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S13.E09: A Feisty Fiesta

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23 hours ago, Ss55 said:

The comments about Sutton’s attire were ridiculous. Her dress was cute. Shut up, basic bitches.

I’d rather see the butterfly sundress than Erika looking like a red latex sausage. I still remember that get-up from the road trip several years back that she could barely walk in. And what about Dorit’s CHA NEL crap?

Anything Sutton does is open for ridicule. Anything at all. As I said, it’s getting old and for every finger they point there are a lot pointing back at them.

Glad to see the forums are back.

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13 minutes ago, Starlight925 said:

Was there even one taco?

This new gal (Bill Burr's wife?) sure did insert herself into everything.  Probably following production around like a puppy dog, begging for a contract.

Denise, drop your anger already.  There's been a whole pandemic since it happened.  Relax.

Yeah…she’s been lugging this grudge around since — what — 2018 or 2019? Everybody had forgotten all about this.

What’s even more bizarre is, after that sex talk picnic/dinner she took Sami out to eat to apologize, and Sami said it was no big deal and that she and her friends had found it funny. Of course kids that age wouldn’t have been shocked. Denise was the only one clutching her pearls. I’m surprised that didn’t come up in a flashback when Denise and Erika were fighting. Kid probably saw/heard much worse being around her dad.

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As a Denise fan, I saw the other women's point at first. Like listen, we're sorry, but you talk constantly about Aaron's junk, even with the kiddos right there. We forgot they were even nearby, it won't happen again. The "if they haven't had a threesome already" was beyond inappropriate no matter who the kids' parents are and what they've heard. 

Denise was probably treated worse than any other cast member on BH ever was. I wish she defended herself better.

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What’s even more bizarre is, after that sex talk picnic/dinner she took Sami out to eat to apologize, and Sami said it was no big deal and that she and her friends had found it funny. Of course kids that age wouldn’t have been shocked. Denise was the only one clutching her pearls. I’m surprised that didn’t come up in a flashback when Denise and Erika were fighting. Kid probably saw/heard much worse being around her dad.

Maybe. But it's not up to Erica or anyone else to create a "sliding scale of appropriateness" based on some random perception of other people's kids' hypothetical sex knowledge. And, again, who the hell cares about Charlie Sheen? Maybe his behavior is part of the reason that Denise had some vested interest in keeping things clean for her kids (and the other ones who were there). 

Edited by TattleTeeny
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I have a different take on the Taco Tuesday spread.  It seems that Crystal had every imaginable taco component, including some unique and gourmet options.  I'm sure she had a huge pile of different types of tortillas available, too, probably not visible because they were in a warmer.  If we didn't see the ladies partaking in the tortillas, it was probably because they were watching their carbs.  I would have enjoyed the heck out of that taco bar!

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1 hour ago, RoseAllDay said:

Yeah…she’s been lugging this grudge around since — what — 2018 or 2019?

My theory is that production suggested this be Denise's storyline this season.

Or, Denise is "altered" and incapable of talking about anything else.

Maybe her controlling husband is dictating what she should talk about. I think he resents Denise re-entering the Housewives fray without him. He had all of the pandemic's isolation to manipulate her with his paranoid rantings. After seeing him manhandling Denise so roughly, I think he's a bad dude.

Denise is changed from five years ago, and something's not right.

I only watch this show in fits and starts (but avidly read posts here), but I see now that Dorit's Bravo-directed fortunes have changed. That conversation with Garcelle, and the others silently watching (and thinking "hurrah,") was notable. Dorit practically slunk out of there.

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20 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

For me the difference is Crystal implied that Sutton said some horrific stuff that she simply did not. Garcelle doesn't jump to think someone is racist if they're not the most articulate on racial matters or haven't been in her shoes. It's Dorit making her out to be something she's not over and over and over again that's hurtful.

I forgot about that bit of chicanery from Crystal!  I was talking about her smugging, "Tell me you're a girl who doesn't see color" in their first season 😃

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42 minutes ago, pasdetrois said:

My theory is that production suggested this be Denise's storyline this season.

Or, Denise is "altered" and incapable of talking about anything else.

Maybe her controlling husband is dictating what she should talk about. I think he resents Denise re-entering the Housewives fray without him. He had all of the pandemic's isolation to manipulate her with his paranoid rantings. After seeing him manhandling Denise so roughly, I think he's a bad dude.

Denise is changed from five years ago, and something's not right.

I only watch this show in fits and starts (but avidly read posts here), but I see now that Dorit's Bravo-directed fortunes have changed. That conversation with Garcelle, and the others silently watching (and thinking "hurrah,") was notable. Dorit practically slunk out of there.

Surely the show could have found another way to reintroduce Denise. I don’t mind at all her coming back, but coming in hot at Kyle’s party about something that nobody even remembered was odd. 

Dorit is trying so so so hard to stay relevant (and keep her diamond). If Kyle says Dorit can’t be trusted, that is a bad sign. Dorit was the one who came out looking like the ass at that party, not Sutton. IMO. Being met with silence is deadly, and I   would never want to see Garcelle’s side-eye directed at me.


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7 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

All Denise has to say to Erika is that yes they are on Only Fans but at least they are not stealing settlements from people who have suffered a tragedy. She can close with “Oh I forgot, you don’t care.”

That will bring the snarl back to her skinny face.

I would have died in my chair if Denise had said that.

She's not quick enough with the comebacks.

Edited by Surrealist
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1 hour ago, pasdetrois said:

Maybe her controlling husband is dictating what she should talk about. I think he resents Denise re-entering the Housewives fray without him. He had all of the pandemic's isolation to manipulate her with his paranoid rantings. After seeing him manhandling Denise so roughly, I think he's a bad dude.

 I see now that Dorit's Bravo-directed fortunes have changed. That conversation with Garcelle, and the others silently watching (and thinking "hurrah,") was notable. Dorit practically slunk out of there.

Yeah. I honestly wonder how Denise's homelife was going during the pandemic.  She acts very differently. I'm not a fan of Aaron either.

I like Denise, but this doesn't mean I don't think she's picks questionable men. 

Your last part, bolded, highlighted, and underlined.

Dorit slinking away is exactly what she did. I think she realized she had entered into Rinna overkill territory at that point. The silence was deafening.

Edited by Surrealist
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6 hours ago, RoseAllDay said:

I’d rather see the butterfly sundress than Erika looking like a red latex sausage. I still remember that get-up from the road trip several years back that she could barely walk in. And what about Dorit’s CHA NEL crap?

Anything Sutton does is open for ridicule. Anything at all. As I said, it’s getting old and for every finger they point there are a lot pointing back at them.

Glad to see the forums are back.

I loved that butterfly dress! I, too, would rather watch Sutton flutter around in a seasonally inappropriate sundress than Erika squeaking around town in Britney Spears couture (and that was the exact comparison I had, too!). 

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Kyle, Erika and Dorit are not happy unless they can criticize or come at Sutton over ANYTHING.  I'm just glad that Rinna is gone because the dogpile last year was even worse.  This year Sutton is trying to stand up for herself.  She is not the best at it, but it must get old having to constantly defend yourself to your "friends."  The mean girls were laughing again during this episode at Sutton's esophagus condition-- not okay!!

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On 12/23/2023 at 12:46 PM, ZettaK said:

I generally like Sutton, but she seems (more) "strange" this season. I also think that the fan favorite title went into her head. She said on an early episode that she thinks she is more intelligent than anybody she knows (but hiring a forensic accountant is common for people of her circle), and she discussed her achievements which is the store she opened after her divorce that she finances with her divorce money. She showed the store merchandise on the show, and it's not exactly salable, so she will keep the store for as long as she is willing to invest in it. She also bragged about her future achievements, but nobody knows what their future achievements could be.

Her behavior is questionable, and more, eg. at the Magic Mike show, and the kiss with her driver which she admitted on the show (although she probably shouldn't) because she is in a position of power over him. 

Her drinking is not a rumor either, as her assistant/house manager for example asked her not to have a cocktail on another episode.

She also questioned why Kyle stopped drinking, but don't individuals normally wonder why one started drinking? I mean this is something positive like Kyle exercising which was questioned, as well. She also implied that Mauricio must have cheated because Kyle was wearing a new ring, so it was a compensation gift on his behalf. These are not nice comments.

Denise was on something, as well at Kyle's party. Her indignation at Erika's comment about threesomes in front of her daughters years ago is hypocritical. She allowed her daughters to attend a HW evening party, and we all know how those are. She discussed her sex life with her husband, and other boyfriends on the show, and her ex husband is Charlie Sheen who is infamous, and married prostitutes. I'm sure her daughters saw, and know about all including seeing their mother on the show. Her daughter and her are on OnlyFans, and she didn't have an issue with her daughter being on it. 

If Sutton was regularly over indulging, believe me, the producers would be all over it. We'd probably also see Garcelle having a word with her. The day Avi tried to get her to drink tea was the day she was very upset over the London/James news from her husband.

Also, it was Garcelle who first asked if the new ring was a make up gift.

Like Sutton, I was grossed out by that Magic Mike "show." If Kyle had minded her own fucking business, the situation would not have blown up like that.

When she made the future accomplishments comment, she was, in her awkward way saying, talk about me all you want since you apparently have nothing better to do but I'm gonna keep on steppin' as the saying goes. 

All of that said, the dress was a weird choice for that party and the weather. And kissing the driver is a very odd choice, but whatever.

I clapped when Garcelle finally reacted strongly to Dorit's comments. Dorit has NEVER spoken to the other women the way she does to Garcelle or used words like attack or bully. And I don't blame her for choosing to not educate the stupid bitch. It's 2023 and she should know better. Maybe she should have a sit down with her mother's best friend, who's black if you didn't know. And I would bet my head that Dorit is emerald green with envy that Sutton is filthy rich and her and PK's finances are precarious at best. If D&P divorced, Dorit would be renting out Gina's old casita or back home with her parents.

I've always been kind of fond of Dorit, but I'm done with her now. Laughed with glee when she hightailed it out of Crystal's house. Speaking of, why did Crystal stammer when asked about the vodka in coffee comment? She's been witty and fun in her confessionals, but in person is a hot mess.

On 12/23/2023 at 5:46 PM, Slakkie said:

I work in DE&I and so I want to say being tone deaf and stupid does not make you a racist.  A racist see everyone of a color or region or (pick) as below them.  I do not think in any way shape or form Dorit is a racist - I think we as a society (not at you) use the term too broadly versus keeping it for the true disgusting vile POS that truly are.

Dorit is privileged and lives a grifter's life.  She is a "let the eat cake" moron.  But I also think she needs to chose her words more carefully and stop being an idiot.  But I don't think she is a racist mostly because that would put too much thought into a situation and I don't think she cares enough to even go that deep with any of these women.

I wouldn't say Dorit is an outright racist, but it's very telling and ignorant as fuck that she thinks it's okay to speak to Garcelle the way she does and describe her interactions in such a strikingly different way than she does the others.

Love "a let them eat cake moron."

Edited by politichick
to make a correction and an addition
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On 12/24/2023 at 9:29 AM, pasdetrois said:

Garcelle's coolly raised eyebrow spoke volumes more than Dorit's endless, mindless babbling.

Garcelle can "say" more with that one raised eyebrow than Dorit could say in all the five, six, seven or whatever languages she claims to speak.

I've seen Garcelle do that many times on the show, and it's brilliant! 

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You know what! Crystal DID do the spread leg thang on stage along with Erica at Magic Mikes show. I did think I saw it and I did! I wasn’t losing oxygen to my brain from clutching my pearls too hard! 🫣

 At the fiesta party at Crystals, that was brought up again and Sutton said that both Erica and Crystal were doing the … you know .. spread leg with the men pretending … you know. I went and looked and sure enough! It was only a split second but I did see what thought I saw that night, and Crystal was towards the back of the stage with her guy, and the camera and spotlight was focused on Erica and her guy in the forefront. Crystal WAS spread legged with the guy going down there. They also cut to that scene for a split second capture of Crystal in the background on stage, lying down,,, yada yada with Erica in the foreground when Sutton brought it up at the fiesta. 

But!… She did have a great time that night and I am happy the 🎂Birthday girl 🥳 had so much fun. And it also gives reason for Crystal to brush it all off as no big deal because it would incriminate her own self for the “act”. 

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Dorit with her “tanner” staining her white sweatshirt through her clothes again, while her glam squad serfs tended to her before the party. Remember how the white couch at the reunion was all stained where Dorit had been sitting? 

She’s laying on the fake accent really thick tonight too. So pronounciative (a new word) with her speech pattern tonight.

Dorit was being a real jerk and certainly has become quite vociferous this season without the screaming mimi taking up all the air in the room. She was better off then, while not showing her nasty pot stirring mean girl self. She’s showing her true colors and it can’t be unseen.

Like a stereotypical high school mean girl, trying to win Kyles favor back by going after Sutton out of the blue. Trying to embarrass and humiliate her in public social settings at every chance tonight, and since the season started, actually. Filling the vacancy left by Lips 

I don’t recall Sutton ever doing anything to Dorit to merit such hostility and thinly veiled attempts to assassinate her character, now, at an all girl social gathering.

Pearl clutching and acting like it is something awful to be kissing someone she was attracted to (the driver) like she was a married cheater or something. The driver must have some kind of sex appeal going on there, for Sutton to go for it. Mutually it seems.

Get a grip Dorito. Holier than thou much? Not her fault you’re stuck married to a palooka grifter. Sutton can go and smooch it up with anybody she damn well wants to. 

Think of it as a Tom Branson and Sybil Crawley scene from Downton Abby. 

When she gets defensive and loudly enunciates her innocence, she completely loses her accent and sounds exactly like a normal Woodbridge raised person, which is a hop and a skip down the road from me. (Woodbridge is a very nice typical New England suburban area.) The same speech pattern I, and everyone else have, but for a FEW that live on the fairfield county Connecticut/New York line. Everything about her is pretentious and phony.

She was a real bummer of a guest at this party, while Kyle was surprisingly quiet and in the background. Probably manipulating the marionette strings. Ehh… She’s got Dorito so well flying monkey trained now, that strings are not needed anymore and she goes on Tanner power reserve, kinda like solar power without the sun… like her phony tan. 

She is desperately trying to win back Kyles favor. I don’t know what parties in California are like but I have never attended a party like that in Connecticut, where people blatantly try to tear each other down at a social gathering. You’d be shown the door in a flash. Parties are meant to be fun! For all invited. For normal people Civility in a gathered group is expected.

Erica sure was nasty to Denise! Sheesh! That’s a whole’nother over the top display of public rudeness as a guest at someones house party. I do notice she is getting along, or trying to, with Sutton. She is really putting an effort in to get more chummy with Sutton it looks to be. As the song says, we get by with a little help from our friends. Those ticket sales for your residency months won’t be providing you with the lavish lifestyle you strive for. Except for the spotlight you adore part, for a while. 

Be careful Sutton! Erica is still the viper who spits venom at the drop of a hat, as shown towards Denise… which was STARTED by Dorit, to distract and take the heat off of herself while she flounce slithered away. 

It really is too bad Erica can’t seem to try harder at being someone other people would feel safe with and want to be around, just incase she thought for a moment they might have looked at her sideways. I think she wants that, but hasn’t a clue how to be nice, for the simple sake of kindness. She’s got to beat you down to a pulp, no holds barred, to “win” at ANY cost. Trying to shame Denise, and her daughter.

(Then again it could all have been a ruse for us viewers, just to bring new customers to Denise and her daughters venture. Denise did not have to be so easily lured into an argument by Dorit’s passing of the buck to her and say the name “Sammi” while the camera was on her if she was in ultra protective mode. I found it odd that she did that.)

As if Erica is a candidate for mother-of-the-year and has rights to insinuate shame towards another females use of provocative means to make $$ to bring home the bacon. Ha! 

At least it is to bring home bacon and not stolen from the raw skinless backs of burn victims for vapid glam sessions and sequins while residing in a mansion and jetting around in one of two personal jets. She is a rabid mean beast. Let’s bring up HER sons name, a middle aged man, and see how she responds to that. 

It was ENTIRELY Dorits fault that vicious attack by Erica even happened. Denise was sitting there minding her own business, being a good guest with the manners not to go starting something ( unlike Dorit did all night long). Dorit had to deflect from herself so she dragged Denise into a fight with Erica for no other reason than her own cowardice to face being called out for the bullcrap she’d been starting all night about Sutton. I hope shes happy with herself because now I can’t stand her and I am sure I am not alone in this new loathing she deserves. I never thought this badly about her before this. She was more of a joke with her silly clothes and follow the leader type personality. 

Not anymore. 

I loved Suttons Butterfly dress. So pretty! 

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On 12/23/2023 at 12:46 PM, ZettaK said:

I generally like Sutton, but she seems (more) "strange" this season. I also think that the fan favorite title went into her head. She said on an early episode that she thinks she is more intelligent than anybody she knows (but hiring a forensic accountant is common for people of her circle), and she discussed her achievements which is the store she opened after her divorce that she finances with her divorce money. She showed the store merchandise on the show, and it's not exactly salable, so she will keep the store for as long as she is willing to invest in it. She also bragged about her future achievements, but nobody knows what their future achievements could be.

Her behavior is questionable, and more, eg. at the Magic Mike show, and the kiss with her driver which she admitted on the show (although she probably shouldn't) because she is in a position of power over him. 

Her drinking is not a rumor either, as her assistant/house manager for example asked her not to have a cocktail on another episode.

She also questioned why Kyle stopped drinking, but don't individuals normally wonder why one started drinking? I mean this is something positive like Kyle exercising which was questioned, as well. She also implied that Mauricio must have cheated because Kyle was wearing a new ring, so it was a compensation gift on his behalf. These are not nice comments.

Denise was on something, as well at Kyle's party. Her indignation at Erika's comment about threesomes in front of her daughters years ago is hypocritical. She allowed her daughters to attend a HW evening party, and we all know how those are. She discussed her sex life with her husband, and other boyfriends on the show, and her ex husband is Charlie Sheen who is infamous, and married prostitutes. I'm sure her daughters saw, and know about all including seeing their mother on the show. Her daughter and her are on OnlyFans, and she didn't have an issue with her daughter being on it. 

Its funny how Garcelle's comments seem to find it's way to Suttons mouth, put there by others. Garcelle clarified that SHE thought it was an "I fucked up gift" (not to mention the footage clears that right up) not Sutton. Suttons says that Kyle isn't wearing her wedding ring. Sutton's observation of the new ring is to highlight her missing wedding ring which ties into her asking if there's anything wrong she wants to speak on (i.e. marriage troubles, not neccesarily cheating). The suggested explanation for the new ring was all Garcelle.  One thing I hate about following the housewives franchise in general is how hard it is for everyone to keep the details straight. 

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On 12/23/2023 at 1:02 PM, JAYJAY1979 said:

Kyle has a lot of patterns that are unhealthy.  One of which is picking a new best friend to hang with while excluding all of her other friends.  Season 1 she excluded LVP when she became besties with Taylor and also she/Teddi had an odd friendship that Camille/Ericka both remarked on.  So not surprised she's doing the same thing with Dorit.

Garcelle tends to be condescending and judgmental.  If she liked Dorit, she would have been willing to talk to her..but she just doesn't like her.  That's fine...but don't say you 'don't have time to educate her' because that's patronizing.

Denise seems to have picked up the 'acting off' baton from Kim Richards it appears.

Try Hard Marie needs to chill and ease into the show.  I blame editing and production as much as her.  She should have been introduced and been featured in individual scenes her family, kids and friends outside the group so viewers could get to know her before meeting the other women.

Yup, she alienates her friends when she feels they have not been loyal to her. It's rather abusive in nature. She's pretty much training them to understand that when you haven't performed to her satisfaction in any given situation or conflict she's involved in then she cold shoulders you, excludes you in activities she's participating in with new or other friends, and basically shuns you. Giving you a taste of how it feels to be "unfriended" by her. Of course eventually she'll come around but you are now expected to behave in a way that earns redemption in her eyes all the while making it clear what she expects in the next mean girl situation she gets into and/or creates. It sounds ridiculous but it instills a sense of underlying mindfulness that says "okay if I don't handle this right Kyle is gonna, again, be mad and start this whole shunning thing all over again and I don't want that to happen". It's a very ugly conditioning tactic that we've seen her pull over and over again starting with Kim. 

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On 12/23/2023 at 1:02 PM, JAYJAY1979 said:

Kyle has a lot of patterns that are unhealthy.  One of which is picking a new best friend to hang with while excluding all of her other friends.  Season 1 she excluded LVP when she became besties with Taylor and also she/Teddi had an odd friendship that Camille/Ericka both remarked on.  So not surprised she's doing the same thing with Dorit.

Garcelle tends to be condescending and judgmental.  If she liked Dorit, she would have been willing to talk to her..but she just doesn't like her.  That's fine...but don't say you 'don't have time to educate her' because that's patronizing.

Denise seems to have picked up the 'acting off' baton from Kim Richards it appears.

Try Hard Marie needs to chill and ease into the show.  I blame editing and production as much as her.  She should have been introduced and been featured in individual scenes her family, kids and friends outside the group so viewers could get to know her before meeting the other women.

Not to mention treating her husband like shit in the process. 

19 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

Yup, she alienates her friends when she feels they have not been loyal to her. It's rather abusive in nature. She's pretty much training them to understand that when you haven't performed to her satisfaction in any given situation or conflict she's involved in then she cold shoulders you, excludes you in activities she's participating in with new or other friends, and basically shuns you. Giving you a taste of how it feels to be "unfriended" by her. Of course eventually she'll come around but you are now expected to behave in a way that earns redemption in her eyes all the while making it clear what she expects in the next mean girl situation she gets into and/or creates. It sounds ridiculous but it instills a sense of underlying mindfulness that says "okay if I don't handle this right Kyle is gonna, again, be mad and start this whole shunning thing all over again and I don't want that to happen". It's a very ugly conditioning tactic that we've seen her pull over and over again starting with Kim. 

It’s juvenile.

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20 hours ago, Cosmocrush said:

Very odd indeed, but telling these women about it was a really dumb move, some might say, "asking to be ridiculed".   😉

She didn't tell the women. She told Garcelle who I and a lot of viewers believe she has a real friendship with outside of the show. 

To be honest, I like Garcelle but I'm starting to get a tad bit nervous cause Garcelle seems to "fuck with" Sutton a little too much lately and around these women GIVING them ammo against her. 

I think she's just trying to kind of help Sutton find her playful footing with these ladies but at the same time I'm a bit critical of what she has decided to use to accomplish this. And soon I'm going to start questioning her motives if she keeps introducing the "wrong" kind of playful details that only give the other women more to attack Sutton with. 

I'm just keeping my eyes open cause as much as I like Garcelle I'm starting to see a side of her that suggests she can flip the switch with the best of them and while I do believe she would need a good (and not mean girl) reason to be on the outs with someone I still wouldn't put it past her to be cutting in retaliation no matter who  you are. I just hope nothing happens where she's aiming it at Sutton. 

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17 hours ago, SassyCat said:


It was ENTIRELY Dorits fault that vicious attack by Erica even happened. Denise was sitting there minding her own business, being a good guest with the manners not to go starting something ( unlike Dorit did all night long). Dorit had to deflect from herself so she dragged Denise into a fight with Erica for no other reason than her own cowardice to face being called out for the bullcrap she’d been starting all night about Sutton. I hope shes happy with herself because now I can’t stand her and I am sure I am not alone in this new loathing she deserves. I never thought this badly about her before this. She was more of a joke with her silly clothes and follow the leader type personality. 

Not anymore. 

I loved Suttons Butterfly dress. So pretty! 



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1 hour ago, Yours Truly said:

She didn't tell the women. She told Garcelle who I and a lot of viewers believe she has a real friendship with outside of the show. 


Garcelle is one of the women in this group.  Telling one of these women is the same as telling all of them on this show, "real friendship" or not as Garcelle demonstrated.  

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20 minutes ago, Cosmocrush said:

Garcelle is one of the women in this group.  Telling one of these women is the same as telling all of them on this show, "real friendship" or not as Garcelle demonstrated.  

I still don't think it falls under "what was she thinking" category. I've shared how I do side eye Garcelle on occasion but there's no denying that they have a close friendship outside of the show so I don't consider Sutton sharing a misstep. 

Unfortunately, I think Sutton should tread a little lighter with her trust of Garcelle cause as we've seen Garcelle does seem to have a bit of a teasing side to her and not always in the best taste.

For me, no I wouldn't have shared but in Suttons case I understand why she did without concern. It's a shame she was wrong to do so tho. 

Edited by Yours Truly
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1 hour ago, Yours Truly said:

Unfortunately, I think Sutton should tread a little lighter with her trust of Garcelle cause as we've seen Garcelle does seem to have a bit of a teasing side to her and not always in the best taste.

Garcelle also brought up Sutton at Magic Mike right afterwards at her lunch with Erika - she brought it up a couple of times before Erika "bit".

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50 minutes ago, princelina said:

Garcelle also brought up Sutton at Magic Mike right afterwards at her lunch with Erika - she brought it up a couple of times before Erika "bit".

Yup, that too.

This season Garcelle seems to be a bit more calculated in her approach to things. Not saying that she hasn't always had a hand in things but she seems to be a bit more detailed and specific with certain conversations. In previous seasons Garcelle came across as in the moment witty but this season there's something different. 

It seems like she's got stuff already prepared and ready to spill which I'm not exactly mad at but she seems to be at the ready with Sutton tea as well which is what I'm finding even odder. 

Previous seasons Garcelle's comebacks, retaliations and burn seemed pretty organic. This season its seems like more of a structured agenda which I'm not really feeling. I get the feeling that Garcelle is trying to position herself in more of a neutral position concerning Sutton. Yes they are friends and I was happy to hear Garcelle say something to Dorit but at the same time Dorit wouldn't have had that information to begin with had it not been for Garcelle. 

I think Garcelle is trying to show herself to be someone who is loyal but isn't blinded by loyalty which is why you see her criticize Sutton on occassion. Where I think Garcelle is faltering is how she's going about it. You can't kiki with people who are gunning THAT hard for your friend. I get it's a show and  yall have to film together but I think Garcelle's strategy gets a little suss here and there.

I don't necessarily think Garcelle's actions are against Sutton. It seems like it matters a bit more to Garcelle how the others see Sutton and her freindship with her. As if Suttons grace period has run out and Garcelle wants to stand alone a bit more in relation to how the others see her.  I just think in Garcelle's attempt at defining who she is and how she operates to the other ladies she doesn't take into account what pitfalls she then creates for Sutton with the other women. I get she doesn't want to only be defined as Suttons ride or die but she needs to step carefully cause in the Bravo universe friendships are easily sacrificed in the name of fitting in. 

There's also a part of me that is wondering if Garcelle is dabbling into the fun too when it comes to teasing Sutton. There's something about Garcelle that doesn't say 100% good guy. Once in a while I get a bit of a mischievious vibe from her. I mean the way she can throw shade obviously tells us she got a bit of a salty side so I mean, if she were to start feeling that Sutton is getting somewhat exhausting I wouldn't put it past her to start throwing small little "all in good fun" barbs at Sutton with the rest of them.  

41 minutes ago, pasdetrois said:

Garcelle will do what her producer tells her to do, including taking jabs at or even fighting with Sutton. It's a matter of time.

Yeah, I'm worried about this

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I love how Garcelle owns all her statements even when there is push back.  The others all try to deny and spin the truth.  They are cowards including big mouth Erika who thinks she is the toughest one of all.   It was great how editing showed Dorit making the coffee remark.  

Erika was abusive to Denise trying to sex shame her.    This from a woman who married an old man for money but couldn't keep him interested.  This from a woman who could care less who her deadbeat husband stole from as long as her vanity project was funded.    She is the bully of the show using humiliation as her weapon.  Denise was pushed into explaining why she felt awkward around Erika and instead of taking the opportunity to end it she made it worse.  She seems insanely jealous over Denise's good looks and successful career and the fact that people actually like her.  



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It would have been better if Garcelle had not mentioned Sutton's interactions with her driver, but it really comes down to all those mean girls taking that info and running with it.  They will use anything to try to demean Sutton and cause conflict.  I'm sure Garcelle feels bad about the outcome.  Hopefully she will not give them any more ammunition to use against Sutton. 

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1 hour ago, SemiCharmedLife said:

It would have been better if Garcelle had not mentioned Sutton's interactions with her driver, but it really comes down to all those mean girls taking that info and running with it.  They will use anything to try to demean Sutton and cause conflict.  I'm sure Garcelle feels bad about the outcome.  Hopefully she will not give them any more ammunition to use against Sutton. 

I know what you mean but Garcelle knows how to make the show interesting and honestly I thought it was really cute kissing the driver.   There is nothing wrong with it and with Erika in the wings trying to make Sutton out to be frigid in her nasty attempts at humiliation, it was a great reveal.

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It’s triggering for Erika, whenever anyone implies that her behavior or choice was not commendable. 

She then lashes out. Or she launches what she considers a “counter-attack.” Counter, because something as innocuous as, can we please not discuss threesomes while my daughters and her FRIENDS (who have PARENTS) are sitting right there at the next table? Erika will perceive as an attack on her (lack of) parenting instincts. 

I think Erika’s mother was weak and was reluctant to try to discipline her or teach her coping skills. I think that she and perhaps Erika’s grandmother indulged Erika. I also think that for many years, Erika knew that she could not contradict Tom. A lot of rage and resentment had been building up. 


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1 hour ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

I think Erika’s mother was weak and was reluctant to try to discipline her or teach her coping skills. I think that she and perhaps Erika’s grandmother indulged Erika. I also think that for many years, Erika knew that she could not contradict Tom. A lot of rage and resentment had been building up. 

Two things I remember Erika saying about her mom:  one was that she was very weak when it came to men, and always crying and brokenhearted, and Erika vowed to never be like that over a man.  The other was that her mom dabbled in acting and other artistic things and I got the impression that she was busy doing her own things and allowing Grandma to do the raising.  Actually I remember a third which was that her mom was very tough on her in order to make her tough - so it worked.  Maybe Grandma was a coddler to make up for it.  But she does have the rage, and the attitude towards men, that you would expect from such an upbringing. 

Am I the only one wondering if Sutton's drivers are all sitting around going, "Wasn't me!" 😃

Edited by princelina
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15 hours ago, tranquilidade said:

I know what you mean but Garcelle knows how to make the show interesting and honestly I thought it was really cute kissing the driver.   There is nothing wrong with it and with Erika in the wings trying to make Sutton out to be frigid in her nasty attempts at humiliation, it was a great reveal.

Sutton, Garcelle, and Erika actually had a good girly laugh about it. Dorit's the bitch who tried to turn the encounter with the driver into something else.

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I think this cast is one of the strongest they've had. I like them all to some degree, and think they are acting the most genuinely/authentically. Maybe not how storylines are introduced, but they are sharing their real feelings. And that makes it interesting. 

Sutton is my least favorite. She grates my nerves--her demeanor and behavior. The only thing I like about Sutton is her friendship with Garcelle.

I like a lot about Garcelle. But along the lines of @Yours Truly, I do believe she has a cutting and dismissive side to her that she's shown with both Kyle and Dorit. They've both thought that all is well with Garcelle, only to find out it isn't... but she won't say. Instead she leaves no room for error or makes snide remarks--in group or the interviews--that have left both of them confused. 

Y'all are right: Kyle does to her friends what she and her sisters do to each other. I wonder if she realizes. I understand, though, her perspective with Dorit, Mo, and her sisters. She's been very clear. Not that I want to know, but I wonder if/how many times Mo has cheated on her. And if he has, with all that has happened in these reckoning COVID years, she is OVER IT ALL.

I also understand what motivates Erika. Not that I agree with it, but I can understand the ramifications of her upbringing.

I like Dorit. I think she pot-stirs with them all. And so do most of them. But her history with Garcelle makes their interactions more fraught. Sigh. We'll see where they go from here.

Crystal is fine, LOL. I do wonder how tragic the role she/mom played in her brother's break-up will continue to be and if she feels guilty. That was a terrible choice to have him make: stay in China with fiance or come home.


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On 12/23/2023 at 11:43 AM, Cosmocrush said:

Erika talking about Denise's child was out of line no matter how old she is now.   Remember when Eileen Davidson just mentioned Erika's 30 something son and Erika LOST HER SHIT as a response and threatened Eileen  through  gritted teeth  to NEVER talk about her 'kid'?  

Denise doesn't need a specific reason to have a problem with Erika in my opinion.  Erika is nasty and mean and most likely a sociopath. 



On 12/23/2023 at 12:08 PM, SemiCharmedLife said:

I have to agree with you.  Erika knows full well what she said and did to Denise in the past.  She acted so innocent at the dinner, as if there were nothing Denise could have objected to.  And then she made the excuse that it was years ago.  I guess mistreatment and bad behavior have an expiration date.  

The karma is that she was gloating over the price of Denise's OF package when it turns out that they practically had to give away her House of Blues tickets.  (I wonder what Erika will charge if she eventually does OF, or the like?)

The flashback showed that Erika apologized to Denise for the comment so Erika probably did draw a blank as to what Denise was referring to.  If that really still is Denise's issue, she didn't articulate it and told Erika to watch the show.  Bringing up something now that Erika apologized for years ago seems ridiculous.  

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To be honest, I'm sorta over the shaming of Denise's price point on only fans. Now don't get me wrong, this is just a wild guess cause I absolutely do not know how only fans officially works but my limited understanding is that Only fans is such a great money maker cause it reaches SO many people so you really wouldn't have to charge all that much for a subscription if you can pull in thousands upon thousands of subscribers.  Denise is still a recognizable name and still a celebrity crush to many men of a certain age so isn't it about the amount of subscriptions that matter cause I mean if she has 1 million subscribers that pay $7 a month........

The math ain't that hard to figure out that $7 ain't bad at all.... Just sayin'. 

Edited by Yours Truly
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3 hours ago, Rorysmom said:

I like a lot about Garcelle. But along the lines of @Yours Truly, I do believe she has a cutting and dismissive side to her that she's shown with both Kyle and Dorit. They've both thought that all is well with Garcelle, only to find out it isn't... but she won't say. Instead she leaves no room for error or makes snide remarks--in group or the interviews--that have left both of them confused. 

That's exactly what she does!  When she was new to the show I remember she invited the gang to some banquet where she was being "honored" and in her speech to the whole crowd she mentioned that she liked all of her new friends - "except one".  Their whole table looked at Kyle and said, "That's you!" and she didn't know what she had done.

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On 12/27/2023 at 3:27 PM, tranquilidade said:

I love how Garcelle owns all her statements even when there is push back.  The others all try to deny and spin the truth.  They are cowards including big mouth Erika who thinks she is the toughest one of all.   It was great how editing showed Dorit making the coffee remark.  

Erika was abusive to Denise trying to sex shame her.    This from a woman who married an old man for money but couldn't keep him interested.  This from a woman who could care less who her deadbeat husband stole from as long as her vanity project was funded.    She is the bully of the show using humiliation as her weapon.  Denise was pushed into explaining why she felt awkward around Erika and instead of taking the opportunity to end it she made it worse.  She seems insanely jealous over Denise's good looks and successful career and the fact that people actually like her.  



But let us not forget... Erika has a "residence" at the House of Blues in Las Vegas!

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