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S04.E17: Man Buns It Has Been Fun

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Proud of his team's accomplishments during the final sail, Capt. Glenn believes his tough love made them all stronger; the crew celebrates its final night out; and Daisy and Colin try to soak up every moment of it.


Airdate: 07.10.2023

Episodes 16 and 17 are airing back to back on original airing; please be sure to comment in correct topic.

Go Mads!  Even production calls out Gary's BS.  Such a cry baby.

May he never litter my TV screen again.  And he can take Daisy with him.  Ewww

Colin should get away from her.

Iliesha is the shining star of this whole crapppy season.

Alex can really read the room (when he's not falling down drunk)😎

Glenn is cool, but is he easily manipulated or just keeping the peace?


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I don't usually like men with long, messy hair, but, damn.....Alex with his hair blowing in the wind seriously had my heart going pitter-patter!!!  Gary should take note - keep your hair clean and well tended and even your man-bun will look good.

I cannot stand man-child Gary - he's so fucking immature.  He's been a dick to multiple women season after season after season.  ONE woman gives him back the same behavior, and he acts like a five year old.  

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  On 7/11/2023 at 2:13 AM, njbchlover said:


I cannot stand man-child Gary - he's so fucking immature.  He's been a dick to multiple women season after season after season.  ONE woman gives him back the same behavior, and he acts like a five year old.  


45 years ago when I was in college i had hair like Alex.  But the rest of me wasn't nearly as hot.  Oh well, we can only go forward😎

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  On 7/11/2023 at 2:20 AM, PaperTree said:

45 years ago when I was in college i had hair like Alex.  But the rest of me wasn't nearly as hot.  Oh well, we can only go forward😎


I just don't understand why in the world Mads constantly chose Gary over Alex.  Although, I guess she's right.  If she turned away from him after accepting his advances right at the start of the season, he would have made her on-board life a living hell with his pouty petulance.  

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Like an exhausted viewer who’s actually grateful this cluster-f of a season is finally coming to an end, these comments are in the order of the episode scenes broadcast.

The ABC party proves itself to be every bit as tasteless as I envisioned it.  Lucy called it correctly when she said: “Who doesn’t want to wear clothes?  Whores.”  She also dressed in a garbage bag for the party – ironic given the crap she’s had to put up with to clean on this charter.

I don’t know what show Captain Glenn was watching this season, but I don’t think it was this one.  Things fell apart on his watch and he really didn’t seem to notice much.  His management style is more “Jewish Mother Guilt” than actively being specific about what needs to be done.  The closest I saw to him getting aggravated was the recent episode where he had to go wake up the crew and remind them the charter starts in 3 hours but there’s a lot of work to be done.  And there was one other time when a guest cut himself and the crew seemed AWOL. 

Alex and Mads make out in the van – last minute but not unexpected.  But Mads has to tell Gary about it and Gary continues his sulk/meltdown. 

All in all, at this point, I’m just glad the season is over and people won’t be sinking any lower, at least on my TV screen.

Upon reflection of the season:

The good: 

Ileisha!  A superb chef who didn’t put a foot wrong the entire season.  No psychotic episodes, no walking off the job, no major drama at all.  She made great food that even the “bad” guests liked.  A real treasure.

Chase.  Chase started out on my poo list with his “Cheers to Boobies” incident but by the end of the season he had evolved into a competent deckhand.  I got to feel a bit sorry for him and his unrequited affection for Ileisha.

Some guests.  Some of the guests this season were nice, normal people who did normal things. 

Alex.  Similar to Chase, Alex started out a drunken yobbo but improved as time went on.  He’s at the bottom of my “good” list, but grading on a curve from the events of this season, that’s not a huge surprise.

The Indifferent:

Colin.  Colin dropped a notch from previous opinions of him.  He’s still a good engineer and probably the only reason there was any season at all because of the engine debacle.  But his conduct during the romance drama with Gary and Mads and Daisy wasn't the best. 

Captain Glenn.  Glenn also dropped a notch for me.  He just never seemed to become aware that his crew was falling apart from all the sex/romance drama.  Also, he is ultimately responsible to make sure the boat was properly maintained and that just didn’t happen this season.  When the engine went bad the excuse was that it wasn’t detected because they’d been parked at the dock for a few days and didn’t use it.  And this was after a long, cross-Atlantic trip.  I can’t imagine not even checking the engine for several days before the beginning of a production season for a TV show. 

The Bad:

The whole Colin/Gary/Daisy/Mads fiasco.  It made them all stupid and unable to perform their jobs effectively.  Gary ended up being a quintessential douchebag by the end of the season – he became someone I did not like.  Daisy played Gary and Colin off against each other and spent more time gossiping than working.  Mads was probably the least to blame and did work pretty effectively, but she herself said at the end that even though she was only out for casual sex, she shouldn’t have banged people on the boat.  I don’t fault Mads for wanting what a lot of guys want, but she could see the ill effects and could have stopped it early – or better yet, just not started.

Some guests.  Some of the guests this season were the worst of the worst.  Especially the last ones. 

So now we sail into the sunset for this season.  Next week we begin Season 2 of Below Deck Down Under.  From the previews, it’s not looking too good, but we’ll soon see.

In the meantime, fair winds and fair weather to you all.


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What a total shit season this has been. I know what the problem is, I'm just not sure why. Bravo had been pushing the Gary/Daisy/Colin triangle hard in all their promo spots before the season started. Did they think what they had was golden? Or did they think that's all they had?

We got no drama from the chef. No infighting between the stews or deckhands. Very little drama from the charter guests until this last group. Did the show choose to put all its focus on Gary, Daisy and Colin because that's where the drama was? Or were they just ignoring other potential drama so they could focus on that triangle?

I clocked this before but we never saw lunches served this season. We got breakfasts and dinners but no lunches. Odd. And it makes me think the show deliberately wanted to spend as much time as possible on the whole Gary/Daisy/Colin thing so they cut corners on the charter guests. It was as though the guests were just obligatory and an afterthought most of the time.

Note to Bravo: We don't love Gary. Obviously you think we do, but we do not. He has never come off worse than he did this season and I never want to see him again. Unfortunately, I'm afraid we're stuck with him. He apparently really works on that boat with Glenn and I don't know if Bravo will get the message that we've had enough of him. We'll probably lose Daisy and Colin and the show will just bring in new skirts for Gary to chase next season. Honestly, between Gary and Captain Sandy that's two BD shows I don't think I can stand to watch anymore.

I hope there's a reunion show because I'm baffled by what Daisy said on WWHL earlier this season. She was really mad at Colin, said something about how he misrepresented himself and had a lot to explain at the reunion. WTF was she talking about?


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I noticed that Gary is fine if he sleeps with a stew then loses interest in her and moves to the next stew...Gary does not like it when the tables are turned.  That tells me he just maybe a narcissist. There was nothing entertaining about Gary this season, he was clueless about how Collin felt and thought they were back to their regular lovable duo but we know Collin does not feel the same way.

Who woulda thunk it, sleeping with a coworker that you are stuck in small quarters day and night would be problematic.

I thought the tip was very low considering how they behaved, trashed the cabins, mostly the bathrooms and Glenn had to intervene. I could not handle Glenn repeatedly saying the "Aggro." When I first heard Glenn say it I thought he was saying egg roll and I thought it was funny he was upset by the guys having egg rolls, I had to Google the word aggro, made me sad that Glenn could not just say the word aggressive, aggro sounds dumb.

I do not see any chemistry between Daisy and Collin.



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  On 7/11/2023 at 3:05 AM, Tanukisan said:

So now we sail into the sunset for this season.  Next week we begin Season 2 of Below Deck Down Under.  From the previews, it’s not looking too good, but we’ll soon see.


Yep... I saw the trailer and I am not very optimist about it.. I will only start watching it for Aisha, but if it is a sh1tty and juvenile (I am very polite here) as the other BDs have been this year, I will probably abandon this one as well.

I am very curious about the ratings of the BD franchise the last couple of seasons.
Do they do well cause there is actually an audience that enjoys watching awful crew  affairs,  soft porn, clogged toilets, idiotic  parties and (mostly) paid morons who pretend they are clients??
Or the ratings sink and  in Bravo headquarters they still believe that  awful crew  affairs,  soft porn, clogged toilets, idiotic parties and mostly paid morons who pretend they are clients, will raise the numbers?


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I’m glad I recorded the episodes.  Speed through nights out, heavy drinking, and hot tub scenes and I could watch the whole show in minutes.  Couldn’t stand Mads from the beginning.  Between the vocal fry and anyone who still calls themselves Mads after the college years, is extremely annoying.  Why wasn’t anyone interested in Lucy?  She was very cute.  Alex grew on me.  I only made it through three episodes of DU and I don’t have much hope for the new season.  That’s all I’ve got.  

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How dumb was the ABC party.

Where do they get these people?

Daisy and Colin said they were going to spend some time off the boat.  But it's apparently just a couple of nights before they each go their separate ways.

They probably knew this all along, so they played it up for the show, like this was some serious thing and they had to overcome the obstacle Gary was.

There's no longer even a pretense that these shows are representative of what work is like on these yacht charters.  

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  On 7/11/2023 at 11:51 PM, Zaffy said:

Yep... I saw the trailer and I am not very optimist about it.. I will only start watching it for Aisha, but if it is a sh1tty and juvenile (I am very polite here) as the other BDs have been this year, I will probably abandon this one as well.

I am very curious about the ratings of the BD franchise the last couple of seasons.
Do they do well cause there is actually an audience that enjoys watching awful crew  affairs,  soft porn, clogged toilets, idiotic  parties and (mostly) paid morons who pretend they are clients??
Or the ratings sink and  in Bravo headquarters they still believe that  awful crew  affairs,  soft porn, clogged toilets, idiotic parties and mostly paid morons who pretend they are clients, will raise the numbers?



I think they're now at the stage of throwing as much shit (different versions) at the wall as possible to see what sticks just like they did with the real housewives franchise. Many versions of that have come & gone but the original RHOC & RHNY still endure.

I just counted & there are or have been at least 11 different versions of the pathetic housewives shows. 

Edited by Shrek
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  On 7/12/2023 at 12:50 AM, Pattycake2 said:

Why wasn’t anyone interested in Lucy?  She was very cute.


Chase was interested in her early on but he made an ass out of himself and she couldn't stand him. I don't know why Alex didn't make a play for her except that we know he liked Mads.

RE: Mads. As soon as Gary started getting clingy and needy with her she should have told him in no uncertain terms to back the hell off. Instead she gave him wishy washy answers then got drunk and crawled back into bed with him. Talk about mixed signals. But after that whole thing with her "period?" That should have been the last straw. I would never have even spoken to him again. But even then she felt obligated to tell him about making out with Alex like it was any of his freaking business. She's kind of a doormat.

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  On 7/11/2023 at 11:51 PM, Zaffy said:

Do they do well cause there is actually an audience that enjoys watching awful crew  affairs,  soft porn, clogged toilets, idiotic  parties and (mostly) paid morons who pretend they are clients??


This is their answer to complaints about the rank misogyny portrayed in earlier seasons. Apparently the producers were hired off a middle school playground. (No offense to millions of middle school kids.)


I could not handle Glenn repeatedly saying the "Aggro."


I think Glenn was attempting to ratchet up the drama for the cameras. I think the entire fight scenario was staged.


I am very curious about the ratings of the BD franchise the last couple of seasons.


Same here. In the age of streaming, I don't know how they analyze viewership.


Daisy and Colin said they were going to spend some time off the boat.  But it's apparently just a couple of nights before they each go their separate ways.


Production is watching viewers' reactions to these pairings to decide what their storylines will be next season, or even if someone will be invited back. I agree there's no chemistry between Colin and Daisy.

I think some crews spend at least a night together in hotels, or even a few days, partying and winding down. In one season they pooled their pennies to pay for it.


 I'm looking forward to the reunion just to see what transpired between Daisy and Colin that made her dis him so much on WWHL.


It's possible that Daisy is trying to drive viewers to the reunion episode. Many Bravo "celebrities" do that now, using social media to dangle intriguing tidbits before a new season or a reunion.


Edited by pasdetrois
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  On 7/13/2023 at 11:17 AM, pasdetrois said:

It's possible that Daisy is trying to drive viewers to the reunion episode. Many Bravo "celebrities" do that now, using social media to dangle intriguing tidbits before a new season or a reunion.


Do we know if there will even been a reunion show for this season? They didn't do one for the last season of BD. And you'd think they would, it being Captain Lee's last season.

  On 7/13/2023 at 3:23 PM, iMonrey said:

Do we know if there will even been a reunion show for this season? They didn't do one for the last season of BD. And you'd think they would, it being Captain Lee's last season.


July 17 and 18 at 8:00 p.m.


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  On 7/13/2023 at 1:29 PM, mytmo said:

Really there is no other bosun to replace childish Gary?  Being so involved with the stupid "love triangle", he did not even show his crew how to do anything and their contempt showed.  

I hope Alex and Mads did not get together.

I have a crush on Capt. Jason so I'll probably cruise over to Down Under.


They are going to keep him around whether we love him or hate him, because he is reality tv gold.  His antics make it easy for production to have a show with drama, love triangles and OMG moments.  I think they had some fun poking fun at him this season.  

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  On 7/14/2023 at 5:41 AM, SemiCharmedLife said:

They are going to keep him around whether we love him or hate him, because he is reality tv gold.  His antics make it easy for production to have a show with drama, love triangles and OMG moments.  I think they had some fun poking fun at him this season.  


I'm afraid you're right. The only way we get rid of Gary is if he voluntarily leaves the show. I'm hoping against hope that maybe, just maybe, he was embarrassed enough about this season to not want to do the show anymore. (I know it's a long shot but it's all we've got.)

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  On 7/11/2023 at 8:40 PM, Baltimore Betty said:

I noticed that Gary is fine if he sleeps with a stew then loses interest in her and moves to the next stew...Gary does not like it when the tables are turned.  That tells me he just maybe a narcissist. There was nothing entertaining about Gary this season, he was clueless about how Collin felt and thought they were back to their regular lovable duo but we know Collin does not feel the same way.

Who woulda thunk it, sleeping with a coworker that you are stuck in small quarters day and night would be problematic.

I thought the tip was very low considering how they behaved, trashed the cabins, mostly the bathrooms and Glenn had to intervene. I could not handle Glenn repeatedly saying the "Aggro." When I first heard Glenn say it I thought he was saying egg roll and I thought it was funny he was upset by the guys having egg rolls, I had to Google the word aggro, made me sad that Glenn could not just say the word aggressive, aggro sounds dumb.

I do not see any chemistry between Daisy and Collin.




I think Gary probably is a narcissist and I don’t think he learned anything from this experience with Mads.  He has become so unlikeable this season and he just looked rough and generally seemed out of control, maybe even more issues with him. 

Glen using the term aggro was bizarre, I too thought it was odd, it’s bad enough these reality shows try to normalize bizarre behaviour, now they’re trying to change the English language haha.

The chemistry between Colin and Daisy seemed off to me too, awkward and maybe fake, who knows eh?

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  On 7/14/2023 at 5:30 PM, endure said:


Glen using the term aggro was bizarre, I too thought it was odd, it’s bad enough these reality shows try to normalize bizarre behaviour, now they’re trying to change the English language haha.



It's been used for at least 50 years that I know of in the UK so I'm not sure how anyone is trying to change the English language. Just because you don't use something doesn't mean that others don't.

Football hooligans used to love a bit of aggro, pretty sure you could find it used in a newspaper headline if you really wanted to investigate it thoroughly. 

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  On 7/14/2023 at 6:36 PM, Shrek said:

It's been used for at least 50 years that I know of in the UK so I'm not sure how anyone is trying to change the English language. Just because you don't use something doesn't mean that others don't.

Football hooligans used to love a bit of aggro, pretty sure you could find it used in a newspaper headline if you really wanted to investigate it thoroughly. 


Thanks, I definitely stand corrected, not a common term in my little world.  

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  On 7/15/2023 at 3:27 PM, iMonrey said:

Glenn has probably picked it up from all of the charter guests that aren't Americans.


Glenn is Canadian.  They speak an English more closely related to the UK there.  Interestingly enough, in the early days of Canada, many of their schoolteachers were from Scotland, which is why many Canadians pronounce words like "about" as "aboot".  (:


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  On 7/13/2023 at 8:28 PM, Tanukisan said:

Alas, yes.  Part 1 airs 17 July, right after the Season 2 starter of BDDU.  Part 2 airs the day after.


I was just checking my DVR to see if it had things set up. I noticed that on Monday and Tuesday 7/17 and 7/18, there is a Reunion Part 1 and a Reunion Part 2 along with additional Reunion Part 1 and Reunion Part 2 as WWHL episodes later the same evening.

So that's 2 Part 1's and 2 Part 2's? The WWHL description says Reunion continues....

  On 7/16/2023 at 5:34 PM, Lurk said:

I was just checking my DVR to see if it had things set up. I noticed that on Monday and Tuesday 7/17 and 7/18, there is a Reunion Part 1 and a Reunion Part 2 along with additional Reunion Part 1 and Reunion Part 2 as WWHL episodes later the same evening.

So that's 2 Part 1's and 2 Part 2's? The WWHL description says Reunion continues....


The WWHLs are reairings of what was shown earlier that night.  I've told my DVR not to record the WWHLs those nights.

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