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S08.E04: No Place Like Home

Snazzy Daisy

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Slow start and I am glad the show isn’t going with the evil politician making the 118 split up story because that would have been baaaaaaaaddddddd.    I am glad that Gerard turns out to be not such a bad guy after all and ends up switching places with Bobby so Bobby can go back to the 118.   Also it is nice when a couple can say how they feel and no one gets hurt feelings. Bobby not wanting to live in a house that Athena’s ex designed makes sense and Athena agreeing they should design the new house together is what adult relationships do.

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7 minutes ago, Chaos Theory said:

Also it is nice when a couple can say how they feel and no one gets hurt feelings. Bobby not wanting to live in a house that Athena’s ex designed makes sense and Athena agreeing they should design the new house together is what adult relationships do.

For all that this show is insane, and it is, they really do a great job of showcasing adult communication and interaction.

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34 minutes ago, Chaos Theory said:

I am glad that Gerard turns out to be not such a bad guy after all and ends up switching places with Bobby so Bobby can go back to the 118. 

I don't think it's that he's not such a bad guy. It just so happened that they convinced Gerrard that his best interests and the 118's best interests aligned.  They could all win.   

I love how this show will wrap up stories pretty quickly. 

I do wonder whether Eddie is going to want to do more medical stuff.  I think that's where his story is headed. 

  • Like 11

Loved everyone coming to talk to Bobby. An excellent and entertaining narrative device to advance all of those plotlines and find out how all the characters are feeling in one neat little package. 

1 hour ago, Irlandesa said:

I don't think it's that he's not such a bad guy. It just so happened that they convinced Gerrard that his best interests and the 118's best interests aligned.  They could all win.   

I love how this show will wrap up stories pretty quickly. 

Thank goodness they disposed of both Gerrard and Ortiz tied up with a bow (hopefully for good). I agree Gerrard didn't change his spots, he just figured his interests were best-served by bailing on Ortiz.

I do appreciate really that they don't drag out stories on this show, so if you don't like something you know you won't have to suffer through endless weeks and months of it. Case in point: I couldn't even watch Hen's story I found it so infuriating and upsetting. But now it's resolved and I haven't been turned off of the show.

1 hour ago, Irlandesa said:

I do wonder whether Eddie is going to want to do more medical stuff.  I think that's where his story is headed. 

He did have a lot of medical stuff to do in this episode. It was really nice to see him being shown to be so competent and his previous experience being acknowledged.

Eddie really is a great dad, too, even when the kid isn't his.

2 hours ago, anna0852 said:

For all that this show is insane, and it is, they really do a great job of showcasing adult communication and interaction.

Yes, this. I really like that the people actually talk to each other. It's one of the things that makes it seem grounded despite the crazy action and sheer number of mega-disasters they face.

Finally, Buck is not cut out to be anyone's henchman, lol.

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Finally Ortiz gets outed! It's about time. I do love that it was based on the new cameras they had to wear. Although I'm not upset about the body cameras. They really should have had them all along although that would probably ruin storylines. Between the public distrust but also so many situations are hard and emotions run high. It would be a good idea.

I love that Bobby and Athena talked instead of being mad or one going along with a house plan they don't want. I wish more shows let their characters be adults.  I  like that both sides made sense Athena wanted it. It's her home and she raised her family there.  For Bobby it was the house Michael built for her. 

I felt bad for Buck but at the same time laughed at it pointed out to him that he's complaining about being the favorite and liked. Which yeah he was but no one wants to be liked by Gerard. He'll be happy at the movie set and Bobby will be happy at the 118.

Now we just need them to put Christopher's butt back on the plane and send him home.


Edited by andromeda331
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I think my post about Gerrard not being such a bad guy was minored a bit.   Evil like everything else has layers.   Bobby could work with Gerrard and offer him something better than revenge on Hen.    Plus Gerrard is still a firefighter so his loyalties would align more with Bobby than Ortiz.    Yes he got something in the end but Ortiz was the worse of two evils so I am ok with the way Gerrard’s arc ended.  

  • Like 8
8 hours ago, possibilities said:

Eddie needs to get stronger with Christopher and stop lertting his guilt prevent him from being a leader in the parent-child relationship. I think this week's story shows he might be at least starting to get that idea. 

This episode was sappier than usual.

I wish they'd said what would happen to the tiger.

I think the Eddie Christopher situation is a result of Eddie always doing what's best for Christopher. Except he never asked Christopher what he wants and would be best for him. And he also failed to understand that his son isn't a toddler anymore but a teenager wanting independence and not being coddled just because he has a disability. 

  • Like 4
12 hours ago, possibilities said:

Eddie needs to get stronger with Christopher and stop lertting his guilt prevent him from being a leader in the parent-child relationship. I think this week's story shows he might be at least starting to get that idea. 

I agree wholeheartedly. I also wonder if this week's plot indicated that Eddie's going to go on a road trip to actually do a face-to-face with Christopher since it seems that Christopher is taking full advantage of being able to walk away from their FaceTime chats with zero consequences (once again, thanks Grandma and Grandpa for enabling this terrible behaviour. They should have put him back on a plane home a long time ago in my opinion rather than indulging his temper tantrum). 

  • Like 8
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14 hours ago, Chaos Theory said:

Slow start and I am glad the show isn’t going with the evil politician making the 118 split up story because that would have been baaaaaaaaddddddd.    I am glad that Gerard turns out to be not such a bad guy after all and ends up switching places with Bobby so Bobby can go back to the 118.   Also it is nice when a couple can say how they feel and no one gets hurt feelings. Bobby not wanting to live in a house that Athena’s ex designed makes sense and Athena agreeing they should design the new house together is what adult relationships do.


14 hours ago, anna0852 said:

For all that this show is insane, and it is, they really do a great job of showcasing adult communication and interaction.

Yes!  Athena & Bobby are amongst my favourite ADULT couples on TV shows (Sharon & Andy on Major Crimes and Sophie & Nate on Leverage are others).  Who says you can't have romantic relationships between grown-ups on TV?  They also write the Maddie/Buck sibling relationship really well.  

  • Like 13

I want to know why Judd had to be hired back as a probie after retiring over on Lone Star, but Bobby is able to be hired back after retiring as a full chief. 

Regardless, I'm glad the Gerard arc is over, and I also thought it was pretty sweet how Evil Councilwoman was taken down publicly. She was such a cartoon by the end it was ridiculous. 

I don't really care about Hen and Karen's kids if I'm being honest. I don't watch this show for kids. They can stay in the background now that the drama is over and Hen can get back to work.

The cheerleader getting twisted around freaked me out.

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Bobby Nash — the puppet master!!!

This episode has accomplished quite a lot.

 Captain Nash is back with 118.

 Captain Gerrard has gone Hollywood.

 Henren’s foster license reinstated.

 Mara reunites with the Wilsons.

 Councilwoman Ortiz neutralized.

 Bobby is getting HIS own house.

 Eddie Mercury the badass medic.


My favorite bits are the individual venting sessions with Daddy Nash.


“He calls me little buddy and he touches me.”


“Maybe that’s why he hangs around Buck so much.”

Ouch. 🤣🤣🤣


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Grandma and Grandpa for enabling this terrible behaviour. They should have put him back on a plane home a long time ago 

Yeah, they suck. Eddie is their kid, and they are completely ignoring him and I guess they want to do-over with Christopher. Or they're basically holding him hostage so Eddie will return to Texas. Both of these things are awful.

I'm wondering whether Buck might be the one to give Christopher a talking to. Unless the actor has actually left the show, there's no reason for him to stay in Texas.

Gerrard is still an asshole, but not a stupid one. Bobby knew how to work that to his and the 118's advantage.

The evil councilwoman was such a cartoon that it took me out of the plot a bit. I kept wondering where the firefighters' union was both with the way Gerrard was treating the members of the 118, and with the very serious issue of closing down a firehouse.

I'm glad that one is over and I hope she doesn't come back. 

Everyone commenting on how Bobby and Athena's relationship is both so strong and mature is absolutely right. Two really solid actors are the mommy and daddy of the show. The 118 is their chosen family, and it's a kind of wish fulfillment in how good family dynamics should work.

  • Like 10
44 minutes ago, kwnyc said:

Yeah, they suck. Eddie is their kid, and they are completely ignoring him and I guess they want to do-over with Christopher. Or they're basically holding him hostage so Eddie will return to Texas. Both of these things are awful.

I'm wondering whether Buck might be the one to give Christopher a talking to. Unless the actor has actually left the show, there's no reason for him to stay in Texas.

From what we’ve seen of Eddie‘s parents, I wouldn’t be surprised that the outcome is both. They want a do-over and if Eddie comes out there to retrieve Christopher, I’m willing to bet there’s going to be some sort of a custody hearing in court. Which is just awful of the parents! Yes, at the beginning when Christopher was deeply shocked and upset, giving him and Eddie some space was probably a good thing. But there should’ve been a very firm timeline for Christopher to return home, start the new school year and begin some serious family therapy with his father. These are grandparents, not the parents. 

And I will be delighted if we see Buck be the one talk some sense into Chris.

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Bobby really saved the day, he knew exactly how to deal with a guy like Gerard. He figured out that, while Gerard is a total dick, he isn't so stupid and petty that he wont side with the gang if it gets him something he wants, and he knows that nothing pisses a guy like him off like someone laughing at him and using him as a patsy. I am so glad that we got rid of two villains for the price of one and this was all tied up in a bow and we never have to deal with either of these idiots ever again. 

Ortiz was such a cartoon villain, it was great to see her taken down in such a public way after she got caught doing her villain monologue. Not only is she evil but she's a total moron if she thought she would become the next mayor of LA, all that Hen needed to do was reach out to one of the other candidates and tell them what is happening, I'm sure any political rival would be thrilled to get some witnesses to the death of her son in front of the camera and tell the real story, that her cokehead asshole son almost killed several people, including a mother and child, didn't care at all, and refused medial car to throw a hissy fit. 

I enjoyed everyone coming to Bobby for help with their problems and I, like everyone, love seeing Athena and Bobby deal with the issue with the house in such a mature, adult way. 

"Are you sure its not..."

"You don't like it?"

I hope tiger is alright and got placed in a nice rescue center, the poor girl didn't ask to have to grow up in a tiny apartment. I am glad that we at least got some follow up with the cheerleader, hopefully it also means we are getting closer to ending this Christopher drama. 

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Instead of preaching to a complete stranger about his responsibilities as a parent, Eddie should be dealing with his own situation.  Stand up to your parents and stand up to your kid.  Christopher is the child and you are the adult.  I'm irked by Eddie's friends not telling him he should go get his kid.  I'm irked at Christopher's grandparents for not telling Christopher enough is enough, he has to go back to his dad's and work this out.  But mostly i'm irked at Eddie for letting this go on as long as it has.  

I was puzzled by Bobby and Athena looking at new houses.  It seemed the logical step was rebuilding at the site of their former home.  This is their chance to get all the features they want in their home.  And going through the home-building process will allow for a season-long story line.

One minute the tiger owner was all slash/bite wounds in blood-soaked clothes and then suddenly he's in Athena's squad car in clean clothes all bandaged up.  Did the tiger give him time to pack up a change of clothing before he headed to the hospital?  And I'm not a medical professional, but when someone has wounds that tore through muscle and exposed bone, do you really just put some bandages on and send them on their way?

  • Like 9
8 hours ago, fastiller said:

  Eddie Mercury the badass medic. - @Snazzy Daisy- this is priceless!!!

That is so hilarious and so accurate. Hilariously accurate!

6 hours ago, kwnyc said:

Yeah, they suck. Eddie is their kid, and they are completely ignoring him and I guess they want to do-over with Christopher. Or they're basically holding him hostage so Eddie will return to Texas. Both of these things are awful.

Seems likely a bit of both. In Eddie Begins we see them try to get Eddie to hand Christopher over to them. Then at Shannon's memorial they again try to get Eddie to move back to Texas (how much of that was just wanting Christopher back in their sphere of influence and Eddie was just a necessary accessory, is unclear). They don't seem to give a crap, from what we've been shown so far, that they are hurting their actual son, too busy being thrilled playing house with Christopher. 

3 hours ago, Calvada said:

Instead of preaching to a complete stranger about his responsibilities as a parent, Eddie should be dealing with his own situation. 

......But mostly i'm irked at Eddie for letting this go on as long as it has.  

I don't think it's either/or. I really liked that Eddie stood up for that kid and cared enough about someone else to step up and try to help. Eddie's a good person who tries to help others. That's an admirable quality.

I think it's pretty clear that Eddie's let the situation with Christopher go on this long because he was hoping that Christopher would come around on his own if given time and space. I think he's desperately trying to do what Christopher wants and what's best for his kid because he feels so horribly guilty about the situation (which to be fair is mostly his fault, along with some terrible timing). Christopher is punishing him and he thinks he deserves it, so he hasn't put a stop to it. Hopefully that's nearly at an end.

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6 hours ago, anna0852 said:

And I will be delighted if we see Buck be the one talk some sense into Chris.

I think that would just perpetuate the problem.  Buck did try but Chris still went.  This is Eddie's problem to solve because he's the one who created it.  I'm glad he's admitting that. 

And I know Eddie's parents aren't faves, but I really don't think the show is trying to or going to villainize them in this story.  IMO, this is a story of Eddie and I think the show is going to want him to fix this.  Not his parents forcing the issue.  Or Buck coming up with just the right words.  This is a father/son story.

10 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I want to know why Judd had to be hired back as a probie after retiring over on Lone Star, but Bobby is able to be hired back after retiring as a full chief. 

Did the Lone Star guy actually retire? (I don't watch.) I think Bobby rescinded his retirement before his "final" day but because of his heart attack, they installed his replacement early. 

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I was wishing for one more scene: where Bobby asks Gerrard what he would have said in, say, the "whack it with a shovel" TV show scenario and he says what Bobby said "But I would have added, this is a TV show." He's REALLY ready to retire and doesn't have to turn a TV show into a working firehouse the way Bobby did (because he wasn't ready to retire). 

As others have said, it was so refreshing to have Bobby just say practically right away, I don't want to live in the house Michael designed for you two.

Edited by Dirge
  • Like 4

Instead of preaching to a complete stranger about his responsibilities as a parent, Eddie should be dealing with his own situation.  Stand up to your parents and stand up to your kid.  

Coming up. This one is getting draaaggged out for sure. Eddies parents showed their true colors at Shannon’s memorial service—absolutely getting off on being grandparents. Personally hoping they can fall all the way back when Christopher comes home. That is assuming the actor hasn’t had enough of this.

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7 hours ago, Calvada said:

Instead of preaching to a complete stranger about his responsibilities as a parent, Eddie should be dealing with his own situation. 

This reminds me of when Maddie started stalking a DV victim who called in.

Nobody on this show understands boundaries

I'm apparently in the minority as I never need to see Christopher again and Eddie can leave any time.

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19 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

Ortiz was such a cartoon villain, it was great to see her taken down in such a public way after she got caught doing her villain monologue. Not only is she evil but she's a total moron if she thought she would become the next mayor of LA, all that Hen needed to do was reach out to one of the other candidates and tell them what is happening, I'm sure any political rival would be thrilled to get some witnesses to the death of her son in front of the camera and tell the real story, that her cokehead asshole son almost killed several people, including a mother and child, didn't care at all, and refused medial car to throw a hissy fit. 

This was my problem with the storyline as well. Having her run for mayor made it even more ridiculous. They tried to portray Hen as powerless in this situation, whereas I just kept wondering why she didn't go to the media with this story and expose this councilwoman for what she was. In every encounter she had with this vile woman she should have thrown it back in her face that her son was a drug addict who caused a serious crash then ran away, literally, from treatment. 

14 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

Did the Lone Star guy actually retire? (I don't watch.) I think Bobby rescinded his retirement before his "final" day but because of his heart attack, they installed his replacement early. 

Judd definitely retired officially to care for his son Wyatt. But I'm not clear on what Bobby's status was since I'm fuzzy on last season's finale. I thought I heard him say he retired in this dialogue. Then again he was still wearing his uniform and badge on the set of the TV show.

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1 minute ago, iMonrey said:

This was my problem with the storyline as well. Having her run for mayor made it even more ridiculous. They tried to portray Hen as powerless in this situation, whereas I just kept wondering why she didn't go to the media with this story and expose this councilwoman for what she was. In every encounter she had with this vile woman she should have thrown it back in her face that her son was a drug addict who caused a serious crash then ran away, literally, from treatment. 

That bugged me from the beginning of this whole storyline. All Hen had to do was call up Taylor and say ‘hey I’ve got a story about governmental corruption, can you please get this on the air ASAP?’

  • Like 10
5 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

Judd definitely retired officially to care for his son Wyatt. But I'm not clear on what Bobby's status was since I'm fuzzy on last season's finale. I thought I heard him say he retired in this dialogue. Then again he was still wearing his uniform and badge on the set of the TV show.

I think Bobby was still in his notice period.  He put in his papers but he hadn't stopped working.  He changed his mind before his retirement was officially official.  From what it seems, the LAFD has an agreement with the firefighter show to provide an actual firefighter as a consultant (as opposed to an off duty guy). 

  • Like 3
37 minutes ago, Irlandesa said:

I think Bobby was still in his notice period.  He put in his papers but he hadn't stopped working.  He changed his mind before his retirement was officially official.  From what it seems, the LAFD has an agreement with the firefighter show to provide an actual firefighter as a consultant (as opposed to an off duty guy). 

I don't know that Bobby had even officially put in any papers, I think he had just told the chief his intention to retire at the medal ceremony. He changed his mind and clearly thought he'd just go back to his old position (which he probably would have done without the shenanigans of Ortiz). Instead he was transferred to consult on the firefighter show. He was definitely working as a firefighter with the department the whole time. So this was just a lateral transfer for him, as it were, to take command of the 118 again.

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I'm glad both he and the Evil Mayoral Candidate are [hopefully] gone. This show going over the top is not as fun when it's a villain. It's basically a feel good show, so why pollute it with Arch Enemy Poison? Save the camp and overdoing for rescues and keep the drama on the theme of good guys vs wacky situations. not cartoonish abusers

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22 hours ago, agathapenny said:

I don't know that Bobby had even officially put in any papers, I think he had just told the chief his intention to retire at the medal ceremony. He changed his mind and clearly thought he'd just go back to his old position

But what changed for Bobby? Missing his firefighter family? He had a reason he wanted to retire - I think because of his near death experience. Now he's right back where he started from. I need a little insight into why it wasn't OK anymore and why it is again now.

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37 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

But what changed for Bobby? Missing his firefighter family? He had a reason he wanted to retire - I think because of his near death experience.

I think seeing Amir and being confronted with his past is the reason he wanted to retire.  He was feeling unworthy again.

I think wrapping things up with Amir is the reason he wanted to stay.

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On 10/18/2024 at 7:42 AM, lianau said:

And he also failed to understand that his son isn't a toddler anymore but a teenager wanting independence and not being coddled just because he has a disability. 

In fairness, the show writes Christopher like a much younger child half the time, so I can understand why Eddie would get confused.  Also, Eddie, you have no idea what is going on with the cheerleader's family beyond some stray references from the mom and kid.  I know it all worked out in the end, but just showing up at the dad's place of business to lecture him was so out of line.  Just imagine Eddie's reaction if a rando showed up at the firehouse to lecture him about his relationship with Christopher. 


On 10/19/2024 at 1:04 AM, Dirge said:


As others have said, it was so refreshing to have Bobby just say practically right away, I don't want to live in the house Michael designed for you two.

I appreciated that.  I also wondered how big that insurance payout was going to be because I would bet the house that Bobby and Athena looked at was at least a couple of million, if not more, which doesn't really seem realistic given the salaries of a police sergeant and fire captain.  And yes, I know everyone on the show lives well above their means.  

Also enjoyed Chimney saying that he had layers in terms of his knowledge of the tranquilizer gun.   

Edited by txhorns79
  • Like 8
On 10/19/2024 at 12:30 AM, marceline said:

Nobody on this show understands boundaries

That isn't unrealistic for healthcare workers. I worked in one department where our supervisor expected us to give patients our home phone numbers and tell them to call us anytime, to go on vacations with the families of patients who had died, and one person even married the uncle of one of her dead patients.

When I tried to maintain healthy boundaries by not doing any of this, I was told I "wasn't very involved."

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