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"The Daily Show": Week of 9/1/14

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There was some question in another thread about whether TDS would take Labor Day off so soon after their long break. Well, guess what -- they're taking Labor Day off.


9/1: DARK!
9/2: Ramita Navai (author – promoting book “City of Lies: Love, Sex, Death, and the Search for Truth in Tehran”)
9/3: Rory Kennedy (filmmaker – promoting documentary “Last Days in Vietnam”)
9/4: Adam Levine (lead singer of Maroon 5 – promoting new album “V”)


Adam Levine?! 

There was some question in another thread about whether TDS would take Labor Day off so soon after their long break. Well, guess what -- they're taking Labor Day off.


9/1: DARK!

9/2: Ramita Navai (author – promoting book “City of Lies: Love, Sex, Death, and the Search for Truth in Tehran”)

9/3: Rory Kennedy (filmmaker – promoting documentary “Last Days in Vietnam”)

9/4: Adam Levine (lead singer of Maroon 5 – promoting new album “V”)


Adam Levine?! 



To be fair, Labor Day is one of the biggest holidays of the year. (Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and the day after, Christmas Day and New Year's Day are the year's big holidays -- I wish MLK Day and President's Day was taken seriously as holidays, but they're not)

9/4: Adam Levine (lead singer of Maroon 5 – promoting new album “V”)


Adam Levine?! 

       (sigh) Before I get snarky, I gotta ask, will he show up with bleached hair? For someone who barely listens (or ignores) to Maroon 5 and barely watches a mainstream spelling-bee karaoke singing competition, I'm quite surprised he's a guest. I actually thought he was going to promote "The Voice" since he's by himself. I guess in music you always have to give credit to the singer, always the frontman in a band. (sigh)*


        *Double sigh for predicting TDS will be dark on Labor Day. But at least their breaks won't occur much after that. Lately, I (like everyone else) need more doses of Jonny-bun.

Oooo, I'm so turned on by Jessica's nasty talk... and by that, I mean I liked how she told Telly Savalas' evil twin off. And how she broke character and made Jon laugh.


I think I died a lot with Eric Cantor's new private sector job. Elections have no consequences.


The interview with Ramita Navai reminds me why I have no interest in visiting Iran, or anyplace in the Middle East. Flogging for drinking? Fuck y'all! If I want to have a dark spiced rum with Diet A&W Root Beer, I fuckin' well have one, asswipes!

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On behalf of my gender, I apologize.


It's flattering?  Yeah, if I tried catcalls or anything like that with a woman, she'd show me her best attempt at being a placekicker in the NFL, I'd be on the ground crying, and I'd be peeing blood for a week.  Something tells me the Fox people would have a different answer if it was a Republican Senator saying she was harassed.

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It's flattering?  Yeah, if I tried catcalls or anything like that with a woman, she'd show me her best attempt at being a placekicker in the NFL, I'd be on the ground crying, and I'd be peeing blood for a week.  Something tells me the Fox people would have a different answer if it was a Republican Senator saying she was harassed.


This! And I bet you dollars to doughnuts the Fox News ladies would act far different in reality if someone like Telly Savales Jr. actually "complemented" them the way he did.

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I really wonder how much the Fox women truly believe what they're saying, and how much they just parrot whatever's being fed to them in their ears. I also wonder how much they'd like being catcalled if it got uglier than just a wolf whistle or a "hey, baby!"


Those women are reprehensible either way. Ugh.


Also: I want to marry Jessica Williams. It's now legal in NYS!

Edited by dubbel zout
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I'm looking forward to someone's review of that new Daily Show podcast.  Scoff if you will but when Jon described a program that had everything Daily Show except for him, I thought, "Then what's the point?".  I know, I know but if I add one more podcast to my to-listen list my ears may explode.


I listened to the first one and found it really enjoyable. It featured Jessica and one of the writers talking about how her piece on campus sexual assault came about. If someone is interested in how TDS gets made then it's a nice treat.


It's not just the Fox women:  I've heard many, many female hosts say that they hated the catcalls when they got them but missed the catcalls when they stopped.  I'm sad for people who feel that way.


I'm at the age where the cat calls have stopped and I don't miss them.  They made me very uncomfortable when I was younger and I would try to avoid places where they were an issue.


I loved Jessica's report.  It was spot on.

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Being fat, I never got the appreciative catcalls, just the ones from people driving by mooing at me. Those I still get. Anyway, I have been walking next to gorgeous friends who did get catcalled and I saw how they did not like hearing that shit in any form. Once, the catcaller was not specific in whom he was shouting at, so I turned around and said, "Why, thank you very much--I appreciate it!" and that shut him up pretty quickly. Guess he didn't want to say, "No, I wasn't being a jerk to you, just to your friend."

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One thing I've never understood is the expectation of gratitude. Not only regarding catcalls and such, but the general culture of being expected to show gratitude for something that is unasked, unwanted, unneeded, and therefore uncomfortable. Sexual harassment is not necessarily always about appreciating the object in question but also about the feedback of reciprocal appreciation that the catcalling man feels when the woman reacts. There are power dynamics involved that I think a lot of men (and Fox talking heads) have a hard time understanding, even though they're affected by it, too. (Anthropologist David Gilmore did an interesting study on "machismo" once upon a time. I remember reading that study in class, and we discussed, among other things, how his perspective as a man affected his interpretation of how women responded to catcalls, etc. A female anthropologist may have written a different paper.)


In any case, I think it's an experience that most women are familiar with, unfortunately. I'm not particularly attractive, but I think sometimes it's more about whether or not you're an easy pick, rather than the "best" pick in a given situation. A few years ago, I made friends in class with another student, and we met off campus once to study for a test together. Just once, and no shenanigans. Following that, he started to park next to my car, even when I parked in wildly different places around campus. The one day I borrowed my parents' car (out of desperation), he asked me in class, "Where'd you park?" I can only imagine that he felt seeing my car that one day when we studied together was an invitation to search for it and park beside it every day. One of the most difficult conversations I ever had--because I'm not naturally confrontational--was to tell him point blank after a few weeks of this that he was freaking me out and I'd rather he didn't search for me like that. He took the point and stopped, thankfully, but I was made to feel by acquaintances (both male and female) that I was ungrateful and should take it as a harmless compliment or romantic gesture. It was particularly stressful because I enjoyed his company and my impression of him as a good guy is unchanged, but all of a sudden, it was as though I'd turned on a "stalk me" light without realizing. I have such mixed feelings about it because I feel bad that I hurt his feelings, but I also feel angry inside that the onus must always be on the woman to either endure it or be seen as a cold bitch or ugly, ungrateful bitch (keyword: bitch). Experiences like these are why I hate stalker songs masquerading as love songs. Anyway, I really appreciate men (like you guys on here) who understand where we're coming from.


On topic: Jessica killed it. She is such a joy. And I loved that she cracked Jon up.


I couldn't care less about Eric Cantor, so his segment was kind of boring, but that last line was a fantastic closer.

Edited by Fremde Frau
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Yeah, if I tried catcalls or anything like that with a woman, she'd show me her best attempt at being a placekicker in the NFL, I'd be on the ground crying, and I'd be peeing blood for a week.


The thing is most women might fantasize about doing something like that, but unless they were twice your size, or drunk, I don't know any women who would actually do that..  Even engaging them verbally is a risk, you never know when you might see them again and they might decide to follow you into a dark alley or something.  So pretty much all women I know just stare straight ahead and try and ignore that kind of shit.   But that doesn't mean they aren't seething inside.  

Edited by ALenore
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Jessica is so talented that it's inevitable that she will move on to bigger things soon. I'm hoping she takes over for Jon when he retires, but I'm not sure she would want that. In an interview a while back, she mentioned writing all the time and seemed to have a strong vision of the kind of show she'd like one day. Well, wherever she goes, I will follow. She's a star.
One of my favorite sketches that showcased her chemistry with Jon is the one about Putin not giving a shit. It's perfection. (I'm not sure how to find a mirror for Canada.)

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Glad I didn't have to see all of Jordan. He showed plenty enough. But seriously, to all the assholes who say celebrities shouldn't be taking nude pictures of themselves if they don't want them posted online, if hackers took all your banking and financial information and posted them online for the world to see and use for their own purposes, you'd understand what these celebrities are going through.

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John's interview with Rory Kennedy was really fantastic. He let her talk about the doc and seemed really interested in what she had to say. I've always loved Rory and still think about the fact that she was in her mom's womb when her dad was killed and was ready to get married when her cousin John Jr, his wife and sister-in-law died in that fateful plane crash. It makes me happy that she is making meaningful docs and reminding people of history that as Jon said tonight people are already forgetting.

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I do think people have to educate themselves about the technological tools they're using - for anything, not just photos. I'm constantly surprised at the lack of privacy and security precautions most people take, or are aware that they should be using

This is true but some of the pictures stolen were pictures that had been deleted over a year ago. 

From what I've seen in comment threads, one issue is that it's actually rather complicated to avoid having your pictures from being backed up to the iCloud. It reminds me of those occasional alerts that go around warning you that a social media site has changed their privacy settings with complicated instructions on how to restore your old privacy settings.

Thank you for covering the Ukrainian conflict, Jon! That's a tough situation to make any jokes out of - it's actually soul sucking.  \Obama did get a pretty harsh towards Russia speech out in Estonia (which is a NATO nation and Ukraine is not). Obama was headed to a NATO summit in Wales to actually discuss the conflict. Since ISIS just told Putin they're coming for Russia, I wonder if he's going to calm the stuff in Ukraine down. Then again, some Russian leaders are now convinced ISIS is just a Western ploy to take over the world and gain control over Russia. The world is messed up.


So Jordan Klepper is the new go to naked guy? 


I do think people have to educate themselves about the technological tools they're using - for anything, not just photos. I'm constantly surprised at the lack of privacy and security precautions most people take, or are aware that they should be using.


Agreed. I hesitate to blame the victims of the hacking because they were hacked and they weren't actively sending the pictures out themselves. However, there really is a lack of understanding of how unsafe the internet can cloud services can really be.  I've seen people doxed and harassed from internet forums, websites are constantly being hacked, people constantly post things on facebook without realizing that they haven't changed their privacy settings, and unless your password looks like : afdfIERF0349##(@!jkalskdEEelidf*((3j003003h3-21--34008880-=49211938fjKjefF03034dfa(#EKKKEE:f5d8f/*wefkWfkkdf//eifdkfsjjskfl your account has probably already been hacked. It's just a saying we have at our house, don't put anything that you don't want anyone else to see on something accessible by other people. Can other people log onto cloud? yes? Doesn't go there. Can other people log onto your external harddrive when you disconnect yourself from the net? No. Work with that. I mean, maybe not to that extreme, but that's the idea. People have a false sense of security in terms of things that have password protection and this is just the wake up call to everyone else.


This is true but some of the pictures stolen were pictures that had been deleted over a year ago.


Nothing is ever truly deleted from the internet. That's something that people need to remember. Don't post things that you'll regret later because even if you deleted it, you'll never actually be able to get rid of it.


4Chan was the "hacker" no? They are relentless over there. Completely unsurprised that it was them.

Edited by maculae

The pictures were not deleted from the internet, they were deleted from the phones. I don't know if texting a picture works as posting it on the internet. One can get phone records, I assume that texting is the same thing, but I might be wrong


I agree with the precautions we need to take when using all media. This is also a matter of the laws catching up with the technology. There are ways that can minimize the breaches and make things a little safer, but the big tech companies don't seem to be very interested in doing this - and the government's interest is to be able to access whatever they want.


As you said, the world is messed up - in more ways than some might be willing to see


Edited to add: still ridiculous that the conversation turns from a crime to the victim must be more cautious. In a way it is like "women who dress in a certain way are asking for it". The definition and ethics of PRIVACY should be a subject for every school, from lower grades to college, so people don't forget basic concepts.

Edited by alexvillage
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The pictures were not deleted from the internet, they were deleted from the phones. I don't know if texting a picture works as posting it on the internet. One can get phone records, I assume that texting is the same thing, but I might be wrong


I was using the term internet as a broader term than it actually is. Sorry. I guess I should be saying a network of any sort.

I appreciate the online-security tips, but I worry they take the focus off of the crime in question. Putting a stronger lock on your door is a good idea, but criminals with a battering ram will still get in to steal your stuff. I wish online criminals would face some penalties for what amounts to revenge porn.


I think I heard that the person who hacked Scarlett Johanson was convicted, although I don't know the sentence.  Although I have no statistical or factual basis for this theory, I strongly suspect that the majority of these hackers are middle class white guys who, as a general rule, are rarely penalized as they should be for their crimes.

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I do agree that a big part of the problem is trying to figure out exactly how all these technologies work. I'm still trying to figure out how the iPhone and the photo stream and the cloud all work together. I thought I'd deleted some photos from my phone (about 30 pictures of the inside of my purse) only to find out there's a difference between the folders and the camera roll and the photo stream. I've shut off the upload to the cloud but then when I synced the phone to my computer I found out that they were added to iPhoto on my computer.  So much of technology proficiency comes from trial and error.


However,I think the real issue here needs to be on these tech providers to offer better security but that won't happen without significant government security. We're seeing a flurry of hacking crimes now (Target, Home Depot, etc...) because hackers are trying to have all their fun before the US finally catches up with the rest of the world and requires the higher security cards and software already at use in Europe.


I'm glad that Jon mentioned that it's only the photos of women that got stolen. That's something I think has gotten glossed over. I can't believe there aren't dick pics of half the world's actors and boy bands sitting in the cloud. Justin Bieber alone probably eats up half the bandwidth.



Edited to add: still ridiculous that the conversation turns from a crime to the victim must be more cautious. In a way it is like "women who dress in a certain way are asking for it".


We really have turned into a "blame the victim" society. No matter what crimes someone commits there's a contingent of people who jump to how the victim deserved what they got. Even with security breaches at major banks and retailers you always see the "people should just use cash" folks who I assume pay their mortgage with money orders. I blame this toxic libertarianism that has become so popular. By default, any bad thing that happens to you is entirely your fault and any good thing that happens to you is because of your own superiority.


*steps off soapbox and returns to topic*


Can we talk about Jordan's farmer's tan?! It really added something great to the piece but I imagine the monitors in the control room were screaming for mercy. That poor man is so pale he's practically fluorescent. 


And I'm predicting it now, we are going to get a Jason/Jordan nude-off in some form very shortly.

Edited by marceline
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Can we talk about Jordan's farmer's tan?! It really added something great to the piece but I imagine the monitors in the control room were screaming for mercy. That poor man is so pale he's practically fluorescent. 


And I'm predicting it now, we are going to get a Jason/Jordan nude-off in some form very shortly.

I briefly wondered if that was makeup, and then I realized no one would spend time faking a farmer tan for a three-minute piece.


       I have to agree. Jordan's farmer's tan is real. I asked Travon Free (the brilliant writer of "slumber chub") last night, right below.


      Call me crazy, but a nude-off seems like it can go into the works, as long as I don't see any junk stuffed into cantaloupes.  

There are guys on 4Chan who brag about having regular schedules for ripping the pictures of girls (celebrity or not) by time of year to maximize what they find for the most explicit.


...And they should be prosecuted. Nothing says 'time for sport' like a spin in the state pen. Or since this probably crosses state lines, the Fed pen. I'm not picky.


And if there's anybody who absolutely must get hip to the tech, it's prosecutors' offices.

Edited by attica
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Also: now that I know what 4chan is, I wish I didn't... I had always thought it was just another message board.


It is just another message board - but there are assholes on every board.  4chan is known for shit like this and some ridiculous memes (Rick Rolling, Battle Toads, Shrek is love, etc) but it is not indicative of the entire site. I wouldn't have been surprised if the hack was done by Redditors, and I freaken love Reddit. Rather it's indicative of how powerful people feel when on the internet and what they can do when "protected" with a username (reddit) or are anonymous (4chan). Good things have come from 4chan like Anonymous (depending on how you feel about them I guess), but shitty things like this come up as well.

I'm guessing they're probably wearing a G-string or something.


I think he's wearing flesh-colored briefs, like a Speedo.


And if there's anybody who absolutely must get hip to the tech, it's prosecutors' offices.

They can't do anything if the appropriate laws aren't there, so it's the state legislatures than need to get hip to the tech first.

Edited by dubbel zout
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