow if everything else is working.  But you can see she doesn't respect him.  Maybe she did at one time...maybe she never did...but if respect for your partner isn't there, you just can't fake it.  You can see it's manifesting itself in all her interactions with him.  She doesn't think he's worth having sex with, she can't quit harping on that agreement about the car loan he has with his parents, she blows up over his messiness.  The fact she's having thoughts about another man AND tells her husband about it????  Good grief...stick the knife in a little farther why don't you. 

- If Jamie wasn't attracted to Ben Flajnik (does anyone think he's attractive?  Doug is waaayyyy better looking than him) she shouldn't have tried to come on to him.  It makes sense though, since The Bachelor, IMO, is more a competition between the women as to who is the prettiest/hottest than anything to do with their feelings for The Bachelor.  BUT if Jamie has never had any feelings or ever really tried to make hers and Doug's marriage work but rather was just using it as a launching pad for a career in show business, I think that's despicable. 

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Jamie has to be the most annoying person on the planet. I used to be understanding of her due to her background, but she gets no passes from me anymore. I'm only watching this wreck now because I enjoy seeing the change in Doug from bending over backwards to please Jamie to not really giving a crap if she walks out the door. Goes to show that even the nicest most patient man has a limit.


I believe Doug would willingly put up with Jamie's crap if they were being intimate. 

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Jason and Courtney are a nice change in that they actually seem truly in love. They are just boring though. I cringe at all their fake "issues". No wonder they had to include Neph and his girlfriend in this season, since there's no way Jason and Courtney could fill up 20 minutes every week.


Agreed!  And I think they are probably fun to hang out with in real life, they are just not interesting in a "reality tv" kind of way - which is what makes them decent people IMO.  Most reality tv "characters" are not people I'd want to know in real life!


And inf0rm4nt:  thanks for all the info :)  What other shows did she try to get on before the Bachelor?  And did she and The Ex live in NYC?

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It makes me wonder if Jamie stipulated her preference for an "older" guy when she buckled down to complete all those instruments that the Experts lived and died by. Because if she did express her longing for a Methuselah, then that's just one more red flag that Cilona & Co. chose to ignore.

But if Jamie did not reveal her Daddy-fixation anywhere in the reams of paperwork (whether consciously or unconsciously or subconsciously) then it just goes to show that when a reality show relies on the face-value authenticity of its participants, the people in charge should expect monumental fails (see season 2 @ MAFS). And, just maybe, the over-the-top pontificating that the Experts-Who-Love-Their-Own-Voices indulged in through two seasons should be a teeny bit tempered in subsequent seasons, if there are any actual new seasons scheduled to make it to air.

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Why is this show now trying to make Neph interesting (it's not working)? I don't understand this? It actually kinda annoys me. The last episode I fast fowarded through all things neph related. Did they not have enough material to focus on the people that were actually part of "Married at first sight season 1"?

Edited by cn0te
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Jamie has blogged the episode again. http://jamieotis.com/2015/11/married-at-first-sight-the-first-year-season-2-episode-3/


Beside the skirting her issues and putting it down to her just being open and vulnerable what stands out for me in the tense


I’ve never been through so much public turmoil. I am so confused and feel so alone. I made a commitment to my husband and I meant it. But, I spend all day and night wondering if it was the right choice?

Present tense and no mention of Doug's feelings (but then I don't think she has ever considered Doug's feelings so that is not surprising)



But obviously there’s only so much “hate mail” a person can get before she gets torn down a little. …

Once again about her feelings and no mention that she can now understand there is only so many times Doug can reassure her and initiate intimacy and be shut down and berated before he gets torn down as well.



I know it is a terrible thought and it is downright cruel to my husband, Doug. But what’s worse – painting a smile on and leading my husband to believe everything is ok OR tell him how I feel so we can try to work it out?

This is were she really loses me, she still has no concept even after watching it all back that if she felt it necessary to mention her feelings for her ex there was so many other ways to approach it without inflicting hurt.



The goal of being so open and honest throughout this process is really more for me and my husband and our own benefits. Not only do we get more attention from the experts when we are filming,(they literally flew Dr. Pepper out so we could chat face to face) but we also get to watch our lives back. (The positive side of having the good, bad, and ugly filmed.)

She really has a different perception to me, I would think that filming a marriage and then watching the arguments back would create more tension while reliving how awful we acted but then we are a couple that argue and once it is over it is done and forgotten.


Is she was really serious about helping her marriage she and Doug would be in therapy separately and together to work on both themselves and their relationship and not expecting a magical turnaround from one afternoon with Pepper.

Edited by crazychicken
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The only reason why I didn't fast forward through Neph's segments is that I predict that his "romance" is going to end in an epic way and I love a good train wreck.  


I saw that Neph is a software engineer. But does anyone know what the new girlfriend (can't remember her name) does for a living? 


Personally, I can't get over the inappropriateness of moving your new girlfriend into your parents' home. IMHO, the only way it would not be totally inappropriate is if they were engaged or something. Unfortunately, she's just Neph's latest hook-up ("We'll see how it goes!"). 

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Don’t Forget – Doug and I will be live on twitter and periscope tonight throughout the episode chatting with you guys. Follow me here: Jamie on Twitter and Jamie On Periscope.


This upbeat invitation to all viewers verifies her angst is not genuine, that she really is not as torn down as she would like a reader to think.


She and Doug have constructed this, and she is simply trying to feed the drama.

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From the shoulders up, Doug is getting less and less attractive. The under bite, the sweating, the immaturity, the moles, the neck beard, the bad attitude, etc. I couldn't bring myself to sleep with him either. 

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And inf0rm4nt: thanks for all the info :) What other shows did she try to get on before the Bachelor? And did she and The Ex live in NYC?

Can't really remember he names of the other shows she was trying to get on, I think they were all smaller than the Bachelor or new shows that hadn't been pitched to networks yet. But she was trying to get on stuff for a while.

Ex lives in central NY near where she grew up. She'd been going out there to visit him regularly right up until going on MAFS.

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So I haven't watched the episode yet but did watch Jamie do her usual Persicope blather which is the same each week. Cue teary Jamie saying it is so miserable to watch the episode and she doesn't not what to say, it hard being vulnerable blah blah blah, cue Doug sitting at his laptop across the room appearing to not care about his wife blathering on.


This week we had a breakthrough Doug actually cared and participated while Jamie blathered he wrote this



Ahh how sweet he is defending Jamie surely she is grateful, why nope while Doug is reading it out she is butting in telling him he is wrong. He should have told her something should be left unsaid, they found out it was a marriage a month before the wedding not one week and he doesn't need to defend her and she is still going with she does this to inspire others not to repeat her mistake. Now considering she broadcast this about 9 hours ago I can see that there has been vast improvement in he attitude all that local therapy must be helping *end sarcasm*


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Her sister's reaction to her was priceless. I kind of felt like she wanted to say "GIRL YOU ARE CRAZY". Did anyone else notice that she has bat shit crazy eyes. I do think Jamie lives on another psychological planet than the rest of us. She lives in a world where it is all about her and has nothing to do with Doug. I seriously feel bad for anyone that has to be associated with her craziness. Also, Jason's story line is so fabricated, and I really don't care about Neph. And WHY is Jamie already nagging for a baby in the preview for next week?

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Why all Neph coverage? He is now the 3rd couple in the show?


He wears the same blue t- shirt with white letters first when he has the fight with Jason outside, again when they are in the bar and a third time at his birthday party. I know they film all in one day but he doesn't need to make it look that way.

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Someone on MAFS thought Neph's life would be interesting.  They should be tied to a chair and forced to watch him 24/7 for a week.  They would be running for the scissors to poke their eyes out.  Everything about him, the new girlfriend, his family screams FAKE. 


Jason thinks his father is scum for leaving him and never contacting him again...yet he has such a strong desire to meet him.  To do what?  Kick his ass?  This whole "problem" is soooo convoluted.  I enjoy watching Jason and Courtney interact in their daily lives and don't need this boo-hoo my grandma died and I still miss her and couldn't share that with you manufactured type problems.  Doug/Jaime are the big downers on this show...let Jason and Courtney be the young, crazy in love kids they are and don't try to find problems where there aren't any.


Loved Doug's brothers reactions and comments about Jamie.  Here's one guy who isn't impressed at all by her and thinks she's not worthy of Doug.

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It made me cringe when they showed his little room ugh, a 30 something year old "software engineer". And he kept saying "me and my brothers" why would you want your gf to share a bathroom with your brothers. Disaster in the making. "AND WHY DO WE CARE ABOUT THIS STORY LINE, AGAIN?" I kept asking myself that the whole time. LOL!

Edited by cn0te
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I need more of what Matt's heard about Jamie's ex. I know they hinted at him being older, but the way he was like "that old dude?" has dying to know just how old he is. He could easily be 40 with a twenty year old or whatever, but since Doug (and his brother?) are in their 30s, I don't see them calling him "an old dude" if he's around 40, but who knows. I was really hoping Jamie would have let Monet in on the fact that she suggested inviting the Ex to the party, because I think her reaction would have been priceless, since she's on record already Jamie needs to cut him off. Jamie's sister's reaction was great. Jamie's interview where she was all "how lucky am I! My husband gets I have this guy in my life!" had both my mother and I wondering if she's delusional or isn't smart enough to put on a better act, but Jamie's sister is making me lean towards delusional.

So Cortney hasn't changed her name yet? Jason called her "Cortney Hendrix". When Cortney was all "Oh, I know how to stalk", I hope Jason made a mental note of that (if he wasn't already aware), since, I can totally see her as a stalker. I did think her speech to him was nice. No matter what their relationship may really be like, I just thought that was genuine, probably because it was so accurate that any shame is on Jason's father. But I did not Jason's "poor kid from Brooklyn" lines about people feeling sorry for him, etc. Neph and his friends all seem to come from the same neighborhood... so who saw him as a "poor kid from Brooklyn." Jason is my age and not in a small town, I have a hard time believing he was the only kid with a single parent in the time he was growing up in the borough next to mine. Where is Neph's father, exactly?

I like Monet best in small doses, but, I can't understand why we're getting Neph (who is like Fetch, not gonna happen), and not Monet trying to date again, they could even play up it being harder since now she has to tell guys she has a failed marraige, or even deal with perhaps a guy being aware already she's been on TV etc, since, y'know, that would actually fit in with this being a continuation of season 1.

Edited by Gigi43
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Amazing how Jamie was saying to the camera how lucky she is that Doug is all good with this situation. Who is she kidding? No one would be ok with that. No one would really be ok with their spouse being so buddy buddy with an ex after being told all that junk she said. Her sister totally should have said how nuts she is for wanting the ex at that party. I don't care what he did in the past for them that is the past. I know with the baby thing that its not something one should ever be pushing to happen when your relationship needs work like their's does. You can't go from "oh I have feelings for my ex still" to "when do you want that baby". It just is a disaster waiting to happen there.

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