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The Late Late Show With James Corden - General Discussion

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Not a whole lot of posts about the show lately. Maybe this isn't a popular place to post about late night shows?


I have really tried to give this show a chance. Didn't want to be a total Ferguson snob in my head :)


The show is just too high energy and too manic for me for a late late show leading to bedtime.

I came across the Bieber karaoke clip on youtube and then watched the show.  I enjoy it.  Not must see, but I DVR it, and I watch the ones with people I'm interested in, though slowly I'm starting to enjoy it enough to watch ones with people I don't know, so that's a credit to Corden.  


Dinah Shore used to have people sitting around on sofas, I think, and sometimes they'd gather around a piano and sing.

Watched the show last night, it was a repeat with Helen Hunt and some flavor-of-the-day young actor.  Anyway, what the hell was up with the set burning?  Did I miss something entirely?  I noticed the smoke coming off the little building, the orange glow and such.  They didn't seem to be making an attempt to work it into a bit, then all of a sudden the fire alarm goes off, they go to commercial and the next segment is up on the roof.  Then after not really mentioning why they're up on the roof, the following segment is back in the studio, again with not mention as to what the heck is going on.


Thanks in advance if you have the backstory.  I'm baffled.  Too meta for this guy I guess...


Watched the show last night, it was a repeat with Helen Hunt and some flavor-of-the-day young actor.  Anyway, what the hell was up with the set burning?  Did I miss something entirely?  I noticed the smoke coming off the little building, the orange glow and such.  They didn't seem to be making an attempt to work it into a bit, then all of a sudden the fire alarm goes off, they go to commercial and the next segment is up on the roof.  Then after not really mentioning why they're up on the roof, the following segment is back in the studio, again with not mention as to what the heck is going on.


Thanks in advance if you have the backstory.  I'm baffled.  Too meta for this guy I guess...


Thank you for posting this. I saw this the first time it aired and I absolutely don't know what the heck happened or what was happening or what the hell it was all about. If it was supposed to be "meta" or funny or deep... it totally passed me by. BTW, I didn't even notice the little building with the orange glow in the background. If it was supposed to be funny, it missed the mark.

Edited by maryis1

James was presented with an Order of the British Empire (OBE) honor by The Princess Royal (Princess Anne), today, at Buckingham Palace. It's maybe sort of similar to our President presenting an American with the Presidential Medal of Freedom (I think--any Brits here, please feel free to correct me).

Queen Elizabeth II used to present these types of honors personally, but right now she's on a State Visit to Germany &, in recent years, she's passed off the presentation of these types of honors to her children--at least her daughter & Prince Charles--or Prince William, The Duke of Cambridge.


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I admit I haven't followed this show closely.  Loved Craig, feel nothing will ever be the same, so on and so forth.  I had never heard of James Corden before, but found some of his work on-line and really quite like him but still don't make watching a priority.  If I see it, I see it.


But...even with sporadic watching it seems like there are a lot of repeats.  Is it my imagination?  Is the show not doing well or are there other reasons for so many repeats?  What I've seen I liked but I'm seeing the same shows over and over.  Or so it seems.

I admit I haven't followed this show closely.  Loved Craig, feel nothing will ever be the same, so on and so forth.  I had never heard of James Corden before, but found some of his work on-line and really quite like him but still don't make watching a priority.  If I see it, I see it.


But...even with sporadic watching it seems like there are a lot of repeats.  Is it my imagination?  Is the show not doing well or are there other reasons for so many repeats?  What I've seen I liked but I'm seeing the same shows over and over.  Or so it seems.


They're on a 3-week break...usually talk shows go on 2-week breaks around this time of year. I think they return next week.

Is there a more, oh, lets be kind and say enthusiastic, audience in late night?


Maybe. Conan's audience is the worst. I like Conan, but they go apeshit crazy at the start of every show, and then Conan goads them on by doing his dance. So it takes a few minutes to settle things down. Larry Wilmore's audience is also overly enthusiastic...


Speaking of Corden, I was really enthusiastic about his show before his long break. Now? Not so much. I'd sit through the whole thing before. Now? I'm kind of tired of it.


Part of it was the really long break...His last show was June 18. His next show was July 13. That's nearly a month off.


Another thing is his Twitter account. Yes, I don't have to follow them. But I do because I'd like to know what's happening so I'm not missing out. But Corden's Twitter, in particular, is annoying in how he retweets (what seems like) all the praise their receiving...Same for the Late Late Show Twitter account. And I hate how they parse the show into gifs in their tweets. Yeah, I'm sounding like an old man. But it's just bothered me of late. And, yes, again, I don't have to follow their Twitters. But I must.

Maybe. Conan's audience is the worst. I like Conan, but they go apeshit crazy at the start of every show, and then Conan goads them on by doing his dance. So it takes a few minutes to settle things down. Larry Wilmore's audience is also overly enthusiastic...


I'll give you CONAN at the beginning, but they seem to calm down as the show goes along. Conan's interviews are watchable. [i've never seen Wilmore].

As fall approaches, the boys of summer start to wrap up their season on green ballpark diamonds across America and CBS readies the launch of Colbert's 11:30 effort, it seems like a good time for mid-term evaluations for Mr. Corden.


OK, I'll just say it... this program is every bit as lame as it was after the very moment the phrase "Roll the title" was first uttered some months ago.  Zero evolution, zero awareness of what works and what doesn't (ProTip: most of it doesn't).  Just a slow relentless death spiral into a tragic waste of Sony BCTD124LE Digital Betacam videotape.


On the upside, I enjoy Reggie, the cruise ship Calypso/Junkanoo playout music at the end of the program and thrill of a possible lawsuit triggering a production company bankruptcy caused from a bone-breaking tumble by a guest attempting to navigate the treacherous stair pitch as they enter the "Late, Late Show" stage.  Is this wrong of me?

Edited by kib
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As fall approaches, the boys of summer start to wrap up their season on green ballpark diamonds across America and CBS readies the launch of Colbert's 11:30 effort, it seems like a good time for mid-term evaluations for Mr. Corden.


OK, I'll just say it... this program is every bit as lame as it was after the very moment the phrase "Roll the title" was first uttered some months ago.  Zero evolution, zero awareness of what works and what doesn't (ProTip: most of it doesn't).  Just a slow relentless death spiral into a tragic waste of Sony BCTD124LE Digital Betacam videotape.


On the upside, I enjoy Reggie, the cruise ship Calypso/Junkanoo playout music at the end of the program and thrill of a possible lawsuit triggering a production company bankruptcy caused from a bone-breaking tumble by a guest attempting to navigate the treacherous stair pitch as they enter the "Late, Late Show" stage.  Is this wrong of me?


I was hoping that someone else was watching, and commenting, on the show these days. If Colbert doesn't cut it then I'm finished with late night network TV. Even Jon Stewart is gone and to have a guy from England (?) take his place right before the elections doesn't work for me UNLESS he is as Americanized as Craig Ferguson was. Plus, Jon Stewart wasn't afraid to let his own "people" have it when discussing the latest Netanyahu controversy. I don't think Trevor Noah will go there.


My husband and I have enjoyed Larry Wilmore a lot. He's grown on us and his show is very different from how Colbert presented the show. Larry has really personalized it and I enjoy the panels he convenes. Mike Yard is a joy. The guy is hysterical and I'm glad that Larry has chosen him to be on screen so often.


I also would think that Wilmore has carved out a niche for people who wish there were some African American late night hosts. Larry really delves into what is a 'hot topic' and hearing the opinions and voices of people different than me is both an education and enlightening. Add Trevor to the mix and I think that it will be interesting in how that hour takes off and to see where the focus will be. I am glad that they run Larry's show again later so I can take advantage of both Colbert and Larry.


But, if it fails - this new late night schedule - then I'm headed to Me-TV to watch as much Hitchcock, Night Gallery, and Thriller that I can handle. It's tough being a night owl! I was such a Craig Ferguson fan and really miss his show. I follow Josh Robert Thompson (Geoff the robot) on Twitter and Facebook these days. Josh is working on his own pilot for a show but you can tell that he is mourning the loss of regular airtime and has said as much that he was disappointed that he wasn't considered as a replacement for Craig.

PS to add: James Corden is a likeable enough guy but where Craig was fearless, Corden is too often obsequious with his guests. You can pretty much figure what is going to come out of his mouth next (including that cackly laugh). With Craig, you really never could reliably figure out what he was going to say to someone. I liked that. It was far from formulaic and made you really listen to what he had to say.

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I'll fess up, I've not seen Wilmore enough to put in an opinion other than to say I enjoyed his work on the "Daily" and his NPR interview with Terry Gross last week was fascinating. 


I have to wonder if Corden and his staff are just circling the airport until Colbert hits the air to take a cue from the tone of his lead-in?  Perhaps understandable, but epically wrongheaded.  Based on everything I've read about how one goes about doing these kinds of programs, it's imperative that you carve your own niche and take ownership.  That was a large part of Willmore's convo with Gross.  He stressed that Jon Stewart literally harangued him to quit playing TV host and simply be himself.  Wilmore said once that sunk in, it made all the difference and the show was better for it.


If I were Nina Tassler or Les Moonves I'd already have a short list ready to make a move if Corden doesn't get any Colbert halo effect. 

After a, hopefully, witty and smart hour of Colbert, I don't see people in his audience going for the shrieking "wacky" Corden show.


I did notice something that James did that was mimicking an old Letterman piece of schtick. The other night, after a band performed, Corden shouted back to the drummer, "are those your drums?" and it fell horribly flat.


I don't get it: This article from early July says his ratings are down vs. Ferguson.




I don't see his ratings getting a boost since he was off for a few weeks in July. He's also off until Colbert starts.



As I mentioned (I think) above, I enjoyed his show before his 3-week summer break. Then I got kind of bored with it.


I like the 3-guest panels, but admittedly the gushing gets out of hand. He tries to play it off like he's a huge fan of every guest. And that's impossible, especially since he's not from America. Even though American pop-culture is pervasive in England.


It was odd that they did the YouTube show on a Friday...and that seemed like pandering. I wonder what the ratings are for that....Oftentimes, you'll have these people with big social media/YouTube followings, and when they appear on TV, their appearances don't move the needle.

I watched the Friday youtube show to see what it was all about. I'm sure that the folks who were on are nice enough people with lots of youtube followers but if you aren't in on the joke, a whole show of inside jokes can drag on. It would have been fun I'm sure if I was familiar with these youtube celebrities and their regular schtick. But it was so self-referenced that II was pretty much lost.


And that make up session to make James look like Barbie was, I know, supposed to be tongue in cheek funny but it just didn't cut it for me.

I think James is adorable (it's the British accent and chub, I think), but I also think he needs a sharper editor. I've seen just a few packaged clips of his and while they are GREAT, they've all been about 2-3 minutes too long. The recent car karaoke singalong with Stevie Wonder is a perfect example...it was so good, and there were a lot of great moments, but ten minutes? It was just too much. Keep it moving, Corden.

I think James is adorable (it's the British accent and chub, I think), but I also think he needs a sharper editor. I've seen just a few packaged clips of his and while they are GREAT, they've all been about 2-3 minutes too long. The recent car karaoke singalong with Stevie Wonder is a perfect example...it was so good, and there were a lot of great moments, but ten minutes? It was just too much. Keep it moving, Corden.


Actually, more like 11 minutes. (actually, 10:53).

I miss this kind of fun insanity. I'm hoping after Stephen's show gets going some changes get made on Corden's too. That's if the Late Show flows better then the Late Late Show has. 


Since it seems some fans of Craig Ferguson hang out in here at times, here is some good news: http://deadline.com/2015/09/craig-ferguson-join-or-die-history-series-1201531899/


To get more on topic - wow, an almost 11 minute video package on the LLS? That really is pretty crazy. What is he doing on "live" part of the show for all of that time while viewers/audience are watching? Admittedly, I have not really watched his version of the show.

Here is a video and a transcript of what Corden said about the shooting. "I can’t imagine what it would be like waving at my son or daughter as they leave that day for college and not seeing them return" -- this made me choke up.


In other Late Late Show news, Jack Hanna will be on the show Monday


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Corden opened his show Thursday with heartfelt words on the Oregon shooting... they were as heartfelt as Colbert's.


But that opening (which I assume was taped before an alread-taped show) was never posted online, and nobody noticed.

I saw it. It was very Craig Ferguson-esque, reminding me of when he used to have such openings. I wonder why Colbert, a day later, got all the attention.

I couldn't stand this show at first, but it's grown on me a lot. I love carpool karaoke, and I've been tuning in randomly (basically when there's a guest that I'm interested in), and it's gotten better and better, especially in the past few weeks. I loved his commentary on the "trans people in bathrooms" panic recently, and even his parents are amusing when they do their guest spots this week. I thought his musical number about, essentially, no one sticking around after Colbert's show, was both great and also sad-- I hope it goes viral to get him attention, but it also came across that the ratings must be really at a critical low (i.e. it was well-done, funny, charming, shows his talent, but also seemed desperate).


I do think that having multiple guests on the couch at the same time is a questionable format. Sometimes it works great but most of the time it just seems awkward and robs anyone from actually saying anything without seeming like they're shutting everyone else out. I wish they'd fix that, because it seems like an unnecessary element that could be changed easily enough. You see two people sitting stiffly and with a frozen smile, or chuckling in an obligatory way while someone else tells a story, and then Corden jumps to the next person and the others assume the frozen grin while they wait for their turn to come around. It's just awful.

Yeah, I'm still watching the show, and  I keep noticing this week that they've had repeat guests.


Anna Faris, LL Cool J and Christoph Waltz all made their second appearances on the show this week.


I mean, they are all worth guests with relevant stuff to promote.


But it made me wonder if they're exhausting their guest supply.

I just began watching this show a couple of weeks ago.  I DVR Corden, Meyers, Fallon, and Colbert.  My hubby, who is not particularly a comedy fan, says that he really enjoys Corden and Colbert.  He can't stand the other two.  Corden is very relatable, IMO, and I enjoy the banter between him and Reggie.

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