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Flipping The Block - General Discussion

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I really liked the first episode.  Much better than the Property Brothers competition.  The couples were all likable.  I can't believe they have to live there!  At least they got to renovate the master bedroom first, so they would have somewhere clean to sleep!  The sisters that won the challenge deserved to win.  I can't believe the professionals they hired were so unprofessional!  Looking forward to the next episode.

I really liked the first episode.  Much better than the Property Brothers competition.  The couples were all likable.  I can't believe they have to live there!  At least they got to renovate the master bedroom first, so they would have somewhere clean to sleep!  The sisters that won the challenge deserved to win.  I can't believe the professionals they hired were so unprofessional!  Looking forward to the next episode.

I enjoyed the first episode as well! I'm wondering how they showered/used the bathroom because those bathrooms looked like public health hazards!

I'm wondering before the house goes to auction, are they going to go in and finish the overly ambitious projects the teams started on?

I enjoyed the first episode too.  I thought the sisters were going to quit when the episode started.  They were complaining all over the place  I was pleasantly surprised when they won.  I'm also glad that the teams are able to hire professionals to do the work that they physically are unable to do.


I'm looking forward to this week's program.

I enjoyed the first episode as well! I'm wondering how they showered/used the bathroom because those bathrooms looked like public health hazards!

I'm wondering before the house goes to auction, are they going to go in and finish the overly ambitious projects the teams started on?

I always wonder on these types of shows if someone goes back & fixes all the mistakes, or they sell the place "as is". 


That whole living in the house stuff didn't ring true for me, and also seemed highly unnecessary. It's not an interesting angle and adds nothing to the show.


I finally watched this and I had the same feeling.  What was the point of making them live in squalor and in LA with, presumably, no a/c.  There was no way they could use those bathrooms at first and they certainly needed to clean up and get some rest after working each day.


I thought the sisters started out with a bad attitude and I couldn't understand half of what they said.  I also didn't like their bedroom so I didn't get why they won.  I thought the brothers were better all around even if they didn't get finished.  I think the nice married couple are in over their heads.  I also liked the blond woman with too much hair and make up.  She seemed good-natured and determined.

I was really pulling for the twins to finish this week.  I'd love to see what they can show- if only they don't bite off more than they can chew.  Their choice to nix the bathtub and go for a walk-in shower was risky, but I think it could pay off for the right buyer.


I was all for the couple with the big-hair blonde (can't remember their names) until they tried to pull a fast one about the vanity choices.  I felt bad when the guy broke his thumb open, but I have to wonder what kind of kharma that was after their shenanigans! 

I don't understand how the married couple won, with the shower fixtures that far off center.  The not having a shower rod or curtain up I didn't think was as big a deal on the sister's bathroom.  I know a relative of mine didn't have shower rods up in her two bathrooms; the builder left most of the fixtures in the bathroom up to the owner, except for one towel rack.  


The brothers were just kidding themselves with that vanity so close to the toilet. Did they not measure?  We had a teeny bathroom in my childhood home, and I know my parents had to measure so carefully to get a small vanity in the space.   Could they not have opted out for a pedestal sink at that point?


The couple with the big haired blonde woman and the guy who hurt himself, hello, you do not design just for your likes.  You design for the majority of people.  What Nicole was trying to tell them about that unfinished wooden storage structure - it will get funky from the humidity and wetness in that room.  It didn't look like any spa I've been at, maybe just some of the nice glass tiles.  Then the hubby? said oh they had the biggest challenge with their bathroom.   The bathrooms all looked equally nasty in the before shots.  

While I do think adding the extra room for the two sinks was what got them the win, I could never live with the uncentered shower faucet & handle, it would just drive me insane. 


I don't think the brothers are going to finish a single room, they talk big about how they do things, but they can't carry through. Every time someone says something to them about not finishing, they say something about how they're improving & are moving forward. Not good enough.


The outdoor spa bathrooms were horrendous, really, really ugly. Plus, turquoise. I like turquoise, but not in the tile, that looks dated. I can't imagine why they thought it looked good.

I think the bathroom that had the dark brown color design should have won. To me it looked the best overall. The winning bathroom had those big mistakes with not centering the fixtures. The other two bathrooms were worse because the one wasn't even close to finished and the other was just too knick-nacky and individual in taste.

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The sisters are definitely doing the best job at making a market ready house, if the married couple could finish everything they'd be a tight second IMO. What is up with the contractors not being able to finish or do good work? I'd expect some shoddy finishes from the contestants but not from the guys HGTV hired!

Big hair's designs are straight out of Pintrest and I can't tell if that makes me love them or hate them lol. She definitely needs to tone it down to sell. How did they manage to gloss over her banging through the wall to the outside? That's probably some decent repair work right?

I'm still confused about vanitygate.  The fried hair blonde was trying to sneak in to pick a vanity ahead of her time.  What ended up to be the outcome?  I was watching yet I still don't know.


I liked fried hair's colors and the tiles around the wall but geez could it be any more cluttered?  That wood thing had to go.


The married couple that won did a nice job but how the hell can't you see that your fixtures were not centered????  I liked the brothers tub with that door but I think they have delusions of grandeur but cannot follow through.


The sisters bathroom was nice but meh.  I guess they didn't want to give them the win 2 weeks in a row since most of their work is being farmed out whereas the others are actually doing most of the work.


I also think the judges go by who has finished or is close to finish.

Enjoyed both episodes so far.  The sisters are doing the best job of making a house generic enough to appeal to a wide range of buyers.  They seem to think through each challenge and use the contractors wisely.  


IMO, the married couple that bumped out the wall are a close second but they had the design flaw of uncentered tile ... and what are they going to do when it's time to redo that second (now smaller) bedroom?  


Big hair couple are customizing everything too much to their individual taste level.  And they try to do the work themselves without knowing how to measure or miter corners.  Anyone who buys their condo will have to redo a lot.


The brothers are such a sad story.  They have good ideas but no sense of time management or finishing details.  If I was a homeowner in Austin, I sure wouldn't want to hire them for any reno work.

I totally get the married couple winning since it was made clear that it was resale, resale, resale.  I do not think that given the market in that type of building that not having a bathtub would be that be a deal.  But two sinks, yup I see it.


I liked what the twins were going for in the shower.  It looked big and lush.  And I'm sure there are a lot of couples and bachelors looking in that type of fourplex.  But they just never get it done.  The married couple bumped out a wall and got it done.

I'm still confused about vanitygate.  The fried hair blonde was trying to sneak in to pick a vanity ahead of her time.  What ended up to be the outcome?  I was watching yet I still don't know.


It's been a long time since a reality show has inspired such outrage from me, especially on HGTV/FoodTV, since they are pretty fake and all. But this annoyed the crap out of me and am now actively routing for this couple to fail.


So Big Hair went with the wife on shopping trip #1, but her conscience got the better of her and decided to go for the vanity that she knew the sisters didn't want. So much drama for nothing. But I will never get over her meathead boyfriend saying that they deserved that vanity over the sisters because the sisters had won $5k in the previous challenge. Lolwut? 


Also, add me to Team Symmetry. I would not consider a home with offset fixtures. I would not be able to sleep - these things really bug me! Even if I had just toured the home as a potential buyer, that probably would stick with me for a couple of days.

I'm still confused about vanitygate.  The fried hair blonde was trying to sneak in to pick a vanity ahead of her time.  What ended up to be the outcome?  I was watching yet I still don't know.


So Joss and Main gave the teams the choice of four vanities for free (which makes all of the budget concerns ridiculous), but they could not pick the same vanities? So the contractor sister went around and asked what people wanted and when they figured out that they wanted the same ones the "block" decided it would be fair to draw straws to do the shopping trips. Big Hair and BF were last and wanted the same vanity as the sisters so they went to married couple and said, " hey, how about the ladies go together so the men can stay back and work (and we'll get the vanity we want muhahah)." BUT the brothers overheard  and flipped out and called a town meeting and then when Big Hair got to the store she decided to just take the vanity nobody wanted to avoid a fight.


So a lot of nonsense over nothing, that probably wouldn't have happened if they weren't living in the building and had enough time to finish their work.


I'm enjoying the show but who peed in Scott and Nicole's cereal? They both look like they'd rather be getting root canals than be this show.

I really want to like this show, but.......where did they get these people? Surely they could have found better contestants. The brothers have some good ideas, but no time mangement skills. I could not believe they didn't measure for the vanity and toliet in the half bath. The young couple seem smart, but how did they not realize their fixtures were off center? The sisters are good at time management, but boring. Big hair couple....what a train wreck! Their bathrooms were awful, way too "their" taste and not what will sell. Quirky is not what you want when you are selling a home. I am sure the vanity drama was made up,producers think it is needed in every show. I will keep watching until there is something better on Sunday night.


The big screw on jars in big hair bathroom looked like it should be in a garage or basement. And none of their accessories looked like they belonged in a bathroom. I would have given the win to the sisters; hanging a shower curtain and adding a candle and flowers takes two minutes. I was surprised to hear Nicole say a bathroom with no shower curtain isn't sellable but a bathroom with off center fixtures is.

If I bought the off center one I would have to pay a plumber and someone to re-tile. In the brown bathroom I would use my own accessories and buy a curtain and rod for 30 dollars. I agree Nicole seemed crabby.

Edited by Madding crowd
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My last house was missing a shower rod.  You buy a tension rod at Home Depot, or Walmart.  Cheap and goes up instantly.


I hadn't noticed the off-centered tile, but that would have to go, unless you could find some to put somewhere else that would balance it.
(I saw it for just a second, so don't remember.)


I wish the big hair couple had done better, because I too liked them, but that bathroom was strange and crowded.
Wanted the brothers to do better, and keep hoping they will next time.
You all might want to watch Rowhouse Showdown on the new FYI (formerly Biography) channel. 
I like it better, because you get people to root against.



I was surprised to hear Nicole say a bathroom with no shower curtain isn't sellable but a bathroom with off center fixtures is.

That seems like nonsense to me.  I am going to guess that the average person can put up a shower rod and curtain but might be intimidated by having to center fixtures. I can certainly do the first but would have to call professional help to do the second.

That seems like nonsense to me.  I am going to guess that the average person can put up a shower rod and curtain but might be intimidated by having to center fixtures. I can certainly do the first but would have to call professional help to do the second.

There are two ways that I can interpret that.

1. Nicole is a complete idiot

2. This thing is even more rigged than I realized and she was finding excuses to justify the producer determined winner.


I like Nicole, so I don't want to believe #1. If I believe #2, it may explain why she and Scott are so pissy to be there. Unlike the idiot Property Brothers and the completely bland couple from Flip or Flop, I like to think both of them have some sort of integrity beyond famewhoring.

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I agree that the outcome had to be rigged, because there is no way misplaced plumbing fixtures and bad tiling are worse then lack of scented candles and a shower curtain.


The bump out the married couple did was smart, but all the costly mistakes they made would negated that value wise. Other posters have already astutely pointed out the cost of plumbing and redoing the tile would cancel out the convenience of the double vanities.


Amanda might be a nice person, but she has some of the worst hair I have ever seen on tv.  Can the posters who are more knowledgeable about hair then I am tell me if that is her real hair or a weave?  It looks like she glued a giant haystack to her head.  It also does nothing for her as it makes her face look too square.


I have never done renovations in my life, but when I buy furniture I measure thoroughly to make sure it fits in the space and is the right scale for the room.  That the brothers are professional contractors and made such an amateur mistake was rather shocking.

Edited by qtpye
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You all might want to watch Rowhouse Showdown on the new FYI (formerly Biography) channel. 

I like it better, because you get people to root against.

I've been watching that one too, especially since that show and this one both started about the same time. I agree, there are definitely people on that show I want to strangle. It's also been interesting to me to see the difference. Rowhouse Showdown gives them a weekly budget but all of the labor and materials and furnishings all come out of it. I was really surprised to watch Flipping the Block the first week to find that they get all of the furnishings for free and the floors for free. Do they have to "pay" for labor too or is that included in Flipping the Block?

Arrggghhhh!!  talk about sharing the wins ... just so there isn't an obvious favorite.  Again, I'd give the win to the sisters.  They ran into an issue with hanging their additional storage but they fixed the holes and covered them with some pictures.  


Couldn't really see much of a difference David made in the couple's kitchen.  He should have known about placing the stove & refrigerator, yet he spent his time painting those two panels that in the dining area.


Brother's kitchen looked good until the cabinets were opened.  They may be great carpenters but their expertise requires time ... which there's precious little of during the competition.  


So, big hair blonde team won but they busted their budget doing so.  Personally, I'm not crazy about their tin backsplash ... looks cheap.  


Glad the teams finally got together and called out the contractor on prices.  Those were ridiculous estimates.  Do the subs think that because HGTV is footing the bill they have carte blanche?  

  • Love 1

I fell asleep before the reveal. Did any of the others do the 42" to ceiling uppers, or just big hair + moronic boyfriend (seriously, I find him so repugnant, I cannot root for them on general principle).


Personally, I'd overlook a lot of design aesthetics for larger uppers + tankless water heater. I can change an ugly backsplash in a weekend with $500. Replacing cabinets is a much more costly job.

  • Love 2

I am doubting that the brothers will ever finish a project this season.  Big hair's designs always look cluttered and if they had their way every room would be that turquoise blue!  They must have gotten a bargain on those tiles that they use them in every room.


I knew that Whitney's fridge was going to cause a problem as I looked at a house with the fridge in that place once and I knew it would block useable space.


The sisters kitchen was a little meh.


David Bromstead's smile is very creepy.

Edited by NYGirl
  • Love 1


I knew that Whitney's fridge was going to cause a problem as I looked at a house with the fridge in that place once and I knew it would block useable space.

The sisters kitchen was a little meh.



I don't know why Bromstead didn't say something about it.  A frig is one of the least expensive things to move and they had more than enough room since they moved the washer/dryer.  Just odd that it ended up that way.


Since I know about the cost of utilities in LA the change to a tankless was major and will really help with resale.  I think that the resale is what is winning the challenges.  Last week a dual vanity and this week a tankless water heater.  Design wise I'm not into the big hairs aesthetic.  For resale as blah as the sisters are I can see their rooms being the ones I could see putting my stamp on the easiest.  That empty wall in the kitchen was screaming for a bakers rack.

  • Love 1

What kind of idiot knocks out upper cabinets with a sledgehammer when there is a gas line directly beneath them.  Even I could see on my TV that they were going to fall on the gas line.  Couldn't the wife help push them out of the way when they started coming down?  Way to endanger everybody else in the building.


I too am getting tired of big-hair blondes turquoise tile/white wainscoting combo.  The tin backsplash looked cheap and just cluttered up the room.  They are designing too much to their personal style and not considering resale value.  I think the sisters will win in the end because they are keeping buyers in mind.


What was the point of the kitchen cabinets not going to the ceiling as requested?  What kind of "professional"  makes that kind of mistake?

I'd think that the show tells them who to hire, so the show damn well ought to make sure they hire people who'll do the job correctly, and make sure that the contestant is not docked for the time.

With David Bromsted, why wasn't he available the day the layout was planned?  And even later, he should have pointed out the stove/fridge conflict, but it would have been hard to change after the cabinets were in.

The couple should have seen it for themselves though, if they've ever used a kitchen,

I seriously hope they have one last show after the original budget is gone- sort of a "Here's an extra $1000 and 3 days- go fix up anything you can re-do, touch up, or finish before we list these condos."


If they do, I think the brothers will have a much better chance at the grand prize.  I think their ideas and style will appeal the most to the general buyer, but their lack of time management and no staging to speak of (minus the glasses at the oak bar on the kitchen remodel) are just outright killing them.  


With as much money as Curtis & Amanda spent compared to the other teams, it'd be weird if they DIDN'T win the kitchen challenge.  But I'm quite sure they've just sunk themselves with only having $300 left.  The set-up was that the $10,000 wasn't to be used as additional budget, correct?  I suppose maybe they were smart to spend so much on the kitchen and already guarantee that they go home with SOME prize money, regardless of the outcome of the show at the end.

I'd think that the show tells them who to hire, so the show damn well ought to make sure they hire people who'll do the job correctly, and make sure that the contestant is not docked for the time.

I'm wondering if either

A) the show purposely hired incompetent contractors to work with them or

B) the show hired competent contractors but told them to intentionally screw things up

to bring on more drama. This show had a lot of promise but with each episode it feels even more staged than any reality competition show.

Also not a fan of the tin backsplash. I don't want to be the one who has to try to clean splattered grease off those things.

  • Love 1

I seriously hope they have one last show after the original budget is gone- sort of a "Here's an extra $1000 and 3 days- go fix up anything you can re-do, touch up, or finish before we list these condos."


If they do, I think the brothers will have a much better chance at the grand prize.  I think their ideas and style will appeal the most to the general buyer, but their lack of time management and no staging to speak of (minus the glasses at the oak bar on the kitchen remodel) are just outright killing them.  


With as much money as Curtis & Amanda spent compared to the other teams, it'd be weird if they DIDN'T win the kitchen challenge.  But I'm quite sure they've just sunk themselves with only having $300 left.  The set-up was that the $10,000 wasn't to be used as additional budget, correct?  I suppose maybe they were smart to spend so much on the kitchen and already guarantee that they go home with SOME prize money, regardless of the outcome of the show at the end.

I knew that the unmarried couple would be awarded the win to make i tseem like this is truly competitive.  Otherwise with less than $ 400 left, they are not in the competition.  They will want to use their winnings; which is why they "won" the money.  That will cause controversy/drama.  They can't win the resale.


Units need to be sold as is.  Otherwise it changes the contest rules.  The sisters are playing for resale and the big prize.  I hope that they ignore the producers telling them to put more of their personality into the space.  They got a dinged for the orange stripe.  For resale bland is grand.


The married couple is still in the competition.  The have style and taste and decent time management.


I'm wondering if either

A) the show purposely hired incompetent contractors to work with them or

B) the show hired competent contractors but told them to intentionally screw things up

Judy, do you watch the similar show, Rowhouse Showdown on FYI (ex-Biography) network?

A similar type thing happened, where a contractor screwed up, and tossed some trim he was told to save.

And you could well be right, because I'd think installers who do it for a living must know that isn't right.

If the patio is all that's left, Curtis and Amanda can at least do something, depending on what their's looks like.

I guess that's the last, then the auction? 


I'm wondering if either

A) the show purposely hired incompetent contractors to work with them or

B) the show hired competent contractors but told them to intentionally screw things up

to bring on more drama. This show had a lot of promise but with each episode it feels even more staged than any reality competition show.



I don't think the show tells them to screw up, but I can see the show asking for bids on the job & just hiring the cheapest. I'm always suspicious of people who are supplied to contestants on any reality show. I remember watching some cooking competition show (can't remember which one) where they gave the chefs sous chefs to help them. One of the chefs was going to make deviled eggs & told the sous to cut the hard boiled eggs in half & scoop out the yolk. They did, but then they threw the yolk away because they didn't think the it was needed. For deviled eggs. Obviously the show wasn't hiring high priced people to help out, & I don't think any reality show does.

This show is so rigged. I called Big Hair team winning because the TPTB have to keep the competition close to keep us in suspense....What good was David if he didn't help the couple with their floor plan? In order for things to be fair, the homes should be sold as is when they are auctioned off, no fixing mistakes. I figure there are at least two rooms left..the living room and the other bedroom. I don't see how Big Hair team can accomplish anything with $300. It would be nice if this show would not treat the viewers as idiots that buy into crazy short time lines and made up drama.

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The sisters seem sensible enough so I can't think why they keep using orange.  That's not a color apt to be high on some buyer's preferred list.  It looked terrible in the bedroom and I wouldn't choose it for a kitchen accent although it was less odd there.  The brothers have skills but their excuses are wearing thin.  So far, the married couple are my favorites but I didn't understand the way they positioned those appliances.  The problem, I thought, was screamingly obvious.


I keep glancing at the guy with the red beard and thinking for a split second that he's Kevin Gillespie.

  • Love 1

I'm spoiled from watching the Australian version of this show. I'd like to see more of the renovations in detail instead of knocking a room out per episode.

On one hand the Aussie show is massively manipulative and overdramatic.


On the other hand, it's got some actual sense of scale to it, and this looks SO low rent next to it.  In every aspect.

  • Love 2

I figure there are at least two rooms left..the living room and the other bedroom. I don't see how Big Hair team can accomplish anything with $300. It would be nice if this show would not treat the viewers as idiots that buy into crazy short time lines and made up drama.

Am I remembering correctly that the next episode is another Nicole Curtis appearance and a patio renovation?  Add to that the living room reno that HAS to be done (based upon the holes in the walls behind them while showing them working in the kitchen) and there's NO WAY $300 will begin to cover it. 

I checked website and HGTV says that Flipping the block is 8 episodes and took 2 months to film.....wow.....that is 5 more shows. How can that be? Big Hair team is in BIG trouble with only $300. If they are allowed to use the $10,000 on house I will be mad.

Next week is patio area, then 2nd bedroom and living room...what else can there be to do? Maybe one episodes will be fixing and finishing projects. Not sure how fair that would be.

I checked website and HGTV says that Flipping the block is 8 episodes and took 2 months to film.....wow.....that is 5 more shows. How can that be? Big Hair team is in BIG trouble with only $300. If they are allowed to use the $10,000 on house I will be mad.

Next week is patio area, then 2nd bedroom and living room...what else can there be to do? Maybe one episodes will be fixing and finishing projects. Not sure how fair that would be.

All they have to do is win next week & if the prize is money to add to the budget, they're safe. I bet they can do the patio with only $300.00, so I'm calling them as the winners of the patio redo right now.

Edited by GaT

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