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Kailyn: Kail Smash!

Message added by OtterMommy

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She seems to treat her friends pretty well and think of them as her real family. I assume that's part of the reason she's never truly bonded with Javi. That and he's an asshole.


Kail seems to surround herself by sycophants, though. Sadly, there are people who will be loyal friends to the most vile of people. Usually they're morally lacking themselves, or they're so insecure that they like having an Alpha friend to lead them around. I'm not saying Kail is a horrible person, but having some longterm friends doesn't mean she's great at relationships. Sterling definitely seems like an ass kisser. But I recall how Kail flipped out while on vacation with her and her mom, because of Javi's texts, and basically made their trip very very uncomfortable. Didn't she also flip out on members of her bridal party about earrings? 


I see her friendships a lot like her marriage - smooth, as long as you tow the line. Her line. But she will cut a bitch!

Edited by ghoulina
  • Love 2

I remember Kail was the one throwing the fit over the earrings. She wanted all the bridesmaids in matching earrings and when Javi's sisters balked, Kail snottily said "what's the big deal, they're only $20" as if everyone makes six figures like she does.

I've been in one wedding where the bride wanted us in matching accessories, and her mother purchased them for us as our bridesmaid's gifts. We got a beautiful set of pearl earrings and a pearl bracelet. Kail should've been mindful that most of her wedding party was very young and not wealthy. But of course, it's all about her so...

  • Love 8

I remember Kail was the one throwing the fit over the earrings. She wanted all the bridesmaids in matching earrings and when Javi's sisters balked, Kail snottily said "what's the big deal, they're only $20" as if everyone makes six figures like she does.

I've been in one wedding where the bride wanted us in matching accessories, and her mother purchased them for us as our bridesmaid's gifts. We got a beautiful set of pearl earrings and a pearl bracelet. Kail should've been mindful that most of her wedding party was very young and not wealthy. But of course, it's all about her so...


Yeah, I was thinking they expected Kail to pay for them and Kail was like, you're the ones wearing them, you pay for them. This is MY day.

My exhusband and I were both in the military when we were married. Watching Kail's non-reaction to Javi's deployment reminded me of the exact moment I knew I was no longer invested in my marriage. Their marriage is over.

Well, they probably couldn't show Kail's real reaction, which I bet involved a Chandler-Bing-after-hearing-that-Monica-referred-to-him-as-the-best-sex-she-ever-had style dance.

  • Love 3

But no one cares if the bridesmaids have matching earrings. I have never been to a wedding and felt that the wedding would have been better if the earrings were matching. So if Kail wants to be an asshole and demand specific earrings, she needs to buy them. But Kail looked like 10 pounds of shit in an 8 pound bag at her wedding so she really should have had bigger concerns than the ears of her bridesmaids.

Edited by poopchute
  • Love 6

Yeah, I was thinking they expected Kail to pay for them and Kail was like, you're the ones wearing them, you pay for them. This is MY day.

Well, they probably couldn't show Kail's real reaction, which I bet involved a Chandler-Bing-after-hearing-that-Monica-referred-to-him-as-the-best-sex-she-ever-had style dance.

Perfect; however, Kail is "too classy" to jump on a table.


But no one cares if the bridesmaids have matching earrings. I have never been to a wedding and felt that the wedding would have been better if the earrings were matching. So if Kail wants to be an asshole and demand specific earrings, she needs to buy them. But Kail looked like 10 pounds of shit in an 8 pound bag at her wedding so she really should have had bigger concerns than the ears of her bridesmaids.

I am now picturing a giant overflowing sack of shit wearing a wedding dress and blond wig.

  • Love 3

Idk, I just remember the drama with the maid of honor. She was supposed to take care of everything because Kailyn was pregnant, and the bridesmaids hated her. Most bridesmaid situations I know about require you to buy the jewelry and dress the bride chooses, nowadays. I think that's really odd and I'd never do that, but it's very common.

  • Love 1

Yeah, that article says if the bride wants matching accessories, she should pay for them. Which Kail didn't do because she's an asshole. Actually the whole thing is even more ridiculous because wasn't she already married and the aquarium was a fake wedding after the legal wedding? Or am I thinking of some other idiot on this show?


Yeah the article said bridesmaids should pay for the accessories they chose themselves, and if the bride dictates what accessories they have to wear, she should pay for them. Agree also Kail is an asshole, which puts her in good company on this show.

  • Love 1

Yes, Karl was already married. The wedding at the aquarium was for the family, friends, and MTV.

LOL @ the article. SMDH.

Right, so a fake wedding with fake vows etc. I would laugh in someone's face if they wanted me to be a bridesmaid in a pretend wedding. If you want to have a small wedding because you need THE BENEFITS then that's fine, have a big party later if you want to but don't call the second party a wedding and dont have a bridal party and don't have vows and all that stuff. That's weird and obnoxious.

  • Love 2

My young sister in law did weddings like Kail and Javi. Legally at the courthouse and then a wedding at her parents house, months later. Immediate family was invited to both but many wealthy coworkers of her parents were also included in the "wedding" invites. The "small backyard wedding" cost over $20,000 (that I know of) and all the frills of a traditional wedding. Gift registry, showers, gowns, tuxedos, catered reception, and of course, lots of cash. Only the family knew the couple had already legally married. Super klassy and beyond disgustingly tacky, IMO.

  • Love 4

Sure Kail coulda solved a lot of problems with the wedding jewelry debacle by just buying them, but when you decide to be in someone's wedding...you know the cost is that you have to buy the dress and accessories.  I was in a wedding and had to buy a dress I didn't like, shoes I didn't like and I can't remember if I had to buy jewelry...but if I did, I would have done it happily because I was in the wedding because I was celebrating the love of someone I loved.  If you can't afford it...don't be in the wedding.  

  • Love 4

I've been in 10 weddings and no one forced me to buy matching earrings. The dress is expected. The bride shouldn't dictate everything about your appearance and if she does, she's an asshole. I feel like I can still celebrate the love of someone I love without being forced to buy matching earrings.

I'm not sure the protocol is even the same for fake weddings. If it's not even an actual wedding it's even more preposterous to dictate matching earrings.

  • Love 4

Kail seems to surround herself by sycophants, though. Sadly, there are people who will be loyal friends to the most vile of people. Usually they're morally lacking themselves, or they're so insecure that they like having an Alpha friend to lead them around. I'm not saying Kail is a horrible person, but having some longterm friends doesn't mean she's great at relationships. Sterling definitely seems like an ass kisser. But I recall how Kail flipped out while on vacation with her and her mom, because of Javi's texts, and basically made their trip very very uncomfortable. Didn't she also flip out on members of her bridal party about earrings? 


I see her friendships a lot like her marriage - smooth, as long as you tow the line. Her line. But she will cut a bitch!


I feel like Kail doesn't tolerate anyone who doesn't kiss her ass. Because Kail's always right and Kail's always the victim. Any time someone tries to hold her accountable for something she completely flips out on them. 

  • Love 3

I do not think it is regional. I think it is whatever is financially feasible. I live near Los Angeles and I have been to many weddings and been in many weddings. Some brides bought the jewelry while others did not.

Kail made her decision at the last minute. It was not a matter of asking Javi's relatives to be in her wedding and being forthright about the costs.

Kail told them about the earrings when it was too late to bow out, and after they paid for their dresses.

Yes, Kail was a bridezilla in that regard.

  • Love 4

I have no idea what is common or considered appropriate wedding etiquette. I was married at the courthouse. I have only been in one wedding, the oldest of my younger sisters. But I've been to all three of their weddings and I was well aware of most of the details. Dress color/design was dictated. Sometimes there was a shoe preference, but it wasn't so specific that you couldn't choose a more budget friendly option. I've never heard of any of them dictating jewelry. Again, I've no idea what's customary, but I think it sounds like a bit of an asshole thing to insist someone wear a certain kind of jewelry and then make them pay for it as well. This wasn't even a fancy wedding. They got married in an aquarium when she was about to have a baby! Who was really paying attention to matching earrings? I just think she's controlling. 

  • Love 1

I've been in three weddings and one was 14 years ago and the most recent was 9 years ago and all of the brides wanted us to have matching jewelry but only one required matching dresses, the other two just had a color and you could pick any dress you wanted. Always had to pay for my dress and shoes but in all three cases the brides picked out the jewelry-earrings necklace and sometimes a bracelet-and PAID for them. So yes Kail is just an asshole who doesn't care about anyone but herself.

  • Love 1

I have a feeling Mail was being a control freak and kept tacking on added costs and that's what the bridesmaids were complaining about. These girls were in their late teens/early 20s and probably making eight bucks an hour working retail or office jobs. If they'd already dished out for a dress, shoes, wedding gift and Bachelorette party, a $20 pair of earrings was probably the last straw. I don't get the impression that Javi's family is wealthy, so maybe they thought Mail was being ridiculous in demanding things that really don't matter in the end.

  • Love 4

At my wedding, the only thing I made my bridesmaids pay for were matching dresses, but I brought them all to David's Bridal and told them to all decide on a purple dress they could live with that was under $75.  One bridesmaid wanted to wear peacock feather earrings, which I wasn't thrilled with, but I figured that unless I was going to pay for specific jewelry I couldn't dictate their jewelry choices.  I was super concerned with not putting my friends out and not being too demanding.  Kail is obviously not one of those people.

  • Love 1

This is also a reason you shouldn't handle wedding planning while 28 months pregnant. I'd be a bitch if I was trying to shove a wedding in before deployment and a baby, too. That whole thing was a mess. I don't know why they did it but it clearly wasn't out of love.

Re: the earrings thing, I think it's obnoxious but it's also extremely common. A lot of wedding practices now are fucking ridiculous IMO.

Edited by Lm2162
  • Love 2

Sure, Kail is an asshole for wanting people to have matching $20 earrings.  But the wedding party aren't assholes for pitching a fit about $20 earrings???  Goose.  Gander.  


Nah.  Either be in the wedding or don't...but it's the bride's day.  If you don't like it...here is the door.  The earrings were affordable and Javi's family complaining about them was totally classless IMO.  

  • Love 5

Affordable is subjective. We have no idea how much the dress and/or shoes already cost the bridal party. For people who live on a tight budget, $20 might be a big deal. And I don't really recall Javi's family pitching a big fit. Didn't someone speak to Javi about it, he brought it up to Kail, and then SHE pitched a fit? I'm seriously asking, because my memory is always hazy. 

  • Love 3

Sure, Kail is an asshole for wanting people to have matching $20 earrings. But the wedding party aren't assholes for pitching a fit about $20 earrings??? Goose. Gander.

Nah. Either be in the wedding or don't...but it's the bride's day. If you don't like it...here is the door. The earrings were affordable and Javi's family complaining about them was totally classless IMO.

Affordable is a matter of perspective, though. I think $20 is a lot for costume jewelry, petsonally, and Javi's family aren't receiving TM2 paychecks, either. Kail could've been more understanding, since at one point $20 fake earrings would've been way outside her budget. Instead she acted like a prissy bridezilla over a for show wedding celebration. I wouldn't have been surprised if she raised a stink if Javi's relatives tried to drop out of the wedding.

  • Love 4

Peach was the assistant to the grand bitch. Kail was dictating orders to Peach who was then dictating to the girls in the wedding. I think one of the complaints was Peach's attitude, which was not at all nice.

Yeah, imagine Javi's sisters bowing out of the wedding. It goes without saying the dependopotamus would have pitched a major tantrum. Bad enough she threw a tantrum over earrings.

Kail was wanting matching jewelry so her photos would be perfect not that she was following any etiquette rules.

  • Love 2

Peach was the assistant to the grand bitch. Kail was dictating orders to Peach who was then dictating to the girls in the wedding. I think one of the complaints was Peach's attitude, which was not at all nice.

Yeah, imagine Javi's sisters bowing out of the wedding. It goes without saying the dependopotamus would have pitched a major tantrum. Bad enough she threw a tantrum over earrings.

Kail was wanting matching jewelry so her photos would be perfect not that she was following any etiquette rules.

How perfect could her photos be when she look like an anaconda that swallowed a large animal in that wedding dress? Lol

  • Love 4

I thought the Tattoos Under the Sea-theme was quite fitting since Kail is constantly being referred to looking like various sea creatures.

While feeding my son just now, I had a blast reading through this thread from summer posts trying to find all the various terms that were used to describe Kail. I recall tattooed manatee- and also came across "elephant seal". I couldn't remember any others though and I only went back so many pages.

  • Love 2

I think she was a young, pregnant teenager thinking about having her own child to raise . And with that she may have been thinking about her own family of origin and perhaps that reaching out to her father might bring some love and peace. If I put myself in her shoes, that's what I imagine. She was abandoned by the two people who were supposed to provide and nurture her. Being pregnant is an emotional upheaval. It was a tear jerker watching her interact with her father. She was shortchanged by those who were supposed to meet her physical and emotional needs as a child. And while still very much a child, pregnant with the impending birth of a child that she will be responsible for, she, as if grasping for something that isn't there, flew down to Texas and was disappointed, rightfully so. It kills me to see kids abandoned. It is never justified, and I think those who don't take care of their own are the lowest of the low. It had to he crushing. But, I think she is a survivor and survivors push that yucky stuff down and get on with what needs to be done. In many ways she is very pragmatic and I think her pragmatism comes off as cold but all in all in all she has risen above; i. e. college, caring for her sons, making a home, trying to get ahead. But if her interpersonal stuff is whacked it's no wonder considering where she has come from. Just my, opinion. Okay, I thought I was quoting the person who said she was looking for a pay out with oil money from Daddy Warbucks. I guess not. I'm an idiot, I screwed up. I've been reading here forever and before that over at TWOP for years. Also, whoever said Cole is like Marty from Back to the Future, omg I had that exact thought! Also, Janelle ALWAYS RAM need me of, both in looks, bone structure, slits for lips, and sociopathy of Diane Downs ( the mother who shot her kids because her new man didn't want any).

Edited by HellsBells
  • Love 4

Affordable is a matter of perspective, though. I think $20 is a lot for costume jewelry, petsonally, and Javi's family aren't receiving TM2 paychecks, either. Kail could've been more understanding, since at one point $20 fake earrings would've been way outside her budget. Instead she acted like a prissy bridezilla over a for show wedding celebration. I wouldn't have been surprised if she raised a stink if Javi's relatives tried to drop out of the wedding.

Shoot, 20 bucks for a pair of earrings for myself would make me sick. It's hard to buy myself something. Especially when I think about how it could buy meat and other items for supper or gas. I couldn't do it.

I was in a wedding as a bridesmaid one yr ago in May. We paid for our dress and our shoes, as well as any alterations. The bride bought our necklace and bracelets as a gift. We didn't have any idea that she was. She didn't care about matching hair styles or earrings either. In Kails wedding I thought it was ridiculous people kept asking Javi if he was ready or nervous. Of course not! They have already been married a year. It was really silly.

Edited by Mkay
  • Love 5

I remember Kail was the one throwing the fit over the earrings. She wanted all the bridesmaids in matching earrings and when Javi's sisters balked, Kail snottily said "what's the big deal, they're only $20" as if everyone makes six figures like she does.

I've been in one wedding where the bride wanted us in matching accessories, and her mother purchased them for us as our bridesmaid's gifts. We got a beautiful set of pearl earrings and a pearl bracelet. Kail should've been mindful that most of her wedding party was very young and not wealthy. But of course, it's all about her so...

Yeah, that is obnoxious. Ugh, how do I say this diplomatically? So many women are inculcated to be self absorbed assholes regarding their wedding. They lose their good sense. My sister in law thought nothing of asking me to pay more than a weeks pay for her ugly brides maid's dress. It was more than I paid for my own wedding dress. I was in a different financial spot than her ( in college, husband in grad school, parent to a toddler) at the time. However, Kail didn't have a mother to say , hey this is the etiquette here, so I give her a pass.
  • Love 4
Message added by OtterMommy

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