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S09.E15: Beyond the Valley of the Southern Dolls

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Whitney throws a bash to celebrate his new man cave; Shep finally works through his feelings with Taylor; Austen confronts Olivia about simmering tensions; the party goes south when Austen and JT go head to head.

Air date: 01.04.24

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Lort.  These people!!

JT: Find someone else to slobber over and think about.  You're a cute little guy, find some cute little girl. No Tall girl's gonna go there UNTIL you have a bazillion dollars.  Until then, find some one vertically matched with you.

Austen, you're a douchecanoe.  Just admit it.  BUT... Compared to JT, you might be a butthair ahead. Wow.  What an accomplishment.

BRAVO: Shut this shit down.  It's boring AF.

Shep: My feelings are hurt but Austen deserves this..."

Deserves WHUT?  JT kicking his knees?? MORONS. The lot of them.

Edited by goofygirl
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Austin thought that Olivia should apologize to him! He is delusional!

Poor JT embarrassed himself with Taylor. I felt bad for him.

Austin pushed JT first, and then JT headbutted him. 

Shep, Paige, JT, and even Austin followed the Valley of the Dolls theme. The rest, not really. 

We just saw the female version of Austin in his sister!

According to the previews of the reunion Taylor was sexting Whitney (who is a producer), and maybe having sex with him. This seems to me that she is desperate to remain on the show because she tried Shep, Austin (two main cast members), and then Whitney. 

Edited by ZettaK
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29 minutes ago, ZettaK said:

According to the previews of the reunion Taylor was sexting Whitney (who is a producer), and maybe having sex with him.

Wasn’t she sending him full frontal nudes early in the season?  So how is this supposed to be shocking?  I just don’t get four guys fighting over dull annoying Taylor.

Edited by MrBuhBye
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1 hour ago, ZettaK said:

Austin thought that Olivia should apologize to him! He is delusional!

I don't know.  Olivia is sending mixed signals.  She's all kee keeing and "let's hang out" and "I'm getting out of my bra" when they are alone and then swats him with bear claws whenever they're in the group.  Olivia is getting on my nerves. And why does Leva act like a licensed shrink?  She's always annoyed me too.  Don't get me wrong, I agree Austen is a major shit heel but he isn't the one who dumped Taylor...Shep did.  So why is Austen being blamed for everything?  And why is it ok for JT to go after Taylor but if Austen shows her some attention he's breaking bro code?  Are JT and Shep not friends?  I'm so confused. 

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So much fraud in this season finale.

First of all, few if any of them know the UK Mods of the early '60s.

Second, there's no shop in Charleston with those costumes.  They have a stylist or costumes person sourcing them from some company stocking costumes for an Austin Powers knockoff.

I don't know South Carolina liquor license laws.  That bar is suppose to be a business?  Well he can claim this party was just some casual get together.  But production footed the bill for the booze and catering obviously.  That bar may have been a set.

Then JT declaring his love.  Why would he do that on TV and at an event with all these other people hovering nearby?  The cameras were set up, one on her and one on him, all with the background out of focus.  How many takes did they do, after lining up the cameras and lighting, blocking the scene?

Than the confrontation.  They had cameras again set up, one on JT and one on Austen.  But no footage of the head butt or the punch?  Why wouldn't they show that if the cameras caught it?  Why wouldn't the cameras have caught it, they had at least two cameras on each of their faces up to the supposed physical strikes.

Bravo is going to keep making this show.  Next season, will they even try to continue with these story lines?  Maybe Madison will get pregnant.  But will they still keep trying to pretend all this sexual/romantic turmoil around Taylor/Olivia/Austen?

Or will they come up with some other crap, probably Austen will be dating someone else.  If Craig and Paige are each continuing to do cameos on each other's shows, they will carry on that charade.

Maybe find another love interest for Olivia too so that she can stop playing the angry spurned woman.

Fortunately this season didn't become another stupid Scandoval or whatever.  Doesn't mean they won't keep trying.  Maybe have some "juicy" IG posts or something again like the Austen threesome BS.



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2 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

Wasn’t she sending him full frontal nudes early in the season?  So how is this supposed to be shocking?  I just don’t get four guys fighting over dull annoying Taylor.

She did, to Whitney, and other guys. I agree she is boring, and not that attractive either. I think she was pretending she was nice (when with Shep), and the facade disappeared soon after. Shep told her tonight he is not interested in being with her again. Austin doesn't seem interested in her, it doesn't matter if he said he loved her, it looks fake to me. As for Whitney, he is not with her, or showed any interest on the show at least. Only JT seems to really want to be with her. 

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2 hours ago, swankie said:

I don't know.  Olivia is sending mixed signals.  She's all kee keeing and "let's hang out" and "I'm getting out of my bra" when they are alone and then swats him with bear claws whenever they're in the group.  Olivia is getting on my nerves. And why does Leva act like a licensed shrink?  She's always annoyed me too.  Don't get me wrong, I agree Austen is a major shit heel but he isn't the one who dumped Taylor...Shep did.  So why is Austen being blamed for everything?  And why is it ok for JT to go after Taylor but if Austen shows her some attention he's breaking bro code?  Are JT and Shep not friends?  I'm so confused. 

Olivia was sending mixed signals to Austin. I suspect she was performing for the Bravo cameras in order to create a dramatic storyline. As for JT, he was breaking bro code, as well. He is supposedly Shep's friend, but even Shep was concerned and bothered with Austin only. I guess there are levels of friendship, and unfortunately, nobody in this group takes JT seriously.

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This lot need to find someone  outside  of the group to tumble/fumble with.

I don't  care for  Austin, but JT seems to be in love with Taylor and Austin,  he's obsessed  with them both. When he got on a chair to be level  with Austin, I laughed  out loud. Who does that? I'll give Austin  his due, he's put up with a lot from mouthy JT.

The best part, was Peaches  telling Whitney to bug off, in her own cute way, smart girl.

I hope the reunion  is better  than this season. Love ya Craig x2.

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Oh JT, I know it’s hard to accept that she’s not just into you, but that is it. It happened to Rod earlier in the season too, and he just let it go.

But I will forever like him for calling out Austen for the piece of shit that he is. If Austen “gets the girl,” then it must be really slim pickings in Charleston, huh? Aside from the chance of getting onto the show, I’m not sure what self-respecting women would see in this abomination, along with his stupid podcast and stupid beer. I can’t help but laugh when Whitney was like “eh, sure…” when Austen came with his stupid beer and he said to Whitney, “let’s stock you up!” Sure, Austen, Whitney is just dying to have your stupid beer along with his fancy, expensive 20-year old whiskeys that was especially procured for him.

Cut the cord Olivia. At this point obviously you won’t/can’t have a civil, friendly relationship with Austen without all those bad feelings resurfacing. You don’t need that douche in your life. I cheered you when you told him to his face “look at the trail of pissed off women you left behind.” I was expecting to see a montage of women from his pre-Southern Charm girlfiend to Chelsea to Victoria to Madison and then her and Taylor. Austen is a slut, and at this point there really is no redeeming quality to him. 

This show really scraped the barrel when they decided to make Austen the focal point of the season. 

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Austen is so full of himself! He talks like he’s THE hottest man around. 
I felt for JT.  He genuinely likes Taylor, but he’s a good guy (imho), and Taylor only dates assholes, which makes sense, as she seems to value herself so little. There’s a story there. Her family seemed like nice people, so why is Taylor’s self-esteem so low? 
She really dug herself a hole where Shep’s concerned.  Now that Taylor has exposed her herself—literally and figuratively, they can only ever be friends. He’s not bringing her into his family.

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9 hours ago, ZettaK said:

We just saw the female version of Austin in his sister!

When they arrived at the party and Austen set his pack (pallet? case? not sure what that was?) of beer on the bar and started greeting everyone - while his sister was still carrying a second one - he needs his Southern man card pulled.  NOPE.  Not ok.

For real, the only things he has going for him is he's tall, and he's on teevee so fame whores will like him.


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I commented last week about JT’s Napoleon Complex and how he stands up to make himself bigger physically while verbally belittling the other men. And here he goes literally taking it to a whole new level by kneeling on a barstool because everyone around him was already standing. I just can’t with this guy. The only thing he said that I can get behind is how Austen will never see his face again. Yes, thank you. That means you’re off the show, you annoying gnat. Leave poor Taylor alone. Her repulsion to the first “I love you” wasn’t enough that he had to repeat it? And he’s so hyperfocused on the wrong threat to his imaginary relationship, the one kiss between Taylor and Austen, that he totally missed she’s trying to get back with Shep. 

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Yikes, cringed for JT.  Going from laughs with Taylor to professing love and desire for marriage, all while she's looking over her shoulder, hoping Shep will pull her aside to tell her he's made this huge mistake.  

JT, dude, first you're supposed to ask the girl on a date.  The love and marriage comes much, much later.  Dude.

Patricia is the bomb.  Best woman on Bravo, ever.  Can barely move, yet she gets in full hair & makeup, puts on a fabulous dressing gown, enjoys her drink in her coupe glass, receives guests.  

Anyone know what "accident" she referred to?

Madison is this completely different person, with a seemingly great husband.  It's like the drama has disappeared, along with her boobs.  Seems it really was Austen at the heart of all that nonsense; Olivia and Taylor should take note.  Find a nice guy, and be done with these losers du jour.

Seems like Whitney's new "bar" is a private venue, on private property.  Probably doesn't even need a liquor license, as it doesn't seem to be open to the public.  Just a converted space for him & his buddies to hang.  Will be interesting if, the day Pat passes (hope it's very long), if Whitney stays in the big house and keeps his new space open, or they try and sell the whole thing, in which case, the realtor will have a fun time with that one.

Edited by Starlight925
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On 1/5/2024 at 12:34 AM, aghst said:

Than the confrontation.  They had cameras again set up, one on JT and one on Austen.  But no footage of the head butt or the punch?  Why wouldn't they show that if the cameras caught it?  Why wouldn't the cameras have caught it, they had at least two cameras on each of their faces up to the supposed physical strikes.

OMG THIS.  They chose to do a long shot from outside the bar which highlighted a camera right in the faces of Austen and JT but then the deal goes down and all you get is the jumbling and fumbling shot of the floor......camera goes upright and everything's done and Austen's shirt is unbuttoned?? WTH?? 

7 hours ago, Starlight925 said:

Madison is this completely different person, with a seemingly great husband.

I can't help but like them!

JT choosing the right time to tell Taylor he loves her is in the middle of a party in the middle of the day in the middle of a bunch of people.  Sure.  

I am so glad that Shep looked at Dumb Dumb and flat out told her to stop hoping that they're going to get together.  And he seems to understand now that even texting is interpreted by her that they are in fact going to get back together.  Taylor totally missed Shep's point that he would find a way to accept her dating Austen if that's what she truly wanted and not just if she was doing it to get back at him.  Because that's the only reason she would do it.

She toys with Austen to make Shep jealous.  Austen doesn't have money so Austen isn't going to be a contender.  Likewise, if JT had money, suddenly I'm sure she'd find a way to tolerate his annoying ways really, really fast.  

I think I may have cracked the Austen code.  We know he offers nothing besides being tall.  But I think he may have one of those personalities where to women, he's like one of the girls.  I bet he's a good listener, he's easy to talk to, he feels very engaged with you, you can laugh and joke around.....like you're talking to your best girl friend.  I think we've seen glimpses of how he talks to all the gals.  It's different than a lot of guys do.  So if you have that emotional connection and you happen to find his muppet face attractive, it may be a good combo.

Speaking of who didn't get the looks in the family, are they slowly trying to introduce Austen's sister to being a regular on the show?  And I feel bad saying that because she always seems very level headed and lovely, so please forgive me sister.    



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3 hours ago, Vivigirl10 said:


I think I may have cracked the Austen code.  We know he offers nothing besides being tall.  But I think he may have one of those personalities where to women, he's like one of the girls.  I bet he's a good listener, he's easy to talk to, he feels very engaged with you, you can laugh and joke around.....like you're talking to your best girl friend.  I think we've seen glimpses of how he talks to all the gals.  It's different than a lot of guys do.  So if you have that emotional connection and you happen to find his muppet face attractive, it may be a good combo.

Speaking of who didn't get the looks in the family, are they slowly trying to introduce Austen's sister to being a regular on the show?  And I feel bad saying that because she always seems very level headed and lovely, so please forgive me sister.    



He does have that kinda portly best friend… who I’m pretty sure is in love with him and biding her time.

Yeah his sister seems really sweet and fun but, no, not a looker.


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On 1/5/2024 at 7:21 AM, slowpoked said:

But I will forever like him for calling out Austen for the piece of shit that he is.

And this is exactly why I hope JT returns. No one else will actually tell Austen he's an asshole, somehow Austen creates a word salad and makes himself the victim and people always forgive him. JT didn't let him do that, and I am here for it. I love someone being in Austen's space that he cannot stand since I have to see Austen's smarmy face if I want to watch Southern Charm. You can also tell a lot about someone by how they treat their family, and of course Austen doesn't help his sister in the rain carrying expired Trop Hops, he just bolted ahead of her. Seriously, what did his parents do that created such an asshole? 

Is Patricia required to be filmed?  The thought of being on camera after an injury with full makeup and hair sounds dreadful, but I guess she has nothing better to do. I always wonder if her house smells like dog pee or crap.

Love to see Craig happy, but I think if Paige really felt strongly about him, she wouldn't be so resistant to even talking about getting engaged.  She only seemed receptive to it after hearing that Madison and her [cute and normal] husband were engaged long distance.  I just don't see Paige being happy in Charleston. 

Why is Leva at the reunion? She feels like she was barely on any episodes. 

Taylor isn't going to be on next season (assuming there is one), right? None of the ladies like her and I'm sure the guys don't want to be around her all that much (except JT, which I don't think either of them deserve), so what's the point? I know I don't want to see her anymore. 



Edited by IntrovertRed
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JT professing his love to boring azzz Taylor brought me allllll the way back to dolphin voiced Landon professing her love to a shocked and utterly uninterested Shep. I died. JT and his little man syndrome lacks self-awareness to a level that is hilarious. He is a teeny tiny man punching up. Dude, she uses you; for trips to London...and occasional company because you gas her up and pay for things. Taylor is vanilla bland level of pretty, but lacks a personality, and is not sexy. I do not get ANY of these men tripping over themselves to get with her. Shep got bored. She is boring. Move on!

JT kneeling on the stool to fight with douchbag? Oh my guy. No. He literally could not have set up a more insanely comical way to start that fight, and the joke is entirely on him.

Austin is an idiot. But he's tall! And white! That's about all that's needed down south. I was incensed at how he entered that party making his sister carry the ever present but rarely drank Trop Hop, as he rushed ahead of her in the rain with nary a care for her safety or dryness. And there he is in a nutshell. A rude man boy who can't even pretend to care about his only living sister (opps, I went there).

Olivia, of the strong underbite, but weak constitution. Girl move on. I don't even believe she likes him that much, she is just worried about her only storyline getting away. And is it weird that when I see Rod next to Austin, I think Rod looks like a Persian version of Austin?

Leva go away. You are not mom. You are not the voice of reason. And I am not falling for the attempts to garner interest in her so I watch her stupid Vanderpump Rules rip off show.

Whitney's little back yard speak easy is absolutely lovely. I was so mad when the idiots started fighting, I feared for all the lovely crystal! It's so hilarious that Patricia continues to encourage him to settle down with a young lady. He comes across as so metro/? questionable sexuality. Most of his dalliances have lacked credibility. Either bust out of the closet, Whit, or tell mommy you like life as it is.

I give Craig and Paige another year. She is a Northerner (I get it, I am a staunch Bostonian) and he is rooted in NC. But they definitely love all the Bravo checks with their cross overs. Craig is a relationship type of guy, but always seems to care more than the female. I would feel bad for him, but its CRAIG!
And speaking of Craig's, Shep feeding his portly Frenchie his food with grated cheese and pepperoni on top? NOOOOO! Healthy pup snacks Shep, please, and baby carrots are a rotund pup's friend (Take it from my three slightly chubby senior weenie/dachshunds).

Poor Madison, I had no idea she was so layed up with her first pregnancy. She looks scared to get pregnant again, and who could blame her. But her husband is a keeper, & is demonstrating to be a good step pappy, so who could blame her for going for it? I truly wish them well and enjoyed her this season. 

Overall the season was ok. They tried and failed to make Olivia and Taylor fill in for Cameron, Katherine, Naomi .... and it didn't work. Olivia and Taylor are boring spoiled millennials. Bring on the reunion, and lets hope they infuse this dying franchise with more interesting females and kick tiny man JT back to the land of Lilliput. 

Edited by Crazydoxielady
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10 hours ago, IntrovertRed said:

And this is exactly why I hope JT returns. No one else will actually tell Austen he's an asshole, somehow Austen creates a word salad and makes himself the victim and people always forgive him. JT didn't let him do that, and I am here for it. I love someone being in Austen's space that he cannot stand since I have to see Austen's smarmy face if I want to watch Southern Charm. You can also tell a lot about someone by how they treat their family, and of course Austen doesn't help his sister in the rain carrying expired Trop Hops, he just bolted ahead of her. Seriously, what did his parents do that created such an asshole? 

Is Patricia required to be filmed?  The thought of being on camera after an injury with full makeup and hair sounds dreadful, but I guess she has nothing better to do. I always wonder if her house smells like dog pee or crap.

Love to see Craig happy, but I think if Paige really felt strongly about him, she wouldn't be so resistant to even talking about getting engaged.  She only seemed receptive to it after hearing that Madison and her [cute and normal] husband were engaged long distance.  I just don't see Paige being happy in Charleston. 

Why is Leva at the reunion? She feels like she was barely on any episodes. 

Taylor isn't going to be on next season (assuming there is one), right? None of the ladies like her and I'm sure the guys don't want to be around her all that much (except JT, which I don't think either of them deserve), so what's the point? I know I don't want to see her anymore. 



Re Austen being an asshole: What did Austen do that was so bad that justified JT (and others to a much lesser extent) berating him for 15 episodes—or every time they saw him for however many weeks/months they filmed? Taylor kissed him, they considered the possibility of dating for a couple of days before deciding not to. Then they decided not to tell Shep or Olivia to prevent any unnecessary hurt on their behalf. (Or, you know, producers told him to wait until filming and/or they made up the kiss just like they seemingly made up the relationship with Olivia, as well as Whitney’s fake “relationship” with Naomi.) I mean, if you just don’t like Austen, I’ll give you that, just as JT rubs me the wrong way. I guess my point is if we did an AITA over the whole situation, yeah, it’s questionable to get involved with a friend’s ex, though it’s certainly not unheard of for a friend and an ex to be the ones “meant for each other,” and Austen always had a sweet spot for checking in on Tayler when Shep was the one being the asshole to her. Regardless, JT’s repeated obnoxious “bro code” grandstanding has no merit when all of it was a way to get Tayler to see him as her knight in shining armor. So, in conclusion, IMHO I guess ETAH.

Edited by JenE4
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10 hours ago, IntrovertRed said:

Love to see Craig happy, but I think if Paige really felt strongly about him, she wouldn't be so resistant to even talking about getting engaged.  She only seemed receptive to it after hearing that Madison and her [cute and normal] husband were engaged long distance.  I just don't see Paige being happy in Charleston. 

Re: Paige & Craig.  If the situation were reversed and Craig was the one dragging his feet on getting engaged/moving to another state, no one would bat an eye. But, because she's a 30+ female who's not yet ready to take the plunge she either A) doesn't love him B) is cheating him, or C) is just using him for a paycheck.

Maybe, just maybe, she loves him but just truly isn't yet ready for a marriage/kids. IMHO they seem over the moon happy like #couplegoals happy.

Austen is a total fuckboy yet I'm with @JenE4, he's done nothing to deserve JT's wrath. Little buddy's hurt that Taylor doesn't want him and is taking his anger out on Austen. The scene was cringeworthy, watching him climb up on the stool looking all disheveled with his combover flopping around...

Edited by snarts
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If someone had said Madison was the one who would exhibit the most personal growth and maturity from previous seasons to this...well, I don't know who else I might have thought of (coughNotShepcough) but it wouldn't have been her.  I'm impressed.  Brett seems lovely (as does Venita's Manny).  I thought it was very considerate of them to both go see Patricia and bring her champagne in the preferred glasses.  

Which is more childish:  Taylor's puffy bunny ear things when she was selling that weird drink, or that bow on top of her head?  The costume department get a big discount on bows in bulk or something?  Olivia's black bow was distracting, especially since the hair pulled into it revealed her really dark lowlights and it almost matched and I was all "who has that two-toned hair?"  

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I don’t think Madison showed growth.

She made some of her usual horrible comments.

She didn’t rant as much this season but those are all performative and they reserved all the yelling for other cast members this season.

If she became a better human being, it’s doubtful we’d see it on the show.

Why would Bravo want their cast members to grow or mature?  They’re not in the bus8ness of putting on zen people because low drama people don’t last on Bravo.

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12 hours ago, Crazydoxielady said:


Overall the season was ok. They tried and failed to make Olivia and Taylor fill in for Cameron, Katherine, Naomi .... and it didn't work. Olivia and Taylor are boring spoiled millennials. Bring on the reunion, and let’s hope they infuse this dying franchise with more interesting females and kick tiny man JT back to the land of Lilliput. 

No!  The season was horrible!  I can’t with this group, I guess I’m out.  
They need to infuse this franchise with interesting men too, none of them are interesting in the least.  Men and women- Get rid of them all!  Except Craig, I love Craig.

They can’t find some fun men and women who like to party and sometimes cause a little drama.. in the south?  They aren’t looking hard enough.

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Like others said JT didn't attack Austin because he broke bro code (he did, as well), he did it because he was angry Taylor rejected him in public, and she would prefer to be even with Austin, if not with Shep (the bad boys). It was his mistake to ask her in public. Did he think that she would be forced to be with him because it was filmed, and it was in public?

Edited by ZettaK
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33 minutes ago, ZettaK said:

Like others said JT didn't attack Austin because he broke bro code (he did, as well), he did it because he was angry Taylor rejected him in public, and she would prefer to be even with Austin, if not with Shep (the bad boys). It was his mistake to ask her in public. Did he think that she would be forced to be with him because it was filmed, and it was in public?

That "I love you" scene was such a setup.

So was him standing or kneeling on the stool to come face to face with him.

Only way he would film those scenes is because they are not real.

Who's going to declare their love in public, in front of cameras and lighting all set up like that?

And who's going to take part in an emasculating scene where like a child he has to stand on a stool to be face to face with another man?


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On 1/6/2024 at 8:18 AM, Starlight925 said:

Anyone know what "accident" she referred to?

I think she said in an earlier episode that she got up from bed and slipped on the floor and landed on her back, breaking some bones.

On 1/6/2024 at 3:49 PM, Vivigirl10 said:

I am so glad that Shep looked at Dumb Dumb and flat out told her to stop hoping that they're going to get together. 

He just wanted steady sex during the pandemic and now is back to chasing strange in bars.

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1 hour ago, aghst said:

That "I love you" scene was such a setup.

So was him standing or kneeling on the stool to come face to face with him.

Only way he would film those scenes is because they are not real.

Who's going to declare their love in public, in front of cameras and lighting all set up like that?

And who's going to take part in an emasculating scene where like a child he has to stand on a stool to be face to face with another man?


It was a setup, but he was angry at Austin anyway.

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15 hours ago, Crazydoxielady said:

Leva go away. You are not mom. You are not the voice of reason. And I am not falling for the attempts to garner interest in her so I watch her stupid Vanderpump Rules rip off show.

THIS!!!  Leva irritates me.  

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10 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

I think she said in an earlier episode that she got up from bed and slipped on the floor and landed on her back, breaking some bones.

He just wanted steady sex during the pandemic and now is back to chasing strange in bars.

Yes, great point, that's exactly the reason Shep stayed with Taylor so long.  She was a cool, easygoing girl who stayed at his house, cooked, didn't complain, and gave him as much sex as he wanted, while loving on Little Craig.  She was the perfect girlfriend when all the bars were closed.  

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10 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

He just wanted steady sex during the pandemic and now is back to chasing strange in bars.

Yep.  100% co-sign this too.  Like Starlight925 said as well, this is totally the reason he even stayed with her so long.  I'm sorry she's taken it all to mean something different.  Covid was pure luck for Taylor.  She literally had him on "lockdown".  

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13 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

No!  The season was horrible!  I can’t with this group, I guess I’m out.  
They need to infuse this franchise with interesting men too, none of them are interesting in the least.  Men and women- Get rid of them all!  Except Craig, I love Craig.

They can’t find some fun men and women who like to party and sometimes cause a little drama.. in the south?  They aren’t looking hard enough.


12 hours ago, Crazydoxielady said:

CRAIG! (100 % agree with you on all fronts!)

I love the idea of ditching all of the current cast -- except Craig -- and starting with new people. The producers would need to reveal that on camera because if it happened Shep would not even be able to handle it, and that would be freaking hilarious.

In the beginning Craig was treated by Shep as the poor buddy whose drinks he always had to pay for. Shep enjoyed putting Craig down on camera. Shep even named his dog after Craig! Remember how jealous and angry Shep was when Craig got the highest bid at the bachelor auction? He has taunted Craig that he couldn't pass the bar and laughed at his business ideas. Yet by every measure, if you look back now, Craig has come out ahead of Shep!

Sure, Shep has that "mailbox money", and he's put some of his Bravo money into a renovated beach/party house (yawn), but he also has a failed hot dog bar and a string of failed relationships that fizzled because he never seemed to put effort into them or even respect his partner. Craig has a lovely house, a successful business, and what seems to be a fun, stable relationship. He's also younger and better looking than Shep, who is a Peter Pan on the way to being another Thomas Ravenel.

For me it would be the icing on the cake if Shep were dumped by Bravo and Craig was last OG man standing on Southern Charm. 

Edited by RedHawk
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14 minutes ago, RedHawk said:

For me it would be the icing on the cake if Shep were dumped by Bravo and Craig was last OG man standing on Southern Charm.

This would be amazing, and only slightly better if we could get live shots of Sheps and Naomi's faces as the new cast was revealed. I know Naomi is no longer on the show, but her thinly veiled disgust of Craig while dating him really bothered me, coupled with her desperate attempt to get back on the show after being completely embarrassed by the dude she shoved in Craig's face (the doctor...can't remember his name).

I know not many watched it but I loved Southern Charm New Orleans, those folks were so much more likeable that meshed so much better together.

I am with Heatherchandler, how hard can it be to find some young datable singles down south? Why do we continue to reward Austin and Shep season after season for being slutty manboys? 

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Craig may have cleared a very low bar.

The conclusion is all Southern men suck.

And Craig is really a Northerner?

At least these guys aren't overtly Southern but at their core, they're bros that you'd see in any larger city, reveling in their privilege.

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27 minutes ago, RedHawk said:


I love the idea of ditching all of the current cast -- except Craig -- and starting with new people. The producers would need to reveal that on camera because if it happened Shep would not even be able to handle it, and that would be freaking hilarious.

In the beginning Craig was treated by Shep as the poor buddy whose drinks he always had to pay for. Shep enjoyed putting Craig down on camera. Shep even named his dog after Craig! Remember how jealous and angry Shep was when Craig got the highest bid at the bachelor auction? He has taunted Craig that he couldn't pass the bar and laughed at his business ideas. Yet by every measure, if you look back now, Craig has come out ahead of Shep!

Sure, Shep has that "mailbox money", and he's put some of his Bravo money into a renovated beach/party house (yawn), but he also has a failed hot dog bar and a string of failed relationships that fizzled because he never seemed to put effort into them or even respect his partner. Craig has a lovely house, a successful business, and what seems to be a fun, stable relationship. He's also younger and better looking than Shep, who is a Peter Pan on the way to being another Thomas Ravenel.

For me it would be the icing on the cake if Shep were dumped by Bravo and Craig was last OG man standing on Southern Charm. 

I think it’s Shep’s “mailbox money” that’s to his detriment. I’m sure it was a fantastic idea in his twenties to live his life as an “international playboy” with no responsibilities. But here he is in his 40s aimless and absolutely miserable. I know they drill into us that on your deathbed, it’s not your career that you’ll look back on, yadda-yadda, but realistically we all need some type of purpose in life, something that gets us out of the bed in the morning and fulfills us with purpose and a sense of accomplishment. Shep is really a (book) smart guy—he could’ve accomplished a lot in his life. But look at him. What does he do all day while waiting for the bars to open to hit on girls half his age? Everyone on this show is so focused on getting him to change his ways when it comes to committing to Taylor or just growing up In relationships, but no one is pointing out that he’s not ready to be a “provider” to a wife because he can’t even find any ambition or direction to “act like an adult” for himself. It’s not about the money. I’m sure from the outside he’s living an enviable life and don’t we all wish we could retire early. The difference is, at least we would have done something before retiring. Shep just tapped out of normal adult life altogether. Twenty years later, he’s still living the bum life of a college kid. And it finally seems like it’s catching up with him; he seems depressed. Not that Shep is looking for my advice, but I would tell him to do something that will give him some purpose, sense of accomplishment and just get him up and out of the house every day. The beauty of it for him is that he can literally choose to do anything he wants because it’s not like he’s doing it for the money. Volunteer with dogs or a literacy program (as he seems to have a strong literary interest)—just do something other than drinking and hitting on women young enough to be your child.

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1 hour ago, Crazydoxielady said:

I know not many watched it but I loved Southern Charm New Orleans, those folks were so much more likeable that meshed so much better together.

Yeah the Savannah one was horrible though.

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55 minutes ago, JenE4 said:

just do something other than drinking and hitting on women young enough to be your child.

Most people embrace the bar scene wholeheartedly at 21 and have pretty much aged out by 25.  Not just because they have jobs but because it just gets old after a while.  

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On 1/8/2024 at 11:26 AM, Crazydoxielady said:

This would be only slightly better if we could get live shots of Sheps and Naomi's faces as the new cast was revealed. I know Naomi is no longer on the show, but her thinly veiled disgust of Craig while dating him really bothered me, coupled with her desperate attempt to get back on the show after being completely embarrassed by the dude she shoved in Craig's face (the doctor...can't remember his name).

I know not many watched it but I loved Southern Charm New Orleans, those folks were so much more likeable that meshed so much better together.

I am with Heatherchandler, how hard can it be to find some young datable singles down south? Why do we continue to reward Austin and Shep season after season for being slutty manboys? 

I loved Southern Charm New Orleans which was a lot better than this, but unfortunately it was canceled. I don't think it had such bad ratings. It happened around the beginning of the pandemic, so maybe that was a factor. Also, one of the cast members moved. 

As for Taylor, she was stupid enough to think that she changed Shep, and he suddenly became monogamous, without realizing he was trapped in the house with her because of the covid lockdowns, and restrictions afterwards. In fact, his friends said he managed to cheat a little bit during covid (probably later on in the timeline), only she didn't know.

Edited by ZettaK
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I think the tale of the tape for Paige and Craig will be how the ratings for the next season of Summer House are.

The worse they are the better for the relationship.

Paige is nothing if not pragmatic.

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I don’t watch Paige on other shows but she seems sour and condescending on this one.  What is her allure to whatever fanbase she has?  Craig already had a Negative Nelly with Naomie; maybe that's his type.

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On 1/7/2024 at 7:05 PM, heatherchandler said:

No!  The season was horrible!  I can’t with this group, I guess I’m out.  
They need to infuse this franchise with interesting men too, none of them are interesting in the least.  Men and women- Get rid of them all!  Except Craig, I love Craig.

They can’t find some fun men and women who like to party and sometimes cause a little drama.. in the south?  They aren’t looking hard enough.

They tried really hard to create fake drama about people no one cares about. First, Austen and Olivia were never really a couple. They dated-maybe if it wasn't just for the show-but it was over really fast.  I could never figure out why Olivia was so mad at Taylor. I get Girl code but that applies to real relationships. If Olivia dated Shep, that would be breaking girl code. But Olivia never cared about Austen.  All of them are just so unlikable. Taylor needs to move the hell on. No one is sympathetic to her anymore. Shep is Shep. She thought she could change him. She was wrong. Overall, I thought it was a pretty bad season. I detest Austen and will never buy that women really want him. I don't dislike Craig, but I have said since day one that I see no chemistry between him and Paige and, while she may be fond of him, I just don't buy them as happy ever after. Craig's going to get hurt again,  but I hope he keeps his priorities straight and realizes that he is not Paige's priority. This show is like the couple of Housewives shows I still watch, OC and BH. I would rather watch the reruns from prior seasons, than the new ones. I used to love this show. Not anymore.



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On 1/4/2024 at 11:05 PM, ZettaK said:

According to the previews of the reunion Taylor was sexting Whitney (who is a producer), and maybe having sex with him. This seems to me that she is desperate to remain on the show because she tried Shep, Austin (two main cast members), and then Whitney. 

She's the new Katherine. 

On 1/5/2024 at 3:40 AM, dancingdreamer said:

'll give Austin  his due, he's put up with a lot from mouthy JT.

It hasn't stopped him from making cheap short jokes about JT, which he does all the time. This bugs me. What is JT supposed to do? Yes, he is short. Move on. Or maybe JT should make cracks about Austen's weak chin or muppet mouth. How would Austen feel? 

Edited by Sweet-tea
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6 minutes ago, Sweet-tea said:

She's the new Katherine. 

It hasn't stopped him from making cheap short jokes about JT, which he does all the time. This bugs me. What is JT supposed to do? Yes, he is short. Move on. Or maybe JT should make cracks about Austen's weak chin or muppet mouth. How would Austen feel? 

Probably not much, or  about as much as what JT says now, maybe he should  call JT, pipsqueek. 

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39 minutes ago, dancingdreamer said:

Probably not much, or  about as much as what JT says now, maybe he should  call JT, pipsqueek. 

I don't really like JT but I also don't like jokes about someone's appearance. I think it's a low blow and tacky. 

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