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Kate Plus 8 - General Discussion

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On 9/8/2022 at 6:50 PM, babyhouseman said:

You're right. I looked at the article, and it said she was a nurse. I just can't imagine her personality for a nurse. Maybe she's a nurse who works alone. lol

Feel lucky you can't imagine it. I end up in hospital about twice a year and have met a few nurses like her. Worse even. 

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On 9/18/2022 at 8:10 PM, Grrarrggh said:

Feel lucky you can't imagine it. I end up in hospital about twice a year and have met a few nurses like her. Worse even. 

That’s inexcusable.  As a retired RN, please allow me to apologize on behalf of my profession.  Thank God we’re not all like that.  The majority of nurses are skilled, caring and dedicated.

Edited by farmgal4
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9 hours ago, farmgal4 said:

 The majority of nurses are skilled, caring and dedicated.

Oh definitely. I've been more than lucky in that respect as well. Would rather have a great nurse than a great doctor a lot of the time! 

I've got to admit I'm curious how Kate is as a nurse. She can show superficial charm when she wants to. 

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1 hour ago, Grrarrggh said:

Oh definitely. I've been more than lucky in that respect as well. Would rather have a great nurse than a great doctor a lot of the time! 

I've got to admit I'm curious how Kate is as a nurse. She can show superficial charm when she wants to. 

I think Kate is probably a skilled and knowledgeable nurse.  I would have no fear at all if I was assigned to be her patient, as far as her knowing what she was doing.  It’s her bedside manner that I would worry about.  Kate seems to be super moody so if she happened to be in a bad mood, she might not have the best bedside manner.  I do respect her for getting a job.  There are some ex-reality “stars” who think they’re way too famous and uppity to ever work a regular job (looking at you, KZB 😒).

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13 hours ago, MMEButterfly said:

I just had a flashback to Kate in Sarah Palin's Alaska. 

I remember that episode.  Kate acted like a Level 10 bitch in that one.  Sarah and her dad were dumbstruck by her abhorrent behavior.  I feel sure that Kate lost a lot of her fan base after that episode aired.

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From the article:


Despite the struggles and challenges he's faced in his 18 years, Collin's outlook remains overwhelmingly positive and the message he hopes to share is one of hope and kindness.

"I want to say that in life we all go through hard things. We all get knocked down, we all experience really, really difficult things," he shares, "But don't sit around and mourn and cry about it, address the situation you're in and fix it and come out on top of it. Because resilience is a really important thing."

As for the message he hopes to express, Collin simply wants people to "spread kindness and love."

"My one message to everybody, to the world, in general, is just be kind to people," he continues. "It’s really not that hard, you know? Be kind, talk to people, hear other people’s stories, just spread kindness."

Wow, how did he turn out to be such an intelligent and compassionate young man?  I guess living with Kate the first 12 years of his life taught him how NOT to treat people.

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35 minutes ago, Kellyee said:

I wonder what happened that none of his siblings will speak to him except Hannah. Not sure if it was really just Kate's influence or if something else went down before Collin got sent away. The whole situation is just sad. 

This also happened a while back: https://www.the-sun.com/entertainment/6435431/jon-gosselin-slammed-difficult-work-with-financial-trouble/

The fact that Colin was sent away at 12 and his Kate-custody siblings still no longer speak to him at 18 makes me think that Kate’s influence has a lot to do with it.

The fact that Kate put him somewhere and basically threw him away at that age is reprehensible. She didn’t have him visit home or visit with him? Did she even write to him? Did they do family counseling? It’s very sad for Colin that he was abandoned by his mother, yet he still wishes for a relationship with her.

In Pennsylvania you can’t just have someone committed to an institution legally for years and years. It ‘s not that easy. Kate must have paid a private “institution” to get rid of Colin because she couldn’t handle him. I hope it wasn’t something like KidsPeace, because they have a less than stellar reputation.

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My understanding is Collin never went home, and since Kate had physical custody, Jon didn't know where Collin was for three years.   From article I read, she went to see him two or three times, but I bet that was just to see the staff of the 'institution'.  

He also said it's been 6 or 7 years since he saw his other siblings except the one who lived with Jon (Hannah?)

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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Colin's only hope is to avoid the entertainment world and pursue a regular, private life. I hope he has a qualified therapist's support for many years, because his trauma is enduring. He needs to jettison his barnacle father too.

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18 minutes ago, pasdetrois said:

Colin's only hope is to avoid the entertainment world and pursue a regular, private life. I hope he has a qualified therapist's support for many years, because his trauma is enduring. He needs to jettison his barnacle father too.

Barnacle his father may be, but he did give Collin a place to live that wasn't an institution.

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On 11/29/2022 at 7:51 AM, Adiba said:

The fact that Colin was sent away at 12 and his Kate-custody siblings still no longer speak to him at 18 makes me think that Kate’s influence has a lot to do with it.

The fact that Kate put him somewhere and basically threw him away at that age is reprehensible. She didn’t have him visit home or visit with him? Did she even write to him? Did they do family counseling? It’s very sad for Colin that he was abandoned by his mother, yet he still wishes for a relationship with her.

In Pennsylvania you can’t just have someone committed to an institution legally for years and years. It ‘s not that easy. Kate must have paid a private “institution” to get rid of Colin because she couldn’t handle him. I hope it wasn’t something like KidsPeace, because they have a less than stellar reputation.

Also from an early age he was Kate's whipping boy (besides Jon).  That surely tainted the other children's view of Collin and also his view of himself. 

I'm sure he did have emotional problems from what he has said and that probably alienated his siblings further. 

Being on TV... not being loved by his mother while watching her love seven other children...the divorce...both parent's not being the greatest...  Poor kid never had a chance at normal and happy. 

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Jon and Kate are an interesting case for me because in some ways I understand why they went on TV in the first place. I can just imagine having all these eight kids and having a husband who just lost his job and somebody calling you and saying "hey we will give you x amount of money to just let us see what life is like for you". I can understand that for them at the beginning they got to do things that they probably thought would happen when they had these sextuplets. Lets face it if someone says that you will get to go on this luxurious vacation with all your kids for free we just will film it I don't think anyone would turn it down. The problem was that in their heads they didn't have to be normal people anymore. The TV show became their lives and their incomes. The problem is that Jon eventually saw the light and wanted to become a normal person again and Kate was loving this celebrity life. Once the divorce happened TLC was still willing to keep Kate on their payroll and Jon was tossed to the side. I truly think that for most of the kids they were okay with this being their lives and Collin eventually realized that he didn't want to be on camera anymore and fought it and she had to find a way that it would be okay to uncast him and that was sending him away. As the kids grew up and had more ability to do stuff on their own they didn't need a TV show anymore they became just like every other family. For the other kids they became angry that as Kate portrayed it "Daddy was taking away all they knew and they weren't going to get to live the life they've always known anymore" and eventually Hannah started to realize what had happened with Collin and wasn't okay with it. It's truly sad to see Collin get older and realize his mom fired him and because of his mom brainwashing his other siblings he doesn't get to have anyone other than Jon and Hannah to have a family bond with. All I can hope is that one day Kate finally realizes that Collin didn't deserve to be fired from her family and truly tries her hardest to make it up to him. 

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I think Kate's problem with Collin is a lot deeper and darker than just finding a way to get him off the TV show.  She could have done that by merely parking him with a relative, even Jon, during filming.  

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8 hours ago, Absolom said:

I think Kate's problem with Collin is a lot deeper and darker than just finding a way to get him off the TV show.  She could have done that by merely parking him with a relative, even Jon, during filming.  

The deep seeded hatred she had for him, even as a tiny toddler (based on she wrote in her book alone) is shocking and really tragic. 

I think he was the one kid who marched to the beat of his own drum from an early age, which exacerbated as he got older and gained more self awareness. She probably sense he'd eventually call her out on her own nonsense. The years in that institution were absolutely done to punish him and break him down.

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On 11/29/2022 at 10:51 AM, Adiba said:

 I hope it wasn’t something like KidsPeace, because they have a less than stellar reputation.

One of the places he was in, is in Philadelphia, Fairmount Behavioral Health System.

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20 hours ago, ellenr33 said:

Jon and Kate are an interesting case for me because in some ways I understand why they went on TV in the first place.

As some additional perspective, when this series first appeared there were reports that 1) Kate pursued having this many children when she didn't need medical intervention to have children (and she already had the two older girls) and 2) she had her hand out very early on, asking for public assistance. There were links to articles about her arguing/appealing decisions that denied the family public assistance (pre-TV show). When she and Jon traveled the Christian circuit, my family member attended a church service where a collection was taken up for Jon and Kate. That grifting happened over a period of several months or weeks down South.

The IT world exploded the past 20 years, and if he had steadily pursued an IT career, getting extra education and certifications, Jon could be making well into six figures now. Well before COVID, many IT staff worked remotely. A lot of my clients cannot find enough of these senior IT people to meet the need and they command top salaries.

I always wondered if Kate singled out Colin because he reminds her of Jon.

Edited by pasdetrois
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1 hour ago, pasdetrois said:

if he had steadily pursued an IT career

He currently works in IT at Amazon, and has stayed in the field over the years. Steadily? No but he’s still in it.

Edited by ginger90
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I know Jon is in IT now, but for years he chased an entertainment career. I doubt he is a top IT guy at Amazon - their IT department is one of my clients and I've never heard of him. ETA: LinkedIn says he's an IT support associate - that's relatively low- to mid-level position.

My criticism is that he and Kate could have had great careers and made decent incomes if they had stayed away from too many kids and reality TV. Nurses and IT folks have been in demand all these years.

Edited by pasdetrois
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4 minutes ago, pasdetrois said:

I know Jon is in IT now, but for years he chased an entertainment career. I doubt he is a top IT guy at Amazon - their IT department is one of my clients and I've never heard of him.

Why does he have to be a top guy? He’s employed, the benefits are good, etc.

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You're missing my original point, which I probably did not make clear - sorry.

Another poster pondered why Jon and Kate pursued reality TV. I tied that to their early claims of poverty. requesting public assistance after they had eight kids.  I'm saying that had they avoided reality TV and its big bucks they still could have had great careers and afforded a decent lifestyle. Jon has pursued all kinds of dead-end jobs, and he has monetized himself and the kids, when he could have been climbing the financial ladder in IT all of this time, providing security, benefits and preparing for retirement.

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From several articles about the couple, right after the honeymoon Kate was trying for multiples, and was upset she only had the twins.   Then she went for more fertility treatments, the next try produced too many eggs, and the doctor refused to try to fertilize them, because of the risk to the babies, and Kate.   So, she went to another doctor, had the insemination, and that's how the younger ones came about.   


For years they had speaking engagements at churches about how they bravely refused selective reduction, and had all of the babies.  From articles I read, the minimum "love offering" was $20k, and included all kinds of transportation and housing perks.    The second the bad relationship with the couple was public knowledge, the speaking engagements ended.     

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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Kate was by a lot of reports fascinated by the septuplets and all the assistance and fame/notoriety that they received.  She seemed intent on replicating that if possible.  Sadly her personality took them into the fame and hoping for fortune territory rather than the good of the children.  She wanted to make out like a bandit in the television, grifting, speaking circuit.  

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I remember them discussing early on that Jon was happy with just having the twins.  He was happy being a family of four.  Kate was the one who wanted more kids and since Kate wore the pants in that relationship they had more kids.

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Kate's on TV starting tomorrow night.  The new reality show Special Forces premiers.  We'll get to see Kate do things like walking across a wire, getting out of a submerged car, and being dropped in the ocean.

No way would I ever sign up for that show, even if I was 40 years younger and athletic.  It looks to be a miserable experience.

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On 1/3/2023 at 10:35 PM, Gemma Violet said:

Kate's on TV starting tomorrow night.  The new reality show Special Forces premiers.  We'll get to see Kate do things like walking across a wire, getting out of a submerged car, and being dropped in the ocean.

No way would I ever sign up for that show, even if I was 40 years younger and athletic.  It looks to be a miserable experience.

I was looking to see if there was a discussion thread for the show and didn't find one.

Kate performed about like you would expect.

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6 minutes ago, Lurk said:

I was looking to see if there was a discussion thread for the show and didn't find one.

Kate performed about like you would expect.

I've never even watched her (original) show and found her irritating beyond the telling. I knew she was a goner as soon as I saw how much time they (Special Forces editors) were giving her.

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3 minutes ago, CeeBeeGee said:

I've never even watched her (original) show and found her irritating beyond the telling. I knew she was a goner as soon as I saw how much time they (Special Forces editors) were giving her.

The overly dramatic wailing and flailing and crying. The hysterics. She did that type of thing on her show. Although, the things they were doing were actually kind of scary and she totally botched that helicopter fall.

I thought they gave too much time to some people and we didn't see some others much at all.

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Pretty sure she had it written into her contact that she would only be on the first episode and had to be removed before she had to sleep/poop with the rest of the peeps.  lol

She was so cringe but I liked the show overall.  

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4 hours ago, JenMcSnark said:

Pretty sure she had it written into her contact that she would only be on the first episode and had to be removed before she had to sleep/poop with the rest of the peeps.  lol

She was so cringe but I liked the show overall.  

I am guessing her brain short circuited when they had to cover themselves in sand.

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On 1/4/2023 at 11:47 PM, Lurk said:

I thought they gave too much time to some people and we didn't see some others much at all.

I thought so, too.  Maybe we'll see more of the others in future weeks.

I'm glad Kate admitted to being a complainer.  Maybe she's gaining some self-awareness.

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Mady is upset about people making comments to her or being nosy about her family on social media.  Apparently, she has a TikTok account with over 200,000 followers.  According to the video below, she engages with her audience on TikTok and does unboxing videos of things sent to her. 

So, on one hand, she's complaining about the "haters" (you can thank your mom putting you on reality TV for that, Mady), but on the other hand, she seems to be monetizing her TikTok platform. 

No doubt she's getting much of this "hater" feedback because of her celebrity.  This is a prime example of why kids should not be on reality TV.        


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Since there's no thread for Special Forces, I'm posting here just to say that after seven episodes, ten people have left and there are now only six people left.  (They started with 16.)  As you recall, Kate left on the first day.  The thing is, as much as she cried and complained, the tasks have only gotten tougher and tougher each day.    

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18 hours ago, Gemma Violet said:

Since there's no thread for Special Forces, I'm posting here just to say that after seven episodes, ten people have left and there are now only six people left.  (They started with 16.)  As you recall, Kate left on the first day.  The thing is, as much as she cried and complained, the tasks have only gotten tougher and tougher each day.    

I'm mostly enjoying the show!   Especially now that a lot of the drama stuff is gone.  Kate could never have done these tasks (to be fair, neither could I but I wish I could have tried when I was younger and athletic!).

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On 2/6/2023 at 8:36 PM, Gemma Violet said:

Mady is upset about people making comments to her or being nosy about her family on social media.  Apparently, she has a TikTok account with over 200,000 followers.  According to the video below, she engages with her audience on TikTok and does unboxing videos of things sent to her. 

So, on one hand, she's complaining about the "haters" (you can thank your mom putting you on reality TV for that, Mady), but on the other hand, she seems to be monetizing her TikTok platform. 

No doubt she's getting much of this "hater" feedback because of her celebrity.  This is a prime example of why kids should not be on reality TV.        


Well, Mady seems a lot like her mother in the video, imo. The reason Mady is able to monetize her TikTok is because she and her siblings were on TV for years. People are interested in her because of her famous family, not because she herself is so compelling.

As such, she should accept the fact that there’s going to be curiosity. She doesn’t have to answer any questions, of course, but her seeming righteous indignation at questions is off-putting. Wanna make money off your fame (and not any skill or talent)? Then one should accept that there’s going to be interest in the source of that fame, both positive and negative.

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Apparently, Mady did a TikTok video with Hannah where they answered questions from fans.  So, Hannah, who was living with Jon and Collin and is now going to school in Florida, is friendly with Mady (and hopefully with the other siblings as well).  I don't know what the dynamic is with Collin and the siblings.  I hope they are mending any fences that were there.

Edited by Gemma Violet
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