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S07.E10: Thank You

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Nicole and Sam move back to Bon Temps and we're supposed to assume it's safe?


I don't know if they moved back. It looked like they were just down for Thanksgiving. Sam and Sookie didn't seem to greet each other in the way friends do when they see each other every day.




It's also hard to believe that Andy ended up being so cool with Jessica considering what all ended up happening there. No way would I think that Jessica had killed three of Andy's daughters the way he was all ready and happy to marry her to Hoyt.


It was very awkward for Andy to tiptoe around his reluctance to have anything to do with taking Bill's house, saying without saying that he can't live in the house where his daughters were murdered, and then five minutes later he's officiating the wedding of the vampire who killed them. I really, really hate how they glossed over that whole thing. No. Jessica's a darling, we love her, she didn't do it on purpose, but she still did it. She ate his children. And it wasn't all that long ago. Is there a possibility that Andy could forgive and forget (well, not forget but at least forgive)? Absolutely. But that's a transition, and we did not see any. It's supposed to be some kind of closure moment, a full circle moment, but it's not at all believable. It's way too contrived to have him just let it go just for the sake of making everything sunshine and rainbows between everyone again. We're just supposed to accept that he would forgive her just because it's nice that way. Just like Hoyt and Jessica getting married right away is supposed to make sense just because they're Hoyt and Jessica, despite the fact that it makes no sense right now. Or how Bill's killing himself to provide Sookie a chance at a normal human life with a normal husband and children is simply supposed to make sense because it is a beautiful thing, despite the fact that these life goals were never brought up before. Stop throwing things in the story and pretending they make sense!

Edited by Chicken Wing
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It was very awkward for Andy to tiptoe around his reluctance to have anything to do with taking Bill's house, saying without saying that he can't live in the house where his daughters were murdered, and then five minutes later he's officiating the wedding of the vampire who killed them. I really, really hate how they glossed over that whole thing. No. Jessica's a darling, we love her, she didn't do it on purpose, but she still did it. She ate his children. And it wasn't all that long ago. Is there a possibility that Andy could forgive and forget (well, not forget but at least forgive)? Absolutely. But that's a transition, and we did not see any. It's supposed to be some kind of closure moment, a full circle moment, but it's not at all believable. It's way too contrived to have him just let it go just for the sake of making everything sunshine and rainbows between everyone again. We're just supposed to accept that he would forgive her just because it's nice that way. Just like Hoyt and Jessica getting married right away is supposed to make sense just because they're Hoyt and Jessica, despite the fact that it makes no sense right now. Or how Bill's killing himself to provide Sookie a chance at a normal human life with a normal husband and children is simply supposed to make sense because it is a beautiful thing, despite the fact that these life goals were never brought up before. Stop throwing things in the story and pretending they make sense!


All of this, so much!! The choices they made in these final episodes just didn't make sense. They didn't fit with the journey these characters have been on for 7 fricken seasons... They swept everything under the rug for the sake of a happy thanksgiving at the end without ever actually dealing with all of great issues that this show brought to the forefront from the beginning.


I will never be happy with the idea that Bill had to die... but they most definitely could have done it in a way that made more sense. He needed a better reason to be so set on dying, especially when nothing changed for Sookie- she was still fae, yet ended up with a human (or close enough) just like all of her issues from the beginning of the show were no big deal. Which sort of loses the whole point of her being an outcast and why she and Bill connected because he was an outcast amongst vampires. Him taking the cure and not having it work would have been much more believable... though with a show where we have a million supernatural creatures and flippin fairies- fairies who's powers have been nebulous and never really defined left a ton of open doors for the writers to exploit to make a better story. A show that has talked about miracles from day one and about how 'everything has a purpose, even a vampire' etc. from the beginning...yet they didn't pick up any of those threads to make this finale worth while.  Bill's purpose could have been to show Sookie about love and come to terms with who she is blah blah blah so she can lead a life with out him, but that point didn't come across... it's almost as if Bill never existed in Bon Temps aside from Jessica's presence. As someone who loves the Bill Compton character, that was the most disappointing. Kill him, but at least make him matter.


There was just so much of this finale that left me disappointed...they had so much potential and such a great cast... and they wasted it to shock us with some final gore and a random happy (but boring/disappointing/lame) ending.

Nicole and Sam move back to Bon Temps and we're supposed to assume it's safe? Crazy shit happened in Bon Temps well before Hep-V but I guess Nicole thinks everything is okay now because of the Sarah Newlin beverage? What about her claim that Bon Temps attracted more craziness and weird drama than the average town? Vampire, werewolves, shifters, faeries--they're all still a presence so what else has changed for her to think it's good enough for her family now? 


It was Thanksgiving dinner—why assume the Merlotte family now lives in Bon Temps? The people around that table are the closest thing Sam has to a family of origin. Perhaps the Merlottes come to Bon Temps every other Thanksgiving to visit? The kids may have developed a cousin-like relationship with Jason & Brigette's litter. And maybe even with Luna's daughter, Emma.

Hey, whatever happened to Violet's house? Was it already paid off?

'Cause, if so, pretty much anybody could just move in there and support themself by selling old dildos on ebay.

Should it be...

Jason and Bridget?

Willa and her newly adopted pug?

Wade and Adelyn, because it's the last place anybody would expect them to elope to?

Lafayete and James, since they got screwed out of the finale?

Sarah Newmie, because, let's face it, if they want to do a ridiculous ending for her, that would qualify?

Lettie Mae, for the same exact reason?

The werepanthers?
That half-fairy bellhop that Sookie met back in Season 1?

Big John, simply to give him some reason to have been on the show at all?

Or Andy and Holly's family, simply because everybody else on the show seems to keep getting nice big houses for free?

Hell, maybe even Ginger.

Edited by CletusMusashi
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I just can't agree that this was anywhere near the worst finale ever.  Sure there was stuff that seemed weird and slapped together by writers who didn't really know where to go and no Lafayette (writers who didn't know their audience either), but nothing about this ending made me wish I'd never even watched the show - unlike Lost.  Season 6 of Lost made me wish I'd never even started with it.  I will miss True Blood's awesome, if sometimes misguided, craziness. 

Well said. I actually liked the finale, in a goofy way.  Yes, it was a logistical nightmare, and I agree with many who felt that the decisions and actions by certain characters often felt like they were retconned, shortcutted and unearned, but I still enjoyed it. Although I was probably angriest at poor Andy actually having to officiate the marriage (and then turn landlord) for Jessica. Just, absolutely, no. Jessica bloodily slaughtered his children. You don't handwave that.


But when it comes to Bill, I can actually argue that his actions and points of view were pretty consistent. Sure, they were archaic and patriarchal, but that's always been Bill Compton to a T.  And I say this as one of the few who actually likes the guy.  But as with the Rice vampires, I've always liked the way the vamps on "True Blood" seem to stay forever stuck in their human mores and manners, and I kind of love that Bill was always and forever a rather textbook Southern gentleman to his core. I got a kick out of his pompousness as well as his courtly manners, as well as (most of all) his shock and befuddlement when things didn't go his way.


I mean, Bill was a guy who, after sleeping with Sookie for the first time, told her formally he was "honored" to be her first (a moment I found both funny and touching). So of course he's going to tell her what he thinks she ought to do in the situation with his Hep V, basically ordering her to kill him and lose her powers forever so that she can have what he wants her to have.  I found it kind of poignant because while yes, he was basically moving everyone around one last time on the chessboard, he did it with the best of intentions (of course, which are the most dangerous). Unlike the situation with Andy and Jessica, I felt that the mistakes he made there arose pretty honestly from his Bill's own core strengths and weaknesses -- his pride, his arrogance, his unconscious sexism, etc. 


Yet I cared about him, I thought Stephen Moyers was a revelation in the role, and I thought he and Anna had pretty amazing chemistry throughout the show's run (a chemistry I never really saw from her with anyone else). I also enjoyed watching Bill attempting to hold onto his manners, point of view and courtliness while trying to match the politics around him, which was why I especially loved the whole Billith storyline. I loved watching him finally just give in to his rage and confusion and become death personified. His very unwillingness to adapt had made him the most formidable being on the planet, at least for a short time. And his relationship with Jessica was the most surprising one on the show for me in its sweetness and humor.


I was irritated here, however, when Bill is standing at the marriage of his vampire daughter to a human, and he turned to Sookie and said, "I just want this for you." And I was, like, "WTF? Marriage to a vampire? Hello! Marry her, then!" Bill's entire argument collapsed in that single scene, and I was irritated that no one (especially not Sookie) called him on it. And yet when Sookie heard his thoughts for the first time, I admit it, I found it really moving. Especially since so much of what Sookie hears tends to be ugliness (the things people think but do not say).


Like many others, I do wish Bill had gone into the sun (if he had to go at all), instead of leaving his beloved sitting in a soupy mess of exploded vampire boyfriend. Yet I found the final scene between the two of them truly touching and sad, in spite of the fact that I was yelling at the TV. (I also admit that like many of you upthread, I felt incredibly evil but in every scene I just kept tensing myself for the GLORP when Bill would suddenly finally go splat from the Hep-V.) Yet again -- when Sookie was left sobbing in a coffin of blood, I felt incredibly sorry for her and really wished Bill had handled the whole thing differently.


So farewell, "True Blood!" I'll miss the show in all its ooky, goofy, crazy, sexy vampy glory. I definitely didn't hate this season -- even with its crazy inconsistencies, I thought it was much better than the silliness of the witch or werepanther seasons simply because it kept focus pretty much on our core Bon Temps characters, and it was nice to see Lafayette find happiness, and for Arlene to become a much nicer, less hateful person. I even got a kick out of Pam and Eric's infomercial, although I thought the ending was sloppily staged and Sarah's situation needlessly cruel (I would have preferred a more banal hell for her than the over the top constant torture -- one of petulance and boredom).


Although -- even after that last fairy-lit, sweetness-and-light scene of all our characters sitting down to that sweet communal dinner in their happy endings -- even as I wished them all well -- I was totally waiting for the camera to pan over to the cemetery to show Ghost Tara sitting on a headstone, swinging her feet and going, "Seriously? The forums were right. I just can't get a break."

Edited by paramitch
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  On the bright side, Thank Heaven they didn't make Bill human. That would've been a complete copout and a lame one, at that.


I actually think I would have enjoyed that. It would have been totally cheesy and predictable, especially after the show made a point of having Jessica remark that Bill was warm, and after Sookie could hear his thoughts, but...  And while I don't have a problem with Bill dying, I think him becoming human would have been fun.

I still have no idea why we spent so much time with Adilyn and her stepbrother. They really didn't make too many interesting choices when it came to dealing with faeries on the show. 


It's also hard to believe that Andy ended up being so cool with Jessica considering what all ended up happening there. No way would I think that Jessica had killed three of Andy's daughters the way he was all ready and happy to marry her to Hoyt.

I think Adilyn and what happened to the faerie sisters was so that we could see Jessica turned into a compassionate character again. She had her dark moments after she was turned, and it seems that after she drank the three faerie sisters to death is when she turned back to the good side.


I agree about Andy being happy to marry Jessica and Hoyt. I thought it was an odd choice to officiate. It was nice to see Andy agree that love is love, wether it's vamps or humans or whatever. But I still think it was a little far fetched to have him be so happy to do it for Jess and Hoyt, even tho Jess protected his family in the last few episodes.

Well said. I actually liked the finale, in a goofy way.  Yes, it was a logistical nightmare, and I agree with many who felt that the decisions and actions by certain characters often felt like they were retconned, shortcutted and unearned, but I still enjoyed it. 

I really enjoyed reading your post, paramitch. I agree with most of what you wrote, especially what you said about Bill. I just can't articulate it as well as you did. :) I too thought how Bill ends up was very on point with his character, just like what Pam and Eric did was in line with their characters. I guess while I think Sarah's faith was indeed cruel, it was in line with how the show always tried to shock us as much as they could, and also in line with what Pam and Eric would do, so I think that's why it didn't bother me as much as it did others. And Tara sitting on that gravestone would have been hilarious!

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If they hadn't made Sam and Nicole leave Bon Temps for no reason, Sam could have been the character to marry Hoyt and Jessica.

I never really felt that Jessica had gone to the dark side so I didn't need her to kill Andy's daughters in order to then put her on some sort of redemption path. There's really no coming back from shit like that so rather than feeling that Jessica "redeemed" herself, I was basically just ignoring the fact that it ever happened; kind of like how Andy, Adilyn, and everyone else in that town moved on and seemingly forgot that it ever happened. It's almost like their deaths were brushed off because of their background and the circumstances of their birth.

For me it would have been nice if they'd explored more of the Sookie/Adilyn/fairy dynamic since Sookie accepting her fae side was apparently supposed to be a thing for her this season given the decision she made to not use her light on Bill. I would have enjoyed seeing them simply having a conversation about how awkward it can sometimes be to overhear people's thoughts and maybe Sookie could have given Adilyn a tip about how to deal or what she does when she tries to shut it all out.

Edited by Avaleigh
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I actually think I would have enjoyed [bill becoming human]. It would have been totally cheesy and predictable, especially after the show made a point of having Jessica remark that Bill was warm, and after Sookie could hear his thoughts, but...And while I don't have a problem with Bill dying, I think him becoming human would have been fun.


  Not for me, especially if it meant him somehow getting away with murdering all the humans he killed, most, if not all, of whom were innocent. Bill's becoming human again could have not only trivialized those deaths, Bill's manpain in human form would have been painful to watch, no pun intended.


For Ryan Kwanten-completely hilarious and completely beautiful-also way, way better than the material. The MVP of this whole damn series. I always liked that he and Anna Paquin actually look like siblings. Also: "Conscious off. Dick on."


So Say We All. He is the ONLY reason I stuck with this stupid show.


  I respectfully disagree. Ryan Kwanten was great, but there were several cast members who were just as good or better than him, especially Alexander Skarsgard, Chris Bauer, Kristin Bauer von Straten, Sam Trammell, Denis O'Hare, Chris Meloni, Rutina Wesley and especially Nelsan Ellis. Five words: "Ring, ring, hooker, ring ring."



The good-FINALLY Eric acts like the badass he is.


 Again respectfully disagreeing. Eric's slaughtering the Yakuza thugs to save an unsuspecting Sookie wasn't the only time Eric was badass, by a long shot. Eric has been a badass many times before, like when he killed those Yakuza goons in Dallas when he still had HepV, when he gave Russell the True Death, when he gave Amber the True Death, when he killed the human general back in S5, when he and Nora escaped from The Authority and Vamp Camp, the latter of which he did in broad daylight, to name a few. Eric also helped save Arlene, Holly, Nicole and Jane from the H-vamps who held them prisoner. Pam didn't call Eric a "Viking vampire god" for nothing. Eric was guilty of many, many things, but being a wimp wasn't one of them.

  • Love 2
Maybe in previous seasons, but this season "badass" Eric was hardly around.


  Agreed. We've seen badass Eric a lot in previous seasons, but this season he seems to have forgotten how badass he can be-until he decided enough was enough


  Since Eric was sick with HepV for much of the season, his lack of badassery B.D. (Before Dallas) was understandable.


  Regarding Bill's True Death, instead of him having Sookie do the honors, he should have rented a small house, met the sun there and told Sookie and Jessica where to find him. There could have been a small memorial ceremony, with Sookie, Jessica, Hoyt, Jason, Lafayette, James, Eric and Pam in attendance.

Edited by DollEyes
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At least it didn't end up like the books where Sookie spends a lot of time checking the mail and making Wal-Mart runs. Although Bill's whining bugged, I kind of feel like Sookie was the selfish one in the end. I mean, after getting it on with just about everyone as all the characters seemed to do, (the grieving period must be incredibly short in the bayou), and everyone always dropping everything to come to her aid even when she deliberately throws away her phone and wanders around cemeteries and woods at night, she couldn't give up a little fairy zap? Also love how the staking had to even be sexual with her straddling him. I don't feel bad for her getting covered in goo.

This show actually jumped for me when with that escape from fairyland scene that looked like it had been shot near Bakersfield even if I kind of loved that it reminded me of a corny Star Trek episode. I swear I could see the outlet mall in the background.

I'm glad it's over. Had to hate-watch and hate-read until the end.

Was it just me, or did Hoyt's accent change when he returned?

  • Love 1

I respectfully disagree. Ryan Kwanten was great, but there were several cast members who were just as good or better than him, especially Alexander Skarsgard, Chris Bauer, Kristin Bauer von Straten, Sam Trammell, Denis O'Hare, Chris Meloni, Rutina Wesley and especially Nelsan Ellis. Five words: "Ring, ring, hooker, ring ring."


I'm going to respectfully disagree. For my money, the most well written, consistent, and moreover compelling character during the whole series was Jessica. We watched her go from scared human teenager, to rebellious vamp, to more mature and confident. She was the most human acting character most of the time, having real emotions - regret, pain at the impending loss of Bill, a sense of responsibility to Adeline, and so on. I really think that she's the only character they really didn't botch virtually at all. DAW probably has a lot to do with that, too.

  • Love 3

Just saw the finale after getting home from vacation. I'm no Charlaine Harris fan because she crapped all over her own canon in the last few books ....but this was atrocious. I was just happy for any snippet of Eric and Pam. The mystery guy/baby daddy for Sookie flies in the face of the entire story line. 


An why did they spend so much time in the prior episode dying Sarah Newlin's hair? Still made no sense to me. More sense than Endlessly Listless Bill but not much. 


Anyway as people seem to be comparing it to the sucktitude that was the Dexter finale, I'll add my 2c and say that it wasn't in any way close to being as monumentally awful as the Dexter finale

One of these days I'm going to have to rent the Dexter series finale from Amazon Prime and see how it stacks up against the series finale of Medium. The writing staff at Medium had the nerve to call "Me Without You" a love letter to the fans...in which they killed off the male lead of the show (and better half of one the more likeable married couples on tv at that time) and showed the surviving spouse living the next 40 years without him: including her dreams that he was still alive and living somewhere in Mexico with amnesia, if only she could find him. Talk about sticking the knife in and twisting it. Only the Roseanne and HIMYM finales came as close to being so totally tone-deaf, for my money. I would put the TB finale a definite 4th in terms of suckage and dreckitude.


Hmmm...I'm seeing a theme to the finales I've hated. They killed off the likeable spouse. Since Beel was neither likeable nor Sookie's spouse I was not as bothered by how it ended as I might have been.

Edited by NeenerNeener

An why did they spend so much time in the prior episode dying Sarah Newlin's hair? Still made no sense to me. More sense than Endlessly Listless Bill but not much. 

Because the plan was to use Sarah's face to entice wealthy vamps to sample her "priceless" curing blood.  It was supposed to be with the Yukaza (sp?) but Eric and Pam had their own agenda.

  • Love 1

Just saw the finale after getting home from vacation. I'm no Charlaine Harris fan because she crapped all over her own canon in the last few books ....but this was atrocious. I was just happy for any snippet of Eric and Pam. The mystery guy/baby daddy for Sookie flies in the face of the entire story line. 



I too was on vacation and was excited to see the last two episodes when I got home. Lesson learned. I didn't have high expectations, but I was underwhelmed. 


I don't care that Sookie's husband was nameless and faceless, because I've grown tired of every man having the hots for her. ( It was a bit much) 


The thing that bugs me is Eric and Pam's infomercial. It was stupid and tacky. The duo has survived over the decades because they are savvy, cunning and low profile; Eric and Pam are a lot of things, but tacky is not how Pam rolls at all. 


I can see Sarah Newlin's fate being Sookie's fate too if Pam had any say in the matter....

I never watched while it was on.  I caught all 7 seasons on demand in Oct. & Nov of 2015, and then have been obsessively rewatching all the good parts (for me, any scene with Sookie, Bill, Eric, Pam, Jessica, or Jason but only if he's interacting with one of these others).  I totally agree with Paramitch's analysis of Bill.  I've always liked him, as well as Eric.


I never minded all the campiness, bad acting, plot lines, inconsistencies, etc. (and Chris Bauer's choice to growlshout all his lines).  And since we're stuck with the ending that we got, I would have like to have seen one addition.  When Sookie walked away from the cemetery after staking Bill, I really expected to see Eric standing in the shadows watching to make sure she was OK (but not making any contact with her).

  • Love 1

So I began watching True Blood back during its initial run and stopped at the end of season 2 or beginning of season 3.  Just rewatched those seasons and the remaining ones.  Watched this episode today.

I'm not sure what I feel or what to say.  I suppose the mainstreaming of New Blood interjected nicely with the "new blood" of how the show ended versus the True Blood of the beginning.  However . . . I don't understand how Sookie being married and pregnant is her end game.  When Bill mentioned how she was around children, I was waiting for a follow up or a puzzled look because how is Sookie around children?  Do we know?  Has she ever indicated a desire to have a family of her own?  Or even marry?   And if that was the case, why in all that is holy did the writers kill off Alcide?  What was the point of that??   It certainly wasn't so that Sookie could question what she truly wants out of life or grieve because she seemed to do neither.  (Of course it feels like no one on this show grieves for more than about 60 seconds before they're sexing it up with a  new or not so new person.) 

Jason and Brigitte felt forced.  We were introduced to Brigitte like 5 minutes ago and as Hoyt's girlfriend.  I really thought the show was going to have Jason end up with Jessica and I was okay with that.  Both of them admitted there was love there and their relationship together was possibly the easiest and most uncomplicated either had.  So then Jessica gets giddy over Hoyt again?  And tells him their true story and they end up getting married a day after he feels he met her?  And we don't know Brigitte and all (other than the fact that she has terrible judgment on what to wear to catch a plane from Louisiana to Alaska) but I felt terrible that she was supposed to be sitting in Jason's house while the rest of them went to Hoyt's wedding??  Really? 

I don't feel bad at all for what happened to Sarah because she brought it on herself.  She spent years sucking people dry with her neediness and evilness, using religion as an excuse for being an asshole.  So now that she's spending the rest of her days being sucked dry, okay.  As far as why she wouldn't escape as others have mentioned, don't forget that Eric glamored her to believe that everyone in the world was after her to harm her and only he and Pam were her friends.  As far as the secret of her being chained up in Fangtasia's basement goes, yeah, that was a bit plot hole because that would surely get out.

I hated how Bill ended.  While I thought he was an absolute dick during Billith (whoever coined that is awesome), I don't see why he would think he needs to be dead for Sookie to move on.  She moved on, to a degree, with Eric.  She moved on with Alcide.  Could Bill not move elsewhere?  Did he have to be in Bon Temps?   And while I liked Sookie with Eric, Bill should have been her end game.   I haven't read the books so I don't know how those end but as far as the show goes, it always seemed like it would circle around to Sookie with Bill.  I think her attraction for him started, not because she was a danger whore, but because here was one person on the face of the earth that she couldn't hear.  He gave her peace and calm (at least at first.)  For a telepath, that must have been a huge draw.  So Bill definitely rewrote history and tried to simplify the attraction, which was not the case.  If Sookie was just a fangbanger, she would have found someone before Bill as the vampires had been out of the coffin for several years. 

I'm so glad that Eric and Pam survived as, with Jessica, they were the best part of the show.  I don't believe for a minute that Eric or Pam would do infomercials.  Please.  And Eric would certainly never do them in beige slacks and a slight twang.  WTF?  

So Sam stayed with Nicole and had another child.  Surprising.   Adilyn aged 18 years in 2 weeks' time but after 4 years, she looks exactly the same?  And still warm and fuzzy with Wade?   And Arlene is still with Keith?  I'm guessing now that New Blood is available, they can do more than dance.  Glad to see Willa - - the writers really just dropped her character until the very end.  I mean, where did she even go after Reverend Daniels rescinded the offer to enter their home?   I almost expected to see Alcide's father and his girlfriend sitting at the Thanksgiving table since Sookie apparently had everyone else there.   Having zero scenes with Lafayette was a waste.

Disappointed.  It felt disjointed and dragged out.  If the writers weren't going to have Sookie end up with Bill, I'd rather have seen her alone.  Kind of frustrating that every single person is paired off, as if a happy ending cannot be attained unless you are part of a couple.  

On 9/8/2018 at 10:08 PM, psychoticstate said:

So I began watching True Blood back during its initial run and stopped at the end of season 2 or beginning of season 3.  Just rewatched those seasons and the remaining ones.  Watched this episode today.

I'm not sure what I feel or what to say.  I suppose the mainstreaming of New Blood interjected nicely with the "new blood" of how the show ended versus the True Blood of the beginning.  However . . . I don't understand how Sookie being married and pregnant is her end game.  When Bill mentioned how she was around children, I was waiting for a follow up or a puzzled look because how is Sookie around children?  Do we know?  Has she ever indicated a desire to have a family of her own?  Or even marry?   And if that was the case, why in all that is holy did the writers kill off Alcide?  What was the point of that??   It certainly wasn't so that Sookie could question what she truly wants out of life or grieve because she seemed to do neither.  (Of course it feels like no one on this show grieves for more than about 60 seconds before they're sexing it up with a  new or not so new person.) 

Jason and Brigitte felt forced.  We were introduced to Brigitte like 5 minutes ago and as Hoyt's girlfriend.  I really thought the show was going to have Jason end up with Jessica and I was okay with that.  Both of them admitted there was love there and their relationship together was possibly the easiest and most uncomplicated either had.  So then Jessica gets giddy over Hoyt again?  And tells him their true story and they end up getting married a day after he feels he met her?  And we don't know Brigitte and all (other than the fact that she has terrible judgment on what to wear to catch a plane from Louisiana to Alaska) but I felt terrible that she was supposed to be sitting in Jason's house while the rest of them went to Hoyt's wedding??  Really? 

I don't feel bad at all for what happened to Sarah because she brought it on herself.  She spent years sucking people dry with her neediness and evilness, using religion as an excuse for being an asshole.  So now that she's spending the rest of her days being sucked dry, okay.  As far as why she wouldn't escape as others have mentioned, don't forget that Eric glamored her to believe that everyone in the world was after her to harm her and only he and Pam were her friends.  As far as the secret of her being chained up in Fangtasia's basement goes, yeah, that was a bit plot hole because that would surely get out.

I hated how Bill ended.  While I thought he was an absolute dick during Billith (whoever coined that is awesome), I don't see why he would think he needs to be dead for Sookie to move on.  She moved on, to a degree, with Eric.  She moved on with Alcide.  Could Bill not move elsewhere?  Did he have to be in Bon Temps?   And while I liked Sookie with Eric, Bill should have been her end game.   I haven't read the books so I don't know how those end but as far as the show goes, it always seemed like it would circle around to Sookie with Bill.  I think her attraction for him started, not because she was a danger whore, but because here was one person on the face of the earth that she couldn't hear.  He gave her peace and calm (at least at first.)  For a telepath, that must have been a huge draw.  So Bill definitely rewrote history and tried to simplify the attraction, which was not the case.  If Sookie was just a fangbanger, she would have found someone before Bill as the vampires had been out of the coffin for several years. 

I'm so glad that Eric and Pam survived as, with Jessica, they were the best part of the show.  I don't believe for a minute that Eric or Pam would do infomercials.  Please.  And Eric would certainly never do them in beige slacks and a slight twang.  WTF?  

So Sam stayed with Nicole and had another child.  Surprising.   Adilyn aged 18 years in 2 weeks' time but after 4 years, she looks exactly the same?  And still warm and fuzzy with Wade?   And Arlene is still with Keith?  I'm guessing now that New Blood is available, they can do more than dance.  Glad to see Willa - - the writers really just dropped her character until the very end.  I mean, where did she even go after Reverend Daniels rescinded the offer to enter their home?   I almost expected to see Alcide's father and his girlfriend sitting at the Thanksgiving table since Sookie apparently had everyone else there.   Having zero scenes with Lafayette was a waste.

Disappointed.  It felt disjointed and dragged out.  If the writers weren't going to have Sookie end up with Bill, I'd rather have seen her alone.  Kind of frustrating that every single person is paired off, as if a happy ending cannot be attained unless you are part of a couple.  

I’m done reading the last book. It’s nothing like the show. In the books...









Arlene died.

alcide, bill survived.

jason is a were panther 

sookie winds up with Sam.

reverend newlin is never a vampire 

Edited by galaxychaser
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