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S13.E07: Priceless Runway

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A mindset that ticks me off in any setting, sleepyjean. I'm in (their) "madame" demographic. I'm more confident and adventurous than at any other time in my life. Oh, with a heck of a lot more disposable income than I had when I was in their target audience. But no one's supposed to acknowledge I exist, let alone exist with my own mature fashion sense. The notion that we don't deserve our shot at beautiful, stylish clothing that fits our aesthetics is enfuriating.


I agree 100%. They use words like madame and mature as synonyms for frumpy. It's an untapped market for sure, and as you noted, the women in that demographic have more money to spend on what I call "non-essential" fashion.


As for Zac, I could buy the fact that he's a designer and wants to handle the garments to see how well made they are. IF this wasn't a contest designed to produce poorly made and/or uninspiring crap. One day to make an "extravagant" gala-worthy gown, and he's checking out the craftsmanship?  It's like setting the clothes on fire and then complaining about the scorch marks.

Edited by sleepyjean
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sleepyjean, your burning clothes comparison is spot on. Wasn't it in Anya's competition that the comment was made about it not being about America's best "seamstress" ???  If the designer knows about fabrics... how it "responds"  eg.  hangs, drapes, conforms to various shapes ... it should count for more than how they manage to respond to a ONE DAY challenge. Use (or lack) of color, prints, plaids, and proportion should also be given major consideration.

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It never occurred to me that Zac was gratutitously feeling up the models.  Maybe because he is gay (I admit to stereotyping here).  Maybe because it seems to me he is looking for fit and construction rather than having any interest in the body beneath.  Maybe I'm just unnaturally innocent.


I don't understand why contestants insist on the idea of trust on a reality show. If you are competing for a prize, trust is not an attribute that will get you to a win.  Lately I've been binge watching some embarressing reality shows, and it seems to me too many people complain about not being able to trust others in their group. They shouldn't trust anyone if everyone is trying to be the last one standing. 


I admit Amanda gets on my nerves.  There is something so smug about her. I understand you have to be self-confident to be successful, but she gives off an entitlement vibe. If she wins, then she probably earns that attitude.  Given what she has shown so far, the win won't be based on her awesomeness as a designer, but then no one is showing much.


On the other hand, while I didn't like the upholstery coat Korina put out, I was surprised at the dress she hid beneath it.  It looked lovely to me. Of course I'm not known for having much in the way of fashion sense. I would have given her the win on the basis of the dress alone.

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Perhaps because he's usually the only one among the judges who has actually designed and made clothes.  Heidi is a model.  Nina works at a magazine.  The guests lately tend to be actors, business people, and "personalities".   He's likely to be the only one who can look at a seam and see more than obviously good or bad sewing.

I find it funny sometimes how Zac will get in there and look at the clothes and Nina and Heidi hang back almost like they're scared. Nina will sometimes talk about construction but she really doesn't know that much. You can tell from the blank looks she gives Zac sometimes when he's explaining to her what's wrong with a garment.

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I did enjoy Amanda's chutzpah in guessing she was on the top.  


I would have loved Amanda forever if she'd said what I was thinking in that moment, which was: "How the hell do I know if I'm on top or bottom? I haven't been able to figure out the judging all season long!"

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This week seemed like two challenges in one - design to show of the jewelry and get inspired by some designer that I never heard of.  I thought Alexander and Korina fit the second part the best, even though I didn't like either of the designs. 


If anyone every sold Amada's design, they would need to include a few pairs of adult diapers with the sale.  A jumpsuit covered by a sheer coat - it would take ten minutes to use the toilet. 


I hate that Korina won.  Upholstery fabric is upholstery fabric. There's a REASON I don't wear a jacket made out of my couch fabric.  I thought it looked heavy & it was strangling the model.  She got lucky.  And no, she didn't PROVE she deserves to be there.  She PROVED that they like a single design of hers.  BIG difference. 


And considering how she felt about the designs Sandyha won with, Korina shouldn't be so impressed that they liked one of her designs.  But there are always contestants who talk about how horrible the winning desings are, until they finally have a win, then, suddenly, the judges have so much taste.


I am now convinced more than ever that this show is in tight budget mode. It explains why there are only one day challenges...even for a gala dress to highlight million dollar diamonds. And they threw a field trip in as part of that same day to give them even less time (unless it was edited to fool us). AND I am now convinced to save money, Alex won the fan favorite week one..,and they aren't even using the results of polls any more so that they can use the same graphic and voice over every week to avoid wasting the resources to do another.


It may not be financial constraints, it could be time constraints.  Last spring we had the horrible Under the Gunn because they couldn't work a regular PR into Heidi's schedule.  Maybe Heidi won't be around long enough for the designers to get 2-3 days each challenge. 

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It may not be financial constraints, it could be time constraints.  Last spring we had the horrible Under the Gunn because they couldn't work a regular PR into Heidi's schedule.  Maybe Heidi won't be around long enough for the designers to get 2-3 days each challenge.

I can see that. If that's the case, then perhaps Ms. Klum needs to re-evaluate her professional commitments. If her baby goes down the toilet because recent design school graduates can barely create something that covers a model's butt (and often is butt-ugly even if it does) for the chance to design a Red freaking Robin "accessory" and take home a refrigerator and we bail, she'll suddenly have a lot more free time.

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The thing is, though, that the models are there to show how the dress or outfit looks when worn.  Designers and design judges have to consider potential wardrobe failures, what the construction of the garment is like, etc.   The models know this.  It's part of the job, just as walking around the sewing room half nekkid during fittings is.   You or I might not want that done to us, but we didn't pursue a career as a model and particularly in a judged design competition.

I'd also like to add that these young ladies all have agents and agencies behind them. They're working a high profile job which is being shown on national TV. I don't find any of Posen's actions in any way inappropriate and, if they were, the model's have their agencies behind them to run interference. If they're with a decent, professional agency abuse isn't tolerated. Yes, they're young and could be cowed because they don't want a rep as a complainer or a trouble maker but they do have recourse if something isn't right.


Posen is a high profile designer and, even if he were into a gratuitous grope, I think it's unlikely that he'd be stupid enough to do that while cameras are running. He's also cashing a paycheck from PR and, while he may not need the money, he certainly doesn't need a scandal being brought out. Also, I've never heard of any kind of scandal regarding him but have heard he's an intelligent, talented and decent guy. While I don't pretend to be anywhere near Posen's level, I sew for a living and know that you sometimes have to actually check out the garments to see how they're constructed, whether they've been fudged or simply screwed up.


IMO, this is a non-issue.

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I have no issues with Char or Korina. It's all just the Bunim/Murray editing monkeys at work.


If I were a designer on this show, I'd give the most neutral answers possible and not give the producers any ammunition to splice clips together to fit their agenda. The problem is that if they're drama-free, they'll be deemed as boring and get auf'ed quickly by the producers. That's why the bashit crazy/assholes/bullies/victims/drama magnets all have long-shelf lives even though the crap they produce is awful (looking at you, Helen). Some even go on to win the thing (Wretchen).


ETA: Amanda's fake mugging is annoying. Can't wait until she's gone.

Edited by Tony
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That Southwestern-y carpet coat only brought one thing to my mind...Chico's. It's a nice store but hardly the place any of these designers' "girls" would be shopping in for another 20-30 years.

This made me laugh.  My mom shops there for most of her wardrobe.  She'll be 76 next month....*LOL*   Plus, the blonde model, An Hayward, is the wife of my city's mayor.  Mom & I saw her at the local store a few weeks ago.  She's seriously stunning in RL, and very friendly.

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I have no issues with Char or Korina. It's all just the Bunim/Murray editing monkeys at work.


If I were a designer on this show, I'd give the most neutral answers possible and not give the producers any ammunition to splice clips together to fit their agenda. The problem is that if they're drama-free, they'll be deemed as boring and get auf'ed quickly by the producers. That's why the bashit crazy/assholes/bullies/victims/drama magnets all have long-shelf lives even though the crap they produce is awful (looking at you, Helen). Some even go on to win the thing (Wretchen).


ETA: Amanda's fake mugging is annoying. Can't wait until she's gone.


Ugh, just the casual mention of Helen makes me want to kick something :(  She was the worst, how long until they try to stick her in an All-Stars season.

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Char was being a jackass to Amanda. Just because Amanda is insufferable doesn't mean people should treat her badly. Char's is demonstrating poor sportmanship; she's in a snit because she thinks Amanda is favored to win.


And Tim wasted his save - big time. I don't see any talent in Char.


Korina's "ethnic" coat is very derivative of the Pendleton blanket coats that are popular out west and in the US native community. But I appreciate that it was different than others' point of view. It was awful heavy though.


I didn't see Charles James' influence in any of the designs except Alexander's. 'Course, they only had one day to execute.

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Both Korinna's and Amanda's reminded me of the kind of lounging pyjamas women wore in thirties movies. Which is a smarter reference than the usual sixties and seventies crap these designers seem to be stuck on, so I suppose I can see putting them in the top. I do think, though, that Korinna did something unusual which made her model look regal and barbaric, like something from Game of Thrones, while Amanda made a muslin duster and cinched it with a really clumsy belt. 


I keep wondering if Amanda's thoughts about her wounded spirit and her insecurities are supposed to make her likable? Because I don't think she's particularly wounded or insecure, and I think she has kind of a lot to be insecure about. Teeth must be falling like rain in her dreams.

Edited by Julia
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I keep wondering if Amanda's thoughts about her wounded spirit and her insecurities are supposed to make her likable? Because I don't think she's particularly wounded or insecure, and I think she has kind of a lot to be insecure about. Teeth must be falling like rain in her dreams.


^^I feel like this is what the producers are hoping for with their editing.  And I wish they would just stop trying to make her happen.  Without even a fraction of the attention, crying, or dramatics/antics Fade has become my favorite designer.  So it doesn't seem necessary for production to use so many tricks to create a favorite.  With the right person/designer I think it can just come naturally.


Patricia IMO, went through much worse in terms of being put down, and who knows what went on in the house when the cameras were off that she never told anyone about.  Some of the other contestants seemed so obviously dismissive of her in the workroom when the cameras were on, that I wouldn't be surprised if they said some very catty things to her in the comfort of GW without the cameras being around.  I didn't particularly like Patricia's work, but I always thought she handled herself with dignity and class in the midst of people that were being mean to her.  I don't remember her ever complaining about it, she just always seemed to smile and move forward.

Edited by RealityGal
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If I were a designer on this show, I'd give the most neutral answers possible and not give the producers any ammunition to splice clips together to fit their agenda.

So you would be Samantha? I don't think she had the most amazing designs but I think the real reason we had so much trouble remembering her is because she didn't give them any ammunition so they ignored her.


Just because Amanda is insufferable doesn't mean people should treat her badly. Char's is demonstrating poor sportmanship; she's in a snit because she thinks Amanda is favored to win.

Well, when you put it that way... I'm actually fine with them being a little mean to Amanda. Not that I really think anything they said was that awful.

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Just because Amanda is insufferable doesn't mean people should treat her badly. 


I often think this is exactly why someone should be treated poorly.  If you want to be treated better, be a little less insufferable.  But thats just my opinion.

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If I were a designer on this show, I'd give the most neutral answers possible and not give the producers any ammunition to splice clips together to fit their agenda. The problem is that if they're drama-free, they'll be deemed as boring and get auf'ed quickly by the producers.


It's not necessarily that you'll be eliminated quickly, it's that you'd get edited like Samantha.  Everyone will go "who?"


I'm in the position where I think probably whatever Korina said was not meant as harshly as Amanda took it, but that Amanda's feelings about it were entirely sincere.  (Furthermore, I believe Fade was also being 100% sincere, though obviously joking about the naked model thing.)  I wouldn't be surprised if Char's talking heads from this episode and last were all one interview..."I actually told Amanda, every time she wins, she takes it away from somebody else...but now I understand her better.  We've both been brought back."

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I think the only moment that I liked during the judging was when Heidi asked the Chopard director how much one of the necklaces (I think?) was. And the director leaned over and said, "For you?" It felt like a moment when Heidi simply forgot the cameras were there, and the director reacted like the saleswoman she is, faced with a price inquiry from a woman who could actually afford to buy the piece she was asking about. Too bad they both snapped out of the moment before the Chopard director could actually utter the number! I can just imagine her offering a "special price" to a "very special woman."

Yep. This was a rare authentic moment in an increasingly staged season. And, although I know that the producers would never allow the answer to be aired, I want to know! Anyone?

Edited by PrincessSteel
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Yep. This was a rare authentic moment in an increasingly staged season. And, although I know that the producers would never allow the answer to be aired, I want to know! Anyone?

That's exactly what I thought when they did that. You KNOW if it had been a big boo boo we would have never known about it...

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I continuously love Kini, his catchphrase ("Dammit") and even his dress.  His dress was very much 'my type'.  Love him.  For those who might not have noticed this week, his look was actually in the bottom.  The top was Sean, Amanda (obvs), and Korina.


Thank you to the poster who mentioned Korina only uses her lower lip to speak or something.  Something very aggravating going on with her face and makeup.  She looks like a mannequin.


I hate to admit that I agree that Korina should have won.  She was right when she said her look was the most extravagant.  I think it might have been my favourite, though Emily's layered red dress was gorgeous too, I really liked it and was sad/surprised it wasn't in the top.  As we know, a top 3 place must always be reserved for the Amanda.


The thing about Amanda is that she DOES seem incredibly phony.  She's so cloying, everything she says seems so staged and practiced.  She always talks like a game show host or something, of "The Amanda Game!"  The sad thing is Korina didn't have to say it the way she did, or at all, and I felt so bad for Amanda because it seems very genuinely and honestly like she doesn't realize how phony she comes off as.  I felt for her.  I really don't think Amanda's a bad person so I can't hate.


My two cents, I love Zac.  I don't ever want him to leave this show.  They can get rid of Nina any day.  


Alexander never, ever closes his mouth.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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Thank you to the poster who mentioned Korina only uses her lower lip to speak or something.  Something very aggravating going on with her face and makeup.  She looks like a mannequin.


When she talks, she reminds me of a muppet (I wonder if I would say that if I thought she was a nice person....)

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Zac Posen just showed his Spring 2015 collection.

He's already being praised for this dress which I find Kini-like!  He even used Neoprene!!!!




Scroll up to see a bigger picture and description

For whatever the reason  neoprene is having a bit of a mini trend on the runways at fashion week. As for Zac's dress being Kini like, Kini did't invent that style. Also most designers start at least 6 mths in advance making their collections so I highly doubt Zac was copying anyone.

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Milaxx, you misunderstood.  I didn't outright accuse Zac of 'copying'.  


I personally find it ironic that Kini was on the bottom 3 this week for a style, colour, sillhouette, and fabric that Zac seems to favour.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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Milaxx, you misunderstood.  I didn't outright accuse Zac of 'copying'.  


I personally find it ironic that Kini was on the bottom 3 this week for a style, colour, sillhouette, and fabric that Zac seems to favour.


That was exactly my train of thought.  Crazy.

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