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Kailyn: Kail Smash!

Message added by OtterMommy

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Random thoughts on things posted here:

I hate the halfbun too. I've yet to see anyone I find it flattering on. I'm social media friends with one of my husband's friend's wives and she is stunningly beautiful, but when she does a half bun, I always think she looks ridiculous. Messy bun - fine. Half bun - no. 

Kail's face - it's all puffed up. I could barely see her eyes last night. She's never had the most big/open eyes, but they've practically disappeared. Just stop. 

Brushing your teeth in the airport bathroom - eh. I'm flying to Ireland in April. It's my first time flying overseas. We'll be flying overnight and arriving early in the morning, only to get our car and travel a few more hours to our destination. I've read tons of travel advice and many people say it's a good idea to stop by the bathroom before you go pick up your car. Change clothes, wash your face, brush your teeth - act as if you really DID just get up for the day. It will help fight jet lag. 

I don't know where Kail was in that pic, but maybe that's what she was doing. As long as she's not dragging the brush around the surfaces in there, I don't see why it would necessarily be very unsanitary. Taking a picture of it is another thing altogether. Seems rather pointless, and the picture is very unflattering. Unless she's taking applications for a new boyfriend. *wink*wink*

  • Love 5

Thanks Mkay.

Oh no. That bitemoji is far too cute. It doesn't resemble Kail at all. It is missing the chins, the puffy face from her Botox treatment, the dead eyes look, the Kylie Jenner lips, and that constant look of constipation.

How nice of Kail to mock herself being seen as the Hulk, her abusive persona. [sarcasm] Does she think it is funny when she goes ballistic in the presence of her kids? Does she think it is funny as hell to have falsely accused Jo of DV? Does she think it is hilarious to have assaulted Javi, God knows how many times?

  • Love 7
17 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Random thoughts on things posted here:

I hate the halfbun too. I've yet to see anyone I find it flattering on. I'm social media friends with one of my husband's friend's wives and she is stunningly beautiful, but when she does a half bun, I always think she looks ridiculous. Messy bun - fine. Half bun - no. 

Kail's face - it's all puffed up. I could barely see her eyes last night. She's never had the most big/open eyes, but they've practically disappeared. Just stop. 

Brushing your teeth in the airport bathroom - eh. I'm flying to Ireland in April. It's my first time flying overseas. We'll be flying overnight and arriving early in the morning, only to get our car and travel a few more hours to our destination. I've read tons of travel advice and many people say it's a good idea to stop by the bathroom before you go pick up your car. Change clothes, wash your face, brush your teeth - act as if you really DID just get up for the day. It will help fight jet lag. 

I don't know where Kail was in that pic, but maybe that's what she was doing. As long as she's not dragging the brush around the surfaces in there, I don't see why it would necessarily be very unsanitary. Taking a picture of it is another thing altogether. Seems rather pointless, and the picture is very unflattering. Unless she's taking applications for a new boyfriend. *wink*wink*

She was in LA, so yeah that's a long flight, MTV flew her and Leah in to film the after show... but I still don't know if it necessitated brushing her teeth in a public bathroom. I just don't understand why it couldn't be done before she went to the airport, even if it was at MTV studios, I feel like that's better than a public bathroom... or wait until she got home.

  • Love 3
27 minutes ago, leighroda said:

She was in LA, so yeah that's a long flight, MTV flew her and Leah in to film the after show... but I still don't know if it necessitated brushing her teeth in a public bathroom. I just don't understand why it couldn't be done before she went to the airport, even if it was at MTV studios, I feel like that's better than a public bathroom... or wait until she got home.

I've brushed my teeth in an airport bathroom before.  There are very few absolute certainties in life, but I know with more than 100% confidence that I would never never never ever take a photo of it, and I would doubly never never never ever post it on the internet.  FFS.

  • Love 13

Also, some people are fanatical tooth brushers. My sister is one. She carries a toothbrush around and brushes immediately after she eats anything. It's possible Kail had breakfast at the airport, then felt she needed to brush. I think it's fine, but agree that taking a picture of it is the height of ridiculousness. I will admit I sometimes take pics of totally inane, random stuff....but I send those to my husband or a small group text with my sisters. These people that make every little detail public baffle me.

  • Love 6
51 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Brushing your teeth in the airport bathroom - eh. I'm flying to Ireland in April. It's my first time flying overseas. We'll be flying overnight and arriving early in the morning, only to get our car and travel a few more hours to our destination. I've read tons of travel advice and many people say it's a good idea to stop by the bathroom before you go pick up your car. Change clothes, wash your face, brush your teeth - act as if you really DID just get up for the day. It will help fight jet lag. 

My mom has been living in Germany for the past several years.  She travels back and forth quite a bit.  (They like to rack up their miles.)  She's got that transatlantic flight down pat.  She takes care of all of those things on the plane.  She seriously just bops off, grabs her bag, and is ready for whatever comes next.  This way, she can just grab a drink in Atlanta and make all her phone calls since her phone works there.  Then she bops her littley behiney on to the next flight to get where she's going.  It's really cute.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, GreatKazu said:

Thanks Mkay.

Oh no. That bitemoji is far too cute. It doesn't resemble Kail at all. It is missing the chins, the puffy face from her Botox treatment, the dead eyes look, the Kylie Jenner lips, and that constant look of constipation.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who immediately thought that Kail is flattering herself with that avatar, who even green, is way cuter than Kail is.


6 minutes ago, poopchute said:

Are we sure she's not in the Philly airport in that pic?  I see what might be "phl" on the sign behind her.  Why not brush an hour later when you get home?

Haha, too funny. Kail couldn't resist the urge to show off how cosmopolitan she is, traveling for "work", and all she gets are a bunch of comments about how she probably gave herself Hep B.

6 minutes ago, Mkay said:

I do think this is after she landed back in Philly. She still has on her outfit from the live aftershow.  

I believe that's the hem of her tshirt sticking out underneath her hoodie, but at first glance it looks like a fanny pack.

  • Love 2
4 minutes ago, poopchute said:

For someone who is sooooooo busy with all these Mom things we don't see, she sure seems to have a ton of time to tweet and retweet and Snapchat.

Of course she does. She likely kicked Isaac to Jo's house for the month and Lincoln is with Javi. It's Kail time!

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 6
14 minutes ago, poopchute said:

For someone who is sooooooo busy with all these Mom things we don't see, she sure seems to have a ton of time to tweet and retweet and Snapchat.

It explains why she had so much time for her extracurricular activities such as cheating on her spouse before letting her husband know she was wanting out of the marriage.

While Javi was at Crossfit, his wife was busy sexting or banging her lover.

1 hour ago, Mkay said:

BIG Javi, Peach, Kail fight going down on twitter. If someone has the patience to screen shot, go get it. 


Javi, I don't doubt whatsoever that Kail continued to physically abuse you. Drugs? Kail's lover does drugs in the kids' home? Or is Kail back to her old ways?

  • Love 5
20 minutes ago, shelley1234 said:

Javi knows the only thing he's busy doing is Crossfit.  

Well that's fine too because he's not publishing ridiculous blog posts saying how busy he is and listing all the things he does all day like putting his children in the car and taking them to school.  Kail is the one saying she is soooooooo busy but she manages to find time to tweet pictures of her asscheeks.

  • Love 9
1 minute ago, poopchute said:

Does anyone know when these two fools taped marriage boot camp? Because if she filed while he was deployed and ripped the keys out of his hands the day he came home I'm not seeing where there was time to film a show about working on their marriage.

I have wondered that myself. I know there were some tweets of Kail's posted here that showed images of the MBC house. Kail didn't tweet what those images were about, but some of our sleuths figured it out.

 Was that real-time filming that we watched when Javi came home or was it likely recreated just like when his proposal to Kail was recreated? I need a timeline. Does anyone know the date of his return?

I saw somewhere....and I don't remember where....where both of them said when they filmed they were broken up and had no intention of getting back together.  They said they went on the show to get along better and find a better way to co-parent.  Given both of their social media twitter fits....not sure that was successful.  

  • Love 3
54 minutes ago, shelley1234 said:

I saw somewhere....and I don't remember where....where both of them said when they filmed they were broken up and had no intention of getting back together.  They said they went on the show to get along better and find a better way to co-parent.  Given both of their social media twitter fits....not sure that was successful.  

Twitter.  Seems like one of them replied to a fan who asked. 

11 hours ago, Booger666 said:

If I remember correctly, at a time when the other girls were having major struggles with completing their GEDs Janelle completed her HS diploma or GED without too much difficulty

She also wasn't taking care of a kid.

I remember the story was that Jenelle made good grades but .... yeah .... I'm not believing that and even if they were good, I'm thinking it wasn't college prep stuff.

  • Love 8
59 minutes ago, Mkay said:

Grrr because of the sizing it's not cooperating with me. If anyone comes across the original article, I'll love ya forever.  ??



my favorite part:


she’s lucky I was sleeping when she said that because I had a comeback but she deleted it by the time I woke up.

You are not 11 years old!!

  • Love 5

Isaac and Lincoln are more mature than those two. Hell, embryos are more mature than those two idiots. Kail is the bigger asshole as she has been getting into spats on Twitter for years now. 

Kail is the worst. She is no better than Amber or Jenelle. She is such a scummy and vile person. 

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 5
17 hours ago, poopchute said:

Why is this on the Internet????!  Everyone stop for a second and imagine that the Internet existed when we were 7 years old.  Can you imagine your parents carrying on like this????! I just cannot get over it.  I don't understand it!!!!!  You are not 15 years old!!! Stop this!!!

Did she just like get new prescription glasses? I've never seen her wear glasses and she had them on during the after show (I haven't watched but Leah posted a behind the scenes on snapchat).

If so, the tryhard strikes again and is going for the cool geek look. I hate wearing my glasses (nearsighted) for driving so when people who don't need them start wearing them it's weird.

Edited by Calm81
It submitted my post mid way thru
  • Love 2
7 hours ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

Now he is disgusted with her??? Dude she shook your head like an 8 ball on national TV, filed false charges against Jo because she was jealous he moved on and upgraded to boot.

Exactly. We have been disgusted with her for years. Each season she has given many of us reasons as to why she is disgusting, but the first reason was the domestic violence she perpetrated and the domestic violence she lied about. DV is not taken lightly when a guy puts his hand on a female, but somehow with Kail, and even Amber, it is pushed aside. DV is never ok and the fact Kail has any fans such as the ones we see on her social media pages, astounds me.  The tweets referring to her as "sweetie" "hun" and "babe" and the ones that even tweeted "she didn't mean it" when referring to Kail physically abusing Javi, leave me shaking my head and wondering what kind of world do we live in that some people believe DV upon anyone is excusable.  I can see if Kail redeemed herself and made changes such as receiving help for her anger issues, I'd applaud her for making such changes and moving forward in life, but that is not the case. The girl is still the same bully and shit-stirrer from 7 years ago. She went from taking televisions to trying to lay claim to a house that belongs to her and Javi.

24 minutes ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

My mature side just wants Javi to take the L, realized he was used and move in but my Evil Kermit side wants him to continue to put all of Kail's dirty deeds on front street.



As for Kail and Javi's Twitter war - yes, it's immature. But bring it on! I'm not here for flowers and rainbows, lol.

Right? lol  If I wanted to have only serious discussions and not make judgments, I would have never joined TWOP.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 16
Message added by OtterMommy

Please remember that it is against Primetimer policy to publish home addresses, links to home addresses, or other personal information of anyone--on or off the screen.

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