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Rainbow Hearts and Unicorn Stickers: A Positivity Thread

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I'm not going to be able to do the live thread because I don't have Wi-Fi (on purpose -- I'd never get anything done if the Internet extended throughout my house), so there's no Internet where the TV is. I guess I'll have to wait until after Downton Abbey to discuss retrospectively. But I am trying to plan my own personal watching party. It's going to be cool and rainy that day, so I need to think of some good comfort food to make. Then I need to decide which form of alcohol would be best. I have spiced dark rum, amaretto, and various wines. I'm thinking of going with something pink and bubbly.

I can't wait for it. I have my cabernet sauvignon on standby, bought a week ago for Sunday. I'm too excited for the show and live chat/thread. Are we including the introsPective thing before the premiere?


The Live Chat thread will open a few minutes before 7pm Eastern to allow for discussion about the special episode and the mid season premiere.

  • Love 5

See, mine started out watching because I was super excited about the premise of the show, but he hated Regina so much, he stopped like right before Graham died.  So now, if I wanna talk about the show, I let him tell me about his video games because I could seriously give a fuck about Destiny and Dragon Age and fucking Halo.  I do zone out while he's talking.  I nod my head and insert a "really" here and there.  He knows I'm not listening though.


ETA - Sunday has turned into a girls day out now.  Shopping, lunch, nails, my place for Once and I will be in the Live thread because it will make it even more fun.  I hope you guys bring the snark!

Edited by YaddaYadda

Okay, I found the Emeril recipe for hot buttered rum, and I think Hook would like it because there's oh so much rum and he drinks it straight from the flask (though I think it would be funny if we learned that he's actually carrying around rum and ginger ale). I'm much more of a lightweight (if I notice the alcohol, I'm not crazy about it). Most recipes I found called for about an ounce of rum per serving. Emeril's recipe calls for 3 ounces. I made it with two ounces, and that was even too much. I could only drink half the cup (I put it in the refrigerator, so tonight I'll add more hot water). His version has you make up a kind of "mix" by creaming together the butter, sugar and spices, and then you put two tablespoons in a mug, add the rum and then add hot water. I now have the mix in my refrigerator for easy hot rum drinks, but mine will be a lot lighter on the rum. It's snowing now, so it will be a good night for it. The snow will be gone by Sunday night, though.

  • Love 1

I'm coming for some general sparkles and rainbows and positivity. Because while there's a lot about the show's writing that I think could be improved, I also think there's a whole lot of awesome fun in this show. What other show can have a truly tense torture scene center around someone's nose growing when he lies? Or a protagonist pass a secret message by smoke possession?


I also love the Author plot. I wish it was standalone instead of intertwined with the QoD (who I do not love), and I definitely wish it was better explained, but I think the core premise has been established by the show starting from day 1 and re-emphasized over the course of all seasons. 


I think the core characters have grown in interesting and organic ways, Emma and Regina in particular. They're very different from who they were in S1, but it feels so believable to me that the experiences they've had and relationships they've built would lead them to be who they are in s4. And Belle and Rumple are (at least for now!) over! Rainbow hearts for everyone!

  • Love 2

I'll join you. I remain still quite positive over this show despite frustration with missed potential. It could be so much better, but what it is gives us Cruella badly dancing to her theme song remastered as a 20s jazz dancehall number. The show getting meta with its own repeated themes to pull a sneaky twist on all of us, and Victoria Smurfit delivering the hell out of the almost-impossible-to-deliver line "I say why not dive in and splash around!" (or whatever the exact words were).

  • Love 3

I have a fondness for this show, so I'm sure I'll be here to the bitter (happy) end(ing). But, my main attachment is to the characters, and I would love to spend a little more time with them absent the constant life and death struggles...just to see them have dinner or normal conversations!

Edited by OnceUponAJen
  • Love 2

In the spirit of staying positive...


I really enjoyed the Cruella flashbacks in the last episode. Really, if you separate it from the rest of the show, its a really cool little one off story. I know I said this on another bard, but it really does feel like an old Twilight Zone episode, complete with ironic twist ending. It had a fun setting, mystery, horror, twists on well-known characters, some dark humor, its just a really good little story.  

  • Love 8

I really enjoyed the Cruella flashbacks in the last episode.


I did, too. It was one of the few times this season where the flashback story was not only entertaining, but there was a legitimately well-thought-out twist that (GASP!) had some continuity to it based on what we've seen of Cruella so far throughout 4B. I find it ironic that the only two episodes I've liked this half season have been the Ursula and Cruella flashbacks, and I only liked the Ursula flashback because of Colin's awesome acting and I liked the Cruella flashback because of Victoria's awesome acting. So, hooray for the Irish saving this season for me! I'll drink a Guinness to that.


Also, Colin's hair is very pretty when it's wet.


...Yep. That's about all the positivity I've got in me right now.

Edited by Curio
  • Love 4


I find it ironic that the only two episodes I've liked this half season have been the Ursula and Cruella flashbacks

A&E are better at shorter, contained stories. It's the long-term arcs they struggle with the most. Episodic one-offs are more of their cup of tea.

Edited by KingOfHearts
  • Love 1

To force myself to be positive for a little bit, I continue to be impressed with the way they're carrying out Hook's ongoing character arc. I loved him getting angry with himself about making so little progress on freeing the fairies because it's nice to see a former villain getting that worked up over trying to undo his past wrongs -- even the ones that weren't his fault but that haunt him anyway. I loved his story with Ursula because it showed that he never lost all his humanity and compassion even when he was at his worst. Unfortunately, he never lost his hotheadedness. But now he's realized that the way to help everyone is to help undo that old wrong, and in doing so he managed to redeem both Ursula and Poseidon, and yet he still didn't feel like this got him off the hook. The one thing I'm enjoying about the "Emma on the path to darkness" storyline is his steadfast support of her, and not just in a glib "oh, you could never be dark" way but in a way that recognizes the dangers.

  • Love 4

I continue to love Emma and Hook and their interactions. I love that he's so freaking crazy about her, and she's starting to see that she can really count on him.

Hands down the best thing on the show for me and one of the few Once things I'm still truly positive about. Hook is exactly what Emma needs and deserves in her life. I continue to be blown away how this is one of the most beautifully written 'ships on any show I have ever watched. Look at all of the curses, revenge seeking, Neverland time stoppages, Cora domes, Jefferson hats, etc. had to come together perfectly and how if any one event had gone differently they would've never met. THAT is what I consider soulmate/meant to be and give me a well-written telling of that over magical pixie dust ordained love any day. Those are the moments that turn my too-old-for-shipping heart into a puddle of mush and keep me watching.



I also love Hook's redemption arc, taking accountability for shit he's done, and actively fixing past wrongs. It's a blueprint they should really use for some of their other characters.

Edited by buildmeupbuttercup
  • Love 6

Captain Swan is definitely a beautiful relationship.  I love the support he gives her no matter what.  For two people who have been through hell and back, how much they love is pretty impressive.


Also, a shout out to all the characters who saw the writing on the wall before anything happened.


Cora wasn't happy with Hook because as she put it, he chose Emma

Gold threatened his life so that Emma would go to NYC with him.

Regina called him boyfriend

David tried to warn him away

Pan told him he would make a deal with him and let him leave Neverland with Emma

Snow gave Emma some looks

Regina said Emma had everything (?) including a pirate who was pining for her

Neal knew he didn't stand a chance unless Hook backed down (which he told him he would)

Tink knew he risked himself against Pan's shadow for Emma

Regina mentioned something about doey eyes and yearning looks

Zelena cursing him

Gold calling Emma Hook's girlfriend

Zelena calling them lovers

Edited by YaddaYadda
  • Love 3

I have to admit something. I like alot of the episodes, including last night's, and I get excited. Then I come here and see how much most people seem to hate them. It causes me to want to rethink things. Maybe I didn't like it? Maybe it did suck? Maybe I just have lower expectations. I still really love this show regardless of what "ships" are prominent or how frustrating the storyline is going. It is still appointment tv for me and my favorite show. I want to spread positivity. :)

Edited by Writing Wrongs
  • Love 3

I have to admit something. I like alot of the episodes, including last night's, and I get excited. Then I come here and see how much most people seem to hate them. It causes me to want to rethink things. Maybe I didn't like it? Maybe it did suck?


Clearly, your initial instincts are incorrect and you must change your opinion to match the majority's opinion on here. ;)


Nah, don't worry. I kind of felt the same during the 3A arc. I didn't mind the same setting for episodes on end and the slower pacing, and then I'd read the forum and everyone was screaming, "Ugh, I can't wait to get off this stupid island!" And I'm like, "No, no. Stay longer!"


Oh, right. This is the positivity thread. Let me think of something positive...


Emma got to wear her red leather jacket yesterday. Also, "and I you" is just one word away from "and I love you." (And if there's any confusion as to whether I'm referring to Hook or Robin, remember what thread this is and take a wild guess.)

Edited by Curio

Nah, don't worry. I kind of felt the same during the 3A arc. I didn't mind the same setting for episodes on end and the slower pacing, and then I'd read the forum and everyone was screaming, "Ugh, I can't wait to get off this stupid island!" And I'm like, "No, no. Stay longer!"

Same here. While the perpetual night they chose to put Neverland in bugged me, I still liked the slowing down and change of scenery from Storybrooke after having sooo many fast-paced episodes in Storybrooke during 2B. I thought they spent just the right amount of time in Neverland, and I really wish they'd do something like that again.

Edited by Mathius
  • Love 2

For anyone searching for positivity, Nerdy Girl Notes always has positive reviews of the show. Even if sometimes I think it's almost too positive. It's okay to bash an episode once in a while! You don't have to like everything!
This excerpt from her review of "Lily" is astonishingly positive, even though I disagree entirely with it.


Sometimes an episode of a television show comes along that gives you everything you wanted as a fan. That was exactly what happened with “Lily.” The past couple of episodes of Once Upon a Time have felt bleak and sometimes frustrating, and I was growing tired of the characters believing that outside forces control our actions and decides our goodness or evil or happy endings for us. And then this episode came along with its brief but lovely doses of hope and warmth, reminding me that this show has always been about finding good moments amid hard times.
  • Love 1

I have to admit something. I like alot of the episodes, including last night's, and I get excited. Then I come here and see how much most people seem to hate them. It causes me to want to rethink things. Maybe I didn't like it? Maybe it did suck? Maybe I just have lower expectations. I still really love this show regardless of what "ships" are prominent or how frustrating the storyline is going. It is still appointment tv for me and my favorite show. I want to spread positivity. :)

Trust yourself. I feel the same way. I still love this show. My facebook pic is me as Bandit Snow. I'm not changing it no matter what she's done. (It is also the best picture of me ever!) 


  • Love 2
I still really love this show regardless of what "ships" are prominent or how frustrating the storyline is going. It is still appointment tv for me and my favorite show. I want to spread positivity. :)


Me, too. I do think 4B is a clusterf*ck of epic proportions, but I think it's a FUN clusterf*ck of epic proportions. Sure, I don't think anything makes sense and I like to think of alternate ways the acrc could have been done that I think would have worked better, but that said, I still think most of the episodes taken on a per-episode level are written and acted well and genuinely fun to watch. The only episode I haven't enjoyed this season was Heart of Gold, and that's mostly because I range from disinterest to active hatred of Robin, so a Robin-centric was not going to do it for me.


Maybe I didn't like it? Maybe it did suck? Maybe I just have lower expectations.

No! You cannot have your own opinion! Conform! Conform! You will be assimilated...


But seriously, your opinions are totally legit, even if they aren't the majority. I have enjoyed a lot of this season, especially a lot of the ideas, performances, and individual episodes. I still have fun when I watch, even if I complain about the things I disagree with. But no one should feel like they cant share their opinions just because its in the minority. Discussion, and a variety of opinion, is a good thing! There is no good discussion if everyone is just agreeing with each other. Discussing things, even things we disagree on, in a respectful way, is half the fun about boards like these. 

*whispers* I...I kinda like Lily. Granted none of the 4b story lines have been ideal...but I like her well enough. Same with the Author. I like the actor who plays him.

Same. Lily and Isaac are in bad stories, but I like the idea behind their characters and the actors who are portraying them, and I find myself sympathizing more with them than any of the main cast these days except for Hook.


Same. Lily and Isaac are in bad stories, but I like the idea behind their characters and the actors who are portraying them, and I find myself sympathizing more with them than any of the main cast these days except for Hook.

I think if Isaac and Lily were allowed time to breathe, they would make for good 4B characters. I'm not fond of them not being properly introduced until the arc is almost over, but I do believe they should both be given a chance.

One thing in OUaT's favor:  It passes most if not all of the :Feminist Movie Tests:


1.  Bechdel Test:
At least two named women who talk to each other about something other than a man.


2.  Mako Mori Test:
a) at least one female character; b) who gets her own narrative arc; c) that is not about supporting a man’s story.


3.  Stereotypes Tests
Stereotypes are not used (i.e. a woman making a horrible mistake in math or navigation).


4. Derogatory Terms Test
Male gender based derogatory terms are used equally as female gender based derogatory terms, and are made in reference to male and female characters equally (i.e. “bitch” is used once, and “dick” is used once; “whore” is used once in reference to a man, and once in reference to a female).


5. Age Test
Average age of the male actors is within 5 years of the average age of the female actors.


6. Casting Based On Looks Test
Average number of male actors’ previous major roles is within 5 of the average number of female actors’ previous major roles.


7. Sexualization Test
An equal amount of on-screen time is given to men as it is to women.  Male and females actors are dressed, shot and presented sexually in equal frequency (i.e. impractical hairstyles and clothing items such as keyhole and revealing outfits, heels, primped hair, seductive posturing, and filming that if the sound were cut out is suggestive of porn, or is shot solely to display the actor/actress).


8. Romantic Involvement Test
There are an equal number of female and male actors whose actual or potential sexual, romantic involvements/interests are not shown, mentioned or alluded to.


9. Decision-Making Test
The decisions made by the female and male actors are equal in frequency and gravity (minor and major decisions).


10. Lines Test
Equal number of speaking lines are given to male and female characters.

  • Love 7

I am so psyched for this finale. I haven't watched any of the sneak peeks or anything but omg I cannot wait. It's been my fandom experience that these kinds of alternate universe episodes are really fun for everyone involved. The writers get to have a blast switching things up, the cast gets the chance to play against type, and the audience gets to see everything ass-backwards. So yeah, I am 100% here for Bizarro OUAT. :)

  • Love 1

It's so nice to see some positivity around here! Let's keep it going!


I've just caught up with most of the spoilers, and it looks like it'll be a fun ride for the most part. Love most of the BTS pictures.


I am so excited! It's my birthday weekend and Mother's Day, and all I can think about now is the finale. I cannot miss any part of it live.

  • Love 2

I am genuinely happy the show was renewed. And I gotta say that (at least) five seasons for a fantasy show on a broadcast network is not something that happens a whole heck of a lot, so for as much crap as we give the writing team and for as much as I may not always agree with what the show does, I do believe they deserve major congrats and all kinds of credit for creating and producing something that's resonated with so many people for so long.

  • Love 3

As annoyed as I am with Zelena being back, it does make it possible that Emma will find out that Walsh was really a person and the Wizard of Oz. I don't think she really dwells on this topic (she's got a hot pirate after all), but I know I'd feel better knowing I wasn't with some monster but a human who had been magically changed into one against his will. Silver linings, I can find them. 

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