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Jeopardy! Season 40 (2023-2024)

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13 hours ago, ams1001 said:

Four corrections in one go. That might be a record.

That was wild.

12 hours ago, SoMuchTV said:

But was I the only one bugged by Aaron’s off center collar tonight?  Someone had to have clipped on that microphone. Couldn’t they have straightened his collar?!?!

I don't know that I was bugged by it but I definitely noticed it and thought the same thing about the microphone.

FJ was an instaget.  I credit all the Sinbad movies I watched as a kid.

7 hours ago, Cotypubby said:

Instaget FJ for me.

Did Anna just forget how much money she had? What was that FJ wager!? It wasn’t a runaway game, she had just more than half of Isaac’s total! The only possible way for her to win is to bet it at least $9601. It’s obvious the most Isaac will wager is $201 so she guaranteed herself a loss.

Yeah it ended up not mattering because Isaac got it right anyway, but if you aren’t going to try to win what is the point?

She might not have been confident in the category.  That is always a factor in the final bet.

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8 hours ago, Cotypubby said:

Did Anna just forget how much money she had? What was that FJ wager!? It wasn’t a runaway game, she had just more than half of Isaac’s total! The only possible way for her to win is to bet it at least $9601. It’s obvious the most Isaac will wager is $201 so she guaranteed herself a loss.

I thought the same thing, and then figured maybe she knew she wasn't going to win, but needed/wanted as much $$ as she could win instead.  I was rooting for Isaac to win and get into the TOC because I would love to see him play against Drew.  I also noticed Isaac struggling with the buzzer today which I haven't noticed in the past games.  Maybe this was his last game of the day and he was getting tired. 

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11 hours ago, Bastet said:

Isaac's pronunciation of carotid was a new one for me.

How did he pronounce it?  It was an archive game for me last night.

I did get FJ, but it was not an instaget.

And I got the TS of Ankara, spleen, Purina, and corroborate, which technically wasn't a TS, but I did get it before I looked at the response.

5 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

How did he pronounce it?

Like the vegetable for the first part, and then id.

7 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

It was an archive game for me last night.

Sorry for double post but I just wanted to ask, What did you make of all the corrections on the Archive? If you just read it I don't know if you could tell that when Isaac hit the DD, Ken basically paused the game and handed out all the corrections at once so he could wager knowing the true scores. At one point Kathy was in the red and then immediately above 0 in the next correction. It truly was wild seeing the scores bounce back and forth.

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43 minutes ago, dgpolo said:

Like the vegetable for the first part, and then id.

Sorry for double post but I just wanted to ask, What did you make of all the corrections on the Archive? If you just read it I don't know if you could tell that when Isaac hit the DD, Ken basically paused the game and handed out all the corrections at once so he could wager knowing the true scores. At one point Kathy was in the red and then immediately above 0 in the next correction. It truly was wild seeing the scores bounce back and forth.

That would be an unusual pronunciation.  I guess maybe he'd only seen it in print?


The corrections weren't very noticeable to me on the archive.  Since I read the archive in an orderly manner (top to bottom, left to right), they weren't as clustered as apparently they were during the game.  The archive doesn't track running scores, either.

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3 hours ago, Browncoat said:

That would be an unusual pronunciation.  I guess maybe he'd only seen it in print?

That happens to me a lot; I learn from this show I've been pronouncing wrong in my head something I've only ever seen written.

Usually when a contestant mispronounces something, but in a way that's accepted per J! rules, Ken will say, "[Correct Pronunciation], yes" to gently correct them, or even explicitly state, "We'll accept that; it's [Correct Pronunciation]."  That he didn't this time made me wonder if pronouncing it that way -- "Like the vegetable for the first part, and then id" is just how I would have described it, too -- was not as unusual to Ken as it was to me.

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July 10:

67% / 53% / 61%

In J I missed one each in Native America, Bread, and TV Reboots, two in Rough Times in the City and Potpourri, and three in Rhyme Time (well, 2.5; I had broth but didn't get to Goth in time…)

In DJ I missed one in Ends in "GH" and Vision, two in American Lit and Movie, three in Automakers, and five in African Islands.

FJ was a near-instaget again!

TSes: (J had 4; DJ had 5 + 1 DD) I got dugout canoe and Poe.

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FJ was an instaguess, but I spent the rest of the time second guessing myself (but not changin gmy answer).

I got the missed clues of casino merino, dugout, Poe, and Nile.

I had a great night.  Didn't run anything, but had a bunch where I only missed one clue and a couple where it was just the top clue (like seriously, how can I know the harder ones and not the easiest?)

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The Hyundai TS surprised me, since there aren't many Korean automakers to choose from and it was only a $400 clue.

I dreaded the reboots category, but I wound up running it; I've only seen one of them - Battlestar Galactica - but I knew about all of them.  I had a great first round altogether, missing two in cities, getting all but Clancy in potpourri, and running everything else.

Vocabulary categories are usually among my best, but I missed three in "GH".  The rest of DJ went well; I only ran visions (and wouldn't have even done that if not for Isaac's wrong answer in the Paradiso clue), but I got all but the Poe TS in lit, all but Olds in automakers, and all but The Greatest Showman in movies.  I missed two in islands.

FJ was an instaguess I figured had to be correct.

12 hours ago, Bastet said:

The Hyundai TS surprised me, since there aren't many Korean automakers to choose from and it was only a $400 clue.

The only alternative I could think of was Kia, which actually was my first impulse but I changed it in time based on the year.  Seems like the contestants didn't glom onto it needing to be a South Korean company and just named Japanese ones.

FJ was an instaget if one remembered that John McCain had spent years as a POW in Vietnam.  Which I did, fortunately.


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2 hours ago, possibilities said:

I think Ken is sometimes ruling too fast, and this is what led to the pile up of corrections. 

At least in the case of Kathy when she first gave the right answer of corroborate and changed to corroborated, Ken hesitated, so I think he was listening to the judges. I'm putting the blame on the judges and not Ken.

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Archive game for me because of the special report.  Don't people know better than to interrupt Jeopardy!?  

Anyway, I did not get FJ tonight.  But there were several TS that I got, including between movements, pinning them, Mt. Washington, meerkats, and egrets.

2 minutes ago, Grizzly said:

Aargh, they switched to Biden before FJ was revealed! It's a runaway game but still wondering if I knew the question.

j-archive.com is what I use when I can't watch the show.

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July 11:

50% / 62% / 55%

Yikes. Did pretty well in the first round…except the two categories I completely tanked. Ran More Than One Meaning, missed one in Concert Hall and Women in Government, three in Occupational Potpourri, and failed Wrestling and States that End in Hampshire. In DJ I missed one in 19th Century Novels, Animal Synergy, and Heir, two in "B" & "B", and three in Alphabetically Last and No. 1 Albums by People Who Aren't Taylor Swift.

Did not get FJ (also had to go to the archive because the president's press conference cut off the end of the show; first I found a video on youtube and even that was missing it; they revealed the category then jumped right to the credits).

TSes: (J had 9; DJ had 9 + 1 DD) I got vineyard, concertmaster, zebras & ostriches, egrets, Trenton, Black Prince, and Constantine.

Liz's "sumo" guess cracked me up, because that's what popped into my head, too.  (I knew it wasn't correct, at least.)  Her James Taylor guess on the DD was too painful to laugh at.  Also, on a shallow note, I like her dress.

I was absolutely terrible in concert halls, only coming up with encore.  I wasn't quite as terrible in wrestling as I expected to be, "only" missing three.  I missed another three in New Hampshire, which I was not expecting; ouch.  I ran the rest, but I had as rough a first round as the contestants did.  At least much of what stumped me stumped all of them as well, which made getting a TS something to cling to -- I knew Jeannette Rankin and correctly guessed security guard.

I didn't fare well in DJ, either -- I ran alphabetically and B&B, but missed three each in heirs and animals and two each in the rest.

I got FJ, at least.  Like Robert, Portuguese first brought Brazil to mind, but I knew that wasn't correct.  Once I shifted my attention to a (former) capital meaning "lake", I got it right away.

45 minutes ago, Bastet said:

Her James Taylor guess on the DD was too painful to laugh at.  Also, on a shallow note, I like her dress.

I liked her dress too but spent a long time thinking that I had seen another contestant with a similar neckline. (Although maybe it was just someone else on TV.)

Some of the alphabetically last clues would probably have been easier if they were further down the alphabet. I imagined Liz working her way back from Z and panicking at T.

11 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

recognized Hao Lo as Vietnamese.

I deduced it from the mention of the French and guessed McCain. 

For today's FJ I immediately came up with Lagos but could not think of the country.


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J was preempted here for the president's press conference (it normally airs at 7:30 ET here on NBC), so I missed the dress as well as the fun.

On years when both the Olympics and a USA Presidential election are happening, TV routines are always prone to disruption and I find myself suprisingly bothered by losing my routines.

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Wednesday's FJ of John McCain was an instaget for me for lots of reasons. 
I wonder what about McCain these younger players associate with his name beyond the clue of:

  • In his 1999 memoir he wrote, "I had been shot down a short walk's distance from the French-built prison, Hoa Lo"

If there's still a Jeopardy! like this in 2044, I wonder if this clue would still be answered by all players.

Yesterday I watched on YouTube after News Conference Interruptus, as well as after the rehash, up until the pundits' punditting was interrupted just as suddenly, which should have been amusing, but by then I was exhausted by many things, so Jeopardy! was kind of a blur, even though the video was of better than average quality.
Nevertheless, my wrong guess for FJ

  • Until 1991 this country named for a river had a capital whose name means "lakes" in Portuguese

of "Congo" (I went for the generic version, sorry) might have turned out to be a possible "yes, we'll accept that,"



The name Congo/Kongo originates from…
…The name Zaire is from a Portuguese adaptation of a Kikongo word, nzere ("river"), a truncation of nzadi o nzere ("river swallowing rivers").[12] The river was known as Zaire during the 16th and 17th centuries; Congo seems to have replaced Zaire gradually in English usage during the 18th century, and Congo is the preferred English name in 19th-century literature, although references to Zahir or Zaire as the name used by the inhabitants remained common.[13] The Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Republic of the Congo are named after it, as was the previous Republic of the Congo which had gained independence in 1960 from the Belgian Congo. The Republic of Zaire during 1971–1997 was also named after the river's name in French and Portuguese.…



Edited by shapeshifter
added apostrophe to make subject/verb agreement
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The preemption finally got my lazy ass to try the archives and I also said Congo.

I also learned that I get a lot more correct when I play via the archives-- I guess I need more time than the live show offers. Not even that much more, just a few seconds, and I can parse the clue. Also, when I play at the archives, I don't jump around, so I remember the category, which also helps.

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11 hours ago, possibilities said:

J was preempted here for the president's press conference (it normally airs at 7:30 ET here on NBC), so I missed the dress as well as the fun.

Jeopardy is often interrupted by sports and things like the press conference here, so we went directly to YouTube.  It's our go-to. Then again, we're on the west coast, so there's always a new show available for us to see.

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On 7/11/2024 at 11:00 PM, Bastet said:

I got FJ, at least.  Like Robert, Portuguese first brought Brazil to mind, but I knew that wasn't correct.  Once I shifted my attention to a (former) capital meaning "lake", I got it right away.

I thought of Angola first because it was a Portuguese colony, but couldn't make the river part work.  Then I focused on the lake part and remembered that Lagos used to be the capital of Nigeria.  It wasn't an instaget but I did get there in time.

I was practically yelling the Black Prince at the contestants.  That period of England was the main focus of my degree at college.

19 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

Nevertheless, my wrong guess for FJ

  • Until 1991 this country named for a river had a capital whose name means "lakes" in Portuguese

of "Congo" (I went for the generic version, sorry) might have turned out to be a possible "yes, we'll accept that,"

Unfortunately not because it doesn't fulfill the "former capital's name is Portuguese for lakes" part of the clue.

Edited by proserpina65
  • Useful 1

July 12:

63% / 37% / 51%

Meh first round, terrible second. In J! I missed one in Harry Potter, US Coins, and Only Vowel is Y, two in Lakes & Rivers, and three in Set the Table and Chicago. In DJ I missed two in Doom Scrolling, Gardening, and Lakes & Rivers, four in First Ladies and Neutral Words, and all five in Art.

FJ was an instaget.

TSes: (J had 3 +  the DD; DJ had 10) I got lawyer, Zeus, xeriscaping, still life, and evenhanded.

I continue to like Isaac. Hesitated to bring up being a stand-up comedian because then it goes "…from 'pretty funny for a Jeopardy contestant' to 'not that funny for a  comedian.'" Somehow I'm not surprised that he does it, though.

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18 minutes ago, SoMuchTV said:

I don’t get why they needed first names for the first ladies (unless Ken said that when the category was announced and I missed it). Weren’t they all the only well known female persons with that last name?

The only time they should ask for a first name is if the last name is the same like Johnson or Roosevelt. Are we getting new episodes all summer? I know the new season starts in September.

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22 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

Instaget FJ, then I second-guessed myself with the other guy.  Fortunately I stuck with my first impulse.  

I did the same thing. My second-guess was Linus Pauling, and then I thought, no, he was the Vitamin C guy...1950s and saving children had to be polio (then I wondered if he even died around the same time; he died the year before Salk did).

3 minutes ago, kathyk2 said:

Are we getting new episodes all summer? I know the new season starts in September.

The season ends July 26th. Google suggests reruns start the week after but I didn't find what they were rerunning (though to be fair I didn't look that hard). Usually it's just the tournaments but the way they shook things up the past year, who knows?

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34 minutes ago, SoMuchTV said:

I don’t get why they needed first names for the first ladies (unless Ken said that when the category was announced and I missed it). Weren’t they all the only well known female persons with that last name?

Wilson was married twice during his presidency, so there were 2 First Ladies Wilson.  Ellen and Edith.  I don't get McKinley, though. If the category were presidents they wouldn't have BMS'd for William.

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14 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

Wednesday's FJ of John McCain was an instaget for me for lots of reasons. 
I wonder what about McCain these younger players associate with his name beyond the clue of:

  • In his 1999 memoir he wrote, "I had been shot down a short walk's distance from the French-built prison, Hoa Lo"

If there's still a Jeopardy! like this in 2044, I wonder if this clue would still be answered by all players.

Yesterday I watched on YouTube after News Conference Interruptus, as well as after the rehash, up until the pundits' punditting was interrupted just as suddenly, which should have been amusing, but by then I was exhausted by many things, so Jeopardy! was kind of a blur, even though the video was of better than average quality.
Nevertheless, my wrong guess for FJ

  • Until 1991 this country named for a river had a capital whose name means "lakes" in Portuguese

of "Congo" (I went for the generic version, sorry) might have turned out to be a possible "yes, we'll accept that,"


As someone who also said Congo (debated back and forth between DRC and Congo), it shouldn't be, because it didn't have a former capital whose name is Portuguese for "lakes".

I should have approached the clue from the linguistics side, not the "country named for a river" side.

I did get FJ today though - immediately thought polio, and took a beat to pull "Salk" out of my brain.

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I watched with a small group of friends and FJ was an instaget for almost all of us (and the one for whom it wasn't said "the polio guy").

I didn't keep track, but know I had some terrible categories.  I had no idea in the Harry Potter category and only came close to getting one in Doom Scrolling -- thanks to a joke in Ghosts, I knew the Norse myth event in the $2000 clue was "Ragna-something" and then my friends finished it.  We were all pretty bad in the Lakes & Rivers category in DJ; one person knew the Pixar movie and I said Joaquin Phoenix, but we had no idea on the rest (none of us had ever even heard of Lake Bell, let alone recognized her).  The rest, though, I think I either ran or just missed one in -- I was either great or terrible, no in between.

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5 hours ago, Bastet said:

none of us had ever even heard of Lake Bell, let alone recognized her

For some reason Lake Bell is sharing brainspace with Caroline Dhavernas in my head and I was baffled trying to figure out the Lake or River relevance to Caroline. And I have even watched In A World..

I guessed Salk but that was pure luck as I thought it was either Salk OR whoever had created the polio vaccine whose name I thought I could not think of. So I went with the name in the hand.

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Friday's game was preempted here, and the YouTube video I was watching got yanked offline in the middle of the first round.
I looked at the archive for FJ (instaget) and then set up my 25+ year old DVR to record from the antenna at 3:30am, even though the local CBS affiliate was totally pixelated and choppy when I set it to go.
Miraculously, the recording was watchable when I finally saw it just now.

Cool that Isaac does stand-up. As he alluded to in his chat with Ken, he really does look like a comedian. 

I got the TSs of iron and still life. 


23 hours ago, Slade347 said:

Mike would seem to be a strong candidate for Second Chance.


Edited by shapeshifter
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19 hours ago, possibilities said:

I also remember the sugar cube polio vaccine. I said Salk, but wondered why Sabin isn't as famous.

I think because Salk was first (had to look it up).


In 1955, Salk2 developed the inactivated poliovirus vaccine; thus began widespread immunisation. This was followed in 1960 by a live, attenuated oral vaccine developed by Sabin


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I could swear I was much younger than 11 when they lined us up in school for the liquid vaccine. We didn't get it in sugar cubes - it was in those little pleated paper cups they use in hospitals to give you your meds. We had to drink it. It was rumored to be "monkey blood."

I think the Salk injections were a series of three - my brother and I had gotten two when the liquid came out, so Mom stopped taking us to the health department to get the shots. I remember the shots being painful and a trip to the grocery store for comic books came after.

Maybe we were part of an experimental group to get the oral vaccine before 1960. I can't imagine being 11 and being assuaged for a shot with a comic book.


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