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Except Chelsea (and Cole)


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4 hours ago, Wicked Biscuit said:

That's the thing I just can't wrap my head around with some of these people. They won't film some of their special events (like weddings) so they know the value of privacy. But they have absolutely no problem with selling out their childrens' childhood and taking away any chance their children had at keeping things private. It's such a disconnect for me.  

And seemingly have no thoughts about the potential dangers of continually putting picture and videos on SM of their young children for millions of strangers to see. If shown to friends and family only, that would be a different story. 

  • Love 5
21 hours ago, druzy said:

oh my goodness, she looks so much like Watson! Can't wait to see what the two of them look like when they're older.  It's interesting to me how some people can have kids that it's super obvious that they're siblings and some that look so different from each other. 

Edited by gunderda
  • Love 7

I was just looking at Lara Trump's Instagram (because she is a fellow Carolina girl lol and I saw a post about the hurricane...Definitely not inferring she is my "hero" haha or that I'm a supporter of their family, but I do occasionally find her posts about NC interesting), and got sucked down the rabbit hole of scrolling, when I realized...

She had the same wedding dress as Chelsea!!!!

hahahaha nobody in my real life would be excited about this lol. 


Edited by Christina87
  • Love 7
On 10/7/2018 at 10:22 AM, TexasGal said:

A sip and see is after the baby is born, you all come over and see the baby.  It’s very southern, I think.  I’ve gone to ones where the “sip” was tea (boo) or champagne (yay), but I don’t remember bringing a gift.  Usually these are the same group that would have been to a baby shower before the baby was born.

Ah, thanks. It’s far less offensive than I imagined. I mistakenly envisioned another gift grab. I’ve done this before, it just wasn’t a formalized event with a name like that, haha.

12 hours ago, HeySandyStrange said:

I have to add, I think with Chelsea and her path to teen motherhood was influenced a lot  by the fact that the Houska's are a lot more religious/conservative/ traditionalist then they appear. It is pretty telling that all the Houska girls had children as teens or very early adulthood, and from the little I know of them, they all follow traditional gender roles, I think even the oldest sister who did graduate from college. Add to that that Chelsea was very, very insecure as a teen and Adam was actually kind of hot (physically), and you have all the ingredients for poor decision making.

I agreed with your whole post, especially this part but then you had to go and say that Adam was kind of physically hot. NO! He was always fugly, IMO. A blast from the past (and a few pics): https://starcasm.net/video-and-photos-meet-chelsea-houska-from-16-and-pregnant-season-2/   It’s kinda interesting to read this 8.5 years later.

24 minutes ago, Christina87 said:

I was just looking at Lara Trump's Instagram (because she is a fellow Carolina girl lol and I saw a post about the hurricane...Definitely not inferring she is my "hero" haha or that I'm a supporter of their family, but I do occasionally find her posts about NC interesting), and got sucked down the rabbit hole of scrolling, when I realized...

She had the same wedding dress as Chelsea!!!!

hahahaha nobody in my real life would be excited about this lol. 


I’d hate that if I were Chelsea.

  • Love 5
13 hours ago, HeySandyStrange said:

I do agree that Chelsea story is very 'edited', so to speak, and that she is not better then any of the other girls for selling out her children's privacy for a paycheck, just as they all do and get rightly criticized for. But, I guess at this point I'm personally just so fatigued by all these chicks to really question things anymore. Hell, I somewhat defended/complimented Leah a few weeks ago, a first because she very much irritated me at one point lol. I'm just waiting for this show to finally be cancelled because that is when the real drama would start. All of them will be broke, except probably Chelsea, but even she might have to reign in her baby making/farm animal getting/ make up and ratty extension wearing habits. They are all pretty played out at this point imho.

I have to add, I think with Chelsea and her path to teen motherhood was influenced a lot  by the fact that the Houska's are a lot more religious/conservative/ traditionalist then they appear. It is pretty telling that all the Houska girls had children as teens or very early adulthood, and from the little I know of them, they all follow traditional gender roles, I think even the oldest sister who did graduate from college. Add to that that Chelsea was very, very insecure as a teen and Adam was actually kind of hot (physically), and you have all the ingredients for poor decision making.

I agree with this, and I also think the pregnancy had a lot to do with the timing. Aubree was born September of her senior year, so she would have gotten pregnant about halfway through junior year. 

Junior year is a really stressful time for a lot of people! We don't know a lot about Randy's expectations, but maybe Chelsea felt she was expected to go to college, and was signed up to take the SAT or possibly had already taken it. As the child of a dentist, she may have been worried about doing poorly, not getting into college, and disappointing her father by failing. Even if he didn't care, her friends and classmates might have looked down on her, the daughter of an educated man, for failing to gain entry to college. She might have already decided on cosmetology school, but still could have felt like life was passing her by if her friends were all taking the SAT and preparing to apply to colleges. She may have thought her father would make her live at home while everyone else went out in the world, and she would have been the lame one stuck in Vermilion, asking permission to go out like a child. She may have completely hated school and wished she could just not further her education at all, but she was a single woman, and knew Randy would not support it. I'm sure he was insisting on some type of schooling after graduation, and not being the academic type, this might have been really hard to face, no matter how challenging the program is.

However, she saw her sisters get pregnant young, and Randy likely got them their own apartments, because he likely didn't want to live with a baby (and possibly a couple) whose parents were out of school. Plus, even though we know emily has worked, I doubt Randy would make the mother of an infant child work. I could see him as the type to give his daughters a couple years to get on a path, and get used to parenthood before adding a career to it.

Even though she didn't have mad academic skills, she DID have was a boyfriend she was crazy about, who peskily had trouble committing. I remember when I was with "my adam," it seemed like what we had was so incredibly special, but nobody could see it. We had fantastic chemistry and soooo much in common, and I would watch my friends in forced, boring (to me as a teen) relationships and feel mine was superior. My friends would have the most mundane, snooze-worthy basic conversations with their boyfriends, while I enjoyed intense intellectual discussions with mine. What I didn't have was commitment, however, and they did, which I realize as an adult is kind of, ummmm, essential, and you won't get far without it. It took me a while to realize "boring" was not bad (although it's possible my college friends settled for boyfriends who really didn't have any chemistry with them, and made better decisions as they grew older). It made me mad when they would insult my relationship just because I didn't have commitment, when mine was ten times better than theirs was (IMO) during the times when it was going well. I do actually think that we could have been one of those couples who stayed madly in love forever if he had been mature and not abusive, but that's a tall order because the chemistry (intellectual and physical) in reality was the ONLY good thing about the relationship. When things went well, I was glowing all the time and writing sappy accounts of every word we said to each other in a diary, dramatically recounting each furtive glance and every time we touched at all. I wanted to see acquaintances from the past, because I felt somehow that just my demeanor would be totally different after deep, true love "changed" me. I never saw much good about Chelsea and Adam's relationship, so I'm assuming it was like that in private too  

I realized on some level that he would never stop emotionally abusing me, and would never commit fully, but didn't want to admit it to myself; I felt that if I dangled a great relationship in front of him for long enough, eventually he would be all in. Of course, I wanted my friends' sympathy when he hurt me, but it made me angry that they didn't consider my relationship as "real" as theirs, and that I had to sit through events alone while their boyfriends were all present. I'd call him after he skipped something important to me and yell at him, and then he'd call me crazy but eventually say the perfect things to make it okay, only to let me down very soon after. I related so much to the Chelsea / adam dynamic because it was soooo much like my life at the time!

I can see Chelsea thinking that her relationship was special, too, and resent her friends' relationships for being "superior." With her friends and family were constantly dumping on him, she probably would have done anything to be in a respected relationship in their eyes. If she got pregnant, she probably figured adam would maybe be mad initially, but would come around and be there for his child. Instead of having to fail at going to college or do the work of cosmetology school while her friends went out in the world, she could enjoy an early, grown-up marriage and stay home with an adorable child. I'm sure she loved her sisters' babies, so she knew what she was getting into, and what better way to "prove" that her relationship was as good as anyone's than to have a marriage and family right out of high school? That would show the haters! If I hadn't known my parents would KILL me, I might have been tempted to do the same. An event, like having a child, that would have put life in perspective for my ex and make him grow up, would have been like winning the lottery!

of course, I could be totally wrong, and she could have totally gotten pregnant on accident. However, from her very first episode, I thought the timing was interesting. Halfway through junior year for someone who probably falls a little short of traditional expectations is an awfully good time to figure out a way out of those expectations!

  • Love 5
7 hours ago, gunderda said:

oh my goodness, she looks so much like Watson! Can't wait to see what the two of them look like when they're older.  It's interesting to me how some people can have kids that it's super obvious that they're siblings and some that look so different from each other. 


Me and my brother look a LOT alike but our older brother looks nothing like us. When we were introduced to people they would always comment about it.  

On topic?  Cute baby!!  Chelsea has the cutest kids on both shows. In my opinion. 

Edited by Maharincess
Had to add the opinion thingy.
  • Love 8
44 minutes ago, druzy said:

I love the pic, and everything she had to say in her comments.  It is so nice that she sees joy and happiness in both the important and simple things because that is really what life is all about.  The fact that she sees this pic and remembers how they felt, including being at ease in such a big moment is really cool.  And it emphasizes the partnership they have, which is really one of the best aspects of marriage--having the friendship, partnership, and love.  Go Chelsea--you are seeing at a young age that things do not need to be overcomplicated, and that you can focus on the things that are important to you and keep things simple at the same time.

  • Love 20
14 hours ago, Christina87 said:

Wasn't she supposedly using natural family planning when she conceived Watson? I sort of put him in the "miracle baby" category. And I could even almost consider Addy a "miracle baby," since Leah and Jeremy had that miscarriage before her. It could be spun that way!

No. She said she threw away the birth control in “preparation” to TTC and conceived quicker than she thought they would.

Lots and lots of women have miscarriages, especially in the first trimester- I don’t consider having a full term pregnancy after a miscarriage a “miracle”, especially when you’re 22 and already have a set of twins. 

I don’t mean to come off as insenstive to those who actually suffer from infertility, but these girls are ridiculous. Some of them act as if because they looked at a guy and didn’t get pregnant, having a child is a “miracle”. No it’s just how human reproduction works. 

6 hours ago, Pixiebomb said:

“Miracle Baby” - “Trap Baby”

Potato - PoTAHto  


  • Love 13
On 10/8/2018 at 9:34 PM, Christina87 said:

I agree with this, and I also think the pregnancy had a lot to do with the timing. Aubree was born September of her senior year, so she would have gotten pregnant about halfway through junior year. 

Junior year is a really stressful time for a lot of people! We don't know a lot about Randy's expectations, but maybe Chelsea felt she was expected to go to college, and was signed up to take the SAT or possibly had already taken it. As the child of a dentist, she may have been worried about doing poorly, not getting into college, and disappointing her father by failing. Even if he didn't care, her friends and classmates might have looked down on her, the daughter of an educated man, for failing to gain entry to college. She might have already decided on cosmetology school, but still could have felt like life was passing her by if her friends were all taking the SAT and preparing to apply to colleges. She may have thought her father would make her live at home while everyone else went out in the world, and she would have been the lame one stuck in Vermilion, asking permission to go out like a child. She may have completely hated school and wished she could just not further her education at all, but she was a single woman, and knew Randy would not support it. I'm sure he was insisting on some type of schooling after graduation, and not being the academic type, this might have been really hard to face, no matter how challenging the program is.

However, she saw her sisters get pregnant young, and Randy likely got them their own apartments, because he likely didn't want to live with a baby (and possibly a couple) whose parents were out of school. Plus, even though we know emily has worked, I doubt Randy would make the mother of an infant child work. I could see him as the type to give his daughters a couple years to get on a path, and get used to parenthood before adding a career to it.

Even though she didn't have mad academic skills, she DID have was a boyfriend she was crazy about, who peskily had trouble committing. I remember when I was with "my adam," it seemed like what we had was so incredibly special, but nobody could see it. We had fantastic chemistry and soooo much in common, and I would watch my friends in forced, boring (to me as a teen) relationships and feel mine was superior. My friends would have the most mundane, snooze-worthy basic conversations with their boyfriends, while I enjoyed intense intellectual discussions with mine. What I didn't have was commitment, however, and they did, which I realize as an adult is kind of, ummmm, essential, and you won't get far without it. It took me a while to realize "boring" was not bad (although it's possible my college friends settled for boyfriends who really didn't have any chemistry with them, and made better decisions as they grew older). It made me mad when they would insult my relationship just because I didn't have commitment, when mine was ten times better than theirs was (IMO) during the times when it was going well. I do actually think that we could have been one of those couples who stayed madly in love forever if he had been mature and not abusive, but that's a tall order because the chemistry (intellectual and physical) in reality was the ONLY good thing about the relationship. When things went well, I was glowing all the time and writing sappy accounts of every word we said to each other in a diary, dramatically recounting each furtive glance and every time we touched at all. I wanted to see acquaintances from the past, because I felt somehow that just my demeanor would be totally different after deep, true love "changed" me. I never saw much good about Chelsea and Adam's relationship, so I'm assuming it was like that in private too  

I realized on some level that he would never stop emotionally abusing me, and would never commit fully, but didn't want to admit it to myself; I felt that if I dangled a great relationship in front of him for long enough, eventually he would be all in. Of course, I wanted my friends' sympathy when he hurt me, but it made me angry that they didn't consider my relationship as "real" as theirs, and that I had to sit through events alone while their boyfriends were all present. I'd call him after he skipped something important to me and yell at him, and then he'd call me crazy but eventually say the perfect things to make it okay, only to let me down very soon after. I related so much to the Chelsea / adam dynamic because it was soooo much like my life at the time!

I can see Chelsea thinking that her relationship was special, too, and resent her friends' relationships for being "superior." With her friends and family were constantly dumping on him, she probably would have done anything to be in a respected relationship in their eyes. If she got pregnant, she probably figured adam would maybe be mad initially, but would come around and be there for his child. Instead of having to fail at going to college or do the work of cosmetology school while her friends went out in the world, she could enjoy an early, grown-up marriage and stay home with an adorable child. I'm sure she loved her sisters' babies, so she knew what she was getting into, and what better way to "prove" that her relationship was as good as anyone's than to have a marriage and family right out of high school? That would show the haters! If I hadn't known my parents would KILL me, I might have been tempted to do the same. An event, like having a child, that would have put life in perspective for my ex and make him grow up, would have been like winning the lottery!

of course, I could be totally wrong, and she could have totally gotten pregnant on accident. However, from her very first episode, I thought the timing was interesting. Halfway through junior year for someone who probably falls a little short of traditional expectations is an awfully good time to figure out a way out of those expectations!

You bring a lot of insight to Chelsea’s experiences as a teen (thank you). I’m quite different than Chelsea demographically (other than having parents who are doctors) but even I did see that she probably got pregnant because she didn’t have much else to do. 

I did always wonder what she saw in Adam, because it appears that he was NEVER even nice to her! (His attractiveness is debatable) Also i wondered in the early seasons if she was raped or sexually assaulted by him because he was just so damn nasty & cruel to her I didn’t see how they had sex (I have no information to make me think that now). 

  • Love 7
5 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

You bring a lot of insight to Chelsea’s experiences as a teen (thank you). I’m quite different than Chelsea demographically (other than having parents who are doctors) but even I did see that she probably got pregnant because she didn’t have much else to do. 

I did always wonder what she saw in Adam, because it appears that he was NEVER even nice to her! (His attractiveness is debatable) Also i wondered in the early seasons if she was raped or sexually assaulted by him because he was just so damn nasty & cruel to her I didn’t see how they had sex (I have no information to make me think that now). 

I always HOPED he was slightly better before the pregnancy, and turned resentful after it, but I kind of doubt it. I wonder if they just had a lot in common I private, like my ex and I did. I felt like I'd never had someone who understood me as well, with the BIG exception of understanding my needs, or even trying to. We were both musicians, we'd been brought up similarly, we loved all the same things, and we both were very intellectual, but my friends didn't see that. All they saw was someone who treated me horribly, and constantly told me to get out. I would spend a wonderful evening with him, watching a musical and discussing the characters, time period, and actors in depth, and would be so thrilled to have found someone like that. Then the next day, he would have promised to hang out with me and my friends, but I'd call him 10 times with no reply. I'd hang out with my friends who hated them, and see how they could barely even find anything to talk about with their boyfriends. Then he'd call me back and yell at me that I was crazy because I called him 10 times, never mind that he stood me up and couldn't even have the decency to cancel the plans. Plus his reasoning was ALWAYS horrible, like, "I started watching this TV show and decided it would be more fun," "I didn't think those were real plans," or even, "mom said she wanted to go to the grocery store, so I went with her." My friends would talk about what a loser he was, but I felt like they didn't understand what we had; and to an extent maybe they didn't, because I've found most relationships aren't so full of chemistry and common interests. I've had three great serious boyfriends since, and haven't found that again. The difference, though, is that in a good relationship, you STILL have enough in common to be best friends, and they are there in the ways that matter. At the time, though, I felt like we had the hard part down, and the commitment would just be so easy if he would just show up. I resented my relationship always being considered "less than," and I would have given my left arm to marry him and prove them wrong. I definitely can imagine Chelsea feeling the same way, because clearly there was something there that she found special! All her friends hated adam too, and it's easy as a teen to feel others just don't understand.

Things went back and forth like this for many years, and any time ny ex would consistently move towards the goalpost, he'd soon freak out and we'd have a nasty breakup, only to soon repeat. This reminds me of Chelsea too, like all the times adam would move in with her, or start treating her nicely, only to soon have things blow up when she found out he was cheating with like 5 girls. My ex never cheated, but his reasoning was always dumb. One breakup was because his mom had a dream that I burned the house down, and one was because I wanted to walk down to the neighbor's with him, and he felt he wouldn't get enough attention if I was there (so the only choice was to yell at me in front of his family). Some people just have to learn the hard way that commitment is just something that some people will never be down for, and you have no choice but to throw away the rest, no matter how good it is, for your sanity. Chelsea was definitely like me in that respect! Sometimes I still look back at those diaries and feel nostalgic for the excitement in a way, but every time, I have the overwhelming question of, "how the HELL did I let someone treat me like this?!" I realize that we wouldn't have lasted more than three months if I had been the person I am now. I really bet that Chelsea feels the same way when she looks back. And I always have felt pride that I learned that lesson and never, ever allowed myself to fall for someone again who treated me poorly...and neither did Chelsea!

ETA: another thing I always understood about Chelsea was how she LOVED talking badly about adam. Even though I wanted my friends to take my relationship seriously, my FAVORITE activity was griping about all his mistakes to them, because I was obsessed with him and if things couldn't be perfect, at least I could be the victim 100%. I really wasn't at fault for anything much, and it really was all him being horrible, but you know what I WAS at fault for? Staying!!! I consider myself now to be a victim the first few times, but when it became clear that he wasn't going to change, I really wish I had just done the hard thing and gotten out. I see Chelsea so much the same way. I would have LOVED nothing better than having a tv show about my relationship where I constantly got to bash him and show the world how he treated me and how I deserved better. I wish Chelsea didn't have to bash Adam now for the producers, though. I can't imagine how much it would suck to have to do that now, because while I occasionally enjoy a nostalgic laugh about how awful he was with old friends, I don't really give a crap anymore about what he's doing (albeit we don't have a child together). I would hate to constantly be reminded of what he's up to because I really couldn't care less!

Edited by Christina87
  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Christina87 said:

. We were both musicians, we'd been brought up similarly, we loved all the same things, and we both were very intellectual, but my friends didn't see that. All they saw was someone who treated me horribly, and constantly told me to get out. I would spend a wonderful evening with him, watching a musical and discussing the characters, time period, and actors in depth, and would be so thrilled to have found someone like that. Then the next day, he would have promised to hang out with me and my friends, but I'd call him 10 times with no reply. I'd hang out with my friends who hated them, and see how they could barely even find anything to talk about with their boyfriends. Then he'd call me back and yell at me that I was crazy because I called him 10 times, never mind that he stood me up and couldn't even have the decency to cancel the plans. Plus his reasoning was ALWAYS horrible, like, "I started watching this TV show and decided it would be more fun," "I didn't think those were real plans," or even, "mom said she wanted to go to the grocery store, so I went with her." My friends would talk about what a loser he was, but I felt like they didn't understand what we had; and to an extent maybe they didn't, because I've found most relationships aren't so full of chemistry and common interests. I've had three great serious boyfriends since, and haven't found that again. The difference, though, is that in a good relationship, you STILL have enough in common to be best friends, and they are there in the ways that matter. At the time, though, I felt like we had the hard part down, and the commitment would just be so easy if he would just show up. I resented my relationship always being considered "less than," and I would have given my left arm to marry him and prove them wrong. I definitely can imagine Chelsea feeling the same way, because clearly there was something there that she found special! All her friends hated adam too, and it's easy as a teen to feel others just don't understand.


First, I need you to know that I think your posts are super insightful;  I think a lot of us have either never had that or it's been so long ago that we forgot!

But  even though I totally get your point and agree that "connection" means different things to different people, I must snark ever so slightly....yes, I am positive that Chelsea and Adam had an out-of-this world intellectual connection....

  • Love 6
55 minutes ago, teapot said:

First, I need you to know that I think your posts are super insightful;  I think a lot of us have either never had that or it's been so long ago that we forgot!

But  even though I totally get your point and agree that "connection" means different things to different people, I must snark ever so slightly....yes, I am positive that Chelsea and Adam had an out-of-this world intellectual connection....

LOL! ??? Yes, I can definitely see them discussing quantum physics and classic literature on the regular! ?

  • Love 7
On 10/10/2018 at 2:25 PM, Scarlett45 said:

No. She said she threw away the birth control in “preparation” to TTC and conceived quicker than she thought they would.

Lots and lots of women have miscarriages, especially in the first trimester- I don’t consider having a full term pregnancy after a miscarriage a “miracle”, especially when you’re 22 and already have a set of twins. 

I don’t mean to come off as insenstive to those who actually suffer from infertility, but these girls are ridiculous. Some of them act as if because they looked at a guy and didn’t get pregnant, having a child is a “miracle”. No it’s just how human reproduction works. 


Not to split hairs, but I felt like I remembered her saying something like, "we  were taking my temperature every morning and THOUGHT we were being careful!" It sounded like she was supposedly trying not to have a baby, but honestly I think it would have sounded better if she'd just admitted she threw out the birth control. It sounded like a totally EPIC fail, kind of like failing sex Ed twice the way she said it. I'll never understand why condoms weren't an option, but to each their own. I wonder if she feels kind of silly now. She had the babies and weddings, but had to go to the trouble to have two weddings and lose so much weight quickly for the second one. I wonder now if she wishes she'd just held out and only had her first wedding, and then had plenty of time to conceive as many kids as she wanted. The way she did it makes me tired just to think about!

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, teapot said:

First, I need you to know that I think your posts are super insightful;  I think a lot of us have either never had that or it's been so long ago that we forgot!

But  even though I totally get your point and agree that "connection" means different things to different people, I must snark ever so slightly....yes, I am positive that Chelsea and Adam had an out-of-this world intellectual connection....

Sometimes a guy makes a much better friend than boyfriend/husband. 

  • Love 6

Chelsea's lying her ass off with regards to Adam. She was still screwing him up until shortly before she met Cole. She lucked into meeting a nice guy at the gas station, she didn't do all this deep emotional self-reflection and come out a stronger person. She's rewriting a lot of history on that one.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 13
18 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Chelsea's lying her ass off with regards to Adam. She was still screwing him up until shortly before she met Cole. She lucked into meeting a nice guy at the gas station, she didn't do all this deep emotional self-reflection and come out a stronger person. She's rewriting a lot of history on that one.

I disagree. She was still hooking up with him from time to time,but I definitely saw some emotional growth BEFORE Cole came along. 

There was a time when Chelsea would climb into her daughter's bed and bawl her eyes out because Adumb was "mean" to her. It took a long time, but I do believe that she grew up and gained some confidence, and she did it on her own. 

As for sleeping with her ex - many people do it. If you're single, enjoy sex, but don't want to just go out trolling for dudes; it's often easier to hook up with someone that's easy and convenient. 

  • Love 18

This is just my personal opinion, but I don't see sleeping with an abusive ex as a sign of emotional growth. She was also sleeping with Adam while Taylor was pregnant, which again is not a sign of someone with high self-esteem. I know Chelsea is a fan favorite but she deserves to be called out on her shit the same way Kail, Leah and Jenelle do. 

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 10
3 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

This is just my personal opinion, but I don't see sleeping with an abusive ex as a sign of emotional growth. She was also sleeping with Adam while Taylor was pregnant, which again is not a sign of someone with high self-esteem. I know Chelsea is a fan favorite but she deserves to be called out on her shit the same way Kail, Leah and Jenelle do. 

I wonder if she was smart enough to at least insist Adam use condoms during that time, when she knew he was also sleeping with other women?

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

This is just my personal opinion, but I don't see sleeping with an abusive ex as a sign of emotional growth. She was also sleeping with Adam while Taylor was pregnant, which again is not a sign of someone with high self-esteem. I know Chelsea is a fan favorite but she deserves to be called out on her shit the same way Kail, Leah and Jenelle do. 

I agree. There are also those in the camp of "she didn't want to go out trolling for dudes," but we know she slept with Adam's best friend, so she wasn't this "one-man woman looking for the man that got away." If she had been super shy, it would mayyyybe make sense, but she slept with his best friend, and was also seen partying a LOT in the early seasons. Even at her higher weight and awful blonde hair, she was still a very pretty girl and would have had no problem at all finding a FWB situation...even if it was with a fame whore (because who would really mind that if it was strictly FWB?). That, combined with how she literally thinks her life began when she met Cole, makes me think her #1 aim in all of this was not to just sleep with anybody, but sleep with someone (adam) enough to finally wear him down and have a familyyyyyy with her. And we have seen how attached she was to both adam and Cole. There's no possible way in my mind she was just hooking up with adam for the release and then going about her day totally unaffected by him. Someone like Kail, I could TOTALLY picture doing this ("I was right!"...sex with Javi...hates him the next day). 

  • Love 6
4 hours ago, BitterApple said:

This is just my personal opinion, but I don't see sleeping with an abusive ex as a sign of emotional growth. She was also sleeping with Adam while Taylor was pregnant, which again is not a sign of someone with high self-esteem. I know Chelsea is a fan favorite but she deserves to be called out on her shit the same way Kail, Leah and Jenelle do. 

 Where Taylor and Adam in a relationship when Chelsea slept with him? Either way, it was a dumb move on her part and she is lucky her dumb shit was overpowered by the massive dumb shit that the other moms were doing at the time. She’s more sweet then smart.

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2 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

I guess no one ever taught her about sexually transmitted diseases.

Considering the lack of interest she seemed to express in her HS studies, I’d go with not so much.  Randy and Mary seem to be A-OK with whatever their daughters get up to so I wouldn’t expect they pressed the issue either.  

  • Love 5
19 hours ago, BitterApple said:

This is just my personal opinion, but I don't see sleeping with an abusive ex as a sign of emotional growth. She was also sleeping with Adam while Taylor was pregnant, which again is not a sign of someone with high self-esteem. I know Chelsea is a fan favorite but she deserves to be called out on her shit the same way Kail, Leah and Jenelle do. 



17 hours ago, Christina87 said:

I agree. There are also those in the camp of "she didn't want to go out trolling for dudes," but we know she slept with Adam's best friend, so she wasn't this "one-man woman looking for the man that got away." If she had been super shy, it would mayyyybe make sense, but she slept with his best friend, and was also seen partying a LOT in the early seasons. Even at her higher weight and awful blonde hair, she was still a very pretty girl and would have had no problem at all finding a FWB situation...even if it was with a fame whore (because who would really mind that if it was strictly FWB?). That, combined with how she literally thinks her life began when she met Cole, makes me think her #1 aim in all of this was not to just sleep with anybody, but sleep with someone (adam) enough to finally wear him down and have a familyyyyyy with her. And we have seen how attached she was to both adam and Cole. There's no possible way in my mind she was just hooking up with adam for the release and then going about her day totally unaffected by him. Someone like Kail, I could TOTALLY picture doing this ("I was right!"...sex with Javi...hates him the next day). 

I agree with you both. 


1. She was WAY too emotionally invested in Adam to “just” have sex with him. No way, no how. I also don’t think having sex with someone that treats you like DIRT is a sign of emotional growth. It would’ve been different if Adam was just a guy she dated, and it didn’t work out (but he was decent enough) and they kept each other “on call” to satisfy the need for partnered sex between relationships. 

2. Chelsea would’ve had no problem finding a FWB if she wanted one (cause that need for partnered sex can be pesky), she wanted ADAM, and like a lot of dumb young women (and old women too) they think the offer of sex will make a guy want them. They fail to realize sex won’t make a guy want to stay with you, if he doesn’t want YOU for you. 


3. As far as emoginal growth on Chelsea’s part I think

a. Therapy did help her a tiny bit,

b. TIME was on her side. She had been holding on to Adam for YEARS. YEARS, I think all the waiting made her realize it probably wasn’t worth it,

c. She did meet Cole. Chelsea isn’t the brightest bulb but she’s more pragmatic than the other girls- she wanted a heteronormative lifestyle and more kids, she wasn’t going to chase Adam into her 30s and miss out on getting married when she wanted. Had Chelsea never had Aubree she’d be like a lot of young women, chasing bad boys in their early 20s, and getting “serious” about a decent guy when they want a partner and provider a few years later. 

Edited by Scarlett45
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On 10/11/2018 at 2:25 PM, Christina87 said:

Not to split hairs, but I felt like I remembered her saying something like, "we  were taking my temperature every morning and THOUGHT we were being careful!" It sounded like she was supposedly trying not to have a baby, but honestly I think it would have sounded better if she'd just admitted she threw out the birth control. It sounded like a totally EPIC fail, kind of like failing sex Ed twice the way she said it. I'll never understand why condoms weren't an option, but to each their own. I wonder if she feels kind of silly now. She had the babies and weddings, but had to go to the trouble to have two weddings and lose so much weight quickly for the second one. I wonder now if she wishes she'd just held out and only had her first wedding, and then had plenty of time to conceive as many kids as she wanted. The way she did it makes me tired just to think about!

You may very well be right, I don’t remember that closely. 

I am childfree so obviously I look at contraception differently than these ladies, but I think Chelsea wanted kids with Cole and wasn’t so particular about when they arrived. Such a thought process also makes my head hurt, children are so expensive (financially, emotionally and for women physically) the idea of being lackadaisical about it boggles my mind!

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

You may very well be right, I don’t remember that closely. 

I am childfree so obviously I look at contraception differently than these ladies, but I think Chelsea wanted kids with Cole and wasn’t so particular about when they arrived. Such a thought process also makes my head hurt, children are so expensive (financially, emotionally and for women physically) the idea of being lackadaisical about it boggles my mind!

I know, right! I wanted children, like, YESTERDAY, but I still want to meet the right guy, date, and then really enjoy my engagement and wedding before I have kids (and yes, I want to start trying ON MY WEDDING NIGHT...or like a couple weeks before if my pills run out...but I want to enjoy my wedding first!). Depending on how old I am, I may want a shorter engagement so we can get on with it, but I still want to enjoy it without becoming pregnant! Like the duggars say, this "season of life" will only come once, and I have waited my whole life for it, so I'm not planning on rushing to the next step, and I'm way older than these girls were when they got married! I wonder now if they wish they'd waited, especially Chelsea's stress of two weddings and Kail getting married heavily pregnant! Plus Kail was already legally married, so idk why she didn't just wait until Lincoln was born. 

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Was Chelsea really stressed about her wedding and later reception after Watson was born?  She seemed to enjoy both with minimal angst (at least on air).  She seemed to realize that a marriage isn’t about the ceremony or the party after.  It’s about the commitment and love between two people and the rest is just gravy.   Getting pregnant before she got married didn’t ruin her ‘big day’ because her marriage was to reinforce the already strong commitment between them.  Being pregnant just added to it.  

  • Love 13

@Christina87 bringing it over from the Leah thread to where it belongs!

@LBS I don’t think Chelsea was particularly stressed about her second wedding, I think she was happy and blissful with Aubree, Watson & Cole. 

@Christina87 of course people can do what they want (most certainly if they can afford it financially) but I too don’t understand the “rush”. I get it if you’re 38, and just want to get married and have a kid, but these girls weren’t even 25 yet! Not like the eggs were dying and they were losing hope of Bio kids. I’m going to give Chelsea more of a pass than Kailyn, because as you said, Kailyn was already married to Javi via the courthouse, why the big show turning the last trimester? Not suggesting women should be ashamed of being pregnant or hide themselves in the house, but from what I’ve been told most doing feel like doing all that much during the final weeks, just because they are uncomfortable. And I do remember Kailyn complaining about being pregnant etc etc but who decided to have the big show?

Edited by Scarlett45
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@LBS I don't think she was super stressed about it, but I know it had to be stressful, as weight conscious as she is, to have a baby in late January and be able to fit in the dress of her dreams by early October. That time crunch would intimidate anyone! I remember her getting snippy about carbs and stuff a few times, and it just seems like a lot of pressure. Also, when she found out she was pregnant with Watson, she already had her dress, and then had to go to the trouble of calling off the wedding, rescheduling, finding a new dress, still planning for the small wedding...and then had to plan for the second wedding with an infant in tow. Plus I remember before the second wedding, she took Aubree to get fitted (I think?) and was going on about being stressed out about the wedding, and making jokes like, "if I find out I'm pregnant again, I'm gonna cancel!" I know I would have been more stressed doing it that roundabout way, and I wonder if Chelsea wishes now she'd just used condoms for a few months, had her first wedding without the extra planning / pressure to lose weight after Watson, and then had all the time in the world for more babieeeeesssss. I know the desire to have a baby soon was REAL, but sometimes things are just SO much easier on so many levels if you wait just a few short months. 

Edited by Christina87
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