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Kailyn: Kail Smash!

Message added by OtterMommy

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I thought it was a haunted house. Woooops. ;)

At first I thought it was a haunted house, too. Then, I noticed Isaac is wearing a Mickey Mouse hat. At least, I hope that is what it is supposed to be. I saw that hat and thought, "Oh, is that supposed to be Disneyland?" Then I thought it might be the Haunted House at Disneyland.  Reading the article, I got my answer. How that guy was awarded best tattoo of the day, I will never know. It makes me wonder how bad the other tats at that convention were.


That tattoo artist would have been shot down on Ink Master.

Edited by GreatKazu
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At first I thought it was a haunted house, too. Then, I noticed Isaac is wearing a Mickey Mouse hat. At least, I hope that is what it is supposed to be. I saw that hat and thought, "Oh, is that supposed to be Disneyland?" Then I thought it might be the Haunted House at Disneyland.

Right? It easily could have been some kind of homage to the Haunted Mansion/Disney world. Theres also some kind of wispy thing between Lincoln and Isaac's faces, which could be kind of a ghost, and Isaac's smile in his portrait is borderline demonic. Lincoln looks a little horrified too.

Of all the pictures of Isaacs to use, why the mouse ears one? I love me some Disney and all, but it just seems a bit too random.

Nothing like a vigorous friendly head-shake to make a good first impression on a boyfriend.

It's like Kailyn's version of a mating call.

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He sure was yelling about Isaac being Kail's responsibility while rocking an Isaac tattoo.  I sure wouldn't tattoo a kids face on my body that wasn't "Mine."


Javi is doing the Teen Mom 2 Q & A tonight and the first question right off the bat...


Jessica Figueroa: Does kail call you papi?


Teen Mom 2(Javi:) big papi!!!



Edited by Mkay
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It's so obvious that Kailyn is jealous of Vee and Jo, but has pretended in the past to get along with them for Javi's sake.  An adult with a supposed good co-parenting relationship might have called Jo and said, "Hey, just heard the good news! Congrats!" or something along those lines, but no, not Kailyn. 


The fact that Jo is moving to be closer to his child is commendable.  I really do think that he'd like to be closer so that he could attend Isaac's activities, and so that he can be there to help out if Kailyn needs him to be watched.  If Kailyn and Javi decide to go have dinner alone without the kids, or take one of her many, many, many trips during Kailyn's Isaac time,  Jo could watch Isaac.  Why wouldn't she ask him rather than having Javi's parents watch him?  I just don't get it.  It's not like Jo is Adam.  It's about Isaac, not Kailyn, and she's being so hateful and spiteful.  Yes.  Jo and Kailyn should stick to the court-appointed schedule, but I just don't see why Kailyn can't allow Jo to deviate from that schedule every now and then, and allow him to see his child on unscheduled days if convenient for all??


I think it's cruel, and says a lot about Kailyn, that Jo and Vee really like little Lincoln, and we've seen Vee ask about Lincoln during a drop-off  in a past episode, but Kailyn acts so damn ugly about Jo's new baby.  None of the babies, or Isaac, have anything to do with the situation they've been brought into.  Kailyn is such an evil and spiteful person.  I doubt Javi shares that feeling about the baby.  She's just a cruel person who really needs therapy badly.

  • Love 9

Does anyone know what Kail and Jo's current custody situation is? I think it was last summer that Isaac spent like 6 weeks straight at Jo's, and then every other weekend throughout the year. I just added that all up and it came to about 25% of the year. Does Kail think that with Jo 5 minutes away that arrangement makes any kind of sense? I think Jo should try for what Corey is trying for, so he can get half the weekend, plus be part of his school days.

  • Love 5
Does anyone know what Kail and Jo's current custody situation is? I think it was last summer that Isaac spent like 6 weeks straight at Jo's, and then every other weekend throughout the year. I just added that all up and it came to about 25% of the year. Does Kail think that with Jo 5 minutes away that arrangement makes any kind of sense? I think Jo should try for what Corey is trying for, so he can get half the weekend, plus be part of his school days.


I agree, and if I were Kailyn, yes, I'd be wanting to keep my time with Isaac as it is, rather than give up more time with my son.  That's understandable.  But what I just don't get is why Kailyn thinks it's a big deal for Jo to want to be more of a regular presence in Isaac's life.  It's a good thing, and it's healthy, and it doesn't detract from Isaac's relationship with Javi or Kailyn.  What it does is improve his relationship with his dad and Vee, and Kailyn just can't handle that.  She's a real Grade A bitch, and I hope that one day Isaac watches these shows and sees how his mother has consistently tried to keep him from his father. 

  • Love 7

Kailyn doesn't think of anyone except herself.  Sure, it would be better for Isaac to be able to spend more time with his father (and better for Jo as well), but Kailyn is so terrified of being alone/abandoned/without family again that she won't let Isaac go.  I think Kailyn, by having kids, is trying to build a family that won't leave her (husbands/fathers are optional, apparently, which is why I suspect Javi isn't long for this family--and will be in the same situation as Jo when the divorce comes) and any chance that Isaac might "like" Jo better or prefer Jo (or, heaven forbid, Vee) over her just freaks her out completely (we can add insecurity into the mix as well).


So she takes every opportunity to bind Isaac to her so damn tightly.  What she, unfortunately, doesn't seem to realize is that the cliche about "if you love something, set it free" is going to play out here: the more she keeps Isaac from his father, the more likely Isaac is to resent her and perhaps leave her when he can have more of an input into which parent he lives with.  And if he does leave, it'll be all Kail's fault, but she'll be busy blaming everyone other than herself.  I'd feel very sorry for Kail, if she didn't piss me off so often (which is why I'm not a therapist, even though I'm a psychologist).

  • Love 12

This is my only gentle reminder: let's refrain from snarking Kail's weight. This includes referring to her as a sea creature.

We can snark about her inability to talk without yelling. We can snark about her dependency on Sterling. We can snark about her shadiness. Her bitchiness to Jo and Javi and , well, everyone. But stay away from her weight.

Any posts that violate this will be deleted and mod action will be taken. K? K.

  • Love 3

Is just her weight off limits or all references to her general unattractiveness? I try not to snark on her weight but I do mention her ugly sour stank ass face in a lot of my posts so just checking. She always looks like she just smelled/stepped in a giant pile of shit (how is it possible to always have the ugliest expression imagineable on her face?) so it's hard not to comment on that but I will restrain myself if I must.

  • Love 4

Is just her weight off limits or all references to her general unattractiveness? I try not to snark on her weight but I do mention her ugly sour stank ass face in a lot of my posts so just checking. She always looks like she just smelled/stepped in a giant pile of shit (how is it possible to always have the ugliest expression imagineable on her face?) so it's hard not to comment on that but I will restrain myself if I must.

Her weight specifically.

And you know that bitch left Isaac with Javi's parents instead of letting him be with his dad.

I read on The Ashley that Maci and Taylor brought Bentley and Jayde with them, and Carly and Novalee were both there so it was definitely a kid friendly wedding. But I don't remember reading that Isaac and Lincoln were there. Not surprised.

  • Love 2

I read on The Ashley that Maci and Taylor brought Bentley and Jayde with them, and Carly and Novalee were both there so it was definitely a kid friendly wedding. But I don't remember reading that Isaac and Lincoln were there. Not surprised.

I'm not either, although in Kail's defense dragging a five year-old and a baby on a plane to attend the wedding of someone who's completely irrelevant to them would not be my idea of a fun time. Regardless it's a win-win for both. Kail gets yet another child free vacation and Isaac and Lincoln get a vacation from Kail.

Edited by BitterApple
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I'm sure Kail left the kids with Javi, but made sure to bring Peach or Sterling or some other obnoxiously named friend.

I'm glad to hear Brandon and Teresa were there.

I don't know, in my experience, weddings are one of those times where even couples that hate each other manage to pretend that they're as madly in love as they have ever been. It's a very couple-ish event, and it certainly wouldn't do for Kail to bring her platonic friend Sterling to a wedding instead of her husband.

I'm sure Kail left the kids with Javi, but made sure to bring Peach or Sterling or some other obnoxiously named friend. 


I'm glad to hear Brandon and Teresa were there.

That was my first thought as well. I mean, it is the weekend and Kail made it clear to Javi that she wants to hang out with her friends on the weekend! LOL

  • Love 4

I honestly think Kail is quite pretty when she lets her hair down and smiles a bit. She just so rarely does that on the show that we forget how pretty she can be. Like in that IG picture posted, she looked quite lovely.


This hits me kind of hard because I'm a bit of a sourpuss myself. I'm one of those people who's unhappy without a conflict, and sometimes I create a pity party for myself when there's no reason to be upset. The snarking of Kail reminds me to be a little more pleasant around friends and my partner. So hey, this thread is doing some good. Thanks, guys. :)

  • Love 6

Kail is supposed to be at Caitlyn and Tyler's wedding today. I wonder how that will go. Will she make a stink face at Cait when she comes down the aisle?

Always good to have a feisty head-shaker to deter the pesky uninvited at a wedding. Maybe just knowing that Kail was there kept Farrah and Debra from crashing the reception.

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Kail posted a pic this morning of Isaac going to kindergarten. Jack is wearing his Air Force gear. Is it wrong that I only think he's wearing it because people questioned him on his teen mom chat on Thursday? Haha I can't stand him.

That was a lovely family picture. The only thing that could have made it better was if his father had been there too.

  • Love 6

Kail slammed for her attire at Catelynn's wedding. No way! She is always on target with her clothing choices.


Agree.  I saw nothing wrong with what she was wearing. I thought it was appropriate and cute!


 I may not care for the girl but I don't have to slam everything she does. 

  • Love 4

I didn't think the dress was that bad. Maybe a little informal for a wedding, but not atrociously so. If she had shown up in capri pants and flip flops I could understand the snark, but in this case I think they're making a big deal over nothing. The dress was actually a lot more figure flattering than the stuff she usually wears.

  • Love 4

I am surprised she actually posted that photo of Isaac. Back in March, Kail cried that she wasn't going to post anymore photos of the kids:




“I will no longer be posting pix of my kids. Don’t ask for pictures and if you’re thinking about leaving a rude comment then unfollow me. I don’t want to hear ‘you put your life on tv so deal with it’ either.” Kailyn furiously posted to her instagram account.


Kail doesn't want to hear about her life being on television either!!! *pout* *stomps foot*


I agree fully with this comment in response to this:


Kail DID make the choice to put her life on television and continue to film as her kids have gotten older, so unfortunately criticism comes with the territory on reality television.

This x 1,000,000



From the social media thread here:




Javi Marroquin ‏@JaviM9  7 hours ago
Everyone asking why I don't talk about the military or saying because 1. It's none of your business


My response to that on the other thread:

Really, buddy? You are on a fucking television show!! You have shown just about everything else, including the time you went down to the enlistment office, when you were crying as you said your goodbyes to your wife and Isaac, talking about being on the base or finding a home elsewhere, so many other related topics connected to your stint in the military. Don't fucking tell the public it is none of our business. How about taking your ass off television. along with your grifter wife, so you aren't being bombarded with such questions? Dumbass.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 9
Message added by OtterMommy

Please remember that it is against Primetimer policy to publish home addresses, links to home addresses, or other personal information of anyone--on or off the screen.

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