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Midsomer Murders - General Discussion

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Still chugging through the episodes...

John Barnaby has this tendency to have this odd, smug smile on his face whenever he's around suspects like he's suggesting "I know something you don't know". It's bloody annoying. I miss the relationship DS Jones had with Tom. It was respectful and there was a genuine fondness between them. Tom valued Ben and also took pleasure in teasing him which was cute. Ben admired Tom and you could tell he was learning from him. With John, it's not quite adversarial and maybe they are trying to get comfortable with each other, I just don't remember this strange tension between Tom and his other DS's.

Or maybe I just need to get used to the new episodes :-)

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On 5/8/2018 at 3:39 AM, Bebecat said:

Not wild about season 20...and just can’t take John Barnaby. Not liking this DS as much as the old ones.

I just finished watching season 20, too, and while I didn't mind John Barnaby so much in his previous seasons, he bugged me this time around. I was especially annoyed in the comic con episode when he snatched a £50 event ticket away from Winter without asking or offering to pay for it.

I don't enjoy Winter much either. He's too slick looking for the show, if that makes sense. I liked Nelson, whose character they didn't seem to develop much, but who was appealing in a low-key way.

I did like that they went in a different direction for the ME, but agree that she's kind of obnoxious.

11 hours ago, Prevailing Wind said:

But she's right - Paddy should be neutered.

Yes! That was another thing Barnaby did that annoyed me this season. I should've spaced the episodes out more to let the irritation from one episode dissipate before watching the next. Oh, well. Lesson learned for next season. Despite my complaints, I still enjoy the mysteries and spotting guest actors I recognize from other stuff.

I only liked “John Barnaby” when he played the gardener on an early episode, can’t recall name, maybe “Garden of Death”?  Something like that. Really dislike him as JB, ruins all the later seasons for me. As much as Joyce and Cully could be annoying and obnoxious...they both get so up in arms if a murder spoils their plans to drag Tom to some silly fete or other. Otherwise the first 12 or so seasons are quite enjoyable to me and I like all three of the DS’s equally, in different ways...and better than those who came after Ben.

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I wonder how much of this has to do with the "firing" of Brian True-May.  https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/tv/news/midsomer-murders-producer-brian-true-may-will-step-down-2250387.html

My distaste has nothing to do with the sudden appearance of people of color; it has to do with how much I don't like Dudgeon as a Barnaby, the sidekicks they've created, and the change in camerawork.

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In fairness to Barnaby, he was aware that this new DS considered Causton simply a temporary assignment (as short-lived as possible) before moving up (as I recall, and it was years ago, he aspires to the London Metropolitan) .... Barbnaby lack of interest reflected fatigue at the parade of similar DS's who had no interest in a Causton career (i.e. someone to eventually replace him when he retired .... a growing frustration for boomers these days)  As I recall the "digs" were spartan and nasty as the DS made clear to Cully who offered him a ride (him being car-less) 

Edited by SusanSunflower
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1 minute ago, SusanSunflower said:

In fairness to Barnaby, he was aware that this new DS considered Causton simply a temporary assignment (as short-lived as possible) before moving up (as I recall, and it was years ago, he aspirtes to the London Metropolitan)

Actually what you describe above is the situation with DS Scott and -Tom- Barnaby. Not -J- Barnaby.

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Sorry, I was just realizing that, ... because Cully didn't continue as a character  after the switcheroo .  I don't mind the new Barnaby in part because I had wearied of Cully and Joyce and dog ...  haven't liked a DS in a long time .... but the show is sooooooo easy to criticize, I just (usually) don't bother ... 

New ones are easy to critcize for me lol...obviously. Yet I am addicted to the style and mood of the show and it is brainless viewing for the most part. But much more difficult with characters that are so unlikable to me. The DS’s never bother me, though the first three are my favorites. Poor Charlie Nelson has dne a foot chase in three striaght episodes I watched this weekend. I know he is a runner on the show but good grief. Amazing how many people hoof it from cops in this series, guilty or not. Well I am still bingeing I admit but gritting my teeth at JB and skip over the “at home”cutesy scenes...not a fan of the baby either...

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Yes, there is a lot of futile running from police, often involving bodies of water ....

As an exemplar of episodes I loathe, I half-watched an episode I had forgotten about recently (or I would have avoided it) which involved, ultimately a man in love with his brother's sister wife/now widow.... she didn't love him before or now, but in his besotted/crazed state I think the bodycount ended at 5 ... he went to prison and she rode off into the sunset ...  most of the 5 dead were, aside from the murderer's guilt, more loathsome than the murderer, but it was all quite sordid ... leaving a sense of dead people well-rid-off and no justice whatsoever or anyone ...  but she never, never, never encouraged him.   I didn't spoiler tag this because I think -- vaguely -- it applies to several episodes but was just more thundering overkill than usual.  I want to believe that most mortals would have trouble living in the aftermath of a single murder and would learn something/anything from the experience. 

I do give Midsomer high marks for having avoided temptation so many shows give in to  which is get gory and more gory or with nauseating CSI close-up and unseemly "details" ...  You can usually count on Midsomer to NOT haunt your dreams. 

Edited by SusanSunflower
wife not sister

I binge watched up until Jones left and I haven't watched any of the newer eps, except for the one where Jones comes back undercover. 

I have started watching all over again and it's been funny to see how much I missed the first time.  Or the opening sequence now makes sense, or the flashbacks.  

15 hours ago, SusanSunflower said:

Yes, there is a lot of futile running from police, often involving bodies of water ....

As an exemplar of episodes I loathe, I half-watched an episode I had forgotten about recently (or I would have avoided it) which involved, ultimately a man in love with his brother's sister/now widow.... she didn't love him before or now, but in his besotted/crazed state I think the bodycount ended at 5 ... he went to prison and she rode off into the sunset ...  most of the 5 dead were, aside from the murderer's guilt, more loathsome than the murderer, but it was all quite sordid ... leaving a sense of dead people well-rid-off and no justice whatsoever or anyone ...  but she never, never, never encouraged him.   I didn't spoiler tag this because I think -- vaguely -- it applies to several episodes but was just more thundering overkill than usual.  I want to believe that most mortals would have trouble living in the aftermath of a single murder and would learn something/anything from the experience. 

I do give Midsomer high marks for having avoided temptation so many shows give in to  which is get gory and more gory or with nauseating CSI close-up and unseemly "details" ...  You can usually count on Midsomer to NOT haunt your dreams. 


Which episode are you describing cause that sounds kind of interesting?

Edited by scorpio1031

So basically in each episode, when they have figured out who committed the crimes Barnaby does his long speech to explain all the twists and turns and get the suspect talking while Nelson slowly creeps around the back to subdue them. Sigh.

Honestly, I think I like the home scenes more than the rest, mostly because of Sykes! Sykes is delightful and I don't generally even like dogs. Sarah makes John less annoying to me and the baby is fine, at least there's not too much focus on her. But I do agree that they are a little bit cutesy. 

I like Nelson well enough. I've gotten to the Kam as Forensic Pathologist episodes. Are they trying to set her and Charlie up as a romantic couple? 

Oh no, Sykes!

The various murders are starting to repeat themselves and getting somewhat boring, I can miss large chunks of the show and not really care enough to rewind and catch up. I don't think the diversity really has changed much of anything in how the show is put together. There are like what, maybe 2 or 3, additional people of color in the episodes? I think that barely changes a thing. There's been more a decline overall. 

Welp. Totally didn't realize that Charlie was gone now. I guess I should be happy that they at manage to slip in a quick reference to where each DS has gone. 

Hopefully, I can find series 20 streaming someplace once I get through these series 19 episodes. This has become a show that I put on when I don't have anything else to watch but I kinda want to watch something. 

New ones are easy to critcize for me lol...obviously. Yet I am addicted to the style and mood of the show and it is brainless viewing for the most part. But much more difficult with characters that are so unlikable to me. The DS’s never bother me, though the first three are my favorites. Poor Charlie Nelson has dne a foot chase in three striaght episodes I watched this weekend. I know he is a runner on the show but good grief. Amazing how many people hoof it from cops in this series, guilty or not. Well I am still bingeing I admit but gritting my teeth at JB and skip over the “at home”cutesy scenes...not a fan of the baby either...


JB’s little monologues at summation are stolen straight from Poirot’s character...and his “one more thing” from Colombo. Not very original on characterization. To me he is such a boor...thinks he is way smarter than he is. And so damned rude to his sergeants! What is that supposed to prove? He had only had Ben when Charlie came on board, yet he acted so put out. And why is Tom never even mentioned, it is like he never existed. Ugh I miss Tom, at least he had a twinkle in his eye.

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The characters of Joyce and Cully were over-the-top annoying to me, only rarely interesting and always, as someone said upthread, complaining about cases interfering with their plans. So I enjoy watching Sarah much more. But I did like Tom better than John. 

I didn't want to read here until series 20 was over, so now I've forgotten which series 20 episode it was, but in one episode John went up to read a bedtime story to Betty. I guess they didn't want to have the child actress on for just that scene, so they had some kid noises and someone wave a hand from the direction of her bed. I actually recoiled because the hand was so big -- it was obviously not a child's hand. 

That was the biggest moment of series 20 for me! 

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Finally finished all 20 seasons! I had to sign up for BritBox to catch series 20 because that hasn't shown in my area yet.

Overall, it was fine. I might be warming up to John Barnaby because he wasn't as annoying to be as he had been previously. Maybe he's started to dial down the smugness. The new medical examiner was a little annoying at first, but she improved over the course of the episodes. I mean I get it, she's funny and edgy and drives a sports car. I was glad to have less of the Barnaby baby, but more of the dog would have been welcome. I see that they are doing the same thing they did with original recipe Barnaby and having his wife have some connection with the mystery. Some of the mysteries are getting ridiculous, but they are really running out of ideas. It seems like they have moved past the awkward shoe-horning stage of expanding the diversity on the show. It feels much more organic to the storytelling, which I appreciate. I got a little defensive when I'd read comments (not here) that introducing people of color to the show was ruining it, as opposed to the fact that the show had been on for years and they were out of ideas. The stories are still a little lame, but at least I didn't feel like they were screaming at me "LOOK SHE'S INDIAN!" anymore! Did they change the way they filmed the show? I don't usually notice things like that but it did seem like the look itself was different. 

Midsomer must be located on some weird vortex of the planet. At times, it's a tiny little village and at other times, it's the size of London. Maybe Midsomer is like the Tardis, it's bigger on the inside (for other Doctor Who fans - just the David Tennant Doctor for me!). 

Any word on for the next series? The show still seems like it draws big numbers so I would suspect they will continue on. It's fun to watch and not too complicated. Sometimes I need my tv to be easy. 

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On 6/13/2018 at 9:36 PM, msani19 said:

Midsomer must be located on some weird vortex of the planet. At times, it's a tiny little village and at other times, it's the size of London. Maybe Midsomer is like the Tardis, it's bigger on the inside (for other Doctor Who fans - just the David Tennant Doctor for me!). 

Midsomer is a fictional county, not a town or village. As a county, it contains a number of towns and villages of various sizes - the largest town in Midsomer is Causton, where the police station is located and the Barnabys live. The village-of-the-week where the actual crimes are committed usually have quaint little backwater-of-England names like Midsomer Mallow or Angels Rise, etc.

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Just finished my re-watch of all the Tom Barnaby episodes and as I thought, he only had his own private office in one episode. The one with the dirty cops, written expressly, I think, to show the dirty cops in his office. I'm pretty sure in the one's I've seen of John, he doesn't have his own office either. I would have thought a DCI would at least rate a cubicle of their own. Plus keeping an eye out for offices really brought home how often the police headquarters was redecorated! Way too often for budget minded government officials.

My PBS station just showed "Not in My Back Yard" - a later Tom episode (tape, not film) and as small as these villages are, those people were driving all over the place for their clandestine assignations. Jeez, wouldn't a small village like that notice Geoff's & Liz's cars being parked at that "show apartment open" building so often? How does Liz manage to have an affair with Angela without anyone noticing? And why the heck are they calling a slingshot a "catapult" ??

8 hours ago, Prevailing Wind said:

I coulld've sworn the King James bible says David used a slingshot to kill Goliath. "catapult" must be a relatively new construct.

Are you SERIOUSLY trying to tell the British how to speak their own language? If you don't like British English why are you watching a British show?


ETA: the KJV says 'sling' an entirely different thing.

Edited by dgpolo
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On 5/6/2018 at 1:17 AM, Prevailing Wind said:

I'm a bit disappointed that the "season" is only 6 episodes long and (may or may not be a spoiler ahead...)

  Reveal hidden contents

while I had read that Tom B. shows up in one of 'em, he didn't. (I don't think that's really a spoiler - it's a warning not to get too excited waiting for him to show.)

I really like the new ME.

It feels like we've waited forever for new episodes, so it's disappointing that there are only 6 episodes. 

Loved watching the new ME shock Barnaby & Winter.  

Edited by HollyG
1 hour ago, rainsmom said:


I was watching for the first time, straight through, from the beginning. I'm in season 14 -- and actually liking John Barnaby.

And they just shot a dog.

I'm done. Midsomer no more.

They shot a fox at the end of season 6 and that was horrible.  Did you see that one?? I think we all needed tissues ?

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On 2/9/2016 at 10:07 AM, cheeztoast said:

I need to clarify my comments on the addition of the odd ethnic character thrown in - of course, there should be more ethnic actors/characters, but the writers don't do it in a way that makes it seamless or not obvious, maybe because the background is so "white".  Does that make sense?  Are you telling me none of these villages has a Chinese or Indian takeaway?  Even in the smallest towns here in the States, there is at least one Asian family running the local takeaway.

I'm just starting season 19 on Netflix, the last season available.  I really liked Tom Barnaby and was skeptical of John Barnaby, but he quickly won me over.  I see a touch more sense of humor.

I never liked Joyce Barnaby and Cully was only interesting occasionally.  Joyce always seemed stiff and cold.  Sarah is like a breath of fresh air, she has a much more lively personality.  And I love Sykes.

I do see that the stories have changed over time, but not in any jarring way to me and I like the addition of ethnic characters, even though I agree with the quote above.  The character may be played by a non-white actor, but is largely interchangeable with a white actor.  It would be better if they interjected at least a little non-while culture.  However, this doesn't ruin the show for me.

I am more jarred by the changing parade of DSs.  I assume that is is mostly that the actors want to move on, but just when I start to know and appreciate a DS they are gone.

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9 hours ago, Suzn said:

I'm just starting season 19 on Netflix, the last season available.  I really liked Tom Barnaby and was skeptical of John Barnaby, but he quickly won me over.  I see a touch more sense of humor.

I never liked Joyce Barnaby and Cully was only interesting occasionally.  Joyce always seemed stiff and cold.  Sarah is like a breath of fresh air, she has a much more lively personality.  And I love Sykes.

I do see that the stories have changed over time, but not in any jarring way to me and I like the addition of ethnic characters, even though I agree with the quote above.  The character may be played by a non-white actor, but is largely interchangeable with a white actor.  It would be better if they interjected at least a little non-while culture.  However, this doesn't ruin the show for me.

I am more jarred by the changing parade of DSs.  I assume that is is mostly that the actors want to move on, but just when I start to know and appreciate a DS they are gone.

I do love Sarah.  Joyce was fine, but sometimes they almost seemed desperate to find a way to fit her into the show.  Cully - spoiled brat:)

You know what is funny about the DS always leaving - if they were to stay too long, the viewer would probably be wondering why they weren't getting promoted.

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So I’ve only watched The Murders at Badgers Drift about a hundred times.  Took me that long to realize......Michael Lacey ran back to Tye House to avoid calling an ambulance right away, but why didnt anyone get suspicious that he didn’t go back and get Dr Lassiter who was out hunting with the group?

And how is it no one in the Barnaby family realized Cully’s character in the play was named Annabella??

I would watch the next episode 100 times as well, but the parts with the school teacher are really lame

9 hours ago, scorpio1031 said:

So I’ve only watched The Murders at Badgers Drift about a hundred times.  Took me that long to realize......Michael Lacey ran back to Tye House to avoid calling an ambulance right away, but why didnt anyone get suspicious that he didn’t go back and get Dr Lassiter who was out hunting with the group?

And how is it no one in the Barnaby family realized Cully’s character in the play was named Annabella??

I would watch the next episode 100 times as well, but the parts with the school teacher are really lame

What could Dr Lassiter have done except call for an ambulance. He could always just say he panicked, or he thought the ambulance would be better or he didn't know exactly where Dr Lassiter was...

I don't think the point of the play was the name of the character, the point was the incest between the character and her brother, that's what gave Barnaby the 'light bulb' moment.

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Still waiting for Netflix to put the last disc of Season 19 out. I think it has two episodes on it. 


Anyone spot bloopers? The only obvious one I remember was in Ring out your dead. Season 3 I think. Where the woman was a painter and her husband died and everyone was gaslighting her making her think he was haunting her. Jones and Barnaby are walking away from the property and a women is walking up some steps behind them. She's carrying a basket of bottles and she trips on the steps. You can hear the glass and everything. I wonder why they didn't reshoot the scene or edit it out.

On 7/26/2018 at 11:04 AM, BookWitch said:

Still waiting for Netflix to put the last disc of Season 19 out. I think it has two episodes on it. 


Anyone spot bloopers? The only obvious one I remember was in Ring out your dead. Season 3 I think. Where the woman was a painter and her husband died and everyone was gaslighting her making her think he was haunting her. Jones and Barnaby are walking away from the property and a women is walking up some steps behind them. She's carrying a basket of bottles and she trips on the steps. You can hear the glass and everything. I wonder why they didn't reshoot the scene or edit it out.

Isn’t that episode “Beyond the Grave” - it has some of the funniest lines.  It’s one of my faves.

On ‎11‎/‎27‎/‎2017 at 9:43 AM, Prevailing Wind said:

I read the books and was gobsmacked at how bigoted & ignorant Troy was. They did a much better job of defining his character for TV. In the books, it also seemed to be a running gag that Joyce was a horrible cook, which they acknowledged the first season of the TV show, but then seemed to drop it.

Really, considering how much I like this show, the books were dreadful. I'm thankful someone saw through the dreck to see the jewel underneath and then made the TV show. Jeez, you'd be halfway through the book before the first murder occurred! Graham spent so much time defining the "nutters" and their situations before the story actually began.

Now that I've got Acorn and am skipping around the seasons, I've seen at least one episode of each "sidekick" and really prefer Ben. If you watch his first show and the last few, you can see how his character's grown into the role of detective. I found it quite satisfying and thought his transfer to become a DI more than logical.  The other guys were just there as foils for either Barnaby and to knock down doors.  While Ben did more than his fair share of knocking down doors & running after the bad guys, we saw him grow. I appreciated that.

I am on series 18 on Netflix and I have to say, Ben is my favorite too, but I think he had better chemistry with John Barnaby rather than Tom.

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