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Kate Plus 8 - General Discussion

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32 minutes ago, Baby Button Eyes said:

Looks like she was saying "Shhhhhh!" to him and trying to cover his mouth, except he was behind her and she could quite do it. I guess she didn't like whatever he was trying to say. 

Collin is clearly just in front of her.  According to the pap who took the shot, she was doing more than shushing him and it was more of a slap.  Possibly she didn't mean to do it.  In fact I would say she didn't because she is usually very careful about her public persona and she knew the paps were there.  

On 4/7/2017 at 11:16 PM, 17wheatthins said:

It looks as though the paps were snapping pics quickly, maybe in burst shot, because here's another from the same day, and it appears that she was covering his mouth, not slapping him. But YMMV.  


That could be true.  I still think it's a little much.  I, personally, never felt the need to put my hand on my daughter's face.  But definitely mileage varies.  I will admit that I can't stand her and always felt sorry for Jon and the kids.  So I'm predisposed to think the worst.  

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The above article really made me mad. Colin has "anger issues" and blames everything on his mother. Well no shit!  Who could blame the kid for blaming her? We all saw and read that he was her punching bag since before he could walk.  

What kind of mother would have such a huge birthday party on TV when one of the birthday boys couldn't be there?!  She's horrible.  I wonder if they will even mention him. I won't be watching to find out but my guess is that they will all act like he doesn't exist. Which I'm sure will be very helpful to his "special needs".  

It feels wrong to hate somebody that I've never met so much but I just can not help it.   I'm glad I live in San Francisco because if I ever saw her in public, I don't think I'd be able to stop myself from throat punching her. 

  • Love 11

If he can't leave the residential treatment center for his birthday --- bring the birthday to him.  I can only imagine how lonely and isolated he must feel.  She is creating a monster far worse than just the "anger issues."

19 hours ago, babyhouseman said:

I've read there were only 3 episodes which is short for a season on TLC. It's about Halloween, a ski trip, and the six's birthday in May. That sounds riveting. lol

Free high-end Halloween costumes.
Free skip trip.
Free birthday party and gifts.

Episodes revolve around what she can get for free.

  • Love 12
23 minutes ago, Whyyouneedaname said:

why can't someone in the family take him? The one's mentioned in the last couple of post  always showed loved and attention to them all. With the exception of her mother and father, we never saw them but the others always did. She is gonna one day reap what she has sown. 

Whoever cares for the child would need some money.  Kate cares more about the bank account total than the well-being of her kid. 

  • Love 3

Perhaps his therapist recommended that Colin not film the show. I would hope, that if he does or doesn't appear, there is consultation with his treatment program and all consideration given to his best interests.

Of course, if Kate possessed even one ounce of maternal feeling, she would decline to film things like birthday parties where Colin is excluded, but famewhore gotta famewhore. She's hangin' on by the skin of her kids' teeth, no way motherhood trumps getting her mug on TV one more time.

  • Love 12
On 6/18/2017 at 1:34 PM, CofCinci said:

If he can't leave the residential treatment center for his birthday --- bring the birthday to him.  I can only imagine how lonely and isolated he must feel.  She is creating a monster far worse than just the "anger issues."

Free high-end Halloween costumes.
Free skip trip.
Free birthday party and gifts.

Episodes revolve around what she can get for free.

She's a horrible person, but why are u assuming she didn't. It's no like she could film in there and I highly doubt she wants everyone to know where he is at.  Safety issues.

Two of them hit 18 soon, and then what happens? The brats seem to think they're movie stars and center of the universe, and they're in for a rude surprise. At least the Duggars pre-planned the spinoffs by their "courting" rituals and getting the girls married off and preggers. But the two older twins here have nothing of interest for a spinoff series. And how can Kate possibly afford college for eight kids? 

5 hours ago, orangeiguana said:

And how can Kate possibly afford college for eight kids?

There are many kids in college whose parents can't afford college for one kid.  They take out student loans.  The majority of kids graduating are saddled by loans that can take anywhere from 10 to 30 years to pay off.  So hard to see this as a big deal.  

There was also a huge slice of money put into 529s in the middle of all the divorce drama.  So there is some money.  

They live at home and commute.  They work to offset costs.  And most take out loans.  So they'll be fine.

  • Love 4

OK, Kate has officially gone around the bend.  Her "woe is me, I do it all by myself, no one helps me" hysteria has reached clinical levels now.  Maybe poor Colin isn't the one who needs to be institutionalized?  What a psycho maniac.  If John or any other relative of these kids cared enough to do something about this effing bitch, all they'd need to do is watch any episode with Kate "planning" an event or trip or party.  She is abusive, unstable and unhinged. Those kids can't get away fast enough.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, QuinnM said:

There are many kids in college whose parents can't afford college for one kid.  They take out student loans.  The majority of kids graduating are saddled by loans that can take anywhere from 10 to 30 years to pay off.  So hard to see this as a big deal.  

There was also a huge slice of money put into 529s in the middle of all the divorce drama.  So there is some money.  

They live at home and commute.  They work to offset costs.  And most take out loans.  So they'll be fine.

I bet, with all eight kids, only half will go to college and graduate with a four year degree.  I am not picking on them I am just being realistic.  College is not for everyone, some may choose a trade school, beauty school, the military (Kate was good at being a drill sargeant so there!!!) or culinary school, etc.  

36 minutes ago, BusyOctober said:

OK, Kate has officially gone around the bend.  Her "woe is me, I do it all by myself, no one helps me" hysteria has reached clinical levels now.  Maybe poor Colin isn't the one who needs to be institutionalized?  What a psycho maniac.  If John or any other relative of these kids cared enough to do something about this effing bitch, all they'd need to do is watch any episode with Kate "planning" an event or trip or party.  She is abusive, unstable and unhinged. Those kids can't get away fast enough.

I have been a Kate hater for a very long time.  Her whole life revolves around complaining about the kids!!  I remember back when she was bitching about having "two 6 year olds and six 2 year olds!"  Now she is bitching as she has eight teens.  Welcome to life Kate.  

Per Colin:  I am NOT defending Kate at all, but I am a special ed teacher so I know a little bit about emotionally disturbed kids.  For Colin to be sent to group home/residential school setting, there had to be some serious shit to hit the fan, like repeatedly harming himself or others, touching someone sexually.  It may have been out of Kate's hands, like CPS was getting involved and the other kids kids could have been removed.  Can't let that happen!!!

Do people even watch this anymore?  Who the hell cares watching Kate lose her shit over planning a trip, yelling to clean up,yelling over her puppies, watching Maddy roll her eyes at everyone, listening to them bicker?  Besides your kids are almost 17 and 13!!  They should be pretty self sufficient by this point.  

For all their vacations I never get the sense that they play together and laugh.  It seems so stressful!!  

Edited by Mrs. Hanson
  • Love 6

The show money had to be in a trust for the kids, not necessarily a 529 account.  Plus the trust is accessible to Kate to use for the health, education, or welfare of the kids and is really a small amount when divided by 8 kids.  529 accounts were set up for the sextuplets when they were born, but there is no proof that any money was put into them. 

  • Love 2
2 minutes ago, Absolom said:

The show money had to be in a trust for the kids, not necessarily a 529 account.  Plus the trust is accessible to Kate to use for the health, education, or welfare of the kids and is really a small amount when divided by 8 kids.  529 accounts were set up for the sextuplets when they were born, but there is no proof that any money was put into them. 

Pennsylvania has very adult-friendly laws when it comes to kids who earn money.  I've read for years that the State didn't even have a way to make sure the kids weren't working too many hours, etc.  Things that are protected in California are not all protected in Pennsylvania.  Not arguing . . . but I'm not sure your "had to be in a trust" is correct.  Khate may have set up trusts of some sort for them, but I'm not sure she "had" to.  

2 hours ago, Absolom said:

A new law was passed during filming of the show that required the trusts be set up.

You're right.  Part of the law requires that trust funds be set up for child actors with the employer depositing 15 percent of the child’s gross earnings into the trust.

So, who negotiates what part of what TLC pays the Gosselins is for the kids, and what part is for Khate?  Probably Khate.  I seriously doubt that she negotiated an even split for her and each of the kids.  That would have meant she was only getting 1/9th when the law was passed, and probably 1/8th now that Collin is no longer part of the show (or maybe even the family).  And only 15% has to be put into the trust fund, so whatever the breakdown is, Mama still has authority over 85% of what the kids earn.  

Either way, it's atrocious.  Khate would not have a TV show without the kids; she is not special, they are.

  • Love 3

I hate the COLLEGE COLLEGE COLLEGE mindset. People seem to think you can't have a fulfilled, successful life without college. I know people with college degrees who work as waiters and hostesses. I know people who work trades who make great money and have had long lasting careers. Who's to say that all 8 kids, or even 1 of them will want to go to college?  Neither of my kids went to college yet they both have great jobs and they each bought their first homes before they were 28.  Too many people push college and I just don't think its necessary for everybody.  The average age of today's trade worker is 56, where will all these people who push college be when the trade workers retire and they need work done? 

Sorry for the rant but I just hate the "all kids must go to college to be successful" mindset. 

  • Love 11
On 6/19/2017 at 2:48 PM, gunderda said:



20 hours ago, orangeiguana said:

. And how can Kate possibly afford college for eight kids? 

I remember Jon saying in an interview there are college funds for all the children. That was a couple of years ago. I don't know the situation now. I agree not everybody has to go to college. The ratings were around 900,000. That's not horrible for a reality show. I wonder if she'll get any more episodes beyond the scheduled three. 

8 hours ago, AZChristian said:

You're right.  Part of the law requires that trust funds be set up for child actors with the employer depositing 15 percent of the child’s gross earnings into the trust.

So, who negotiates what part of what TLC pays the Gosselins is for the kids, and what part is for Khate?  Probably Khate.  I seriously doubt that she negotiated an even split for her and each of the kids.  That would have meant she was only getting 1/9th when the law was passed, and probably 1/8th now that Collin is no longer part of the show (or maybe even the family).  And only 15% has to be put into the trust fund, so whatever the breakdown is, Mama still has authority over 85% of what the kids earn.  

Either way, it's atrocious.  Khate would not have a TV show without the kids; she is not special, they are.

Bolded letters added by me.  You are 100% correct in that - they kids are what people tuned in for years ago - lots of cute toddlers.  Now?  Early teens and eye rolling sixteen year olds?  I work in a middle school.....I will pass, thanks.

  • Love 3

It will be interesting to see which one of the kids does a "Kate Dearest" tell all.  My money is on Maddie (Cara will go along with her, but will let Maddie tell the story).  Colin may pen one later, too.  And that's how tuition will get paid...  

I have (make that had) a friend who could have been the prototype for Kate - everything was a huge deal, she was so overworked and exhausted (stay at home mom of three). Every time she would call me, the conversation would start with, "We're all sick, blah, blah, woe is me...   Two years ago her husband had minor surgery  and she was too busy and unable to cope, and had a family member take her calls.  I guess she wondered why everyone wasn't dropping their lives to run over (she lives way out in the country - her choice) and assist her.  (Not to mention that I have a job and obligations connected to that job). I tried keeping in touch with her through texting, but just got terse replies.  In May she advised me that I was out of her life.  (She would contact me when and if she felt like it).   Having seen her do this to many others, including her mother, who never even met two of her grandchildren, I wasn't surprised.  After 20 years, I was out.   This was just sooooo Kate like!  (She loves Kate, too).

And may I add, I am having the most peaceful and stress free summer...

  • Love 10
24 minutes ago, PradaKitty said:

It will be interesting to see which one of the kids does a "Kate Dearest" tell all.  My money is on Maddie (Cara will go along with her, but will let Maddie tell the story).  Colin may pen one later, too.  And that's how tuition will get paid...  

I have (make that had) a friend who could have been the prototype for Kate - everything was a huge deal, she was so overworked and exhausted (stay at home mom of three). Every time she would call me, the conversation would start with, "We're all sick, blah, blah, woe is me...   Two years ago her husband had minor surgery  and she was too busy and unable to cope, and had a family member take her calls.  I guess she wondered why everyone wasn't dropping their lives to run over (she lives way out in the country - her choice) and assist her.  (Not to mention that I have a job and obligations connected to that job). I tried keeping in touch with her through texting, but just got terse replies.  In May she advised me that I was out of her life.  (She would contact me when and if she felt like it).   Having seen her do this to many others, including her mother, who never even met two of her grandchildren, I wasn't surprised.  After 20 years, I was out.   This was just sooooo Kate like!  (She loves Kate, too).

And may I add, I am having the most peaceful and stress free summer...

I'm 51 and a few months ago I ended a friendship that started the summer before we started kindergarten. She just turned into a bitter, miserable bitch who tried her damnedest to make everyone around her as miserable as she is. Anything I ever told her about me or my family was always used against us at a later time. Any time I said anything about anybody she would run to that person and tell them what I said but she always twisted it so it sounded like I said so much worse than what I actually said.  People kept asking why I didn't dump her ass but it was hard because we had so much history.  All of my childhood memories were with her. I finally had enough of her being a total asshole and then turning it around and it being my fault.  I even changed my phone number so she can't text and harass me anymore. 

Like you Pradakitty, this has been the most peaceful summer of my life. 

Sorry for being so off topic, I can just totally relate. 

  • Love 4

I still find this show mildly interesting but I'm tired of parties and vacations. It's SO boring to watch people learn to ski. I'd rather see more of their daily lives, or hear from different combinations of the kids rather than the same Mady/Cara, little girls, boys groupings. Mady and Cara also need to be broken of their vocal fry habit before their vocal cords beyond repair.

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