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S08.E07: Don't Rock the Boat

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Why does Robyn keep calling Juan to tell him someone said this or that about them/her /him when she knows all he is going to do is yell at her for being stupid to give any of that life, etc...he has yelled at her over the phone in every season and he did it again tonight.  

Gizelle says she and her girls are at risk of something bad because of something Candiace said? Candiace should be pleased to know she is so powerful, Giz is full of shit.  Also, Giz helped herself to the mini bar for a birthday gift for Karen.

The fashion continues to be tragic.

Austin has so many interesting historic places, they didn't go to see live music or go to any cute boutiques on Congress or the historic Driskell Hotel (gorgeous stained glass dome and huge Remington statue) or even a BBQ place, Karen was right in telling Ashley she is not planning anymore trips for the group.

Side note, I had taken an electric bike food tour in Austin, we went to amazing, fun restaurants and there might have been a few cocktails at each stop, electric bikes are fun sober or otherwise. 



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Just now, Bronzedog said:

Doesn’t Juan hang up on Robyn every time she calls him?  Lord, he’s a horrible human being.

I kinda see his point tho he has asked her repeatedly to leave him out of it he doesn’t wanna hear about it he doesn’t care .. then she parrots I DONT care then calls him trying to drag him into a mess he said he didn’t wanna hear about … 

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I understand Candiace's a hatred towards Gizelle, however, I'm tired of her not recognizing her own culpability in everything. First of all, she shouldn't be punishing Robyn for being friends with Gizelle. She forgets that on camera when Gizelle tried to tell Robyn about Chris inappropriately asking her into a room, Robyn immediately said "No, no. Chris is not like that." And she never co-signed that Chris behaved improperly. Why should Robyn end a friendship because of someone else's issues?

Candiace also forgets that she and Chris always enjoyed partying with Juan and Robyn. Candiace's assumption that Juan lost his case because of Robyn saying he was doing the right thing in his criminal proceedings, is ridiculous. It also assumes the worst about the American justice system if some little housewife on TV can bring down an entire court case.  Candiace has got to realize her contribution to the cast unrest is her behind their backs insults and horrible tweets on Twitter.

Gizelle is disgusting for even implying that Chris's behavior was untoward, but Candiace has been responsible for far more destructive, and devastatingly vulgar attacks since day 1. Candiace has absolutely no self-awareness.

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7 minutes ago, Chalby said:

I understand Candiace's a hatred towards Gizelle, however, I'm tired of her not recognizing her own culpability in everything. First of all, she shouldn't be punishing Robyn for being friends with Gizelle. She forgets that on camera when Gizelle tried to tell Robyn about Chris inappropriately asking her into a room, Robyn immediately said "No, no. Chris is not like that." And she never co-signed that Chris behaved improperly. Why should Robyn end a friendship because of someone else's issues?

Candiace also forgets that she and Chris always enjoyed partying with Juan and Robyn. Candiace's assumption that Juan lost his case because of Robyn saying he was doing the right thing in his criminal proceedings, is ridiculous. It also assumes the worst about the American justice system if some little housewife on TV can bring down an entire court case.  Candiace has got to realize her contribution to the cast unrest is her behind their backs insults and horrible tweets on Twitter.

Gizelle is disgusting for even implying that Chris's behavior was untoward, but Candiace has been responsible for far more destructive, and devastatingly vulgar attacks since day 1. Candiace has absolutely no self-awareness.

Let’s put it this way one of your friends best friend says your husband is a predator .. then proceeds to semi co-sign it with letting her push this narrative on television with no real pushback then tells you at the reunion that it’s your husbands fault for the whole situation (let’s agree no man should be alone in a room with a woman) … I mean you wouldn’t be like well that’s ok .. that’s NOt your friend and to pretend it is is delusional 


yes Candice has fault in some things BUT Robyn laughing and being cool with a woman that’s accusing your husband of being a predator then saying oh she’s your friend (that’s not a friend let’s be honest) ISNT one of them 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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Tapping out on Potomac, this show is so unserious. I hate that they are actively campaigning for the worst housewives franchise.

I feel bad for Robyn only because it's clear that she needs to stay on the show, so production asked her to call Juan because that would be good TV for them. She is not in a position to say no, so we have to watch uncomfortably while he is insensitive to her on the phone.

I cannot take Gizelle seriously at all. She is working overtime to make herself look better for her antics last season. She knows she did something wrong, she even attempted a weak apology for it. They put her forward as the favorite, but she makes this show unwatchable for me. 

The best part of the episode for me was watching Karen freak out about the chicken. 

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Gizelle is such a fake bitch. Hypocritical bitch. I wish she would shut up.

Juan lost his job by himself.

Gizelle can’t even walk in her shoes at all. Like she shouldn’t be wearing them. It’s not a good look.

These ladies can never just have fun. Well once the 2 buzzkills Gizelle and Robyn left that chicken shit bingo it wasn’t as bad lol.

Candiace stop crying. All I keep seeing about Candiace being the bad person with Robyn is she called her a fraud. They keep playing the same clip. Robyn is a fraud.

Robyn and Gizelle are trying so hard to seem like victims. Robyn isn’t taking her anger out on the right person which is Juan.

Gizelle brings her own problems on herself. Maybe she shouldn’t have started that whole Chris shit. Death threats aren’t right ppl are crazy but Gizelle acts like she’s some saint.

Karen seems to be killing it this season honestly.

I still don’t buy Jason and Gizelle’s whole thing.

I don’t know why Robyn even calls and tells Juan anything. He does not give a fuck about her. She can’t even say one thing to him. He’s so obvious with his manipulation game too.

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2 hours ago, NowVoyager said:

I wasn't clear why Candiace was crying so hard in response to Robyn crying.

I think Candiace was crying because she's a very sensitive and reactive person and absorbs other people's energy and emotions.  If Robyn hadn't been boo hooing, Candiace wouldn't have been either.

Robyn was crying because either she blames herself & the show for Juan being fired or Juan is blaming her and the show for him being fired.  Note, nothing is ever Juan or Robyn's fault.  Juan was spending money left and right but it's ROBYN's fault they lost the money & went broke.  Juan wasn't a bonehead entertaining women 6 months after he got engaged to Robyn...or doing laundry, walking around Georgetown or going down to the nail salon.  It's the bloggers' fault because they just need something to talk about. It's Candiace's fault Robyn is getting "cyber bullied"aka viewers of the show demanding Robyn be held accountable for her Patreon paywall stunt.  It's Candiace's fault she's looked at as a villian (and not her villain antics with Gizelle and Ashley).

I'm glad Gizelle is now letting the venom she's always felt about Candiace be shown but let's not pretend Candiace went after you for no reason and the same goes for you, Robyn. 

Nneka. That's basically it.

I will address the group dynamics as I see it in a separate post.

*See, nobody really gave a flip when Candiace was being cyber bullied for a year based on Monique's false narrative and I'm not really sympathetic to Robyn or Gizelle's tender tears about being cyber bullied either.


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Group dynamics: Robyn & Gizelle want Wendy & Candiace off the show. Mia, Ashley and Nneka (at least with Wendy) are down to be their loyal foot soldiers to execute their plan.

Karen sees this and is trying to be a bridge between the 2 factions. Gizelle wants Karen firmly on Team GEB so the cast can finally get Wendy & Candiace out. This is why Gizelle told the sob story about not feeling safe around Candiace and needing to protect her children from Candiace.

Robyn will follow suit; her angle will be Candiace is attacking her family (if need be, Ashley will say the same).

Wendy seems to have figured out why Nneka is really there and was paying her dust the entire episode. Based on what she was saying to Candiace crying at the table, she & Candiace have had at least one conversation about what's really going on. {Team GEB has made sure to post IG posts of all of them pallin' around together; the only cast members not in these various photos are Karen, Wendy & Candiace)

Somebody's going to have to go and it will probably be Wendy and/or Candiace and they keep Nneka on to prove they are not colorist.


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Enough of Candiace and her cry angles. My goodness she is a  such a wuss. She is an online bully but can’t handle even the lightest of confrontations in real life. She really needs to back off Robyn. Robyn defended Chris Bassett last season. Honestly, you’d think Candiace would be a little compassionate as she has an unemployed husband sitting around her house.

Wendy - always obnoxious these days. She looks so unhappy so it’s funny when you see her in a Happy Eddie shirt..

Robyn just wants some support fromJuan but will never get it. He doesn’t seem to care that Housewives is their income.

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1 hour ago, Chatty Cake said:

Robyn just wants some support fromJuan but will never get it. He doesn’t seem to care that Housewives is their income about her at all.

Fixed that for you!

My text to a friend last night: "If I knew Gizelle in real life, I would constantly have to talk myself down from punching her in the throat."

His response: "Yeah, I feel you on that."

I clocked the type of person Gizelle was from season 1 episode 1, and she has proven me right every since. 

Also, I know her and Karen are frenemies. But you've known her for how long and this is the gift you give her on her 60th?!?!? You know she wasn't thinking nothing about Karen's birthday and one of the producers had to remind her. 

Speaking of Karen, her fear of the dirty birds.....hilarious. 

Here Mia goes again trying to get in with the "cool girls". They don't like you! They're just not focused on you yet. 


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8 hours ago, Marley said:

Robyn isn’t taking her anger out on the right person which is Juan.

Right there, that is exactly right.

Robyn is afraid Juan will leave her but we all know Juan won't get off that gravy train named Robyn, she has the upper hand financially and he know's it.

1 hour ago, Chatty Cake said:

Robyn just wants some support fromJuan but will never get it. He doesn’t seem to care that Housewives is their income.

At this point they are both delusional about their finances so I totally see him giving Bravo the middle finger and still expecting an income from Bravo. 

Robyn saying they still have Juan's contract payout going on so they can spend whatever until it ends. Show of hands of who didn't scream at the TV when they heard Robyn say that? 


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35 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Robyn saying they still have Juan's contract payout going on so they can spend whatever until it ends. Show of hands of who didn't scream at the TV when they heard Robyn say that? 

Also, they're paying him out for 15 MONTHS!!!!!! 

giphy.gif or 23630808.gif

(I wasn't sure what level of disbelief to go with, so I got both covered! :-D)

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It sems to me that Gizelle and Robyn want Candiace off the show before Wendy. They are both attacking her constantly, and it's serious accusations (like that Gizelle, and her children are afraid to be around her) in order to ice her out, not to film with her, and eliminate the possible support of some of the women like Karen. Robyn doesn't like her after Candiace called her a fraud, etc. 

Robyn thinks that it's always somebody else's fault (the media, social media, the show, the women), and not Juan's who cheated on her, and was not proactive in the case of the sexual harassment in his college. 

Gizelle amd Robyn play the victim now because offense is the best defence.

The only person who was appropriately dressed for the chicken bingo was Robyn. 

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4 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

She is an online bully but can’t handle even the lightest of confrontations in real life. She really needs to back off Robyn. Robyn defended Chris Bassett last season.

That would be Robyn and Gizelle who can't handle the lightest of confrontations in real life. Jumping up, acting shocked, getting hysterical, fingering themselves, charging at people, doing the mute challenge but talking shit on their podcast ...that's Robyn & Gizelle, not Candiace.

3 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Robyn’s tag line is even more cringy as the show progresses cause she is acting like that DNA test came back 100% wrong … she does care

Both Juan and Robyn care very much ...otherwise they wouldn't be crying and hollering all the time.

2 hours ago, luckyroll3 said:

Also, they're paying him out for 15 MONTHS!!!!!! 

A lot of colleges will have a set time contract with a head coach. Coppin State/State of Maryland wasn't here for a losing season, a lawsuit AND bad publicity because of Juan's association with the show so they let him go and paid him the rest of his contract. Instead of making financial adjustments NOW, these dummies are going to live as if Juan is still head coach.  I guess that's why Robyn is doing ads with Gizelle for the new Primark store at Arundel Mills.

Keep Robyn on through Season 10 because when they go broke AGAIN and have to leave another house AGAIN, that will be her storyline.

Robyn knows deep down Juan's association with the show is a big factor into why the state of Maryland gave Juan his walking papers. But instead of letting Juan take the bullets for his own actions, here she go again putting on the cape and jumping in front of the gun.

  • Juan entertained another woman less than 6 months after getting engaged to Robyn
  • Juan chose to ignore the young player and his concerns, leading to the lawsuit
  • Juan chose to run around in public with the girl at the laundromat (when Robyn said on her podcast she had extra machines installed in the new house so Juan could do the team laundry at home) 
  • Juan chose to run around in public with the same girl at the nail salon, which is not near Coppin State
  • Juan is the one who ran down to Arundel Mills and paid for the lady's hotel room instead of letting the mystery Ravens player pay for it
  • But Robyn is facing all the consequences of Juan's actions

Robyn will never see how her actions have played a part in her woes because Gizelle is in her ear gassing her up and telling her that Candiace is the bitch who caused all of Robyn's troubles (instead of Juan, Robyn and her Patreon stunt). 

1 minute ago, ZettaK said:

Robyn doesn't like her after Candiace called her a fraud, etc. 

Robyn doesn't like Candiace because Candiace wouldn't join her in icing out Wendy in Miami.  After Candiace declined to ice Wendy out, all of a sudden Robyn needed to expose Candiace's IG to ice Candiace out of the group (an IG where Candiace spoke complimentary of Robyn btw) and flipped on Chris at the reunion (which was filmed before the Juan/Canada exposure).

3 minutes ago, ZettaK said:

Gizelle amd Robyn play the victim now because offense is the best defence.

Their Karen act falls flat because we saw them run the same "I'm so scared" playbook on Monique. However, they negated themselves by cheering on a potential assault on Candiace by Mia and an actual assault on Wendy by Mia.  So if they advocate for Candiace to be shown the door because she's so aggressive and they're concerned for their safety, then Mia also needs to be shown the door. Otherwise, those colorism claims will go into high gear again and Nneka can't help them out with that.

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So much to unpack. Juan hanging up on Robyn is now the official Carlton dance of Bravo. It never gets old and it's always funny.

Gizelle please stop pretending that Candiace said you treat people different because of the color of their skin. The audience should not let her get off that easy. You know GD WELL you benefit from pretty privileges and in turn, Robyn (who must have been named by the universe because she is the most loyal sidekick ever) is part of your package deal. People have been let go from Bravo for far less but there you sit, in your TEMU lace fronts making false accusations and attacking a different marriage every season. She needs to stop acting like the colorist conversation is about her being racist. And it really ripped my drawers when her and Karen said "we have brown skinned girls." Chile, just say you can't be racist because your best friend is black and you don't see color because that is the same energy. Loving your kids is not factored into what C was saying. I personally don't think Gizelle herself is colorist. I do think she is a soul sucking piece of shit that has gotten by on her looks. But her employer is colorist and so are some of the fans and I'm not being talked down from my opinion. 

All of them are beautiful IMO. This is the prettiest housewives cast in my eyes from the beginning. But G is both beautiful and fair skin. And if I was her, I wouldn't apologize for it. Nothing she can do about it, she was simply born and hit the DNA lottery. It's not her fault, but stop doing your impression of Stevie Wonder and pretending you are being labeled a racist because you are light skinned. A few castmates have eluded to the fact that she gets away with things because of how she looks - Wendy, Katie, Ray, Monique. She wore that pretty privilege like a badge of honor. But Candiace had the unmitigated gall to call it exactly what it was and that is why she is mad.

Girl just stop.

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2 hours ago, drivethroo said:

Juan chose to run around in public with the girl at the laundromat (when Robyn said on her podcast she had extra machines installed in the new house so Juan could do the team laundry at home) 


2 hours ago, drivethroo said:

Juan chose to run around in public with the same girl at the nail salon, which is not near Coppin State

So is she gonna use Juan's payout to build a personal nail salon in their garage? At some point she's gonna have to realize that it's not the locations/businesses. It's just Juan.

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So Robyn has extra washers and dryers installed in her house because Juan (former head coach) has to launder the team uniforms, couple of things with that are ridiculous one, that school has facilities for sport team uniforms, towels, etc...secondly why would Robyn say okay to that and shell out money for that and the detergent? The last thing is did Juan expect Robyn to do that laundry at home or was he doing it? Actually this is the last thing, what if the uniforms caused damage to their machines at home, who would pay for the repair, certainly not the school and what if the uniforms were damaged in the wash, who would pay to replace them, certainly not the school.

This is why I think those two should have a financial conservatorship, they waste so much money. 

24 minutes ago, luckyroll3 said:

Juan chose to run around in public with the same girl at the nail salon, which is not near Coppin State

Where was the nail salon located?

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6 hours ago, luckyroll3 said:

Here Mia goes again trying to get in with the "cool girls".

Exactly how I saw it….girl, you barely know what’s going on with your marriage, stop acting like you were there and know all the facts.

Gizzard, your family was being threatened because you are a big, fat bully, don’t blame Candice for this. 

Everytime Nneka comes on the screen I keep wondering who she reminds me of and now I've got it....she's a combination of Shenehneh Jenkins from Martin and Candy from Pose!



Edited by Yogisbooboo64
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3 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

So Robyn has extra washers and dryers installed in her house because Juan (former head coach) has to launder the team uniforms, couple of things with that are ridiculous one, that school has facilities for sport team uniforms, towels, etc...secondly why would Robyn say okay to that and shell out money for that and the detergent? The last thing is did Juan expect Robyn to do that laundry at home or was he doing it?

That's what she said on their podcast, she had extra machines installed because Juan was hogging the household machines with the team laundry and she wanted another set of machines so she could do the household laundry.  She wasn't washing the team laundry so she says. Juan was.

4 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Where was the nail salon located?

The nail salon was said to be in Ellicott City (Howard County).  Coppin State is in Baltimore City.  Juan and Robyn live in Howard County.  I don't know where the laundromat was located.

8 minutes ago, Yogisbooboo64 said:

Exactly how I saw it….girl, you barely know what’s going on with your marriage, stop acting like you where there and know all the facts.

The person who needed to shut it right on up was Nneka, who claimed Wendy likes to manipulate Candiace and Candiace wasn't allowed to think for herself.  Nneka just got there so how would she know, unless Ashley + GEB was feeding her tales about Candiace.

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5 hours ago, drivethroo said:

That's what she said on their podcast, she had extra machines installed because Juan was hogging the household machines with the team laundry and she wanted another set of machines so she could do the household laundry.  She wasn't washing the team laundry so she says. Juan was.

The nail salon was said to be in Ellicott City (Howard County).  Coppin State is in Baltimore City.  Juan and Robyn live in Howard County.  I don't know where the laundromat was located.

The person who needed to shut it right on up was Nneka, who claimed Wendy likes to manipulate Candiace and Candiace wasn't allowed to think for herself.  Nneka just got there so how would she know, unless Ashley + GEB was feeding her tales about Candiace.

Nneka witnessed Unhappy Wendy telling Candiace to stay out of it when Candiace merely asked Nneka if she was okay. I don’t know if I would call it manipulation. Looked like jealousy to me.

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Part of me wish The Bassetts would have played chess instead of checkers. As soon as G opened her mouth I would have said I'm so sorry my husband made you uncomfortable. Let me talk to him. Then I would have written the text from him to her with a fake apology favorite buzzwords and phrases:


I would have poured it on thick. Then she would have had to scramble to find another story for the season. She could tell me 5+5=Abraham Lincoln and I would  agree. I want them all to stop watering her garden. 

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On 12/18/2023 at 12:43 PM, Boofish said:

So much to unpack. Juan hanging up on Robyn is now the official Carlton dance of Bravo. It never gets old and it's always funny.

Gizelle please stop pretending that Candiace said you treat people different because of the color of their skin. The audience should not let her get off that easy. You know GD WELL you benefit from pretty privileges and in turn, Robyn (who must have been named by the universe because she is the most loyal sidekick ever) is part of your package deal. People have been let go from Bravo for far less but there you sit, in your TEMU lace fronts making false accusations and attacking a different marriage every season. She needs to stop acting like the colorist conversation is about her being racist. And it really ripped my drawers when her and Karen said "we have brown skinned girls." Chile, just say you can't be racist because your best friend is black and you don't see color because that is the same energy. Loving your kids is not factored into what C was saying. I personally don't think Gizelle herself is colorist. I do think she is a soul sucking piece of shit that has gotten by on her looks. But her employer is colorist and so are some of the fans and I'm not being talked down from my opinion. 

All of them are beautiful IMO. This is the prettiest housewives cast in my eyes from the beginning. But G is both beautiful and fair skin. And if I was her, I wouldn't apologize for it. Nothing she can do about it, she was simply born and hit the DNA lottery. It's not her fault, but stop doing your impression of Stevie Wonder and pretending you are being labeled a racist because you are light skinned. A few castmates have eluded to the fact that she gets away with things because of how she looks - Wendy, Katie, Ray, Monique. She wore that pretty privilege like a badge of honor. But Candiace had the unmitigated gall to call it exactly what it was and that is why she is mad.

Girl just stop.

I agree with most of you points except I do believe G is colorist when it comes to the type of life she believes she is owed. It might be a classist, pretty priv, colorist combo but she and Robyn for that matter can get no rest knowing Monique (while on the show), Wendy, and Candiace have/had happy families, homes, and financial means that are better than there's.

It tells me something that neither of them wastes a second of care on what Charisse has but are constantly bothered by any advancements of the other 3. See the dumb hissy fit Robyn and G had about Wendy's bodywork and how they went out of their way to make it their storylines.

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1 hour ago, red12 said:

I agree with most of you points except I do believe G is colorist when it comes to the type of life she believes she is owed. It might be a classist, pretty priv, colorist combo but she and Robyn for that matter can get no rest knowing Monique (while on the show), Wendy, and Candiace have/had happy families, homes, and financial means that are better than there's.

It tells me something that neither of them wastes a second of care on what Charisse has but are constantly bothered by any advancements of the other 3. See the dumb hissy fit Robyn and G had about Wendy's bodywork and how they went out of their way to make it their storylines.

Because they are not threatened by Charisse looks and her man is a cheater cheater pumpkin eater just like theirs

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On 12/17/2023 at 8:24 PM, Chalby said:

I understand Candiace's a hatred towards Gizelle, however, I'm tired of her not recognizing her own culpability in everything. First of all, she shouldn't be punishing Robyn for being friends with Gizelle. She forgets that on camera when Gizelle tried to tell Robyn about Chris inappropriately asking her into a room, Robyn immediately said "No, no. Chris is not like that." And she never co-signed that Chris behaved improperly. Why should Robyn end a friendship because of someone else's issues?

Candiace also forgets that she and Chris always enjoyed partying with Juan and Robyn. Candiace's assumption that Juan lost his case because of Robyn saying he was doing the right thing in his criminal proceedings, is ridiculous. It also assumes the worst about the American justice system if some little housewife on TV can bring down an entire court case.  Candiace has got to realize her contribution to the cast unrest is her behind their backs insults and horrible tweets on Twitter.

Gizelle is disgusting for even implying that Chris's behavior was untoward, but Candiace has been responsible for far more destructive, and devastatingly vulgar attacks since day 1. Candiace has absolutely no self-awareness.

Thank you so much for this entire post. I agree with you 💯. I keep reading all these other posts wondering if I watched the same show as everyone else. 

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9 hours ago, Workslame said:

Thank you so much for this entire post. I agree with you 💯. I keep reading all these other posts wondering if I watched the same show as everyone else. 

I agree as well. Candiace definitely lacks self awareness. The things she posts online are obnoxious and childish. If she spent as much time on her “singing” as she does on posting insults online she might book some gigs that she didn’t have to pay for. And she could have some compassion for Robyn as they both have unemployed bums sitting up in their houses although at least Juan got paid after being let go. Chris just quits with nothing to fall back on. Maybe that’s why Candiace starting crying so hard. 


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38 minutes ago, Chatty Cake said:

I agree as well. Candiace definitely lacks self awareness. The things she posts online are obnoxious and childish. If she spent as much time on her “singing” as she does on posting insults online she might book some gigs that she didn’t have to pay for. And she could have some compassion for Robyn as they both have unemployed bums sitting up in their houses although at least Juan got paid after being let go. Chris just quits with nothing to fall back on. Maybe that’s why Candiace starting crying so hard. 



Good point. You'd think she would have grown over all these years on the show but nothing changes. I want to like her because she can be fun but her vitriol is too much. 

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20 hours ago, Workslame said:


Good point. You'd think she would have grown over all these years on the show but nothing changes. I want to like her because she can be fun but her vitriol is too much. 

I have cried a lot over the years, never  have I dried my eyes like Candiace,  I don't  know why it bugs me so much. Could be there are no tears, but the tissue  or hanky  in the corner  of her eye...ugh! 

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5 hours ago, gwen747 said:

Where in the episode did she say that? I missed it. Merry Christmas everyone!

Oddly it was my quote but somehow it got attached to luckyroll3 but Robyn said it in her talking head, with a straight face actually said since they have Juan's payout going on they can spend whatever but when it ends it will be then they have to watch their spending. I can only imagine their accountant hearing her say that, (hits head against wall), Robyn needs a conservativeship.

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9 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Oddly it was my quote but somehow it got attached to luckyroll3 but Robyn said it in her talking head, with a straight face actually said since they have Juan's payout going on they can spend whatever but when it ends it will be then they have to watch their spending. I can only imagine their accountant hearing her say that, (hits head against wall), Robyn needs a conservativeship.

The Dixons are lucky the university doesn't want to activate an ethics (or something similar) clause in his contract in order not to pay him, to avoid legal fights (he would probably countersue). It's easier (and probably less expensive) to pay him, and forget about him.

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On 12/17/2023 at 10:44 PM, LaurelleJ said:

The best part of the episode for me was watching Karen freak out about the chicken. 

I am with Karen on "the dirty bird"!

My grandma had chickens and to me they were always dirty, scratching around in the shit-spotted barn yard, yuck. The chickenshit bingo board, actually the whole place, looked nasty! I can't believe Karen did not turn on her heel and leave immediately. If contractually obligated she should have pulled out a blue mask and worn it. Total Karen move and I would have howled. (I still keep one in my purse for just such occasions.) The Grand Dame owns a farm but she is above chickenshit bingo.

And speaking of, yes, Karen is coming across well this season, so far as I've seen. I'm also bummed that Karen and I are the same age and I didn't hear or think of "Triple 20" last year for my birthday celebrations. 


Edited by RedHawk
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