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Jeopardy! Season 40 (2023-2024)


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1 hour ago, SoMuchTV said:

As a person of a certain age, when I saw 1963, I had to force myself to read the rest of the clue to make sure my first impression wasn’t incorrect. 

I don't think I am anywhere close to that certain age, but I also immediately went 1963 -> JFK assassination. It then took me a couple of seconds to actually pull the name Warren commission out of my brain.

It probably also helps that the anniversary of his assassination just passed, and there were several documentaries and movies on over the last week, but I don't think I saw anything that specifically mentioned the Warren commission.

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2 hours ago, SoMuchTV said:

As a person of a certain age, when I saw 1963, I had to force myself to read the rest of the clue to make sure my first impression wasn’t incorrect. 

Lol, yeah I’m not even of that age but I had it before Ken had even said 1963 out loud. 

A lot of missed clues tonight I thought were pretty easy. Including cloche, Ken! Which I think only know because it’s always an answer.

Edited by Cotypubby
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13 hours ago, SoMuchTV said:

As a person of a certain age, when I saw 1963, I had to force myself to read the rest of the clue to make sure my first impression wasn’t incorrect. 

Yep, it was probably an instaget for those of us of a certain age. It was for me. I can remember when I heard the news, even though I was in third grade.

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13 hours ago, Cotypubby said:

A lot of missed clues tonight I thought were pretty easy. Including cloche, Ken! Which I think only know because it’s always an answer.

Apparently that was a callback to a DD that Ken failed to get during his run (DJ, category Funny Hats):



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On 11/29/2023 at 7:34 PM, Katy M said:

For FJ, I startetd with the Stone of Scone, moved on to the Bayeaux tapestry, and ended up with the tower of London.

Stonehenge was an instaget for me but it helped that I knew it's in Wiltshire.  On the other hand, I'm damned proud of myself for dragging the Warren Commission out of my brain.  I knew it had to be the commission charged with investigating the Kennedy assassination based on the year, but getting the name Warren and in time shocked the hell out of me.  Especially since it was BEFORE MY TIME, lol.

Game-wise I did okay.  Ran Married A Beatle, "CORN"Y, Warm-Blooded, Islands & Peninsulas, Baroque and Hats.  Got all but one clue in Theon Of Smyrna, Quotes and Y_O_Y.  Missed two clues in Econ 101, but that was better than I expected when the category was revealed.  Only noticed the extra "a"s in Aafricaan in the aardvark clue when I checked the archive just now.  And did anyone else think "not to be confused with Theon Greyjoy"?

On 11/29/2023 at 8:03 PM, Browncoat said:

So many TS!  I got Led Zeppelin, Island of the Blue Dolphins, animation, bears, Rudolf Nureyev, rudder, puffball, and green room.

I didn't get animation or rudder (although I should've gotten rudder) but I got the others, plus Grant, Pavlova and Catfish Row.  I knew Nijinsky but couldn't pull him out of my brain in time.  I was shocked that none of them got Led Zeppelin.  Sure, all three contestants seemed fairly young, but still, come on.

On 11/30/2023 at 9:39 AM, Trey said:

but I was pretty sure it isn't even in England now.

Not for several centuries.

On 11/30/2023 at 11:31 AM, Shrek said:

Which shows the importance of actually reading the clue fully rather than picking out the part you think is important. I know where Stonehenge is (my first & only  best man was from Salisbury) and have driven past it numerous times but totally missed the "a local Wiltshire man" part that would have led me to the answer so it didn't.

That has burned me on more than one FJ.  And other clues as well.  Sometimes reading the entire clue wouldn't have helped me anyway but it usually does.

I've only remembered a few of these past champions, but Rhone and Tyler are among them.

18 hours ago, Browncoat said:

I would like to thank Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd for my knowing Brunhilda -- "Oh, Brunhilde, you're so wovewy!" "Yes, I know it, I can't help it!"

That was my first introduction to Wagner, way back when I was knee-high to a grasshopper.


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8 hours ago, Prevailing Wind said:

I don't mean to tempt the fates, but is Mayim Bialik ever coming back?

She wouldn't host while the writers were on strike, and the episodes produced while they were picketing don't run out until 12/18.  So, if they're still going to take turns hosting, she won't be seen until some time after that.

5 hours ago, Shrek said:

She's an actor & has been on strike so I would think so now the strike is over.

This show was never affected by the SAG-AFTRA strike; work on game shows is covered by a different contract (referred to as the Network Code) than the one actors were striking over.  Her declining to host once the WGA strike was called was in solidarity with another union, not due to her own union striking.

15 hours ago, Cotypubby said:

Lol, yeah I’m not even of that age but I had it before Ken had even said 1963 out loud. 

Same here.  I was with a small group of friends who were watching the show last night, and all of us confidently said the answer when Ken had barely started talking -- we were all '70s kids, but reading 1963 still immediately made Kennedy's assassination come to mind, and the name of the group that had its conclusions questioned was an instaget for all of us (leaving us a little surprised that only one contestant got it).

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December 1:

70% / 73% / 72%

Not a terrible game to end the week…missed one each in Landmarks, Macbeth's Witches on Food Network (I'd watch that show), and Crossword Clues H, and two each in Latin Lawyer and Nursery Rhyme Phobias.

In DJ I ran One of These Kings is Not Like the Others, missed one each in Eve 6, Geometry, and OK Corral Me, two in Punny/Not-Punny Definitions, and three in Eros Myth.

I had to think for a few seconds but I got FJ.

TSes: (J had 3; DJ had 1) I only got school.

I smiled at the pease porridge clue…my grandpa used to recite that poem for us all the time when we were little. Thanks for the memory, Jeopardy! Condolences to Bryce on the loss of his grandpa.

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5 minutes ago, dgpolo said:

I got school, The Verdict, and Chaos. I got hung up on 'vast' in FJ, Great Salt Lake didn't seem like it was vast to me so I said the Pacific.

I was stuck on the west coast for a bit but trying to think of a body of water that would be "bad" and an ocean didn't seem to make sense. Then I moved inland and thought of the Great Salt Lake and settled on that. Google tells me that currently it is approximately 950 square miles (was 3,300 in 1987...so there's you're depressing factoid for the evening).

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2 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

Google tells me that currently it is approximately 950 square miles (was 3,300 in 1987...so there's you're depressing factoid for the evening).

I'm from the Chicago area so 'my' lake is Lake Michigan and I'm not sure I would even call that lake 'vast'. Was it the Goshute people that called it that? is that why that word was used? because if it was just a clue writer I think 'large' would have worked better. I guess I just got hung up on the word and couldn't move past it.

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19 minutes ago, secnarf said:

I didn't realize "western" meant "western US". So I was thinking more in terms of the Western Hemisphere, hence my obviously incorrect guess of the Pacific.

I was thinking West coast too and also said Pacific Ocean.  Plus, "vast" seems to suit an ocean better than a lake no matter how big.  But I guess to the Goshute the Great Salt Lake appeared vast.

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47 minutes ago, secnarf said:

I didn't realize "western" meant "western US". So I was thinking more in terms of the Western Hemisphere, hence my obviously incorrect guess of the Pacific.

I also debated whether "western" meant western US or just western hemisphere. Considered Canada or South America but no "bad" bodies of water came to mind.

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6 hours ago, Cotypubby said:

Ah yes, Lake Oneida in the western state of New York.


I figured they used "west" to create the confusion between the western US and the western hemisphere. Never heard of the Goshute, but bad water made me think of the Great Salt Lake.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goshute  (as it turns out, they're a Western Shoshone tribe who are in the Salt Lake area)

Other than FJ, I was a little brain lagged last night.



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13 hours ago, Driad said:

When any f**tb*ll occurs, my local station airs Jeopardy later, when I am enjoying my nightly glass of wine.  This week it happened twice, and I got FJ both evenings.  Hmm ...

The never-ending debate of correlation vs coincidence.  Clearly more testing is in order.  Cheers!

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On 12/2/2023 at 11:39 AM, secnarf said:

I didn't realize "western" meant "western US". So I was thinking more in terms of the Western Hemisphere, hence my obviously incorrect guess of the Pacific.

I didn't know where to start so I focused on trying to think of names of lakes that maybe kinda sorta sounded like Teittse Paa. The closest I came was Titicaca which I rejected because I figured they meant the western US. 

Does Garrett have a background in Classics? He seemed very drawn to Red Hot Latin whatever and Eros Myth.

Edited by SomeTameGazelle
spelling (whether mine or autocorrect's)
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Gag me - Julia is just too much for my liking.

Another so so start to the week. Got 4 in "A Green Thumb" in the J round and 4 in "Words In U.S. Capitals" and "A Bird in the Hand" in DJ. TSs/missed DDs were death in the J round and falconer (DD) in DJ.

FJ was a complete instaget. Atlanta + book + controversial has to be Gone with the Wind.

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December 4:

73% / 73% / 74%

Not a bad start to the week.…ran His 'Do, missed one each in British Bands, Green Thumb, and Devil, two in Children's Lit, and three in Left Someone Out. In DJ I ran Massage in a Bottle and Bird in the Hand, missed only one in Math (of all subjects!), two in Words in US Capitals and 2 In the Bush, and three in Movie Directors.

FJ was an instaget.

TSes: (J had 4 +  the DD; DJ had 4 + 1DD) I got Cruel Summer, ringlets, sixty, banding, and falconer (DD). And half of the one about which decades the Bushes were at Yale (40s).

Sorry, but I was rooting for anyone but the one who won. What the heck was she freaking out over?

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1 hour ago, chicagofan said:

FJ was a complete instaget. Atlanta + book + controversial has to be Gone with the Wind.

Plus the year, too.  That clue resulted in an "I know you're not watching, but you have to check out today's ridiculously easy FJ!" email from a friend, so I read it on the archive.  I'm rarely surprised when one contestant misses something, and that's especially true in FJ, with all the pressure.  So it's a good thing I have no money on my mental predictions, because I figured that for a clue all three would get.

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3 hours ago, HyeChaps said:

I call foul on accepting "a gust".

I didn't have a problem with it since articles are ignored in most responses. 

I looked a bit askance at the clue that alluded to Hans Christian Anderson since The Ugly Duckling was a cygnet and that cognitive dissonance made me hesitate to say duckling. 


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12 hours ago, SomeTameGazelle said:

I looked a bit askance at the clue that alluded to Hans Christian Anderson since The Ugly Duckling was a cygnet and that cognitive dissonance made me hesitate to say duckling. 

Yes, in the story the Ugly "Duckling" turned out to be about a swan.
But the clue read:

  • It's the bird in the hands here; Hans Christian Andersen wrote of an "Ugly" one

The bird in the hands in the photo was definitely a duckling,
and HCA used the word "duckling" in the title and repeatedly in the story, so he "wrote of" a duckling — even though, yeah, it turned out to be a swan.
So, your looking askance is understandable, but I think the photo sufficiently restricts the correct response.


I did get FJ today because I stuck with GWTW even though I thought it was too easy/obvious. 
At least I didn't panic when I saw the FJ category of 20th CENTURY NOVELS.
Thanks to Mom, I read quite a few of them. 



ETA Unpopular opinion:
I was rooting for the winner.

Edited by shapeshifter
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15 hours ago, ams1001 said:

Sorry, but I was rooting for anyone but the one who won. What the heck was she freaking out over?

Yeah, she was a bit much.

Another okay game for me.  I got the ts's or missed DDs of ringlets, Death, banding, and sixty.

Instaget FJ.  When they are that easy/obvious I always look around for something else but there just wasn't anything, so GWTW was it.

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Pretty good game overall today. In the J round I ran "A Paranormal Category" and got 4 in "To "L" with Science" and "Feedback: Sandwich". One TS - luminescence.

In DJ I got 4 in "Rome Is Where the Art Is", "Almost Assassinated" and "From Dawn 'Til Dusk". TSs were FDR, Gerald Ford, Charles de Gaulle, Teddy Roosevelt and 50.

When I saw the category for FJ I thought "I'm screwed". I only have antenna TV - no streaming, etc. so I wasn't hopeful that I'd know something about 2020s Television. But I guess cultural osmosis was my friend today as I came up with Only Murders in rhe Building almost immediately. Go figure.

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December 5:

67% / 63% / 64%

Meh game today…in J I missed one in Purple Prose & Poetry, Paranormal, and Sandwich, two in To "L" with Science and Also a Superhero, and three in Sports Stuff. In DJ I ran From Dawn 'til Dusk, missed one in Rome Art, two in They Come in Threes and Flags, and three in Song in that Movie and Almost Assassinated.

Had no clue for FJ. 

TSes: (J had 5; DJ had 6 + 1DD) I got ice cream sandwich, Green Arrow, Teddy Roosevelt, and fifty (flags around the Washington Monument).

The chick in the Saatva commercial is annoying and Dan should dump her.

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I have no idea how I pulled it off but I got those 4 TSs in the Almost Assassinated category, TR, FDR, de Gaulle and Ford. Also got, NFL, Green Arrow, 50 (flags), and the missed DD 'ensign'.

I also thought I was done for when I saw the FJ category as I don't really watch current-ish TV, mostly movies and reruns of British mysteries. But thankfully my daughter and I chose Only Murders in the Building to watch together and just finished it up a few weeks ago, so I got that too. (We've been watching various shows together in the evenings for a few years now, I've introduced her to a lot of those British mysteries and we also watch TAR and GBBO's new seasons)

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28 minutes ago, SoMuchTV said:

I was stumped for FJ!, then OMITB came to me. Then I reread the clue and thought, the building name’s not in the title, so that can’t be it. But since I didn’t erase my “wrong” response before I came with a better one, I’m taking credit!  Still trying to parse that clue in my head, though. 


I was multitasking but I did get the missed DD of ensign.

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