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Flipping The Block - General Discussion

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If there are many more places to do, more of them will be short.
There could be a staging episode, but they really will need to have it all finished finished, before putting it on the market.
Maybe they'll hire that done, and take the cost off the value added.

(I'm getting confused between what's left undone here, and on Rowhouse Showdown,)

If there are many more places to do, more of them will be short.
There could be a staging episode, but they really will need to have it all finished finished, before putting it on the market.
Maybe they'll hire that done, and take the cost off the value added.

(I'm getting confused between what's left undone here, and on Rowhouse Showdown,)

I, too, think this show and rigged.


Can't believe that people are concentrating on Big Blonde. The first thing I noticed about that couple was the guy with the Daisy Dukes and muscle shirts. Cover up, man. Too much skin. He really turned me off when he seemed to think that they were entitled to cheating since the sisters had extra money (which they won fair and square). I hope that he is smart enough to regret making such a stupid statement. I'm glad that she thought better of bending the rules. It could've gotten ugly. And she'd be badmouthed forever.


I don't remember the details of the first show, but I remember being surprised that the sisters won that round. They deserved to win the next two rounds, I thought. Getting pinged for no shower curtain is beyond petty. But I think for Nicole, bumping out the wall and making double sinks trumped the off-centered appliances. Like everyone, I don't agree with that decision one bit.


I expect the brothers to win this week. Are they delusional, or what? It'd be interesting if the last episodes lops off the two losers and have them help out the two leading teams. That's when the brothers will come in handy. I think their talents would tip the scales and whichever team acquired them would win.

Edited by mojito

Big Hair's kitchen...ok. Why was it so dark in there? Also, if you're standing at the sink, you can't have the dishwasher open, so how are you gonna rinse dishes and then load it?


Scott dinged the sisters for that 'bare wall' - well, Big Hair's kitchen turned it into a pony wall with no real function. That pseudo-breakfast bar is too narrow to really work well, especially in what is essentially a galley kitchen. 


Also, I don't want to see the boyfriend's chest hair anymore.


The sisters: I liked their kitchen. Yeah, they should've sprung for the washer/dryer, But it was well-finished, neat, clean. It was neutral - even that stripe could've been easily re-painted if it isn't your thing. (I would've painted it up a bit higher.) Having the sink under the window is a natural thing. Did Big Hair remove a window or something? That window helps keep it bright.


Married couple: laundry upstairs is a very good idea. Again, this is a kitchen is a bright one. That fridge/stove - oy. But why didn't Scott notice the sink/dishwasher issue in Big Hair's? 


Twins: I like the peninsula. The rest of it is exceedingly meh. The desk is something that would work well in a large property, but is wasting kitchen space in a small one. Cover up the washer/dryer. You're woodworking guys - put a cool door in front of it! Also FINISH SOMETHING please.


Scott is totally pulling punches on this. He's a really picky guy, and none of these are up to his standard. Funny enough, Nicole was picky in the bathrooms, and that made me laugh. The woman who used reclaimed beadboard for a bathroom counter! Puhleeze. Also, I think she was all "omg shower curtain" because she's now selling her own line of Nicole Curtis shower curtains. (yes, really.) 


Shallow note: I want to rip those flowers out of Big Hair's hair. I have naturally curly big hair, and using things like that it equals them tangling in it, and pain. She totally has some kind of bump-it behind all her headbands. I think *she* thinks she looks pre-Raphaelite. 

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Wow.....I was wrong, maybe it's not rigged after all. I thought Nicole would never pick the married couple because she picked them in the bathroom competition. I did like the twins patio and felt they were in the top two. The sand idea was awful and I didn't like the faux grass either. I think the right couple won....now let's see what happens next week.

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I actually liked the sisters' faux grass idea especially since it's made much more lifelike nowadays.  It would have been PITA to try to get grass to grow in that small area not to mention having to move all the furniture all the time to cut it.  They should have glued down that parquet floor, though.  I think that was a strike against them.  Also, what was with that teeny-tiny pergola?  That was virtually useless as a shade feature.


Big Hair (who always initially inspires dislike in me that gradually fades away as the episode progresses because despite the hair she seems to be an okay person) made a serious mistake with that sand.  She keeps decorating for herself.  I saw all that sand and my first thought was, "that's going to become the neighborhood cat litter box".  And sand ALWAYS gets in the house, even if you brush your shoes off or wash your feet; I vacuum my sister's shore cottage between renters and have to dump at least a pound of sand out of the container.  You'd think that they'd all learn by now to demo just what's needed in case they don't have enough time to do all of their projects.  I was wondering why they didn't use a paint sprayer to stain the boardwalk, instead of staining each individual board.


I think the twins got robbed on this one.  They had a nice, restful shady backyard (having that full-grown tree there was a plus) that served the dining and entertaining purpose - and they finally finished one of the challenges.  Nicole made it sound like that back entry way was going to resemble Grand Central Station, but really, how much traffic is it going to have normally?  Grass that's rooted can take a lot of wear before dirt patches start to show, and it wouldn't take anything for the new homeowners to throw down a few stepping stones to create a path right on top of it.


The married couple's backyard was nice and it was designed well for entertaining.  I thought that it was a little too busy, but that's just me.  And they have no way of easily watering that grass and those plants, which means that they'll probably be just as dead as the twins' non-existent walkway.  I was really surprised that she picked them again - considering that their bathroom mistake with the tile was glaring and they should never have gotten that particular win.


She did not look happy to be there, once again.  I have nothing against her and usually watch her show, but she always looks like she should either be playing the role of a consumptive in a Victorian drama or else trying to score some drugs on a street corner somewhere.

  • Love 3

I knew there was going to be some kind of bullshit reason for them to make sure big hair team got some more money. I didn't even think about the cat/sand problem that a couple of people have mentioned, but you're right. It's going to stink back there.


I don't think the married couple should have won because they didn't put a water line in the back. Every one of those plants & the grass is all going to be dead because running a hose from the front is just going to be too much trouble.

I love that they basically handed big hair/numbnut boyfriend a gift and they were unable to capitalize. They basically had to not f up and come up with a neutral design and I bet they would've won the money. The sand - so stupid. Messy plus cats plus erosion issues. The boardwalk looked sloppy and from Nicole's comments, seemed to be a little bit off from the surrounding concrete. I just know that I would have one glass of wine too many, step on that, and roll my ankle. And what was the point of the outdoor shower? They are great if you need to rinse off chlorine/salt water. But what scenario do they envision where a homeowner would be all, "gee I sure am filthy from sitting on my faux beach for the day.... Let me rinse off before going back inside!" They just have no self control and I love it. The freebie is going to cost them the competition.

That being said, I'm not big on the winning design either. I'm tired of the HGTV trend of super busy backyards, where every space has to be used. I do like seeing some open greenspace in a yard. I see that yard and think, "where is my dog going to do her business?" Thank god for the sandbox next door....

  • Love 10

To big hair's defense the shower was there because the boardwalk led to the pool. She figured the homeowners could rinse off. I agree that the sand was ridiculous.

The married couple love that aqua blue color too having incorporated it in a couple of projects now.

The brothers were robbed but they are also sore losers. I think the reason they lost was bull.

  • Love 1

I did miss that there was a pool at the end of the boardwalk, so now the shower does make a little more sense. But the rest of the design was ridiculous. 


I found the brothers' tantrum at the end to be highly entertaining, and probably not at all scripted. It must be frustrating seeing such arbitrary decisioning going into determining a victor.

I thought the brothers had the nicest backyard and Nicole's only criticism was the lack of a few stepping stones. I agree that not every single inch of a yard needs decoration. What if you have a child or a pet? I thought the winning patio was too busy and I always think about having to drag all of that stuff inside to wash.

  • Love 2

Southern California is a desert in a drought.  The grass looks lovely, but is totally impractical for our new reality.  Water conservation measures are often in place, and water rates continue to rise.  This would have been a perfect opportunity to demonstrate drought resistant plants and a water wise design, instead of perpetuating the grassy lawn fantasy that contributed to our problems in the first place.  They were right about the outdoor living space - we are able to cook and eat outdoors year round.


Can you tell I'm a militant water conservationist?  :-)

  • Love 7


In the second bedroom renovation challenge the teams are put to the test by transforming not only their Guest Rooms, but also the upstairs landings in only three short days. While Anicka and Shauna go out of their comfort zone, Amanda and Curtis are broke and resort to dumper diving to complete their room. Scott McGillivray judges and awards one team $5,000 towards their next renovation and a feature in HGTV Magazine. But only one team will walk away with the Grand Prize of $50,000.


There are only a few more episodes, and they'll probably run this in marathons for a while too. 
So may I plead for keeping just one thread?

I wanted the brothers to win, and thought they might.  That grass excuse is crap.
Everyone did a nice job, except for the sand pit.
I hadn't thought about cats, but I did think of tracking it all over the house,  If you're entertaining, your guests aren't going to want to rinse their feet every time they want to go in for something.
I'm a pretty casual housekeeper, but Amanda's "I like to get sand on my feet, and I don't care," is a whole 'nother level of casualness.
The sisters really did well considering having on MIA.

Wonder if they'll stick with the cash-on-hand for next week.  I wonder how bad a shape the guest rooms are in.


  • Love 4

Young couple may have to be especially creative with bedroom #2 next week. Bumping out the wall during the bathroom challenge made that bedroom smaller.

Disappointed that the brothers didn't win but am happy that the extra prize this week is having David as an advisor on the next project. Mmwahhhaaaa! He didn't exactly help the last time he was on.

  • Love 4

DallasGypsy, I agree that David should have caught the kitchen problem, but he wasn't there until the last day, so couldn't have averted the screw up.
It seems like he'd be most useful in the planning, but I wonder if they get him for staging day again instead.

MeepMeep, Josh said at the beginning of the episode, that HGTV will take care of the outside, so they'll only have to do the inside.

David will just dump some interior paint on a canvas, sign his name and they will be thrilled to have one of his paintings. ~eyeroll~


Good point about the loss of space in that room for the married couple due to that bathroom bump-out.  I foresee built-ins and a Murphy bed (if they can budget for it).


@hkit - I agree with you re HGTV's busy yards, which is why I only watch their yard shows now if there is nothing else interesting on TV.  You know they're going to install some sort of kitschy bar, at least two seating areas, a firepit, some sort of water feature, a free-standing pergola (those things drive me mad - either give a roof for shade or forget about the whole thing).  I saw one of those shows recently where they installed one of those fake streams made of rocks not water.  Just - why?  There's never any room to put up a volleyball or badminton net, or room to play catch without falling into a pool or a bed of plants.  Not to mention that they never include any vegetable gardens.

  • Love 3

I can't wait to see what Big Hair/Daisy Dukes does with less than $300.00.  How will they find a way to put that hideous color somewhere in the room?  In the previews they show her dumpster diving for stuff.  Muahhhhh


I am predicting the married couple to win because all of the previews show just them.  Where's the other teams?


I hope the brothers can pull one out this week.


I wonder who has too much color in their room that Scott is taken aback.

Someone is writing a script for Nicole, because her talking about you can't over-customize and you have to appeal to buyers is just ridiculous. I'm sorry, anyone who designed an open plan master bath (including open plan toilet) shouldn't be judging.


Brothers: it was rustic and nice, for that.

Married couple: no hose to water that and they still won? Meh. 

Big Hair: sand sand sand IT'S NOT THE BEACH it's gonna be a total mess. Trip factor? Married couple had different levels, too. 

Sisters: I liked it. The pergola was pretty puny and a waste of money. Synthetic grass was a very smart buy. The parquet is meant to be a floating floor. 


Am I alone in thinking pergolas are really stupid? They don't give actual shade, they're just...wood sticks up there. I see them all over here in Texas and..yeah. Give me an actual porch awning or even an umbrella. 

Edited by txvoodoo
  • Love 4

Pergolas seem like a good idea for cooler areas where people actually enjoy getting a little sun in the summer. That probably eliminates half the country. I prefer the full shade of an extended roof. If I want to get filtered sun, I can step off the patio into the yard.


Sod was a poor choice. So many of us in the sunbelt are in a drought, and between the shade of the homes and the shade of the fences, I doubt those lawns will last, and people will just waste more water trying to keep the grass alive.  But all that sod beneath the twins' tree was wrong. Tree roots need to breathe (yes, I saw that they left a few slivers of air for the larger roots) and that tree was being choked off by the sod. Just how did they expect the grass to grow with all the yard's shade?  I would've written off Craig and Brian's job, too. Those boxes just didn't take them over the top.


I think John and Whitney had the best looking patio. But it was impractical. And yes,overdone. I didn't mind that they won at all; I would've preferred Shauna and Anicka's yard, even if I had to complete it. (Their pergola was outrageously short, however.)


The litterbox patio. Totally silly shower. For what? To rinse off the sand that you attracted in the yard? Most people don't feel compelled to take a shower after coming out of the pool, I don't think, not when they're only a few steps from an indoor shower with hot water.


I think if Nicole had a better feel for the sunbelt, the intensity of the sun, the problems with water, she might have made better observations.

  • Love 2

Aren't pergolas meant to be used as support for climbing plants like grapes or roses? I'm in the northeast and it's very common to see pergolas over driveways with plants on them, maybe they provide more shade that way? I guess that doesn't help much in a drought though.

If I had the choice between simple turf/ sod or a pre-themed backyard for a unit that I'm buying I'm totally going simple and adding my own knick knacks and plants. John and Whitney's backyard looked pretty but looked too personal for real estate IMO.

  • Love 2

Aren't pergolas meant to be used as support for climbing plants like grapes or roses? I'm in the northeast and it's very common to see pergolas over driveways with plants on them, maybe they provide more shade that way? I guess that doesn't help much in a drought though.



Yes, I have a large pergola in my backyard, & it has a wisteria tree going all over it. No sun ever gets through it, it's pure shade.

  • Love 1


So the buyers (assuming a real auction happens) could come in and plant something and then all is not lost on the sisters' tiny pergola! Is HGTV going to reside the building too?

Yes, they could.


I'd never be able to keep plants alive through my summers, however. They'd burn up in July. The sisters' pergola was more like a visor, and would have made more sense if it was a solid  build, like an awning. That would, at least, keep a lot of sun from streaming into the house.


Did anyone comment on Curtis' putting whatever it was in his mouth (which he took out of the dirt), biting, and saying something like "It sure isn't food"?

Curtis is just a disgusting human being.  Someone upthread said he shows too much skin, and when you look at all of the contestants standing in a row next to each other, he is definitely showing way more skin than anyone else there.  I don't want to see that -- put some clothes on!  Wear lightweight cotton and linen if you get hot.  Sheesh.  Plus, his attitude just sucks...he complains about how much "work" nearly everything is.  His eyes when they stare at the camera just seem dead.


I was rooting for the brothers until the very end of this episode.  I can totally understand their frustration since I liked their patio space the best, but poor sportsmanship is a total turn-off.  


Did they really call an ambulance with the lights and sirens going for a three-stitch cut?!


At this point, I like John/Whitney (names??) the married couple and the sisters.  I think the sisters have the best attitudes out of the bunch.

  • Love 1


The Contestants take their demolition and renovation skills to their patios with a consultation with David Bromstad on the line. The Twins hope to finally finish a challenge and while blood, sweat and tears have been spilled on The Block before, this week one contestant is sent to the hospital. Nicole Curtis returns to judge these amazing outdoor transformations. The Contestants are one step closer to one team winning the $50,000 Grand Prize.



In the double bathroom renovation challenge one team decides to play dirty causing tension on The Block. The weather slows things down making everyone nervous about finishing both of the bathrooms on time to present to this week's judge Nicole Curtis and to win this week's prize, a day of work with David Bromstad. In the end, only one team is going to win the $50,000 grand prize.


In all fairness to the twins, I think only one of them showed anger.


John, Whitney (blondes)

Shauna, Anicka

Craig, Brian (non-bearded)

Curtis, Amanda


I wonder if the contestants see each other's work before judging? Curtis and the brothers talk a lot of smack comparing their work to the others'.


Shauna/Anicka and John/Whitney seem more focused on their design and the work and not the others. The little bickering--even that might be too strong a word--between John and Whitney in the last episode was understandable: "I wanna help, what can I do?" / "Give me a moment to think." Shauna and Anicka seem to laugh and tease off their differences of opinion.

  • Love 1

What I don't get about the brothers is how, if they work together normally in a carpentry business, why they aren't better time managers?


Amanada is probably the best thing to have happened to Curtis' life, because I get the feeling that he would be happier sitting in front of his TV with a cold beer than doing the amount of work that he is currently being pushed to do.  Wasn't there some mention of him having been in the military?  Maybe there's a little PTSD involved with him and that's why he's got the "I think I can't" attitude.


One thing about pergolas that doesn't seem to get much mention, is I think that you have to orient the "ceiling" boards in a more N-S direction so that the rays from the rising and setting sun will slant across them, providing greater bars of shade below.  Pergolas look lovely when they are covered with plants and really provide shade, but the only thing that I think of with that is sitting under them and having ants and spiders and such fall off the leaves onto me - lol.


The sister's pergola was an awning, pure and simple, and a waste of time and money since it neither added to the look or did the job it was supposed to.  They probably should have invested in one of those Sunbrella awnings over the doorway.

  • Love 2


What I don't get about the brothers is how, if they work together normally in a carpentry business, why they aren't better time managers?

When I first saw the contestants, I thought that the twins had such an advantage over the others, first having more muscle power, but also both being tradesman. But TPTB probably recognized that their talents were purely carpentry, and although I haven't paid close attention, their focus probably is mostly on carpentry, to the detriment of the other tasks. Chances are good that upon looking at the other contestants they thought, "We got this." Imagine their shame at failing so miserably to the others. (Aren't Anicka and Amanda merely their partners' helpers, not designers or tradesmen? Not even sure if Curtis is even in the "biz".)

Well well it was the sisters and their signature orange!  Color me shocked.


Big hair did a great job on their room and despite the clutter (which was not as much as usual), I liked their room best.  I'm thinking the fact that Whitney and John put the laundry room up there is what gave them the win.  Again, the brothers did a really good job but no cigar but at least they are finally finishing rooms now.  I'm shocked the sisters didn't finish.  They do execute well...but that's also because they use mostly workers.


David actually helped a little bit on the design end this week.

I thought Curtis & Amanda should have won, especially as the magazine article was to be on what you can do at home yourself.
It was nice of John & Whitney to lend David, and it worked out better for all to have him early enough to influence the design, not just the staging.

Since I love orange, I did like the sisters' room too.

I'd hoped for a win for the brothers but wasn't wowed by their room.

The brothers almost finished, but if that's how their room looked after having help from David, they must have absolutely no decorating abilities at all. The room was almost empty & they had that one colorful pillow in the middle of the bed. Very bland. I don't like all that crafty crap big hair put into their room, & they used that turquoise again. I actually didn't love any of the rooms this week, the sister's was OK (but incomplete) & I didn't like the way John & Whitney's was decorated. 

Edited by GaT
  • Love 2

I was glad that John and Whitney won (their room matches my personal taste).  I think they will be good in the magazine due to the washer/dryer, the built-in desk and doing a lot with a very small space without cluttering it too much.


When I saw the completed twins room, I thought "Ok it's all ready to decorate." 


The orange accent wall - I would have liked that in an office but waking up to that color staring me in the face would be a nightmare.  Every time I heard the sisters say that they are known for their finishing, I keep thinking that they do the least to their rooms - no wonder they finish but I would like to see more of a transformation of the space.  I would like to see things that I can't do and the sisters aren't providing that for me.


The trailer park/sandbox duo did their best work imo with the least amount of cash.  I think that should tell them that they have been over-doing rooms.  Pull it back guys and stop designing for yourselves.

I wish this show spent less time on the stupid before commercial "cliffhangers" and fewer talking heads and more time showing the work that was done. I never get a feel for the full scope of projects done because the camera pans they do of the room only give my eyes enough time to catch on the color, most of which is in the staging items, which a buyer will not buy. Again, I think John and Whitney's room was overdone with non-real property stuff and I have little appreciation for the work done. I only felt that I got a look at the brothers' room because there was more real property to see than eye-catching fluff.


I don't know if John and Whitney were generous to the brothers or if they were just trying to get David off their hands.


Daisy Dukes gets out of bed wearing paint on his arm. Did he go to bed sweaty, too? shudder


The four teams renovate the living room, the last space in the condo. They also repair past mistakes and complete unfinished projects in order to bring their units up to code in preparation for the final auction. With hardly any money left Amanda and Curtis resort to a risky design choice, while John and Whitney get custom work done with all their winnings. Nicole Curtis returns to The Block to judge the teams Living Rooms and to sign off on the Contestant's fix it projects. One team's Living Room wins them a night of luxury at an LA hotel. But it's still anyone's game to win the $50,000 Grand Prize.


I wasn't crazy about any of the rooms but I liked the brothers' and John and Whitney's better than the other two.  That fence wall and all the kitschy crap in that room (and every room Amanda has done) would turn me off instantly.  So would orange.  Bright, saturated orange at that.  I can see someone choosing it for themselves if they love the color but not using it for anything they hope will appeal to the public.


I adore David Bromstad but what I like is him, not his design aesthetic or his "artwork."  I used to watch Color Splash and he never did anything I thought I could live with and he didn't seem to be much help on this show.  Love him though.

I usually like David and I know he is a talented artist. However, I thought the paintings he did added nothing to the room. It looked like he did not even try to come up with something decent.

I felt there was something very disjointed and wonky about this challenge. If you want to add the most resale value to a space, you keep it very neutral and do nothing very taste specific. If you are designing for a magazine spread, you want unique design elements that attract the reader's eye. So, it is a little difficult to do both successfully, though not impossible. I think the sisters were designing for the magazine shoot (not to mention trying to show their personality, groan) and that is what did them in. I was surprised they did not finish, but handling the carpentry themselves cost them valuable time.

I thought that orange wall would have been much more effective and less overwhelming if the sisters had painted the shelves white.


I think the married couple got it because of the washer/dryer in the hallway and the fact that it was finished with artwork in two places; also their room was multipurpose, which was the whole point of that room's competition.


I actually did like the reclaimed wood in Big Hair's room but I thought that it should have at least been cleaned before they installed it.


The brothers have, alas, absolutely no decorating sense.

  • Love 1

So they do fix everything before it goes up for auction, I didn't even think about whether or not everything was up to code, but of course it has to be. I wonder if they'll give them extra money & if they do, how much, & how much time they'll give them? Not all teams have the same amount of work that needs to be done, so how do they make sure that everything that needs to be fixed, gets fixed & that it's fair?

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