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I knew something was up when the best friend was never interviewed. Her faked shooting was really over the top pathetic, it looked more like a bad pinch than a grazed gunshot.


Becky's glaring absence is what tipped me off in the first few minutes, then I spent the next hour unfairly castigating the detectives in my head because it took them so long. Isn't is obvious! Heh.


Her story would have fallen apart anyway, but pretending she was attacked was egregiously stupid since it only served to focus the cops' attention on her.


And yes, both women were very similar looking! Same general type, anyway.


I was looking up the names and the Internet tells me this has been previously covered by both Deadly Affairs and Snapped.

Edited by lordonia
  • Love 4

I could have sworn one of the other shows that featured this story hinted at an incestuous relationship between Becky and her son.

Even without that, this story was a hot mess from start to finish. That suburban veneer covers over all manner of debauchery and treachery. Anytime the implication is "that kind of thing doesn't happen here", I know I'm in for some weird shit.

  • Love 7

Yeah... I have absolutely no sympathy for the shooter. This was premeditated and announced. He even said he wouldn't hesitate to shoot cops. He sounds like a psychopath. The kid was also breaking the law by going into that garage, but I don't think he should have paid for it with his life. Jail time? Sure. But not his life. There were much better ways for the shooter to have handled this, and now he's gotta pay the consequences.

  • Love 7

I could have sworn one of the other shows that featured this story hinted at an incestuous relationship between Becky and her son.

Even without that, this story was a hot mess from start to finish. That suburban veneer covers over all manner of debauchery and treachery. Anytime the implication is "that kind of thing doesn't happen here," I know I'm in for some weird shit.

That statement is so true. It is like people are patting themselves on the back or something.  For these two hour shows it does seem they drag things out and that kind of messes with the time frame and sometimes important stuff comes out later in the broadcast.  I wish they would tell the story in a more linear fashion.  


For example, I never realized the shooting of the Becky(the killer) was the next day after the the murder. Things were told in a disjointed fashion so I never got a sense of how things played out.


Thanks Lordonia, I think I saw this on Snapped

  • Love 3

Like all of you I had seen this on another channel so, luckily, it only took me 40 minutes to watch it from start to finish. I'm always curious to see how another editing team will splice together the story.


I was glad that I stopped the ff button long enough to hear the widower crying during his interrogation. It was especially eerie when he was wailing to his son when he thought he was alone. The weight of what he had done hit him like a ton of bricks. He screwed up his son's life and (because of the actions of his wandering eye) took his wife's life all over some raggedy thieving chick from next door? Then...he remarries and moves wife #2 into the same house where his first wife was brutally murdered due to his affair with her insane best friend? I can't...


I wanted to hear from the two oldest sons' father... or some relative on that side other than sketchy tweaker uncle who ratted out the whole plot.


Massive shade from the editors when they posted the side-by-side pics of Becky pre-prison and after. I chuckled when Tamara the neighbor said "I know why she needed Weight Watchers..." Who knew you could eat so well in prison?

  • Love 9

I was glad that I stopped the ff button long enough to hear the widower crying during his interrogation. It was especially eerie when he was wailing to his son when he thought he was alone. The weight of what he had done hit him like a ton of bricks. He screwed up his son's life and (because of the actions of his wandering eye) took his wife's life all over some raggedy thieving chick from next door?

Silly me, I thought he was apologizing to the guy next door—not to his son. I'm bad with names.

In my defense, I was preoccupied thinking how much the scene reminded me of Robert Durst's hot mic on HBO's The Jinx.

  • Love 1

I chuckled when Tamara the neighbor said "I know why she needed Weight Watchers..." Who knew you could eat so well in prison?

She gained weight because prison food is heavy in starches and empty calories. We're the only country in the world with fat prisoners.

I probably wouldn't have noticed if the WW wasn't mentioned, but every woman on that episode was over weight.

  • Love 5

There was just a special on, 60 minutes maybe, about prison food, how awful it is, and how fat it is making everyone, which really is just going to make things more expensive for the state as prisoner's medical problems increase as everyone we keep locking up continue to age.  Plus, she could be eating cookies and junk food from the commissary.  I was in county jail, for some drunken mishaps nothing good enough for 48 Hours to cover, and I wouldn't eat anything they served.  Beans and strange oatmeal breads with every meal.

  • Love 4

When I was training to be a dietitian, as part of our practicum we went with the person in charge of prison food service, this was in Iowa.  The woman in charge thought she was all that. I think TPTB had a week to kill so we went to some prisons.  Like this was an option. I hope I can work in a prison someday.  How fun and rewarding!! 


I gotta say they ate pretty well.  I was a poor college student and I liked that we got free meals.

Edited by applecrisp
  • Love 1

A lot of good comments here, as always...  I actually would have sympathy for a man with a wife and a baby who works away from home...  But this guy seemed like he was looking for an opportunity_ to shoot someone!  The "Showtime!" comment was pretty telling.  When he heard the noises in the garage, he could've called 911 first, right?  That would've changed things to me...by not calling 911 first, it would appear he intended to take care of this by himself, with his gun.  As for mouthing off to people about what you'd do to an intruder, that can be a lot of BS or false bravado...but if you actually do shoot and kill someone, you're got a problem on your hands.  I still thought 70 years was somehow a little excessive; 50 maybe would've been good enough?  It essentially wouldn't matter, the guy seemed to be about 30, so 50 years, 70 years...it pretty much would to be the rest of his life, anyway.  It's hard to parse that; he wasn't unprovoked...but he totally went overboard.


The biggest thing I came away with is just the reminder that kids (or anyone) really need to know that if you're going to commit a crime, even a stupid one like stealing beer, is that you never know how the offended party is going to react.  I think I've mentioned on here before, my dad's GF's son was beaten over the head with a baseball bat for throwing tomatoes at cars when he was 14...  Recently my cousin told me how he freaked out when his 15-year-old daughter jumped out her bedroom window with some friends at 2am and went ringing doorbells for kicks...he had the above conversation with her about "you could get shot doing that".

Edited by jenkait
  • Love 2
Then...he remarries and moves wife #2 into the same house where his first wife was brutally murdered due to his affair with her insane best friend? I can't...


I actually hadn't seen this case before, but the bit with the husband moving his new wife into the same house completely weirded me out!  I can't believe the new wife would be OK with that...and she's gotta know!  At least by now I'd think she'd know.

  • Love 3

This case was a mixed bag of shooter/victim and intruder/victim. 


I had my house broken into once.  In fact it was clear they were in the house when I opened the garage and  fled as I got out of the car.  It totally shook me up.  They stole stupid stuff that was mostly sentimental to me with no street value.  But my son who was around 10-11 at the time was traumatized and spent the night at my sisters.  I just refused to frightened out my own home (plus the idiots kicked in my front door so it could not be locked).  And my husband at the time was "working late" and I could not reach him. This was before cell phones.  So I stayed.  But the thought of strangers going through my things and in my house stayed with me for a long time.  I was and still am very aware of what goes on around my house since I am now and have been for some time, happily divorced. 


So in a way I can get this guy's anger frustration etc but he was gunning for someone, anyone to break in to his house.  And I have said to people in the past that if someone is breaking into my house at night knowing I am home sleeping they are probably not there just to rob me and I do own a gun.  I just better not shoot any intruders or ya'll will be talking about my episode on Dateline!

  • Love 3

I held off on watching this episode.  I currently live in Georgia, where there is a stand your ground law, and gun nuts can currently carry into places like churches and bars(!!).  It's a sore subject.


It goes without saying that it's wrong to enter someone's garage and steal.  And everyone has the right to be frightened and angry when they've had a break in.  But these people went above and beyond "protecting the family".  They set up the scene, left the bait, and laid in wait.  I'm a woman who's lived most of my adult life without a man in the house.  During those years, I often had a child or my mother living with me.  I know what it's like to feel vulnerable.  That's why I make sure all my windows and door are closed/locked, my garage door is closed and the door into the house is locked.  I also keep a phone at my bedside, a baseball bat near by bed, and a pit bull in my house.  Now the pit bull is harmless, but I don't reprimand her much when she makes of show of trying to go through the window, to get the mailman.  Therefore, she's quite intimidating.  At this point, the UPS guy stands at the bottom of my porch steps, and throws the packages up to the front door.


The couple seemed to not only eagerly anticipate the shooting, they were so unaware of how bad they looked, that their original stories made them look horrible.  The husband said the wife says, "show time", when they heard someone in the garage, and the wife describes the kid begging for his life.  The husband claimed he was so frightened, that his hands were shaking.  Yet instead of making sure the door from the garage was locked, then calling 911, he went in there shooting.  If there was a mad, foaming at the mouth rapist and child kidnapper in the garage, and the man was also carrying a weapon, this fool has now removed the door as a obstacle to his wife/child.


What probably frightens me the most, was how uncaring they were about who they may have killed.  In many places, an open garage door is a visual sign that the owners are home, and open to visitors.  One of my neighbors keeps their garage open until bed time, and most people I know enter through the open garage to knock on the inner door, of friends and family.  I've locked myself out of the house and had to go to a neighbor's door at eleven pm.  Luckily, I lived in the Chicago land area at the time, where most people don't have guns.


I would have more compassion if the guy was truly acting in utter fear.  I'm sure it can be hard for a man if he's more prone to flight than fight.  I remember the case of the man with the stupid no trespassing sign, that said only red-blooded God-fearing Christians were allowed on his property.  Three guys in a truck harassed the man by flashing lights at the house.  The wife was hysterical and egging the man on to save her and the children's lives, so the guy hunted them down and killed one of them.  The man was still an utter jackass, but he was being goaded by his wife.



  • Love 6

I thought the husband said the psychic told him that his wife was still alive.  I guess they were off.


I thought the girlfriend seemed sincere, but still.....how can you continue having sex with your best friend's husband when you feel so bad about it?  I just don't get it.  Most people don't realize how when you put some people in a situation, innocent people could get hurt.  


So did Remy murder his wife because he caught her on the online relationship or because he wanted to be with the lover?

  • Love 2

Remy reminds me of one of those people who think they can tell you any lie and you will believe it.  Even when you explain to them that the lie is preposterous and you know they are lying, they still will not accept it and just make up another lie.  It's so frustrating to deal with someone like this.  


I thought that Remy's lover and he were so different. I would never pair those two together.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
  • Love 2

Oh one thing I loved was when the interviewer, I always forget her name, basically implied that the mistress was too hot for Remy.


Heh, Andrea Canning.  I like her.  I watched tonight's ep, and this is neither here nor there, and maybe it's the +++ makeup and yellow-blonde hair, but you know I think who Andrea Canning looks like?  A young Suzanne Somers.  Anyone else with me??


I'm getting real sick of the trend going on with so many Dateline episodes lately. They've got one suspect the whole time, he says "I'm innocent!" for 3/4 of the show, then "we the jury find him guilty of murder", every damn time. I was hoping Remy was innocent just to see something different, and it sucks how he was found guilty yet said nothing about why he killed his wife. (probably the usual 'kill the ex-wife and move on with the new woman' thing, but I wanted HIM to explain it) Remy cheating didn't really bother me, since Jen gained a bunch of weight and played online games day in, day out. I wouldn't want to continue a marriage with her, either. Hard to say why the mistress slept with her best friend's husband, she was dull as hell and said almost nothing of substance. I wish the episode went into a lot more detail. Most of the shows can make me hate the killer, but so much information was left out, I was apathetic at best towards Remy.

Edited by Neet
  • Love 1
Remy cheating didn't really bother me, since Jen gained a bunch of weight and played online games day in, day out.

Then he should have gotten a divorce, cheating isn't the answer. Though I also disagree that it's okay to cheat if your spouse gains weight. Clearly she wasn't happy in the marriage either and using the online games as an outlet, it wouldn't surprise me if she was suffering from depression.


In the end divorce is so much cheaper than murder because chances are you are going to get caught and loss of wages sitting in jail, lawyers and bail cost a lot of money!

  • Love 8

This is one of those cases where I can see both sides.  It's frustrating being victimized and having nothing done about it, and I can see homeowners taking matters into their hand to protect themselves, but baiting someone to break in just so you can seek your own vigilante justice is what sticks out to me here and completely crosses a line.  It reminds of the episode 12 Minutes on Elm Street, where an older man was living alone and had been repeatedly burglarized, so he  set it up to look like he wasn't home so he could lure the thieves back into the home where he would carry out his vengeance. 


About 2 years ago, our garage was broken into when I was home alone, and a bunch of lawn/yard equipment stolen.  I wasn't aware anyone had been there until my son came home from class that night and found the garage door halfway open and the equipment missing.  Needless to say, it took me months to feel comfortable alone in the house at night. 


Then about 6 months ago, I was in my room watching TV when the phone rang, but the handset that I had with me, had a dead battery, so I got up to go get a new handset.  When I got there, I heard someone trying to open the door that led from the garage into the house, which was locked.  My adrenaline kicked in and my first reaction was to go to the kitchen and grab a big ol' knife because I was going to do whatever I needed to protect myself, and while doing so, I happened to see out the kitchen window a pickup truck outside the house.  It was dark and I couldn't see what kind or what color, but all 3 of my kids drove pickups, so I looked at the caller ID to see if one of them had called, and fortunately my other son, who was doing some remodeling for us, had stopped by to do some work and knocked on the front door, which I apparently did not hear, then tried calling and when I didn't answer assumed I wasn't home, so he decided to see if he could get in the side door.  I have to tell you, I shook like a leaf for about 20 minutes afterwards, even after finding out who it was.

@Fable, and that's the type of situation in which people accidentally kill loved ones.  Lucky for your son you weren't lying in wait with a shotgun.


I thought of that episode you're referring too, as well.  The shooter was completely unremorseful.  He told of how the girl told him she was pregnant and begged for her life.  He also only wounded one, then went on to "put her down" as he put it.  Like she was a dog.

  • Love 1

Hope I'm putting this in the right place. This one aired Sun, May 17, 2015, but was apparently a repeat from 2011. It was new to me. Michigan woman, Venus, Stewart, (wife, mom) "goes missing," in her pajamas, going to check the mail. WHAT?   The husband, Doug Stewart, had an alibi.... at first... until they realized that there was another dude who the husband roped into posing as him (in another state).  When I first started watching and they showed the husband speaking, I didn't even know the story yet, but he came across as super fishy to me. And the accomplice, the 20 yr old man, Ricky Spencer, seemed really stupid to have participated in that.


The husband was told that his wife was missing and his response was, "What? Is she pullin' a stunt?" CHARMING. And the moron left a receipt in his truck from Walmart where he bought a shovel, a tarp, hat, and gloves the day before the wife, Venus, went missing. Add to that, (sorry I cant get the italics thingy off) add to that that he went to buy those items in Walmart while wearing conspicuously loud, flowered shorts which made him stand out to the employees, considering the weather.. More... he bought a burner untraceable (he thought) Trac phone which he paid for WITH A CREDIT CARD - defeating the whole nefarious purpose. Wow. what a bungling bungler - which is good for justice being served..

Edited by ari333
  • Love 6

I don't remember seeing this one before either.  I did notice that they had a random narrator do it though, so maybe it was old.


I thought Ricky and Doug had a sexual relationship but Ricky was too ashamed.  I guess Ricky was a little mentally challenged (but able to attend college?  I just saw a person on FB who has noticeable intellectual impairments get a degree).  They were both profoundly stupid; they were made for each other.  Doug's lawyer was a complete idiot for saying he wanted the jury to doubt Ricky's character for not going to the cops: that assumes Doug was the killer!  It made no sense.


"Dude, are you going to kill me?"  "No."  "Good, cuz that would suck."

  • Love 6

I felt like I'd seen the episode before, but I wasn't sure if it was this actual episode or an ID show.  I'll co-sign the poster who said in another Dateline thread they they are really tired of long interviews with the person who turns out to be the killer...so am I, ugh!  However, I disliked this guy before realizing he was the killer, he seemed very smug and irritating.


It wasn't one thing alone, but a lot of things made Venus and Doug seem a bit strange and immature.  Venus still sat in her mom's lap when she was 32?  That seemed odd (and like it would hurt), not cute.  Venus's reasoning for wanting moving to a town in Florida because it's near DisneyWorld or another town because it's near Six Flags, etc. so "the kids could have fun every day of their lives"?  You wouldn't take kids there every day, right?  And living in the 9th floor of a building because "she always wanted to live in skyscraper"...was Doug making this stuff up?!  And why, when Venus moved back across states to her parents, was Doug granted "phone visitation"?  The word "granted" was used, right?  I mean, I thought he was creepy, but if the guy had been the children's primary caregiver for a number of years, it seems like the courts would have been a little more generous than that!  I feel like something was missing there.


Was Doug just attracted to immature people he could control?  Ricky was young but it was almost painful how he didn't seem to get that a murder plot would involve killing someone and hiding the body.  Like you said Morbs, some kind of intellectual impairment there.  Not that Doug was too brilliant...I can't remember exactly but he murdered Venus something like a day after she got full custody (or something) and he bought a throwaway phone with a credit card, wtf?!  I am really surprised he didn't kill Ricky as well, once Ricky had served his purpose.


I'm glad Doug got convicted.  I'm pretty sure Venus's dad would've killed him if he hadn't.  Not that I could blame him.

Edited by jenkait
  • Love 6

I don't remember seeing this one before but Venus' parents and brother got on my nerves with their self-righteous finger pointing. I should have felt sympathy for them but didn't.

Do u mean the finger pointing at the accomplice, Ricky who could have saved their  daughter's life and didnt'? Yeah, he got a sweet deal of one yr in prison. OTOH without his testimony the case would have been more difficult. but not impossible. Doug Stewart's fingerprint was on the tarp bag at the crime scene that matched the tarp (IIRC) bought at the Walmart (the receipt found in his car)

  • Love 2

Every time I watch a Dateline or 48 Hours, I go into it telling myself 'this is going to be the one time the husband didn't do it.'  Pretty sure I've never been right.

Same here. I would love for the occasional show where the husband is a long-time suspect and it turns out to be a random person instead. Even the episode description on my TV said "he was the prime suspect until it's proven he had an alibi", which I assumed would come at the end of the episode, not going "nah, he's probably lying" 20 minutes in. Everybody seemed to have some mental deficiency; Doug never showed any emotion about anything and seemed to underplay the importance of it being a murder case, to a frustrating degree. Venus sitting in her mom's lap was a bit odd, although I sometimes find that stuff cute (in a pitiable way, I guess), but I thought she had an extremely vacant stare in any video footage of her that was shown. She never looked fully there, and wanting to pack up the family and move because of Disneyworld was strange, as was living in an apartment because it was like a skyscraper. Ricky could sound intelligent one moment and then turn drunk with the constant "dude"-tier dialogue, and while it's hard to believe he didn't grasp what was going on until Venus was dead, I do see how he had gotten himself too deep in something he didn't want to do anyway. I think his sentence of a year was enough; he was clearly impressionable and Doug making threats to kill more than one person probably pushed him to finish his assigned role.

I kind of doubt Venus' supposed mother of the year qualities that her family mentioned, as she made a lot of rash decisions, and like I said above, seemed pretty dim. (I also just remembered she married Doug after 4 days - that doesn't sound sane for either of them) Not that being slow makes somebody a bad parent, but I think her family was embellishing quite a bit. Domestic violence reports from both Doug and Venus were interesting, too, I wish they went on about that more.

I have a feeling this is an unpopular opinion, and I am *NOT* condoning murder at all, Doug is 100% a scumbag, but I wish Dateline and other such shows with episodes about a mother/wife being murdered by the husband would go into more detail about the husband's view when his kids get taken away from him. Courts always side with the mom in custody affairs barring extreme circumstances, so I get how powerless Doug would feel after he's forbidden to see his children. Hearing the Dateline narrator say "Venus packed up and left the apartment [without telling Doug, and I think this was before they went to court over custody], taking the kids to her parents' house" kind of pissed me off because of how downplayed it was. Doug's insane and a piece of crap, I'm not justifying him ever laying a hand on Venus, but if losing his kids was what set him off, I understand the explosive anger he likely felt.

  • Love 3

The problem I have with the whole "he knew they would come" idea is that, just because your house looks unoccupied, does not make it a given that they would come. They could have simply decided to leave the guy alone. If they weren't out looking for trouble, they wouldn't have even known the truck was not there nor that the lights weren't on. Free will and all that. :) Because of their prior behavior, he had a good reason to believe they would try it again, but he had no way of knowing for certain.

True enough, but I do believe he was luring them in. The choice to bite was their own, but it seems he anticipated they would take the bait, and sure enough....


The guy set them up, any reasonable person can see that. We can argue the right/wrong about that all day. What makes it murder is after shooting a teenage girl who was simply looking for her cousin, the loon did not call an ambulance but instead he shot her in the head as a "mercy shot" . The guy is an absolute psycho who murdered a two friggin kids. Indefensible and I have no sympathy for him. Deserves the life sentence and more.

  • Love 2

"Andrea Canning. I like her. I watched tonight's ep, and this is neither here nor there, and maybe it's the +++ makeup and yellow-blonde hair, but you know I think who Andrea Canning looks like? A young Suzanne Somers. Anyone else with me?"

I always thought she looked like Amy Robach. In fact, I thought it was her when I started watching Dateline regularly.

  • Love 1

I just watched, "Deadly Game," and thought it was really interesting. The killer drove from Virginia to Michigan to kill his wife and left behind, to pose as him, a nineteen year old kid he'd been playing online games with. The killer stopped in Ohio to buy a shovel, rubber gloves, and cap, or as the narrator called it a "wife killing kit." I learned that those untraceable cell phones are still traceable if you buy it with a credit card. Episodes like this one make me want to be a detective.

In other news, Andrea Canning just had her fifth daughter. Her with her 20 inch waist.

  • Love 3

Police often short-sightedly suspect someone simply because that person didn't conform to their idea of "normal" behavior after a death or during a 911 call, but dang. The victim's daughter was practically giggling during her interview with Josh -- that frozen, smirky smile never left her face. In this particular case, I wouldn't have believed her story either.


Why on earth does Diana go to murder someone without a weapon or, apparently, any sort of plan?


I'm done with speculating why a random stranger would agree to murder someone for $10K. Sigh.

Edited by lordonia
  • Love 9

I know, Lordonia! The smirk, the hair over her eyes, pulling the knife out when we've seen enough emergency room dramas to know that can cause a fountain of bleeding if the patient is still alive. I thought her 911 call sounded over the top, too. I actually tripped over our cat and had a really bad fall, yet, even I wouldn't have looked at that poor woman and thought, "Bashed in head, blood everywhere, knife sticking out of chest, yep, must have tripped over the cat."

But who must be weirder than the daughter? The son! How can you be married to a woman like Diana long enough to have three children and not notice the evil? Evidently she had been calling her MIL almost daily, usually asking for money.

The blond daughter also told the police, "I didn't want to get my money that way." "My" money? Those two grown children shouldn't have even known they were the beneficiaries, much less already owned it in their minds.

  • Love 8

I'm watching a 2013 episode called "Day of Reckoning" on ID.  It's about a mom, Bernadette, who is terrorized for years by her husband, who ultimately confides in her that he killed a prostitute.  This story just makes me so mad for the kids.  I am totally judgmental in these situations where moms put their kids through hell because they're afraiiiiid (said in whiny voice).  I know I should have more compassion.  I know there's battered woman syndrome.  But somehow when it involves kids, I just can't.


ETA:  It was her young daughter that ultimately spilled the beans, not the mom.  One wonders how much more the mom would have put up with if her daughter hadn't done that.

Edited by tobeannounced
  • Love 4
I actually tripped over our cat and had a really bad fall, yet, even I wouldn't have looked at that poor woman and thought, "Bashed in head, blood everywhere, knife sticking out of chest, yep, must have tripped over the cat."


Ha! I always walk down the stairs with a butcher knife pointed at my chest in case I fall.


The daughter claimed she pulled out the knife in order to do CPR, yet she apparently ran outside instead.


I did like how the editors framed her entire interview prison style -- from the neck up against a gray background -- to trick us into thinking she may have been convicted. Then the camera finally pulled back at the end with Mank confirming with her that she'd been cleared.


Her husband was weird, too.

Edited by lordonia
  • Love 5

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