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S08.E15: November 21, 2022

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12 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

Wow! (Kate) didn’t even give him a chance to respond. She was grinning like a Cheshire Cat waiting for that moment. She’s such a bitch. Can’t wait, or can I? to see the reunion. 

thank you thank you thank you

11 hours ago, Jaundiced Eye said:

Serene: USUALLY when I fall in love. Usually? Like how many times has she been "in love"?

I thought her comment was sooooo funny!  "Usually when I fall in love it smacks me in the face.  Not this time."  Brendan:  Uhhhhhh... THANKS?????

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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2 hours ago, Jaundiced Eye said:

Yeah, good luck finding that Big D and bigger bank account, Kate. Why would a guy with options want anything to do with that narcissistic sociopath? Not to mention that freaking voice!

Lol, Kate would have been creaming all over herself if she had latched onto the pizza king,(who I can't recall his name ). 

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Am I the only one who doesn’t like Brandon?  I find him very effeminate and I think everything he says sounds like a cheesy pickup line. Like when he says “I love you Serene Full name”.   He did the same thing with Michelle which just makes it seem so fake to me.  He’s just so corny esp how he cries over everything. And I agree with the above poster, I hate how he callls her “baby girl”.  Ewwwww.   

Also, I didn’t understand Danielle’s comment about leaving “as long as she can wake up and fall asleep with Michael everyday”.  How can she do that when she hasn’t even met his son and as of now, Michael isn’t sure when he will introduce them to each other.  She seems super sweet but I personally cannot stand her voice and something about her just rubs me the wrong way.  Not that she’s a bad person, just something about her is annoying and I can’t put my finger on it. 

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Something annoying about Aaron is that he just stares straight ahead with his mouth hanging open.  Hahahah.

8 minutes ago, Katie111 said:

Am I the only one who doesn’t like Brandon?  I find him very effeminate and I think everything he says sounds like a cheesy pickup line. Like when he says “I love you Serene Full name”.  

LOL the full name thing jumped out at me too.  It is so weird!

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28 minutes ago, Katie111 said:

Am I the only one who doesn’t like Brandon?  I find him very effeminate and I think everything he says sounds like a cheesy pickup line. Like when he says “I love you Serene Full name”

I found Brandon very off putting and effeminate in Michelle’s season at the beginning, but his charm grew on me to some extent.

However, I thing he is in love with her idea of being in love. I hope it works out for the two of them as they both seem really sweet.

His first impression to me was a cheesy pick up line

Brandon J. explained that he opted to show up in a bed on wheels so Michelle could learn what it would be like to wake up next to him.


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FFS, Wells' Story Time??? I thought the producers could be held to higher grammatical standards than the talent.

My favorite interaction was between Twin 2 and Flo: "I don't think we should pursue this relationship any further." - "I agree." So refreshingly drama free.

I like Brandon and Serene as individuals, but their lovey-doveyness is sickening. They're *that* couple that nobody likes to be around in real life.

Johnny, if you think you hate yourself now, wait until Victoria is finished with you.

Edited by chocolatine
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I don't know if it's been discussed in this forum yet or not but it's been in the news that Aaron had TWO girlfriends right before he came on the show, was cheating and lying to both of them and then hooked up with G on BiP. Watching him toss G aside now on tonight's show was gross. I hope I don't see Aaron on my screen ever again. He's awful.

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6 hours ago, Katie111 said:

Am I the only one who doesn’t like Brandon?

I think he's probably a super nice guy. But his soft features and voice give him a sort of adolescent aura (moreso than an effeminate one, at least to me).

But his over-the-top weepy protestations of love at every turn just get creepy after awhile. Serene seems into it, though, as did Michelle. To me he sounds like a bunch of Hallmark cards gained the power of speech.

Serene looks enough like Michelle from some angles to make me think Brandon has a very specific type.

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9 hours ago, Jaundiced Eye said:

I have no idea how Logan put up with that nasty, vicious creature, or, more to the point, WHY he was willing to put up with her BS. Boy must be a masochist.

Same for aaron. What a sourpuss genivieve is. Ugh!

kate would have harassed and harranged logan about his roomates, his honda, 

both these guys must feel so relieved!!!! You know if logan had $ it would have been 💯 different .

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29 minutes ago, nlkm9 said:

Same for aaron. What a sourpuss genivieve is. Ugh!

kate would have harassed and harranged logan about his roomates, his honda, 

both these guys must feel so relieved!!!! You know if logan had $ it would have been 💯 different .

Genevieve is a lot.  It's rare to see someone so controlled by her emotions. A dollop of self-esteem issues on top of that, and she seems to have very little control over anything in her life.  

But I think her heart is in the right place. She just needs to find a more effective way of protecting it.

Aaron, OTOH, is a narcissistic, arrogant bully. I hope he and James are happy together.

During ATFR, I would pay anything for Logan to say "I'll just go back to my $50 million trust fund. Maybe buy a Lamborghini." That might not be true, but Kate won't know that for sure.

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So much filler. I agree with everyone that Kate is the worst. Logan totally dodged a bullet.

Meant to say sooner that my family and I stayed at that very same Vidanta resort last summer, and it is a stunning place! Very lush, tropical feel to the grounds, rooms are huge and lovely with a plunge pool on the balcony of even a regular room, and the staff members are very kind and helpful. The people who got to leave “paradise” for a while got a MUCH better deal than those who didn’t!

Edited by Blintzie
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Shanae was pretty tame this whole season, but then, had to be "Shanae" in her breakup with Justin.  What's wrong with simply saying that you're uncomfortable with the age difference.....period?  Why do you have to continue?  Talk about wanting to be with "a man", dissing him for Tik Tok, etc.  Just be gracious and say that, for you, age does matter, and that you wish it were different.  No need to stab him with little needles, Shanae.

Shanae should have stuck with James, who was crazy about her.  Why does she keep going for all these guys who lose interest in her (Logan, Tyler), or who are obviously just playtoys to her (Justin), or who aren't into her (Clayton), when she has this super nice, cute guy right in front of her?  Girlfriend needs some therapy to figure that out.

I used to do a ton of online dating, and if a guy was nice to me and treated me respectfully (like Justin treated her), I'd let him down in the kindest way possible.  So many guys thanked me for it.  Universe, Shanae.  Law of Attraction & all that stuff.

Genevieve dodged a bullet with Aaron.  Aaron dodged a bullet with Genevieve.  

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11 hours ago, Katie111 said:

Am I the only one who doesn’t like Brandon?  I find him very effeminate and I think everything he says sounds like a cheesy pickup line. Like when he says “I love you Serene Full name”.   He did the same thing with Michelle which just makes it seem so fake to me.  He’s just so corny esp how he cries over everything. And I agree with the above poster, I hate how he callls her “baby girl”.  Ewwwww.   

Also, I didn’t understand Danielle’s comment about leaving “as long as she can wake up and fall asleep with Michael everyday”.  How can she do that when she hasn’t even met his son and as of now, Michael isn’t sure when he will introduce them to each other.  She seems super sweet but I personally cannot stand her voice and something about her just rubs me the wrong way.  Not that she’s a bad person, just something about her is annoying and I can’t put my finger on it. 

You are not the only one! Brandon is utterly cringey and fake to me.  Yes he is in love with baby girl Serene, but he was also in love with Rodney and in both cases his completely over the top way of expressing it made me crazy.

I like Danielle but I also found that comment very odd and confusing.

3 hours ago, nlkm9 said:

So very little mention if the “ boom boom room” are we to beleive none of these final couples have had sex? Yeah brandon and serena are almost obnoxiously sweet, but i hope it works out for them. Hate how they had to all make out in front of each other at the rose ceremony. Ugh.

this season felt more like a cult than any other.  Ritual performances of love to a bored and judgmental audience.  Like BIP met Lord of the Flies.

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I thought this episode was very boring. When I saw there was a half hour left and only two couples I picked up my book and started reading. The format of this show is no longer working. The lack of rose ceremonies, people encouraged to leave immediately rather than waiting to see what might happen and the demand to get engaged just doesn’t work. Very few of these people seem likable but then again they are forced into a get engaged or nothing situation which is probably stressful. 

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TPTB are trying to make Wells happen.

He's cute, and seems like a likable guy, but I suspect he went on The Bachelorette in the first place to boost his image.  Remember, he was a DJ (radio?), but his appearance gained him an entry to a world where he could meet people who could help propel him, which led to him meeting Sarah Hyland.

He's either auditioning to replace Jesse Palmer, or for something else.

They are coming up with these silly, contrived, "Wells Story Time" fillers to showcase him.  Ain't workin'.

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1 hour ago, Starlight925 said:

TPTB are trying to make Wells happen.

He's cute, and seems like a likable guy, but I suspect he went on The Bachelorette in the first place to boost his image.  Remember, he was a DJ (radio?), but his appearance gained him an entry to a world where he could meet people who could help propel him, which led to him meeting Sarah Hyland.

He's either auditioning to replace Jesse Palmer, or for something else.

They are coming up with these silly, contrived, "Wells Story Time" fillers to showcase him.  Ain't workin'.

Wells is no Jesse Palmer.  Jesse has been working on his hosting skills for years (Currently he is hosting Holiday Baking Championship Mondays at 8 eastern).  He is warm and fun/funny without being smarmy or condescending.   I get the impression Wells thinks he is the smartest guy in the room.  Besides Aaron, of course.  

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20 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

Wells is no Jesse Palmer.  Jesse has been working on his hosting skills for years (Currently he is hosting Holiday Baking Championship Mondays at 8 eastern).  He is warm and fun/funny without being smarmy or condescending.   I get the impression Wells thinks he is the smartest guy in the room.  Besides Aaron, of course.  


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I felt like Jesse was too separated from the contestants. He would only pop up to give them good or bad news. Not sure if that's how it was with Chris Harrison too since last season was the first time I watched BiP. I liked the guest host format they had last season. David Spade was hilarious. And Wells was the only constant, so it made him seem like he was down in the trenches with them. Obviously by producer design. But that's why he didn't bother me this season. 

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1 hour ago, Shorty186 said:

I felt like Jesse was too separated from the contestants.

It occurred to me today that one of the problems with the most recent seasons of all 3 Bachelor franchise shows is that Jesse does not take charge of the process. It may be that Jesse has a different attitude and approach than Chris Harrison or it could be production wanted things to be more unstructured but this newer way of running the shows does NOT work.

I really disliked how in the Bachelorette season Rachel was able to constantly cancel dates and events - it hurt the overall show and had long ranging effects for both the contestants and viewers as well as the budget. I feel that Chris would have maintained the schedule the show had set and not allowed for emotional and selfish behavior to destroy it.

Now on BiP it seems contestants are allowed to leave whenever they want without any host 'approval' or even any sight of the host seeing them off. There are no longer any rules or any structure to the format of the show.
What was particularly annoying was how some cast members returned to BiP again seemingly out of nowhere and once again without any host oversight. There were 2 or 3 people that just magically walked onto the beach again with NO explanation of why they were allowed to return and NO Jessie in sight!

I really dislike this. There is a way to have structure and be creative at the same time and the show is failing to provide a cohesive narrative due to what feels like laziness.

6 hours ago, Blintzie said:

Meant to say sooner that my family and I stayed at that very same Vidanta resort last summer, and it is a stunning place! Very lush, tropical feel to the grounds, rooms are huge and lovely with a plunge pool on the balcony of even a regular room, and the staff members are very kind and helpful. The people who got to leave “paradise” for a while got a MUCH better deal than those who didn’t!

Thanks for this info! How far is this place from any beach?
I think this is where Jessie and in the past Chris Harrison stayed. I do not think the hosts stay in the beach hut/crab infested site. I believe the Vidanta resort is at least an hour's ride away from the hut/crab site. This may also be why we don't see Jessie that much. Chris did not show up very often on BiP either but he was still there to oversee any changes/problems/people leaving and the rose ceremonies. The past seasons were run on a better schedule with regular rose ceremonies.

Edited by Melonie77
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9 hours ago, nlkm9 said:

So very little mention if the “ boom boom room” are we to beleive none of these final couples have had sex? 

I find the lack of any boom-boom room action to be completely perplexing for a show that seems to have no boundaries. The only action the BB room got that we saw was from Ashley and Jared. Not that I was looking forward to seeing hook-ups but I just find the absence to be odd when other seasons have featured numerous visits to the BB room for couples as well as brief hook ups. I find it hard to believe Brandan and Serene have not had sex as well as Victoria and Johnny. I'm also guessing that Kate and Logan did as well plus quite a few others. All the filler they have been showing and nothing about sex????

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Wow, Kate might be one of the most awful people on this entire show, and that is certainly saying something! The way she just threw all of that awful stuff at Logan and then left with that big grin, like she just dropped the biggest mic in the world, she actually made me feel bad for Logan, and I don't even like Logan that much. Good luck finding guys with "big dicks and big band accounts" and don't let the door hit you on the way out. No way would a guy with all the money she clearly wants give her the time of day, between being an obvious horrible narcissist and that nails on a chalkboard laugh, not when he would have better prospects. She clearly thinks she's being some awesome bad bitch, but she just came off as a huge asshole. Its too bad that Pizza Pete isn't still around, the two of them would be a perfect match, and that would save the rest of the worlds dating pool from having to deal with them. Logan clearly dodged a massive bullet. Possibly a cannon ball. 

Serene and Brandon seem like middle schoolers exchanging valentines while giggling, but I'll take that over most of these weirdos any day. I do at least feel like they really are connected to each other. 

Aaron and Genevieve are both so unpleasant, Aaron is a player and Genevieve is perpetually sour. She has resting smelled a fart face. 

Shanae has been on her best behavior for most of the show, but some of that classic Shanae came out in her breakup with Twin #1. I can understand her thinking that their age gap is too big and that they arent in the same stage of life, but did she have to ramble on about TikTok while saying that she needs a "real man"? She couldn't let him down easy? At least Twin #2 and Flo had a drama free break up. "I think I'm done with this relationship." "Same" "Cool." 

This season has been an absolute chore to sit through, all the rules keep changing, we hardly spend any time on dates or at rose ceremonies, there isn't any structure, it just seems to be an annoying drama factory. I know that this shows whole point is being trashy fun, but its not that much fun anymore, just trashy. Too much fighting, too many "twists" too much time spent on past contestants,  too much time obsessing over engagements, too many people coming in looking for specific people, and too much of Wells and his constant mugging. 

Edited by tennisgurl
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7 hours ago, Melonie77 said:

I think this is where Jessie and in the past Chris Harrison stayed. I do not think the hosts stay in the beach hut/crab infested site. I believe the Vidanta resort is at least an hour's ride away from the hut/crab site. This may also be why we don't see Jessie that much. 

Sorry, I’m not well versed at quoting! 

The resort is right on the beach. The gorgeous pools on some of the dates are there. If I attached the pictures right, here’s the view from our room and the plunge pool on the balcony. We only stayed at such a nice place by swapping our timeshare!



Edited by Blintzie
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20 minutes ago, Blintzie said:

The resort is right on the beach. The gorgeous pools on some of the dates there. If I attached the pictures right, here’s the view from our room and the plunge pool on the balcony. We only stayed at such a nice place by swapping our timeshare!

Thanks for the additional info and pics! I wish they would stay there instead of on crab beach. I think they must be offered low rates at their usual spot.

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TPTB clearly need to be reminded of the old wisdom that if you draw from the wells too much it will run out of water.

What i really don’t understand about these contestants is that they all know what happens in editing.  Yet they still behave as if what happens in paradise stays in paradise.  It’s not just Kate who now couldn’t get cast as Cruella Deville.  But couldn’t Shanae have told Toddler1 that she really just wanted to hang out? Did Johnny really need to make absolutely no sense on camera? I’m no fan of Victoria but wouldn’t you try to get Han Solo to get you off the planet if you were faced with that?

i think Jesse is different than CH because he isn’t a producer.  CH had a lot of power.  Jesse has to watch Wells make us all hope for a power outage.

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1 hour ago, tennisgurl said:

Wow, Kate might be one of the most awful people on this entire show, and that is certainly saying something! The way she just threw all of that awful stuff at Logan and then left with that big grin, like she just dropped the biggest mic in the world, she actually made me feel bad for Logan, and I don't even like Logan that much. Good luck finding guys with "big dicks and big band accounts" and don't let the door hit you on the way out. No way would a guy with all the money she clearly wants give her the time of day, between being an obvious horrible narcissist and that nails on a chalkboard laugh, not when he would have better prospects. She clearly thinks she's being some awesome bad bitch, but she just came off as a huge asshole. Its too bad that Pizza Pete isn't still around, the two of them would be a perfect match, and that would save the rest of the worlds dating pool from having to deal with them. Logan clearly dodged a massive bullet. Possibly a cannon ball. 

Serene and Brandon seem like middle schoolers exchanging valentines while giggling, but I'll take that over most of these weirdos any day. I do at least feel like they really are connected to each other. 

Aaron and Genevieve are both so unpleasant, Aaron is a player and Genevieve is perpetually sour. She has resting smelled a fart face. 

Shanae has been on her best behavior for most of the show, but some of that classic Shanae came out in her breakup with Twin #1. I can understand her thinking that their age gap is too big and that they arent in the same stage of life, but did she have to ramble on about TikTok while saying that she needs a "real man"? She couldn't let him down easy? At least Twin #2 and Flo had a drama free break up. "I think I'm done with this relationship." "Same" "Cool." 

This season has been an absolute chore to sit through, all the rules keep changing, we hardly spend any time on dates or at rose ceremonies, there isn't any structure, it just seems to be an annoying drama factory. I know that this shows whole point is being trashy fun, but its not that much fun anymore, just trashy. Too much fighting, too many "twists" too much time spent on past contestants,  too much time obsessing over engagements, too many people coming in looking for specific people, and too much of Wells and his constant mugging. 

yes to the giggling teenagers, I mean theyre sweet but seriously enough is enough. I stopped being happy for them because they were so nauseating.  Kate is just one of those people--UGH. 

1 hour ago, tennisgurl said:

Wow, Kate might be one of the most awful people on this entire show, and that is certainly saying something! The way she just threw all of that awful stuff at Logan and then left with that big grin, like she just dropped the biggest mic in the world, she actually made me feel bad for Logan, and I don't even like Logan that much. Good luck finding guys with "big dicks and big band accounts" and don't let the door hit you on the way out. No way would a guy with all the money she clearly wants give her the time of day, between being an obvious horrible narcissist and that nails on a chalkboard laugh, not when he would have better prospects. She clearly thinks she's being some awesome bad bitch, but she just came off as a huge asshole. Its too bad that Pizza Pete isn't still around, the two of them would be a perfect match, and that would save the rest of the worlds dating pool from having to deal with them. Logan clearly dodged a massive bullet. Possibly a cannon ball. 

Serene and Brandon seem like middle schoolers exchanging valentines while giggling, but I'll take that over most of these weirdos any day. I do at least feel like they really are connected to each other. 

Aaron and Genevieve are both so unpleasant, Aaron is a player and Genevieve is perpetually sour. She has resting smelled a fart face. 

Shanae has been on her best behavior for most of the show, but some of that classic Shanae came out in her breakup with Twin #1. I can understand her thinking that their age gap is too big and that they arent in the same stage of life, but did she have to ramble on about TikTok while saying that she needs a "real man"? She couldn't let him down easy? At least Twin #2 and Flo had a drama free break up. "I think I'm done with this relationship." "Same" "Cool." 

This season has been an absolute chore to sit through, all the rules keep changing, we hardly spend any time on dates or at rose ceremonies, there isn't any structure, it just seems to be an annoying drama factory. I know that this shows whole point is being trashy fun, but its not that much fun anymore, just trashy. Too much fighting, too many "twists" too much time spent on past contestants,  too much time obsessing over engagements, too many people coming in looking for specific people, and too much of Wells and his constant mugging. 

the rule changes are ridiculous.I only dread the reunion because I cannot take Eliza dabbing at her eyes -she drives me crazy.Oh and Jill...oy

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On 11/21/2022 at 8:23 PM, Jaundiced Eye said:

Michael is nowhere near over his wife. I don't mean "over" her. I mean ready to put that love aside in a special place, but ready to move forward without her.

I sensed the same thing. I like Danielle well enough but I’m not sure their relationship will last. I can’t pinpoint why. It’s just a feeling I have from watching them. It sees like she was more into him. 

I didn’t really enjoy watching Brandon and Serene. It was too sickeningly sweet from me, mostly coming from Brandon. I also think he’s effeminate and I don’t like the “baby girl” bit but I guess it’s ok if Serene likes it. 

Kate is insufferable. Logan, consider yourself lucky!

I understand what Shanae was trying to say to (was it Justin?) but she could’ve put it more diplomatically. Saying she wants “a man” wasn’t cool. 

I’m glad Aaron and Genevieve broke up. I was exhausted watching them. They both have issues. Aaron pushes Genevieve’s buttons and she reacts by screaming or running. He’s right. It won’t work. Definite showmance. 

I really like Jesse Palmer as the host. My only criticism is he wasn’t on often enough. 

I fast-forwarded through Well’s story time. Too much for me. 

Edited by Sweet-tea
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