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S16.E40: Live Finale

Tara Ariano

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One part of the finale about broke my heart - during the TA reveal - when Zach realized the shitstorm in the House which contributed strongly to his demise Game-wise (the stolen clothing Caper) was a TA mission.

Which Frankie was in on - which didn't stop him shouting "ZACH'S THE SABOTEUR!!!"....

Yeah you could see his face Drop.

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One part of the finale about broke my heart - during the TA reveal - when Zach realized the shitstorm in the House which contributed strongly to his demise Game-wise (the stolen clothing Caper) was a TA mission.

Which Frankie was in on - which didn't stop him shouting "ZACH'S THE SABOTEUR!!!"....

I saw Zach look over at Donny and mouth "You're dead to me." LOL. He was kidding of course, but yeah he was majorly screwed by TA and Frankie in particular.

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Yeah you could see his face Drop.


Yep, when Zach saw that the stolen items was a mission....he went from shocked to pissed in about 2.2 seconds.  Sucks dude.  You were played by Team America and it allowed the house to easily send you packing.  


I think when Zach watches the show back, I doubt Frankie will still be his BFF.  

Edited by shelley1005
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"And yeah, Christine's vote was a vote to save her marriage."


No.  It's a throwaway vote for her.  I don't think her dweeb husband is going anywhere.  After seeing his fluff piece mid-season, he is totally submissive to her skankiness.


I can't agree with those feeling sorry for Christine,  She's nasty and is lucky to have whats-his-name worship her.

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FYI - for those who didn't catch it:

  1. Ten MILLION votes for AFP this time - the most in the AFP vote's history.
  2. More than HALF - over 5 million - for Donny!


Mentioned only as a warning to any other relatives of moderately famous people who think their celeb connection's coattails are big enough to ride into an easy win, for AFP or anything else.  America's bigger than any one performer.

  • Love 21

HA. I had to rewind that a few times. Made me laugh. 

Yay Donny!

What a lackluster finale. I don't understand why they brought back Devin etc. 

I hate how all the winners are announced and its over. I wish they talked with them all a little.

Did you like how Christine tried to hide behind Nicole as her name was announced? 

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Hooray for Julie announcing the top three AFP vote-getters - Nicole/Zach/Donny!
As in - NOT FRANKIE!!!!



OMG that was soooo worth it just to watch Frankie's face as the TOP THREE "America's Favorite Houseguest" vote-getters were revealed and none of them were him.




For the first time in a long time, I felt something in the cold dead place where my heart should be. 


The TA reveal was good, especially with Zach realizing how badly he got screwed.  But I would LOVE to have seen a discussion about Frankie's failed "play". 


A thought: Jocasta and Donny seem like really nice people; is it possible they threw Cody a vote because they knew he wasn't going to win, and they didn't want it to be unanimous against him?​


And, because it can't be said enough, Yay, Donny!!!

  • Love 7

I'm just laughing once again at the delusion level of Frankie when he claimed they'd just made him the most powerful person in the game and that he alone would determine who wins. I wonder if he was sitting there wondering why "connecting with my millions of fans" didn't get him anything special, and not even in the top 3 if AFP.


Yeah and the TA and cop reveal just rubbed salt in the wounds.  Its got to be tough to go home when you've made glaringly dumb moves out of loyalty to people you've known for a couple months.

It's okay he'll go home and his dad will kiss it and make it alllll better.

  • Love 5

Whew! Thank goodness Cody doesn't have sense in that beautiful head of his. I wanted Derrick from the beginning and feel he completely deserved the win. While I'm pretty sure Derrick would have taken Victoria to the end, I was worried that Cody might too. Cody is a loyal bro. Whereas Derrick knows Job One is to win, not to make friends. That's what separates the boys from the men.

I enjoyed this season quite a bit actually!

  • Love 2

A thought: Jocasta and Donny seem like really nice people; is it possible they threw Cody a vote because they knew he wasn't going to win, and they didn't want it to be unanimous against him?​


I think both were a vote against Derrick. Jocasta said why.  In Donny's case, Derrick was a big part of why Donny was in such a hostile environment.  I think Donny took the approach that ' they got to F2 so they both must have done something right' and voted for the person that he felt least betrayed and hurt by.

What a lackluster finale. Why even bring out the first evicted houseguests if you don't plan on asking them any questions? For a 90 minute show I feel like nothing interesting/surprising actually happened. There didn't even seem to be much confetti or audience screaming. All very subdued.

I was even hoping Julie would point out the original Americas Team member, Joey so everyone could have a laugh about that.

Poor Cody. He won 50k but he had 500k right in his hands but instead chose his bestie as if he'd just finished a stint at summer camp. Little did he know he handed his bestie an extra 50k just for making it to final two.

Loved the girls running to congratulate Donny when he won AF.

Oh and Frankie is totally the case of an older sibling not being able to handle the arrival of a younger, cuter sibling. He was never able to get over that. He's been scrambling for that lost attention ever since.

Edited by luvlee2003
  • Love 6

A few years from now, I will look at this season as one of the most boring seasons ever. Having the live feeds barely paid off. Nothing truly shocking ever happened, no matter how hard Zach tried. The fact that the most compelling part of the season was Caleb staring Frankie in the face, saying he wouldn't play in that BOB, sat his ass down, and Frankie still won? Sums it up.

But that's later. Tonight I'm just thrilled that Derrick worked his way until the end, and won what I thought was a truly deserving win. Also, that Nicole and Zach were told by Julie that they were in contention for America's player, basically telling Frankie and Caleb (who said many, many times on the feeds he felt he was a lock for this) that they were nowhere close to being in contention. The fact that Donny recieved more than five million votes.

But this finale was once again put together so stupidly. Why have a clip show, with nothing of substance which resulted in wasting so much time tonight on the first two HOHs which happened days ago? Why bring out the early evictees, sit them on stage, and then not do anything with them? Big Brother has always had the worst finale nights, always. I thinks the live aspect of it has always flummoxed the producers, but they still don't get it.

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In Donny's case, Derrick was a big part of why Donny was in such a hostile environment.​



Good point.  And Donny just said as much in his interview with the Topeka, Kansas interviewer (not even sure why this is the one interviewer we are able to watch live, but I'm going with it).  He never trusted Derrick, never liked him.  And, Donny mentioned when he told Cody that if Cody made it to F2, Donny would vote for him to win, and so that's what he did.  


I imagine that we had the clip sh

Edited by Turtle
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Frankie's face when he realized he wasn't even in the top 3 for America's Favorite Player.



Thanks JerseyGirl. The other links just took me to the twitter sign in page. I don't have twitter and never will so thanks.

Caleb doesn't look too happy either. Didn't he think he was sure to win fan favorite?

Edited by Maharincess

I was actually really disappointed in Derrick's speech, I expected it to be great. All he could do was reiterate that he had never been on the block. I'm glad he didn't win unanimously at least.


I agree, I was not blown away by Derrick's speech and the answers to the questions.  My least favorite answer of his was to the question about using his family as a strategy.  I felt like he really should have admitted to it being part reality, part strategy.  It aggravated me that he tried to claim it was "absolutely not" strategy.  Unless his daughter is literally starving back in RI, in which case I retract that complaint!  But yeah, other than that, I'm pretty satisfied that Derrick won.  He totally deserved it.  By no means do I think he was one of the great winners of this show, but he clearly deserved it over all the other buffoons.


As disappointing as Derrick's Final Two performance was, he was still MILES better than Cody.  Cody seemed so nervous for some reason; he just couldn't make his case very convincingly.  I can't believe Cody took Derrick along to the Finals over Victoria in the first place.  There is no doubt in my mind that Cody would have gotten way more than the two votes he got against Derrick if he were in the Finals with Vic.  Most likely, he would have won.  Instead, he chose to lose in a landslide.  So dumb.  Loyal to a fault, that one.


What a lackluster finale. Why even bring out the first evicted houseguests if you don't plan on asking them any questions? For a 90 minute show I feel like nothing interesting/surprising actually happened. 


Agreed.  Honestly, it wasn't just a lackluster finale... it was a lackluster season in general.  For a 90+ day season I feel like nothing interesting or surprising actually happened!  It was actually quite fitting that the finale would match.  


Lastly, I would like to express one last time how much I detest Frankie.  He was SO obnoxious tonight.  His absence from the last few shows was a real treat.  I for one did not miss the mugging, the over-reactions to every little thing, and the "look-at-me!" desperate antics that he displayed throughout the season.  His behavior during the finale was also embarrassing.  I wanted Caleb to smack him when Frankie ripped into him at the Jury Round Table.  You lost, Frankie.  Get over it.  So happy that we got to see the look on his face when the top 3 vote-getters for AFP were announced.  That was perfect!

Edited by me5671
  • Love 8

Arriving late to the Eastern and Central Time zones party...My reactions to the finale:


Whoever wrote Julie's script failed on the alliteration opportunity. I would have gone with "finagled" instead of "strategized", so it would have been finagled...flirted...floated". However, perhaps they were afraid that "finagle" has too negative a connotation.


Shut up, Jocasta. The game is all about lying and deception and hidden agendas. You're not holier just because you refused to play the game the way everyone knows it's played; you're just someone who jumped into an ocean knowing you couldn't swim.


Seriously, the show is still treating Caleb's stalker delusions about Amber as a joke?


Wow, it all came down to luck in the end and Derrick lucked out that Cody truly was loyal. He also gave the best answers in during the jury Q&A, IMO. Did Cody prepare at all?


Victoria was fierce in her gold lamé dress but she looked like she applied her makeup with a spatula.


Man, Caleb and Donny sure seemed bitter. Caleb pretty much runs on emotion but I would think Donny'd be mature enough to acknowledge that he was outplayed by a long shot by most of the house. Probably the only reason he stayed as long as he did was because of TA.


So did Derrick deliberately throw the final HOH so he wouldn't have to be the one to vote Victoria out? If so, smart move. Technically she can't say he was disloyal since he (to her knowledge) never voted against her.


And of course they let Frankie look like he cast the deciding vote. Yawn.


Congrats Derrick! You crushed it!


Yay Donny!

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
  • Love 3

Arriving late to the Eastern and Central Time zones party...My reactions to the finale:

Whoever wrote Julie's script failed on the

alliteration opportunity. I would have gone with

"finagled" instead of "strategized", so it would

have been finagled...flirted...floated". However,

perhaps they were afraid that "finagle" has too

negative a connotation.

Shut up, Jocasta. The game is all about lying and deception and hidden agendas. You're not holier just because you refused to play the game the way everyone knows it's played; you're just someone who jumped into an ocean knowing

you couldn't swim.

Seriously, the show is still treating Caleb's stalker delusions about Amber as a joke?

Wow, it all came down to luck in the end and Derrick lucked out that Cody truly was loyal. He also gave the best answers in during the jury Q&A, IMO. Did Cody prepare at all?


Victoria was fierce in her gold lamé dress but she looked like she applied her makeup with a spatula.

Man, Caleb and Donny sure seemed bitter. Caleb pretty much runs on emotion but I would

think Donny'd be mature enough to acknowledge

that he was outplayed by a long shot by most of

the house. Probably the only reason he stayed

as long as he did was because of TA.

So did Derrick deliberately throw the final HOH so he wouldn't have to be the one to vote Victoria out? If so, smart move. Technically she can't say he was disloyal since he (to her knowledge) never voted against her.

And of course they let Frankie look like he cast the deciding vote. Yawn.

Congrats Derrick! You crushed it!

Yay Donny!

Donny also promised Cody early on that he'd vote for him if he made the final two.

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I was watching the backyard interview . A real idiot is interviewing, but Zach is the real disappointment to me. He's so in love with Frankie and his sister he's coming off a fool! And of course Frankie's interview was all about 'Zankie' They both have heard they,re relationship was a big hit and they're feeding off it. Very sad.

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Zach also revealed he'a doing TAR with Frankie.



I think it was Zach and Frankie saying they want to do TAR, not that they have been selected for it.  And I'm pretty sure they haven't been chosen as contestants.  I really think they're just angling for it.  Or maybe I'm just hoping they haven't been chosen.  Because I love that show, and I Can Not Even with them.  So I'm just going to keep repeating that it's just them trying to get on the show, not that they are on the show.  Going to say it 100 times, at least.  They're just hoping to get on TAR.  They're just hoping to get on TAR.  They're just hoping...

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Really disappointed in the Team America reveal They should have shown Joey first just to get the reactions from the TA boys and leave them wondering who was the last one in.


Also Julie should have said someone lied about their profession all season long and asked the jury to name who they thought it was, and then go to Derrick.  Missed opportunities.

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I'm partially happy for Derrick and he is a deserving winner. But I just hate that his competition was so weak. Cody still had once last chance to change the game, but he blew it. Oh well. 


Someone mentioned that they omitted the fact that Joey was originally on Team America. What I really wanted to hear was Julie acknowledging that perhaps Joey was onto something with the girls alliance. Of course, it was horribly executed, but the sentiment wasn't bad. The girls ended up cannibalizing themselves, but it got them nowhere once the guys had no more use for them.


Really happy that Donny won America's Favorite Player. I'm sure bitter-ass Frankie will chalk it up to the average Joe (said in more derisive terms) rallying behind one of their own, but whatever. I was surprised at first when Nicole made the top three, but it does make sense.


Hopefully future casts will learn from the mistakes of this season but I doubt it.

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