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S04.E27: The Understudies


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When Abby assigns Chloe and Kendall to be Maddie's understudies for the week, it prompts an idea from Holly to use a board to keep score of all the times Abby favors Maddie over the other children. As the number of tally marks increases, so does the tension between the moms and Abby. Meanwhile, Cathy and her Candy Apples are looking for their very first win against the ALDC this season and they've brought back Gino to help them get it.

Edited by OnceSane
Added episode description from the show website

Aaaaand...I'm officially out. I kept hanging in there because I like the girls and keep rooting for them, but I can no longer stand it. Abby is a horrible human being. She has nothing but nastiness for anyone not named Maddie. How those moms can keep subjecting their kids to this I don't know, but I do know there is absolutely NOTHING enjoyable about watching Dance Moms anymore.

  • Love 5

Did the children know that Abby was going to pull their dance? Was that part of the "scripted" reality show drama? I agree with the posters above that this is a horrible environment for those children. I think the moms are keeping them at the school because they're on TV and will gain valuable exposure. But at what cost? In my opinion, these girls are being emotionally abused--by Abby and their mothers.

  • Love 4

I'm not even assuming it's not an act. Frankly, I no longer care if this nightmare is 100 percent scripted to be nasty or if it's partly real. The thing is, it's awful tv at this point regardless. I don't get it. I feel like they're scripting it this way on purpose, and I can't for the life of me figure out why. Usually you script something to make it better, more of a ratings grabber. But this is at long last sending me on my way. If someone IS scripting the show like this, they ought to get their ass fired.

  • Love 5

Holy shit that was all kinds of ugly, even for this show. I too wonder how much is scripted, mainly because both Holly and Jill have been instagram-ing pictures of Kenzi, Mia, Maddie, and Kendall big time the last few days from wherever they are right now. I agree with the post above that if it IS scripted, that person needs to be fired, and if it's NOT scripted, these women are nuts to continue with this mess, contract or not.

  • Love 1

I'm not even assuming it's not an act. Frankly, I no longer care if this nightmare is 100 percent scripted to be nasty or if it's partly real. The thing is, it's awful tv at this point regardless. I don't get it. I feel like they're scripting it this way on purpose, and I can't for the life of me figure out why. Usually you script something to make it better, more of a ratings grabber. But this is at long last sending me on my way. If someone IS scripting the show like this, they ought to get their ass fired.

Yes!  No matter which way one looks at it, its bad!!!

I didn't think anything that happens on this show could still shock me....a new low, Abby.  Congratulations.


In addition to the vileness that is ALM, a couple of other things stuck out to me:


1.  Maddie's snapish "Well, it IS my solo" followed by an eyeroll.  Maddie, I'm sure there is still a sweet kid in there somewhere, please run away as fast as you can before Abby's spirit completely possesses you.


2.  Oh, Gianna.  My jaw hit the floor when you said "this is not your fault.  It's because YOUR mothers..." emphasis on "YOUR".  I wanted to reach in to the television and smack you. 


I know we've beat this subject to death on these boards but, if the girls are in on this horrible scripting, they are the best actresses in the world and they should all have their own web series.


Get a grip, Lifetime.  When you have viewers with their fingers crossed that a child will lose a dance competition you are doing something horribly wrong.

  • Love 8

When Abby was sitting all smug in the audience alone I knew she had pulled that dance.  But when she allowed those girls to get back stage and warm up only to hear it I was so angry.  Then Gianna telling them it was their because of their mothers.  I looked at my husband and daughter and told them no production crew would stop me from pulling her off that stage, packing up and going home.  There is no way my daughter would have been sitting on that stage smiling for the cameras during the awards when she was not even allowed to dance.  They could sue me for whatever was left on that contract because I would be done. 


Also, Gianna and Abby being ugly to Mac in the studio.  Two grown women picking on a little girl = vile, ugly, mean girls.


Sadly, I was hoping Maddie would lose because I thought Abby deserved it. 

  • Love 5

I find it so pathetic how quickly Abby reverts to "insult the children" during an argument.  She literally cannot hold a rational conversation with anyone if they are being the least bit critical.  She particularly struggles with Holly, who is actually really good at forming rational and calm arguments against Abby - you can tell Abby is intimidated and so reverts to the only thing she knows how to do: make horrible comments about the child involved, in this  case, Nia.  I've always thought Abby was mentally unwell, but lately it's getting so bad that she actually comes across as delusional.  Like everyone else has said - if this stuff is scripted, you have to wonder who in their right mind is scripting it.  


And who knows what is real in this show and what isn't.  Not that it matters but 

if you search 'kendal fool me twice' on youtube you can see that Kendal did, at some point, perform this solo.

  • Love 1

So Holly and Nia are still in the picture, touring and yucking it up with the rest of them? I guess I haven't been paying attention to their activities in real time. After last night, If that's true, Holly's moral authority just plummeted for this viewer. Why am I surprised? More important, why do I care?

Edited by RealityCowgirl
  • Love 1

I got the distinct idea that something else happened off camera (or on camera, but that they chose not to show) to make Holly that mad.  


To me, it was obviously not anything scripted because Holly was so mad she refused to talk in front of the cameras.  


I don't defend Abby, but it seemed what made Holly the maddest was when Abby said that she was not a little girl, she was 12 years old, she could have babies, etc.  I think Abby was trying to say that Nia was not a little girl and didn't need to be coddled, which, while it wasn't diplomatic, which Abby never is, I've heard her say worse and Holly hasn't seemed that mad.  The only thing I can think of was that by saying she could have babies now was that she was alluding to (or possibly specifically said, but was edited out) the fact that she can physically have babies now meant announcing to the television audience a specific pubescent event, which Holly saw as humiliating to her daughter, as I would have seen to mine as well.  I didn't take it that way---but maybe if that's what Abby was saying it would explain Holly's anger.


Either that, or she's been sitting on it for a LONG time, because I couldn't find the trigger with what was said this week any worse than what Abby said last week to Nia.  Actually, I thought last week was worse and it was far worse how Abby and Gia (who I used to like) were being really mean to Mackenzie.

You can tell Abby was the neighborhood BULLY growing up. She is NOTHING without these girls or Lifetime television, but a huge, angry, lard azz. Don't know why she hasn't had stomach surgery with all the money she has made. Maddie is not the best dancer, she is highly over-rated, over-exposed, and in fact, boring with that constipated look plastered on her face when she dances. That is NOT emotion. Ugh!

Abby: it was a low blow what you said about Nia having flat feet. She was born that way and you can't seem to accept physical imperfections. Look in the mirror UGLY!!

  • Love 3

I've said it before and I will say it again; Abby is nothing but a cowardly, pathetic bully. She was teased as a child and couldn't hack it as a dancer. By her own admission, her mom was always preoccupied with the dancers at her school, leaving Abby with her dad. So, as an adult, Abby will constantly use her power as an "instructor" to get her comeuppance on the kids that represent all she wasn't. She hates the moms because they are ten times more involved than her own mother and undermining the mother-daughter bond is all she knows. She reverts to criticising the girls because, intellectually, she can't formulate a logical argument. Abby claims to be trying to make employable dancers and independent , happy women- both things she is not. She needs to aim that criticism back on herself


  • Love 7

I soooooo wanted Gino to win last night and I wanted Candy Apples to win also.  That is the first time I was really rooting for Candy Apples.  Their dance looked really good and could have given ALDC a run for their money.  Which is probably the reason the group dance was pulled.


I really hope this is the last season.  I want Abby to take Maddie (since she is so great) and try to win group dances since no one else can compare.

I also want to take a moment to talk about Gianna. She's Abbys protege and I don't know how she sleeps at night either.


I used to like GIanna. I guess she got tired of not really being in the episodes and wanted to stand out more? Ganging up on Mackenzie with Abby was bad enough to make me dislike her. After the whole, "You guys aren't dancing because YOUR MOTHERS decided to tell Abby how horrible she is and since Abby is as mature as a toddler she decided to pull the dance instead of trying to have an actual discussion. Remember, Abby can't handle hearing the truth about her "methods" so we're going to pretend that it's YOUR MOTHERS fault and not Abby's. Blah blah blah YOUR MOTHERS" or whatever was said. Seriously, who spends that much time trying to make children hate their moms? I felt sick watching this whole episode. I only watched to the end because I wanted to see their group dance.

  • Love 2

Except that the number wasn't actually pulled. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2RNUYEeWkQ So the little scene with them standing in the wings confused and Gianna blaming their mothers was obviously staged.

So, watching that on my phone as a former high school dance team coach and not taking into consideration what I know about the people on this show, that performance was ok. Not great, definitely not exceptional, just watching it in a little screen, I saw all kinds of errors, and if that's Chloe on the far left, she's behind by a half count several times. There are other visual errors that I picked up on. I'm not a dance teacher, but I am very good at putting a dance together that has both great visual appeal and synchronization and that dance number above isn't even close in my opinion. As always though, YMMV.

Edited by missbonnie

I heard they were disqualified for using real fire on stage in the group number?  I saw that in the comments section last night on the facebook Dance Moms page.

You mean real fire?  I really hope that if they did, it was very contained and controlled by an adult (not Abby).  Also, it would seem that Abby or whoever is in charge of the dance would know that real fire is not acceptable and will get the group disqualified.

  • Love 2

I am not a regular viewer and a first time poster on this thread, so forgive me if this is subject has been done and done.  Having seen this show now and then,  it seems quite clear that every time Nia gets any sort of featured performance, the music and theme is always, for lack of a better word, "ethnic."  The most recent examples were the Native American dance, an acro number that had some sort of "urban" vocal behind it and the "Maya Angelou number" Abby took away to punish NIa's mom for speaking up (yeah, she did that to her own student.)  Is Abby such a dolt that she can't see that dance isn't race-specific?  For heaven sake, one of the most beautiful, accomplished and talented dancers ever is Misty Copeland, who is African American and dances classical ballets.   Am I wrong to find Abby, along with her other horrible traits, to be  a narrow-minded idiot or, perhaps, a racist? 

  • Love 5

Even Abby's hair scares me. And I do think she was afraid she was gonna lose to Cathy.


Which was what the mothers were saying.  Looks like no one pulled the number.




2.  Oh, Gianna.  My jaw hit the floor when you said "this is not your fault.  It's because YOUR mothers..." emphasis on "YOUR".  I wanted to reach in to the television and smack you. 


For me at this point, there is no difference between Abby and Gianna.  Gianna cannot hide behind Abby, she needs to own her nastiness.   I really noticed her nastiness when the mother was complaining about the solo with the stupid umbrella.  Gianna shut that down - without the umbrella there isn't a number!  She was a total bitch, and she doesn't seem to realize she's admitting they're more into tricks than choreography.


I got the distinct idea that something else happened off camera (or on camera, but that they chose not to show) to make Holly that mad.  


To me, it was obviously not anything scripted because Holly was so mad she refused to talk in front of the cameras.  



I think something obviously was edited out.  Abby has said much worse things about Nia than she has big flat feet.  I think she has even called her humped back.  I don't think it has anything to do with saying Nia isn't a child, and what that implies.  Something was removed.  For Holly to say a line had been crossed, and for all moms - even Melissa - to walk out in support, is a big deal.  I would like to think they edited it to protect Nia, but it's likely they edited it to protect their cash cow.


I am not a regular viewer and a first time poster on this thread, so forgive me if this is subject has been done and done.  Having seen this show now and then,  it seems quite clear that every time Nia gets any sort of featured performance, the music and theme is always, for lack of a better word, "ethnic."  The most recent examples were the Native American dance, an acro number that had some sort of "urban" vocal behind it and the "Maya Angelou number" Abby took away to punish NIa's mom for speaking up (yeah, she did that to her own student.)  Is Abby such a dolt that she can't see that dance isn't race-specific?  For heaven sake, one of the most beautiful, accomplished and talented dancers ever is Misty Copeland, who is African American and dances classical ballets.   Am I wrong to find Abby, along with her other horrible traits, to be  a narrow-minded idiot or, perhaps, a racist? 


It has been a frequent topic of discussion - not that that should keep you from discussing it now.  I cannot say if Abby's racist.  I do believe she's incredibly insensitive about race issues.  You may have missed the number Abby specially choreographed for Nia - it was called Laquifa.  She brought in a drag queen to inspire Nia and teach her a signature move.  Nia loved it and got a lot of praise for it, but she was portraying a sassy "working woman", practically strutting across the stage and snapping her fingers with attitude.  It was almost beyond description.  It can be viewed on youtube.

  • Love 1

First time poster...

Anyone know if Abby is Maddie's manager? If so, I don't see how this is beneficial to Maddie's dance career. Abby already has a bad reputation in the industry and I can't imagine anyone wanting to deal with Maddie if Abby is her manager.

At this point why not change this show to Maddie...Supah Star *jazz hands*. I hate seeing how Abby treats the other girls. It's shameful!

BluishGreen YES and I feel like it's gotten even worse. I almost threw something at the TV when she said what she did about the Maya Angelou piece. I found myself wondering if it ever even existed or if it was just the first nasty thing she could think of to throw out there that involved an African American person.

One of the more maddening things to me. Why doesn't she offer Nia a Madam Curie tribute? A Geraldine Ferraro tribute? A Margaret Thatcher tribute? A Madonna tribute? (Trusting you know what I'm trying to say.) Why doesn't Maddie honor Angelou? Or Kendall? She's influenced more than a few of us white girls, too.

Does she seriously look at Nia and only see skin color (and terrible feet)? Really? Is it some twisted attempt to send a message to her educated mother? Something equally repulsive?

Why Holly remains, especially after whatever went down during this competition, is baffling to me. What is her breaking point?

Edited by RealityCowgirl
  • Love 2

One of the more maddening things to me. Why doesn't she offer Nia a Madam Curie tribute? A Geraldine Ferraro tribute? A Margaret Thatcher tribute? A Madonna tribute? (Trusting you know what I'm trying to say.) Why doesn't Maddie honor Angelou? Or Kendall? She's influenced more than a few of us white girls, too.

Does she seriously look at Nia and only see skin color (and terrible feet)? Really? Is it some twisted attempt to send a message to her educated mother? Something equally repulsive?

Why Holly remains, especially after whatever went down during this competition, is baffling to me. What is her breaking point?


Exactly!  I know what you're saying. It's kind of a double edged sword I guess because I'm glad to see Nia get the spotlight sometimes but why it is almost always in some sort of "ethnic" role. She was (supposedly) finally getting to do a solo and guess what?  Tribute to Maya Angelou. Not that Maya doesn't deserve a tribute dance but geez... that just seemed so blatant to me. I often find myself wondering if Abby would even do these dances if she didn't have her token "non-white" child to put on stage and it really bothers me.


On the total opposite end of the spectrum it got me thinking about a really powerful dance that I saw at our State Fair of all places. It was a military tribute type of thing performed by kids around the ages of the girls on this show.  Like most dance groups they had more female than male dancers, but they were still able to choreograph it in a way that worked. Very mixed racially as well. The DANCING was beautiful, the MESSAGE was beautiful - it didn't matter that sometimes the races and genders of the kids didn't meet the typical stereotypes. To me that's how it should be.


As for why Holly (or any of the Moms really) would keep her child there - no idea, but it's really upsetting. I think after tonight I'm going to have to stop watching this show. It's just gotten so over the top, and the 'scoreboard' they made may have been kind of juvenile but it made the point. They were trying to make a point to Abby but I hope they made a point to themselves too.

Edited by NikSac
I think something obviously was edited out.  Abby has said much worse things about Nia than she has big flat feet.  I think she has even called her humped back.  I don't think it has anything to do with saying Nia isn't a child, and what that implies.  Something was removed.  For Holly to say a line had been crossed, and for all moms - even Melissa - to walk out in support, is a big deal.

I was wondering if I missed a scene, because I didn't see what happened to set Holly off either.  Abby was her usual nasty self, but it didn't seem like she went beyond her usual crap.  I was only half paying attention though.


I don't think Abby is racist, just really ignorant and insensitive to racial issues.  She's still a terrible person though.  I wonder if she ever has a normal conversation, or does she treat everyone in her life like she does the moms/girls.  Does she have actual friends? 

the 'scoreboard' they made may have been kind of juvenile but it made the point. They were trying to make a point to Abby but I hope they made a point to themselves too.

Now that is the one thing that I definitely felt like the mom's handled this wrong. First of all, it's fine to do it in the studio but turn the damned board around so the kids can't see it! And then, to drag that thing to the competition and set it up in the dressing room, again in full view of the girls, was just asking for a scene in my opinion.

  • Love 1

It's interesting to me that they go to competitions all over the country, but very interesting that the different venues have the same auditorium seats. I paid special attention last week to the blue fabric seats where Abby and the Moms were sitting, and sure enough they were the same. I think previously someone else noticed the same red seats week after week. So I'm guessing these audience segments are filmed at a few locations with some extras paid to "fill out" the crowd in the background.

What does this mean? It's fakety-fake, fake, fake. Obviously if the MOST SHOCKING plot twist is a fake, and the audience scenes are fake, we're just watching a one-hour drama, which should be up for an Emmy Award for its brilliant use of pathos and evil.


I do think she was afraid she was gonna lose to Cathy.

Apparently there were some really good studios there. Considering Cathy's got 4th, Abby's might not have got top 5. I think that's the true reason she pulled it. She didn't pull it until after the Candy Apples performed.



Oh, Gianna.  My jaw hit the floor when you said "this is not your fault.  It's because YOUR mothers..." emphasis on "YOUR".  I wanted to reach in to the television and smack you.

She's a nasty piece of work, that woman. She makes plenty of nasty horrible quips about the kids (bar Maddie of course). Like a bitchy mini-Abby.


The fact that she can physically have babies now meant announcing to the television audience a specific pubescent event, which Holly saw as humiliating to her daughter, as I would have seen to mine as well.

That is exactly what I thought it was too. Also the fact Abby is talking about a 12 year old having kids, totally inappropriate.



I heard they were disqualified for using real fire on stage in the group number?

I'm fairly certain that was just a rumour. Abby pulled the dance before the awards, so they danced then pulled it.

Edited by Rhondinella

I’m wondering if the editors are just completely over Abby at the point- One of my favorite shots of the episode was Abby saying, “I’m not gonna say her name, but the kid in the orange” and then they show Kendall wearing pink.


But my favorite line of the episode was Abby complaining to the girls about the white board: “I know exactly how many kids that I have gotten out of Pittsburgh who are now successful. Lots of them.”


Quality counting ability, Abby. Go you.

  • Love 2

I finally got around to watching this episode (ok, it was dvr'd so I fast forwarded through a lot of the crap) and I think that this is really the end.  The contracts are up and the moms, except the ass kisser Melissa, are so over Abby and her shit.

IF this show continues, it will be with another group of children whose parents are willing to sell their children for tv $$$$.

I'm all about conspiracy theories on this one, too, after seeing video of the ALDC dance. I know zero about dance, but this one felt like nothing special at all. The fact that Cathy's ended up being fourth (in a contest of varying degrees of possible fakery) has me thinking old Abby was headed for an epic fail on this one - and she knew it.

  • Love 1

I’m wondering if the editors are just completely over Abby at the point- One of my favorite shots of the episode was Abby saying, “I’m not gonna say her name, but the kid in the orange” and then they show Kendall wearing pink.


But my favorite line of the episode was Abby complaining to the girls about the white board: “I know exactly how many kids that I have gotten out of Pittsburgh who are now successful. Lots of them.”


Quality counting ability, Abby. Go you.

See, when Abby made that comment about the kid in the orange and they showed Kendall, I was thinking she wasn't even talking about Kendall and it was more editing and a kid in pink was as close as they could get.  Really, I shouldn't be this confused after watching a show.  I would love to know what really happened between Holly and Abby.  

Which was what the mothers were saying.  Looks like no one pulled the number.



For me at this point, there is no difference between Abby and Gianna.  Gianna cannot hide behind Abby, she needs to own her nastiness.   I really noticed her nastiness when the mother was complaining about the solo with the stupid umbrella.  Gianna shut that down - without the umbrella there isn't a number!  She was a total bitch, and she doesn't seem to realize she's admitting they're more into tricks than choreography.



I think something obviously was edited out.  Abby has said much worse things about Nia than she has big flat feet.  I think she has even called her humped back.  I don't think it has anything to do with saying Nia isn't a child, and what that implies.  Something was removed.  For Holly to say a line had been crossed, and for all moms - even Melissa - to walk out in support, is a big deal.  I would like to think they edited it to protect Nia, but it's likely they edited it to protect their cash cow.



It has been a frequent topic of discussion - not that that should keep you from discussing it now.  I cannot say if Abby's racist.  I do believe she's incredibly insensitive about race issues.  You may have missed the number Abby specially choreographed for Nia - it was called Laquifa.  She brought in a drag queen to inspire Nia and teach her a signature move.  Nia loved it and got a lot of praise for it, but she was portraying a sassy "working woman", practically strutting across the stage and snapping her fingers with attitude.  It was almost beyond description.  It can be viewed on youtube.


I don't understand the difference between "racist" and "racially insensitive". In this day and age, no one under age 50 is ignorant (as in, not knowing) about racial stereotypes. Even if it can be argued that some people are from small towns and don't know, ignorance still can't be claimed on Abby's behalf because Holly has educated Abby many times about stereotyping. We know that Abby knows about her racist behavior because we've seen Holly tell Abby about her behavior. Therefore, it is intentional racism, not ignorance. In this entire series, Nia has only had 1 solo that wasn't "ethnic" - and that 1 solo only came about because Holly pitched a fit about Nia being given "ethnic" solos. If all Abby sees in Nia is her skin color, then that is racism because she has reduced all of who Nia is to just her race. I don't see what Abby has to do, short of calling Nia the "n-word", to prove that she's racist.

  • Love 6

I don't understand the difference between "racist" and "racially insensitive". In this day and age, no one under age 50 is ignorant (as in, not knowing) about racial stereotypes. Even if it can be argued that some people are from small towns and don't know, ignorance still can't be claimed on Abby's behalf because Holly has educated Abby many times about stereotyping. We know that Abby knows about her racist behavior because we've seen Holly tell Abby about her behavior. Therefore, it is intentional racism, not ignorance. In this entire series, Nia has only had 1 solo that wasn't "ethnic" - and that 1 solo only came about because Holly pitched a fit about Nia being given "ethnic" solos. If all Abby sees in Nia is her skin color, then that is racism because she has reduced all of who Nia is to just her race. I don't see what Abby has to do, short of calling Nia the "n-word", to prove that she's racist.

Well, racists believe in racism, which means that they believe their race is superior to other races. Racism is also hatred or intolerance of other races. I don't think Abby thinks white people are superior nor that she hates black people. I do think she's insensitive and ignorant. She can't see past the fact that Nia is black and that Jade is Asian, so she pigeonholes them into ethnic roles. She probably is aware of stereotyping but either doesn't know she's doing it or doesn't care. Probably both. 


There's a thing called a "microaggression" which is really quite interesting. It's defined as "a social exchange in which a member of a dominant culture says or does something, often by accident, that belittles and alienates a member of a marginalized group". Kinda like assuming all Asian people like rice. Not outright "whites are better than Asians" racism but still ends up stereotyping them and alienating them into the "other" category. It's very insensitive and ignorant to make such assumptions and treat them like they're all the same. So Abby I don't think has ever been racist per se towards Nia, but ignorant about the fact that not all black people are like LaQueefa or whatever. Nia can portray more characters than just black people, and you and I know that, but Abby can't fathom such an idea so she continues to push Nia into the "black people" category just as she pushed Jade into the "Asian people" category having her do that far East solo.


I don't know how else to explain what I'm trying to say but I do believe there's a difference. 

  • Love 4

At this point I believe 100% that Abby is racist.


And beyond the Maya Angelou remark, I really think the "she can have children" comment was racially motivated.  I highly doubt she would've made that comment about Chloe, Kendall or Maddie (and I don't think that has anything to do with their relatively pubescence).


I only have to sit through this shit because my wife still likes it from a "can't look away from the train-wreck" perspective and my daughters like watching the dancing.  But I find this show thoroughly not only un-entertaining, I find it outright repulsive at this point.  It's just so creatively and dramatically bankrupt.  

  • Love 3

Well, racists believe in racism, which means that they believe their race is superior to other races. Racism is also hatred or intolerance of other races. I don't think Abby thinks white people are superior nor that she hates black people. I do think she's insensitive and ignorant. She can't see past the fact that Nia is black and that Jade is Asian, so she pigeonholes them into ethnic roles. She probably is aware of stereotyping but either doesn't know she's doing it or doesn't care. Probably both. 


There's a thing called a "microaggression" which is really quite interesting. It's defined as "a social exchange in which a member of a dominant culture says or does something, often by accident, that belittles and alienates a member of a marginalized group". Kinda like assuming all Asian people like rice. Not outright "whites are better than Asians" racism but still ends up stereotyping them and alienating them into the "other" category. It's very insensitive and ignorant to make such assumptions and treat them like they're all the same. So Abby I don't think has ever been racist per se towards Nia, but ignorant about the fact that not all black people are like LaQueefa or whatever. Nia can portray more characters than just black people, and you and I know that, but Abby can't fathom such an idea so she continues to push Nia into the "black people" category just as she pushed Jade into the "Asian people" category having her do that far East solo.


I don't know how else to explain what I'm trying to say but I do believe there's a difference. 


Microagressions are a type of racism - it's called aversive racism.

  • Love 1

At this point I believe 100% that Abby is racist.

And beyond the Maya Angelou remark, I really think the "she can have children" comment was racially motivated. I highly doubt she would've made that comment about Chloe, Kendall or Maddie (and I don't think that has anything to do with their relatively pubescence).

Actually, that's not a terrible leap with this one. Especially if intended to put her highly educated (and completely intimidating to the witch) mother "in her place." Good point.

On that topic, I can't help but imagine making Holly completely lose it might be the biggest thrill of all for the beast. The fact Holly usually can't be provoked in the same way the others can - and responds in ways that Beasty can't handle - seems to really get to her.

Edited by RealityCowgirl
  • Love 2


I would like to think they edited it to protect Nia, but it's likely they edited it to protect their cash cow.

It's happened before. There was a scene this season where Abby says something to Abby, and then they zoom into a very upset looking Chloe. There is an obvious voiceover (never see Abby say it and the acoustics are different) with Abby saying "Chloe, you are a lovely girl, this wasn't your fault." However, it has been reported that Abby actually got right into Chloe's face and screamed that she will "destroy her" and that's the reason Chloe was actually crying.



Anyone know if Abby is Maddie's manager? 

I think she "manages" all the girls except Chloe. She gets a percentage of their earnings. If I was Melissa, I would be getting a much better and more experienced manager for Maddie, especially as she is riding the Chandelier wave.


Spoiler about upcoming dance and results re Nia.

The Maya Angelou piece will be competed next episode I am pretty sure. Nia gets 1st, beating Kendall and Lucas from Candy Apples. Go Nia!

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