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LOL. Oh if I had only had that information when that big nun was yelling at me during adult Catholic class.  Beethoven's poor mom had that name working against her too.  I'll never know why so many pastors portray Mary Magdalene  as a fallen woman of some kind.  All the Bible tells us is that seven demons were driven out of her so I can only guess she had some sort of mental illness.

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I know because of the pending civil litigation they can't talk about why the cops seemed to think they had solid evidence that Michelle sent the emails and the rape setups but I am not buying that there was compelling evidence other than trusting the word of a law enforcement officer. Her parents were able to figure out that the IP addresses were different and they didn't have access to all the data and resources of the police department. Also, waiting so long to review the security footage of where the wife claimed the assault took place, seems suspect.

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7 hours ago, biakbiak said:

I know because of the pending civil litigation they can't talk about why the cops seemed to think they had solid evidence that Michelle sent the emails and the rape setups but I am not buying that there was compelling evidence other than trusting the word of a law enforcement officer. Her parents were able to figure out that the IP addresses were different and they didn't have access to all the data and resources of the police department. Also, waiting so long to review the security footage of where the wife claimed the assault took place, seems suspect.

I think the cops jumped to a conclusion about the emails because, at first glance, they seemed similar in tone and "hellfire & damnation language" as the original emails Michelle had sent to her ex.  (Which she really didn't want to talk about during the interview, but did admit to sending).  The wife probably read them, and then used similar language and even more "biblical" references to make them seem like they were from an escalating angry Michelle.  The cops screwed up, and it may cost them if Michelle wins a judgment against them.

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2 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

I think the cops jumped to a conclusion about the emails because, at first glance, they seemed similar in tone and "hellfire & damnation language" as the original emails Michelle had sent to her ex.  (Which she really didn't want to talk about during the interview, but did admit to sending).  The wife probably read them, and then used similar language and even more "biblical" references to make them seem like they were from an escalating angry Michelle.  The cops screwed up, and it may cost them if Michelle wins a judgment against them.

Yes. I just watched this  and was shocked at how easy it apparently was for Angelina to send herself emails etc. and blame the other chick. I really felt for ... I can't think of her name.... Michelle.? Plus I failed to understand why? She had the man, married him, was living with him. Was it all about the damn condo? Seriously? Some folks are just hateful and nuts and greedy. A bad combo. Her parents seemed so supportive and loving. That part was heartwarming

Edited by ari333
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I remember seeing this story before, about the ex sending rapists via Craigslist, etc. But on that episode, no evidence was given that the perp wasn't Michelle. This episode still left me with questions, like why do the email/Craigslist thing at all, what did that have to do with the condo? And what was up with the condo anyway, the husband couldn't pay the mortgage on it? Or Michelle was fighting him for possession of it? And what made the condo so fabulous anyway? Just move. And why did the new wife fake a pregnancy? And why won't the husband/ex speak about any of it? And how stupid was everyone, except the parents, not knowing that IP addresses can be easily tracked, unless you are a hacker who knows how to use the Dark Net. The wife should have hired someone she could have met at comic-con.

Now I’m thinking that other espisode where rapists were sent to a home via Craigslist was about someone who wanted the house that another couple bought and moved into, and she was trying to make them move so she could have her “dream house.”

Too many Craigslist rapist posts to keep track of. Apologies.

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And why did the new wife fake a pregnancy?

I am guessing she was having difficulty becoming pregnant or faking a pregnancy just to keep the guy. I wasn't sure about the timeline, but it seemed maybe they were married after she revealed being pregnant?  

The woman has a con artist past. By lying about being pregnant, she was likely making sure he was not going to leave. This was clearly not a normal and healthy relationship on any level. She had to know this and lived in fear of losing this guy, perhaps. I can only imagine what would have happened later on. Would she have been one of those females who put padding on themselves and give the appearance of being pregnant while scoping out pregnant women in order to steal their baby? Or would she have faked a miscarriage? 

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4 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Would she have been one of those females who put padding on themselves and give the appearance of being pregnant while scoping out pregnant women in order to steal their baby? Or would she have faked a miscarriage? 

That's what I was thinking, she'd either commit murder for a baby or fake a miscarriage. She's just one of many women who do scary, crazy things to hang onto a man.

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14 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Wasn't she using some sort of device to hide the fact, temporarily at least, where those emails originated? I seem to remember the host saying that in his narration. 

I didn't hear that and if she was using a changing  VIOP which is crazy easy to do Michelle's parents wouldn't have been able to track the emails.

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Regarding the art student murdered by her boyfriend's gay roomie, I got a big kick out of the cop trying to figure out those crazy artsy types. I imagined him leaving every interview muttering "weirdos!" to himself.

There was something off about the guy who ended up being guilty. I zeroed in on him immediately, which is unusual for me. 

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Did anyone watch, "Missing Mickey?" The girl on the bike at night.... The last person to see her, Bret, just didn't seem like he did anything to her. Then they saw security cam footage and a white pickup too close behind her

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1 hour ago, cooksdelight said:

I'm getting ready to watch it when hubby gets home. He loves Dateline more than I do... I didn't know such a person existed! HA

I wont do a spoiler for you, but I immediately thought that Bret kid did not do it.It was just something about him.

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It was either going to be Bret in the end after exhausting two or three more townie possibles, and then we come back to Bret's backyard being torn apart and dug up; or someone else as they built on the story.

Edited by CelticBlackCat
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I don't blame the detectives for zeroing in on Bret as the last known person to see her alive....would have been sloppy police work if they hadn't.  Glad they pointed out that social media was helpful (getting people out to search for Mickey, etc.), but how it can backfire as a tool.  Tips from people with grudges or seeking their 15 minutes of fame can be the downside.

I've read articles today about the investigation and convictions....and like the one detective said, if he killed two people....why not more?  Chilling.

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On 8/5/2017 at 9:41 AM, saber5055 said:

Whether anything was new in the Manson episode depends on what you know about it. I lived it, and heard/read about the Tate/LaBianca murders in real time. I didn't want to see anything about Manson but watched (with one eye) and found it very interesting. A guy was on who wrote a book about Manson; the cover is a photo of Charlie from way back when, sans hair/beard. I learned a lot of interesting facts and timeline, so even though I "knew" this story, I still learned more about it and found the episode very interesting, and, thankfully, not a big showcase for a psycho. I recommend it. I'd watch it again, no problem.


On 8/5/2017 at 0:07 PM, walnutqueen said:

I was referring to the "anything new?" question.  It was decent rehash, and, of course, I watched it, too.  I also lived it, perhaps a little closer than most, considering my brush with Mansonites (a story I've only told about eleventy billion times).  It was OK for those not overly familiar with the details; but for those of us who are slightly obsessed?  Light fare.


On 8/5/2017 at 1:35 PM, saber5055 said:

I, too, was annoyed time was given to Manson, just as annoyed as I am when any time is given to OJ. I hate them getting more publicity, since that's what they love. Like "they" say, there is no bad publicity. But some details were new to me, like Manson being a lifetime jailbird. I did know about the Beach Boy connection, however. It was interesting hearing from a former member of his "girls," and I wondered if she was ever implicated in any murders since she was there at the time. The photos of Manson as a younger guy, sans beard and long hair, were also new to me.


On 8/5/2017 at 9:36 PM, CelticBlackCat said:

Same here on all points, but I watched with both eyes open.  Vincent Bugliosi (RIP) is one of my heroes.  I'm glad Susan Atkins died in prison without getting the compassionate parole to get out while she was dying that she wanted.  I hope everyone else follows suit, the sooner the better.  You have to give Debra Tate all the props she deserves for being part of the parole denying process and to keep the spirit of her sister, Sharon Tate, and the memory and stories of everyone else slaughtered, alive.




anyone can clarify cause I think I was getting 2 of the guys confused. There was a parole officer of Manson's and then the guy who lived with Gary Hinman. Did Manson have the girls sleep with both of them meaning parole officer and Hinman/neighbor guy? I thought both those guys talked about how they "partied"with the girls.

Also I missed who was killed that they said Manson was actually involved with the murder.

Thought the interview with the woman who was part of it was interesting. Would like to hear more of her story and how she was bent and not broken and how she reconciles the fact of what this cult was.


On 8/6/2017 at 3:07 PM, saber5055 said:

I was trying not to watch the Manson episode, so would need to see it again to answer your questions, callmebetty. But I'm curious about the ex-Manson girl too, and wonder the same things about her.


So I finally watched the Manson episode in its entirety this morning.  I am way, WAY behind on my DVR programs. 

For anyone who is pretty familiar with the case, or who has read just about everything about it, like me, there wasn't any new information.  I did note the program was wrong about some facts.  The American flag at the Tate crime scene was not brought by Manson; the Polanskis' maid said the flag had been in the house for a couple of weeks before the murders. If I'm recalling correctly, Frykowski and Folger added it to the living room, putting it on the back of the sofa, and Sharon did not want to hurt their feelings by moving it.  Manson did return to the Tate scene to view what his monsters had done; I think he tried to move the bodies and stage the scene. He also allegedly dropped a pair of horn rimmed glasses there to throw off/confuse the cops.   I don't necessarily agree that the LaBianca murders were committed the following day because the police did not connect Tate to Hinman; after all, the murders were barely 24 hours old.  Did they expect the connection to be made immediately and announced on the news?  Regarding LaBianca, Susan Atkins did not enter the LaBianca home nor participate in those murders.  She was in the car but Manson did not send her into the residence, despite what Dateline said.  

The woman @callmebetty mentioned in her post was Barbara Hoyt.  She was a Family member who was arrested at Spahn Ranch during the car theft raid. She was the woman who had gone to gather dark clothing per Susan Atkins' orders on the night of the Tate murders.  She overheard Susan confessing to killing Sharon Tate and fled the Family.  By the time of the trial, Barbara was uncertain if she wanted to testify; the Family offered her an all-expenses paid trip to Hawaii if she did not. She agreed and went there with a Family member, who attempted to kill her with an LSD laced hamburger.   She recovered, returned to LA and testified against Manson and the co-defendants.  She was not charged with anything as she did not participate in the murders; in fact, she says that she was sickened while observing the Family watching the news reports about the murders the next day (they were laughing, cheering and generally gleeful about how the victims had been butchered.)  In any event, post-Family she went on to become a nurse (maybe due to the horrible things Manson and company did?) 

With regard to Gary Hinman, one of the men interviewed was a friend of Gary's.  He's the one who said that Gary did not want to be part of the Family.

@callmebetty, the murder the program was referring to was that of Donald "Shorty" Shea.  He was a ranch hand at Spahn who Manson believed had squealed to the cops when they were busted for the auto theft.  Shea was also married, or had been married, to an African American woman, which Manson, a racist, found reprehensible.  So he ordered the hit on Shea and participated in his murder.  Again, despite what Dateline reported, Shea was not cut into many pieces (a Family legend.)  His remains were found years later and they had not been cut up.

I was happy to see Jay Sebring's nephew as part of the program.  He has been attending the parole hearings as well.   Along with Debra Tate, he provides the human connection with the victims.  That's why I don't mind programs about the murders, although I wish they would focus more on the lives that were taken versus Manson and his ilk.  It's very easy to forget these were actual people with lives, who wanted to live, and with families who were smashed because of the murders. 

Also wanted to add that like @CelticBlackCat, I am glad (thrilled even) that Susan Atkins died in prison and was not given the compassion and mercy she denied her victims.

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On 7/7/2017 at 8:24 PM, Ohmo said:

Tara, the poor young girl who was killed in Florida

Raise your hand if you're now scared crapless to let workmen into your house!


I've always disliked having workmen in my house, but especially now that both my kids are gone and I'm a 67-year-old widow. I've had a couple of bad experiences with people, too, although most are perfectly decent human beings, but it frightens me to the point of not taking care of things that need taking care of.  About the time I start considering calling someone, I see another one of these shows and start the spiral all over again.  

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On 5/28/2016 at 0:05 AM, sinycalone said:

UsernameFatigue - here is one of the articles that includes information that should have been in the trial...but didn't surface until after the trial in most cases.


And here's an article about her status as an informant:


I don't care if she never supplied any valuable information....the fact that the card was dropped that indicated she was a police informant was important.  Do you think any possible drug dealers would bother to check with the sheriff or any police official about her status...they would just assume she was passing information on to the police.

I just saw this episode last night as a rerun.  It really upset me.  I don't understand how supposedly decent people can sleep at night when they railroad an innocent person.  There was no real evidence against the one brother who went to prison for murdering Heidi.  It's so upsetting.  

And that one newer DA.  OMG, he seems to think that he is all knowing, all seeing, can tell who's lying...just so full of it.  And the woman that he claimed was being truthful was anything but!  What's wrong with that group?  Made me think some kind of coverup.  Like they know, but, better leave it buried.  They don't seem bothered that the real killer escaped justice and an innocent man suffered in prison.  There's a special place in hell for them.  


Anyone know of any update?  That poor man in prison looked very ill.  I would imagine he may never leave there alive.  

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18 hours ago, Calamity Jane said:

I've always disliked having workmen in my house, but especially now that both my kids are gone and I'm a 67-year-old widow. I've had a couple of bad experiences with people, too, although most are perfectly decent human beings, but it frightens me to the point of not taking care of things that need taking care of.  About the time I start considering calling someone, I see another one of these shows and start the spiral all over again.  

Can you ask a neighbor to stop by so the repairman knows that a neighbor has seen him/his truck?  

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2 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I just saw this episode last night as a rerun.  It really upset me.  I don't understand how supposedly decent people can sleep at night when they railroad an innocent person.  There was no real evidence against the one brother who went to prison for murdering Heidi.  It's so upsetting.  

And that one newer DA.  OMG, he seems to think that he is all knowing, all seeing, can tell who's lying...just so full of it.  And the woman that he claimed was being truthful was anything but!  What's wrong with that group?  Made me think some kind of coverup.  Like they know, but, better leave it buried.  They don't seem bothered that the real killer escaped justice and an innocent man suffered in prison.  There's a special place in hell for them.  


Anyone know of any update?  That poor man in prison looked very ill.  I would imagine he may never leave there alive.  

Such a disturbing case on so many levels.

There's enough outrage to go around about a false conviction, so let's talk about the concept of "Confidential Informant" (without whose help, some cops couldn't find their own ass with a mirror and a flashlight).  How in the Holy Hell is an Informant "Confidential" if a cop carries around a card with all their info, and loses it in a convenience store parking lot?  Seriously - how can we put our trust in these Keystone Kops' antics, when they put so little effort into protecting our privacy and safety?

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19 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

Such a disturbing case on so many levels.

There's enough outrage to go around about a false conviction, so let's talk about the concept of "Confidential Informant" (without whose help, some cops couldn't find their own ass with a mirror and a flashlight).  How in the Holy Hell is an Informant "Confidential" if a cop carries around a card with all their info, and loses it in a convenience store parking lot?  Seriously - how can we put our trust in these Keystone Kops' antics, when they put so little effort into protecting our privacy and safety?

That story didn't make sense to me and I really doubt it happened.  I think it was a cover story for some reason.  I think there were lots of lies from LE.  That sheriff was a joke.  I suspect that Heidi's family realized on some level that their daughter's case was handled horribly wrong, but, they may be afraid to speak out about it.  From LE, the prosecutor's and judges, they helped punish an innocent man while a killer(s) went free.  Thank God for the good people who have tried to make things right.  Some people can't handle authority.  It does something to them. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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Manson did return to the Tate scene to view what his monsters had done; I think he tried to move the bodies and stage the scene.

There is circumstantial evidence that he may have returned to the crime scene.  It has never been proven.

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There isn't a new season thread yet, so I am putting this here. 

I heard this morning that the season premiere next Friday 9/15 is going to be about the Craig Rideout murder case that dominated our news here in Rochester, NY,  for the past year.  I am really looking forward to seeing everyone's opinions once this airs, so please watch & post!  lol 

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2 hours ago, Cupcake04 said:

There isn't a new season thread yet, so I am putting this here. 

I heard this morning that the season premiere next Friday 9/15 is going to be about the Craig Rideout murder case that dominated our news here in Rochester, NY,  for the past year.  I am really looking forward to seeing everyone's opinions once this airs, so please watch & post!  lol 

I've not heard of this case.  Hope Keith narrates.  Too much Andrea Canning lately.

ETA:  Andrea had 5 girls in 6 years....she looks great!

Edited by ButterQueen
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59 minutes ago, ButterQueen said:

I've not heard of this case.  Hope Keith narrates.  Too much Andrea Canning lately.

ETA:  Andrea had 5 girls in 6 years....she looks great!

I hope Keith does too....it's the season premiere so I am thinking yes but I don't know who was here doing the interviews. Funny aside that I doubt Dateline will mention, but the judge only allowed cameras in court during opening and closing arguments and during closings the Dateline camera got kicked out! lol I think they were still rolling during a recess and the judge got pissed and kicked them out.

If you don't mind spoiling yourself, google Craig Rideout trial.. 

Alos, for those that are regular Dateline watchers.....The Charlie Tan case was on last season or maybe the year before, and that case was also here in Rochester. Charlie and one of the Rideouts were in the same suburban hs class and also were on a sports team together, so a lot of people theorized that he saw Charlie get away with murder so he thought he would too.

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The Target,  Friday night's episode about the podiatrist and the floozy who "understood" him. Wasn't "My wife doesn't understand me," the 1950's cliché?  These two got off far too easily.  I hate that they're "still in love." 

Even if they're telling the truth (one chance in a thousand) when they say they had changed their minds and weren't going to go through  with it.  People who can talk that calmly about having a woman run over in the street should never, ever be let loose on the public. 

Edited by JudyObscure
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The podiatrist and his floozy (love that word!) were a match made in psychopath heaven.  They were so damn smug and throughout their interviews looked like they were barely stifling shit eating grins. ITA they got too little time, especially the podiatrist who had the fraud counts beyond all the murder/battery for hire crap.   

I'm also burnt out on the Andrea Canning episodes.  There's something about her approach that she almost comes across as trying to befriend the perps so as to get them to spill their stories, but it doesn't work for me and I don't think they're saying much more than if the snarky Mankiewicz conducted the interview.  It makes it feel like a human interest piece rather than an investigative piece.  The 48 Hours women do murder investigation stories so much better.

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I was wondering what in the hell these people were doing on TV in the first place. The wife was the only one who showed any type of common sense by staying away from it all. They are both smug, given the fact they have kids who will now be at school and get to hear all about Mommy and Daddy being on TV. They don't care about anyone but themselves. Susan was right in her statement in court, he's a narcissist and he's evil.

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57 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

Wasn't "My wife doesn't understand me," the 1950's cliché? 

Yes!  One of my bosses used to joke around a lot, and one of his famous sayings was "My wife doesn't understand me.  Besides, she's in a sanitorium".  ;-)

Sounds like the wife understood him quite well - a greedy fuck who defrauded insurance companies, paid to have their investigators beaten up, and didn't want to fork over any of his ill gotten gains to said wife.

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I had planned to watch this new episode, then totally forgot about it while I watched the Cubs get beat instead. Maybe I didn't miss much based on comments here. And where's Keith? Dateline isn't Dateline w/o Keith and his menacing commentaries.

I think "My wife doesn't understand me" is something imprinted on male brains at birth. It's never stopped being said, and one can hear it today if one listens to some married guy ... at work, in a bar, in a store, online ... anywhere.

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The photos of the staged beat down of the insurance investigators were so fake I can't believe anyone fell for it though he did have concerns. Also, how half-assed was the cops attempt not even attempt to create a cover story at the hospital. Though it seemed that they were pretty bad at their jobs given he also picked out the camera. 

On a completely random note, the tennis courts were so far away from the main house!

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I just watched the one about the murders of Wayne and Sharon Stock in Murdock, Nebraska. Two men were falsely imprisoned based on the CSI guy planting evidence. It turned out to be two kids, 19-year-old Greg Fester and 17-year-old Jessica Reid. The absolute best punishment for the CSI would have been to put him in a room with that annoying little psychopath for a year. I wanted to leap through the tv and throttle her. Slowly. What a total waste of air they both are, and two decent contributing members of society are now gone. It's rare that I actively hate a Dateline character as much as I hate these two. They interviewed her and while she seems to have matured I'm not buying it. She's just better at pretending. 

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On 9/9/2017 at 0:46 PM, saber5055 said:

I had planned to watch this new episode, then totally forgot about it while I watched the Cubs get beat instead. Maybe I didn't miss much based on comments here. And where's Keith? Dateline isn't Dateline w/o Keith and his menacing commentaries.

I think "My wife doesn't understand me" is something imprinted on male brains at birth. It's never stopped being said, and one can hear it today if one listens to some married guy ... at work, in a bar, in a store, online ... anywhere.

I miss Keith.  He better not retire....ever!

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On 9/9/2017 at 6:17 AM, JudyObscure said:

The Target,  Friday night's episode about the podiatrist and the floozy who "understood" him. Wasn't "My wife doesn't understand me," the 1950's cliché?  These two got off far too easily.  I hate that they're "still in love." 

Even if they're telling the truth (one chance in a thousand) when they say they had changed their minds and weren't going to go through  with it.  People who can talk that calmly about having a woman run over in the street should never, ever be let loose on the public. 

TOTALLY.  I was horrified that these two chucklefucks got as little time as they did.  If the luxury car salesman had been a real car salesman/hitman, Susan would have been dead.  Even if she was the most horrible wife ever, that's still the mother of his children.  

I wanted to smack the smirky smile right off the face of that former mortician turned orthopedic footwear saleswoman turned dipshit mistress. 

Both of them were acting like they really didn't do anything all that terrible.  It was SUSAN that was so bad.  They had CHEMISTRY.   I hope Susan took his sorry ass to the cleaners.  Let him marry the dipshit mistress and she can start wondering how long before he starts to complain that she doesn't understand him.  Gah.

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9 minutes ago, psychoticstate said:

TOTALLY.  I was horrified that these two chucklefucks got as little time as they did.  If the luxury car salesman had been a real car salesman/hitman, Susan would have been dead.  Even if she was the most horrible wife ever, that's still the mother of his children.  

I wanted to smack the smirky smile right off the face of that former mortician turned orthopedic footwear saleswoman turned dipshit mistress. 

Both of them were acting like they really didn't do anything all that terrible.  It was SUSAN that was so bad.  They had CHEMISTRY.   I hope Susan took his sorry ass to the cleaners.  Let him marry the dipshit mistress and she can start wondering how long before he starts to complain that she doesn't understand him.  Gah.

I only made it 10 minutes into the episode.  ☺️☺️

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3 hours ago, biakbiak said:

the same vrazy wrinkly neck.

The same long chin, the same watery blue eyes, the same thin face, the same tall thin body, the same lips.  They were twins!  That was one weird dude who apparently wanted to marry his sister and then cheated on her.  The second oddest thing was the 18 year old who had an affair with the murderer and then complained that his wife was "rude" to her.

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4 hours ago, biakbiak said:

I seriously thought the wife and sister were the same person and that she had gone to a hair stylist between interviews, both of them had the same crazy wrinkly neck.

TY!  I was half paying attention at the start and had to rewind to understand that they were two different people.  Aside from the murder, the biggest crime that wasn't addressed was the serious lack of sun protection and moisturizer used by these women (and the dead guy, pre death, obvs).

I'm trying to understand why this was a Dateline episode to begin with.  I was glad Keith was back on, but this mystery wasn't really a mystery at all.  The only shady thing was how short the sentence was, and that was but a footnote.

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