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Milestone Moments: All The Celebrity Vitals

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I'm not saying the Tuohys must be guilty as sin and I believe that each side needs to be heard out to make a fair judgment.

However, the fact that they had their own monies prior to meeting Mr. Oher doesn't mean that it's impossible for them to have ripped him off and/or exploited him.

There has been no shortage of grifters, cheats and frauds out there who got greedy for other folks' monies- despite having plenty of their own!

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On 8/14/2023 at 7:48 PM, Zella said:

I remember back in the day reading an excerpt of the book in a Reader's Digest and thinking something about the Tuohys seemed a bit off but not really being able to pinpoint what seemed off other than some of the things they said about him seemed disrespectful/dismissive and very self-aggrandizing for themselves to me even as a teenager.

I also got a shady vibe from them.  Something just didn't feel right.

On 8/14/2023 at 8:26 PM, Spartan Girl said:

Yet another story that makes me lose faith in humanity.

Unfortunately there seem to be more and more nowadays.

20 hours ago, Lugal said:

That movie never sat right with me, mostly because Oher comes off as little better than a large dog in it, and I'm sorry it was such a source of pain for him (and made people assume he was stupid).

This.  It was hard to watch that movie and not feel sorry for the real Michael.  Talk about dramatic license.

19 hours ago, Wiendish Fitch said:

Ugh, The Blind Side has always turned me off. The shamelessly blatant White Savior angle is simply nauseating to me, and, paraphrasing you, they paint poor Michael Oher as a complete cypher

This too.

15 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

I really don't get the push for Sandy to give back her Oscar over this.  Not when the Academy has seen fit to bestow the Best Actor and Actress awards on actors who have portrayed (checks notes) Idi Amin and Aileen Wuornos.  

Not to mention they have bestowed Oscars on people who were shitty people in real life.  Roman Polanski comes to mind.


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6 hours ago, bluegirl147 said:

I also got a shady vibe from them.  Something just didn't feel right.

Unfortunately there seem to be more and more nowadays.

This.  It was hard to watch that movie and not feel sorry for the real Michael.  Talk about dramatic license.

This too.

Not to mention they have bestowed Oscars on people who were shitty people in real life.  Roman Polanski comes to mind.


Or Woody Allen 

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More on the Oher/Tuohy saga.


This seemed interesting:



“They have consistently treated him like a son and one of their three children. His response was to threaten them, including saying that he would plant a negative story about them in the press unless they paid him $15 million.”

Oher has claimed he received nothing out of the more than $300 million earned by the film, claiming the Tuohys were each paid $225,000, plus 2.5 percent of the film’s “defined net proceeds.”




“The evidence — documented in profit participation checks and studio accounting statements — is clear: Over the years, the Tuohys have given Mr. Oher an equal cut of every penny received from ‘The Blind Side.’”

Then, the shoe drops:


Oher “has actually attempted to run this play several times before — but it seems that numerous other lawyers stopped representing him once they saw the evidence and learned the truth. Sadly, Mr. Oher has finally found a willing enabler and filed this ludicrous lawsuit as a cynical attempt to drum up attention in the middle of his latest book tour,” the statement continued.

There's a bit more in this article.

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23 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

My understanding is that if the Tuohy family had legally adopted Oher, since the family are big boosters at Ole Miss, it would have ended his eligibility to play football at the college. 

I believe the problem was that the Tuohys were huge Ole Miss boosters who had donated a bundle to the university including the athletic department and the father had played varsity sports there.  They were millionaires in their own right well before The Blind Side.  Michael Oher living with them while finishing high school and then being recruited to play at Ole Miss would've been a major recruiting violation with the NCAA because they had no familial relationship to Michael and it could be argued that they took him into their home as part of a plan to get him to play football for Ole Miss.  Wealthy donors are specifically prohibited from associating with athletic recruits.

The Tuohys claim that, because Michael was already 18, they were unable to legally adopt him according to Tennessee law; so they consulted a lawyer and the best/only option was to do the financial conservatorship.  This gave them legal ties to Michael which would allow Ole Miss to recruit him.  It doesn't, however, explain why the conservatorship wasn't dissolved the minute he played his last game at Ole Miss 15 years ago, though.  Nor does it explain why they say they took all of the royalties from The Blind Side and split them 5 ways amongst the parents, Michael and their 2 other kids.  They also say the only money they ever received was from Michael Lewis, who wrote The Blind Side and split his royalties with them.  The Tuohys got $14000 apiece from the book and that was it.

It also seems pretty shady that it took this long for the world to discover that they never actually adopted Michael nor that they controlled his income stream all this time. It also appears that multiple attorneys have stepped forward and said that it is legal for someone over 18 to be adopted in Tennessee as long as the birth parents sign off on it.  Oher's mother signed off on the conservatorship, so it seems unlikely that she wouldn't have done the same for an adoption, if asked.  

Edited by Notabug
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I'm wondering if Miss Spears might have viewed Mr. Asghari as her knight in shining armor when he came into her life while her Conservatorship was still hanging over her head and thought that, since he didn't bail despite having to defy  her evidently exploitative family to court her that that meant he'd be a keeper? Well, it wouldn't be the first time that a couple found out that they had little if any reason to be together once a common enemy had been vanquished.


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4 hours ago, Vermicious Knid said:

I never trust people who constantly make sure to announce what wonderful Christians they are. 

Nor I. 

I doubt the Tuohys would have given a shit about Michael Oher if he couldn't play football. What if he was a chess whiz? Or was into musical theatre? Or geology? What if he couldn't do anything, had no talents of which to speak? Think they would have been such loudly "charitable" Christians then? I can guarantee we wouldn't have had a book and movie out of it. 

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I’m not shocked about Sam and Britney. I think it’s important to note that for most of their relationship she was under the conservatorship meaning she was taking meds. The conservatorship is gone and since she has spoken about how her mental health treatment was often used as a threat and punishment I doubt she’s doing what she needs to do and it became too much for him. Another report said she had gotten violent with him and a lot of erratic behavior and that he had moved out before the split. 

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14 hours ago, merylinkid said:

Guess he grifted what he could from her and now is bailing.   Yes Britney can be a LOT at times, but he knew that going in.    I really hope that prenup is a good one.

THIS!  He's been enriching himself in one way or another using her money  once her earlier conservatorship was dissolved.  Either she got a clue or someone in her family finally got through to her about what a thieving heel he is.



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2 minutes ago, magicdog said:

THIS!  He's been enriching himself in one way or another using her money  once her earlier conservatorship was dissolved.  Either she got a clue or someone in her family finally got through to her about what a thieving heel he is.



Just read elsewhere that he's essentially blackmailing her. Says he'll release very embarrassing info if the prenup isn't reworked. 

  • Sad 8
3 hours ago, magicdog said:

THIS!  He's been enriching himself in one way or another using her money  once her earlier conservatorship was dissolved.  Either she got a clue or someone in her family finally got through to her about what a thieving heel he is.



Isn't he a model or something? He's not famous-famous, certainly not on her level, but I thought that was how they met while she was still under the conservator ship. As was said, I'm sure Britney is a lot, but it seems like she could find one person to be close to that's not out to rip her off.

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5 hours ago, Wiendish Fitch said:

Nor I. 

I doubt the Tuohys would have given a shit about Michael Oher if he couldn't play football. What if he was a chess whiz? Or was into musical theatre? Or geology? What if he couldn't do anything, had no talents of which to speak? Think they would have been such loudly "charitable" Christians then? I can guarantee we wouldn't have had a book and movie out of it. 

Good questions. Given the amount of money they took from him and never didn't end the conservatorship. I'm guessing no. I actually wondered that while watching the Blind Side the fictional Tuohys if he really wanted to play football because he never really acted like he did or that he was playing just to get into and pay for college.   

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16 minutes ago, andromeda331 said:

I actually wondered that while watching the Blind Side the fictional Tuohys if he really wanted to play football because he never really acted like he did or that he was playing just to get into and pay for college.   

The movie presents him as just falling into football, specifically as an offensive tackle, because of his size, and having to be taught the game by that little shit S.J., but that wasn't at all the truth -- he was all-around athletic, and not only loved football and had the physical skills for it, he had studied the game and knew it well. 

(He wasn't dumb about football or anything else, he was simply under-educated because of how much he'd moved around and the schooling he'd missed because of it.  Oher had goals and the work ethic to achieve them.  The Tuohys and many others - including Black folks, not that you'd ever know that from the film - helped, not saved, him.)

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The latest on the Michael Oher vs. Tuohy stories.    The Tuohys say the proceeds from the author of the book were split five ways, and the small percentage of the profits that went to Oher and the Tuohys were split evenly.   

And the Tuohys attorney on the Today show, saying that the only finances the Tuohys managed after Michael 


The biggest bombshell to me is that Oher said three times that the Tuohys were conservators, and not adoptive parents in his 2011 book.   Oher has another book coming out soon.  The Tuohys also say they never managed any of Oher's money, contracts, or deals with agents after he left college.  

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9 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

The biggest bombshell to me is that Oher said three times that the Tuohys were conservators, and not adoptive parents in his 2011 book.

That was reported at the same time it was reported he'd filed this petition to end the conservatorship -- that he'd said in the book they told him it was the same thing as adoption, it was just called something different because of his age (18, no longer a minor).

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Something occurred to me about Miss Spears's unions, I believe she undertook all of them (at least in part) to attempt to try to put a buffer against her exploitative kin- yes, even Mr. Federline. However, the previous two times her unions melted down, her kin wasted little if any time to yank her back in line, the first time pushing her to get it annulled (not that Mr. Alexander was any prize himself), the second time  when she had the meltdown over her union with Mr. Federline that's when they pressed forth the now-notorious  Conservatorship [which they intended to be  permanent]. I don't claim to know what happened with Mr. Asghari but meeting someone while being a virtual prisoner and enslaved person  and having them stick around through that is not by any means a union of equals with a level playing field. I also can't help but think that the loss of their mutual child before the child was born was likely a contributing factor- as losing a child often seems to either strengthen or destroy bonds between co-parents.

  Regardless of any of the above scenarios, at the very least, I hope Miss Spears truly has safeguarded herself against her evidently  buzzard DNA Donors honing in on this vulnerable time and is able to somehow find a healthy means to move forward from this time and somehow either learn to be content being solo OR gain wisdom into choosing friends, companions before considering marriage from now on!

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8 minutes ago, Jaded said:

Kelly Clarkson has been making music about her divorce. She and scrub of a husband had a prenup which he took issue with and ended up with him taking her to the cleaners.

From what I can find, there was a temporary order in place ordering her to pay him more than he was entitled to under the pre-nup, but later the pre-nup was upheld and that temporary order terminated.  She did have to pay his legal fees and court costs, but he didn't get any share of the property he was after (and didn't get the monthly amount he wanted).

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Kelly's prenup was upheld but there were financial things that happened during their marriage that they had to sift through, and they eventually reached a settlement. 

The obvious thing that isn't going to be a part of a prenup is child support.  That's going to be separate. 

But other things that likely aren't covered by a prenup include things like pets obtained during the marriage, gifts purchased for one another, and other things jointly purchased or whose ownership is a bit murky.

In those circumstances, it may be easier to offer a settlement to keep things she wants without going through a long court battle over ownership.  For instance, if I had her money, I'd definitely offer a chunk of money to get him to agree to let me have the dogs. 

And that might happen with Sam and Britney.  Depending on what was signed before marriage, she might want to pay him more than the prenup if she wants to prevent him from writing a tell-all book.

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that he'd said in the book they told him it was the same thing as adoption, it was just called something different because of his age 

I saw this and interpreted it as completely undercutting their argument. He knew about the conservatorship because he was told it was a different word for adoption, so he thought he had been adopted. 

As for the other big story, TMZ reported Sam and Britney had a blowout fight where he accused her of cheating on him. Which I find ridiculous, because she's followed relentlessly by paparazzi, she doesn't leave the house except to go out for dinner, and when she's been on her many vacations it's always with Sam. Unless she's boinking one of the security guards I can't see her being capable of sneaking around. 

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18 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

The obvious thing that isn't going to be a part of a prenup is child support.  That's going to be separate. 

Yes, one cannot negotiate child support in advance; it's for the child, so neither parent can stipulate it in a prenuptial contract.

17 hours ago, Vermicious Knid said:

I saw this and interpreted it as completely undercutting their argument. He knew about the conservatorship because he was told it was a different word for adoption, so he thought he had been adopted. 

Yes, that's the claim (and one I'm inclined to believe at this point).  Thus his referring to conservatorship rather than adoption in his book is not evidence he knew the actual legal ramifications (since he had no truly independent counsel).  He knew it was a conservatorship, that's not some bombshell revelation; the issue is he relied on what they told him about that just being how adoption of a legal adult is referred to (especially since they went around calling themselves his adoptive parents).

Edited by Bastet
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9 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

Kelly's prenup was upheld but there were financial things that happened during their marriage that they had to sift through, and they eventually reached a settlement. 

Prenups usually address property owned at the time of marriage and how that is handled even if marital funds are used the separate property (and some people are dumb enough to put their new spouse on the title to the separate property thus muddying the waters further).   But anything acquired during the marriage may have to be addressed, unless the prenup says something about.   Alimony is usually addressed.   In Kelly Clarkson's case they had been together a few years so stuff had to be sorted.    Britney and the latest grifter have only been married a few months, I doubt there's much marital property to be sorted out.   There are no kids.   Any money coming in is from her royalties which was would be pre-marital/separate assets.   So not sure what he thinks he is going to get out of this.

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I would feel that way if he was just "Yeah I thought I could help her, I can't, I'm out of here."    But he's trying to renegotiate the prenup by threatening to expose embarassing info about her.   That's just another man making a money grab from her.

I supported Federline more because he was raising the two kids 100% (as in they spent little to no time with the other parent, I know he is married and I am sure his wife helps out).   So what he bought a big house, the kids got to enjoy a big house with their siblings.   

But Sam, he married her just as the conservatorship was ending so he thought he would have access to all her money now that Daddy wasn't in the way.   On his way out the door, he wants access to more of it than he is entitled to.

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4 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I truly feel for Britney’s husband.  Dealing with a family member who suffers with mental illness and refuses treatment can be be a very horrible existence.  Thank God, he left safely.  



I read that she had a fascination with knives.  He probably had to sleep with one eye open.  While it's a shame about her mental illness, I can understand why he'd want to bounce now.

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6 hours ago, merylinkid said:

I would feel that way if he was just "Yeah I thought I could help her, I can't, I'm out of here."    But he's trying to renegotiate the prenup by threatening to expose embarassing info about her. 

Yeah, if he wants out, more power to him, but when you haven't been married for any length of time and have no kids together, miss me with challenging the pre-nup you just signed a year ago.  You leave with what you came in with and the gifts she gave you.  Bye.

She may write him a check to go away, but not anything he can live off of, so he's going to have to go back to living on personal trainer money.

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9 hours ago, merylinkid said:

 But Sam, he married her just as the conservatorship was ending so he thought he would have access to all her money now that Daddy wasn't in the way.   On his way out the door, he wants access to more of it than he is entitled to.

Even if Sam is a grifter, Britney's issues pre-date the initial relationship and the marriage. No one likes to talk about it, I don't think, but she stopped growing emotionally and possibly mentally years ago, and now she's a forty-one year old woman who can't get a handle on her life despite how much money she has and the access to people who could help her without ulterior motives. Would she have listened if someone had told her not to marry him? Doubtful, and yeah, Sam probably went into it thinking it would add up to a payday, but I would not live with her no matter how much money it could mean. On the one hand, it's like, Boy, bye, but it's also, Maybe both of them dodged a bullet.

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He's been with Britneysince 2016.  He's only ever known her under the conservatorship.  I wonder if he just didn't know who she was when she was able to make decisions for herself?  I mean people are fundamentally themselves and if you've been in a relationship with someone for seven years hopefully you get to know them. 

Maybe he was just used to the medicated, controlled, circumscribed Britney and couldn't deal with the free one.

I;d be a lot more sympathetic toward him if he didn't make noises about the prenup and threatening blackmail.  That just reeks of opportunism.

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2 hours ago, Bastet said:

Yeah, if he wants out, more power to him, but when you haven't been married for any length of time and have no kids together, miss me with challenging the pre-nup you just signed a year ago.  You leave with what you came in with and the gifts she gave you.  Bye.

She may write him a check to go away, but not anything he can live off of, so he's going to have to go back to living on personal trainer money.

If he lived in her home without paying the bills that's more than enough compensation. It's easy to scapegoat Britney but there's no proof that she has been violent with her husband.

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9 hours ago, kathyk24 said:

Exactly if Britney has been violent why didn't he have her charged with domestic violence? There should be a paper trail of her alleged abuse.

I don't claim to have the 411 re whether or not  Miss Spears physically abused  Mr. Asghari (or whether or not  Mr. Asghari fooled around on her- nor whether or not  Miss Spears fooled around him ) .

However, not all victims of domestic abuse press charges against their abusers or even attempt to contact authorities about abuse prior to ending their ties to their abusers. Hence just because there has been no confirmation at this time by authorities that Mr. Asghari had contacted them  about her alleged abuse of him doesn't mean it's impossible for her to have abused him.

 I stress that I don't claim to know the details of what actually happened in their union to cause the final split (although I believe the loss of their mutual  unborn child could have been a contributing factor) but I don't think we should dismiss any side just because they don't follow a lockstep pattern of how others expect all victims of domestic violence or adultery to behave.

Edited by Blergh
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