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S05.E05: The Custard-y Battle

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Damn, has there ever been an episode on this show that they haven't mentioned farts?  They are the most fart obsessed family I've ever seen.  I shudder to think of how their houses smell.  

How can Amy say they were left with nothing but their clothes when she pretty much cleared out their bank account?  It looks like Michael left them everything.  He just removed himself.  And she's still crying at the drop of a hat.  You know what they say, "Watch what you wish for, or you will surely get it."

It really breaks my heart seeing Caleb.  He seemed like a really nice guy.   

Edited by swankie
Added another thought.
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I'm shocked at how much moving around Tammy is doing, and how positive she is.      

Amy melting the plastic tablecloth with the hot pan was funny, I know a lot of people who have done that. (Confession time, my house had a real wood table, but to protect it there was always a plastic cover with a thin foam backing.  Those poor table cloths quickly had melted rings on them, and I don't think any lasted more than a few months).   

However, their choice of foods is horribly unhealthy.   That bacon was thick, and almost all fat.  And it's a nice idea not to charcoal the onions.    

Of course Michael lied about doing everything for the kids, he doesn't want anything less than 50/50 custody, so he won't have to pay child support.   I'm shocked he's not suing for full custody of the kids, as a bargaining chip to get the house or something else he wants.   It's a common tactic. 

I guess no one told Chris that the chickens will only lay one egg per day, and only during the best part of laying season.  You also need to supplement with chicken feed, and water too.   That rabbit hutch turned coop is way too small for five chickens.  I'm hoping it's just a storyline, and the chickens actually have a much better situation somewhere else.    

Tammy at the Gyno is grossing me out because of Amy's behavior about everything Tammy says to the doctor.  Amy's attitude is bizarre since her entire life has been centered on having kids, it's not right for her to get an attitude to Tammy talking about the same thing.   



Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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I think parties are surprised in child custody court cases when the judge sees things differently than they do. The hands on parent feels the other parent, who may have not handled bathing, meals, homework, one-on-one time, etc., should be resigned to that schedule indefinitely. Sort of like, you snooze you lose, however many judges think the child has a right to be with each parent equally, so 50/50 time is presumed, unless there is unfitness.  And, the uninvolved parent will just need to learn how to do those things and step into those roles during their time.  The court considers it wrong to punish the child, by depriving them of time with either parent.  But, they’ll probably figure it by agreement.  Better the parents make their decisions on this, because often the court order makes neither party happy.  Also, the way Amy is struggling…..if Michael request a mental health evaluation of her, it could put her case at risk.  I could see him arguing her stability is of concern.  

I agree that despite weight loss, the family doesn’t seem to have a different relationship with food.  It’s like feast or deprivation. I don’t see longterm success with that mentality.  And, I can’t see them providing healthy eating habits for the kids.  It’s just a disconnect.  

Caleb really seemed to need therapy to deal with his food disorder.  He admitted he could not control it.  It’s a  very sad situation. 


Edited by SunnyBeBe
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11 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:


Of course Michael lied about doing everything for the kids, he doesn't want anything less than 50/50 custody, so he won't have to pay child support.   




This. Seen it so many times. The uninvolved Dad says he wants full custody (to get support from the Mom & just to punish her) and/or asks for 50/50.  All so he doesn't get stuck with child support payments. Then, he moves in with his parents and Grandma ends up raising the kid(s.)

And yes-enough with the fart jokes. Never seen someone outside of Middle School be so obsessed with bodily functions.

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12 hours ago, swankie said:

Damn, has there ever been an episode on this show that they haven't mentioned farts?  They are the most fart obsessed family I've ever seen.  I shudder to think of how their houses smell.  <snip>


3 minutes ago, Pi237 said:


And yes-enough with the fart jokes. Never seen someone outside of Middle School be so obsessed with bodily functions.


I don't want to hear potty humor from anyone over the age of 9.

I also am tired of one of them saying something they think is funny, and then bursting into laughter. 

Most people have learned — before they reach adulthood — if they say something that's funny, they don't need to prompt others to laugh by laughing themselves. 

 You can't make people think something you've said is funny. If you find other people usually don't laugh at your "jokes," that's your cue you're not as funny as you think you are. 

Do we hear the production crew laughing in the background when either Tammy or Amy make "jokes" about bodily functions? 


You'd think after five seasons they'd have gotten a clue by now... 

34 minutes ago, Quof said:

It's hard to be active at that weight.  Maybe she was sexually passive. 

At the time she said she could be pregnant, my thought was "Not unless Caleb's penis is two feet long you're not." 

  • LOL 9
9 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

Did he really say they eat 80 eggs per week?  And depending what they are cooked in double yikes.

I know, yikes.  How many people are in Chris's household besides him and his wife?  There might be a grandchild or two or a kid or two.  Even if it's six people in the house, that's 13 eggs per week per person.  The usual recommendation is no more than seven eggs weekly.

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1 hour ago, TwirlyGirly said:

Tammy at the Ob/Gyn:

Ob/Gyn: Have you been sexually active?

Tammy: No. 

Also Tammy, a few minutes later: I could be pregnant. 

TwirlyGirly (that's ME!): Does Tammy know how sexual reproduction works? 🤔

Even better, she thinks she’s pregnant because she craves water lol.  Um pregnancy cravings are odd.

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4 hours ago, mytmo said:

Did I hear right where Amy said Michael is staying at his mother's?  Why is she crammed up at Tammy's when her own house is free?  I know I know she needs help but what happened to the part-time nanny option?  She has to be the most immature person I've seen on tv. 

I agree that she's immature; I also think she's the least intelligent of the siblings, by far.  
I hope the others will take time to be around the boys often.

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6 hours ago, mytmo said:

Did I hear right where Amy said Michael is staying at his mother's?  Why is she crammed up at Tammy's when her own house is free?  I know I know she needs help but what happened to the part-time nanny option?  She has to be the most immature person I've seen on tv. 

But jeez, the condition of that house! I can’t blame Michael for wanting out of there. And then we saw Tammy dust-mopping and cleaning her own house. Tammy can clean up after kids who aren’t hers, but Amy apparently can’t clean up after herself and her kids. That’s a plot twist I wouldn’t have bet on.

I don’t know how custody cases work, but Amy better think about getting a cleaner or cleaning up herself in case a social worker or case evaluator comes by. 

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I would think Amy would welcome Michael having joint custody of the kids since her whole problem according to her is being overwhelmed with taking care of both babies.  She wants total control of the kids but falls apart when she has it.  I hope for the sake of those kids that the judge does give 50/50 custody to both parents.  Michael's mom has to be better than Amy's situation. Right?

Edited by swankie
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2 hours ago, Mollywolly555 said:

I was surprised the doctor didn't say that was a sign of diabetes.  Or needing hydration. Or dry air. Or summer. 

Or too many salty snacks.

1 hour ago, swankie said:

Michael's mom has to be better than Amy's situation. Right?

But look how Michael turned out.  At least it’s not Amy’s mom though.

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So Amy doesn't really want to divorce Michael; she just wanted him to "chase after her"?  Okay...

Good for him for being proactive and filing first.  He's getting thrown under the bus here.  Hope he gets custard-y and keeps those sweet boys off tee-vee, at least half the time.

Now they've ALL had WLS (at least once).  Is this supposed to be the new "One Ton Family"?

Amy.  STOP CRYING.  Half the time, you don't even produce tears.  I loved when she was obviously working up to it, Tammy called her on it ("now you're going to cry, as usual"), and she immediately dried up.  I see you, Amy!

Finally, why does "Team Kentucky: Department for Economic Development" appear at the beginning and end of every show.  Is the state of Kentucky, in addition to TLC, paying them to talk about farts?  Our tax dollars at work!


Edited by Dibs
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1 hour ago, Quof said:

Maybe the state views it as a tourism advertisement. 

Admittedly know nothing, but I do believe filming TV shows and movies can be an economic plus to communities. Maybe not so much this low budget sh**show, but the crew and directors have to eat, sleep, etc in the community they film in. Any money they bring into local businesses is good. 

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4 hours ago, Dibs said:

Now they've ALL had WLS (at least once).

And three of the four sisters have been divorced.  

4 hours ago, Dibs said:

Finally, why does "Team Kentucky: Department for Economic Development" appear at the beginning and end of every show.  Is the state of Kentucky, in addition to TLC, paying them to talk about farts?  Our tax dollars at work!

Shows shot in Georgia do this too.  They give tax breaks to attract shows to shoot there.

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I've seen the state logos on shows filmed in Georgia (called the Hollywood of the South), Kentucky, and (Love it or List It) North Carolina.   The shows individually might not be a big money maker, but iif you get a bunch of movie and TV filming going on, the state will make a bundle off of permits for filming, tax revenue from hotels, film production facilites, etc. and if facilities are there, many other films and TV projects may consider the state for filming.    

I'm sure the companies that allow filming on their premises are regretting it though.    I'm glad the courthouse wouldn't allow filming inside.   There is no reason other people having hearings should have a camera crew documenting their court procedings.   

I think Tammy sees Amy with the two boys, and desperately wants to be a mom.  The ridicule that Tammy was subjected to by Amy was mean.   Tammy didn't have to take her in, with two babies, but she did.   Amy is ungrateful, and mean.   She's jealous of Tammy getting attention, and trying to cut her down. 

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On 1/10/2024 at 2:21 PM, LeesburgLee said:

But jeez, the condition of that house! I can’t blame Michael for wanting out of there. And then we saw Tammy dust-mopping and cleaning her own house. Tammy can clean up after kids who aren’t hers, but Amy apparently can’t clean up after herself and her kids. That’s a plot twist I wouldn’t have bet on.


Cannot blame Michael for wanting out of the messy house? He looks able-bodied and capable of cleaning. Cleaning isn't considered women's work anymore. 

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On 1/10/2024 at 8:41 AM, TwirlyGirly said:

Tammy at the Ob/Gyn:

Ob/Gyn: Have you been sexually active?

Tammy: No. 

Also Tammy, a few minutes later: I could be pregnant. 

TwirlyGirly (that's ME!): Does Tammy know how sexual reproduction works? 🤔

IKR?? Seems more likely she's diabetic.

Edited by goofygirl
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4 hours ago, Showthyme said:

Cannot blame Michael for wanting out of the messy house? He looks able-bodied and capable of cleaning. Cleaning isn't considered women's work anymore. 

Michael works full-time.  Guess he's supposed to do his job AND Amy's job.  I didn't like Amy from Day One -- she was pulling those water works in the very first show -- and I was right!

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6 hours ago, Dibs said:

Michael works full-time.  Guess he's supposed to do his job AND Amy's job.  I didn't like Amy from Day One -- she was pulling those water works in the very first show -- and I was right!

Michael is unemployed.   Apparently he quit or whatever happened before this season started.   However, since he was on camera, I'm guessing anyone we see on camera gets a paycheck.   At least I hope they all get paid for humiliating themselves on national TV.  However, I think hauling Amy around (she can't drive because of her eyesight), and performing on TV is a job.   

I think Amy just wanted Michael to beg her to stay, instead he just walked into the attorney's office, and the courthouse.    I suspect the reality of a modern day divorce isn't what Amy thought she would get, judging from her constant crying about Michael filing first, and being stunned about the way the first hearing went.   I'm just glad the local courts don't allow cameras, because that would only encourage bad behavior for the show.  

I just worry about the little boys, and how their being raised, and fed.   I think the kids deserve better than growing up without boundaries, and with being treated as a prop on a TV show.    I guess I know what their first words are, and it starts with a B.  

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4 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

I think Amy just wanted Michael to beg her to stay, instead he just walked into the attorney's office, and the courthouse.    I suspect the reality of a modern day divorce isn't what Amy thought she would get, judging from her constant crying about Michael filing first, and being stunned about the way the first hearing went.   I'm just glad the local courts don't allow cameras, because that would only encourage bad behavior for the show.  

I think she's having a mental health crisis, and it's painful to watch. That being said, she was gone a month, and had Michael sued for divorce the moment she left, she surely would have been notified, wouldn't she? So they both waited and around the one month mark, and he decided it was over (probably especially since filming had begun and she hadn't sought to film with him). 

Like Amy, he probably has more competent people in his life guiding him, and I hope his mother is one of them if she is going to be caring for the kids. I hope Amy's family and the show producers are also aware of how airing her breakdowns may affect custody matters.  Not a case I'd want to handle if I were a judge. 

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17 hours ago, Showthyme said:

Cannot blame Michael for wanting out of the messy house? He looks able-bodied and capable of cleaning. Cleaning isn't considered women's work anymore. 

My apologies, I didn’t mean for it to read like Michael didn’t own part of the cleaning up - yes, he does, or did while he was living there. Even Amy doesn’t appear to want to live in the house.

But “messy” seems to follow Amy around. As I remember it, her house was a mess pre-kids, when Michael was working. The house was a mess while Michael wasn’t working and is still a mess now that he’s been gone. Now she's staying with Tammy and Tammy is cleaning up after her and her kids. Amy seems to be the common factor.


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On 1/12/2024 at 12:05 AM, swankie said:

I was wondering how that was possible after only a week after WLS.  Surely she hasn't lost enough weight in a week to affect her blood sugar levels.  As a type 2 diabetic that confused me.  🤔

I'm wondering if the 'week after surgery' scene was actually longer after surgery?  The sisters were moving around very easily for someone a week after major surgery.   

(I had a DaVinci gall bladder removal last January, I wasn't running around a week later the way Amanda and MIsty were.  Actually, a month later I was really peppy, but still not running around the way Amanda and MIsty were)  

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I'm also getting tired of all the laughing at things that aren't all that funny.  The thing that really struck me funny was Chris's remark about the toothless and bald in Kentucky dating profile.  They're right about Michael, but on the other hand I doubt anyone ever went to their dentist and asked for the Amy Slaton smile.  Speaking of Amy, I'm all for self-expression but I don't think go to court with blue hair for something as important as custody of my children just in case I got a super conservative judge. 

Another funny thing was Chris saying Brittany wanted a cute chicken coop in the back yard.  Their yard and the yards around them aren't exactly professionally landscaped so it struck me funny, but good for them for trying. 

It seems like we're seeing a lot of TLC driven plot lines.  Last week it was taking the little boys to the sushi restaurant and this week it was when the girls went to the house and Amy walked right to the closet and took out the bag with her wedding dress in it.  Naturally she starts crying so of course her sisters take it out of the bag so she has to look at it.  It just seemed so fake to me.

It was nice to see Tammy cleaning.  It finally hit me that besides her weight loss one of the things that's making her look so much better is that her glasses help cover the bulge in her forehead or maybe it's just getting smaller.  Either way, her face looks good.



Edited by Abmis
correcting wording
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The forehead bulge on Tammy is definitely smaller.   I guess when she lost so much weight that the forehead bulge is much smaller now.     I'm so happy for Tammy, she really turned her life around.  Now the struggle will be to maintain her positive attitude, and keep losing weight.   

Keeping with her diet will be tough with the family culture of eating low value food, with lots of calories, but I know Tammy will be able to do it.   I'm hoping Tammy can move somewhere without her family.   Maybe some kind of independent living with transportation and amenities, and close to medical care for her many issues. 

I have to admit I was shocked that Tammy's claiming to have an IUD in for 12 years.   I didn't know that was possible. 

She's looking smaller than some of the others.   I was really amazed at how healthy her attitude was in this episode.    I hope Amanda and Misty will take this opportunity to change their lives too.  I'm so happy Misty's diabetes is under control, and she's off all of the medications. 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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